AlHuda Islamic Modes Agricultural Financing By Muhammad Khal
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musharakah 23 modes 19 financing 18 client 17 islamic 17 profit 17 equity 13 agricultural 12 partner 11 diminishing 10 loss 8 rent 8 shirkat 8 contract 7 proportion 7 asset 6 ratio 6 tractor 6 units 6 distribution 5 enterprise 5 investment 5 partnership 5 price 5 purchase 5
- islamic modes a agricultural financing musharakah a c an equity participation contract under which ib and its client contribute jointly to finance an enterprise
- shirkat ul aqd partnership through contract partnership referred by law a shirkat ul amwal wealth a shirkat ul amal services a shirkat ul wujuh liability c w wider definition of shirkatul aqd contract between two or more people for participation in capital and its profits participation in profits w o partnership in capital mudarabah
- shirkat ul milk co ownership a the existence of thing in the joint ownership of two or more persons in an ascertained thing ayn or debt dayn a c shirkat ul jabr a c shirkat al ikhtiar
- islamic modes instruments a participatory modes musharakah distribution of profit loss a the proportion of profit to be agreed at the time of effecting the contract a a partner on the date of distribution may surrender his part of profit in favor of other partners a fixation of lump sum amount for any partner is not allowed
- a the ratio of profit to be determined in proportion of the actual profit accrued and not necessarily in proportion to the capital invested a the final distribution cannot be made based on expected profit
- a the ratio of profit may differ from the ratio of investment if a partner has not been declared as sleeping partner he is entitled to get additional profit above the proportion of his investment even if he did not work a however the share in profit of a sleeping partner cannot exceed from his proportion of investment sharing of loss a each partner shall suffer the loss exactly according to the ratio of his investment
- islamic modes instruments a participatory modes musharakah distribution of profit loss a in constructive liquidation assets are valued at market rate receivables at cash after deducting an allowance for doubtful debts a in above case if no profit is actually earned or is less than anticipated the amount drawn by the partner shall have to be returned
- islamic modes a agricultural financing diminishing musharakah dm a form of musharakah where the financier and the client participate in a joint commercial enterprise or property
- buying selling not stipulated a this asset becomes undivided ownership of both the bank and the client musha none of the parties can withdraw its equity till dm is terminated a general rules of partnership apply
- islamic modes a agricultural financing diminishing musharakah dm procedural details a client requests the bank for dm a appraisal is accorded a approval is conveyed
- a the price of one unit of bank s equity is valued a ijarah agreement is signed a in case of ijarah the rent is realized while in case of business or services profit and losses are shared a expenses connected to asset are borne by the partners proportionately
- islamic modes a agricultural financing diminishing musharakah dm procedural details contd a at the same time uni lateral promise from client is obtained to purchase the units of bank s equity
- accruing rentals pays price of sell its the units of share in bank s equity equity
- diminishing musharakah share in share in capital capital partner bank
- musharakah contract is signed a the rental of tractor is fixed according to certain reference price ijarah for future date is signed a the client promises unilateral promise to the bank to purchase banks equity divided in to equal value units a say rent is fixed p
- islamic modes a agricultural financing diminishing musharakah dm a of the cost rs
- islamic modes a agricultural financing diminishing musharakah dm amount in rupees total value of asset share of client share of bank no
- of units value of one unit rent per month rent per unit per month
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Number of Pages
Published Date
2016-09-17 00:47:01