From HodHood
islamic 18 sale 18 price 8 goods 7 riba 7 contract 6 profit 6 seller 6 asset 5 finance 5 paid 5 qur 5 salam 5 bai 4 buyer 4 delivered 4 investment 4 lender 4 means 4 ownership 4 sukuk 4
- the qur anic ban on riba i qur an mentions that the person who deals with a riba will stand on judgment day as one who is being beaten by satan into insanity
- i qur an makes it clear that a trade and a riba are not same and that god forbade a riba and allowed a trade
- features of istisna a i istitsna is a pure sale contract and not a hire contract i commodity is non existing and is to be manufactured to bring it to existence i does not include natural goods like fruits cereals etc i quantity quality price are fixed at the time of signing the contract i price need not be paid in advance
- it can be either be paid in installments or can be partially deferred until delivery
- i the client leases the asset from the bank paying a fixed monthly rental i the client purchases the asset from the bank at the end of the lease period
- ijarah lease i the bank and the client agree on the terms of the lease
- i sukuk is a certificate of equal value representing undivided shares in ownership of tangible assets and services or in the ownership of the assets of particular projects or investment activity
- sukuk i sukuk is the arabic name for a financial certificate but can be seen as an islamic equivalent of bond
- takaful i takaful means guaranteeing each other in arabic i it is an islamic system of mutual insurance built around the concept of tabarru donation gift
- i each participant contributes to a fund to cover expected claims while also benefiting from a share of investment returns
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Main Category
- AlHuda Material\islamic banking
contract price sale asset financing lease client purchase ijarah payment profit musharakah lessee amount commodity housing agreement contracts ownership project
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- contracts in islamic commercial Finance
- Diminishing Musharaka & Shariah
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- Diminishing Musharakah by Yahya Asim
- Diminshing Musharakah by Muhammad Shaheed Khan
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- Glossary of Islamic Banking and Finance
- Ijara by Zubair Usmani
- Ijara by Mehmood Shafqat 25-10-07
- Ijarah ( Lease ) by Dr.Abdul Sattar Abu Ghuddah
- Ijarah by Dr. Abdul Sattar
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- Intriduction to Islamic Banking and finance By Muhammad Ayub
- Islam, Murabaha and Fixed Deposits
- Islamic-Finance
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- Islamic Financial Services
- Islamic modes of Business and Finance
- Islamic Modes of Finance by Muhammad Khaleequzzaman
- Istisna as Mode of Finance
- Istisna by Muhammad Khaleequzzaman
- Istisna by Mujeeb Baig
- Mudarabah by Muhammad Zubair Usmani
- Murabaha - Process, Documentation & Practical Issues by (1)
- Murabaha by Muftti Najeeb Khan
- Murabaha Finance by Muhammad Tayyab Raza
- Murabaha to Purchase Order by Muhammad Mohsin Ahmed
- Musharaka by Muhammad Zubair Usmani
- Musharakah and Mudarabah as Modes of Finance by Taqi Usmani
- Musharakah Housing Finance through Diminishing Musharkah
- Pratical Ijarah
- Sharia compliance Issues in Islamic Banking by Mufti Najeeb
- Shariah Contracts in Islamic Banking and Finance by Hassan O
- Shariah Legitemacy of Islamic Banking by Dr. M Tahir Mansoor
Number of Pages
Published Date
2016-09-17 00:27:06