From HodHood
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In Quran
Quran Surat | Sura and Ayah | Polarity | Sura Classification | Sura Sequence | Related Subjects | Ayah Text | English Translation |
Surat AlNoor Ayah 26 | Surat AlNoor | -0.73 | 102 | Women impur, Impur women, Women puriti, Ti affect, Puriti women, Impure impur, Puriti affect, Purity puriti, Affect forgiveness, Impur impure, Forgiveness provis, Provis honour, Puriti purity | الْخَبِيثَاتُ لِلْخَبِيثِينَ وَالْخَبِيثُونَ لِلْخَبِيثَاتِ وَالطَّيِّبَاتُ لِلطَّيِّبِينَ وَالطَّيِّبُونَ لِلطَّيِّبَاتِ أُولَئِكَ مُبَرَّءُونَ مِمَّا يَقُولُونَ لَهُمْ مَغْفِرَةٌ وَرِزْقٌ كَرِيمٌ | Women impure are for men impure, and men impure for women impure and women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for women of purity: these are not affected by what people say: for them there is forgiveness, and a provision honourable. | |
Surat AlHashr Ayah 9 | Surat AlHashr | 0.24 | 101 | Save covet, Covet souls, Refuge entertain, Adopt faith, Medina adopt, Heart prefer, Prefer poverti, Desir heart, Entertain desir, Poverti lot, Home medina, Affect refuge, Lot save | وَالَّذِينَ تَبَوَّءُوا الدَّارَ وَالْإِيمَانَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ يُحِبُّونَ مَنْ هَاجَرَ إِلَيْهِمْ وَلَا يَجِدُونَ فِي صُدُورِهِمْ حَاجَةً مِمَّا أُوتُوا وَيُؤْثِرُونَ عَلَى أَنْفُسِهِمْ وَلَوْ كَانَ بِهِمْ خَصَاصَةٌ وَمَنْ يُوقَ شُحَّ نَفْسِهِ فَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ | But those who before them, had homes (in Medina) and had adopted the Faith, - show their affection to such as came to them for refuge, and entertain no desire in their hearts for things given to the (latter), but give them preference over themselves, even though poverty was their (own lot). And those saved from the covetousness of their own souls, - they are the ones that achieve prosperity. | |
Surat AlNisa Ayah 73 | Surat AlNisa | 0.25 | 92 | وَلَئِنْ أَصَابَكُمْ فَضْلٌ مِنَ اللَّهِ لَيَقُولَنَّ كَأَنْ لَمْ تَكُنْ بَيْنَكُمْ وَبَيْنَهُ مَوَدَّةٌ يَا لَيْتَنِي كُنْتُ مَعَهُمْ فَأَفُوزَ فَوْزًا عَظِيمًا | But if good fortune comes to you from Allah, they would be sure to say - as if there had never been Ties of affection between you and them - "Oh! I wish I had been with them; a fine thing should I then have made of it!" | ||
Surat AlAnfal Ayah 63 | Surat AlAnfal | 0.44 | 88 | Exalt wise, Heart ha, Couldst produc, Produc affection, Affection exalt, Hadst spent, Heart hadst, Spent earth, Affect heart, Earth couldst | وَأَلَّفَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِهِمْ لَوْ أَنْفَقْتَ مَا فِي الْأَرْضِ جَمِيعًا مَا أَلَّفْتَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِهِمْ وَلَكِنَّ اللَّهَ أَلَّفَ بَيْنَهُمْ إِنَّهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ | And (moreover) He hath put affection between their hearts: not if thou hadst spent all that is in the earth, couldst thou have produced that affection, but Allah hath done it: for He is Exalted in might, Wise. | |
Surat AlKahf Ayah 81 | Surat AlKahf | 0.47 | 66 | Lord exchang, Desir lord, Puriti conduct, Son puriti, Closer affect, Conduct closer, Exchang son | فَأَرَدْنَا أَنْ يُبْدِلَهُمَا رَبُّهُمَا خَيْرًا مِنْهُ زَكَاةً وَأَقْرَبَ رُحْمًا | "So we desired that their Lord would give them in exchange (a son) better in purity (of conduct) and closer in affection. |
In Hadith Text Books
Affect In Sahih AlBukhari
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In Sahih Muslim
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In Sunan AlTermithi
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9737 | Abu Dharr narrated that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: Allah;Most High said:O My Slaves! All of you are astray except whom I guide; so ask Me for guidance and I shall guide you. All of you are poor except whom I enrich; so ask Me and I shall provide you. All of you are sinners except whom I have pardoned; so whoever among you knows that I am the One able to forgive; and seeks My forgiveness; I shall forgive him; without concern for Me and it will not affect Me. If the first of you and the last of you; the living among you and the dead among you; the fresh among you and the dry among you were to gather together to help the heart with the most Taqwa among My slaves; that would not add a mosquito wing to My sovereignty. If the first of you and the last of you; the living among you and the dead among you; the fresh among you and the dry among you were to gather together to help the worst heart of My slaves; that would not diminish a mosquito wing to My sovereignty. ll forgive him; without concern for Me and it will not affect Me. If the first of you and the last of you; the living among you and the dead among you; the fresh among you and the dry among you were to gather together upon one plateau; and each person among them were to ask for his utmost desire; and I were to give each what he asked for; that would not diminish from My sovereignty; except as if one of you were to pass by an ocean and dip a needle into it and then remove it. That is because I am the Most Liberal without need; the Most Generous; doing as I will. I give by My speech and I punish by My speech; whenever I will something I only say: Be and it shall be. | The Chapter on Seeking Forgiveness in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on the description of the Day of Judgement AlRiqaq and AlWara in Sunan AlTermithi |
In Sunan AlNasai
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In Sunan Abu Dawoud
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27006 | Ali said to Ibn Abad : should I not tell you about me and about Fatimah; daughter of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. She was dearest to him of his family. When she was with me; she pulled mill-stone which affected her hand; she carried water with the water-bag which affected the upper portion of her chest: She swept the house so much so that her clothes became dusty; and she cooked food by which her clothes became black; and it harmed her. We heard that some slaves had been brought to the prophet ﷺ. I said: if you go to your father and ask him for a servant; that will be sufficient for you. She came to him and found some people talking to him. She felt shy and returned. Next morning he visited us when we were in our quilt. He sat beside her head; and she took her head into the quilt out of shame from her father. He asked: What need had you with me; O family of Muhammad? She kept silence twice. I then said : I swear by Allah; I shall tell you. She pulls the mile-stone which has affected her hand; she carrys water with the water-bag which has affected the upper portion of her chest; she sweeps the house by which her clothes have become dusty; and she cooks food by which her clothes have become black. We were told that some slaves or servants had come to you. So I said to her; ask him for a servant. He then mentioned the rest of the tradition to the same effect as mentioned by AlHakam rather more perfectly. | The Chapter on Lost And Found And Clothing in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Reciting Tasbih when going to sleep in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29259 | Ibn Abud said; Ali said to me May I not narrate you about me and Fathimah daughter of the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ ? She was most favorite to him of his family. I said Yes. He said She pulled the grinding stone with her hand so much that it affected her hand; she carried water in a water bag so much so that it affected the upper portion of her chest; she swept the house so much so that her clothes became dirty. The Prophet ﷺ acquired some slaves. So I said Would that you go to your father and ask him for a slave. She then came to him and found some people with him talking to him. She therefore returned. Next day she came again. He asked her ; what was your need? But she kept silence. So I said; I inform you; Apostle of Allaah ﷺ. She pulled grinding stone so much that it affected her hand; she carried water bag so much so that it affected the upper portion of her chest. When the slaves were brought to you I asked her to come to you and to ask you for a slave to save her from the exertion she is suffering. He said Fear Allaah; Fathimah and perform the duty of your Lord and do the work of your family. When you go to bed say Glory be to Allaah thirty three times; Praise be to Allaah thirty three times; Allaah is Most Great thirty four times. This is hundred times. That will be better for you than a servant. She said I am pleased with Allaah; Most High and with his Apostle ﷺ. | The Chapter on Lost And Found And Clothing in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Division Of The Khumus And The Share Of His Relatives in Sunan Abu Dawoud |
In Muwata Malik
nothing found
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