Category:Chapter on What Has Been Related About Wiping Over The Khuff Their Tops in Sunan AlTermithi

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The Book on Purification in Sunan AlTermithi Key Points

  1. when I have seen Allah Messenger doing it He Ibrahim said And they were impressed by the narration of Jarir since he accepted Islam after the revelation Sural AlMaidah . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7382 Category:Chapter on About Wiping Over The Two Khuff in Sunan AlTermithi
  2. It has been related from Sahr Bin Hawshah that he said I saw Jarir Bin Abdullah performing Ablution and he wiped over his Khuff . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7382 Category:Chapter on About Wiping Over The Two Khuff in Sunan AlTermithi
  3. I saw I saw Allah Messenger performing Ablution and he wiped over his Khuff . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7382 Category:Chapter on About Wiping Over The Two Khuff in Sunan AlTermithi
  4. because some who dislike wiping over the Khuff give the interpretation that the Prophet wiping over the two Khuff was before the revelation of Sural AlMaidah . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7382 Category:Chapter on About Wiping Over The Two Khuff in Sunan AlTermithi

Most Postive Sentiment Hadith in Chapter on What Has Been Related About Wiping Over The Khuff Their Tops in Sunan AlTermithi

Positive Sentiment may indicate a Permissible, Encouraged Actions or Sunnah

  1. AlMughirah Bin Shubah narrated: I saw the Prophet wiping over the Khuff: on the tops of them. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7387

Most Negative Sentiment Hadith in Chapter on What Has Been Related About Wiping Over The Khuff Their Tops in Sunan AlTermithi

Negative Sentiment may indicate a Forbidden, Disliked, or Discouraged Actions

Notables Mentioned in Chapter on What Has Been Related About Wiping Over The Khuff Their Tops in Sunan AlTermithi

Notables Starting with A

Almughirah Bin Shubah

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
  • [[]]
  • [[]]

Narrators Mentioned in Chapter on What Has Been Related About Wiping Over The Khuff Their Tops in Sunan AlTermithi

Narrators Starting with A

AI-Mughirah Bin Shubah

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What Has Been Related About Wiping Over The Khuff Their Tops in Sunan AlTermithi

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