Category:The Book of Dreams in Sahih Muslim
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The Book of Dreams*Sahih Muslim Belongs to the following Combined Book Name
The Book of Dreams Summary
- If one sees a dream which one does not like one should spit on one left side and seek the refuge of Allah from the satan it will not do one any harm and one should not disclose it to anyone and if one sees a good vision one should feel pleased but should not disclose it to anyone but whom one loves
- And the truest vision will be of one who is himself the most truthful in speech for the vision of a Muslim is the forty fifth part of Prophecy and dreams are of three types one good dream which is a sort of good tidings from Allah the evil dream which causes pain is from the satan and the third one is a suggestion of one own mind so if any one of you sees a dream which he does not like he should stand up and offer prayer and he should not relate it to people and he said I would love to see fetters in the dream but I dislike wearing of necklace for the fetters is an indication of one steadfastness in religion
- Jabir reported Allah Messenger as saying He who saw me in sleep in fact saw me for it is not possible for the satan to appear in my form and he also said When any one of you sees a hulm he should not inform anyone for it is a sort of vain sport of devil in the state of sleep
- It is reported either on the authority of Ibn Abbas or on the authority of Abu Huraira that a person came to Allah Messenger and said Allah Messenger I saw while I was sleeping during the night this vision that there was a canopy from which butter and honey were trickling and I also saw people collecting them in the palms of their hands some more some less and I also saw a rope connecting the earth with the sky and I saw you catching hold of it and rising towards the heaven then another person after you catching hold of it and rising towards Heaven then another person catching hold of it but it was broken while it was rejoined for him and he also climbed up
- Thereupon Abu Bakr said The canopy signifies the canopy of Islam and that what trickles out of it in the form of butter and honey is the Holy and its sweetness and softness and what the people get hold of it in their palms implies major portion of the or the small portion and so far as the rope joining the sky with the earth is concerned it is the Truth by which you stood in the worldly life and by which Allah would raise you to Heaven
- Abu Musa reported Allah Messenger as saying I dreamt while asleep that I was about to migrate from Mecca to a land abounding in palm trees and I guessed that it would be Yamama or Hajar but it was the city of Yathrib the old name of Medina and I saw in this dream of mine that I was brandishing a sword and its upper end was broken and this is what fell in the form of misfortune to the believers on the Day of Uhud
- Ibn Abbas reported that Musailima AlKadhdhab the greater liar who claimed prophethood after the death of the Holy Prophet came during the lifetime of Allah Apostle to Medina and said If Muhammad assigns his caliphate to me after him I would follow him and there came along with him a large body of persons of his tribe and there came to him Allah Apostle along with Thabit Bin Qais Bin Shammas and the Prophet of Allah had a piece of wood in his hand until he came in front of Musailima in the company of his companions and said If you were to ask even this wood I would never give it to you
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