Day Of Arafa
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Key Points of Hadith Mentioned Day Of Arafa
- He said I performed Hajj with the Prophet and he did not fast it and with Abu Bakr and he did not fast it and with Umar and he did not fast it and with Uthman and he did not fast it . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8092 Category:Chapter on What Has Been Related About It Being Disliked To Fast The Day of Arafah While At Arafat in Sunan AlTermithi
- And the best of what I and the Prophets before me have said is None has the right to be worshipped but Allah Alone without partner to Him belongs all that exists and to Him belongs the Praise and He is powerful over all things . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9432 Category:Chapter on Concerning The Supplication Of The Day Of Arafah in Sunan AlTermithi
- Narrated Tariq Bin Shihab A man among the Jews said to Umar Bin AlKhattab O Commander of the Believers If we were the ones unto whom this Ayah was revealed This day I have perfected your religion for you completed My favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9920 Category:The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi
- In it there is an hour in which no believing worshipper makes a supplication to Allah for good except that Allah answers it for him and he does not seek Allahs aid for something except that He aids him in it . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10217 Category:The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi
- He asked What is the position of one who fasts two days and does not fast one day He said Is anyone able to do that He asked What is the position of one who fasts every second day i . SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29472 Category:Chapter on Regarding Continuous Voluntary Fasting in Sunan Abu Dawoud
- I seek from Allah that fasting on the Day Of Arafah may atone for the sins of the preceding and the coming year and I seek from Allah that fasting on the day of Ashura may atone for the sins of the preceding year . SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29472 Category:Chapter on Regarding Continuous Voluntary Fasting in Sunan Abu Dawoud
- Kathir Bin Abdullah Bin Amr Bin Awuf narrated from his father that his grandfather said I heard the Messenger of Allah say Reconciling between Muslims is permissible except reconciliation that forbids something that is allowed or allows something that is forbidden . SunanIbnMajeh-017-001-30182 Category:The Book of Fasting in Sunan Ibn Majeh
- It was narrated from Abdulrahman Bin Abu Bakrah from his father that The Prophet granted a concession to travelers If a traveler performed ablution and put on leather socks then he performed a fresh ablution he could wipe over the leather socks for three days and nights the resident could do so for one day and one night . SunanIbnMajeh-017-001-30184 Category:The Book of Fasting in Sunan Ibn Majeh
- Narrated Tariq Bin Shihab A Jew said to Umar O Chief of the Believers if this verse This day I have perfected your religion for you completed My favors upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1403 Category:The Book of Holding Fast to the Quran and Sunnah in Sahih AlBukhari
- And when we arrived in Mecca the Prophet ﷺ ordered us to finish the state of Ihram saying Finish your lhram and go to your wives for sexual relation . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1496 Category:Chapter on Something forbidden by the Prophet is legally prohibited in Sahih AlBukhari
- Narrated Um AlFadl bint AlHarith While the people were with me on the Day Of Arafat they differed as to whether the Prophet ﷺ was fasting or not some said that he was fasting while others said that he was not fasting . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2337 Category:Chapter on To drink while on the back of camel in Sahih AlBukhari
- Then he heard that we were saying When there remains only five days between us and the Day Of Arafat he orders us to finish our Ihram by sleeping with our wives in which case we will proceed to Arafat with our male organs dribbling with semen Jabir pointed out with his hand illustrating what he was saying . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1496 Category:Chapter on Something forbidden by the Prophet is legally prohibited in Sahih AlBukhari
- Narrated Aisha We set out along with Allah Messenger ﷺ shortly before the appearance of the new moon crescent of the month of Dhi AlHijja and he said to us Whoever wants to assume Ihram for Hajj may do so and whoever wants to assume Ihram for Umra may do so . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5282 Category:Chapter on Observing Saum fast on the day of Arafah in Sahih AlBukhari
- When we reached Mecca Allah Messenger ﷺ said Those who had assumed the lhram for Umra and had not brought the Hadi should finish his lhram and whoever had assumed the Ihram for Umra and brought the Hadi should not finish the Ihram till he has slaughtered his Hadi and whoever had assumed the lhram for Hajj should complete his Hajj . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5636 Category:Chapter on A woman should undo her headhair while taking the bath after finishing from her menses in Sahih AlBukhari
- Ibn Shihab said Salim said In the year when AlAlHajjaj Bin Yousif attacked Ibn AlZubair the former asked Abdullah Ibn Umar what to do during the stay on the Day Of Arafa th of Dh AlHajjah . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5792 Category:Chapter on To proceed at noon on the Day of Arafa in Sahih AlBukhari
- So when it was the Day Of Arafat th of Dhu AlHijja and after the sun has deviated or has declined from the middle of the sky I and Ibn Umar came and he shouted near the cotton cloth tent of AlHajjaj Where is he AlAlHajjaj came out . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5793 Category:Chapter on Staying on ones riding animal at Arafat in Sahih AlBukhari
- I said to myself By Allah he is from the Hums literally strictly religious Quraish were called so as they used to say We are the people of Allah we shall not go out of the sanctuary . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5795 Category:Chapter on To shorten the Khutbah the Day of Arafat in Sahih AlBukhari
- animal for sacrifice either a camel or a cow or a sheep whatever he can afford but if he cannot afford it he should fast for three days during the Hajj before the Day Of Arafat but if the third day of his fasting happens to be the Day Of Arafat i . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5796 Category:Chapter on The staying at Arafat in Sahih AlBukhari
- He said I performed Hajj with the Prophet and he did not fast it and with Abu Bakr and he did not fast it and with Umar and he did not fast it and with Uthman and he did not fast it . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6838 Category:The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari
- Narrated Tariq Bin Shihab A man among the Jews said to Umar Bin AlKhattab O Commander of the Believers If we were the ones unto whom this Ayah was revealed This day I have perfected your religion for you completed My favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6920 Category:The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari
- In it there is an hour in which no believing worshipper makes a supplication to Allah for good except that Allah answers it for him and he does not seek Allahs aid for something except that He aids him in it . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8114 Category:Chapter on What Has Been Related About It Being Disliked To Fast The Days Of Tashriq in Sunan AlTermithi
- We wnet the him until when he was in AlUrj the Iqamah for Subh was said and he stood up to say the Takbir while he heard the grunting of a camel behind him and he did not say the Takbir . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8932 Category:The Book of Chapters on Virtues in Sunan AlTermithi
- He comes close then he boasts to the angels about them and say What do these people want Sahih Abdu Abd AlRhamn AlNasai said It appears that Yunus Bin Yousif is the one who reported it from Malik and Allah most High Knows best . SunanAlNasai-017-001-16142 Category:Chapter on Khutbah Before The Day Of AtTarwiyah in Sunan AlNasai
- It was narrated that Salim Bin Abdullah said Abdul Malik Bin Marwan wrote to AlAlHajjaj Bin Yousif telling him not to go against Ibn Umar with regard to the Hajj . SunanAlNasai-017-001-16142 Category:Chapter on Khutbah Before The Day Of AtTarwiyah in Sunan AlNasai
- She Aisha said I did so and when I had completed my Pilgrimage the Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent with me Abd AlRabman Bin Abu Bakr and commanded me to resume the rites of Umra at Tanim . SahihMuslim-017-001-22383 Category:Chapter on It is recommended to fast three days of every month and to fast on the days of Arafah and Ashura and to fast on Mondays and Thursdays in Sahih Muslim
- The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said He who amongst you intends to put on Ihram for Umra may do so had I not brought sacrificial animals along with me I would have put on Ihram for Umra . SahihMuslim-017-001-22383 Category:Chapter on It is recommended to fast three days of every month and to fast on the days of Arafah and Ashura and to fast on Mondays and Thursdays in Sahih Muslim
- There were some persons who put on Ihram for Umra and some persons who put on Ihram for Hajj and I was one of those who put on Ihram for Umra . SahihMuslim-017-001-22383 Category:Chapter on It is recommended to fast three days of every month and to fast on the days of Arafah and Ashura and to fast on Mondays and Thursdays in Sahih Muslim
- When it was the night at Hasba and Allah enabled us to complete our Hajj he the Holy Prophet sent with me Abdulrahman Bin Abu Bakr and he mounted me behind him on his camel and took me to Tanim and I put on Ihram for Umra and thus Allah enabled us to complete our Hajj and Umra and we were required to observe neither sacrifice nor alms nor fasting . SahihMuslim-017-001-22383 Category:Chapter on It is recommended to fast three days of every month and to fast on the days of Arafah and Ashura and to fast on Mondays and Thursdays in Sahih Muslim
- I seek from Allah that fasting on the Day Of Arafah may atone for the sins of the preceding and the coming year and I seek from Allah that fasting on the day of Ashura may atone for the sins of the preceding year . SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25614 Category:Chapter on Whoever Missed Arafah in Sunan Abu Dawoud
- Kathir Bin Abdullah Bin Amr Bin Awuf narrated from his father that his grandfather said I heard the Messenger of Allah say Reconciling between Muslims is permissible except reconciliation that forbids something that is allowed or allows something that is forbidden . SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29472 Category:Chapter on Regarding Continuous Voluntary Fasting in Sunan Abu Dawoud
- It was narrated from Abdulrahman Bin Abu Bakrah from his father that The Prophet granted a concession to travelers If a traveler performed ablution and put on leather socks then he performed a fresh ablution he could wipe over the leather socks for three days and nights the resident could do so for one day and one night . SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29472 Category:Chapter on Regarding Continuous Voluntary Fasting in Sunan Abu Dawoud
- Yahya related to me from Malik that he heard Ibn Shihab say that he had heard one of the people of knowledge say that the Hijr was only enclosed so that people would go beyond it as they were making tawaf and their tawaf would therefore encompass the original House . SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29488 Category:Chapter on Regarding Fasting On The Day Of Arafah At Arafat in Sunan Abu Dawoud
Most Postive Sentiment in Hadith Mentioned Day Of Arafa
Positive Sentiment may indicate a Permissible, Encouraged Actions or Sunnah
- It was narrated that from Aisha that the Messenger of Allah said: There is no day on which Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; frees more of his slaves; male and female; from the fire; than the day of Arafah. He comes close; then he boasts to the angels about them and say: What do these people want? Sahih Abdu Abd AlRhamn AlNasai said: It appears that Yunus Bin Yousif is the one who reported it from Malik and Allah; most High; Knows best. SunanAlNasai-017-001-16152
- Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: AlYawm AlMawud the Promised Day is the Day of Resurrection; and AlYawm AlMashhud the Attended Day is the Day of Arafah; and AlShahid the witness is Friday. He said: The sun does not rise nor set; upon a day that is more virtuous than it. In it; there is an hour in which no believing worshipper makes a supplication to Allah for good; except that Allah answers it for him; and he does not seek Allahs aid for something; except that He aids him in it. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10217
- Narrated Jabir Bin Abdullah: I saw the Messenger of Allah during his Hajj; on the Day of Arafah. He was upon his camel Qaswa; giving a Khutbah; so he said: O people! Indeed; I have left among you; that which if you hold fast to it; you shall not go astray: The Book of Allah and my family; the people of my house. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8932
- Narrated Abu Qatadah: A man came to the Prophet ﷺ and said: How do you fast; Messenger of Allah? The Messenger of Allah ﷺ became angry at what he said. When Umar observed this his anger ; he said: We are satisfied with Allah as Lord; with Islam as religion; and with Muhammad as Prophet. We seek refuge in Allah from the anger of Allah; and from the anger of His Apostle. Umar continued to repeat these words till his anger cooled down. He then asked: Messenger of Allah; what is the position of one who observes a perpetual fast? He replied: May he not fast or break his fast. Mousaddad said in his version: He has neither fasted nor broken his fast. The narrator; Ghaylan; doubted the actual wordings. He asked: What is the position of one who fasts two days and does not fast one day? He said: Is anyone able to do that? He asked: What is the position of one who fasts every second day i.e. fasts one day and does not fasts the next day ? He the Prophet said: This is the fast that David observed. He asked: Messenger of Allah; what is the position of one who fasts one day and breaks it for two days? He replied: I wish I were given the power to observe that. Then the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: The observance of three days fast every month and of one Ramadan to the other i.e. the fast of Ramadan every year is equivalent to a perpetual fast. I seek from Allah that fasting on the day of Arafah may atone for the sins of the preceding and the coming year; and I seek from Allah that fasting on the day of Ashura may atone for the sins of the preceding year. SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29472
- Abu Qatadah narrated that : the Prophet said: Fast the Day of Arafah; for indeed I anticipate that Allah will forgive the sins of the year after it; and the year before it. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8090
- Narrated Tariq Bin Shihab: A man among the Jews said to Umar Bin AlKhattab: O Commander of the Believers! If we were the ones unto whom this Ayah was revealed; This day; I have perfected your religion for you; completed My favor upon you; and have chosen for you Islam as your religion 5:3. - then we would have taken that day as a day of celebration. So Umar Bin AlKhattab said to him: Indeed I do know which day this Ayah was revealed upon. It was revealed on the Day of Arafah; on Friday. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9920
- Narrated Ammar Bin Abi Ammar: Ibn Abbas recited: This day; I have perfected your religion for you; completed My favor upon you; and have chosen for you Islam as your religion 5:3. And a Jew was with him who said: If this Ayah was revealed to us then we would have taken that day as a day of celebration. So Ibn Abbas said: Indeed it was revealed on two Eids: On Friday; and on the Day of Arafah. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9921
- Amr Bin Shuaib narrated from his father; from his grandfather; that the Prophet ﷺ said: The best of supplication is the supplication of the Day of Arafah. And the best of what I and the Prophets before me have said is: None has the right to be worshipped but Allah; Alone; without partner; to Him belongs all that exists; and to Him belongs the Praise; and He is powerful over all things. La ilaha illallah; wa<U+1E25>dahu la sharika lahu; lah Almulku wa lah Al<U+1E25>amdu; wa huwa ala kulli shaiin qadir. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9432
- Narrated Abdulrahman Yamar AlDayli: I came to the Holy Prophet ﷺ when he was in Arafat. Some people or a group of people came from Najd. They commanded someone to ask the Prophet about hajj. So he called the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; saying: How is the hajj done? He the Prophet ordered a man to reply. He shouted loudly: The hajj; the hajj is on the day of Arafah. If anyone comes over there before the dawn prayer on the night of AlMuzdalifah; his hajj will be complete. The period of halting at Mina is three days. Then whoever hastens his departure by two days; it is no sin for him; and whoever delays it there is no sin for him. The narrator said: He the Prophet then put a man behind him on the camel. He began to proclaim this loudly.Abu Dawud said: This tradition has been narrated by Mahran from Sufyan in a similar way. This version adds: The Hajj; the Hajj; twice. The version narrated by Yaya Bin Saeed AlQattan has the words: The Hajj only once. SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25614
- Narrated Ata: I heard Jabir Bin Abdullah in a gathering saying; We; the companions of Allah Messenger ﷺ assumed the state of Ihram to perform only Hajj without Umra. Jabir added; The Prophet ﷺ arrived at Mecca on the fourth of Dhu AlHijja. And when we arrived in Mecca the Prophet ﷺ ordered us to finish the state of Ihram; saying; Finish your lhram and go to your wives for sexual relation. Jabir added; The Prophet did not oblige us to go to our wives but he only made that legal for us. Then he heard that we were saying; When there remains only five days between us and the Day of Arafat he orders us to finish our Ihram by sleeping with our wives in which case we will proceed to Arafat with our male organs dribbling with semen? Jabir pointed out with his hand illustrating what he was saying. Allah Messenger ﷺ stood up and said; You People know that I am the most Allah-fearing; the most truthful and the best doer of good deeds pious from among you. If I had not brought the Hadi with me; I would have finished my Ihram as you will do; so finish your Ihram. If I had formerly known what I came to know lately; I would not have brought the Hadi with me. So we finished our Ihram and listened to the Prophet ﷺ and obeyed him. See Hadith No. 713; Vol. 2 SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1496
- It was narrated that from Aisha that the Messenger of Allah said: There is no day on which Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; frees more of his slaves; male and female; from the fire; than the day of Arafah. He comes close; then he boasts to the angels about them and say: What do these people want? Sahih Abdu Abd AlRhamn AlNasai said: It appears that Yunus Bin Yousif is the one who reported it from Malik and Allah; most High; Knows best. SunanAlNasai-017-001-16152
- Abu Qatada AlAnsari Allah be pleased with him reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was asked about his fasting. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ felt annoyed. Thereupon Umar Allah be pleased with him said: We are pleased with Allah as the Lord; with Islam as our Code of Life; with Muhammad as the Messenger and with our pledge to you for willing and cheerful submission as a sacred commitment. He was then asked about perpetual fasting; whereupon he said: He neither fasted nor did he break it; or he did not fast and he did not break it. He was then asked about fasting for two days and breaking one day. He the Holy Prophet said: And who has strength enough to do it? He was asked about fasting for a day and breaking for two days; whereupon he said: May Allah bestow upon us strength to do it. He was then asked about fasting for a day and breaking on the other; whereupon he said: That is the fasting of my brother David ﷺ. He was then asked about fasting on Monday; whereupon he said: It was the day on which I was born. on which I was commissioned with prophethood or revelation was sent to me; and he further said: Three days fasting every month and of the whole of Ramadan every year is a perpetual fast. He was asked about fasting on the day of Arafa 9th of DhuI-Hijja ; whereupon he said: It expiates the sins of the preceding year and the coming year. He was asked about fasting on the day of Ashura 10th of Muharram ; whereupon be said: It expiates the sins of the preceding year. Imam Muslim said that in this hadith there is a narration of Imam Shuba that he was asked about fasting on Monday and Thursday; but we Imam Muslim did not mention Thursday for we found it as an error in reporting. SahihMuslim-017-001-22383
- Narrated Ibn Abbas.: I proceeded along with the Prophet ﷺ on the day of Arafat 9th Dhu AlHijja. The Prophet ﷺ heard a great hue and cry and the beating of camels behind him. So he beckoned to the people with his lash; O people! Be quiet. Hastening is not a sign of righteousness. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5802
- Narrated Ibn Abbas: A man who wants to perform the Hajj from Mecca can perform the Tawaf around the Kaba as long as he is not in the state of Ihram till he assumes the Ihram for Hajj. Then; if he rides and proceeds to Arafat; he should take a Hadi i.e. animal for sacrifice ; either a camel or a cow or a sheep; whatever he can afford; but if he cannot afford it; he should fast for three days during the Hajj before the day of Arafat; but if the third day of his fasting happens to be the day of Arafat i.e. 9th of Dhu AlHijja then it is no sin for him to fast on it. Then he should proceed to Arafat and stay there from the time of the Asr prayer till darkness falls. Then the pilgrims should proceed from Arafat; and when they have departed from it; they reach Jam i.e. AlMuzdalifa where they ask Allah to help them to be righteous and dutiful to Him; and there they remember Allah greatly or say Takbir i.e. Allah is Greater and Tahlil i.e. None has the right to be worshipped but Allah repeatedly before dawn breaks. Then; after offering the morning Fajr prayer you should pass on to Mina for the people used to do so and Allah said:- Then depart from the place whence all the people depart. And ask for Allah Forgiveness. Truly! Allah is Oft-Forgiving; Most Merciful. 2.199 Then you should go on doing so till you throw pebbles over the Jamra. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6838
- Abu Qatada reported that a person came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and said: How do you fast? The Messenger of Allah ﷺ felt annoyed. When Umar Allah be pleased with him noticed his annoyance; he said: We are well pleased with Allah as our Lord; with Islam as our code of life; and with Muhammad as our Prophet. We seek refuge with Allah from the anger of Allah and that of His Messenger. Umar kept on repeating these words till his the Prophets anger calmed down. Then Umar said: Messenger of Allah; what is the position of one who fasts perpetually? He ﷺ said: He neither fasted nor broke it; or he said: He did not fast and he did not break it. Umar said: What about him who fasts for two days and does not fast one day? He ﷺ said: Is anyone capable of doing that? He Umar said: What is the position of him who fasts for a day and doesnt fast on the other day? Thereupon he the Holy Prophet said: That is the fast of David ﷺ. He Umar said: What about him who fasts one day and doesnt fast for two days. Thereupon he the Messenger of Allah said: I wish I were given the strength to do that. Thereafter he ﷺ said: Fasting three days every month and that of Ramadan every year is a perpetual fasting. I seek from Allah that fasting on the day of Arafa may atone for the sins of the preceding and the coming years; and I seek from Allah that fasting on the day of Ashura may atone for the sins of the preceding year. SahihMuslim-017-001-22382
- It was narrated from Jabir that: when the Prophet came back from the Umrah of AlJirranah; he sent Abu Bakr to lead the Hajj. We wnet the him until; when he was in AlUrj; the Iqamah for Subh was said; and he stood up to say the Takbir while he heard the grunting of a camel behind him; and he did not say the Takbir. He said: This is the grunting of the camel of the Messenger of Allah has had second thoughts about the Hajj; and may be he is here; and we will pray with him. But it was Ali on the camel. Abu Bakr said to him: Have you come as a leader or as messenger? He said: No; as a messenger; sent by the Messenger of Allah with a declaration of innocence to recite it to the people in the stations of Hajj. So we came to makkah and one day before the day of AlTarwiyah Abu Bakr; may Allah be pleased with him; stood up and addressed the people telling them about their rituals. When he finished; Ali; may Allah be pleased with him; stood up and recited the declaration of innocence to the people until he finished it. Then we went out with hm and on the day of Arafat. Abu Bakr stood up and addressed people; telling them about rituals. When he finished; Ali; may Allah be pleased with him; stood up and recited the declaration of innocence to the people until he finished it. Then on the day of Sacrifice; we departed Ifadah and when Abu Bakr came back; eh addressed the people; telling them about their departure Ifadah ; sacrifice and rituals. When he finished; Ali; may Allah be pleased with him; stood up and recited the declaration of innocence to the people until he finished it. On the first day of AlNafr The 12th of Dhu AlHijja ; Abu Bakr stood up and addressed the people; telling them how to offer their sacrifice and how to stone the Jamrat; and teaching them their rituals. When he had finished; Ali; may Allah be pleased with him; stood up and recited the declaration of innocence to the people until he finished it. Daif Abu Abdulrahman AlNasai said: Ibn Khuthaim is not strong in Hadith; and I only narrated this so it would not be considered to be from Ibn Juraij from Abu AlZubai. And we did not write it except from Ishaq Bin Rahuyah Bin Ibrahm. And yahya Bin Saeed AlQattan did not abandon the narrations of Ibn Khuthaim; or dod Abd AlRahamn. However; Ali Bin AlMadini said: Ibn Khuthaim is Munkar in Hadith; and Ali Bin AlMadini is more knowledgeable of Hadith. SunanAlNasai-017-001-16142
- Kuraib; the freed slave of Ibn Abbas Allah be pleased with him ; reported from Maimuna; the wife of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; that people had doubt about the fasting of Allah Messenger ﷺ on the day of Arafa. Maimuna sent him a cup of milk and he was halting at a place and he drank it and the people were seeing him. SahihMuslim-017-001-22272
- Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: AlYawm AlMawud the Promised Day is the Day of Resurrection; and AlYawm AlMashhud the Attended Day is the Day of Arafah; and AlShahid the witness is Friday. He said: The sun does not rise nor set; upon a day that is more virtuous than it. In it; there is an hour in which no believing worshipper makes a supplication to Allah for good; except that Allah answers it for him; and he does not seek Allahs aid for something; except that He aids him in it. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10217
- Narrated Tariq Bin Shihab: The Jews said to Umar; You i.e. Muslims recite a Verse; and had it been revealed to us; we would have taken the day of its revelation as a day of celebration. Umar said; I know very well when and where it was revealed; and where Allah Messenger ﷺ was when it was revealed. It was revealed on the day of Arafat Hajj Day ; and by Allah; I was at Arafat Sufyan; a sub-narrator said: I am in doubt whether the Verse:- This day I have perfected your religion for you. was revealed on a Friday or not. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6920
Most Negative Sentiment in Hadith Mentioned Day Of Arafa
Negative Sentiment may indicate a Forbidden, Disliked, or Discouraged Actions
- Narrated Ibn Abbas.: I proceeded along with the Prophet ﷺ on the day of Arafat 9th Dhu AlHijja. The Prophet ﷺ heard a great hue and cry and the beating of camels behind him. So he beckoned to the people with his lash; O people! Be quiet. Hastening is not a sign of righteousness. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5802
- Narrated Aisha: We set out along with Allah Messenger ﷺ shortly before the appearance of the new moon crescent of the month of Dhi AlHijja and he said to us; Whoever wants to assume Ihram for Hajj may do so; and whoever wants to assume Ihram for Umra may do so. Hadnt I brought the Hadi animal for sacrificing with me ; I would have assumed Ihram for Umra. Aisha added; : So some of us assumed Ihram for Umra while the others for Hajj. I was amongst those who assumed Ihram for Umra. The day of Arafat approached and I was still menstruating. I complained to the Prophet ﷺ about that and he said; Abandon your Umra; undo and comb your hair; and assume Ihram for Hajj;. When it was the night of Hasba; he sent Abdulrahman with me to AlTanim and I assumed Ihram for Umra and performed it in lieu of my missed Umra. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5578
- Narrated Aisha: On the 1st of Dhu AlHijja we set out with the intention of performing Hajj. Allah Messenger ﷺ said; Any one who likes to assume the Ihram for Umra he can do so. Had I not brought the Hadi with me; I would have assumed the Ihram for Umra. Some of us assumed the Ihram for Umra while the others assumed the Ihram for Hajj. I was one of those who assumed the Ihram for Umra. I got menses and kept on menstruating until the day of Arafat and complained of that to the Prophet. He told me to postpone my Umra; undo and comb my hair; and to assume the Ihram of Hajj and I did so. On the night of Hasba; he sent my brother Abdulrahman Bin Abi Bakr with me to AlTanim; where I assumed the Ihram for Umra in lieu of the previous one. Hisham said; For that Umra no Hadi; fasting or alms were required. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5636
- Narrated Um AlFadl: that the people were in doubt whether the Prophet ﷺ was fasting on the Day of Arafat or not; so a wooden drinking vessel full of milk was sent to him; and he drank it. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2355
- Narrated Muhammad Bin Jubair Bin Mutim: My father said; Before Islam I was looking for my camel.. The same narration is told by a different sub-narrator. Jubair Bin Mutim said; My camel was lost and I went out in search of it on the day of Arafat; and I saw the Prophet ﷺ standing in Arafat. I said to myself: By Allah he is from the Hums literally: strictly religious; Quraish were called so; as they used to say; We are the people of Allah we shall not go out of the sanctuary. What has brought him here? SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5796
- Narrated Aisha: In the last Hajj of Allah Messenger ﷺ I assumed the Ihram for Hajj along with Allah Apostle. I was one of those who intended Tamattu to perform Hajj and Umra and did not take the Hadi animal for sacrifice with me. I got my menses and was not clean till the night of Arafa I said; O Allah Apostle! It is the night of the day of Arafat and I intended to perform the Hajj Tamattu with Umra. Allah Messenger ﷺ told me to undo my hair and comb it and to postpone the Umra. I did the same and completed the Hajj. On the night of AlHasba i.e. place outside Mecca where the pilgrims go after finishing all the ceremonies of Hajj at Mina he the Prophet ordered Abdulrahman Aisha brother to take me to AlTanim to assume the lhram for Umra in lieu of that of Hajj AlTamattu which I had intended to perform. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5635
- Narrated Aisha: We set out with Allah Messenger ﷺ shortly before the appearance of the new moon of Dhi AlHijja and he said; Whoever wants to assume Ihram for Umra may do so; and whoever wants to assume Ihram for Hajj may do so. Had not I brought the Hadi with me; I would have assumed Ihram for Umra. Some of the people assumed Ihram for Umra while others for Hajj. I was amongst those who had assumed Ihram for Umra. I got my menses before entering Mecca; and was menstruating till the day of Arafat. I complained to Allah Messenger ﷺ about it; he said; Abandon your Umra; undo and comb your hair; and assume Ihram for Hajj. So; I did that accordingly. When it was the night of Hasba day of departure from Mina ; the Prophet ﷺ sent Abdulrahman with me to AlTanim. The sub-narrator adds: He Abdulrahman let her ride behind him. And she assumed Ihram for Umra in lieu of the abandoned one. Aisha completed her Hajj and Umra; and no Hadi; Sadaqa charity ; or fasting was obligatory for her. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5581
- Narrated Urwa: Aisha said; We set out with the Prophet ﷺ in his last Hajj. Some of us intended to perform Umra while others Hajj. When we reached Mecca; Allah Messenger ﷺ said; Those who had assumed the lhram for Umra and had not brought the Hadi should finish his lhram and whoever had assumed the Ihram for Umra and brought the Hadi should not finish the Ihram till he has slaughtered his Hadi and whoever had assumed the lhram for Hajj should complete his Hajj. Aisha further said; I got my periods menses and kept on menstruating till the day of Arafat; and I had assumed the Ihram for Umra only Tamattu. The Prophet ﷺ ordered me to undo and comb my head hair and assume the lhram for Hajj only and leave the Umra. I did the same till I completed the Hajj. Then the Prophet ﷺ sent Abdulrahman Bin Abi Bakr with me and ordered me to perform Umra from AlTanim in lieu of the missed Umra. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5638
- Narrated Abu Qatadah: A man came to the Prophet ﷺ and said: How do you fast; Messenger of Allah? The Messenger of Allah ﷺ became angry at what he said. When Umar observed this his anger ; he said: We are satisfied with Allah as Lord; with Islam as religion; and with Muhammad as Prophet. We seek refuge in Allah from the anger of Allah; and from the anger of His Apostle. Umar continued to repeat these words till his anger cooled down. He then asked: Messenger of Allah; what is the position of one who observes a perpetual fast? He replied: May he not fast or break his fast. Mousaddad said in his version: He has neither fasted nor broken his fast. The narrator; Ghaylan; doubted the actual wordings. He asked: What is the position of one who fasts two days and does not fast one day? He said: Is anyone able to do that? He asked: What is the position of one who fasts every second day i.e. fasts one day and does not fasts the next day ? He the Prophet said: This is the fast that David observed. He asked: Messenger of Allah; what is the position of one who fasts one day and breaks it for two days? He replied: I wish I were given the power to observe that. Then the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: The observance of three days fast every month and of one Ramadan to the other i.e. the fast of Ramadan every year is equivalent to a perpetual fast. I seek from Allah that fasting on the day of Arafah may atone for the sins of the preceding and the coming year; and I seek from Allah that fasting on the day of Ashura may atone for the sins of the preceding year. SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29472
- Narrated Abdulrahman Yamar AlDayli: I came to the Holy Prophet ﷺ when he was in Arafat. Some people or a group of people came from Najd. They commanded someone to ask the Prophet about hajj. So he called the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; saying: How is the hajj done? He the Prophet ordered a man to reply. He shouted loudly: The hajj; the hajj is on the day of Arafah. If anyone comes over there before the dawn prayer on the night of AlMuzdalifah; his hajj will be complete. The period of halting at Mina is three days. Then whoever hastens his departure by two days; it is no sin for him; and whoever delays it there is no sin for him. The narrator said: He the Prophet then put a man behind him on the camel. He began to proclaim this loudly.Abu Dawud said: This tradition has been narrated by Mahran from Sufyan in a similar way. This version adds: The Hajj; the Hajj; twice. The version narrated by Yaya Bin Saeed AlQattan has the words: The Hajj only once. SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25614
- Ibn Abi Najib narrated from his father who said: Ibn Umar was asked about fasting the Day of Arafah at Arafat. He said: I performed Hajj with the Prophet; and he did not fast it; and with Abu Bakr; and he did not fast it; and with Umar; and he did not fast it; and with Uthman; and he did not fast it. I do no fast it; nor order it nor forbid it. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8092
- Narrated Urwa: Aisha said; We set out with the Prophet ﷺ in his last Hajj. Some of us intended to perform Umra while others Hajj. When we reached Mecca; Allah Messenger ﷺ said; Those who had assumed the lhram for Umra and had not brought the Hadi should finish his lhram and whoever had assumed the Ihram for Umra and brought the Hadi should not finish the Ihram till he has slaughtered his Hadi and whoever had assumed the lhram for Hajj should complete his Hajj. Aisha further said; I got my periods menses and kept on menstruating till the day of Arafat; and I had assumed the Ihram for Umra only Tamattu. The Prophet ﷺ ordered me to undo and comb my head hair and assume the lhram for Hajj only and leave the Umra. I did the same till I completed the Hajj. Then the Prophet ﷺ sent Abdulrahman Bin Abi Bakr with me and ordered me to perform Umra from AlTanim in lieu of the missed Umra. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5638
- Aisha; the wife of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; said: We went out with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ during the year of the Farewell Pilgrimage. There were some amongst us who had put on IHram for Umra and there were some who had put on Ihram for Hajj. We proceeded on till we came to Mecca. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: He who put on Ihram for Umra but did not bring the sacrificial animal with him should put it off. and he who put on Ihram for Umra and he who had brought the sacrificial animal with him should not put it off until he had slaughtered the animal; and he who put on lhram for Hajj should complete it. Aisha Allah be pleased with her said: I was in the monthlyperiod; and I remained In this state till the day of Arafa; and I had entered into the state of Ihram for Umra. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ thus commanded me to undo my hair and comb them again and enter into the state of Ihram for Hajj; and abandon the rites of Umra. She Aisha said: I did so; and when I had completed my Pilgrimage; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent with me Abd AlRabman Bin Abu Bakr and commanded me to resume the rites of Umra at Tanim. the place where I abandoned Umra and put on Ihram for Hajj before completing Umra. SahihMuslim-017-001-22828
- Narrated Ibn Abbas.: I proceeded along with the Prophet ﷺ on the day of Arafat 9th Dhu AlHijja. The Prophet ﷺ heard a great hue and cry and the beating of camels behind him. So he beckoned to the people with his lash; O people! Be quiet. Hastening is not a sign of righteousness. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5802
- Narrated Aisha: We set out along with Allah Messenger ﷺ shortly before the appearance of the new moon crescent of the month of Dhi AlHijja and he said to us; Whoever wants to assume Ihram for Hajj may do so; and whoever wants to assume Ihram for Umra may do so. Hadnt I brought the Hadi animal for sacrificing with me ; I would have assumed Ihram for Umra. Aisha added; : So some of us assumed Ihram for Umra while the others for Hajj. I was amongst those who assumed Ihram for Umra. The day of Arafat approached and I was still menstruating. I complained to the Prophet ﷺ about that and he said; Abandon your Umra; undo and comb your hair; and assume Ihram for Hajj;. When it was the night of Hasba; he sent Abdulrahman with me to AlTanim and I assumed Ihram for Umra and performed it in lieu of my missed Umra. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5578
- Narrated Aisha: On the 1st of Dhu AlHijja we set out with the intention of performing Hajj. Allah Messenger ﷺ said; Any one who likes to assume the Ihram for Umra he can do so. Had I not brought the Hadi with me; I would have assumed the Ihram for Umra. Some of us assumed the Ihram for Umra while the others assumed the Ihram for Hajj. I was one of those who assumed the Ihram for Umra. I got menses and kept on menstruating until the day of Arafat and complained of that to the Prophet. He told me to postpone my Umra; undo and comb my hair; and to assume the Ihram of Hajj and I did so. On the night of Hasba; he sent my brother Abdulrahman Bin Abi Bakr with me to AlTanim; where I assumed the Ihram for Umra in lieu of the previous one. Hisham said; For that Umra no Hadi; fasting or alms were required. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5636
- Narrated Um AlFadl: that the people were in doubt whether the Prophet ﷺ was fasting on the Day of Arafat or not; so a wooden drinking vessel full of milk was sent to him; and he drank it. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2355
- Narrated Muhammad Bin Jubair Bin Mutim: My father said; Before Islam I was looking for my camel.. The same narration is told by a different sub-narrator. Jubair Bin Mutim said; My camel was lost and I went out in search of it on the day of Arafat; and I saw the Prophet ﷺ standing in Arafat. I said to myself: By Allah he is from the Hums literally: strictly religious; Quraish were called so; as they used to say; We are the people of Allah we shall not go out of the sanctuary. What has brought him here? SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5796
- Abu Qatada AlAnsari Allah be pleased with him reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was asked about his fasting. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ felt annoyed. Thereupon Umar Allah be pleased with him said: We are pleased with Allah as the Lord; with Islam as our Code of Life; with Muhammad as the Messenger and with our pledge to you for willing and cheerful submission as a sacred commitment. He was then asked about perpetual fasting; whereupon he said: He neither fasted nor did he break it; or he did not fast and he did not break it. He was then asked about fasting for two days and breaking one day. He the Holy Prophet said: And who has strength enough to do it? He was asked about fasting for a day and breaking for two days; whereupon he said: May Allah bestow upon us strength to do it. He was then asked about fasting for a day and breaking on the other; whereupon he said: That is the fasting of my brother David ﷺ. He was then asked about fasting on Monday; whereupon he said: It was the day on which I was born. on which I was commissioned with prophethood or revelation was sent to me; and he further said: Three days fasting every month and of the whole of Ramadan every year is a perpetual fast. He was asked about fasting on the day of Arafa 9th of DhuI-Hijja ; whereupon he said: It expiates the sins of the preceding year and the coming year. He was asked about fasting on the day of Ashura 10th of Muharram ; whereupon be said: It expiates the sins of the preceding year. Imam Muslim said that in this hadith there is a narration of Imam Shuba that he was asked about fasting on Monday and Thursday; but we Imam Muslim did not mention Thursday for we found it as an error in reporting. SahihMuslim-017-001-22383
- Narrated Abu Qatadah: A man came to the Prophet ﷺ and said: How do you fast; Messenger of Allah? The Messenger of Allah ﷺ became angry at what he said. When Umar observed this his anger ; he said: We are satisfied with Allah as Lord; with Islam as religion; and with Muhammad as Prophet. We seek refuge in Allah from the anger of Allah; and from the anger of His Apostle. Umar continued to repeat these words till his anger cooled down. He then asked: Messenger of Allah; what is the position of one who observes a perpetual fast? He replied: May he not fast or break his fast. Mousaddad said in his version: He has neither fasted nor broken his fast. The narrator; Ghaylan; doubted the actual wordings. He asked: What is the position of one who fasts two days and does not fast one day? He said: Is anyone able to do that? He asked: What is the position of one who fasts every second day i.e. fasts one day and does not fasts the next day ? He the Prophet said: This is the fast that David observed. He asked: Messenger of Allah; what is the position of one who fasts one day and breaks it for two days? He replied: I wish I were given the power to observe that. Then the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: The observance of three days fast every month and of one Ramadan to the other i.e. the fast of Ramadan every year is equivalent to a perpetual fast. I seek from Allah that fasting on the day of Arafah may atone for the sins of the preceding and the coming year; and I seek from Allah that fasting on the day of Ashura may atone for the sins of the preceding year. SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29472