Islamic Finance and Banking by Ainun Na’im
From HodHood
islamic 30 financial 15 syari 11 institutions 10 laws 8 business 7 governance 7 services 7 banking 6 banks 6 conventional 6 international 6 accounting 5 economy 5 infrastructure 5 based 4 bil 4 countries 4 facts 4 finance 4 natures 4 risk 4
- islamic finance and banking if b as an alternative in globalized economy ainun na im ph
- d institute of indonesian accountants and professor of accounting at universitas gadjah mada
- a c contracts should be based upon profit and risk sharing and in the forms of buyer a seller murabahah lessor a leasee ijaarah partnership musyarakah and or debtor a creditor qard hasan relationship
- a c in business and economy syari ah laws explicitly state that allah allow trade business but prohibit riba ahallallahul bai a wa harramarriba
- a c syari ah supervisory board or other institutions to maintain that the transactions are conducted in accordance to syari ah laws
- a c islamic laws do not allow business on monetary instruments money is medium of exchange only that should not have any intrinsic value
- a c syari ah businesses deal only on real sector goods and services so that it will add economic value
- a c better governance due to participation of investors debt holders in risk sharing
- natures and facts of the if b a c relatively new and at the developing stage that needs more socialization and evidence that it is better more efficient than the conventional ones
- a c conventional banks including multinationals get into the business offering islamic financial products
- natures and facts of the if b a c grais pellegrini reported that the global islamic financial services industry consisted of institutions offering islamic financial services iifs operating in countries both muslim and non muslim
- a c sole identified that there were more than islamic financial institutions spread over countries plus well over mutual funds that comply with islamic principles
- natures and facts of the if b a c the major contributors to asset growth for islamic funds a gulf cooperation council gcc countries us
- bil and non gcc middle east countries middle east and north africa us
- natures and facts of the if b a c the if b has involved in all of industries energy consumer discretionary staples financials materials information technology health care telecommunication utilities education etc
- a c if b also provide financing for large scale projects such as those in energy and infrastructure through sukuk asset based financing
- however there are limitations in terms of the capacity of the jurists to deal with large scale economic transactions and that there is no court of final appeal that result in controversies monger and rawashdeh
- a c the islamic financial services board ifsb was created to set standards for the industry in which twenty two agencies including several national central banks international monetary fund and world bank are members
- a c other supporting structures such as ratings indexes studies predictions and analysis for if b institutions are available and provided by conventional and international institutions such as s p dow jones etc
- infrastructure regulatory framework governance for if b a c the idb initiatives are also important to support the infrastructure for operation and development of islamic financial industry
- a c studies using indonesian islamic index indicate that speculation plays an influencial role in islamic market kurniawan and there is moral hazard in syariah based financing practices nasution and wiliasih
- challenges on the if b a c in governance independence of ssbs is being questioned because they are part of management paid by the banks
- they are not risk immune however during the economic crisis their growth is remained strong and they have shown resilience to global market dislocation s p
- if b in the downturn era a c islamic financial institutions are affected by the financial crisis
- islamic index international financial service london ifsl
- djia vs
- a c to improve their role in global economy if b need to improve their infrastructure and governance so that the islamic laws and values are consistently and essentially actually applied
- conclusions a c if b has been a choice of financial and banking services for moslem and non moslem communities
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Main Category
- AlHuda Material\islamic banking
islamic banks banking financial finance investment conventional institutions funds risk financing deposits assets services management international countries equity profit products
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Number of Pages
Published Date
2016-09-17 00:26:39
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