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Khadir In Sahih AlBukhari
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1110 | Narrated Ibn Abbas: That he differed with AlHurr Bin Qais Bin Housn AlFazari about the companion of Moses; i.e.; whether he was Kha;dir or not. Ubai Bin Kaab AlAnsari passed by them and Ibn Abbas called him saying; My friend Hur and I have differed about Moses Companion whom Moses asked the way to meet. Did you hear Allah Messenger ﷺ mentioning anything about him? Ubai said; Yes; I heard Allah Apostle saying; While Moses was sitting in the company of some Israelites a man came to him and asked; Do you know Someone who is more learned than you Moses ? Moses said; No. So Allah sent the Divine inspiration to Moses:- Yes; Our Slave Khadir is more learned than you Moses asked Allah how to meet him Khadir So Allah made the fish as a sign for him and it was said to him; When you lose the fish; go back to the place where you lose it and you will meet him. So Moses went on looking for the sign of the fish in the sea. The boy servant of Moses who was accompanying him said to him; Do you remember what happened when we betook ourselves to the rock? I did indeed forget to tell you about the fish. None but Satan made me forget to tell you about it 18.63 Moses said: That is what we have been seeking. Sa they went back retracing their footsteps. 18.64. So they both found Kadir there and then happened what Allah mentioned about them in the Quran ! See 18.60- 82 | The Chapter on Moses And Prophets Moses And Companion Forgoting The Fish in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Allahs Wish and Will in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-4114 | Narrated Ubai Bin Kaab Allah Messenger ﷺ said; Moses the Messenger of Allah; and then he narrated the whole story about him. AlKhadir said to Moses; Did not I tell you that you can have no patience with me. 18.72. Moses then violated the agreement for the first time because of forgetfulness; then Moses promised that if he asked AlKhadir about anything; the latter would have the right to desert him. Moses abided by that condition and on the third occasion he intentionally asked AlKhadir and caused that condition to be applied. The three occasions referred to above are referred to by the following Verses: Call me not to account for forgetting And be not hard upon me. 18.73 Then they met a boy and Khadir killed him. 18.74 Then they proceeded and found a wall which was on the verge of falling and Khadir set it up straight. 18.77 | The Chapter on Moses And Prophets Moses And Alkhadir in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Verbal conditions with the people in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-4195 | Narrated Ibn Abbas: That he differed with AlHur Bin Qais AlFazari regarding the companion of Moses. Ibn Abbas said that he was AlKhadir. Meanwhile Ubai Bin Kaab passed by them and Ibn Abbas called him saying; My friend and I have differed regarding Moses companion whom Moses asked the way to meet. Have you heard Allah Messenger ﷺ mentioning something about him? He said; Yes; I heard Allah Apostle saying; While Moses was sitting in the company of some Israelites; a man came and asked him ; Do you know anyone who is more learned than you? Moses replied; No. So; Allah sent the Divine Inspiration to Moses: Yes; Our slave; Khadir is more learned than you. Moses asked how to meet him i.e. Khadir. So; the fish; was made; as a sign for him; and he was told that when the fish was lost; he should return and there he would meet him. So; Moses went on looking for the sign of the fish in the sea. The servant boy of Moses said to him; Do you know that when we were sitting by the side of the rock; I forgot the fish; and t was only Satan who made me forget to tell you about it. Moses said; That was what we were seeking after; and both of them returned; following their footmarks and found Khadir; and what happened further to them; is mentioned in Allah Book. | The Chapter on Moses And Prophets Moses And Companion Forgoting The Fish in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The story of AlKhidr with Musa Moses alayhissalam in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6130 | Narrated Ibn Abbas: That he differed with Hur Bin Qais Bin Housn AlFazari regarding the companion of the Prophet Moses. Ibn Abbas said that he was AlKhadir. Meanwhile; Ubai Bin Kaab passed by them and Ibn Abbas called him; saying My friend Hur and I have differed regarding Moses companion; whom Moses asked the way to meet. Have you heard the Prophet ﷺ mentioning something about him? He said; Yes. I heard Allah Messenger ﷺ saying; While Moses was sitting in the company of some Israelites; a man came and asked him. Do you know anyone who is more learned than you? Moses replied: No. So Allah sent the Divine Inspiration to Moses: Yes; Our slave Khadir is more learned than you. Moses asked Allah how to meet him Khadir. So Allah made the fish as a sign for him and he was told that when the fish was lost; he should return to the place where he had lost it and there he would meet him AlKhadir. So Moses went on looking for the sign of the fish in the sea. The servant-boy of Moses said to him: Do you remember when we betook ourselves to the rock; I indeed forgot the fish; none but Satan made me forget to remember it. On that Moses said: That is what we have been seeking? 18.64 So they went back retracing their footsteps; and found Khadir. And what happened further to them is narrated in the Holy Quran by Allah. 18.54 up to 18.82 | The Chapter on Moses And Prophets Moses And Companion Forgoting The Fish in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What has been said about the journey of Prophet Musa alaihi AlSalam when he went in the sea to meet AlKhidr in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6134 | Narrated Ibn Abbas: that he differed with Hur Bin Qais Bin Housn AlFazari regarding the companion of the Prophet ﷺ Moses. Meanwhile; Ubai Bin Kaab passed by them and Ibn Abbas called him saying; My friend Hur and I have differed regarding Moses companion whom Moses asked the way to meet. Have you heard Allah Messenger ﷺ mentioning something about him? Ubai Bin Kaab said: Yes; I heard the Prophet ﷺ mentioning something about him saying while Moses was sitting in the company of some Israelites; a man came and asked him: Do you know anyone who is more learned than you? Moses replied: No. So Allah sent the Divine Inspiration to Moses: -Yes; Our slave Khadir is more learned than you. Moses asked Allah how to meet him AlKhadir. So Allah made the fish a sign for him and he was told when the fish was lost; he should return to the place where he had lost it and there he would meet him AlKhadir. So Moses went on looking for the sign of the fish in the sea. The servant-boy of Moses said: Do you remember when we betook ourselves to the rock; I indeed forgot the fish; none but Satan made me forget to remember it. On that Moses said; That is what we have been seeking. So they went back retracing their footsteps; and found Khadir. and what happened further about them is narrated in the Holy Quran by Allah. 18.54 up to 18.82 | The Chapter on Moses And Prophets Moses And Companion Forgoting The Fish in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on To go out in search of knowledge in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-7040 | Narrated Ibn Juraij: Yala Bin Muslim and Amr Bin Dinar and some others narrated the narration of Saeed Bin Jubair. Narrated Said: While we were at the house of Ibn Abbas; Ibn Abbas said; Ask me any question I said; O Abu Abbas! May Allah let me be sacrificed for you ! There is a man at Kufa who is a storyteller called Nauf; who claims that he AlKhadir companion is not Moses of Bani Israel. As for Amr; he said to me; Ibn Abbas said; Nauf the enemy of Allah told a lie. But Yala said to me; Ibn Abbas said; Ubai Bin Kaab said; Allah Messenger ﷺ said; Once Moses; Allah Messenger ﷺ ; preached to the people till their eyes shed tears and their hearts became tender; whereupon he finished his sermon. Then a man came to Moses and asked; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Is there anyone on the earth who is more learned than you? Moses replied; No. So Allah admonished him Moses ; for he did not ascribe all knowledge to Allah. It was said; on behalf of Allah ; Yes; there is a slave of ours who knows more than you. Moses said; O my Lord! Where is he? Allah said; At the junction of the two seas. Moses said; O my Lord ! Tell I me of a sign whereby I will recognize the place. Amr said to me; Allah said; That place will be where the fish will leave you. Yala said to me; Allah said to Moses ; Take a dead fish and your goal will be the place where it will become alive. So Moses took a fish and put it in a basket and said to his boy-servant I dont want to trouble you; except that you should inform me as soon as this fish leaves you. He said to Moses. You have not demanded too much. And that is as mentioned by Allah: And remember when Moses said to his attendant.... 18.60 Yusha Bin Noon. Saeed did not state that. The Prophet ﷺ said; While the attendant was in the shade of the rock at a wet place; the fish slipped out alive while Moses was sleeping. His attend an said to himself ; I will not wake him; but when he woke up; he forgot to tell him The fish slipped out and entered the sea. Allah stopped the flow of the sea. where the fish was; so that its trace looked as if it was made on a rock. Amr forming a hole with his two thumbs an index fingers; said to me; Like this; as in its trace was made on a rock. Moses said We have suffered much fatigue on this journey of ours. This was not narrated by Said. Then they returned back and found AlKhadir. Uthman Bin Abi Sulaiman said to me; they found him on a green carpet in the middle of the sea. AlKhadir was covered with his garment with one end under his feet and the other end under his head. When Moses greeted; he uncovered his face and said astonishingly; Is there such a greeting in my land? Who are you? Moses said; I am Moses. AlKhadir said; Are you the Moses of Bani Israel? Moses said; Yes. AlKhadir said; What do you want? Moses said; I came to you so that you may teach me of the truth which you were taught. AlKhadir said; Is it not sufficient for you that the Torah is in your hands and the Divine Inspiration comes to you; O Moses? Verily; I have a knowledge that you ought not learn; and you have a knowledge which I ought not learn. At that time a bird took with its beak some water from the sea: AlKhadir then said; By Allah; my knowledge and your knowledge besides Allah Knowledge is like what this bird has taken with its beak from the sea. Until; when they went on board the boat 18.71. They found a small boat which used to carry the people from this sea-side to the other sea-side. The crew recognized AlKhadir and said; The pious slave of Allah. We said to Saeed Was that Khadir? He said; Yes. The boat men said; We will not get him on board with fare. AlKhadir scuttled the boat and then plugged the hole with a piece of wood. Moses said; Have you scuttled it in order to drown these people surely; you have done a dreadful thing. 18.71 Mujahid said. Moses said so protestingly. AlKhadir said; didnt I say that you can have no patience with me? 18.72 The first inquiry of Moses was done because of forgetfulness; the second caused him to be bound with a stipulation; and the third was done intentionally. Moses said; Call me not to account for what I forgot and be not hard upon me for my affair with you. 18.73 Then they found a boy and AlKhadir killed him. Yala- said: Saeed said They found boys playing and AlKhadir got hold of a handsome infidel boy laid him down and then slew him with knife. Moses said; Have you killed a innocent soul who has killed nobody 18.74 Then they proceeded and found a wall which was on the point of falling down; and AlKhadir set it up straight. Saeed moved his hand thus and said AlKhadir raised his hand and the wall became straight. Yala said; I think Saeed said; AlKhadir touched the wall with his hand and it became straight Moses said to AlKhadir ; If you had wished; you could have taken wages for it. Saeed said; Wages that we might had eaten. And there was a king in furor ahead of them 18.79 And there was in front of them. Ibn Abbas recited: In front of them was a king. It is said on the authority of somebody other than Saeed that the king was Hudad Bin Budad. They say that the boy was called Haisur. A king who seized every ship by force. 18.79 So I wished that if that boat passed by him; he would leave it because of its defect and when they have passed they would repair it and get benefit from it. Some people said that they closed that hole with a bottle; and some said with tar. His parents were believers; and he the boy was a non-believer and we Khadir feared lest he would oppress them by obstinate rebellion and disbelief. 18.80 i.e. that their love for him would urge them to follow him in his religion; so we Khadir desired that their Lord should change him for them for one better in righteousness and near to mercy 18:81. This was in reply to Moses saying: Have you killed an innocent soul.? 18.74. Near to mercy means they will be more merciful to him than they were to the former whom Khadir had killed. Other than Said; said that they were compensated with a girl. Dawud Bin Abi Aasi m said on the authority of more than one that this next child was a girl. | The Chapter on Moses And Prophets Moses And Alkhadir in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari |
In Sahih Muslim
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SahihMuslim-017-001-20169 | Saeed Bin jubair reported: I said to Ibn Abbas that Nauf AlBikali was of the opinion that Moses ﷺ ; the Apostle of Bani Israil; was not the same who accompanied Khadir; whereupon he said: The enemy of Allah tells a lie. I heard Ubay Bin Kaab say: Moses ﷺ stood up to give sermon to the people of Israil. He was asked as to who amongst the people has the best knowledge; whereupon he said: I have the best knowledge. Thereupon Allah was annoyed with him that he did not attribute the best knowledge to Him. He revealed to him: A servant amongst My servants is at the junction of two rivers who has more knowledge than yours. Moses said: How can I meet him? It was said to him: Carry a fish in the large basket and the place where you find it missing there you will find him. Thereupon Moses proceeded forth along with a young man Yusha. Joshua Bin Nan and Moses ﷺ put the fish in the basket and there went along with him the young man Yusha until they came to a certain rock and Moses and his companion went to sleep and the fish stirred in that basket and fell into the ocean and Allah stopped the current of water like a vault until the way was made for the fish. Moses and his youn. companion were astonished and they walked for the rest of the day and the night and the friend of Moses forgot to inform him of this incident. When it was morning; Moses ﷺ said to the young man: Bring for us the breakfast for we are dead tired because of this journey; and they did not feel exhausted until they had passed that place where they had been commanded to stay. He said: Dont you know that when we reached the Sakhra rock I forgot the fisii and noth ng made me forget it but the satan that I. could nit remember it? How strange is it that the fish found a way in the river? Moses said: That was what we had been aiming at. Then both of them retraced their steps until they reached Sakhra; there they saw a man covered with a cloth. Moses greeted him. Khadir said to him: Where is AlSalam in our country.? He said: I am Moses; whereupon he Khadir said: You mean the Moses of Bani Israil? He said: Yes. He Khadir said: You have a knowledge out of the knowledge of Allah which in fact Allah imparted to you and about that I know nothing and I have knowledge out of Allah knowledge which He imparted to me and about that you do not know. Moses ﷺ said to him: May I follow you so that you may teach me that with which you have been taught righteousness. He said: You will not be able to bear with me; how you will be able to bear that about which you do not know? Moses said: Thou wilt find me patient; nor shalt I disobey you in aught. Khadir said to him: If you were to follow me; then do not ask me about anything until I myself speak to you about it. He said: Yes. So Khadir and Moses set forth on the bank of the river that there came before them a boat. Both of theni talked to them the owners of the boat so that they might carry both of them. They had recognised Khadir and they carried them free. Khadir thereupon took hold of a plank in the boat and broke it away. Moses said: These people have carried us without any charge and you attempt to break their boat so that the people sailing in the boat may drown. This is something grievous that you have done. He said: Did I not say that you would not bear with me? He said: Blame me not for what I forgot and be not hard upon what I did. Then both of them got down from the boat and began to walk along the coastline that they saw a boy who had been playing with other boys. Khadir pulled up his head and killed him. Moses said: Have you killed an innocent person who is in no way guilty of slaying another? You have done something horrible. Thereupon he said: Did I not say to you that you will not be able to bear with me? He Moses said: This act is more grievous than the first one. He Moses further said. If I ask you about anything after this; keep not company with me; then you would no doubt find a plausible excuse for this. Then they both walked on until they reached the inhabitants of a village. They asked its inhabitants for food but they refused to entertain them as their guests. They found in it a wall which had been bent on one side and was about to fall. Khadir set it right with his own hand. Moses; said to him: It is the people to whom we came but they showed us no hospitality and they did not serve us food. If you wish you can get wages for it. He Khadir said: This is the parting of ways between mt and you. Now I wish to reveal to you the significance of that for which you could not bear with me. Allah Messenger ﷺ said. May Allah have mercy upon Moses! I wish if Moses could show patience and a fuller story of both of them could have been told. Allah Messenger ﷺ said that the first thing which Moses said was out of forgetfulness. Then there came a sparrow until it perched on the wall of the boat and took water from the ocean. Thereupon; Khadir said: My knowledge and your knowledge in comparison with the knowledge of Allah is even less than the water taken by the sparrow in its beak in comparison to the water of the ocean; and Saeed Bin jubair used to recite verses 79 and 80 of Surat Kahf in this way: There was before them a king who used to seize every boat by force which was in order; the boy was an unbeliever. | The Chapter on Moses And Prophets Moses And Alkhadir in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 46 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-20171 | Ubay Bin Kaab narrated to us that he had heard Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: Moses had been delivering sermons to his people. And he made this remark: No person upon the earth has better knowledge than I or nothing better than mine. Thereupon Allah revealed to him: I know one who is better than you in knowledge or there is a person on the earth having more knowledge than you. Thereupon he said: My Lord; direct me to him. It was said to him: Keep a salted fish as a provision for journey. The place where that fish would be lost there you will find that man. So he set forth and a young slave along with him until they came to a place Sakhra. but he did not find any clue. So he proceeded on and left that young man there. The fish began to stir in water and the water assumed the form of an ark over the fish. The young man said: I should meet Allah Apostle ﷺ and inform him; but he was made to forget and when they had gone beyond that place; he Moses said to the young man: Bring breakfast. We have been exhausted because of the journey; and he Moses was not exhausted until he had crossed that particular place where he had to meet Khadir; and the youth was reminded and said: Did you not see that as we reached Sakhra I forgot the fish and it is satan alone who has made me forgetful of it? It is strange that he has been able to find way in the ocean too. He said: This is what we sought for us. They returned retracing their steps; and he his companion pointed to him the location where the fish had been lost. Moses began to search him there. He suddenly saw Khadir wrapped in a cloth and lying on his back. He said to him: AlSalamu-Alaikum. He removed the cloth from his face and said: Wa Alaikum-us-Salam! Who are you? He said: I am Moses. He said: Who Moses? He said: Moses Of Bani Israil. He said: What brought you here? He said: I have come so that you may teach me what you have been taught of righteousness. He said: You shall have to bear with me; and how can you have patience about a thing of which you have no comprehensive knowledge? You will not have patience when you see me doing a thing I have been ordered to do. He said: If Allah pleases; you will find me patient; nor shall I disobey you in aught. Khadir said: If you follow me; dont ask me about anything until I explain it to you. So they went on until they embarked upon a boat. He Khadir made a hole in that. Thereupon he Moses said: You have done this so that you may drown the persons sitting in the boat. You have done something grievous. Thereupon he said: Did I not tell you that you will not be able to bear with me? Thereupon he Moses said: Blame me not for what I forgot and be not hard upon me for what I did. Khadir gave him another chance. So they went on until they reached a place where boys were playing. He went to one of them and caught holdof one apparently at random and killed him. Moses ﷺ felt agitated and said: You have killed an innocent person not guilty of slaying another. You have done something aboininable. Thereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: May Allah have mercy upon us and Moses. Had he shown patience he would have seen wonderful things; but fear of blame; with respect to his companion; seized him and he said: If I ask anything after this; keep not company with me. You will then have a valid excuse in my case; and had he Moses shown patience he would have seen many wonderful things. He the narrator said: Whenever he the Holy Prophet made mention of any Prophet; he always said: May there be mercy of Allah upon us and upon my brother so and so. They; however; proceeded on until they came to the inhabitants of a village who were very miserly. They went to the meeting places and asked for hospitality but they refused to show any hospitality to them. They both found in that village a wall which was about to fall. He Khadir set it right. Thereupon he Moses said: If you so liked. you could get wages for it. Thereupon he said: This is the partince; of ways between me and you; and; taking hold of his cloth; he said: Now I will explain to you the real significance of all these acts for which you could not show patience. As for the boat; it belonged to the poor people working on the river and I intended to damage it for there was ahead of them a king who seized boats by force. When he came to catch hold of it he found it a damaged boat; so he spared it and later on it was set right with wood. So far as the boy is concerned; he has been; by very nature; an unbeliever; whereas his parents loved him very much. Had he grown up he would have involved them in wrongdoing and unbelief; so we wished that their Lord should give them in its place one better in purity and close to mercy. And as for the wall it belonged to two orphan boys in the city and there was beneath it a treasure belongin to them;... up to the last verse. | The Chapter on Moses And Prophets Moses And Alkhadir in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 46 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-20174 | Utba Bin Mas; ud reported that Abdullah Bin Abbas contended with Hurr Bin Qais Bin Housn AlFazari aboat the companion of Moses peace be upon hiin. Ibn Abbas said that he was Khadir. There happened to pass Ubay Bin Kaab Ansari. Ibn Abbas called him and said: Abu Tufail; come to us. There has been a difference of opinion between me and my friend about the companion of Moses whom he wanted to meet on the way. Did hear anything from Allah meesenger ﷺ making a mention of anything? Ubay said: I heard Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: As Moses was amongst the group of Bani Israil; there came to him a person and he said to him: Do you know anyone having better knowledge than you? Moses said: No. Thereupon Allah revealed to Moses: Of course; there is amongst Our servants Khadir who has better knowledge than you. Moses asked the way of meeting him. Allah made the fish a sign and it was said to him: Where you miss the fish return to that place and you will soon find him. So Moses moved on as Allah wished him to move on. He then said to his young companion: Bring for us the breakfast. Thereupop that young man said to Moses. when he asked him for the breakfast: Dont you see that as we had reached the Sakhra I forgot the fish and nobody made it forget in our mind but the satan that I should remind you of it? Mosed said to that young man: This was what we wanted. So they retraced their steps and met Khadir and the events which followed have been described in His Book except that Yunus the narrator said that he followed the traces of fish in the ocean. | The Chapter on Moses And Prophets Moses And Companion Forgoting The Fish in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 46 in Sahih Muslim |
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