Lord fear

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Quran Citation of Lord fear

Quran Aya Mentioned Lord fear

The following Ayat cited Lord fear
Sura PageSurat and AyahPolaritySura ClassificationSura SequenceRelated SubjectsAyah Text
Surat Ta Ha Ayah 45Surat Ta Ha-0.7741They (Moses and Aaron) said: "Our Lord! We fear lest he hasten with insolence against us, or lest he transgress all bounds."
Surat AlShuara Ayah 12Surat AlShuara-0.6343He said: "O my Lord! I do fear that they will charge me with falsehood:
Surat Ghafir Ayah 26Surat Ghafir-0.4457Said Pharaoh: "Leave me to slay Moses; and let him call on his Lord! What I fear is lest he should change your religion, or lest he should cause mischief to appear in the land!"
Surat AlZumar Ayah 13Surat AlZumar-0.2459Say: "I would, if I disobeyed my Lord, indeed have fear of the Penalty of a Mighty Day."
Surat AlAnam Ayah 15Surat AlAnam-0.2467Say: "I would, if I disobeyed my Lord, indeed have fear of the penalty of a Mighty Day.
Surat Yunus Ayah 15Surat Yunus-0.1349But when Our Clear Signs are rehearsed unto them, those who rest not their hope on their meeting with Us, Say: "Bring us a reading other than this, or change this," Say: "It is not for me, of my own accord, to change it: I follow naught but what is revealed unto me: if I were to disobey my Lord, I should myself fear the penalty of a Great Day (to come)."
Surat AlSajda Ayah 16Surat AlSajda-0.09171Their limbs do forsake their beds of sleep, the while they call on their Lord, in Fear and Hope: and they spend (in charity) out of the sustenance which We have bestowed on them.
Surat Luqman Ayah 33Surat Luqman-0.01952O mankind! do your duty to your Lord, and fear (the coming of) a Day when no father can avail aught for his son, nor a son avail aught for his father. Verily, the promise of Allah is true: let not then this present life deceive you, nor let the chief Deceiver deceive you about Allah.
Surat AlBaqara Ayah 262Surat AlBaqara0.1887Those who spend their substance in the cause of Allah, and follow not up their gifts with reminders of their generosity or with injury, -for them their reward is with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
Surat AlBaqara Ayah 274Surat AlBaqara0.2187Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
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Total number of Mentions of Lord fear in Quran

Lord fear is mentioned Quran 15

Total Number of Positive Sentiment Ayah that Mentioned Lord fear in Quran

Lord fear is mentioned Quran

"NaN" is not a number.

Total Number of Negative Sentiment Ayah that Mentioned Lord fear in Quran

Lord fear is mentioned Quran

"NaN" is not a number.

Lord fear Analysis Plot

The following plots show the trend of Lord fear in Quran according to Sura Classification and Sura Chronology Sequence. The plot points represents the average polarity of the Ayat in a specific Sura where Lord fear is mentioned. All Sura are ordered according to there descend chronological sequence. Additionally, the Makkan Surah are highlighted in Blue, the Madinah Surah are highlighted in Orange.

Lord fear by Sura Classification plot.png

Hadith Citation of Lord fear

The Following are Hadith that cited or mentioned Lord fear or a specific Ayah in Lord fear.

From Sahih AlBukhari

No Hadith in Sahih AlBukhari Cited Lord fear

From Sahih Muslim

No Hadith in Sahih Muslim Cited Lord fear

From Sunan AlNasai

The following Hadith Cited Lord fear in Sunan AlNasai
Hadith PageBook and ChapterHadith Grade
SunanAlNasai-017-001-16497The Chapter on Forgiveness And The Angles in HodHood Indexing
Chapter on The Souls of The Believers in Sunan AlNasai
Sunan AlNasai

From Sunan AlTermithi

No Hadith in Sunan AlTermithi Cited Lord fear

From Sunan Abu Dawoud

The following Hadith Cited Lord fear in Sunan Abu Dawoud
Hadith PageBook and ChapterHadith Grade
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24665The Chapter on Leading Prayers in HodHood Indexing
Chapter on The Time That The Prophet Would Pray At Night in Sunan Abu Dawoud
Sunan Abu Dawoud

From Muwata Malik

No Hadith in Muwata Malik Cited Lord fear