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Outweigh Completed Form

The word Outweigh is a stemmed form of the following words:

Outweigh Dictionary Definition

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Outweigh in Wikipedia


Outweigh References or Citations

In Quran

nothing found

In Hadith Text Books

Outweigh In Sahih AlBukhari

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In Sahih Muslim

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In Sunan AlTermithi

Hadith PageArabic TextEnglish TranslationBook and Chapter
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9537Abu Bakrah narrated: One day the Prophet ﷺ said:Who among you had a dream? A man said: I did. I saw as if a scale had descended from the Heavens in which you and Abu Bakr were weighed So you outweighed Abu Bakr. Abu Bkar and Umar were weighed; and Abu Bakr outweighed Umar. Umar and Uthman were weighed and Umar outweighed Uthman. Then the scale was raised up. Then I saw dislike in the the face of Messenger of Allah s.a.w.The Chapter on Precious Metals And Zakat in HodHood Indexing, The Book Of Dreams in Sunan AlTermithi

In Sunan AlNasai

nothing found

In Sunan Abu Dawoud

nothing found

In Muwata Malik

nothing found

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