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The query [[Category:HodHood Indexing]] [[Has HodHood Indexing Book Name::+]] [[Has HodHood Indexing Chapter Name::+]] [[Has Hadith Grade::Sunan AlNasai]] was answered by the SMWSQLStore3 in 0.2745 seconds.

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The following Hadith have similar words or terms.
Hadith PageHadith TextBook and Chapter
SunanAlNasai-017-001-11342The Chapter on Prayers And Mercy Bowing And Prostration in HodHood Indexing
The Book of the Adhan The Call to Prayer in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-11343It was narrated from Anas that someone asked the Messenger of Allah ﷺ about the time of Subh. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ commanded Bilal to call the Adhan when dawn broke. then the next day he delayed Fajr until it was very light; then he told him to call the Adhan and he prayed. Then he said: This is the time for the prayer.The Chapter on Special Days And Months in HodHood Indexing
The Book of the Adhan The Call to Prayer in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-11345Abdulrahman Bin Abdullah Bin Abdulrahman Bin Abi Sasaah AlAnsari AlMazini narrated that his father told him that Abu Saeed AlKhudri said to him: I see that you love sheep and the desert. When you are with your sheep or in the desert and you call the Adhan for prayer; then raise your voice; for no human; Jinn or anything else hears the voice of the Muadhdhin as far as it reaches; but it will bear witness for him on the Day of Resurrection. Abu Saeed said: I heard it from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.The Chapter on Recitations And Poetry And Evil in HodHood Indexing
The Book of the Adhan The Call to Prayer in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-11346It was narrated from Abu Huraira; who heard it from the mouth of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ : The Muadhdhin will be forgiven as far as his voice reaches; and every wet and dry thing will bear witness for him.The Chapter on Worship And Forbidden Acts in HodHood Indexing
The Book of the Adhan The Call to Prayer in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-11347It was narrated from AlBara Bin Azib that the Prophet of Allah ﷺ said: Allah and His angels say salah upon the from rows; and the Muadhdhin will be forgiven as far as his voice reaches; and whatever hears him; wet or dry; will confirm what he says; and he will have a reward like that of those who pray with him.The Chapter on Recitations And Poetry And Knowledge in HodHood Indexing
The Book of the Adhan The Call to Prayer in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-11348It was narrated that Abu Mahdhurah said: I used to call the Adhan for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and in the first Adhan of Fajr I used to Say: Haya ala Alfalah; AlPrayeru khairun minan-nawm; AlPrayeru khairun minan-nawm; Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar; la ilaha illallah Come to prosperity; prayer is better than sleep; prayer is better than sleep; Allah is the Greatest; Allah is the Greatest; there is none worthy of worship except Allah.The Chapter on Tashahhud Pronunciation in HodHood Indexing
The Book of the Adhan The Call to Prayer in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-11350It was narrated from AlAswad that Bilal said: The final words of the Adhan are: Allahu Akbar; Allahu Akbar; La ilaha illallah Allah is the Greatest; Allah is the Greatest; there is none worthy of worship except Allah.The Chapter on Tashahhud Pronunciation in HodHood Indexing
The Book of the Adhan The Call to Prayer in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-11351It was narrated that AlAswad said: The final words of the Adhan of Bilal were: Allahu Akbar; Allahu Akbar; Allahu Akbar; La ilaha illallah Allah is the Greatest; Allah is the Greatest; there is none worthy of worship except Allah.The Chapter on Tashahhud Pronunciation in HodHood Indexing
The Book of the Adhan The Call to Prayer in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-11353It was narrated that Muharib Bin Dithar said: AlAswad Bin Yazid narrated to me from Abu Mahdhurah that the final words of the Adhan are: La ilaha illahha there is none worthy of worship except Allah.The Chapter on Worship And Hearts in HodHood Indexing
The Book of the Adhan The Call to Prayer in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-11354It was narrated that Amr Bin Aws said: A man of Thaqif told us that he heard the caller of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ on a rainy night during a journey saying: Haya ala AlSalah; Haya ala alfalah; sallu fi rihalikum Come to prayer; come to prosperity; pray in your dwellings.The Chapter on Worship And The Prophet in HodHood Indexing
The Book of the Adhan The Call to Prayer in Sunan AlNasai