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SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5870Narrated Abu Bakra: The Prophet ﷺ delivered to us a sermon on the Day Of AlNahr. He said; Do you know what is the day today? We said; Allah and His Apostle know better. He remained silent till we thought that he might give that day another name. He said; Isnt it the Day Of AlNahr? We said; It is. He further asked; Which month is this? We said; Allah and His Apostle know better. He remained silent till we thought that he might give it another name. He then said; Isnt it the month of Dhu AlHijja? We replied: Yes! It is. He further asked; What town is this? We replied; Allah and His Apostle know it better. He remained silent till we thought that he might give it another name. He then said; Isnt it the forbidden Sacred town of Mecca ? We said; Yes. It is. He said; No doubt; your blood and your properties are sacred to one another like the sanctity of this day of yours; in this month of yours; in this town of yours; till the day you meet your Lord. No doubt! Havent I conveyed Allah message to you? They said; Yes. He said; O Allah! Be witness. So it is incumbent upon those who are present to convey it this information to those who are absent because the informed one might comprehend it what I have said better than the present audience; who will convey it to him. Beware! Do not renegade as disbelievers after me by striking the necks cutting the throats of one another.The Chapter on Communication The Prophet Asking The Companions in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on AlKhutba during the Days of Mina in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5978Narrated Saad bin Abi Waqqas : Allah Messenger ﷺ distributed something from the resources of Zakat amongst a group of people while I was sitting amongst them; but he left a man whom I considered the best of the lot. So; I went up to Allah Messenger ﷺ and asked him secretly; Why have you left that person? By Allah! I consider him a believer. The Prophet ﷺ said; Or merely a Muslim Who surrender to Allah. I remained quiet for a while but could not help repeating my question because of what I knew about him. I said; O Allah Apostle! Why have you left that person? By Allah! I consider him a believer. The Prophet ﷺ said; Or merely a Muslim. I remained quiet for a while but could not help repeating my question because of what I knew about him. I said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Why have you left that person? By Allah! I consider him a believer. The Prophet ﷺ said; Or merely a Muslim. Then Allah Messenger ﷺ ﷺ said; I give to a person while another is dearer to me; for fear that he may be thrown in the Hell-fire on his face by reneging from Islam.The Chapter on Communication Talking In Prayers in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Statement of Allah AlZa wa Jall in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6353Narrated Urwa: AlZubair said; I met Ubaida Bin Saeed Bin AlAs on the day of the battle of Badr and he was covered with armor; so much that only his eyes were visible. He was surnamed Abu Dhat AlKarish. He said proudly ; I am Abu AlKarish. I attacked him with the spear and pierced his eye and he died. I put my foot over his body to pull that spear out; but even then I had to use a great force to take it out as its both ends were bent. Urwa said; Later on Allah Messenger ﷺ asked AlZubair for the spear and he gave it to him. When Allah Messenger ﷺ died; AlZubair took it back. After that Abu Bakr demanded it and he gave it to him; and when Abu Bakr died; AlZubair took it back. Umar then demanded it from him and he gave it to him. When Umar died; AlZubair took it back; and then Uthman demanded it from him and he gave it to him. When Uthman was martyred; the spear remained with Ali offspring. Then Abdullah Bin AlZubair demanded it back; and it remained with him till he was martyred.The Chapter on Gifts And Child Birth in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Military Expeditions led by the Prophet AlMaghaazi in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6553Narrated Salama: Ali remained behind the Prophet ﷺ during the Ghazwa of Khaibar as he was suffering from eye trouble. He then said; How can I remain behind the Prophet ﷺ ; and followed him. So when he slept on the night of the conquest of Khaibar; the Prophet ﷺ said; I will give the flag tomorrow; or tomorrow the flag will be taken by a man who is loved by Allah and His Apostle ; and Khaibar will be conquered through him; with Allah help While every one of us was hopeful to have the flag; it was said; Here is Ali and the Prophet ﷺ gave him the flag and Khaibar was conquered through him with Allah Help.The Chapter on Pre-Islam And Victory Of Khaiber in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Ghazwa of Khaibar in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6582Narrated Aisha: Fatima the daughter of the Prophet ﷺ sent someone to Abu Bakr when he was a caliph ; asking for her inheritance of what Allah Messenger ﷺ had left of the property bestowed on him by Allah from the Fai i.e. booty gained without fighting in Medina; and Fadak; and what remained of the Khumus of the Khaibar booty. On that; Abu Bakr said; Allah Messenger ﷺ said; Our property is not inherited. Whatever we leave; is Sadaqa; but the family of the Prophet Muhammad can eat of this property. By Allah; I will not make any change in the state of the Sadaqa of Allah Messenger ﷺ and will leave it as it was during the lifetime of Allah Messenger ﷺ ; and will dispose of it as Allah Messenger ﷺ used to do. So Abu Bakr refused to give anything of that to Fatima. So she became angry with Abu Bakr and kept away from him; and did not task to him till she died. She remained alive for six months after the death of the Prophet. When she died; her husband Ali; buried her at night without informing Abu Bakr and he said the funeral prayer by himself. When Fatima was alive; the people used to respect Ali much; but after her death; Ali noticed a change in the people attitude towards him. So Ali sought reconciliation with Abu Bakr and gave him an oath of allegiance. Ali had not given the oath of allegiance during those months i.e. the period between the Prophet death and Fatima death. Ali sent someone to Abu Bakr saying; Come to us; but let nobody come with you; as he disliked that Umar should come; Umar said to Abu Bakr ; No; by Allah; you shall not enter upon them alone Abu Bakr said; What do you think they will do to me? By Allah; I will go to them So Abu Bakr entered upon them; and then Ali uttered Tashah-hud and said to Abu Bakr ; We know well your superiority and what Allah has given you; and we are not jealous of the good what Allah has bestowed upon you; but you did not consult us in the question of the rule and we thought that we have got a right in it because of our near relationship to Allah Messenger ﷺ. Thereupon Abu Bakr eyes flowed with tears. And when Abu Bakr spoke; he said; By Him in Whose Hand my soul is to keep good relations with the relatives of Allah Messenger ﷺ is dearer to me than to keep good relations with my own relatives. But as for the trouble which arose between me and you about his property; I will do my best to spend it according to what is good; and will not leave any rule or regulation which I saw Allah Messenger ﷺ following; in disposing of it; but I will follow. On that Ali said to Abu Bakr; I promise to give you the oath of allegiance in this after noon. So when Abu Bakr had offered the Zuhr prayer; he ascended the pulpit and uttered the Tashah-hud and then mentioned the story of Ali and his failure to give the oath of allegiance; and excused him; accepting what excuses he had offered; Then Ali got up and praying to Allah for forgiveness; he uttered Tashah-hud; praised Abu Bakr right; and said; that he had not done what he had done because of jealousy of Abu Bakr or as a protest of that Allah had favored him with. Ali added; But we used to consider that we too had some right in this affair of rulership and that he i.e. Abu Bakr did not consult us in this matter; and therefore caused us to feel sorry. On that all the Muslims became happy and said; You have done the right thing. The Muslims then became friendly with Ali as he returned to what the people had done i.e. giving the oath of allegiance to Abu Bakr.The Chapter on Oaths And Pledges And Charity in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Ghazwa of Khaibar in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6735Narrated Sad: The Prophet ﷺ visited me during Hajjat AlWada while I was suffering from a disease which brought me to the verge of death. I said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! My ailment has reached such a bad state as you see; and I have much wealth; but I have no-one to inherit from me except my only daughter. Shall I give 2/3 of my property as alms in charity ? The Prophet ﷺ said; No; I said; Shall I give half of my property as alms? He said; No. I said; Shall I give 1/3 of it? He replied; 1/3; and even 1/3 is too much. It is better for you to leave your inheritors wealthy rather than to leave them poor; begging people for their sustenance ; and whatever you spend for Allah Sake; you will get reward for it even for the morsel of food which you put in your wives mouth. I said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Should I remain in Mecca behind my companions who are going with you to Medina ? The Prophet ﷺ said; If you remain behind; any good deed which you will do for Allah Sake; will upgrade and elevate you. May be you will live longer so that some people may benefit by you and some other i.e. infidels may get harmed by you. The Prophet ﷺ then added; O Allah! Complete the Migration of my companions and do not turn them on their heels. But the poor Saad Bin Khaula not the above mentioned Sad died in Mecca. Allah Messenger ﷺ pitied Saad for he died in Mecca.The Chapter on Wealth And Food in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Hajjat AlWada in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6744Narrated Abdullah Bin Kaab Bin Malik: Who; from among Kaab sons; was the guide of Kaab when he became blind: I heard Kaab Bin Malik narrating the story of the Ghazwa of Tabuk in which he failed to take part. Kaab said; I did not remain behind Allah Messenger ﷺ in any Ghazwa that he fought except the Ghazwa of Tabuk; and I failed to take part in the Ghazwa of Badr; but Allah did not admonish anyone who had not participated in it; for in fact; Allah Messenger ﷺ had gone out in search of the caravan of Quraish till Allah made them i.e. the Muslims and their enemy meet without any appointment. I witnessed the night of AlAqaba pledge with Allah Messenger ﷺ when we pledged for Islam; and I would not exchange it for the Badr battle although the Badr battle is more popular amongst the people than it i.e. AlAqaba pledge. As for my news in this battle of Tabuk ; I had never been stronger or wealthier than I was when I remained behind the Prophet ﷺ in that Ghazwa. By Allah; never had I two camels before; but I had then at the time of this Ghazwa. Whenever Allah Messenger ﷺ wanted to make a Ghazwa; he used to hide his intention by apparently referring to different Ghazwa till it was the time of that Ghazwa of Tabuk which Allah Messenger ﷺ fought in severe heat; facing; a long journey; desert; and the great number of enemy. So the Prophet ﷺ announced to the Muslims clearly their destination so that they might get prepared for their Ghazwa. So he informed them clearly of the destination he was going to. Allah Messenger ﷺ was accompanied by a large number of Muslims who could not be listed in a book namely; a register. Kaab added; Any man who intended to be absent would think that the matter would remain hidden unless Allah revealed it through Divine Revelation. So Allah Messenger ﷺ fought that Ghazwa at the time when the fruits had ripened and the shade looked pleasant. Allah Messenger ﷺ and his companions prepared for the battle and I started to go out in order to get myself ready along with them; but I returned without doing anything. I would say to myself; I can do that. So I kept on delaying it every now and then till the people got ready and Allah Messenger ﷺ and the Muslims along with him departed; and I had not prepared anything for my departure; and I said; I will prepare myself for departure one or two days after him; and then join them. In the morning following their departure; I went out to get myself ready but returned having done nothing. Then again in the next morning; I went out to get ready but returned without doing anything. Such was the case with me till they hurried away and the battle was missed by me. Even then I intended to depart to take them over. I wish I had done so! But it was not in my luck. So; after the departure of Allah Messenger ﷺ ; whenever I went out and walked amongst the people i.e; the remaining persons ; it grieved me that I could see none around me; but one accused of hypocrisy or one of those weak men whom Allah had excused. Allah Messenger ﷺ did not remember me till he reached Tabuk. So while he was sitting amongst the people in Tabuk; he said; What did Kaab do? A man from Banu Salama said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! He has been stopped by his two Burdas i.e. garments and his looking at his own flanks with pride. Then Muadh Bin Jabal said; What a bad thing you have said! By Allah! O Allahs Apostle! We know nothing about him but good. Allah Messenger ﷺ kept silent. Kaab Bin Malik added; When I heard that he i.e. the Prophet ﷺ was on his way back to Medina. I got dipped in my concern; and began to think of false excuses; saying to myself; How can I avoid his anger tomorrow? And I took the advice of wise member of my family in this matter. When it was said that Allah Messenger ﷺ ; had come near all the evil false excuses abandoned from my mind and I knew well that I could never come out of this problem by forging a false statement. Then I decided firmly to speak the truth. So Allah Messenger ﷺ arrived in the morning; and whenever he returned from a journey.; he used to visit the Masjid first of all and offer a two-rakat prayer therein and then sit for the people. So when he had done all that this time ; those who had failed to join the battle of Tabuk came and started offering false excuses and taking oaths before him. They were something over eighty men; Allah Messenger ﷺ accepted the excuses they had expressed; took their pledge of allegiance asked for Allah Forgiveness for them; and left the secrets of their hearts for Allah to judge. Then I came to him; and when I greeted him; he smiled a smile of an angry person and then said; Come on. So I came walking till I sat before him. He said to me; What stopped you from joining us. Had you not purchased an animal For carrying you? I answered; Yes; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! But by Allah; if I were sitting before any person from among the people of the world other than you; I would have avoided his anger with an excuse. By Allah; I have been bestowed with the power of speaking fluently and eloquently; but by Allah; I knew well that if today I tell you a lie to seek your favor; Allah would surely make you angry with me in the near future; but if I tell you the truth; though you will get angry because of it; I hope for Allah Forgiveness. Really; by Allah; there was no excuse for me. By Allah; I had never been stronger or wealthier than I was when I remained behind you. Then Allah Messenger ﷺ said; As regards this man; he has surely told the truth. So get up till Allah decides your case. I got up; and many men of Banu Salama followed me and said to me. By Allah; we never witnessed you doing any sin before this. Surely; you failed to offer excuse to Allah Messenger ﷺ as the others who did not join him; have offered. The prayer of Allah Messenger ﷺ to Allah to forgive you would have been sufficient for you. By Allah; they continued blaming me so much that I intended to return to the Prophet and accuse myself of having told a lie; but I said to them; Is there anybody else who has met the same fate as I have? They replied; Yes; there are two men who have said the same thing as you have; and to both of them was given the same order as given to you. I said; Who are they? They replied; Murara Bin AlRabi AlAmri and Hilal Bin Umaiya AlWaqifi. By that they mentioned to me two pious men who had attended the Ghazwa Battle of Badr; and in whom there was an example for me. So I did not change my mind when they mentioned them to me. Allah Messenger ﷺ forbade all the Muslims to talk to us; the three aforesaid persons out of all those who had remained behind in that Ghazwa. So we kept away from the people and they changed their attitude towards us till the very land where I lived appeared strange to me as if I did not know it. We remained in that condition for fifty nights. As regards my two fellows; they remained in their houses and kept on weeping; but I was the youngest of them and the firmest of them; so I used to go out and witness the prayers along with the Muslims and roam about in the markets; but none would talk to me; and I would come to Allah Messenger ﷺ and greet him while he was sitting In his gathering after the prayer; and I would wonder whether the Prophet ﷺ did move his lips in return to my greetings or not. Then I would offer my prayer near to him and look at him stealthily. When I was busy with my prayer; he would turn his face towards me; but when I turned my face to him; he would turn his face away from me. When this harsh attitude of the people lasted long; I walked till I scaled the wall of the garden of Abu Qatada who was my cousin and dearest person to me; and I offered my greetings to him. By Allah; he did not return my greetings. I said; O Abu Qatada! I beseech you by Allah! Do you know that I love Allah and His Apostle? He kept quiet. I asked him again; beseeching him by Allah; but he remained silent. Then I asked him again in the Name of Allah. He said; Allah and His Apostle know it better. Thereupon my eyes flowed with tears and I returned and jumped over the wall. Kaab added; While I was walking in the market of Medina; suddenly I saw a Nabati i.e. a Christian farmer from the Nabatis of Sham who came to sell his grains in Medina; saying; Who will lead me to Kaab Bin Malik? The people began to point me out for him till he came to me and handed me a letter from the king of Ghassan in which the following was written: To proceed; I have been informed that your friend i.e. the Prophet ﷺ has treated you harshly. Anyhow; Allah does not let you live at a place where you feel inferior and your right is lost. So join us; and we will console you. When I read it; I said to myself; This is also a sort of a test. Then I took the letter to the oven and made a fire therein by burning it. When forty out of the fifty nights elapsed; behold ! There came to me the messenger of Allah Messenger ﷺ and said; Allah Messenger ﷺ orders you to keep away from your wife; I said; Should I divorce her; or else! what should I do? He said; No; only keep aloof from her and do not cohabit her. The Prophet ﷺ sent the same message to my two fellows. Then I said to my wife. Go to your parents and remain with them till Allah gives His Verdict in this matter. Kaab added; The wife of Hilal Bin Umaiya came to Apostle and said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Hilal Bin Umaiya is a helpless old man who has no servant to attend on him. Do you dislike that I should serve him? He said; No you can serve him but he should not come near you. She said; By Allah; he has no desire for anything. By; Allah; he has never ceased weeping till his case began till this day of his. continued... continuing... 1 : -5.702:...... On that; some of my family members said to me; Will you also ask Allah Messenger ﷺ to permit your wife to serve you as he has permitted the wife of Hilal Bin Umaiya to serve him? I said; By Allah; I will not ask the permission of Allah Messenger ﷺ regarding her; for I do not know What Allah Messenger ﷺ would say if I asked him to permit her to serve me while I am a young man. Then I remained in that state for ten more nights after that till the period of fifty nights was completed starting from the time when Allah Messenger ﷺ prohibited the people from talking to us. When I had offered the Fajr prayer on the 50th morning on the roof of one of our houses and while I was sitting in the condition which Allah described in the Quran i.e. my very soul seemed straitened to me and even the earth seemed narrow to me for all its spaciousness; there I heard the voice of one who had ascended the mountain of Sala calling with his loudest voice; O Kaab Bin Malik! Be happy by receiving good tidings. I fell down in prostration before Allah; realizing that relief has come. Allah Messenger ﷺ had announced the acceptance of our repentance by Allah when he had offered the Fajr prayer. The people then went out to congratulate us. Some bringers of good tidings went out to my two fellows; and a horseman came to me in haste; and a man of Banu Aslam came running and ascended the mountain and his voice was swifter than the horse. When he i.e. the man whose voice I had heard; came to me conveying the good tidings; I took off my garments and dressed him with them; and by Allah; I owned no other garments than them on that day. Then I borrowed two garments and wore them and went to Allah Apostle. The people started receiving me in batches; congratulating me on Allah Acceptance of my repentance; saying; We congratulate you on Allah Acceptance of your repentance. Kaab further said; When I entered the Masjid. I saw Allah Messenger ﷺ sitting with the people around him. Talha Bin Ubaidullah swiftly came to me; shook hands with me and congratulated me. By Allah; none of the Muhajirin i.e. Emigrants got up for me except him i.e. Talha ; and I will never forget this for Talha. Kaab added; When I greeted Allah Messenger ﷺ he; his face being bright with joy; said Be happy with the best day that you have got ever since your mother delivered you. Kaab added; I said to the Prophet ﷺ Is this forgiveness from you or from Allah? He said; No; it is from Allah. Whenever Allah Messenger ﷺ became happy; his face would shine as if it were a piece of moon; and we all knew that characteristic of him. When I sat before him; I said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Because of the acceptance of my repentance I will give up all my wealth as alms for the Sake of Allah and His Apostle. Allah Apostle said; Keep some of your wealth; as it will be better for you. I said; So I will keep my share from Khaibar with me; and added; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Allah has saved me for telling the truth; so it is a part of my repentance not to tell but the truth as long as I am alive. By Allah; I do not know anyone of the Muslims whom Allah has helped fortelling the truth more than me. Since I have mentioned that truth to Allah Messenger ﷺ till today; I have never intended to tell a lie. I hope that Allah will also save me from telling lies the rest of my life. So Allah revealed to His Apostle the Verse:- Verily; Allah has forgiven the Prophet; the Muhajirin i.e. Emigrants up to His Saying And be with those who are true in word and deed. 9.117-119 By Allah; Allah has never bestowed upon me; apart from His guiding me to Islam; a Greater blessing than the fact that I did not tell a lie to Allah Messenger ﷺ which would have caused me to perish as those who have told a lie perished; for Allah described those who told lies with the worst description He ever attributed to anybody else. Allah said:- They i.e. the hypocrites will swear by Allah to you when you return to them up to His Saying Certainly Allah is not pleased with the rebellious people- 9.95-96 Kaab added; We; the three persons; differed altogether from those whose excuses Allah Apostle accepted when they swore to him. He took their pledge of allegiance and asked Allah to forgive them; but Allah Messenger ﷺ left our case pending till Allah gave His Judgment about it. As for that Allah said :- And to the three He did for give also who remained behind. 9.118 What Allah said in this Verse does not indicate our failure to take part in the Ghazwa; but it refers to the deferment of making a decision by the Prophet ﷺ about our case in contrast to the case of those who had taken an oath before him and he excused them by accepting their excuses.The Chapter on Parents And Returning From Ghazwa in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The narration of Kaab Bin Malik in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6895Narrated Abu Saeed AlKhudri: During the lifetime of the Prophet ﷺ some people said; : O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Shall we see our Lord on the Day of Resurrection? The Prophet ﷺ said; Yes; do you have any difficulty in seeing the sun at midday when it is bright and there is no cloud in the sky? They replied; No. He said; Do you have any difficulty in seeing the moon on a full moon night when it is bright and there is no cloud in the sky? They replied; No. The Prophet ﷺ said; Similarly you will have no difficulty in seeing Allah on the Day of Resurrection as you have no difficulty in seeing either of them. On the Day of Resurrection; a call-maker will announce; Let every nation follow that which they used to worship. Then none of those who used to worship anything other than Allah like idols and other deities but will fall in Hell Fire ; till there will remain none but those who used to worship Allah; both those who were obedient i.e. good and those who were disobedient i.e. bad and the remaining party of the people of the Scripture. Then the Jews will be called upon and it will be said to them; Who do you use to worship? They will say; We used to worship Ezra; the son of Allah. It will be said to them; You are liars; for Allah has never taken anyone as a wife or a son. What do you want now? They will say; O our Lord! We are thirsty; so give us something to drink. They will be directed and addressed thus; Will you drink; whereupon they will be gathered unto Hell Fire which will look like a mirage whose different sides will be destroying each other. Then they will fall into the Fire. Afterwards the Christians will be called upon and it will be said to them; Who do you use to worship? They will say; We used to worship Jesus; the son of Allah. It will be said to them; You are liars; for Allah has never taken anyone as a wife or a son; Then it will be said to them; What do you want? They will say what the former people have said. Then; when there remain in the gathering none but those who used to worship Allah Alone; the real Lord of the Worlds whether they were obedient or disobedient. Then Allah the Lord of the worlds will come to them in a shape nearest to the picture they had in their minds about Him. It will be said; What are you waiting for? Every nation have followed what they used to worship. They will reply; We left the people in the world when we were in great need of them and we did not take them as friends. Now we are waiting for our Lord Whom we used to worship. Allah will say; I am your Lord. They will say twice or thrice; We do not worship any besides Allah.The Chapter on Worshiping Idols And Partners in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6972Narrated Zaid Bin Wahb: We were with Hudhaifa and he said; None remains of the people described by this Verse 9.12 ; Except three; and of the hypocrites except four. A bedouin said; You the companions of Muhammad! Tell us things and we do not know that about those who break open our houses and steal our precious things? He Hudhaifa replied; Those are AlFussaq rebellious wrongdoers not disbelievers or hypocrites. Really; none remains of them hypocrite but four; one of whom is a very old man who; if he drinks water; does not feel its coldness.The Chapter on Truth And Hypocrisy And Companions In Almadinah in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6990Narrated Abdullah Bin Kaab I heard Kaab Bin Malik talking about the Verse:- And to the three He also forgave who remained behind. 9.118 saying in the last portion of his talk; I said ; As a part sign of my repentance; I would like to give up all my property in the cause of Allah and His Apostle; The Prophet ﷺ said to me; Keep some of your wealth as it is good for you. To the three He also forgave who remained behind till for them the earth; vast as it is; was straitened... 9.118The Chapter on Forgiveness And Repents in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6991Narrated Abdullah Bin Kaab I heard Kaab Bin Malik who was one of the three who were forgiven; saying that he had never remained behind Allah Messenger ﷺ in any Ghazwa which he had fought except two Ghazwat Ghazwat- AlUsra Tabuk and Ghazwat-Badr. He added. I decided to tell the truth to Allah Messenger ﷺ in the forenoon; and scarcely did he return from a journey he made; except in the forenoon; he would go first to the Masjid and offer a two-rakat prayer. The Prophet ﷺ forbade others to speak to me or to my two companions; but he did not prohibit speaking to any of those who had remained behind excepting us. So the people avoided speaking to us; and I stayed in that state till I could no longer bear it; and the only thing that worried me was that I might die and the Prophet ﷺ would not offer the funeral prayer for me; or Allah Messenger ﷺ might die and I would be left in that social status among the people that nobody would speak to me or offer the funeral prayer for me. But Allah revealed His Forgiveness for us to the Prophet ﷺ in the last third of the night while Allah Messenger ﷺ was with Um Salama. Umm Salamah sympathized with me and helped me in my disaster. Allah Messenger ﷺ said; O Umm Salamah ! Kaab has been forgiven! She said; Shall I send someone to him to give him the good tidings? He said; If you did so; the people would not let you sleep the rest of the night. So when the Prophet ﷺ had offered the Fajr prayer; he announced Allah Forgiveness for us. His face used to look as bright as a piece of the full moon whenever he was pleased. When Allah revealed His Forgiveness for us; we were the three whose case had been deferred while the excuse presented by those who had apologized had been accepted. But when there were mentioned those who had told the Prophet ﷺ lies and remained behind the battle of Tabuk and had given false excuses; they were described with the worse description one may be described with. Allah said: They will present their excuses to you Muslims when you return to them. Say: Present no excuses; we shall not believe you. Allah has already informed us of the true state of matters concerning you. Allah and His Apostle will observe your actions. 9.94The Chapter on Military Expedition And Quraish in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6993Narrated Zaid Bin Thabit AlAnsari: who was one of those who used to write the Divine Revelation: Abu Bakr sent for me after the heavy casualties among the warriors of the battle of Yamama where a great number of Qurra were killed. Umar was present with Abu Bakr who said; Umar has come to me and said; The people have suffered heavy casualties on the day of the battle of Yamama; and I am afraid that there will be more casualties among the Qurra those who know the Quran by heart at other battle-fields; whereby a large part of the Quran may be lost; unless you collect it. And I am of the opinion that you should collect the Quran. Abu Bakr added; I said to Umar; How can I do something which Allah Apostle has not done? Umar said to me ; By Allah; it is really a good thing. So Umar kept on pressing; trying to persuade me to accept his proposal; till Allah opened my bosom for it and I had the same opinion as Umar. Zaid Bin Thabit added: Umar was sitting with him Abu Bakr and was not speaking. me. You are a wise young man and we do not suspect you of telling lies or of forgetfulness : and you used to write the Divine Inspiration for Allah Messenger ﷺ. Therefore; look for the Quran and collect it in one manuscript. By Allah; if he Abu Bakr had ordered me to shift one of the mountains from its place it would not have been harder for me than what he had ordered me concerning the collection of the Quran. I said to both of them; How dare you do a thing which the Prophet has not done? Abu Bakr said; By Allah; it is really a good thing. So I kept on arguing with him about it till Allah opened my bosom for that which He had opened the bosoms of Abu Bakr and Umar. So I started locating Quranic material and collecting it from parchments; scapula; leaf-stalks of date palms and from the memories of men who knew it by heart. I found with Khuzaima two Verses of Surat AlTauba which I had not found with anybody else; and they were :- Verily there has come to you an Apostle Muhammad from amongst yourselves. It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty He Muhammad is ardently anxious over you to be rightly guided 9.128 The manuscript on which the Quran was collected; remained with Abu Bakr till Allah took him unto Him; and then with Umar till Allah took him unto Him; and finally it remained with Hafsa; Umar daughter.The Chapter on Lost And Found And Alquran in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-7008Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah Messenger ﷺ said; May Allah bestow His Mercy on Prophet Lot. When his nation troubled him he wished if he could betake himself to some powerful support; and if I were to remain in prison for the period Joseph had remained; I would surely respond to the call; and we shall have more right to be in doubt than Abraham: When Allah said to him; Dont you believe? Abraham said; Yes; I do believe but to be stronger in faith; 2.260The Chapter on Allah And Prophets Jesus And Alkhalil in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-7224Narrated Ibn Abbas: For the whole year I had the desire to ask Umar Bin AlKhattab regarding the explanation of a Verse in Surat AlTahrim but I could not ask him because I respected him very much. When he went to perform the Hajj; I too went along with him. On our return; while we were still on the way home. Umar went Aasi de to answer the call of nature by the Arak trees. I waited till he finished and then I proceeded with him and asked him. O chief of the Believers! Who were the two wives of the Prophet ﷺ who aided one another against him? He said; They were Hafsa and Aisha. Then I said to him; By Allah; I wanted to ask you about this a year ago; but I could not do so owing to my respect for you. Umar said; Do not refrain from asking me. If you think that I have knowledge about a certain matter ; ask me; and if I know something about it ; I will tell you. Then Umar added; By Allah; in the Pre-lslamic Period of Ignorance we did not pay attention to women until Allah revealed regarding them what He revealed regarding them and assigned for them what He has assigned. Once while I was thinking over a certain matter; my wife said; I recommend that you do so-and-so. I said to her; What have you got to do with the is matter? Why do you poke your nose in a matter which I want to see fulfilled.? She said; How strange you are; O son of AlKhattab! You dont want to be argued with whereas your daughter; Hafsa surely; argues with Allah Messenger ﷺ so much that he remains angry for a full day! Umar then reported; how he at once put on his outer garment and went to Hafsa and said to her; O my daughter! Do you argue with Allah Messenger ﷺ so that he remains angry the whole day? H. afsa said; By Allah; we argue with him. Umar said; Know that I warn you of Allah punishment and the anger of Allah Messenger ﷺ... O my daughter! Dont be betrayed by the one who is proud of her beauty because of the love of Allah Messenger ﷺ for her i.e. Aisha. Umar addled; Then I went out to Umm Salamah house who was one of my relatives; and I talked to her. She said; O son of AlKhattab! It is rather astonishing that you interfere in everything; you even want to interfere between Allah Apostle and his wives! By Allah; by her talk she influenced me so much that I lost some of my anger. I left her and went home. At that time I had a friend from the Ansar who used to bring news from the Prophet in case of my absence; and I used to bring him the news if he was absent. In those days we were afraid of one of the kings of Ghassan tribe. We heard that he intended to move and attack us; so fear filled our hearts because of that. One day my Ansari friend unexpectedly knocked at my door; and said; Open Open! I said; Has the king of Ghassan come? He said; No; but something worse; Allah Messenger ﷺ has isolated himself from his wives. I said; Let the nose of Aisha and Hafsa be stuck to dust i.e. humiliated ! Then I put on my clothes and went to Allah Messenger ﷺ residence; and behold; he was staying in an upper room of his to which he ascended by a ladder; and a black slave of Allah Messenger ﷺ was sitting on the first step. I said to him; Say to the Prophet ﷺ Umar Bin AlKhattab is here. Then the Prophet ﷺ admitted me and I narrated the story to Allah Messenger ﷺ. When I reached the story of Umm Salamah ; Allah Messenger ﷺ smiled while he was lying on a mat made of palm tree leaves with nothing between him and the mat. Underneath his head there was a leather pillow stuffed with palm fibres; and leaves of a saut tree were piled at his feet; and above his head hung a few water skins. On seeing the marks of the mat imprinted on his side; I wept. He said. Why are you weeping? I replied; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Caesar and Khosrau are leading the life i.e. Luxurious life while you; Allah Messenger ﷺ though you are; is living in destitute. The Prophet ﷺ then replied. Wont you be satisfied that they enjoy this world and we the Hereafter?The Chapter on Parents And Alhajj in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari