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A list of all pages that have property "Has Ayah Text" with value ""Make me one of the inheritors of the Garden of Bliss;". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 26 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Surat Ghafir Ayah 74  + ("In derogation of Allah?" They will reply: "They have left us in the lurch: Nay, we invoked not, of old, anything (that had real existence)." Thus does Allah leave the Unbelievers to stray.)
  • Surat AlMuminun Ayah 100  + ("In order that I may work righteousness in the things I neglected." - "By no means! It is but a word he says."- Before them is a Partition till the Day they are raised up.)
  • Surat Ta Ha Ayah 23  + ("In order that We may show thee (two) of our Greater Signs.)
  • Surat AlWaqiah Ayah 67  + ("Indeed are we shut out (of the fruits of our labour)")
  • Surat AlMursalat Ayah 32  + ("Indeed it throws about sparks (huge) as Forts,)
  • Surat AlQalam Ayah 27  + ("Indeed we are shut out (of the fruits of our labour)!")
  • Surat AlWaqiah Ayah 55  + ("Indeed ye shall drink like diseased camels raging with thirst!")
  • Surat AlSaffat Ayah 58  + ("Is it (the case) that we shall not die,)
  • Surat AlSaffat Ayah 86  + ("Is it a falsehood- gods other than Allah- that ye desire?)
  • Surat AlQamar Ayah 25  + ("Is it that the Message is sent to him, of all people amongst us? Nay, he is a liar, an insolent one!")
  • Surat YaSeen Ayah 81  + ("Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth able to create the like thereof?" - Yea, indeed! for He is the Creator Supreme, of skill and knowledge (infinite)!)
  • Surat AlToor Ayah 15  + ("Is this then a fake, or is it ye that do not see?)
  • Surat AlAnbiya Ayah 110  + ("It is He Who knows what is open in speech and what ye hide (in your hearts).)
  • Surat AlNaml Ayah 30  + ("It is from Solomon, and is (as follows): 'In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful:)
  • Surat AlAnam Ayah 82  + ("It is those who believe and confuse not their beliefs with wrong - that are (truly) in security, for they are on (right) guidance.")
  • Surat AlNaml Ayah 68  + ("It is true we were promised this, - we and our fathers before (us): these are nothing but tales of the ancients.")
  • Surat AlKahf Ayah 40  + ("It may be that my Lord will give me something better than thy garden, and that He will send on thy garden thunderbolts (by way of reckoning) from heaven, making it (but) slippery sand!-)
  • Surat AlQalam Ayah 32  + ("It may be that our Lord will give us in exchange a better (garden) than this: for we do turn to Him (in repentance)!")
  • Surat AlIsra Ayah 52  + ("It will be on a Day when He will call you, and ye will answer (His call) with (words of) His praise, and ye will think that ye tarried but a little while!")
  • Surat YaSeen Ayah 22  + ("It would not be reasonable in me if I did not serve Him Who created me, and to Whom ye shall (all) be brought back.)
  • Surat AlShuara Ayah 118  + ("Judge Thou, then, between me and them openly, and deliver me and those of the Believers who are with me.")
  • Surat AlIsra Ayah 64  + ("Lead to destruction those whom thou canst
    "Lead to destruction those whom thou canst among them, with thy (seductive) voice; make assaults on them with thy cavalry and thy infantry; mutually share with them wealth and children; and make promises to them." But Satan promises them nothing but deceit.
    ut Satan promises them nothing but deceit.)
  • Surat AlZumar Ayah 56  + ("Lest the soul should (then) say: 'Ah! Woe is me!- In that I neglected (my duty) towards Allah, and was but among those who mocked!'-)
  • Surat AlQalam Ayah 24  + ("Let not a single indigent person break in upon you into the (garden) this day.")
  • Surat Maryam Ayah 65  + ("Lord of the heavens and of the earth, and of all that is between them; so worship Him, and be constant and patient in His worship: knowest thou of any who is worthy of the same Name as He?")
  • Surat Althariyat Ayah 34  + ("Marked as from thy Lord for those who trespass beyond bounds.")
  • Surat AlQasas Ayah 32  + ("Move thy hand into thy bosom, and it will
    "Move thy hand into thy bosom, and it will come forth white without stain (or harm), and draw thy hand close to thy side (to guard) against fear. Those are the two credentials from thy Lord to Pharaoh and his Chiefs: for truly they are a people rebellious and wicked."
    they are a people rebellious and wicked.")
  • Surat AlMuminun Ayah 66  + ("My Signs used to be rehearsed to you, but ye used to turn back on your heels-)
  • Surat AlShuara Ayah 13  + ("My breast will be straitened. And my speech may not go (smoothly): so send unto Aaron.)
  • Surat AlHaqqah Ayah 29  + ("My power has perished from me!"...)
  • Surat AlAnam Ayah 41  + ("Nay, - On Him would ye call, and if it be His will, He would remove (the distress) which occasioned your call upon Him, and ye would forget (the false gods) which ye join with Him!")
  • Surat AlFath Ayah 12  + ("Nay, ye thought that the Messenger and the Believers would never return to their families; this seemed pleasing in your hearts, and ye conceived an evil thought, for ye are a people lost (in wickedness).")
  • Surat AlAnbiya Ayah 5  + ("Nay," they say, "(these are) medleys of dream! - Nay, He forged it! - Nay, He is (but) a poet! Let him then bring us a Sign like the ones that were sent to (Prophets) of old!")
  • Surat AlMaidah Ayah 117  + ("Never said I to them aught except what Th
    "Never said I to them aught except what Thou didst command me to say, to wit, 'worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord'; and I was a witness over them whilst I dwelt amongst them; when Thou didst take me up Thou wast the Watcher over them, and Thou art a witness to all things.
    hem, and Thou art a witness to all things.)
  • Surat Saba Ayah 23  + ("No intercession can avail in His Presence
    "No intercession can avail in His Presence, except for those for whom He has granted permission. So far (is this the case) that, when terror is removed from their hearts (at the Day of Judgment, then) will they say, 'what is it that your Lord commanded?' they will say, 'That which is true and just; and He is the Most High Most Great'."
    ust; and He is the Most High Most Great'.")
  • Surat Saad Ayah 69  + ("No knowledge have I of the Chiefs on high, when they discuss (matters) among themselves.)
  • Surat Ibrahim Ayah 12  + ("No reason have we why we should not put our trust on Allah. Indeed He Has guided us to the Ways we (follow). We shall certainly bear with patience all the hurt you may cause us. For those who put their trust should put their trust on Allah.")
  • Surat AlShuara Ayah 127  + ("No reward do I ask of you for it: my reward is only from the Lord of the Worlds.)
  • Surat AlShuara Ayah 145  + ("No reward do I ask of you for it: my reward is only from the Lord of the Worlds.)
  • Surat AlShuara Ayah 180  + ("No reward do I ask of you for it: my reward is only from the Lord of the Worlds.)
  • Surat AlShuara Ayah 164  + ("No reward do I ask of you for it: my reward is only from the lord of the Worlds.)
  • Surat AlShuara Ayah 109  + ("No reward do I ask of you for it: my reward is only from the Lord of the Worlds:)
  • Surat Yusuf Ayah 53  + ("Nor do I absolve my own self (of blame): the (human) soul is certainly prone to evil, unless my Lord do bestow His Mercy: but surely my Lord is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.")
  • Surat AlKahf Ayah 36  + ("Nor do I deem that the Hour (of Judgment) will (ever) come: Even if I am brought back to my Lord, I shall surely find (there) something better in exchange.")
  • Surat AlSaffat Ayah 30  + ("Nor had we any authority over you. Nay, it was ye who were a people in obstinate rebellion!)
  • Surat AlHaqqah Ayah 36  + ("Nor hath he any food except the corruption from the washing of wounds,)
  • Surat Ta Ha Ayah 119  + ("Nor to suffer from thirst, nor from the sun's heat.")
  • Surat AlMudathir Ayah 44  + ("Nor were we of those who fed the indigent;)
  • Surat Alankabut Ayah 22  + ("Not on earth nor in heaven will ye be able (fleeing) to frustrate (his Plan), nor have ye, besides Allah, any protector or helper.")
  • Surat Ta Ha Ayah 107  + ("Nothing crooked or curved wilt thou see in their place.")