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In Quran

Quran SuratSura and AyahPolaritySura ClassificationSura SequenceRelated SubjectsAyah TextEnglish Translation
Surat AlAhqaf Ayah 24Surat AlAhqaf-0.5963فَلَمَّا رَأَوْهُ عَارِضًا مُسْتَقْبِلَ أَوْدِيَتِهِمْ قَالُوا هَذَا عَارِضٌ مُمْطِرُنَا بَلْ هُوَ مَا اسْتَعْجَلْتُمْ بِهِ رِيحٌ فِيهَا عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌThen, when they saw the (Penalty in the shape of) a cloud traversing the sky, coming to meet their valleys, they said, "This cloud will give us rain!" "Nay, it is the (Calamity) ye were asking to be hastened!- A wind wherein is a Grievous Penalty!
Surat AlNaml Ayah 18Surat AlNaml-0.2444حَتَّى إِذَا أَتَوْا عَلَى وَادِ النَّمْلِ قَالَتْ نَمْلَةٌ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّمْلُ ادْخُلُوا مَسَاكِنَكُمْ لَا يَحْطِمَنَّكُمْ سُلَيْمَانُ وَجُنُودُهُ وَهُمْ لَا يَشْعُرُونَAt length, when they came to a (lowly) valley of ants, one of the ants said: "O ye ants, get into your habitations, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you (under foot) without knowing it."
Surat AlAnfal Ayah 42Surat AlAnfal-0.04588إِذْ أَنْتُمْ بِالْعُدْوَةِ الدُّنْيَا وَهُمْ بِالْعُدْوَةِ الْقُصْوَى وَالرَّكْبُ أَسْفَلَ مِنْكُمْ وَلَوْ تَوَاعَدْتُمْ لَاخْتَلَفْتُمْ فِي الْمِيعَادِ وَلَكِنْ لِيَقْضِيَ اللَّهُ أَمْرًا كَانَ مَفْعُولًا لِيَهْلِكَ مَنْ هَلَكَ عَنْ بَيِّنَةٍ وَيَحْيَى مَنْ حَيَّ عَنْ بَيِّنَةٍ وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَسَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌRemember ye were on the hither side of the valley, and they on the farther side, and the caravan on lower ground than ye. Even if ye had made a mutual appointment to meet, ye would certainly have failed in the appointment: But (thus ye met), that Allah might accomplish a matter already enacted; that those who died might die after a clear Sign (had been given), and those who lived might live after a Clear Sign (had been given). And verily Allah is He Who heareth and knoweth (all things).
Surat AlTaubah Ayah 121Surat AlTaubah0.058113وَلَا يُنْفِقُونَ نَفَقَةً صَغِيرَةً وَلَا كَبِيرَةً وَلَا يَقْطَعُونَ وَادِيًا إِلَّا كُتِبَ لَهُمْ لِيَجْزِيَهُمُ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنَ مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَNor could they spend anything (for the cause) - small or great- nor cut across a valley, but the deed is inscribed to their credit: that Allah may requite their deed with the best (possible reward).
Surat Ibrahim Ayah 37Surat Ibrahim0.2470رَبَّنَا إِنِّي أَسْكَنْتُ مِنْ ذُرِّيَّتِي بِوَادٍ غَيْرِ ذِي زَرْعٍ عِنْدَ بَيْتِكَ الْمُحَرَّمِ رَبَّنَا لِيُقِيمُوا الصَّلَاةَ فَاجْعَلْ أَفْئِدَةً مِنَ النَّاسِ تَهْوِي إِلَيْهِمْ وَارْزُقْهُمْ مِنَ الثَّمَرَاتِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَشْكُرُونَ"O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in a valley without cultivation, by Thy Sacred House; in order, O our Lord, that they may establish regular Prayer: so fill the hearts of some among men with love towards them, and feed them with fruits: so that they may give thanks.
Surat AlQasas Ayah 30Surat AlQasas0.4245فَلَمَّا أَتَاهَا نُودِيَ مِنْ شَاطِئِ الْوَادِ الْأَيْمَنِ فِي الْبُقْعَةِ الْمُبَارَكَةِ مِنَ الشَّجَرَةِ أَنْ يَا مُوسَى إِنِّي أَنَا اللَّهُ رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَBut when he came to the (fire), a voice was heard from the right bank of the valley, from a tree in hallowed ground: "O Moses! Verily I am Allah, the Lord of the Worlds....

In Hadith Text Books

Vallei In Sahih AlBukhari

Hadith PageArabic TextEnglish TranslationBook and Chapter
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-089Narrated Mahmud Bin AlRabi AlAnsari: that he remembered Allah Messenger ﷺ and he also remembered a mouthful of water which he had thrown on his face; after taking it from a well that was in their house. Mahmud said that he had heard Itban Bin Malik; who was present with Allah Messenger ﷺ in the battle of Badr saying; I used to lead my people at Bani Salim in the prayer and there was a valley between me and those people. Whenever it rained it used to be difficult for me to cross it to go to their Masjid. So I went to Allah Messenger ﷺ and said; I have weak eyesight and the valley between me and my people flows during the rainy season and it becomes difficult for me to cross it; I wish you would come to my house and pray at a place so that I could take that place as a praying place. Allah Messenger ﷺ said; I will do so. So Allah Messenger ﷺ and Abu Bakr came to my house in the next morning after the sun had risen high. Allah Messenger ﷺ asked my permission to let him in and I admitted him. He did not sit before saying; Where do you want us to offer the prayer in your house? I pointed to the place where I wanted him to pray. So Allah Messenger ﷺ stood up for the prayer and started the prayer with Takbir and we aligned in rows behind him; and he offered two rakat; and finished them with Taslim; and we also performed Taslim with him. I detained him for a meal called KhaZirr which I had prepared for him.- KhaZirr is a special type of dish prepared from barley flour and meat soup - When the neighbors got the news that Allah Messenger ﷺ was in my house; they poured it till there were a great number of men in the house. One of them said; What is wrong with Malik; for I do not see him? One of them replied; He is a hypocrite and does not love Allah and His Apostle. On that Allah Apostle said; Dont say this. Havent you seen that he said; None has the right to be worshipped but Allah for Allah sake only. The man replied; Allah and His Apostle know better; but by Allah; we never saw him but helping and talking with the hypocrites. Allah Messenger ﷺ replied; No doubt; whoever says. None has the right to be worshipped but Allah; and by that he wants the pleasures of Allah; then Allah will save him from Hell. Mahmud added; I told the above narration to some people; one of whom was Abu Ayoub ; the companion of Allah Messenger ﷺ in the battle in which he Abu Ayoub died and Yazid Bin Muawiya was their leader in Roman Territory. Abu Ayoub denounced the narration and said; I doubt that Allah Messenger ﷺ ever said what you have said. I felt that too much; and I vowed to Allah that if I remained alive in that holy battle; I would go to Medina and ask Itban Bin Malik if he was still living in the Masjid of his people. So when he returned; I assumed Ihram for Hajj or Umra and then I proceeded on till I reached Medina. I went to Bani Salim and Itban Bin Malik; who was by then an old blind man; was leading his people in the prayer. When he finished the prayer; I greeted him and introduced myself to him and then asked him about that narration. He told that narration again in the same manner as he had narrated it the first time.The Chapter on Leave in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on To offer Nawafil in congregation in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2140Narrated Anas Bin Malik: Allah Messenger ﷺ said; If Adam son had a valley full of gold; he would like to have two valleys; for nothing fills his mouth except dust. And Allah forgives him who repents to Him.The Chapter on Forgiveness And The Angles in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Fitnah of wealth should be warded off in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3976Narrated Abdullah Bin Masud: Saad Bin Muadh came to Mecca with the intention of performing Umra; and stayed at the house of Umaiya Bin Khalaf Abi Safwan; for Umaiya himself used to stay at Saad house when he passed by Medina on his way to Sham. Umaiya said to Sad; Will you wait till midday when the people are at their homes ; then you may go and perform the Tawaf round the Kaba? So; while Saad was going around the Kaba; Abu Jahl came and asked; Who is that who is performing Tawaf? Saad replied; I am Sad. Abu Jahl said; Are you circumambulating the Kaba safely although you have given refuge to Muhammad and his companions? Saad said; Yes; and they started quarreling. Umaiya said to Sad; Dont shout at Abi AlHakam i.e. Abu Jahl ; for he is chief of the valley of Mecca. Saad then said to Abu Jahl. By Allah; if you prevent me from performing the Tawaf of the Kaba; I will spoil your trade with Sham. Umaiya kept on saying to Sad; Dont raise your voice. and kept on taking hold of him. Saad became furious and said; to Umaiya ; Be away from me; for I have heard Muhammad saying that he will kill you. Umaiiya said; Will he kill me? Saad said; Yes;. Umaiya said; By Allah! When Muhammad says a thing; he never tells a lie. Umaiya went to his wife and said to her; Do you know what my brother from Yathrib i.e. Medina has said to me? She said; What has he said? He said; He claims that he has heard Muhammad claiming that he will kill me. She said; By Allah! Muhammad never tells a lie. So when the infidels started to proceed for Badr Battle and declared war against the Muslims ; his wife said to him; Dont you remember what your brother from Yathrib told you? Umaiya decided not to go but Abu Jahl said to him; You are from the nobles of the valley of Mecca ; so you should accompany us for a day or two. He went with them and thus Allah got him killed.The Chapter on Makkah And Almadinah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The signs of Prophethood in Islam in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-4165Narrated Ibn Abbas: The first lady to use a girdle was the mother of Ishmael. She used a girdle so that she might hide her tracks from Sarah. Abraham brought her and her son Ishmael while she was suckling him; to a place near the Kaba under a tree on the spot of Zamzam; at the highest place in the Masjid. During those days there was nobody in Mecca; nor was there any water So he made them sit over there and placed near them a leather bag containing some dates; and a small water-skin containing some water; and set out homeward. Ishmael mother followed him saying; O Abraham! Where are you going; leaving us in this valley where there is no person whose company we may enjoy; nor is there anything to enjoy ? She repeated that to him many times; but he did not look back at her Then she asked him; Has Allah ordered you to do so? He said; Yes. She said; Then He will not neglect us; and returned while Abraham proceeded onwards; and on reaching the Thaniya where they could not see him; he faced the Kaba; and raising both hands; invoked Allah saying the following prayers: O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring dwell in a valley without cultivation; by Your Sacred House Kaba at Mecca in order; O our Lord; that they may offer prayer perfectly. So fill some hearts among men with love towards them; and O Allah provide them with fruits; so that they may give thanks. 14.37 Ishmael mother went on suckling Ishmael and drinking from the water she had. When the water in the water-skin had all been used up; she became thirsty and her child also became thirsty. She started looking at him i.e. Ishmael tossing in agony; She left him; for she could not endure looking at him; and found that the mountain of Safa was the nearest mountain to her on that land. She stood on it and started looking at the valley keenly so that she might see somebody; but she could not see anybody. Then she descended from Safa and when she reached the valley; she tucked up her robe and ran in the valley like a person in distress and trouble; till she crossed the valley and reached the Marwa mountain where she stood and started looking; expecting to see somebody; but she could not see anybody. She repeated that running between Safa and Marwa seven times. The Prophet ﷺ said; This is the source of the tradition of the walking of people between them i.e. Safa and Marwa. When she reached the Marwa for the last time she heard a voice and she asked herself to be quiet and listened attentively. She heard the voice again and said; O; whoever you may be ! You have made me hear your voice; have you got something to help me? And behold! She saw an angel at the place of Zamzam; digging the earth with his heel or his wing ; till water flowed from that place. She started to make something like a basin around it; using her hand in this way; and started filling her water-skin with water with her hands; and the water was flowing out after she had scooped some of it. The Prophet ﷺ added; May Allah bestow Mercy on Ishmael mother! Had she let the Zamzam flow without trying to control it or had she not scooped from that water to fill her water-skin ; Zamzam would have been a stream flowing on the surface of the earth. The Prophet ﷺ further added; Then she drank water and suckled her child. The angel said to her; Dont be afraid of being neglected; for this is the House of Allah which will be built by this boy and his father; and Allah never neglects His people. The House i.e. Kaba at that time was on a high place resembling a hillock; and when torrents came; they flowed to its right and left. She lived in that way till some people from the tribe of Jurhum or a family from Jurhum passed by her and her child; as they i.e. the Jurhum people were coming through the way of Kada. They landed in the lower part of Mecca where they saw a bird that had the habit of flying around water and not leaving it. They said; This bird must be flying around water; though we know that there is no water in this valley. They sent one or two messengers who discovered the source of water; and returned to inform them of the water. So; they all came towards the water. The Prophet ﷺ added; Ishmael mother was sitting near the water. They asked her; Do you allow us to stay with you? She replied; Yes; but you will have no right to possess the water. They agreed to that. The Prophet ﷺ further said; Ishmael mother was pleased with the whole situation as she used to love to enjoy the company of the people. So; they settled there; and later on they sent for their families who came and settled with them so that some families became permanent residents there. The child i.e. Ishmael grew up and learnt Arabic from them and his virtues caused them to love and admire him as he grew up; and when he reached the age of puberty they made him marry a woman from amongst them. After Ishmael mother had died; Abraham came after Ishmael marriage in order to see his family that he had left before; but he did not find Ishmael there. When he asked Ishmael wife about him; she replied; He has gone in search of our livelihood. Then he asked her about their way of living and their condition; and she replied; We are living in misery; we are living in hardship and destitution; complaining to him. He said; When your husband returns; convey my salutation to him and tell him to change the threshold of the gate of his house. When Ishmael came; he seemed to have felt something unusual; so he asked his wife; Has anyone visited you? She replied; Yes; an old man of so-and-so description came and asked me about you and I informed him; and he asked about our state of living; and I told him that we were living in a hardship and poverty. On that Ishmael said; Did he advise you anything? She replied; Yes; he told me to convey his salutation to you and to tell you to change the threshold of your gate. Ishmael said; It was my father; and he has ordered me to divorce you. Go back to your family. So; Ishmael divorced her and married another woman from amongst them i.e. Jurhum. Then Abraham stayed away from them for a period as long as Allah wished and called on them again but did not find Ishmael. So he came to Ishmael wife and asked her about Ishmael. She said; He has gone in search of our livelihood. Abraham asked her; How are you getting on? asking her about their sustenance and living. She replied; We are prosperous and well-off i.e. we have everything in abundance. Then she thanked Allah Abraham said; What kind of food do you eat? She said. Meat. He said; What do you drink? She said; Water. He said; O Allah! Bless their meat and water. The Prophet added; At that time they did not have grain; and if they had grain; he would have also invoked Allah to bless it. The Prophet ﷺ added; If somebody has only these two things as his sustenance; his health and disposition will be badly affected; unless he lives in Mecca. The Prophet ﷺ added; Then Abraham said Ishmael wife; When your husband comes; give my regards to him and tell him that he should keep firm the threshold of his gate. When Ishmael came back; he asked his wife; Did anyone call on you? She replied; Yes; a good-looking old man came to me; so she praised him and added. He asked about you; and I informed him; and he asked about our livelihood and I told him that we were in a good condition. Ishmael asked her; Did he give you any piece of advice? She said; Yes; he told me to give his regards to you and ordered that you should keep firm the threshold of your gate. On that Ishmael said; It was my father; and you are the threshold of the gate. He has ordered me to keep you with me. Then Abraham stayed away from them for a period as long as Allah wished; and called on them afterwards. He saw Ishmael under a tree near Zamzam; sharpening his arrows. When he saw Abraham; he rose up to welcome him and they greeted each other as a father does with his son or a son does with his father. Abraham said; O Ishmael! Allah has given me an order. Ishmael said; Do what your Lord has ordered you to do. Abraham asked; Will you help me? Ishmael said; I will help you. Abraham said; Allah has ordered me to build a house here; pointing to a hillock higher than the land surrounding it. The Prophet ﷺ added; Then they raised the foundations of the House i.e. the Kaba. Ishmael brought the stones and Abraham was building; and when the walls became high; Ishmael brought this stone and put it for Abraham who stood over it and carried on building; while Ishmael was handing him the stones; and both of them were saying; O our Lord! Accept this service from us; Verily; You are the All-Hearing; the All-Knowing. The Prophet ﷺ added; Then both of them went on building and going round the Kaba saying: O our Lord ! Accept this service from us; Verily; You are the All-Hearing; the All-Knowing. 2.127The Chapter on Allah And Prophets Ismail And Abraham in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on And Allah Statement hastening in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5075Narrated Abdullah Bin Umar: While the Prophet ﷺ was passing the night at his place of rest in Dhu AlHulaifa in the bottom of the valley of Aqiq ; he saw a dream and it was said to him; You are in a blessed valley. Mousa said; Salim let our camels kneel at the place where Abdullah used to make his camel kneel; seeking the place where Allah Messenger ﷺ used to take a rest; which is situated below the Masjid which is in the bottom of the valley; it is midway between the Masjid and the road.The Chapter on Rain And Clouds And Friday Khutba in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Agriculture in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5321Narrated Aisha: When Allah Messenger ﷺ reached Medina; Abu Bakr and Bilal became ill. When Abu Bakr fever got worse; he would recite this poetic verse : Everybody is staying alive with his People; yet Death is nearer to him than His shoe laces. And Bilal; when his fever deserted him; would recite: Would that I could stay overnight in A valley wherein I would be Surrounded by Idhkhir and Jalil kinds of goodsmelling grass. Would that one day I could Drink the water of the Majanna; and Would that The two mountains Shama and Tafil would appear to me! The Prophet ﷺ said; O Allah! Curse Shaiba Bin Rabia and Utba Bin Rabia and Umaiya Bin Khalaf as they turned us out of our land to the land of epidemics. Allah Messenger ﷺ then said; O Allah! Make us love Medina as we love Mecca or even more than that. O Allah! Give blessings in our Sa and our Mudd measures symbolizing food and make the climate of Medina suitable for us; and divert its fever towards Aljuhfa. Aisha added: When we reached Medina; it was the most unhealthy of Allah lands; and the valley of Bathan the valley of Medina used to flow with impure colored water.The Chapter on Cities Almadinah in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Virtues of Madinah in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5674Narrated Mousa Bin Uqba: Salim Bin Abdullah father said; The Prophet ﷺ said that while resting in the bottom of the valley at Muarras in Dhu AlHulaifa; he had been addressed in a dream: You are verily in a blessed valley. Salim made us to dismount from our camels at the place where Abdullah used to dismount; aiming at the place where Allah Messenger ﷺ had rested and it was below the Masjid situated in the middle of the valley in between them the residence and the road.The Chapter on Journeys And Travel And Bedouins in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on AlAqiq is a blessed valley in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5876Narrated Abdulrahman Bin Yazid: Abdullah; did the Rami from the middle of the valley. So; I said; O; Abu Abdulrahman Some people do the Rami of the Jamra from above it i.e. from the top of the valley. He said; By Him except whom none has the right to be worshipped; this is the place from where the one on whom Surat AlBaqara was revealed i.e. Allah Messenger ﷺ did the Rami.The Chapter on Recitation Of Surat Albaqara in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Rami of Jimar from the middle of the valley in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6306Narrated Abdullah Bin Masud: From Saad Bin Muadh: Saad Bin Muadh was an intimate friend of Umaiya Bin Khalaf and whenever Umaiya passed through Medina; he used to stay with Sad; and whenever Saad went to Mecca; he used to stay with Umaiya. When Allah Messenger ﷺ arrived at Medina; Saad went to perform Umra and stayed at Umaiya home in Mecca. He said to Umaiya; Tell me of a time when the Masjid is empty so that I may be able to perform Tawaf around the Kaba. So Umaiya went with him about midday. Abu Jahl met them and said; O Abu Safwan! Who is this man accompanying you? He said; He is Sad. Abu Jahl addressed Saad saying; I see you wandering about safely in Mecca inspite of the fact that you have given shelter to the people who have changed their religion i.e. became Muslims and have claimed that you will help them and support them. By Allah; if you were not in the company of Abu Safwan; you would not be able to go your family safely. Sad; raising his voice; said to him; By Allah; if you should stop me from doing this i.e. performing Tawaf I would certainly prevent you from something which is more valuable for you; that is; your passage through Medina. On this; Umaiya said to him; O Saad do not raise your voice before Abu AlHakam; the chief of the people of the Valley of Mecca. Saad said; O Umaiya; stop that! By Allah; I have heard Allah Messenger ﷺ predicting that the Muslim will kill you. Umaiya asked; In Mecca? Saad said; I do not know. Umaiya was greatly scared by that news. When Umaiya returned to his family; he said to his wife; O Um Safwan! Dont you know what Saad told me? She said; What has he told you? He replied; He claims that Muhammad has informed them i.e. companions that they will kill me. I asked him; In Mecca? He replied; I do not know. Then Umaiya added; By Allah; I will never go out of Mecca. But when the day of the Ghazwa of Badr came; Abu Jahl called the people to war; saying; Go and protect your caravan. But Umaiya disliked to go out of Mecca. Abu Jahl came to him and said; O Abu Safwan! If the people see you staying behind though you are the chief of the people of the Valley; then they will remain behind with you. Abu Jahl kept on urging him to go until he i.e. Umaiya said; As you have forced me to change my mind; by Allah; I will buy the best camel in Mecca. Then Umaiya said to his wife. O Um Safwan; prepare what I need for the journey. She said to him; O Abu Safwan! Have you forgotten what your Yathribi brother told you? He said; No; but I do not want to go with them but for a short distance. So when Umaiya went out; he used to tie his camel wherever he camped. He kept on doing that till Allah caused him to be killed at Badr.The Chapter on Makkah And Almadinah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Prophets prediction about whom he thought would be killed at Badr in Sahih AlBukhari

In Sahih Muslim

Hadith PageArabic TextEnglish TranslationBook and Chapter
SahihMuslim-017-001-18599It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira: We went to Khaibar along with the Apostle ﷺ and Allah granted us victory. We plundered neither gold nor silver but laid our hands on goods; corn and clothes; and then bent our stops to a valley; along with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ there was a slave who was presented to him by one Rifaa Bin Zaid of the family of Judham; a tribe of Dubayb. When we got down into the valley the slave of the Messenger of Allah stood up and began to unpack the saddle-bag and was suddenly struck by a stray arrow which proved fatal. We said: There is a greeting for him; Messenger of Allah; as he is a martyr. Upon this the Messenger of Allah ﷺ remarked: Nay; not so. By Him in Whose hand is the life of Muhammad; the small garment which he stole from the booty on the day of Khaibar but which did not legitimately fall to his lot is burning like the Fire of Hell on him. The people were greatly perturbed on hearing this. A person came there with a lace or two laces and said: Messenger of Allah; I found them on the day of Khaibar. He the Holy Prophet remarked: This is a lace of fire or two laces of fire.The Chapter on Hell Fire And Suicide in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 48 in Sahih Muslim
SahihMuslim-017-001-18710Abu AlAliya narrated it on the authority of Ibn Abbas that he said: We travelled with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ between Mecca and Medina and we passed by a valley. He the Holy Prophet asked: Which valley is this? They said: This is the valley of Azraq Upon this he the Holy Prophet remarked: I feel as if I am seeing Moses ﷺ ; and then he described something about his complexion and hair; which Diwud the narrator could not remember. He Moses; as described by the Holy Prophet was keeping his fingers in his ears and was responding loudly to Allah saying: I am as Thy service; my Lord while passing through that valley. We then travelled further till we came to the mountain trail. He the Holy Prophet said: Which mountain trail is this? They said: It is the Harsha or Lift. He the Holy Prophet said: I perceive as if I am seeing Yunus on a red camel; with a cloak of wool around him. The halter of his camel was that of the fibre of date-palm; and he was passing through the valley saying: I am at Thy service! my Lord.The Chapter on Facts And Aldajjal in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 74 in Sahih Muslim
SahihMuslim-017-001-19961Jabir Bin Abdullah reported: We went along with Allah Messenger ﷺ on an expedition towards Najd and Allah Messenger ﷺ found us in a valley abounding in thorny trees. Allah Messenger ﷺ stayed for rest under a tree and he suspended his sword by one of its branches under which he was taking rest. The persons scattered in the valley and they also began to take rest under the shade of trees; and Allah Messenger ﷺ said: A person came to me while I was asleep and he took hold of the sword. I woke up and found him standing upon my head and I had hardly become alert and saw that the sword was in his hand. And he said: Who can protect you from me? I said: Allah. He again said: Who can protect you from me? I said: Allah. He put his sword in the sheath and you can see this man sitting here. Allah Messenger ﷺ did not in any way touch him.The Chapter on Agriculture General in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 4 in Sahih Muslim
SahihMuslim-017-001-22055Abu Harb Bin Abu AlAswad reported on the authority of his father that Abu Mousa AlAshari sent for the reciters of Basra. They came to him and they were three hundred in number. They recited the Quran and he said: You are the best among the inhabitants of Basra; for you are the reciters among them. So continue to recite it. But bear in mind that your reciting for a long time may not harden your hearts as were hardened the hearts of those before you. We used to recite a surah which resembled in length and severity to Surah Baraat. I have; however; forgotten it with the exception of this which I remember out of it: If there were two valleys full of riches; for the son of Adam; he would long for a third valley; and nothing would fill the stomach of the son of Adam but dust. And we used so recite a surah which resembled one of the surahs of Mousabbihat; and I have forgotten it; but remember this much out of it: Oh people who believe; why do you say that which you do not practise lxi 2. and that is recorded in your necks as a witness against you and you would be asked about it on the Day of Resurrection xvii. 13.The Chapter on Recitation Of Ayat in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 39 in Sahih Muslim
SahihMuslim-017-001-22076Anas Bin Malik reported: When Mecca was conquered; he the Holy Prophet distributed the spoils among the Quraish. Upon this the Ansar said: It is strange that our swords are dripping with their blood; whereas our spoils have been given to them to the Quraish. This remark reached the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; and so he gathered them and said: What is this that has been conveyed to me about you? They said: Yes it is that very thing that; has reached you and they were not the people to speak a lie. Upon this he said: Dont you like that the people should return to their houses along with worldly riches; whereas you should return to your houses with the Messenger of Allah? If the people were to tread a valley or a narrow path; and the Ansar were also to tread a valley or a narrow path; I would tread the valley along with the Ansar or the narrow path along with the Ansar.The Chapter on Alansar And Valleys And Mountains in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 46 in Sahih Muslim
SahihMuslim-017-001-22082Abdullah Bin Zaid reported that when the Messenger of Allah ﷺ conquered Hunain he distributed the booty; and he bestowed upon those whose hearts it was intended to win. It was conveyed to him the Holy Prophet that the Ansar cherished a desire that they should be given that very portion which the people of Quraish had got. Upon this the Messenger of Allah ﷺ stood up and; after having praised Allah and lauded Him; addressed them thus: O people of Ansar; did I not find you erring and Allah guided you aright through me; and in the state of being destitute and Allah made you free from want through me; and in a state of disunity and Allah united you through me; and they the Ansar said: Allah and His Messenger are most benevolent. He again said: Why do you not answer me? They said: Allah and His Messenger are the most benevolent. He said; If you wish you should say so and so; and the event should take such and such course and in this connection he made a mention of so many things. Amr is under the impression that he has not been able to remember them. He the Holy Prophet further said: Dont you feel happy over this state of affairs that the people should go away with goats and camels; and you go to your places along with the Messenger of Allah? The Ansar are inner garments more close to me and other people are outer garments. Had there not been migration; I would have been a man from among the Ansar. If the people were to tread a valley or a narrow path; I would tread the valley chosen by the Ansar or narrow path trodden by them. And you would soon find after me preferences over you in getting material benefits. So you should show patience till you meet me at the Haud Kauthar.The Chapter on Alansar And Valleys And Mountains in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 46 in Sahih Muslim
SahihMuslim-017-001-23043Abdulrahman Bin Yazid reported that Abdullah Bin Masud Allah be pleased with them threw seven pebbles at Jamrat AlAqaba from the heart of the valley. He pronounced Takbir with every pebble. It was said to him that people fling stones from the upper side of the valley ; whereupon Abdullah Bin Masud Allah he pleased with them said: By him; besides Whom there is no other god; that is the place of flinging stones of one upon whom Surah AlBaqara was revealed the Holy Prophet.The Chapter on Recitation Of Surat Albaqara in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 50 in Sahih Muslim
SahihMuslim-017-001-23044Amash reported: I heard AlHajjaj Bin Yousif saying as he was delivering sermon on the pulpit: Observe the order of the Holy Quran which has been observed by Gabriel. Thus state the surahs in this manner one in which mention has been made of AlBaqara; one in which mention has been made of women Surah AlNisa and then the surah in which mention has been made of the Family of Imrin. He the narrator said: I met Ibrahim and informed him about these words of his the statement of AlHajjaj Bin Yousif. He cursed him and said: Abdulrahman Bin Yazid has narrated to me that when he was in the company of Abdullah Bin Masudd Allah be pleased with them he came to Jamrat AlAqaba and then entered the heart of the valley and faced towards it the Jamra and then flung seven pebbles at it from the heart of the valley pronouncing Takbir with every pebble. I said: Abu Abdulrahman people fling pebbles at it Jamra from the upper side; whereupon he said: By Him besides Whom there is no god; that is the place of flinging pebbles of one upon whom Surah AlBaqara was revealed;The Chapter on Recitation Of Surat Albaqara in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 50 in Sahih Muslim
SahihMuslim-017-001-23198Salim Bin Abdullah Bin Umar reported on the authority of his father Allah be pleased with them that Allah Apostle ﷺ came to Dhu AlHulaifa in the heart of the valley at the fag end of the night; and it was said to him: It is a blessed stony ground. Mousa one of the narrators said: Salim made his came halt at the Masjid where Abdullah made his camel halt as seeking the place of stay of Allah Messenger ﷺ. It is; in fact; situated at a lower plain than the Masjid; which stands in the heart of the valley; and it is between it the Masjid and Qibla that that place where Allah Apostle used to get down for rest and prayer is situated.The Chapter on Camels And Herdsmen And Charity in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 77 in Sahih Muslim

In Sunan AlTermithi

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SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9047Narrated Anas: that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ gathered a group of people from the Ansar and said: Come; is there anyone among you who is from other than you? They said: No; except the son of a sister of ours. So he said: The son of the sister of a people is from them. Then he said: Indeed the Quraish is not far from their time of ignorance and affliction; and I wished that I subdue them and coax them. Are you not happy that the people return with this world and you return to your homes with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ? They said: Of course we are. So the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: If the people were to pass through a valley or a path; and the Ansar passed through a valley or a path then I would pass through the valley or path of the Ansar.The Chapter on Alansar And Valleys And Mountains in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Virtues in Sunan AlTermithi

In Sunan AlNasai

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SunanAlNasai-017-001-14769It was narrated from Amr Bin Shuaib; from his father that his grandfather said: Hilal came to the Messenger of Allah with one-tenth of the honey and asked him to protect a valley for him that was called Salabah. The Messenger of Allah protected that valley for him. When Umar Bin AlKhattab became the Khalifah; sufyan Bin Wahb wrote the Umar and asked him about that ; and Umar wrote: If the gives me what he used to give to the Messenger of Allah; one-tenth of his honey; I will protect Salahab for him; otherwise they are just bees and anyone who wants to may eat of it.The Chapter on Military Expedition And The Treaty in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Zakah On Bees in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-16014It was narrated from Ibn Umar that: the Messenger of Allah entered Makkah from the upper valley which is in AlBatha and he left from the lower valley.The Chapter on The Companions In Makkah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on From Where He Entered Makkah in Sunan AlNasai

In Sunan Abu Dawoud

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SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25675Usamah Bin Zaid said I asked Apostle of Allaah ﷺ where will you encamp tomorrow? This is asked on the occasion of his Hajj. He replied Did Aqil leave any house for us? He again said We shall encamp in the valley Khaif of Banu Kinanah where the Quraish took an oath upon disbelief; that is; AlMuhassab. The oath was that Banu Kinanah concluded a pact with the Quraish against Banu Hashim they would have no marital relationship with them; nor would give them accommodation nor would have any commercial ties with them AlZuhri said AlKhaif means valley.The Chapter on Oaths And Pledges And Tribe Of Kinana And Bani Hashim in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Camping In The Valley Of AlMuhassab in Sunan Abu Dawoud

In Muwata Malik

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MuwataMalik-017-001-36217Yahya related to me from Malik that Zayd Ibn Aslam said; The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; stopped for a rest one night on the way to Makka and appointed Bilal to wake them up for the prayer. Bilal slept and everyone else slept and none of them woke up until the sun had risen. When they did wake up they were all alarmed. The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; ordered them to ride out of the valley; saying that there was a shaytan in it. So they rode out of the valley and the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; ordered them to dismount and do Ablution and he told Bilal either to call the prayer or to give the iqama. The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; then led them in the prayer. Noticing their uneasiness; he went to them and said; O people! Allah seized our spirits arwah and if He had wished He would have returned them to us at a time other than this. So if you sleep through the time for a prayer or forget it and then are anxious about it; pray it as if you were praying it in its time. The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; turned to Abu Bakr and said; Shaytan came to Bilal when he was standing in prayer and made him lie down and lulled him to sleep like a small boy. The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; then called Bilal and told him the same as he had told Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr declared; I bear witness that you are the Messenger of Allah.The Chapter on Peace And Ablution in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Asking for Rain in Muwata Malik

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