Information for "MuwataMalik-017-001-36158"

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Basic information

Display titleMuwataMalik-017-001-36158
Default sort keyMuwataMalik-017-001-36158
Page length (in bytes)267
Page ID63947
Page content languageEnglish (en)
Page content modelwikitext
Indexing by robotsAllowed
Number of redirects to this page0
Counted as a content pageYes
Page imageHodhoodHadithLogo.PNG

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EditAllow all users (infinite)
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Edit history

Page creatorMaintenance script (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation11:03, 18 October 2018
Latest editorMaintenance script (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit12:07, 14 November 2018
Total number of edits2
Total number of distinct authors1
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days)0
Recent number of distinct authors0

Page properties

Transcluded templates (12)

Templates used on this page:

Astronomical BodySun +
Has AnimalsCamel +
Has FamilyFather + and Mother +
Has Frequent TermsGarment + and Semen +
Has Hadith GradeMuwata Malik +
Has Hadith Index of SubjectsIsmail sulayman +, Sulayman yasar +, Yasar earli +, Earli morn +, Morn land +, Land aljuruf +, Aljuruf found +, Found semen +, Semen garment +, Garment wet +, Wet dream +, Dream entrust +, Entrust govern +, Govern ghusl +, Ghusl wash +, Wash garment +, Garment semen +, Semen prai +, Prai sun + and Sun risen +
Has Hadith TextYahya related to me from Malik from Ismail
Yahya related to me from Malik from Ismail Ibn Abi Hakim from Sulayman Ibn Yasar that Umar Ibn AlKhattab went out early in the morning to his land in AlJuruf and found semen on his garment. He said; I have been tried with wet dreams since I have been entrusted with governing the people. He did ghusl and washed his garment of what he saw of the semen; and then prayed after the sun had risen.
; and then prayed after the sun had risen. +
Has HodHood Indexing Book NameCategory:The Book of Ablution in HodHood Indexing +
Has HodHood Indexing Chapter NameCategory:The Chapter on Ablution After Dreams Menstruation And Sexual Intercourse in HodHood Indexing +
Has Holy ScripturesQuran +
Has NotablesYahya +, Malik +, Ismail Ibn Abi Hakim +, Sulayman Ibn Yasar +, Umar Ibn AlKhattab + and AlJuruf +
Has PrayersNight Prayer + and Night +
Has physical EventMorning +
Is Hadith Texttrue +