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== Related Hadith ==
== Related Hadith ==
=== From Sahih AlBukhari ===
  [[Category:Hadith Text Books]]
  [[Category:Sahih AlBukhari]]
[[Has Main Topic:: 69]]
[[Has Sub Topic:: 2]]
|mainlabel=Hadith Page
|?Category=Book and Chapter
|?Has Hadith Grade = Hadith Grade
|default=nothing found
|searchlabel=Click to browse the list
|intro=The following Hadith have similar words or terms.
=== From Sahih Muslim ===
[[Category:Sahih Muslim]]
[[Has Main Topic:: 69]]
[[Has Sub Topic:: 2]]
|mainlabel=Hadith Page
|?Category=Book and Chapter
|?Has Hadith Grade = Hadith Grade
|default=nothing found
|searchlabel=Click to browse the list
|intro=The following Hadith have similar words or terms.
=== From Sunan AlNasai ===
[[Category:Sunan AlNasai]]
[[Has Main Topic:: 69]]
[[Has Sub Topic:: 2]]
|mainlabel=Hadith Page
|?Category=Book and Chapter
|?Has Hadith Grade = Hadith Grade
|default=nothing found
|searchlabel=Click to browse the list
|intro=The following Hadith have similar words or terms.
=== Sunan Abu Dawoud ===
[[Category:Sunan Abu Dawoud]]
[[Has Main Topic:: 69]]
[[Has Sub Topic:: 2]]
|mainlabel=Hadith Page
|?Category=Book and Chapter
|?Has Hadith Grade = Hadith Grade
|default=nothing found
|searchlabel=Click to browse the list
|intro=The following Hadith have similar words or terms.
=== From Sunan ALTermithi ===
[[Category:Sunan ALTermithi]]
  [[Has Main Topic:: 69]]
  [[Has Main Topic:: 69]]
  [[Has Sub Topic:: 2]]
  [[Has Sub Topic:: 2]]

Revision as of 04:09, 24 January 2017

Hadith Text

It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Amr; from Abu Bakr AlSiddiq; may Allah SWT be pleased with them both; that he said to the Messenger of Allah  : "Teach me a supplication that I may recite in my prayer." He said: "Say: Alahumma inni zalamtu afsi zulman kathiran wa la yaghfirudhunub illa anta faghfirli maghfiratan min indika warhamni innaka antalGhafur AlRahim O Allah; verily I have wronged myself much and there is None who forgives sins except You. Grant me forgiveness from You and have mercy on me for You are the Oft-Forgiving; Most Merciful. "

Hadith Attributes


Hadith Grade Sahih (Darussalam) Grade
Notables Abdullah Bin Amr, Abu Bakr AlSiddiq
Frequent Terms allah, forgiv, merci
Sentiment Negative, Positive

Hadith Words by Frequency

Original Author References

Reference: Sunan an-Nasa'i 1302

in Book Reference:


Related Hadith

From Sahih AlBukhari

nothing found

From Sahih Muslim

nothing found

From Sunan AlNasai

nothing found

Sunan Abu Dawoud

nothing found

From Sunan ALTermithi

nothing found

Hadith Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis is process of determining the emotional tone behind a series of words, used to gain an understanding of the the attitudes, opinions and emotions expressed within text.

Hadith Categories