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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #8,501.

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  • It is transmitted by Ribi Bin Hirash. who
    It is transmitted by Ribi Bin Hirash. who narrated it on the authority of Hudhaifa that verily Umar said: Who would narrate to us or who amongst you would narrate to us and Hudhaifa was one amongst them what the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had said about the turmoil? Hudhaifa said: I will; and recited the hadith like that transmitted by Abu Malik on the authority of Ribi and he observed in connection with this hadith that Hudhaifa remarked: I am narrating to you a hadith and it has no mistake; and said: That it is transmitted from he Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
    transmitted from he Messenger of Allah ﷺ.  +
  • It is transmitted from Abu Saeed AlKhudri
    It is transmitted from Abu Saeed AlKhudri that; verily; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Amongst the inhabitants of Paradise the lowest in rank will be the person whose face Allah would turn away from the Fire towards the Paradise; and make a shady tree appear before him. He would say: O my Lord! direct my steps to this tree so that I should enjoy its shade; and the rest of the hadith is like that narrated by Ibn Masud; but he did not mention: He Allah would say: O son of Adam! what will bring an end to your making requests to Me to the end of the tradition. In it; he added: Allah will remind him: Ask such and such; and when his expectations would be realised; Allah would say: That is for you; and ten times as much. He said that he would then enter his house and his two wives with large and dark eyes would enter after him. They will say: Praise be to Allah; Who has created you for us and us for you. He will say: No one has been given the like of what I have been given.
    given the like of what I have been given.  +
  • It is transmitted on the authority of Abu Huraira that Allah Messenger ﷺ said: The molar tooth of an unbeliever or the canine teeth of an unbeliever will be like Uhud and the thickness of his skin a three night journey.  +
  • It is was narrated from Abdullah Bin Burai
    It is was narrated from Abdullah Bin Buraidah that his father said: The Messenger of Allah said: I forbade you to visit graves but now visit them; and I forbade you to eat the sacrificial meat after three days; but now keep it as long as you want; and I forbade you to make Nabidh I anything but a water-skin but now drink it from any kind of container; but do not drink intoxicants.
    f container; but do not drink intoxicants.  +
  • It narrated that Ibn Abbas said: Safwina w
    It narrated that Ibn Abbas said: Safwina was slleping in the Masjid with his Rida beneath him; and it was stolen. He got up; and the man had gone; but he caught up with him; and took him to the prophet; who ordered that his hand be cut off. Safwan said; O Messenger of Allah; my Rida is not worth cutting off a man hand for. He said Why did you not say that before you brought him to me
    not say that before you brought him to me  +
  • It was Narrated from Adiy Bin Hatim the he
    It was Narrated from Adiy Bin Hatim the he asked the Messenger of Allah : I release my trained dog and he catches game. He said: If you release the trained dog and you say the name of Allah over him; and he catches something ; then eat. I said: Even if he kills it? He said: shoot with the Mirad. He said: If it hits the game with its sharp point; then eat; but if it hits it with its broad side; then do not eat
    ts it with its broad side; then do not eat  +
  • It was a narrated from Ayoub ; from Nafi from Ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah said: The Messenger of Allah said: The two parties to a transaction both have the choice who long as they have not separated or one of them says to the other: Decide! Sahih  +
  • It was heard from Abu Amr Shaibani that; p
    It was heard from Abu Amr Shaibani that; pointing towards the house of Abdullah; he said: The owner of this house told me that he asked the Messenger of Allah ﷺ : Which of the deeds are liked by Allah? He the Holy Prophet observed: Prayer at its proper time. I again said: What next? He replied: Then goodness to the parents. I again said: What then? He replied: Then Jihad in the cause of Allah. He Abdullah said: This is what I was told by the Holy Prophet. Had I questioned further; he would have made additions for me.
    ther; he would have made additions for me.  +
  • It was knarrated that Safwan Bin Umayah sa
    It was knarrated that Safwan Bin Umayah said: I was sleeping in the Masjid on a Khmaishah of mine that was worth thirty dirhams; and a man came and stole it from me. The man was caught and taken to the Prophet; who ordered that his hand be cut off. I came to him and said: Will you cut off his hand for the sake of only thirty Dirhams? I will sell it to him on credit. He said: Why did you not say this before you brought him to me?
    not say this before you brought him to me?  +
  • It was nanated from Amr Bin Shuaib; from h
    It was nanated from Amr Bin Shuaib; from his father; from his grandfather; that: the Prophet said: There are four kinds of women for whom there is no Lian: a Christian woman married to a Muslim; a Jewish woman married to a Muslim; a free woman married to a slave; and a slave woman married to a free man.
    ; and a slave woman married to a free man.  +
  • It was narrarted that Jabir Bin Abdullah said: When the Prophet walked; his Companions would walk in front of him; and he would leave his back for the angels.  +
  • It was narrataed from AlAshtar that he sai
    It was narrataed from AlAshtar that he said to Ali: What the people have been hearing from you has become widespread. If the Messenger of Allah told you anything; then tell us; He said: The Messenger of Allah did not tell me anything that he did not tell the people; except that in the sheath of my sword there is a sheet; in which it says: The lives of the believers are equal in value; and they hasten to support the asylum granted by the least of them. But no believer may be killed in return for a disbeliever; nor one with a covenant while his covenant is in effect. It is an abridgement of it.
    is in effect. It is an abridgement of it.  +
  • It was narratd from Abu Huraira that : the Prophet used to say: Alhamdu lillahi ala kulli hal. Rabbi audhu bika min hali ahlin-nar Praise is to Allah in all circumstances; O Allah; I seek refuge with You from the situation of the people of Hell.  +
  • It was narratd that Abdullah said: Sad; Ammar and I entered into a partnership on the Day of Badr; agreeing to share whatever was allotted to us. Ammar and I did not get anything. But Saad got two prisoners.  +
  • It was narratd that Sahl Bin Abi Hatmah sa
    It was narratd that Sahl Bin Abi Hatmah said: Abdullah Bin Sahl and Muhaysah Bin Masud Bin Zaid went to Khaibar; and at that time there was a peace treaty. They went their separatea ways to go about their business; then Muhaysah came upon Abdullah Bin Sahl lying dead in a pool of blood. He buried him; then he camae to AlMadinah. Abdulrahman Bin Sahl and Huwhaysah; and Muhaysah; the tow sons of Nasud; came to the Messenger of Allah; and Abdulrahman started to speak; but the Messenger of Allah said: Let the elders speak first; for he was the youngest of them. So he fell silent and they the other two spoke. The Messenger of Allah said: Will you sear fifty oaths; then you will receive compensation or be entitled to retaliate? They said: O Messenger of Allah; how can we a wear and oath when we did not witness and did not see what happened He said: Then can the Jews swear fifty oaths declaring their innocence? They said: O Messenger of Allah; how can we accept the oath of a disbelieving people? So the Messenger of Allah paid the blood money himself.
    ger of Allah paid the blood money himself.  +
  • It was narratd that an Umm Walad* of Shaibah said: I saw the Messenger of Allah performing Say between Safa and Marwah saying: The valley should not be crossed except quickly.  +
  • It was narrate from Abu Salih that: a man
    It was narrate from Abu Salih that: a man form among the companions of the Prophet told him; he said: O Messenger of Allah we cannot buy Saihani dates or idhq dates for the same amount of mixed dates which are of inferior quality. Should we increase the amount we give in payment for the better quality dates ? The messenger of Allah said: Sell them for silver them buy with it
    aid: Sell them for silver them buy with it  +
  • It was narrate from Ibn Tawus; from his fa
    It was narrate from Ibn Tawus; from his father; that Ibn Abbas said;The Messenger of Allah forbade meeting the riders; and for a town-dweller. I said to Ibn Abbas: What does a town-dweller selling for a desert-dweller mean? he said: He should not act as a broker for him;
    id: He should not act as a broker for him;  +
  • It was narrate from Jubair Bin Nufair that Aisha said: The Messenger of Allah used to be keen to fast on Mondays and Thursday.  +
  • It was narrate that AlZuhri said: Abu Bakr
    It was narrate that AlZuhri said: Abu Bakr Bin Hazm brought me a letter on a piece of leather which was from the Messenger of Allah: This is a statement from Allah and His Messenger: O you who believe! Fulfill your obligations. And he quoted some Verses from it. Then he said: For a soul; one hundred camels; for an eye; fifty camels; for a hand; fifty; for a foot; fifty; for a blow to the head that reaches the brain; one-third of the Diyah: for a hand; fifty; for a stab wound that penetrates deeply; one-third of the Diyah; for a blow that breaks a bone; fifteen camels; for fingers; ten each; for teeth; five each; for a wound that exposes the bone; five. Daif
    a wound that exposes the bone; five. Daif  +
  • It was narrated Abbas Bin Rabiah said: I s
    It was narrated Abbas Bin Rabiah said: I saw Umar coming to the Stone and saying: I know that you are just a stone; had I not seen the Messenger of Allah kiss you I would not have kissed you. Then he came close to it and kissed it. Sahih Chpater 148. How to Kiss It
    ssed it. Sahih Chpater 148. How to Kiss It  +
  • It was narrated Abbas said: I was one those whom the Prophet sent ahead on the night of AlMuzdalifah among the weak ones of his family.  +
  • It was narrated Abdullah Bin Jafar said: I saw the Messenger of Allah eating cucumbers with dates.  +
  • It was narrated Abdullah Bin Jafar that : The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Whoever has doubt during his prayer; let him prostrate twice after he said the taslim.  +
  • It was narrated Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah said: If a slave steals; then sell him; even for half Price.  +
  • It was narrated AlZuhri; from Abu Huraira that the Prophet said: When Ramadan begins; the gates of mercy are opened and the gates of Hall are closed; and the devils are chained up.  +
  • It was narrated by Abd AlMuhaimin Bin Abba
    It was narrated by Abd AlMuhaimin Bin Abbas Bin Sahl Bin Saad AlSaidi; from his father; from his grandfather; that: The Prophet said: There is no prayer for one who does not have ablution; and there is no ablution for one who does not mention the Name of Allah before it. There is no prayer for one who does not send blessing; Prayer upon the Prophet; and there is no prayer for one who does not love the Ansar. Daif Another chain with similar wording.
    . Daif Another chain with similar wording.  +
  • It was narrated by AlDahhak Bin Qais AlDimashqi: A similar report was narrated from AlDahhak Bin Qais AlDimashqi.  +
  • It was narrated f rom Safwan Bin Yala that
    It was narrated f rom Safwan Bin Yala that his father saide: A man came to the Messenger of Allah when he was in AlJirranah wearing a Jubnah; and having applied Khauq to his beard and head. He said: O Messenger of Allah! I have entered Ihram for Umrah and I am as you see. He said: Take off the Jubbah and wash off the perfume; and whatever you would do for Hajj; do it for Umrah.
    er you would do for Hajj; do it for Umrah.  +
  • It was narrated fom Ata from Ibn Umair; from Aisha; that: The Prophet ﷺ prayed; bowing six times and prostrating four times. I said to Muadh: Is this from the Prophet ﷺ ? He said: Without a doubt.  +
  • It was narrated fom Ibn Umar that: The Prophet ﷺ said: Witr is one rakah at the end of the night.  +
  • It was narrated form Abdullah Bin Mughaffa
    It was narrated form Abdullah Bin Mughaffal that the Messenger of Allah said: Were it not that dogs form one of the communities or nations - of creatures ; I would have commanded that they be killed. But kill those that are all black. Any people who keep a dog; except for dogs used for farming; hunting or herding livestock; one Qirat will be deducted from their reward each day.
    ll be deducted from their reward each day.  +
  • It was narrated form Abu Huraira that the
    It was narrated form Abu Huraira that the Prophet said: When the month of Ramadan beings; the gates of Paradise are opened. The gates of the Fire are closed and the devils are chained up. Sahih Abu Abdulrahman AlNasai said: This meaning; the narration of Ibn Ishaq - is a mistake. Ibn Ishaq did not hear from AlZuhri. What is correct is what we mentioned it previously.
    orrect is what we mentioned it previously.  +
  • It was narrated form AlBara Bin Azib that
    It was narrated form AlBara Bin Azib that the Prophet said: Allah will keep firm those who believe; with the world that stands firm in this world; and in the Hereafter. This was revelated concerning the torment in the grave. It will be said to him the deceased: Who is your Lord? and he will say: My Lord is Allah and my Prophet is Muhammad. That is what is the meaning of His saying: Allah will keep firm those who believe; with the word that stands firm in this world; and in the Hereafter.
    firm in this world; and in the Hereafter.  +
  • It was narrated form AlMughirahbin shubah
    It was narrated form AlMughirahbin shubah that: a man of Hudhail had two wives; and one of them threw a tent pole at the o0ther and caused her to miscarry. It was said: What do you think of one who neither ate nor drank; or shouted nor cried at the moment of birth ? he said: Rhyming verse like the verse of the Bedouins. And the Messenger of Allah ruled that a make or female slave shouted be given as dihahj for him the unborn child ; to be paid but theAqila h of the woman.
    ; to be paid but theAqila h of the woman.  +
  • It was narrated form Amir Bin Rabiah AlAdawi that the Messenger of Allah said: When you see a funeral; stand up until it has passed you; or the body is placed in the grave.  +
  • It was narrated form Amr Bin Shuainb; from
    It was narrated form Amr Bin Shuainb; from his father; from his grandfather; that the Prophet said: Pardon matters that may deserve a Hadd punishment before you bring it to my attention; for whatever is brought to my attention; the Hadd punishment becomes binding. Saif
    the Hadd punishment becomes binding. Saif  +
  • It was narrated form Anas Bin Malik that t
    It was narrated form Anas Bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah said: There has come to you Ramadan in which the gates of Paradise are opened; the gates of the fire are closed and the devils are chained up. Sahih Abu Abdulrahman said: this narration is a mistake.
    lrahman said: this narration is a mistake.  +
  • It was narrated form Anas Bin Malik that:
    It was narrated form Anas Bin Malik that: a Bedouin came to the door of the prophet and put his eye to the crack. The Prophet saw him and intended to put his eye out with a sword or a stick. When he saw him ; he stopped; and the Prophet said to hi: If you had persisted; I would have put your eye out.
    persisted; I would have put your eye out.  +
  • It was narrated form Anas that the Messeng
    It was narrated form Anas that the Messenger of Allah said: None of you should wish for death because of some harm that befalls him; rather he should say: Allahumma ahini ma kanatil-hayatu khairanli wa tawaffani idha kanatil-wafatu khairanli O Allah; keep me alive so alive so long as life is good for me; and cause me to die when death is good for me.
    cause me to die when death is good for me.  +
  • It was narrated form Anas that: the Messenger of Allah used to sacrifice two rams. And Anas said: And I sacrifice two rams.  +
  • It was narrated form Hisham Bin Urwah that
    It was narrated form Hisham Bin Urwah that his father said: Usamah Bin Zaid was asked - while I was sitting with him: How did the Messenger of Allah travel during the Farewell Pilgrimage when he moved on? He said: He rode at a moderate pace; and if he found some open space; he would gallop.
    he found some open space; he would gallop.  +
  • It was narrated form Ibn Umar that the Prophet said: D not fast until you see it ; and do not stop fasting until you see it; and if it is obscured from you too cloudy ; then work it out.  +
  • It was narrated form Ibn Umar that: the Messenger of Allah commanded that all dogs be killed except dogs used for hunting or herding livestock.  +
  • It was narrated form Khaild Bin AlWalid th
    It was narrated form Khaild Bin AlWalid that: A grilled mastigure was brought to the Messenger of Allah and was placed near to him. He reached out his hand to eat it; and someone who was present said: O Messenger of Allah; it is the meat of a mastigure. He withdrew his hand and Khaild Bin AlWalid said to him: O Messenger of Allah; is mastigure Haram? He said: No; but it is not found in the land of my people; and I find it distasteful. He said: Then Khalid bent over the mastigure and ate some of it; and the Messenger of Allah was looking at him.
    the Messenger of Allah was looking at him.  +
  • It was narrated form Muhammad Bin Sad Abi Waqqas; from his father; that: the Prophet struck one hand with the other and said: The month is like this and like this and like this; retaining one finger the third time.  +
  • It was narrated form Yazid Bin Thabit: That they were sitting with the Messenger of Allah when a funeral appeared. The Messenger of Allah stood up; and those who were with him stood up; until it had passed by.  +
  • It was narrated from Aasi d Bin Abu Aasi d
    It was narrated from Aasi d Bin Abu Aasi d; from Mousa Bin Abu Mousa Ashari; from his father that the Prophet said: The deceased is punished for the weeping of the living. If they say: O my strength; O he who clothed us; O my help; O my rock; and so on; he is rebuked and it is said: Were you really like that? Were you really like that? Aasi d said: I said: Subhan-Allah! Allah says: And no bearer of burdens shall another burden 35:18. He said: Woe to you; I tell you that Abu Mousa narrated to me from the Messenger of Allah ; and you think that Abu Mousa was telling lies about the Prophet ? Or do you think that I am telling lies about Abu Mousa?
    nk that I am telling lies about Abu Mousa?  +
  • It was narrated from Aasi m Bin Kulaib tha
    It was narrated from Aasi m Bin Kulaib that his father said: We were on a journey and the day of Aladha came; so we started to by sheep; a Musinnah for two or three Jadhahs. A man from Muzainah said to us: We were with the Messenger of Allah on a journey when this came; and we stated to look for sheep; offering to buy aMusinnah for two or three Jadhahs. Then the Messenger of Allah said: A Jadhah is sufficient for that for which a Thani is sufficient.
    for that for which a Thani is sufficient.  +
  • It was narrated from Aasi m Bin Kulaib tha
    It was narrated from Aasi m Bin Kulaib that his father said: We were with a man from among the Companions of the Messenger of Allah who was called Mujashi; from Banu Sulaim; and sheep became scarce. He ordered a caller to call out that the Messenger of Allah used to say: A Jadhaa suffices for whatever a two-year-old sheep suffices.
    or whatever a two-year-old sheep suffices.  +