Category:Surat AlNaba

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Sura Attributes


Sura Name AlNaba
Sura Number 78
Sura Classification Sura Makkan Classification
Number of Ayah 40
Number of Prostration FALSE
Sura Polarity -0.003
Sura Chronology Sequence 76
Sura Main Topic Quran Main Topic 32, Quran Main Topic 30, Quran Main Topic 12, Quran Main Topic 54, Quran Main Topic 58, Quran Main Topic 16, Quran Main Topic 20, Quran Main Topic 06, Quran Main Topic 04, Quran Main Topic 25, Quran Main Topic 27, Quran Main Topic 24, Quran Main Topic 10, Quran Main Topic 44, Quran Main Topic 08, Quran Main Topic 05, Quran Main Topic 22, Quran Main Topic 39, Quran Main Topic 21, Quran Main Topic 29, Quran Main Topic 38, Quran Main Topic 13, Quran Main Topic 03, Quran Main Topic 14, Quran Main Topic 02, Quran Main Topic 19, Quran Main Topic 18
Sura SubTopic Quran Sub Topic 32-00, Quran Sub Topic 30-00, Quran Sub Topic 12-00, Quran Sub Topic 54-00, Quran Sub Topic 58-00, Quran Sub Topic 16-00, Quran Sub Topic 20-00, Quran Sub Topic 06-00, Quran Sub Topic 04-00, Quran Sub Topic 25-00, Quran Sub Topic 27-00, Quran Sub Topic 24-00, Quran Sub Topic 10-00, Quran Sub Topic 44-00, Quran Sub Topic 08-00, Quran Sub Topic 05-00, Quran Sub Topic 22-00, Quran Sub Topic 39-00, Quran Sub Topic 21-00, Quran Sub Topic 29-00, Quran Sub Topic 38-00, Quran Sub Topic 13-00, Quran Sub Topic 03-00, Quran Sub Topic 14-00, Quran Sub Topic 02-00, Quran Sub Topic 19-00, Quran Sub Topic 18-00
Body Parts Ear, Heart, Hand
Food Eat, Pan, Water, Corn, Vegetable, Drink, Boil, Fruit, Grape, Pea
Fruits Grape
Family Heir
After Life Locations Hell
Astronomical Body Heavens
After life Locations Hell

Sentiment Analysis

Positive Sentiment

The following table displays the Ayat in Surat AlNaba that has positive sentiment sorted by Polarity.
Sura PagePolarityAyah Text
Surat AlNaba Ayah 20.5Concerning the Great News,
Surat AlNaba Ayah 160.45And gardens of luxurious growth?
Surat AlNaba Ayah 360.38Recompense from thy Lord, a gift, (amply) sufficient,
Surat AlNaba Ayah 380.36The Day that the Spirit and the angels will stand forth in ranks, none shall speak except any who is permitted by (Allah) Most Gracious, and He will say what is right.
Surat AlNaba Ayah 350.35No vanity shall they hear therein, nor Untruth:-
Surat AlNaba Ayah 270.33For that they used not to fear any account (for their deeds),
Surat AlNaba Ayah 240.33Nothing cool shall they taste therein, nor any drink,
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"NaN" is not a number.

Negative Sentiment

The following table displays the Ayat in Surat AlNaba that has negative sentiment sorted by Polarity.
Sura PagePolarityAyah Text
Surat AlNaba Ayah 20-0.3And the mountains shall vanish, as if they were a mirage.
Surat AlNaba Ayah 28-0.38But they (impudently) treated Our Signs as false.
Surat AlNaba Ayah 40-0.5Verily, We have warned you of a Penalty near, the Day when man will see (the deeds) which his hands have sent forth, and the Unbeliever will say, "Woe unto me! Would that I were (metre) dust!"
Surat AlNaba Ayah 21-0.99Truly Hell is as a place of ambush,
Surat AlNaba Ayah 25-1.21Save a boiling fluid and a fluid, dark, murky, intensely cold,
"NaN" is not a number.

Sentiment Analysis Plot

Surat AlNaba Sentiment Analysis plot.png

[[AlMursalat]] ← Surat AlNaba → [[AlNaziat]]

Surat AlNaba Index of Topics

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Index of Subjects Frequency Count Category
Cloud abundance 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Corn vegetables 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Produc therewith 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Send cloud 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Therewith corn 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects

Hadith Citation of Surat AlNaba

The Following are Hadith that cited or mentioned Surat AlNaba or a specific Ayah in Surat AlNaba.

From Sahih AlBukhari

No Hadith in Sahih AlBukhari Cited Surat AlNaba or a specific Ayah in Surat AlNaba

From Sahih Muslim

No Hadith in Sahih Muslim Cited Surat AlNaba or a specific Ayah in Surat AlNaba

From Sunan AlNasai

No Hadith in Sunan AlNasai Cited Surat AlNaba or a specific Ayah in Surat AlNaba

From Sunan AlTermithi

No Hadith in Sunan AlTermithi Cited Surat AlNaba or a specific Ayah in Surat AlNaba

From Sunan Abu Dawoud

No Hadith in Sunan Abu Dawoud Cited Surat AlNaba or a specific Ayah in Surat AlNaba