Category:Surat AlRahman
Sura Attributes
Sentiment Analysis
Positive Sentiment
The following table displays the Ayat in Surat AlRahman that has positive sentiment sorted by Polarity.Sura Page | Polarity | Ayah Text |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 70 | 1.13 | In them will be fair (Companions), good, beautiful;- |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 60 | 1 | Is there any Reward for Good - other than Good? |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 1 | 0.71 | (Allah) Most Gracious! |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 76 | 0.67 | Reclining on green Cushions and rich Carpets of beauty. |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 58 | 0.45 | Like unto Rubies and coral. |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 8 | 0.35 | In order that ye may not transgress (due) balance. |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 14 | 0.33 | He created man from sounding clay like unto pottery, |
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Negative Sentiment
The following table displays the Ayat in Surat AlRahman that has negative sentiment sorted by Polarity.Sura Page | Polarity | Ayah Text |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 46 | -0.23 | But for such as fear the time when they will stand before (the Judgment Seat of) their Lord, there will be two Gardens- |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 39 | -0.25 | On that Day no question will be asked of man or Jinn as to his sin. |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 7 | -0.27 | And the Firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the Balance (of Justice), |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 35 | -0.29 | On you will be sent (O ye evil ones twain!) a flame of fire (to burn) and a smoke (to choke): no defence will ye have: |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 59 | -0.3 | Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 30 | -0.3 | Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 69 | -0.3 | Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? |
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Sentiment Analysis Plot
Surat AlRahman Index of Topics
Hadith Citation of Surat AlRahman
The Following are Hadith that cited or mentioned Surat AlRahman or a specific Ayah in Surat AlRahman.
From Sahih AlBukhari
No Hadith in Sahih AlBukhari Cited Surat AlRahman or a specific Ayah in Surat AlRahman
From Sahih Muslim
No Hadith in Sahih Muslim Cited Surat AlRahman or a specific Ayah in Surat AlRahman
From Sunan AlNasai
No Hadith in Sunan AlNasai Cited Surat AlRahman or a specific Ayah in Surat AlRahman
From Sunan AlTermithi
The following Hadith Cited Surat AlRahman in Sunan AlTermithiHadith Page | Book and Chapter | Hadith Grade |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10168 | The Chapter on The Recitation Of Companions in HodHood Indexing The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi | Sunan AlTermithi |
From Sunan Abu Dawoud
No Hadith in Sunan Abu Dawoud Cited Surat AlRahman or a specific Ayah in Surat AlRahman
Surah Index of Subjects
Sura Attributes
Sentiment Analysis
Positive Sentiment
The following table displays the Ayat in Surat AlRahman that has positive sentiment sorted by Polarity.Sura Page | Polarity | Ayah Text |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 70 | 1.13 | In them will be fair (Companions), good, beautiful;- |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 60 | 1 | Is there any Reward for Good - other than Good? |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 1 | 0.71 | (Allah) Most Gracious! |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 76 | 0.67 | Reclining on green Cushions and rich Carpets of beauty. |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 58 | 0.45 | Like unto Rubies and coral. |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 8 | 0.35 | In order that ye may not transgress (due) balance. |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 14 | 0.33 | He created man from sounding clay like unto pottery, |
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Negative Sentiment
The following table displays the Ayat in Surat AlRahman that has negative sentiment sorted by Polarity.Sura Page | Polarity | Ayah Text |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 46 | -0.23 | But for such as fear the time when they will stand before (the Judgment Seat of) their Lord, there will be two Gardens- |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 39 | -0.25 | On that Day no question will be asked of man or Jinn as to his sin. |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 7 | -0.27 | And the Firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the Balance (of Justice), |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 35 | -0.29 | On you will be sent (O ye evil ones twain!) a flame of fire (to burn) and a smoke (to choke): no defence will ye have: |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 59 | -0.3 | Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 30 | -0.3 | Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? |
Surat AlRahman Ayah 69 | -0.3 | Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? |
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Sentiment Analysis Plot
Surat AlRahman Index of Topics
Hadith Citation of Surat AlRahman
The Following are Hadith that cited or mentioned Surat AlRahman or a specific Ayah in Surat AlRahman.
From Sahih AlBukhari
No Hadith in Sahih AlBukhari Cited Surat AlRahman or a specific Ayah in Surat AlRahman
From Sahih Muslim
No Hadith in Sahih Muslim Cited Surat AlRahman or a specific Ayah in Surat AlRahman
From Sunan AlNasai
No Hadith in Sunan AlNasai Cited Surat AlRahman or a specific Ayah in Surat AlRahman
From Sunan AlTermithi
The following Hadith Cited Surat AlRahman in Sunan AlTermithiHadith Page | Book and Chapter | Hadith Grade |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10168 | The Chapter on The Recitation Of Companions in HodHood Indexing The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi | Sunan AlTermithi |
From Sunan Abu Dawoud
No Hadith in Sunan Abu Dawoud Cited Surat AlRahman or a specific Ayah in Surat AlRahman
Surah Index of Subjects
Pages in category "Surat AlRahman"
The following 78 pages are in this category, out of 78 total.
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 1
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 10
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 11
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 12
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 13
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 14
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 15
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 16
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 17
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 18
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 19
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 2
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 20
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 21
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 22
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 23
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 24
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 25
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 26
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 27
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 28
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 29
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 3
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 30
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 31
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 32
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 33
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 34
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 35
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 36
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 37
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 38
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 39
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 4
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 40
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 41
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 42
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 43
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 44
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 45
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 46
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 47
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 48
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 49
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 5
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 50
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 51
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 52
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 53
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 54
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 55
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 56
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 57
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 58
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 59
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 6
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 60
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 61
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 62
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 63
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 64
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 65
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 66
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 67
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 68
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 69
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 7
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 70
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 71
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 72
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 73
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 74
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 75
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 76
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 77
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 78
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 8
- Surat AlRahman Ayah 9