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In Quran

Quran SuratSura and AyahPolaritySura ClassificationSura SequenceRelated SubjectsAyah TextEnglish Translation
Surat AlIsra Ayah 5Surat AlIsra-0.3246فَإِذَا جَاءَ وَعْدُ أُولَاهُمَا بَعَثْنَا عَلَيْكُمْ عِبَادًا لَنَا أُولِي بَأْسٍ شَدِيدٍ فَجَاسُوا خِلَالَ الدِّيَارِ وَكَانَ وَعْدًا مَفْعُولًاWhen the first of the warnings came to pass, We sent against you Our servants given to terrible warfare: They entered the very inmost parts of your homes; and it was a warning (completely) fulfilled.

In Hadith Text Books

Part In Sahih AlBukhari

Hadith PageArabic TextEnglish TranslationBook and Chapter
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2170Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah Messenger ﷺ saying; Verily Allah created Mercy. The day He created it; He made it into one hundred parts. He withheld with Him ninety-nine parts; and sent its one part to all His creatures. Had the non-believer known of all the Mercy which is in the Hands of Allah; he would not lose hope of entering Paradise; and had the believer known of all the punishment which is present with Allah; he would not consider himself safe from the Hell-Fire.The Chapter on Special Days Completing The Religion in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Hope with fear in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2520Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah Messenger ﷺ saying; Allah divided Mercy into one hundred parts. He kept ninety nine parts with Him and sent down one part to the earth; and because of that; its one single part; His Creations are merciful to each other; so that even the mare lifts up its hoofs away from its baby animal; lest it should trample on it.The Chapter on Mercy And Bowing in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Allah divided mercy into one hundred parts in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3375Narrated AlMiswar Bin Makhrama: When Umar was stabbed; he showed signs of agony. Ibn Abbas; as if intending to encourage Umar; said to him; O Chief of the believers! Never mind what has happened to you; for you have been in the company of Allah Messenger ﷺ and you kept good relations with him and you parted with him while he was pleased with you. Then you were in the company of Abu Bakr and kept good relations with him and you parted with him i.e. he died while he was pleased with you. Then you were in the company of the Muslims; and you kept good relations with them; and if you leave them; you will leave them while they are pleased with you. Umar said; to Ibn Abbas ; As for what you have said about the company of Allah Messenger ﷺ and his being pleased with me; it is a favor; Allah did to me; and as for what you have said about the company of Abu Bakr and his being pleased with me; it is a favor Allah did to me; and concerning my impatience which you see; is because of you and your companions. By Allah! If at all I had gold equal to the earth; I would have ransomed myself with it from the Punishment of Allah before I meet Him.The Chapter on Potent Houre in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The merits of Umar Bin AlKhattab in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3715Narrated Khabbaba: I came to the Prophet ﷺ while he was leaning against his sheet cloak in the shade of the Kaba. We were suffering greatly from the pagans in those days. i said to him. Will you invoke Allah to help us ? He sat down with a red face and said; A believer among those who were before you used to be combed with iron combs so that nothing of his flesh or nerves would remain on his bones; yet that would never make him desert his religion. A saw might be put over the parting of his head which would be split into two parts; yet all that would never make him abandon his religion. Allah will surely complete this religion i.e. Islam so that a traveler from Sana to Hadra-maut will not be afraid of anybody except Allah. The sub-narrator; Baiyan added; Or the wolf; lest it should harm his sheep.The Chapter on Grooming The Beard in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The troubles which the Mushrikun caused in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-4351Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah Messenger ﷺ said; Your ordinary fire is one of 70 parts of the Hell Fire. Someone asked; O Allah Messenger ﷺ This ordinary fire would have been sufficient to torture the unbelievers ; Allah Apostle said; The Hell Fire has 69 parts more than the ordinary worldly fire; each part is as hot as this worldly fire.The Chapter on Admittance To Hell Fire in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The description of the Hell Fire and the fact that it has already been created in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-777Narrated Ibn Abbas: The Prophet ﷺ was ordered by Allah to prostrate on seven parts and not to tuck up the clothes or hair while praying. Those parts are: the forehead along with the tip of nose ; both hands; both knees; and toes of both feet.The Chapter on Personal Hygiene Hair And Nose in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on To prostrate on seven bones in Sahih AlBukhari

In Sahih Muslim

Hadith PageArabic TextEnglish TranslationBook and Chapter
SahihMuslim-017-001-19051Abdullah Bin Masud reported that the moon was split up in two parts during the lifetime of Allah Messenger ﷺ. The mountain covered one of its parts and one part of it was above the mountain and Allah Messenger ﷺ said: Bear witness to this.The Chapter on Almadinah And Alkabbah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 8 in Sahih Muslim
SahihMuslim-017-001-19055Anas reported that the moon was split up in two parts and in the hadith recorded in Abu Dawud; the words are: The moon was split up into two parts during the life of Allah Messenger ﷺ.The Chapter on Ramadan And Fasting And What Is Forbidden in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 8 in Sahih Muslim
SahihMuslim-017-001-19339Abu Huraira reported: I heard Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: Allah created mercy in one hundred parts and He retained with Him ninety-nine parts; and He has sent down upon the earth one part; and it is because of this one part that there is mutual love among the creation so much so that the animal lifts up its hoof from its young one; fearing that it might harm it.The Chapter on Supplications The Glorious Allah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 4 in Sahih Muslim
SahihMuslim-017-001-19341Abu Huraira reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: There are one hundred parts of mercy for Allah and He has sent down out of these one part of mercy upon the jinn and human beings and animals and the insects; and it is because of this one part that they love one another; show kindness to one another and even the beast treats its young one with affection; and Allah has reserved ninety nine parts of mercy with which He would treat His servants on the Day of Resurrection.The Chapter on Mercy And Forgiveness in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 4 in Sahih Muslim
SahihMuslim-017-001-22658Abu Mousa reported: There cropped up a difference of opinion between a group of Muhajirs Emigrants and a group of Ansar Helpers and the point of dispute was that the Ansar said: The bath because of sexual intercourse becomes obligatory only-when the semen spurts out or ejaculates. But the Muhajirs said: When a man has sexual intercourse with the woman ; a bath becomes obligatory no matter whether or not there is seminal emission or ejaculation. Abu Mousa said: Well; I satisfy you on this issue. He Abu Mousa; the narrator said: I got up and went to Aisha and sought her permission and it was granted; and I said to her: 0 Mother; or Mother of the Faithful; I want to ask you about a matter on which I feel shy. She said: Dont feel shy of asking me about a thing which you can ask your mother; who gave you birth; for I am too your mother. Upon this I said: What makes a bath obligatory for a person? She replied: You have come across one well informed! The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: When anyone sits amidst four parts of the woman and the circumcised parts touch each other a bath becomes obligatory.The Chapter on Alansar And Muhajirin in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 22 in Sahih Muslim
SahihMuslim-017-001-23477Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ neither recited the Quran to the Jinn nor did he see them. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ went out with some of his Companions with the intention of going to the bazaar of Ukaz And there had been at that time obstructions between satans and the news from the Heaven; and there were flung flames upon them. So satan went back to their people and they said: What has happened to you? They said: There have been created obstructions between us and the news from the Heaven. And there have been flung upon us flames. They said: It cannot happen but for some important event. So traverse the eastern parts of the earth and the western parts and find out why is it that there have been created obstructions between us and the news from the Heaven. So they went forth and traversed the easts of the earth and its wests. Some of them proceeded towards Tihama and that is a nakhl towards the bazaar of Ukaz and he the Holy Prophet was leading his Companions in the morning prayer. So when they heard the Quran. they listened to it attentively and said: It is this which has caused obstruction between us and news from the Heaven. They went back to their people and said: O our people; we have heard a strange Quran which directs us to the right path; so we affirm our faith in it and we would never associate anyone with our Lord. And Allah; the Exalted and Glorious; revealed to His Apostle Muhammad ﷺ : It has been revealed to me that a party of Jinn listened to it Quran; lxxii. 1.The Chapter on Heaven Alquran Ramdan And Satan in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 33 in Sahih Muslim
SahihMuslim-017-001-23946This hadith has been narrated by Qatada with the same chain of transmitters in these words: He the Messenger of Allah said: Allah divided the Quran into three parts; and he made: Say: He; Allah is One. one part out of the three parts of the Quran.Chapter on 45 in Sahih Muslim
SahihMuslim-017-001-24517Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: The parts of land dearest to Allah are its Masjids; and the parts most hateful to Allah are markets.The Chapter on Love And Emotions Supplications in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 52 in Sahih Muslim

In Sunan AlTermithi

Hadith PageArabic TextEnglish TranslationBook and Chapter
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9200Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: This Fire of yours; which the sons of Adam kindle; is one part from seventy parts of the heat of the Hell. They said: By Allah! Would it not have been enough O Messenger of Allah?! He said: It is sixty-nine parts more all of them similar in heat. SahihThe Chapter on Visiting Brothers in HodHood Indexing, The Book on the Description of Hellfire in Sunan AlTermithi
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9203Abu Huraira narrated: that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: The Fire complained to its Lord. It said: Some parts of me consume other parts. So He allowed it to take two breaths: one during the winter; and during the summer. As for the breath in the winter then it is Zamharir; and as for the breath in the summer then it is SamumThe Chapter on Allah And Prophets And Makkah in HodHood Indexing, The Book on the Description of Hellfire in Sunan AlTermithi

In Sunan AlNasai

Hadith PageArabic TextEnglish TranslationBook and Chapter
SunanAlNasai-017-001-13607It was narrated from Ibn Abbas that: The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL used to let his hair hang down without a parting and the Mushrikun used to part their hair. The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL liked to act in accordance with the People of the Book; in matters where no specific command had been given to him. Then the Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL parted his hair after that.The Chapter on Grooming Coloring The Head Hair in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Parting the Hair in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-13912It was narrated from Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah said: When Allah created Paradise and Hell; He sent Jibril; ﷺ ; to Paradise and said: Look at it and at what I have prepared for its people in it. He looked at it; then he came back and said: By Your Glory; no one will hear of it but he will enter it. So He commanded that it be surrounded by hardships and said: Go and look at it and at what I have prepared for its people in it. He looked at it and saw that it had been surrounded with hardships. He Jibril said: By Your Glory; I fear that no one will enter it. He Allah said: Go and look at the Fire and at what I have prepared for its people in it. So he looked at it and parts of it were piled upon other parts. He came back and said: By Your Glory; no one will enter it. So He commanded that it be surrounded with pleasures and said: Go and look at it. So he looked at it and saw that it was surrounded with pleasures. He came back and said: By Your Glory; I fear that no one will be saved from it and all will enter it.The Chapter on Facts And Special Days in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Swearing By The Glory Izzah Of Allah in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-15446It was narrated from Ibn Shihab rom Urwah Bin AlZubair; that Aisha said: The sun was eclipsed during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He stood and said the takbir; and the people formed rows behind him. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ recited for a long time; then he said the takbir and bowed for a long time; then he raised his head and said: Sami Allahu liman hamidah; Rabbana wa lakal-hamd. Then he stood and recited for a long time; but it was a shorter recitation than the first recitation; then he said the takbir and bowed but it was shorter than the first bowing. Then he said: Sami Allahu liman hamidah; then he prostrated. In this manner; he bowed four times; and the eclipse ended before he had finished. Then he stood and addressed the people. He praised and glorified Allah SWT ; the Mighty and Sublime; as He deserves; then he said: The sun and moon are two of the signs of Allah SWT ; Most High. They do not become eclipsed for the death or birth of anyone. If you see that eclipsed then pray until it ends. And the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: While I was standing just now I saw everything you have been promised. When you saw me moving forward; I wanted to take a cluster of fruit from Paradise. And I saw Hell; parts of it were consuming other parts when you saw me step backward. And I saw therein Ibn Luhay; who was the first one to establish the Saibah.The Chapter on Prostration And Eclipse Of The Sun in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Another version narrated from Aishah in Sunan AlNasai

In Sunan Abu Dawoud

Hadith PageArabic TextEnglish TranslationBook and Chapter
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26132Narrated Aisha; Ummul Muminin: When I parted the hair of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ I made a parting from the crow of his head and let his forelock hang between his eyes.The Chapter on Personal Hygiene And Tayammum in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Parting Of Hair in Sunan Abu Dawoud
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26372Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying : when anyone sits between the four parts of a woman and the parts of the male and female which are circumscised join together; then bath becomes obligatory.The Chapter on Obligations Of Fasting in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Intercourse Without Ejaculation in Sunan Abu Dawoud

In Muwata Malik

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