Category:Surat AlAsr
From HodHood
Sura Attributes
Sura Name | AlAsr |
Sura Number | 103 |
Sura Classification | Sura Makkan Classification |
Number of Ayah | 3 |
Number of Prostration | FALSE |
Sura Polarity | 0.104 |
Sura Chronology Sequence | 8 |
Sura Main Topic | Quran Main Topic 11, Quran Main Topic 61, Quran Main Topic 09 |
Sura SubTopic | Quran Sub Topic 11-00, Quran Sub Topic 61-00, Quran Sub Topic 09-00 |
Body Parts | Chin |
Food | Tea |
Sentiment Analysis
Positive Sentiment
The following table displays the Ayat in Surat AlAsr that has positive sentiment sorted by Polarity.Sura Page | Polarity | Ayah Text |
Surat AlAsr Ayah 3 | 0.65 | Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. |
"NaN" is not a number.
Negative Sentiment
The following table displays the Ayat in Surat AlAsr that has negative sentiment sorted by Polarity.Sura Page | Polarity | Ayah Text |
Surat AlAsr Ayah 2 | -0.45 | Verily Man is in loss, |
"NaN" is not a number.
Sentiment Analysis Plot
Surat AlAsr Index of Topics
Hadith Citation of Surat AlAsr
The Following are Hadith that cited or mentioned Surat AlAsr or a specific Ayah in Surat AlAsr.
From Sahih AlBukhari
No Hadith in Sahih AlBukhari Cited Surat AlAsr or a specific Ayah in Surat AlAsr
From Sahih Muslim
No Hadith in Sahih Muslim Cited Surat AlAsr or a specific Ayah in Surat AlAsr
From Sunan AlNasai
No Hadith in Sunan AlNasai Cited Surat AlAsr or a specific Ayah in Surat AlAsr
From Sunan AlTermithi
No Hadith in Sunan AlTermithi Cited Surat AlAsr or a specific Ayah in Surat AlAsr
From Sunan Abu Dawoud
No Hadith in Sunan Abu Dawoud Cited Surat AlAsr or a specific Ayah in Surat AlAsr
Surah Index of Subjects
Pages in category "Surat AlAsr"
The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.