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In Quran
Quran Surat | Sura and Ayah | Polarity | Sura Classification | Sura Sequence | Related Subjects | Ayah Text | English Translation |
Surat Hood Ayah 62 | Surat Hood | -0.62 | 47 | Father worship, Disquiet doubt, Suspici disquiet, Worship father, Hitherto dost, Dost forbid, Doubt invit, Forbid worship, Doubt invitest, Salih hast, Hast centr, Worship suspici, Centr hope, Hope hitherto | قَالُوا يَا صَالِحُ قَدْ كُنْتَ فِينَا مَرْجُوًّا قَبْلَ هَذَا أَتَنْهَانَا أَنْ نَعْبُدَ مَا يَعْبُدُ آبَاؤُنَا وَإِنَّنَا لَفِي شَكٍّ مِمَّا تَدْعُونَا إِلَيْهِ مُرِيبٍ | They said: "O Salih! thou hast been of us! a centre of our hopes hitherto! dost thou (now) forbid us the worship of what our fathers worshipped? But we are really in suspicious (disquieting) doubt as to that to which thou invitest us." | |
Surat AlNisa Ayah 104 | Surat AlNisa | -0.42 | 92 | Full knowledg, Knowledg wisdom, Enemi suffer, Hardships suffer, Suffer hardships, Slacken enemi, Hope full, Hardship hope, Suffer similar, Similar hardship | وَلَا تَهِنُوا فِي ابْتِغَاءِ الْقَوْمِ إِنْ تَكُونُوا تَأْلَمُونَ فَإِنَّهُمْ يَأْلَمُونَ كَمَا تَأْلَمُونَ وَتَرْجُونَ مِنَ اللَّهِ مَا لَا يَرْجُونَ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ عَلِيمًا حَكِيمًا | And slacken not in following up the enemy: If ye are suffering hardships, they are suffering similar hardships; but ye have Hope from Allah, while they have none. And Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom. | |
Surat AlIsra Ayah 57 | Surat AlIsra | -0.31 | 46 | Wrath lord, Rest hope, Merci fear, Hope merci, Wrath wrath, Mean access, Lord heed, Fear wrath, Desir mean, Access lord, Nearest hope | أُولَئِكَ الَّذِينَ يَدْعُونَ يَبْتَغُونَ إِلَى رَبِّهِمُ الْوَسِيلَةَ أَيُّهُمْ أَقْرَبُ وَيَرْجُونَ رَحْمَتَهُ وَيَخَافُونَ عَذَابَهُ إِنَّ عَذَابَ رَبِّكَ كَانَ مَحْذُورًا | Those whom they call upon do desire (for themselves) means of access to their Lord, - even those who are nearest: they hope for His Mercy and fear His Wrath: for the Wrath of thy Lord is something to take heed of. | |
Surat AlShuara Ayah 82 | Surat AlShuara | -0.27 | 43 | Forgiv fault, Hope forgiv, Fault judgment | وَالَّذِي أَطْمَعُ أَنْ يَغْفِرَ لِي خَطِيئَتِي يَوْمَ الدِّينِ | "And who, I hope, will forgive me my faults on the day of Judgment. | |
Surat AlRaad Ayah 12 | Surat AlRaad | -0.24 | 96 | Fear hope, Doth rais, Rais clouds, Lightning fear, Fertilis rain, Rais cloud, Clouds fertilis, Hope doth, Doth lightning | هُوَ الَّذِي يُرِيكُمُ الْبَرْقَ خَوْفًا وَطَمَعًا وَيُنْشِئُ السَّحَابَ الثِّقَالَ | It is He Who doth show you the lightning, by way both of fear and of hope: It is He Who doth raise up the clouds, heavy with (fertilising) rain! | |
Surat Yusuf Ayah 110 | Surat Yusuf | -0.23 | 48 | Respit grant, Punish sin, Deliv safe, Ward punish, Grant hope, Deliv safeti, Liars reach, Safeti ward, Reach deliv, Treat liars, Hope treat | حَتَّى إِذَا اسْتَيْأَسَ الرُّسُلُ وَظَنُّوا أَنَّهُمْ قَدْ كُذِبُوا جَاءَهُمْ نَصْرُنَا فَنُجِّيَ مَنْ نَشَاءُ وَلَا يُرَدُّ بَأْسُنَا عَنِ الْقَوْمِ الْمُجْرِمِينَ | (Respite will be granted) until, when the messengers give up hope (of their people) and (come to) think that they were treated as liars, there reaches them Our help, and those whom We will are delivered into safety. But never will be warded off our punishment from those who are in sin. | |
Surat Nooh Ayah 13 | Surat Nooh | -0.23 | 69 | Kind suffer, Matter hope, Hope kind | مَا لَكُمْ لَا تَرْجُونَ لِلَّهِ وَقَارًا | "'What is the matter with you, that ye place not your hope for kindness and long-suffering in Allah, - | |
Surat AlMaidah Ayah 3 | Surat AlMaidah | -0.2 | 112 | Reject faith, Forgiving merci, Fear fear, Complet favour, Meat blood, Thi reject, Flesh swine, Dead meat, Blood flesh, Swine invok, Altar forbidden, Inclin transgression, Eaten wild, Death partli, Slaughter due, Fall gore, Impieti thi, Blow headlong, Forbidden food, Divis meat, Kill strangling, Transgression forgiving, Fear thi, Religion forc, Hope religion, Gore death, Partli eaten, R thi, Faith hope, Violent blow, Due sacrif, Invok kill, Arrow impieti, Forc hunger, Favour chose, Low head, Strangling violent, Headlong fall, Food dead, Sacrif stone, Perfect religion, Thi perfect, Religion fear, Hunger inclin, Favour chosen, Stone altar, Raffl arrow, Wild slaughter, Islam religion, Forbidden divis, Meat raffl, Religion complet, Chosen islam | حُرِّمَتْ عَلَيْكُمُ الْمَيْتَةُ وَالدَّمُ وَلَحْمُ الْخِنْزِيرِ وَمَا أُهِلَّ لِغَيْرِ اللَّهِ بِهِ وَالْمُنْخَنِقَةُ وَالْمَوْقُوذَةُ وَالْمُتَرَدِّيَةُ وَالنَّطِيحَةُ وَمَا أَكَلَ السَّبُعُ إِلَّا مَا ذَكَّيْتُمْ وَمَا ذُبِحَ عَلَى النُّصُبِ وَأَنْ تَسْتَقْسِمُوا بِالْأَزْلَامِ ذَلِكُمْ فِسْقٌ الْيَوْمَ يَئِسَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنْ دِينِكُمْ فَلَا تَخْشَوْهُمْ وَاخْشَوْنِ الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الْإِسْلَامَ دِينًا فَمَنِ اضْطُرَّ فِي مَخْمَصَةٍ غَيْرَ مُتَجَانِفٍ لِإِثْمٍ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ | Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah; that which hath been killed by strangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall, or by being gored to death; that which hath been (partly) eaten by a wild animal; unless ye are able to slaughter it (in due form); that which is sacrificed on stone (altars); (forbidden) also is the division (of meat) by raffling with arrows: that is impiety. This day have those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion: yet fear them not but fear Me. This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. But if any is forced by hunger, with no inclination to transgression, Allah is indeed Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. | |
Surat Yunus Ayah 15 | Surat Yunus | -0.13 | 49 | Clear sign, Sign rehears, Lord fear, Penalti dai, Fear penalti, Disobei lord, Hope meet, Rest hope, Meet us, Obei lord, Naught reveal, Rehears rest, Aught r, Bring read, Us bring, Accord naught, Reveal disobei, Read accord | وَإِذَا تُتْلَى عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتُنَا بَيِّنَاتٍ قَالَ الَّذِينَ لَا يَرْجُونَ لِقَاءَنَا ائْتِ بِقُرْآنٍ غَيْرِ هَذَا أَوْ بَدِّلْهُ قُلْ مَا يَكُونُ لِي أَنْ أُبَدِّلَهُ مِنْ تِلْقَاءِ نَفْسِي إِنْ أَتَّبِعُ إِلَّا مَا يُوحَى إِلَيَّ إِنِّي أَخَافُ إِنْ عَصَيْتُ رَبِّي عَذَابَ يَوْمٍ عَظِيمٍ | But when Our Clear Signs are rehearsed unto them, those who rest not their hope on their meeting with Us, Say: "Bring us a reading other than this, or change this," Say: "It is not for me, of my own accord, to change it: I follow naught but what is revealed unto me: if I were to disobey my Lord, I should myself fear the penalty of a Great Day (to come)." | |
Surat AlSajda Ayah 16 | Surat AlSajda | -0.091 | 71 | Lord fear, Spend chariti, Fear hope, Chariti susten, Hope spend, Bed sleep, Forsak bed, Susten bestow, Limb forsak, Sleep lord | تَتَجَافَى جُنُوبُهُمْ عَنِ الْمَضَاجِعِ يَدْعُونَ رَبَّهُمْ خَوْفًا وَطَمَعًا وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنْفِقُونَ | Their limbs do forsake their beds of sleep, the while they call on their Lord, in Fear and Hope: and they spend (in charity) out of the sustenance which We have bestowed on them. | |
Surat AlZumar Ayah 9 | Surat AlZumar | -0.062 | 59 | Receiv admonit, Merci lord, Endu understand, Hope merci, Night prostrat, Understand receiv, Prostrat stand, Hour night, Worship devoutli, Equal endu, Take heed, Devoutli hour, Heed hereafter, Stand adoration, Hour nigh, Adoration take, Hereafter place, Place hope | أَمَّنْ هُوَ قَانِتٌ آنَاءَ اللَّيْلِ سَاجِدًا وَقَائِمًا يَحْذَرُ الْآخِرَةَ وَيَرْجُو رَحْمَةَ رَبِّهِ قُلْ هَلْ يَسْتَوِي الَّذِينَ يَعْلَمُونَ وَالَّذِينَ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ إِنَّمَا يَتَذَكَّرُ أُولُو الْأَلْبَابِ | Is one who worships devoutly during the hour of the night prostrating himself or standing (in adoration), who takes heed of the Hereafter, and who places his hope in the Mercy of his Lord - (like one who does not)? Say: "Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? It is those who are endued with understanding that receive admonition. | |
Surat AlRum Ayah 24 | Surat AlRum | -0.0063 | 80 | Send rain, Rain sky, Life earth, Sign wise, Earth dead, Sky life, Fear hope, Dead sign, Lightning fear, Hope send, Show lightning, Ad sign, Signs show | وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ يُرِيكُمُ الْبَرْقَ خَوْفًا وَطَمَعًا وَيُنَزِّلُ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مَاءً فَيُحْيِي بِهِ الْأَرْضَ بَعْدَ مَوْتِهَا إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِقَوْمٍ يَعْقِلُونَ | And among His Signs, He shows you the lightning, by way both of fear and of hope, and He sends down rain from the sky and with it gives life to the earth after it is dead: verily in that are Signs for those who are wise. | |
Surat AlBaqara Ayah 75 | Surat AlBaqara | 0.036 | 87 | Faith enter, Faith entertain, Pervert knowingli, Parti pervert, Knowingli understood, Entertain hope | أَفَتَطْمَعُونَ أَنْ يُؤْمِنُوا لَكُمْ وَقَدْ كَانَ فَرِيقٌ مِنْهُمْ يَسْمَعُونَ كَلَامَ اللَّهِ ثُمَّ يُحَرِّفُونَهُ مِنْ بَعْدِ مَا عَقَلُوهُ وَهُمْ يَعْلَمُونَ | Can ye (o ye men of Faith) entertain the hope that they will believe in you?- Seeing that a party of them heard the Word of Allah, and perverted it knowingly after they understood it. | |
Surat AlBaqara Ayah 218 | Surat AlBaqara | 0.087 | 87 | Forgiving merci, Merci forgiving, Hope merci, Suffer exil, Merci forgiv, Believ suffer, Struggl path, Exil fought, Fought strove, Strove struggl | إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَالَّذِينَ هَاجَرُوا وَجَاهَدُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أُولَئِكَ يَرْجُونَ رَحْمَتَ اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ | Those who believed and those who suffered exile and fought (and strove and struggled) in the path of Allah, - they have the hope of the Mercy of Allah: And Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. | |
Surat Yusuf Ayah 80 | Surat Yusuf | 0.093 | 48 | Permit command, Fail duti, Command command, Joseph therefor, Leav father, Father permit, Hope yielding, Privat leader, Yielding held, Confer privat, Therefor leav, Leader father, Duti joseph, Held confer, Father oath | فَلَمَّا اسْتَيْأَسُوا مِنْهُ خَلَصُوا نَجِيًّا قَالَ كَبِيرُهُمْ أَلَمْ تَعْلَمُوا أَنَّ أَبَاكُمْ قَدْ أَخَذَ عَلَيْكُمْ مَوْثِقًا مِنَ اللَّهِ وَمِنْ قَبْلُ مَا فَرَّطْتُمْ فِي يُوسُفَ فَلَنْ أَبْرَحَ الْأَرْضَ حَتَّى يَأْذَنَ لِي أَبِي أَوْ يَحْكُمَ اللَّهُ لِي وَهُوَ خَيْرُ الْحَاكِمِينَ | Now when they saw no hope of his (yielding), they held a conference in private. The leader among them said: "Know ye not that your father did take an oath from you in Allah's name, and how, before this, ye did fail in your duty with Joseph? Therefore will I not leave this land until my father permits me, or Allah commands me; and He is the best to command. | |
Surat Yunus Ayah 11 | Surat Yunus | 0.096 | 49 | Wander distract, Hope meet, Rest hope, Meet us, Trespasses wander, Distract fro, Earn fain, Respit settl, Leav rest, Fain hasten, Settl leav, Us trespasses, Hasten earn | وَلَوْ يُعَجِّلُ اللَّهُ لِلنَّاسِ الشَّرَّ اسْتِعْجَالَهُمْ بِالْخَيْرِ لَقُضِيَ إِلَيْهِمْ أَجَلُهُمْ فَنَذَرُ الَّذِينَ لَا يَرْجُونَ لِقَاءَنَا فِي طُغْيَانِهِمْ يَعْمَهُونَ | If Allah were to hasten for men the ill (they have earned) as they would fain hasten on the good, - then would their respite be settled at once. But We leave those who rest not their hope on their meeting with Us, in their trespasses, wandering in distraction to and fro. | |
Surat AlKahf Ayah 24 | Surat AlKahf | 0.19 | 66 | Lord guid, Hope lord, Adding lord, Lord mind, Mind forgettest, Closer road, Forgettest hope, Without adding, Guid closer | إِلَّا أَنْ يَشَاءَ اللَّهُ وَاذْكُرْ رَبَّكَ إِذَا نَسِيتَ وَقُلْ عَسَى أَنْ يَهْدِيَنِ رَبِّي لِأَقْرَبَ مِنْ هَذَا رَشَدًا | Without adding, "So please Allah!" and call thy Lord to mind when thou forgettest, and say, "I hope that my Lord will guide me ever closer (even) than this to the right road." | |
Surat AlTaubah Ayah 59 | Surat AlTaubah | 0.21 | 113 | Gave suffici, Bounti hope, Content gave, Suffici bounti | وَلَوْ أَنَّهُمْ رَضُوا مَا آتَاهُمُ اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ وَقَالُوا حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ سَيُؤْتِينَا اللَّهُ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ وَرَسُولُهُ إِنَّا إِلَى اللَّهِ رَاغِبُونَ | If only they had been content with what Allah and His Messenger gave them, and had said, "Sufficient unto us is Allah! Allah and His Messenger will soon give us of His bounty: to Allah do we turn our hopes!" (that would have been the right course). | |
Surat Yusuf Ayah 87 | Surat Yusuf | 0.24 | 48 | Joseph brother, Mercy faith, Sooth merci, Sooth mercy, Brother hope, Son enquir, Merci despair, Enquir joseph | يَا بَنِيَّ اذْهَبُوا فَتَحَسَّسُوا مِنْ يُوسُفَ وَأَخِيهِ وَلَا تَيْأَسُوا مِنْ رَوْحِ اللَّهِ إِنَّهُ لَا يَيْأَسُ مِنْ رَوْحِ اللَّهِ إِلَّا الْقَوْمُ الْكَافِرُونَ | "O my sons! go ye and enquire about Joseph and his brother, and never give up hope of Allah's Soothing Mercy: truly no one despairs of Allah's Soothing Mercy, except those who have no faith." | |
Surat AlShuara Ayah 129 | Surat AlShuara | 0.27 | 43 | Fine build, Build hope, Hope live | وَتَتَّخِذُونَ مَصَانِعَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَخْلُدُونَ | "And do ye get for yourselves fine buildings in the hope of living therein (for ever)? | |
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In Hadith Text Books
Hope In Sahih AlBukhari
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2119 | Narrated Anas Bin Malik: The Prophet ﷺ drew a few lines and said; This is mans hope; and this is the instant of his death; and while he is in this state of hope ; the nearer line death comes to Him. | The Chapter on Body Parts The Hands in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on About hope and hoping too much in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2231 | Narrated Abu Said: The Prophet ﷺ said; Allah will say; O Adam!. Adam will reply; Labbaik and Sadaik I respond to Your Calls; I am obedient to Your orders ; wal Khair fi Yadaik and all the good is in Your Hands ! Then Allah will say to Adam ; Bring out the people of the Fire. Adam will say; What how many are the people of the Fire? Allah will say; Out of every thousand take out nine hundred and ninety-nine persons. At that time children will become hoary-headed and every pregnant female will drop her load have an abortion and you will see the people as if they were drunk; yet not drunk; But Allah punishment will be very severe. That news distressed the companions of the Prophet ﷺ too much; and they said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Who amongst us will be that man the lucky one out of one-thousand who will be saved from the Fire ? He said; Have the good news that one-thousand will be from Gog and Magog; and the one to be saved will be from you. The Prophet ﷺ added; By Him in Whose Hand my soul is; I Hope that you Muslims will be one third of the people of Paradise. On that; we glorified and praised Allah and said; Allahu Akbar. The Prophet ﷺ then said; By Him in Whose Hand my soul is; I hope that you will be one half of the people of Paradise; as your Muslims example in comparison to the other people non-Muslims ; is like that of a white hair on the skin of a black ox; or a round hairless spot on the foreleg of a donkey. | The Chapter on Charity To Save Oneself From Hell Fire in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Who associate others in worship with Allah in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2863 | Narrated Aisha: Some Muslim men emigrated to Ethiopia whereupon Abu Bakr also prepared himself for the emigration; but the Prophet ﷺ said to him ; Wait; for I hope that Allah will allow me also to emigrate. Abu Bakr said; Let my father and mother be sacrificed for you. Do you hope that emigration ? The Prophet said; Yes. So Abu Bakr waited to accompany the Prophet ﷺ and fed two camels he had on the leaves of AlSamur tree regularly for four months One day while we were sitting in our house at midday; someone said to Abu Bakr; Here is Allah Messenger ﷺ ; coming with his head and a part of his face covered with a cloth-covering at an hour he never used to come to us. Abu Bakr said; Let my father and mother be sacrificed for you; O Prophet ! An urgent matter must have brought you here at this hour. The Prophet ﷺ came and asked the permission to enter; and he was allowed. The Prophet ﷺ entered and said to Abu Bakr; Let those who are with you; go out. Abu Bakr replied; There is no stranger ; they are your family. Let my father be sacrificed for you; O Allah Apostle! The Prophet ﷺ said; I have been allowed to leave Mecca. Abu Bakr said; I shall accompany you; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ; Let my father be sacrificed for you! The Prophet ﷺ said; Yes; Abu Bakr said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ s! Let my father be sacrificed for you. Take one of these two shecamels of mine The Prophet ﷺ said. I will take it only after paying its price. So we prepared their baggage and put their journey food In a leather bag. And Asma bint Abu Bakr cut a piece of her girdle and tied the mouth of the leather bag with it. That is why she was called Dhatan- Nitaqaln. Then the Prophet ﷺ and Abu Bakr went to a cave in a mountain called Thour and remained there for three nights. Abdullah Bin Abu Bakr. who was a young intelligent man. used to stay with them at night and leave before dawn so that in the morning; he would he with the Quraish at Mecca as if he had spent the night among them. If he heard of any plot contrived by the Quraish against the Prophet and Abu Bakr; he would understand it and return to inform them of it when it became dark. Amir Bin Fuhaira; the freed slave of Abu Bakr used to graze a flock of milch sheep for them and he used to take those sheep to them when an hour had passed after the Isha prayer. They would sleep soundly till Amir Bin Fuhaira awakened them when it was still dark. He used to do that in each of those three nights. | The Chapter on Live Stock And Wolves And Shephards in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on AtTaqannu in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3359 | Narrated Ibn Abbas: While I was standing amongst the people who were invoking Allah for Umar Bin AlKhattab who was lying dead on his bed; a man behind me rested his elbows on my shoulder and said; O Umar! May Allah bestow His Mercy on you. I always hoped that Allah will keep you with your two companions; for I often heard Allah Messenger ﷺ saying; I; Abu Bakr and Umar were somewhere. I; Abu Bakr and Umar did something. I; Abu Bakr and Umar set out. So I hoped that Allah will keep you with both of them. I turned back to see that the speaker was Ali Bin Abi Talib. | The Chapter on Jihad And Ramadan in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on If I were to take Khalil in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-4150 | Narrated Abu Saeed AlKhudri: The Prophet ﷺ said; Allah will say on the Day of Resurrection ; O Adam. Adam will reply; Labbaik wa Sadaik; and all the good is in Your Hand. Allah will say: Bring out the people of the fire. Adam will say: O Allah! How many are the people of the Fire? Allah will reply: From every one thousand; take out nine-hundred-and ninety-nine. At that time children will become hoary headed; every pregnant female will have a miscarriage; and one will see mankind as drunken; yet they will not be drunken; but dreadful will be the Wrath of Allah. The companions of the Prophet ﷺ asked; O Allah Apostle! Who is that excepted one? He said; Rejoice with glad tidings; one person will be from you and one-thousand will be from Gog and Magog. The Prophet ﷺ further said; By Him in Whose Hands my life is; hope that you will be one-fourth of the people of Paradise. We shouted; Allahu Akbar! He added; I hope that you will be one-third of the people of Paradise. We shouted; Allahu Akbar! He said; I hope that you will be half of the people of Paradise. We shouted; Allahu Akbar! He further said; You Muslims compared with non Muslims are like a black hair in the skin of a white ox or like a white hair in the skin of a black ox i.e. your number is very small as compared with theirs. | The Chapter on Grooming The Women in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The story of Gog and Magog in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-4185 | Narrated Urwa: I asked Aisha the wife of the Prophet ﷺ about the meaning of the following Verse: - Respite will be granted Until when the apostles give up hope of their people and thought that they were denied by their people............... 12.110 Aisha replied; Really; their nations did not believe them. I said; By Allah! They were definite that their nations treated them as liars and it was not a matter of suspecting. Aisha said; O Uraiya i.e. Urwa ! No doubt; they were quite sure about it. I said; May the Verse be read in such a way as to mean that the apostles thought that Allah did not help them? Aisha said; Allah forbid! Impossible The Apostles did not suspect their Lord of such a thing. But this Verse is concerned with the Apostles followers who had faith in their Lord and believed in their apostles and their period of trials was long and Allah Help was delayed till the apostles gave up hope for the conversion of the disbelievers amongst their nation and suspected that even their followers were shaken in their belief; Allah Help then came to them. | The Chapter on Enemies And Groups And Treaties in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Statement of Allah Taala Verily in Yusuf and his brethren there were Ayat in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5170 | Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet ﷺ said; Whoever fasted the month of Ramadan out of sincere Faith i.e. belief and hoping for a reward from Allah; then all his past sins will be forgiven; and whoever stood for the prayers in the night of Qadr out of sincere Faith and hoping for a reward from Allah; then all his previous sins will be forgiven. | The Chapter on Forgiveness And Reward in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The superiority of the night of Qadr in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-5197 | Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet ﷺ said; Whoever established prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hoping for a reward from Allah; then all his previous sins will be forgiven; and whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith; and hoping for a reward from Allah; then all his previous sins will be forgiven. | The Chapter on Forgiveness And Reward in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Whoever observed fast in Ramadan out of sincere Faith with honest intention in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6441 | Narrated Aisha: Abu Bakr asked the Prophet ﷺ to allow him to go out of Mecca when he was greatly annoyed by the infidels. But the Prophet ﷺ said to him; Wait. Abu Bakr said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Do you hope that you will be allowed to migrate ? Allah Messenger ﷺ replied; I hope so. So Abu Bakr waited for him till one day Allah Messenger ﷺ came at noon time and addressed him saying Let whoever is present with you; now leave you. Abu Bakr said; None is present but my two daughters. The Prophet ﷺ said; Have you noticed that I have been allowed to go out to migrate ? Abu Bakr said; O Allah Apostle; I would like to accompany you. The Prophet ﷺ said; You will accompany me. Abu Bakr said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! I have got two camels which I had prepared and kept ready for our going out. So he gave one of the two camels to the Prophet ﷺ and it was AlJada. They both rode and proceeded till they reached the Cave at the mountain of Thaur where they hid themselves. Amir Bin Fuhaira was the slave of Abdullah Bin AlTufail Bin Sakhbara Aisha brother from her mother side. Abu Bakr had a milch camel. Amir used to go with it i.e. the milch camel in the afternoon and come back to them before noon by setting out towards them in the early morning when it was still dark and then he would take it to the pasture so that none of the shepherds would be aware of his job. When the Prophet and Abu Bakr went away from the Cave ; he i.e. Amir too went along with them and they both used to make him ride at the back of their camels in turns till they reached Medina. Amir Bin Fuhaira was martyred on the day of Bir Mauna. Narrated Urwa: When those Muslims at Bir Mauna were martyred and Amr Bin Umaiya AlDamri was taken prisoner; Amir Bin AlTufail; pointing at a killed person; asked Amr; Who is this? Amr Bin Umaiya said to him; He is Amir Bin Fuhaira. Amir Bin AlTufail said; I saw him lifted to the sky after he was killed till I saw the sky between him and the earth; and then he was brought down upon the earth. Then the news of the killed Muslims reached the Prophet ﷺ and he announced the news of their death saying; Your companions of Bir Mauna have been killed; and they have asked their Lord saying; O our Lord! Inform our brothers about us as we are pleased with You and You are pleased with us. So Allah informed them i.e. the Prophet ﷺ and his companions about them i.e. martyrs of Bir Mauna. On that day; Urwa Bin Asma Bin AlSalt who was one of them; was killed; and Urwa bin AlZubair was named after Urwa Bin Asma and Mundhir bin AlZubair was named after Mundhir Bin Amr who had also been martyred on that day. | The Chapter on Live Stock And Wolves And Shephards in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Ghazwa of AlRaji Ril Dhakwan and Bir Mauna and the narration about Khubaib and his companions in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-7009 | Narrated Urwa Bin AlZubair: That when he asked Aisha about the statement of Allah Until when the Apostles gave up hope of their people. 12.110 she told him its meaning ; Urwa added; I said; Did they Apostles suspect that they were betrayed by Allah or that they were treated as liars by their people ? Aisha said; They suspected that they were treated as liars by their people ; I said; But they were sure that their people treated them as liars and it was not a matter of suspicion. She said; Yes; upon my life they were sure about it. I said to her. So they Apostles suspected that they were betrayed by Allah. She said; Allah forbid! The Apostles never suspected their Lord of such a thing. I said; What about this Verse then? She said; It is about the Apostles followers who believed in their Lord and trusted their Apostles; but the period of trials was prolonged and victory was delayed till the Apostles gave up all hope of converting those of the people who disbelieved them and the Apostles thought that their followers treated them as liars; thereupon Allah help came to them. | The Chapter on Truth And Hypocrisy And Liars in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-7055 | Narrated Abu Saeed AlKhudri: The Prophet ﷺ said; On the day of Resurrection Allah will say; O Adam! Adam will reply; Labbaik our Lord; and Sadaik Then there will be a loud call saying ; Allah orders you to take from among your offspring a mission for the Hell Fire. Adam will say; O Lord! Who are the mission for the Hell Fire? Allah will say; Out of each thousand; take out 999. At that time every pregnant female shall drop her load have a miscarriage and a child will have grey hair. And you shall see mankind as in a drunken state; yet not drunk; but severe will be the torment of Allah. 22.2 When the Prophet ﷺ mentioned this ; the people were so distressed and afraid that their faces got changed in color whereupon the Prophet ﷺ said; From Gog and Magog nine-hundred ninety-nine will be taken out and one from you. You Muslims compared to the large number of other people will be like a black hair on the side of a white ox; or a white hair on the side of a black ox; and I hope that you will be onefourth of the people of Paradise. On that; we said; Allahu-Akbar! Then he said; I hope that you will be one-third of the people of Paradise. We again said; Allahu-Akbar! Then he said; I hope that you will be one-half of the people of Paradise. So we said; Allahu Akbar. | The Chapter on Grooming The Pubic Hear And Plucking in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari |
In Sahih Muslim
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SahihMuslim-017-001-18822 | Abu Saeed reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Allah; the High and Glorious; would say: O Adam I and he would say: At Thy service; at thy beck and call; O Lord; and the good is in Thy Hand. Allah would say: Bring forth the group of the denizens of Fire. He Adam would say: Who are the denizens of Hell? It would be said: They are out of every thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. He the Holy Prophet said: It is at this juncture that every child would become white-haired and every pregnant woman would abort and you would see people in a state of intoxication; and they would not be in fact intoxicated but grievous will be the torment of Allah. He the narrator said: This had a very depressing effect upon them upon the companions of the Holy Prophet and they said: Messenger of Allah; who amongst us would be that unfortunate person who would be doomed to Hell ? He said: Good tidings for you; Yajuj Majuj would be those thousands who would be the denizens of Hell and a person selected for Paradise would be amongst you. He the narrator further reported that he the Messenger of Allah again said: By Him in Whose Hand is thy life; I hope that you would constitute one-fourth of the inhabitants of Paradise. We extolled Allah and we glorified Him. He the Holy Prophet again said: BY Him in Whose Hand is my life; I wish you would constitute one-third of the inhabitants of Paradise. We extolled Allah and Glorified Him. He the Holy Prophet again said: By Him in Whose Hand is my life; I hope that you would constitute half of the inhabitants of Paradise. Your likeness among the people is the likeness of a white hair on the skin of a black ox or a strip on the foreleg of an ass. | The Chapter on Hell Fire And Suicide in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 96 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-19079 | Jabir reported: I heard Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: Verily; the Satan has lost all hopes that the worshippers would ever worship him in the peninsula of Arabia; but he is hopeful that he would sow the seed of dissension amongst them. | The Chapter on Worship And Praise in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 16 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-20597 | Ibn Abu Mulaika reported: I heard Ibn Abbas as saying: When Umar Bin AlKhattab was placed in the coffin the people gathered around him. They praised him and supplicated for him before the bier was lifted up; and I was one amongst them. Nothing attracted my attention but a person who gripped my shoulder from behind. I saw towards him and found that he was Ali. He invoked Allah mercy upon Umar and said: You have left none behind you whose deeds are so enviable that I love to meet Allah with them. By Allah; I hoped that Allah would keep you and your two associates together. I had often heard Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: I came and there came too Abu Bakr and Umar; I entered and there entered too Abu Bakr and Umar; I went out and there went out too Abu Bakr and Umar; and I hope and think that Allah will keep you along with them. | The Chapter on Jihad And Mercy in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 2 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-20733 | Abu Huraira reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said to Bilal: Bilal; narrate to me which act at the time of morning prayer you did in Islam for which you hope to receive good reward; for I heard during the night the sound of your steps before me in Paradise. Bilal said: I did not do any act in Islam for which I hope to get any benefit but this that when I perform complete ablution during the night or day I observe prayer with that purification what Allah has ordained for me to pray. | The Chapter on Jihad Reward And Believe in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 21 in Sahih Muslim |
In Sunan AlTermithi
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10045 | Narrated Imran Bin Hosain: when the following was revealed: O mankind! Have Taqwa of your Lord! Verily the earthquake of the hour is a terrible thing... up to His saying: But Allah torment is severe... 22:1 & 2 - he said: These Ayat were revealed while he ﷺ was on a journey and he said: Do you know what Day this is? So they said: Allah and His Messenger know better. He said: That is the day when Allah says to Adam: Send forth those who are to be sent to the Fire. So he says: O Lord! How many are to be sent? He says: Nine-hundred and ninety-nine in the Fire; and one to Paradise. He said: So the Muslims started crying. Then the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Close your ranks and be straight forward; for there was never any Prophethood but there was a time of ignorance just before his advent; so the number will be taken from that time of ignorance; and if that is not enough; it will be made up of the hypocrites. The parable of you and the other nations is that you are like a mark on the foreleg of an animal; or a mole on the flank of a camel. Then he said: I hope that you will be a quarter of the people of Paradise. They said: Allahu Akbar. Then he said: I hope that you will be a third of the people of Paradise. They said: Allahu Akbar. Then he said: I hope that you will be half of the people of Paradise. They said: Allahu Akbar. He said: I do not know if he said two thirds or not. | The Chapter on Pre-Islam And Makkah in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10362 | Abu Huraira narrated that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w came across some people who were sitting; so he said: Shall I not inform you of the best of you from your worst? He said: They became silent; so he said that three times; then a man said: Of course; O Messenger of Allah! Inform us of the best among us from our worst. He said: The best of you is the one whose goodness is hoped for; and people are safe from his evil. And the worst of you is he whose goodness is not hoped for; and people are not safe from his evil. | The Chapter on Sutra For Prayers Women And Donkeys Passing In Front Of A Praying Person in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Hadith The Best Of You Is The One Whose Goodness Is Hoped For And Whose Evil People Are Safe From in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8168 | Thabit narrated from Anas; that: The Prophet entered upon a young man while he was dying. So he said: How do you feel? He said: By Allah! O Messenger of Allah! Indeed I hope in Allah and I fear from my sins. So the Messenger of Allah said: These two will not be gathered in a worshipper heart at a time such as this; except that Allah will grant him what he hopes and make him safe from what he fears. | The Chapter on Alansar And Killing in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Hope In Allah And Fear Of Ones Sins In The Presence Of Death in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9210 | Abu Huraira narrated that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: Indeed two men among those who entered the Fire will be screaming violently. So the Lord; Blessed and Exalted; will say: Take them out. Then when they are taken out He will say: What caused you to scream so violently? They will say: We did that so You would have mercy on us. He will say: My mercy for you is that you both go and throw yourselves where you were in the Fire. So they will go. One of them will throw himself in; and He will make it cool and peaceful for him. And the other will stand there and not throw himself in; so the Lord; Mighty and Majestic; will say to him: What prevented you from throwing yourself in as your companion did? He will say: O Lord! I hope that you will not return me to it aftrr You have taken me out. So the Lord; Blessed and Exalted; will say to him: For you is what you hoped for; and so they will both enter Paradise together by the mercy of Allah. | The Chapter on Allah Characteristics Asking For His Mercy And Forgiveness in HodHood Indexing, The Book on the Description of Hellfire in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9575 | Anas Bin Malik narrated that that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: This is the son of Adam; and this is his life-span. And he placed his hand at the height of the nape of his neck; then he extended it higher and said: From there is what is hoped for; from there is what is hoped for. | The Chapter on Personal Hygiene General Topics in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Has Been Related About The Curtailment Of Hope in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9979 | The Chapter on Military Expedition Excused in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi |
In Sunan AlNasai
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SunanAlNasai-017-001-11923 | Abu Huraira narrated that: The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL said: Whoever stands in the voluntary night prayer of Ramadan out of faith and in the hope of reward; his previous sins will be forgiven. And whoever spends the night of Lailat AlQadr in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward; his previous sins will be forgiven. | The Chapter on Forgiveness And Reward in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Spending Lailat AlQadr in Prayer in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-14875 | Abdullah Bin AlSadi narrated that he came to Umar Bin AlKhattab; may Allah be pleased with him; from AlSham; and he said: I heard that you have been doing some work for the Muslims; and you are given payment for that; but you do not accept it. I said: Yes that is so ; I have horses and slaves and am well-off; and I wanted my work to be an act of charity toward the Muslims. Umar; may Allah be pleased with him; said: I wanted the same thing as you. The Prophet used to give me money; and I would say: Give it to someone who is more in need of it than I am. Once he gave me money and I said: Give it to someone who us more in need of it that I am; and he said: Whatever Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; gives you of this wealth without you asking for it or hoping or it; take it and keep it; or give it in charity; and whatever. He does not give you then do not hope for it or wish for it. | The Chapter on Idolaters And Infidels And Polytheist in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on One To Whom Allah The Mighty And Sublime Gives Wealth Without Him Asking For It in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-15175 | It was narrated from Abu Huraira that the Prophet said: Whoever fasts during Ramadan and according to the Hadith of Qutaibah; the Prophet said: Whoever spends the nights of Ramadan in prayer Qiyam out of faith and in the hope of reward; he will be forgiven his previous sins; and whoever spends the night of Lailat AlQadr in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward; he will be forgiven his previous sins. | The Chapter on Forgiveness And Reward in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Reward of one who prays Qiyam in Ramadan and fasts the month out of faith and hope for reward in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-15179 | It was narrated that Abu Salamah Bin Abdulrahman said: Abu Huraira told me that the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever spends the nights of Ramadan in prayer Qiyam out of faith and in the hope of reward; he will be forgiven his previous sins; and whoever spends the night of Lailat AlQadr in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward; he will be forgiven his previous sins. | The Chapter on Forgiveness And Reward in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Mentioning the Differences in the Reports from Yahya Bin Abi Kathir and AlNadr Bin Shaiban in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-15180 | It was narrated that Abu Huraira said: The Messenger of Allah said: Whoever spends the nights of Ramadan in prayer Qiyam out of faith and in the hope of reward; he will be forgiven his previous sins; and whoever spends the night of Lailat AlQadr in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward; he will be forgiven his previous sins. | The Chapter on Forgiveness And Reward in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Mentioning the Differences in the Reports from Yahya Bin Abi Kathir and AlNadr Bin Shaiban in Sunan AlNasai |
In Sunan Abu Dawoud
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In Muwata Malik
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
MuwataMalik-017-001-36040 | Yahya related to me from Malik from AlAla Ibn Abdulrahman Ibn Yaqub that Abu Said; the mawla of Amir Ibn Kuraz told him that the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; called toUbay Ibn Kaab while he was praying. When Ubay had finished his prayer he joined the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; and the Messenger of Allah put his hand upon his hand; and he was intending to leave by the door of the Masjid; so the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; I hope that you will not leave the Masjid until you know a Surat whose like Allah has notsentdown in the Tawrah nor in the Injil nor in the Quran. Ubaysaid; I began to slow down my pace in the hope of that. Then I said; Messenger of Allah; the Surat you promised me! He said; What do you recite when you begin the prayer? I recited the Fatiha Surat 1 until I came to the end of it; and the Messengerof Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; It is this sura; and it is the seven oft-repeated and the Great Quran which I was given. | The Chapter on Recitations In Friday in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Zakat in Muwata Malik |
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