Category:Surat AlMaidah
From HodHood
Sura Attributes
Sentiment Analysis
Positive Sentiment
The following table displays the Ayat in Surat AlMaidah that has positive sentiment sorted by Polarity.Sura Page | Polarity | Ayah Text |
Surat AlMaidah Ayah 9 | 1.16 | To those who believe and do deeds of righteousness hath Allah promised forgiveness and a great reward. |
Surat AlMaidah Ayah 5 | 0.69 | This day are (all) things good and pure made lawful unto you. The food of the People of the Book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them. (Lawful unto you in marriage) are (not only) chaste women who are believers, but chaste women among the People of the Book, revealed before your time, - when ye give them their due dowers, and desire chastity, not lewdness, nor secret intrigues if any one rejects faith, fruitless is his work, and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good). |
Surat AlMaidah Ayah 35 | 0.5 | O ye who believe! Do your duty to Allah, seek the means of approach unto Him, and strive with might and main in his cause: that ye may prosper. |
Surat AlMaidah Ayah 119 | 0.5 | Allah will say: "This is a day on which the truthful will profit from their truth: theirs are gardens, with rivers flowing beneath, - their eternal Home: Allah well-pleased with them, and they with Allah: That is the great salvation, (the fulfilment of all desires). |
Surat AlMaidah Ayah 54 | 0.48 | O ye who believe! if any from among you turn back from his Faith, soon will Allah produce a people whom He will love as they will love Him, - lowly with the believers, mighty against the rejecters, fighting in the way of Allah, and never afraid of the reproaches of such as find fault. That is the grace of Allah, which He will bestow on whom He pleaseth. And Allah encompasseth all, and He knoweth all things. |
Surat AlMaidah Ayah 7 | 0.44 | And call in remembrance the favour of Allah unto you, and His covenant, which He ratified with you, when ye said: "We hear and we obey": And fear Allah, for Allah knoweth well the secrets of your hearts. |
Surat AlMaidah Ayah 65 | 0.38 | If only the People of the Book had believed and been righteous, We should indeed have blotted out their iniquities and admitted them to gardens of bliss. |
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Negative Sentiment
The following table displays the Ayat in Surat AlMaidah that has negative sentiment sorted by Polarity.Sura Page | Polarity | Ayah Text |
Surat AlMaidah Ayah 34 | 0 | Except for those who repent before they fall into your power: in that case, know that Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. |
Surat AlMaidah Ayah 11 | -0.013 | O ye who believe! Call in remembrance the favour of Allah unto you when certain men formed the design to stretch out their hands against you, but (Allah) held back their hands from you: so fear Allah. And on Allah let believers put (all) their trust. |
Surat AlMaidah Ayah 82 | -0.017 | Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, "We are Christians": because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant. |
Surat AlMaidah Ayah 79 | -0.026 | Nor did they (usually) forbid one another the iniquities which they committed: evil indeed were the deeds which they did. |
Surat AlMaidah Ayah 46 | -0.029 | And in their footsteps We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Law that had come before him: We sent him the Gospel: therein was guidance and light, and confirmation of the Law that had come before him: a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah. |
Surat AlMaidah Ayah 32 | -0.067 | On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. |
Surat AlMaidah Ayah 41 | -0.072 | O Messenger! let not those grieve thee, who race each other into unbelief: (whether it be) among those who say "We believe" with their lips but whose hearts have no faith; or it be among the Jews, - men who will listen to any lie, - will listen even to others who have never so much as come to thee. They change the words from their (right) times and places: they say, "If ye are given this, take it, but if not, beware!" If any one's trial is intended by Allah, thou hast no authority in the least for him against Allah. For such - it is not Allah's will to purify their hearts. For them there is disgrace in this world, and in the Hereafter a heavy punishment. |
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Sentiment Analysis Plot
Surat AlMaidah Index of Topics
Hadith Citation of Surat AlMaidah
The Following are Hadith that cited or mentioned Surat AlMaidah or a specific Ayah in Surat AlMaidah.
From Sahih AlBukhari
No Hadith in Sahih AlBukhari Cited Surat AlMaidah or a specific Ayah in Surat AlMaidah
From Sahih Muslim
No Hadith in Sahih Muslim Cited Surat AlMaidah or a specific Ayah in Surat AlMaidah
From Sunan AlNasai
The following Hadith Cited Surat AlMaidah in Sunan AlNasaiHadith Page | Book and Chapter | Hadith Grade |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-12769 | The Chapter on Revelation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing Chapter on Prohibition of Khamr in Sunan AlNasai | Sunan AlNasai |
From Sunan AlTermithi
The following Hadith Cited Surat AlMaidah in Sunan AlTermithiHadith Page | Book and Chapter | Hadith Grade |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9940 | The Chapter on Recitations Of Mercy Suras in HodHood Indexing The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi | Sunan AlTermithi |
From Sunan Abu Dawoud
No Hadith in Sunan Abu Dawoud Cited Surat AlMaidah or a specific Ayah in Surat AlMaidah
Surah Index of Subjects
abod wrong, abomination prosper, abund bad, accept grievou, accept sacrific, accept slai, account deliber, account futil, account lost, account ordain, accurs blasphemi, act aton, adam behold, adjudg atonement, admit compani, admit garden, admonit fear, affirm wit, aforetim coven, afraid reproach, ag lord, ah victory, altar forbidden, amend conduct, anim brought, anim catch, anim chase, anim offerings, animals except, animals resort, animals stallioncamel, ankl state, ap swine, appoint captain, approach strive, approach wit, arm elbow, arrow impieti, arrows abomination, art exalt, art sustain, art thine, art wit, assault proper, assign ignominiously, assist loan, assur crime, assured judgment, astrai path, asylum secur, at past, aton fail, atonement feed, aught didst, averag food, aw fear
bad abund, bad dazzl, bath bodi, bear wit, beauti loan, becometh bird, befal blasphem, befal doubt, beguil teach, behold bringest, behold inspir, behold makest, behold present, behold restrain, behold sin, behold strengthen, behold taught, behold wrong, beli signs, believ reveal, believ righteou, believ righteous, believ trust, believ wilt, believers chast, believers mighti, belong dominion, belongeth dominion, belov why, beneficiari relat, benefit travel, bent deceit, bestow grace, bestow pleas, bestow pleaseth, bewar beguil, bewar evil, bird leav, bird leave, blame at, blasphem christ, blasphem invent, blasphem triniti, blasphemi christ, blasphemi enmiti, blasphemi sorrow, blasphemi utter, blasphemy grievou, blind deaf, blind lepers, blood flesh, blot iniqu, blow headlong, bodi journey, book believ, book disapprov, book exce, book ground, book law, book make, book messenger, book pass, book r, book reveal, book wisdom, book wit, born blind, bound proper, bounti pleaseth, bounti pleasur, bow humbli, bow islam, bow muslims, breach covenant, break seri, breathest becometh, bring disast, bringer glad, bringest dead, brother full, brother murder, brother separ, brother woe, brotherhood journei, brought kaba, brought sacrifice
call impostors, camel camel, camel loos, captain establish, case forgiving, catch manner, catch pronounc, ceremoni impur, ceremoni impurity, chanc death, charity act, charity bow, charity messengers, chase forbidden, chast women, chastity lewdness, cherish world, childhood matur, children israel, chosen islam, christ son, christian devot, christian friend, christian son, christians covenant, claim law, clay figur, clean complet, clean sand, clear messenger, clear sacr, clear sign, clear signs, clear wai, clearest manner, cloth slave, cometh increaseth, cometh lord, cometh offic, command judg, command peopl, command plan, command wit, commit evil, commit excess, compani righteou, companion fire, companion hellfir, compens offering, complet favour, conduct turneth, confirm law, confirm scriptur, contact women, continu commit, counsel guideth, count favour, coven children, covenant curs, covenant forgot, covenant ratifi, creat forgiveth, createth pleaseth, crime amend, crime exalt, crucifixion cut, curs blasphemi, curs heart, curs pronounc, curs wrath, cut hand
dai expiat, dai ignor, dai judgment, daili food, darkness light, david jesu, dazzl fear, dead leav, dead meat, deaf merci, deaf see, dealing hatr, death approach, death befal, death partli, deceit forgiv, decis repent, declin interfer, decline hurt, dedic stones, deed forgiv, deed righteous, deed righteousness, defend mischief, deliber oath, delud truth, deni sign, depart justic, design stretch, desir chastity, desir wrong, desires bewar, desires diverg, desist blasphemy, destroi christ, detain prayer, devot learn, devour forbidden, didst clear, didst command, didst speak, didst wast, didst worship, didst wouldst, difficulty clean, direct eat, disapprov reason, disast ah, discipl faith, disgrac hereaft, disgrac punish, disobei persist, distract wander, diverg truth, divin arrows, divis meat, doctor law, domest equival, dominion heaven, dost forgiv, dost punish, dost race, dost stretch, doth accept, doth belong, doth clear, doth command, doth difficulty, doth extinguish, doth intent, doth intentionally, doth punish, doth sign, doth trial, doubt truth, dowers desir, draw thyself, due dowers, due sacrif, duti proclaim, duti seek, dwelt didst
eagerli run, ear ear, ear listen, ear signs, ear tooth, earth acquaint, earth be, earth belongeth, earth chanc, earth creat, earth createth, earth final, earth loveth, earth power, earth punisheth, earth repeated, earth rub, eat catch, eat daili, eat forbidden, eat thereof, eaten wild, elbow rub, encompasseth knoweth, end conduct, enjoi happi, enmiti believ, enmiti hatr, enough wai, enter holi, enter leav, enter lord, enter mind, entrust protect, equal bad, equal equal, equal remit, equiti loveth, equival fast, equival killed, eschew abomination, establish regular, estrang enmiti, etern home, etern such, everi kindl, evid behold, evid magic, evid natur, evil bring, evil bringer, evil deed, evil loveth, evil messenger, evil power, evil time, evil work, evils admit, exact penalti, exalt power, exalted lord, exce religion, exceed strength, except name, excess loveth, excit enmiti, execution crucifixion, exil disgrac, expiat oath, expiation feed, extinguish strive, ey eye, ey overflow, eye nose
face hand, face hands, faces hand, fact enter, fail judg, fair dealing, faith assured, faith bear, faith beli, faith deni, faith fear, faith fruitless, faith hope, faith jews, faith knoweth, faith m, faith mine, faith produc, faith punish, faith tongu, faith wander, fall gore, fall power, fall ruin, falsehood devour, famili cloth, fast dai, fast law, fast tast, father father, father void, fault grace, favour behold, favour chose, favour chosen, favour covenant, favour form, favour grate, favour produc, fear acquaint, fear be, fear believ, fear bestow, fear cherish, fear faith, fear fear, fear fortun, fear knoweth, fear listen, fear oath, fear sell, fear strict, fear swift, fear thi, fear whom, feareth unseen, feed indig, feet ankl, feet opposit, fellowship believers, female cut, festiv sign, fight afraid, fight sit, figur bird, final goal, fire abod, fire reward, fire therefrom, fire war, firmli wit, flesh swine, flow resisteth, fond listen, food dead, food doth, food famili, food foot, food law, food peopl, foot animals, footstep jesu, forbid garden, forbid habit, forbid iniqu, forbidden divis, forbidden evil, forbidden food, forbidden judg, forbidden pursuit, forbidden sacr, forc hunger, forget messag, forgiv art, forgiv forgiv, forgiv forgiving, forgiv overlook, forgiv past, forgiv reward, forgiveth pleaseth, forgiving forbear, forgiving merci, forgot messag, form design, fortun bring, forward result, free pasture, freed blasphem, freedom means, friend messenger, friend protector, friend protectors, friendship guideth, friendship messenger, friendship unbeliev, fruitless hereaft, fulfil desir, fulfil oblig, fulfil proclaim, full hidden, full regret, full regrets, fulli hide, futil oaths
gain beneficiari, gambling dedic, gambling hinder, game food, game reach, game sacr, garb doth, garb fear, garb hunt, garden bliss, garden fire, garden river, gardens river, garland mark, gate victori, gather respons, gave peopl, giveth spendeth, glad tide, glori wouldst, goal truth, god derog, god desist, gore death, gospel behold, gospel guidanc, gospel judg, gospel revel, grace assault, grace bestow, griev race, grievou penalti, ground hide, ground stand, grow hard, guard evil, guard safeti, guard soul, guidanc admonit, guidanc light, guidance hurt, guideth path, guideth rebelli, guideth reject, guideth seek, guideth unjust, guilti sin
habit utter, hand arm, hand fear, hand feet, hand held, hand lances, hand punish, hand ti, hand wide, hands doth, handwork eschew, happi side, harbour heart, hard word, harm benefit, hast author, hast truth, hatr dai, hatr intoxic, hatr judgment, hatr shut, hatr swerv, head wash, headlong fall, healest born, hear obei, heart disgrac, heart faith, heart grow, heart thine, hearts hast, heaven earth, heaven jesu, heaven tabl, held hand, hereaft punish, hereaft rank, hide book, hide evid, hide shame, hinder remembr, hold rest, holi assign, holi spirit, home pleas, honour assist, hope religion, hostil righteous, house asylum, humbli worship, hunger inclin, hunt anim, hunt hatr, hurt judge, hurt strai
idol sacrific, ignominiously overthrown, ignor faith, impieti thi, impostors slai, impurity bath, inclin transgression, increaseth obstin, incur curs, indig equival, indig person, indig persons, inflict peopl, iniqu admit, iniqu commit, inspir discipl, institut superstit, intend draw, intend ha, intend hast, intentionally compens, interfer decline, intoxic gambling, intrigu reject, invent li, invent lie, invok kill, islam religion, israel appoint, israel messengers, israel reject, israel slew, israel violenc, israel worship
lack wisdom, lances test, law commit, law entrust, law fear, law food, law forbid, law gospel, law guidanc, law law, law marri, law marriag, law mose, law open, law pure, law pursuit, law swear, lead transgress, leadeth darkness, learn renounc, leav behold, leav leav, leav leave, leave breathest, leave enter, leave healest, led murder, led wrong, lepers leav, lewdness secret, li ha, li spirit, lie lack, life clear, life ey, life life, life save, light confirm, light perspicu, light revealed, light standard, lip heart, listen counsel, listen falsehood, listen revel, listen word, loan beauti, loan wipe, loos free, lord ad, lord admit, lord clear, lord didst, lord enjoi, lord fight, lord increaseth, lord join, lord lord, lord power, lord retribut, lord revel, lord send, lord wit, lost faith, lost spiritu, love believ, love love, loveth excess, loveth judg, loveth mischief, low head, lowli believers
main mischief, main prosper, make bequests, make clear, makest clay, male femal, male female, mani dost, manner direct, mari christ, mari didst, mari disobei, mari lord, mari pass, mari power, mari recount, mark animals, mark knowledg, marriag chast, mary confirm, matter disput, matter game, matur behold, mean approach, means fast, meat blood, meat raffl, mend conduct, merci turn, messag clear, messag clearest, messag estrang, messag knoweth, messag lord, messag wilt, messenger bewar, messenger break, messenger duti, messenger fellowship, messenger reveal, messenger strive, messenger wilt, messengers bringer, messengers desir, messengers honour, mighti rejecters, mind faith, mischief earth, mischief execution, mischief guideth, misde loveth, miser price, mission defend, mockeri sport, month anim, months anim, mose exceed, mose guid, mose guidanc, mose remain, mosqu lead, murder brother, murder lost, murder spread
oath expiation, oath fear, oath oath, oath sworn, oath thu, oath vain, oaths account, obei fear, obei messenger, obei obei, oblig law, obstin rebelli, obstin rebellion, offering brought, offerings garland, offic nature, open willed, opposit sides, ordain children, ordain life, outstretch giveth, overflow tears, overlook misde, overthrown ruin
pagan nearest, parti evil, partli eaten, pass truth, pass unnecessari, pass woman, past guard, past repetit, pasture idol, path rectitud, path straight, peac safety, penalti befal, penalti dai, penalti deed, penalti endur, penalti exalt, penalti exalted, penalti inflict, peopl book, peopl faith, perfect religion, perjury stand, persist excess, persons scale, perspicu book, pieti fear, piety sin, pilgrim garb, place bewar, place forget, plain command, plain forgiv, plain troubl, plan excit, plan test, pleas salvation, pleaseth belongeth, pleaseth encompasseth, pleaseth forgiveth, pleaseth power, pleaseth punisheth, pleaseth revel, pleasur lord, pleasur wai, power brother, power case, power destroi, power harm, power wise, practis regular, prai lord, prayer abstain, prayer mockeri, prayer regular, prayer reward, prayer swear, prayer wash, prayers practis, precinct pilgrim, prepar prayer, prescrib law, present sacrific, price fail, proclaim messag, proclaim mission, proclaim prayer, produc love, produc prophet, profit truth, promis forgiv, pronounc children, pronounc fear, proper gate, proper trespass, prophet bow, prophet kings, protector friend, protector religion, protector turn, protectors rebelli, provid law, provid susten, provid sustenance, punish blind, punish crime, punish forgiving, punish hereaft, punish penalti, punish servant, punish sin, punish wage, punisheth pleaseth, pure law, pure taught, purifi heart, pursuit game
r thi, rabbi doctor, race sin, race unbelief, race virtu, raffl arrow, rancour eat, rancour fear, rank astrai, rank lost, ransom penalti, ratifi hear, raven hide, raven scratch, reach game, reach hand, reach year, reason revel, rebelli disobedi, rebelli wrong, rebellion blasphemi, receiv incur, receiv messenger, receiv scriptur, receiv teach, recit truth, recognis truth, recount favour, regular charity, regular prayer, regular prayers, reject faith, rejecters fight, relat hide, religion bound, religion complet, religion fear, religion forc, religion mockeri, remain enter, remembr favour, remembr prayer, remit retali, renounc arrog, repeated ransom, repent crime, repent fall, repent thought, repetit exact, reproach fault, resisteth faith, resort sacr, respons receiv, restrain children, retali charity, reveal conceal, reveal enough, reveal fail, reveal friend, reveal hide, reveal law, revealed plain, revealed rebel, revealed unbeliev, revealed vain, revealed wrong, revel cometh, revel lord, revel rebelli, revel receiv, reward garden, reward gardens, reward wrong, righteous blame, righteous blot, righteous piety, righteous promis, river flow, rub head, rub therewith, run fear
sabian christians, sacr hous, sacr house, sacr month, sacr months, sacr mosqu, sacr precinct, sacr seek, sacrif stone, sacrific accept, sacrific righteou, sacrific twinbirth, sacrifice garland, safeti judg, safety leadeth, salvation fulfil, sanctiti symbol, sand earth, satan handwork, satan plan, satisfi hearts, save life, scale averag, scratch ground, scriptur guard, scriptur reject, scriptur truth, scriptures sabian, secret heart, secret intrigu, secretli harbour, secur sacr, seek bounti, seek forgiv, seek judg, seek judgment, seek mean, seek pleasur, seest eagerli, seest turn, selfish soul, sell sign, send heaven, send resisteth, send tabl, separ rebelli, seri messengers, servant dost, shall wors, shame brother, shape fear, shut sacr, side parti, sides exil, sign clear, sign companion, sign miser, sign provid, signs continu, signs grate, signs unbeliev, sin nay, sin perjury, sin rancour, sin thi, sin thine, sin word, singl plan, sit watch, slai fear, slai stretch, slai surely, slaughter due, slave freed, slave freedom, slew person, slew save, slitear camel, solemn festiv, son adam, son be, son belov, son mari, son mary, sorrow faith, sorrow rebelli, soul forward, soul guidanc, soul guidance, soul led, speak childhood, spendeth bounti, spirit didst, sport understand, spread mischief, stallioncamel freed, stand fast, stand firm, stand firmli, stand places, stand stand, standard judg, state ceremoni, stone altar, stones divin, stood fast, stori son, strai goal, strai path, strangling violent, strength never, strengthen holi, stretch hand, stretch slai, strict punish, strive main, strive mischief, strive race, strongest enmiti, strongest oath, such recompens, suitabl evid, superstit slitear, surely doth, sustenance art, swear affirm, swear worldli, swerv wrong, swift take, swine invok, swine worship, swore strongest, sworn oath, symbol sacr
tabl viand, tabl viands, take account, tast penalti, taught book, taught train, teach assur, teach knowledg, tears recognis, test fear, test feareth, test strive, therefor reach, therefrom penalti, thereof satisfi, thereto fear, therewith face, thi evid, thi perfect, thi pure, thi reject, thi truth, thief male, thief repent, thine knowest, thine wilt, thought secret, thought secretli, thought trial, thu doth, thyself sin, ti accurs, ti hand, tide warn, tide warner, time place, time wors, tongu david, tooth tooth, tooth wound, torment abid, train hunt, transform ap, transgress grievou, transgress hostil, transgression forgiving, travel forbidden, treatment receiv, trespass truth, trial intend, trial matter, trial punish, triniti god, troubl qur, truer trespass, trust faith, truth behold, truth confirm, truth detain, truth eat, truth gardens, truth lord, truth matter, truth prai, truth prescrib, truth profit, truth stori, truth vain, truth wit, turn blind, turn friendship, turneth forgiv, twinbirth animals
wa raven, wage war, wai delud, wai father, wai peac, wander path, wander sorrow, war doth, war messenger, warner evil, wash faces, wash feet, wast watcher, watcher art, wherewith guid, wherewith guideth, whilst dwelt, whom gather, why doth, why rabbi, why seek, wide outstretch, wild slaughter, willed singl, wilt ceas, wilt christian, wilt companion, wilt ey, wilt jew, wipe evils, wisdom law, wit bow, wit fair, wit make, wit miracl, wit thereto, wit truer, wit whilst, wit worship, woe wa, woman truth, women believ, women believers, women clean, women peopl, word eat, word place, word time, work soul, worldli gain, wors judg, wors rank, worship evil, worship god, worship lord, worship power, wouldst fulfil, wouldst knowest, wound equal, wrath torment, wrath transform, wrong depart, wrong time
Pages in category "Surat AlMaidah"
The following 120 pages are in this category, out of 120 total.
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 1
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 10
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 100
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 101
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 102
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 103
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 104
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 105
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 106
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 107
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 108
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 109
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 11
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 110
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 111
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 112
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 113
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 114
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 115
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 116
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 117
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 118
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 119
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 12
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 120
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 13
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 14
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 15
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 16
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 17
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 18
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 19
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 2
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 20
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 21
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 22
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 23
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 24
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 25
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 26
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 27
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 28
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 29
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 3
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 30
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 31
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 32
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 33
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 34
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 35
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 36
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 37
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 38
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 39
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 4
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 40
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 41
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 42
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 43
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 44
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 45
- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 46
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- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 5
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- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 51
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- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 9
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- Surat AlMaidah Ayah 99