Information for "SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29584"
Basic information
Display title | SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29584 |
Default sort key | SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29584 |
Page length (in bytes) | 419 |
Page ID | 83083 |
Page content language | English (en) |
Page content model | wikitext |
Indexing by robots | Allowed |
Number of redirects to this page | 0 |
Counted as a content page | Yes |
Page image |
Page protection
Edit | Allow all users (infinite) |
Move | Allow all users (infinite) |
Edit history
Page creator | Maintenance script (talk | contribs) |
Date of page creation | 21:06, 18 October 2018 |
Latest editor | Maintenance script (talk | contribs) |
Date of latest edit | 03:44, 15 November 2018 |
Total number of edits | 2 |
Total number of distinct authors | 1 |
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days) | 0 |
Recent number of distinct authors | 0 |
Page properties
Facts about "SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29584"
Afterlife Location | Paradise + |
Has Animals | Horse + |
Has Battles | Battle Of Uhud + |
Has Family | Cousins +, Family + and Sister + |
Has Frequent Terms | Anger +, Ask +, Uhud +, Fought + and Wound + |
Has Geo-locations | Uhud + |
Has Hadith Grade | Sunan Abu Dawoud + |
Has Hadith Index of Subjects | Usuri loan +, Loan pre +, Pre islam +, Islam period +, Period dislik +, Dislik embrac +, Embrac islam +, Islam dai +, Dai uhud +, Uhud cousin +, Cousin repli +, Repli uhud +, Uhud uhud +, Uhud coat +, Coat mail +, Mail rode +, Rode hors +, Hors proceed +, Proceed muslim +, Muslim amir +, Amir believ +, Believ fought +, Fought wound +, Wound famili +, Famili wound +, Wound sister +, Sister fought +, Fought partisanship +, Partisanship anger +, Anger anger +, Anger enter +, Enter paradis + and Paradis prayer + |
Has Hadith Text | Narrated Abu Huraira: Amr Ibn Uqaysh had g … Narrated Abu Huraira: Amr Ibn Uqaysh had given usurious loans in pre-Islamic period; so he disliked to embrace Islam until he took them. He came on the day of Uhud and asked: Where are my cousins? They the people replied: At Uhud. He asked: Where is so-and-so? They said: At Uhud. He asked: Where is so-and-so? They said: At Uhud. He then put on his coat of mail and rode his horse; he then proceeded towards them. When the Muslims saw him; they said: Keep away; Amir. He said: I have become a believer. He fought until he was wounded. He was then taken to his family wounded. Saad Ibn Muadh came to his sister: Ask him whether he fought out of partisanship; out of anger for them; or out of anger for Allah. He said: Out of anger of Allah and His Apostle. He then died and entered Paradise. He did not offer any prayer for Allah. se. He did not offer any prayer for Allah. + |
Has HodHood Indexing Book Name | Category:The Book of Funerals in HodHood Indexing + |
Has HodHood Indexing Chapter Name | Category:The Chapter on Funerals Martyrs And Alquran in HodHood Indexing + |
Has Narrators | AbuHurayrah + |
Has Notables | Abu Huraira +, Amr Ibn Uqaysh +, Amir + and Saad Ibn Muadh + |
Has Polarity | -0.38 + |
Has Sentiment | Hadith Negative Sentiment + and Hadith Positive Sentiment + |
Is Hadith Text | true + |