Islamic Micro Finance
From HodHood
beneficiaries 13 development 8 leader 8 loans 7 dec 5 mar 5 members 5 micro 5 areas 4 branches 4 ceiling 4 deputy 4 finance 4 fund 4 investment 4 ngo 4 amount 3 clients 3 demand 3 financial 3 groups 3 hasan 3 investments 3 islamic 3 maruthamunai 3 microfinance 3 nbfc 3 population 3 projects 3 qard 3 repayment 3 serendib 3 smf 3
- islamic micro finance experience in sri lanka by serendib micro finance doctor m
- mohamed najim director a serendib micro finance serendib foundation for relief and development sfrd
- leader deputy centers leader deputy leader groups leader group each group group leader deputy members leader deputy leader leader members members members all female
- branch coordinating committee field officer center no
- i R grameen model is used blended with islamic concepts i R solidarity groups groups act as the collective guarantee replacing physical collateral i R weekly repayments are at the center meeting i R max efforts taken on transparency and integrity i R center maintains a center fund a rs
- week
- i R nd round a started in march a to those completed st round ceiling rs
- a max markup murabaha recently increased to i R repayment weekly basis agriculture at the end of harvest
- amount slr million ma po ka kin mu ma ruth ttu vil lm una niy ttur dam am a pe una i i amount of investment total amount repaid
- investments repayments as at
- i R center fund used to give qard al hasan loans to needy members i R loans approved by unanimous agreement of membership i R pay back within a week or two i R maruthamunai as of june a total center fund a rs
- worth loans given a number of loans given a no defaults
- credit requirement per household us total demand us total demand us source cia factbook
- population below poverty line population living below us per day target households
- dec rajarata development bank development bank
- microfinance supply outstanding mn usd clients as on brac srilanka ngo
Please note, This is an auto generated summary based on sentances position in the document and other factors
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Published Date
2016-09-17 00:47:55