Islamic Microfinance An Emerging Market Niche
From HodHood
akkar 96 lebanon 68 microfinance 61 project 57 activities 51 district 51 bbl 47 development 43 population 40 economic 39 islamic 36 financial 35 months 34 local 30 products 30 seminars 28 active 27 villages 26 halba 25 social 25
- islamic microfinance alternative development in northern lebanon project proposal this paper has been originally conceived to be discussed in the final exam of the master in international cooperation development at the ispi istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale milan
- please for any enquiries do not hesitate to contact us at galimbertifaussone gmail dot com or at the addresses indicated below
- the kidnapping of two israeli soldiers by the hezbollah armed militia triggered the conflict proving that despite the changes which occurred after the assassination of the former prime minister rafik hariri in february lebanon had not been able to solve the structural problems which are at the root of the instability of the country
- locations lebanon governorate mouhafazat of north lebanon district caza of akkar geographical areas of caza akkar middle kaiteh jurd joumeh shafat sahel middle dreib and high dreib towns of akkar bire qoubayer halba mechmech
- moreover after the free and compulsory primary education that covers the first years of age the fees to remain in the educational system become higher thus preventing enrolment to a large part of the population
- important data reveal that girls enrol in schools and universities in greater numbers and enter in new fields and specialities but gender disparities are still in place
- the preliminary results of the mps show that akkar continues to have the highest share of deprived households in lebanon thus confirming the previous data based on the mapping of living conditions mosa undp
- lebanon is divided into mouhafazats governorates as follows beirut north lebanon south lebanon nabatieh mount lebanon and bekaa
- a c development projects promoted by municipalities a c the active population in akkar is of the total
- swot analysis swot analysis context strengths weaknesses a c the government invests in the social sector
- cost of the action and amount requested from the contracting authority islamic development bank idb total eligible cost of the amount requested from the of eligible cost of action action contracting authority a a
- the activities are a c the introduction of five of the main instruments of islamic microfinance murabaha ijara and ijara wa iqtina takaful mudaraba musharaka for economically active poor corresponding to of the population in the district in the towns of akkar bire qoubayer halba mechmech within two months
- at the end of the production cycle or season the costs of production are deducted from the revenue and a certain percentage is earmarked for management fees while the rest is divided between the partners according to their percentage investment in the share capital or other agreed division
- the head of project represents the link between the active team and the actors involved in the project both in lebanon and abroad with the financial organizations and the political structures
- after the proponent will have trained some bbl employees that are in charge of the microfinance activities in the district of akkar bbl can finally start to give access to the microfinancial products to the local population
- to make the project sustainable in the long term it has to rely not on subsidies coming either from the government or from an international development actor but it is conceived to enhance a for profit private actor already present in the country
- the choice of the district of akkar for the implementation of this project comes from the consideration that the problems in the north of lebanon are being underestimated by the international community comparing them to the hot economic and political situation in the south
- will be effective in two ways because poverty is both a religious and social problems and as said by the famous sunni scholar al bayhaqi poverty is almost like disbelief in allah
- furthermore it is in line with other general principles of communitarian societies like the prohibition of all forms of economic activity which are morally or socially injurious the egalitarian approach no restriction to any category of clientele the focus on the well being of the community as a whole concentrating on the poor destitute or deprived sections of the society the aim at social justice the advocacy of entrepreneurship and financial inclusion through partnership finance the participatory approach and the risk sharing
- need to improve their economic and social status and who are sufficiently ambitious to achieve such improvement contributes to their empowerment helping them carry out their own projects and ideas with their own resources
- the target of the project are economically active poor corresponding to of the population in the district of akkar in the towns of akkar bire quobayer halba mechmech
- description and justification of the political strategy to be adopted the political strategy of the project situates itself between the top down and the bottom up approaches
- if at the beginning of their era microcredit schemes hade been created with the support of the national government recently there has been a clear change of mentality
- furthermore since the district of akkar is in large majority inhabited by muslims the fact that the financial products will be shari ah compliant will make them more attractive to the local muslim population although they are in fact accessible also to non musli miss in comparison to standard micro credit schemes this projects make available some products which are particularly suited to the needs of the local population
- taken in consideration the relatively small size in monetary terms of the international aid to development the key to create an action sustainable in the long term is to act through the private sector
- development projects especially in the economic sector must avoid to make the local economy dependent on international aid creating micro credit schemes that survive only as long as governmental or international aid comes in
- since local actors are largely involved both in the management of the bbl field offices and in the realization of the seminars the whole process will be sustainable and it will provide the added value of improving the beneficiaries responsibility
- indeed the eu lebanon action plan declares that the dialogue and cooperation on the possible role of diasporas in the development of the country of origin on facilitating remittance flows and their productive uses must be ensured
- the main objectives of today s results oriented monitoring and evaluation are enhancing organizational and development learning ensuring informed decision making supporting substantial accountability building the country s capacity in each of these areas and in monitoring and evaluating functions in general
- the th month while an ex post evaluation will occur after six months from the conclusion of the project
- moreover auditing activities will take place every three months in order to make sure that all receipts and annual balance sheets are held properly
- annex ii religious distribution in lebanon source www dot fisicamente
- net index
- annex iii northern lebanon and the cities of akkar bire quobayer halba mechmech abdnr nord
- html
- annex iv gopp analysis poverty absence of recent stagnation of economy mainly development actions dependent on agriculture low income scarce young low from and educated households agricultural labour force income activities low land emigration of high productivity young and unemployment lack of educated rates exp
- for sewage for young women systems educated people high use of no municipal waste high difficult pesticides and management school household fertilizers fees management political instability big family war related size debris lack of lack of technical islamic skills microfinance products recent war
- annex vii vertical logic project how description what much who where when months overall increase of gdpper capita villages caza akkar objective of villages months purpose creation of new employment households in opportunities caza akkar geographic areas in caza akkar results
- introduction of the five main instruments of islamic microfinance murabaha ijara and ijara wa iqtina takaful mudaraba musharaka for economically active poor corresponding to of the population in the district in the towns of akkar bire qoubayer halba mechmech within two months
- seminars on accounting remittances management environmental impact of human activities and biodiversity which will be held once a week for a month each for economically active poor people living in the towns of akkar bire qoubayer halba and mechmech
- an increase of n of smes registers of the use of loans for roughly of new ministry of aims other than businesses for the economy and economic economically active trade activities poor in each of the geographic areas of clients result caza akkar middle capacity of kaiteh jurd repayment joumeh shafat sahel middle dreib and high dreib within a period of months
- introduction of n of people questionnaires favourable the five main employing at economic instruments of least one conjuncture islamic microfinance product murabaha ijara and ijara wa iqtina n of the questionnaires takaful mudaraba services used musharaka for for each economically category of activities active poor products corresponding to of the population in the district in the towns of akkar bire qoubayer halba mechmech within two months
- seminars on attendance class registers high literacy accounting rate remittances management environmental impact of human activities and biodiversity which will be held four weeks every four months each for economically active poor people living in the towns of akkar bire qoubayer halba and mechmech
- employment signature job contract lack of national of four national experts experts in accounting remittances management environmental impact of human activities and biodiversity each for two months a year
- one month n of flyers annual balance media outreach every six months sheet advertisement of the radio seminars organized advertisement in the district of akkar
- a opening of a bbl microfinance branch in akkar
- annex x gantt st year nd year gantt activities month
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Published Date
2008-06-20 15:23:01