Micro financing by Commercial Banks The regulatory initiativ
From HodHood
training 27 finca 23 microfinance 17 services 17 management 15 credit 14 financial 12 products 9 clients 7 education 7 loans 7 staff 7 afghanistan 6 decentralization 6 effective 6 loan 6 program 6 savings 6 capacity 5 customer 5 health 5 insurance 5 islamic 5 making 5 manager 5 marketing 5 methodology 5 micro 5 planning 5 technical 5
- introduction finca international a c finca has been operating for over years having been established in by doctor john hatch
- the program allowed them to obtain loans without collaterala their main obstacle to accessing credita at markup rates they could afford
- finca product and services a c finca uganda a microinsurance finca covers the debt of a dead village bank member so it does not result in hardship for the family
- a c finca azerbaijan a sme loans finca s product offerings have expanded to include larger individual loans collateralized by office or specialized equipment vehicles or property
- finca afghanistan islamic microfinance program a c the demand for islamic banking amongst afghans led finca afghanistan to create islamic banking products ever since opening its doors in
- a c its products were created in consultation with local community leaders and received a fatwa of approval from the famous islamic al azhar university in cairo egypt
- a c finca does not charge a fee on borrowed money rather it charges a profit margin on goods sold to clients just like a vendor charges a markup on sold goods
- finca s interest free loans a c since all finca loans are based on murabaha principles finca does not charge interest but a markup rate
- finca s global statistics countries in operation active clients portfolio outstanding average loan outstanding portfolio at risk
- days savings mobilized
- microfinance lending methodology individual and group lending
- training content for mf capacity building microfinance operations
Please note, This is an auto generated summary based on sentances position in the document and other factors
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Published Date
2016-09-17 00:48:24