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In Quran
Quran Surat | Sura and Ayah | Polarity | Sura Classification | Sura Sequence | Related Subjects | Ayah Text | English Translation |
Surat Alaaraf Ayah 37 | Surat Alaaraf | -0.69 | 37 | Reject sign, Bear wit, Invent lie, Left lurch, Wit reject, Decre death, Lie reject, Invent li, Unjust invent, Souls invok, Death arriv, Invok reply, Portion appoint, Reach book, Arriv souls, Reply left, Appoint reach, Sign portion, Book decre, Lurch bear | فَمَنْ أَظْلَمُ مِمَّنِ افْتَرَى عَلَى اللَّهِ كَذِبًا أَوْ كَذَّبَ بِآيَاتِهِ أُولَئِكَ يَنَالُهُمْ نَصِيبُهُمْ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ حَتَّى إِذَا جَاءَتْهُمْ رُسُلُنَا يَتَوَفَّوْنَهُمْ قَالُوا أَيْنَ مَا كُنْتُمْ تَدْعُونَ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ قَالُوا ضَلُّوا عَنَّا وَشَهِدُوا عَلَى أَنْفُسِهِمْ أَنَّهُمْ كَانُوا كَافِرِينَ | Who is more unjust than one who invents a lie against Allah or rejects His Signs? For such, their portion appointed must reach them from the Book (of decrees): until, when our messengers (of death) arrive and take their souls, they say: "Where are the things that ye used to invoke besides Allah?" They will reply, "They have left us in the lurch," And they will bear witness against themselves, that they had rejected Allah. | |
Surat AlSaffat Ayah 29 | Surat AlSaffat | -0.41 | 56 | Nay faith, Repli nay | قَالُوا بَلْ لَمْ تَكُونُوا مُؤْمِنِينَ | They will reply: "Nay, ye yourselves had no Faith! | |
Surat Ghafir Ayah 74 | Surat Ghafir | -0.38 | 57 | Left lurch, Unbeliev strai, Exist thu, Nay invok, Thu leav, Repli left, Invok exist, Lurch nay, Derog repli, Leav unbeliev | مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ قَالُوا ضَلُّوا عَنَّا بَلْ لَمْ نَكُنْ نَدْعُو مِنْ قَبْلُ شَيْئًا كَذَلِكَ يُضِلُّ اللَّهُ الْكَافِرِينَ | "In derogation of Allah?" They will reply: "They have left us in the lurch: Nay, we invoked not, of old, anything (that had real existence)." Thus does Allah leave the Unbelievers to stray. | |
Surat Alankabut Ayah 61 | Surat Alankabut | -0.3 | 81 | Heaven earth, Creat heaven, Sun moon, Delud truth, Subject sun, Moon law, Reply delud, Law reply, Earth subject | وَلَئِنْ سَأَلْتَهُمْ مَنْ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ وَسَخَّرَ الشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ لَيَقُولُنَّ اللَّهُ فَأَنَّى يُؤْفَكُونَ | If indeed thou ask them who has created the heavens and the earth and subjected the sun and the moon (to his Law), they will certainly reply, "Allah". How are they then deluded away (from the truth)? | |
Surat AlZumar Ayah 59 | Surat AlZumar | -0.29 | 59 | Reject faith, Haughty reject, Repli nay, Signs didst, Didst reject, Nay sign, Reject wast, Nay signs, Wast haughty | بَلَى قَدْ جَاءَتْكَ آيَاتِي فَكَذَّبْتَ بِهَا وَاسْتَكْبَرْتَ وَكُنْتَ مِنَ الْكَافِرِينَ | "(The reply will be:) 'Nay, but there came to thee my Signs, and thou didst reject them: thou wast Haughty, and became one of those who reject faith!'" | |
Surat AlNisa Ayah 97 | Surat AlNisa | -0.22 | 92 | Abod hell, Angel soul, Weak oppress, Soul die, Oppress earth, Wa earth, Such abod, Evil such, Die sin, Repli weak, Earth wa, Souls plight, Sin souls, Plight repli, Spaciou evil, Earth spaciou | إِنَّ الَّذِينَ تَوَفَّاهُمُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ ظَالِمِي أَنْفُسِهِمْ قَالُوا فِيمَ كُنْتُمْ قَالُوا كُنَّا مُسْتَضْعَفِينَ فِي الْأَرْضِ قَالُوا أَلَمْ تَكُنْ أَرْضُ اللَّهِ وَاسِعَةً فَتُهَاجِرُوا فِيهَا فَأُولَئِكَ مَأْوَاهُمْ جَهَنَّمُ وَسَاءَتْ مَصِيرًا | When angels take the souls of those who die in sin against their souls, they say: "In what (plight) Were ye?" They reply: "Weak and oppressed Were we in the earth." They say: "Was not the earth of Allah spacious enough for you to move yourselves away (From evil)?" Such men will find their abode in Hell, - What an evil refuge! - | |
Surat Ibrahim Ayah 21 | Surat Ibrahim | 4.3e-4 | 70 | Receiv guidanc, Weak arrogant, Torment patienc, Arrogant avail, Avail wrath, Differ rage, Make differ, Patienc escap, Bear torment, Marshal weak, Wrath reply, Rage bear, Reply receiv, Guidanc make | وَبَرَزُوا لِلَّهِ جَمِيعًا فَقَالَ الضُّعَفَاءُ لِلَّذِينَ اسْتَكْبَرُوا إِنَّا كُنَّا لَكُمْ تَبَعًا فَهَلْ أَنْتُمْ مُغْنُونَ عَنَّا مِنْ عَذَابِ اللَّهِ مِنْ شَيْءٍ قَالُوا لَوْ هَدَانَا اللَّهُ لَهَدَيْنَاكُمْ سَوَاءٌ عَلَيْنَا أَجَزِعْنَا أَمْ صَبَرْنَا مَا لَنَا مِنْ مَحِيصٍ | They will all be marshalled before Allah together: then will the weak say to those who were arrogant, "For us, we but followed you; can ye then avail us to all against the wrath of Allah?" They will reply, "If we had received the Guidance of Allah, we should have given it to you: to us it makes no difference (now) whether we rage, or bear (these torments) with patience: for ourselves there is no way of escape." | |
Surat Alankabut Ayah 63 | Surat Alankabut | 0.13 | 81 | Send rain, Rain sky, Earth death, Prais understand, Life therewith, Therewith earth, Sky life, Death reply, Reply prais, Reply prai | وَلَئِنْ سَأَلْتَهُمْ مَنْ نَزَّلَ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مَاءً فَأَحْيَا بِهِ الْأَرْضَ مِنْ بَعْدِ مَوْتِهَا لَيَقُولُنَّ اللَّهُ قُلِ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ بَلْ أَكْثَرُهُمْ لَا يَعْقِلُونَ | And if indeed thou ask them who it is that sends down rain from the sky, and gives life therewith to the earth after its death, they will certainly reply, "Allah!" Say, "Praise be to Allah!" But most of them understand not. | |
Surat AlAnam Ayah 40 | Surat AlAnam | 0.15 | 67 | Hour dread, Wrath hour | قُلْ أَرَأَيْتَكُمْ إِنْ أَتَاكُمْ عَذَابُ اللَّهِ أَوْ أَتَتْكُمُ السَّاعَةُ أَغَيْرَ اللَّهِ تَدْعُونَ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ صَادِقِينَ | Say: "Think ye to yourselves, if there come upon you the wrath of Allah, or the Hour (that ye dread), would ye then call upon other than Allah?- (reply) if ye are truthful! | |
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 9 | Surat AlZukhruf | 0.24 | 60 | Heaven earth, Full knowledg, Exalt power, Creat heaven, Power full, Full knowledge, Creat exalt, Earth reply | وَلَئِنْ سَأَلْتَهُمْ مَنْ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ لَيَقُولُنَّ خَلَقَهُنَّ الْعَزِيزُ الْعَلِيمُ | If thou wert to question them, 'Who created the heavens and the earth?' They would be sure to reply, 'they were created by (Him), the Exalted in Power, Full of Knowledge';- | |
Surat Ghafir Ayah 50 | Surat Ghafir | 0.3 | 57 | Clear sign, Futil wander, Faith futil, Prayer faith, Maze error, Wander maze, Sign reply, Prai prayer, Reply prai | قَالُوا أَوَلَمْ تَكُ تَأْتِيكُمْ رُسُلُكُمْ بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ قَالُوا بَلَى قَالُوا فَادْعُوا وَمَا دُعَاءُ الْكَافِرِينَ إِلَّا فِي ضَلَالٍ | They will say: "Did there not come to you your messengers with Clear Signs?" They will say, "Yes". They will reply, "Then pray (as ye like)! But the prayer of those without Faith is nothing but (futile wandering) in (mazes of) error!" | |
Surat AlNahl Ayah 28 | Surat AlNahl | 0.33 | 68 | Wrong soul, Angel state, Live angel, Offer submiss, Submiss pretence, Evil knowingli, Angel reply, Soul offer, Knowingli angel, Nay knoweth, Reply nay, Pretence evil, State wrong | الَّذِينَ تَتَوَفَّاهُمُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ ظَالِمِي أَنْفُسِهِمْ فَأَلْقَوُا السَّلَمَ مَا كُنَّا نَعْمَلُ مِنْ سُوءٍ بَلَى إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ بِمَا كُنْتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ | "(Namely) those whose lives the angels take in a state of wrong-doing to their own souls." Then would they offer submission (with the pretence), "We did no evil (knowingly)." (The angels will reply), "Nay, but verily Allah knoweth all that ye did; |
In Hadith Text Books
Repli In Sahih AlBukhari
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-077 | Narrated Mujahid: Somebody came to the house of Ibn Umar and told him that Allah Messenger ﷺ s had entered the Kaba. Ibn Umar said; I went in front of the Kaba and found that Allah Messenger ﷺ had come out of the Kaba and I saw Bilal standing by the side of the gate of the Kaba. I said; O Bilal! Has Allah Apostle ﷺ prayed inside the Kaba? Bilal replied in the affirmative. I said; Where did he pray ? He replied; He prayed Between these two pillars and then he came out and offered a two rakat prayer in front of the Kaba. Abu Abdullah said: Abu Huraira said; The Prophet ﷺ advised me to offer two rakat of Duha prayer prayer to be offered after sunrise and before midday. Itban bin Malik said; Allah Messenger ﷺ ﷺ and Abu Bakr; came to me after sunrise and we aligned behind the Prophet ﷺ and offered two rakat. | The Chapter on The Kabah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What is recited in the two Raka Sunna of the Fajr in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-080 | Narrated Muwarriq: I asked Ibn Umar Do you offer the Duha prayer? He replied in the negative. I further asked; Did Umar use to pray it? He Ibn Umar replied in the negative. I again asked; Did Abu Bakr use to pray it? He replied in the negative. I again asked; Did the Prophet ﷺ use to pray it? Ibn Umar replied; I dont think he did. | The Chapter on Prayers And Ablution in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on To offer the SalatudDuha in journey in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-089 | Narrated Mahmud Bin AlRabi AlAnsari: that he remembered Allah Messenger ﷺ and he also remembered a mouthful of water which he had thrown on his face; after taking it from a well that was in their house. Mahmud said that he had heard Itban Bin Malik; who was present with Allah Messenger ﷺ in the battle of Badr saying; I used to lead my people at Bani Salim in the prayer and there was a valley between me and those people. Whenever it rained it used to be difficult for me to cross it to go to their Masjid. So I went to Allah Messenger ﷺ and said; I have weak eyesight and the valley between me and my people flows during the rainy season and it becomes difficult for me to cross it; I wish you would come to my house and pray at a place so that I could take that place as a praying place. Allah Messenger ﷺ said; I will do so. So Allah Messenger ﷺ and Abu Bakr came to my house in the next morning after the sun had risen high. Allah Messenger ﷺ asked my permission to let him in and I admitted him. He did not sit before saying; Where do you want us to offer the prayer in your house? I pointed to the place where I wanted him to pray. So Allah Messenger ﷺ stood up for the prayer and started the prayer with Takbir and we aligned in rows behind him; and he offered two rakat; and finished them with Taslim; and we also performed Taslim with him. I detained him for a meal called KhaZirr which I had prepared for him.- KhaZirr is a special type of dish prepared from barley flour and meat soup - When the neighbors got the news that Allah Messenger ﷺ was in my house; they poured it till there were a great number of men in the house. One of them said; What is wrong with Malik; for I do not see him? One of them replied; He is a hypocrite and does not love Allah and His Apostle. On that Allah Apostle said; Dont say this. Havent you seen that he said; None has the right to be worshipped but Allah for Allah sake only. The man replied; Allah and His Apostle know better; but by Allah; we never saw him but helping and talking with the hypocrites. Allah Messenger ﷺ replied; No doubt; whoever says. None has the right to be worshipped but Allah; and by that he wants the pleasures of Allah; then Allah will save him from Hell. Mahmud added; I told the above narration to some people; one of whom was Abu Ayoub ; the companion of Allah Messenger ﷺ in the battle in which he Abu Ayoub died and Yazid Bin Muawiya was their leader in Roman Territory. Abu Ayoub denounced the narration and said; I doubt that Allah Messenger ﷺ ever said what you have said. I felt that too much; and I vowed to Allah that if I remained alive in that holy battle; I would go to Medina and ask Itban Bin Malik if he was still living in the Masjid of his people. So when he returned; I assumed Ihram for Hajj or Umra and then I proceeded on till I reached Medina. I went to Bani Salim and Itban Bin Malik; who was by then an old blind man; was leading his people in the prayer. When he finished the prayer; I greeted him and introduced myself to him and then asked him about that narration. He told that narration again in the same manner as he had narrated it the first time. | The Chapter on Leave in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on To offer Nawafil in congregation in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1139 | Narrated Abu Said: The Prophet ﷺ mentioned a man from the people of the past or those who preceded you. The Prophet ﷺ said a sentence meaning: Allah had given him wealth and children. When his death approached; he said to his sons; What kind of father have I been to you? They replied; You have been a good father. He told them that he had not presented any good deed before Allah; and if Allah should get hold of him He would punish him. So look! he added; When I die; burn me; and when I turn into coal; crush me; and when there comes a windy day; scatter my ashes in the wind. The Prophet ﷺ added; Then by Allah; he took a firm promise from his children to do so; and they did so. They burnt him after his death and threw his ashes on a windy day. Then Allah commanded to his ashes. Be; and behold! He became a man standing! Allah said; O My slave! What made you do what you did? He replied; For fear of You. Nothing saved him then but Allah Mercy So Allah forgave him. | The Chapter on Special Days And Family in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on They want to change Allahs Words in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1142 | Narrated Abdullah: Allah Messenger ﷺ said; The person who will be the last one to enter Paradise and the last to come out of Hell Fire will be a man who will come out crawling; and his Lord will say to him; Enter Paradise. He will reply; O Lord; Paradise is full. Allah will give him the same order thrice; and each time the man will give Him the same reply; i.e.; Paradise is full. Thereupon Allah will say to him ; Ten times of the world is for you. | The Chapter on The Punishment Of Hell Fire in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Talk of the Lord to the Prophets and others on the Day of Resurrection in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1145 | Narrated Safwan Bin Muhriz: A man asked Ibn Umar; What have you heard from Allah Messenger ﷺ regarding AlNajwa? He said; Everyone of you will come close to His Lord Who will screen him from the people and say to him; Did you do so-and-so? He will reply; Yes. Then Allah will say; Did you do so-and-so? He will reply; Yes. So Allah will question him and make him confess; and then Allah will say; I screened your sins in the world and forgive them for you today. | The Chapter on Forgiveness And Testimony in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Talk of the Lord to the Prophets and others on the Day of Resurrection in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1233 | Narrated Aisha: I asked the Prophet ﷺ about the wall outside the Kaba. Is it regarded as part of the Kaba? He replied; Yes. I said; Then why didnt the people include it in the Kaba? He said; Because your people ran short of money. I asked; Then why is its gate so high? He replied; Your people did so in order to admit to it whom they would and forbid whom they would. Were your people not still close to the period of ignorance; and were I not afraid that their hearts might deny my action; then surely I would include the wall in the Kaba and make its gate touch the ground. | The Chapter on The Kabah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What uses of AlLau are allowed in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1253 | Narrated Thabit AlBunani: Anas Bin Malik said to a woman of his family; Do you know such-and-such a woman? She replied; Yes. He said; The Prophet ﷺ passed by her while she was weeping over a grave; and he said to her; Be afraid of Allah and be patient. The woman said to the Prophet. Go away from me; for you do not know my calamity. Anas added; The Prophet ﷺ left her and proceeded. A man passed by her and asked her; What has Allah Messenger ﷺ said to you? She replied; I did not recognize him. The man said; He was Allah Messenger ﷺ. Anas added; So that woman came to the gate of the Prophet ﷺ and she did not find a gate-keeper there; and she said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! By Allah. I did not recognize you! The Prophet said; No doubt; patience is at the first stroke of a calamity. | The Chapter on Sutra For Prayers The Sutra Of The Prophet in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on There was no gatekeeper for the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1348 | Narrated Abu Bakra: Allah Messenger ﷺ addressed the people saying; Dont you know what is the day today? They replied; Allah and His Apostle know better. We thought that he might give that day another name. The Prophet said; Isnt it the day of AlNahr? We replied; Yes. O Allah Messenger ﷺ. He then said; What town is this? Isnt it the forbidden Sacred Town Mecca ? We replied; Yes; O Allah Messenger ﷺ. He then said; Your blood; your properties; your honors and your skins i.e.; bodies are as sacred to one another like the sanctity of this day of yours in this month of yours in this town of yours. Listen Havent I conveyed Allah message to you? We replied; Yes He said; O Allah! Be witness for it. So it is incumbent upon those who are present to convey it this message of mine to those who are absent because the informed one might comprehend what I have said better than the present audience who will convey it to him. The narrator added: In fact; it was like that. The Prophet ﷺ added; Beware! Do not renegade as disbelievers after me by striking cutting the necks of one another. | The Chapter on Special Days And Months in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Do not renegade as disbelievers after me by striking the neck of one another in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1353 | Narrated AlHasan: AlAhnaf said: I went out carrying my arms during the nights of the affliction i.e. the war between Ali and Aisha and Abu Bakra met me and asked; Where are you going? I replied; I intend to help the cousin of Allah Messenger ﷺ i.e.;Ali. Abu Bakra said; Allah Messenger ﷺ said; If two Muslims take out their swords to fight each other; then both of them will be from amongst the people of the Hell- Fire. It was said to the Prophet; It is alright for the killer but what about the killed one? He replied; The killed one had the intention to kill his opponent. See Hadith No. 30; Vol. 1 Narrated AlAhnaf:Abu Bakra said: The Prophet ﷺ said as above; 204. | The Chapter on Killig Asking For Forgiveness in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on If two Muslims meet each other with their swords in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1354 | Narrated Hudhaifa Bin AlYaman: The people used to ask Allah Messenger ﷺ about the good but I used to ask him about the evil lest I should be overtaken by them. So I said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! We were living in ignorance and in an extremely worst atmosphere; then Allah brought to us this good i.e.; Islam ; will there be any evil after this good? He said; Yes. I said; Will there be any good after that evil? He replied; Yes; but it will be tainted not pure. I asked; What will be its taint? He replied; There will be some people who will guide others not according to my tradition? You will approve of some of their deeds and disapprove of some others. I asked; Will there be any evil after that good? He replied; Yes; there will be some people calling at the gates of the Hell Fire; and whoever will respond to their call; will be thrown by them into the Hell Fire. I said; O Allah s Apostle! Will you describe them to us? He said; They will be from our own people and will speak our language. I said; What do you order me to do if such a state should take place in my life? He said; Stick to the group of Muslims and their Imam ruler. I said; If there is neither a group of Muslims nor an Imam ruler ? He said; Then turn away from all those sects even if you were to bite eat the roots of a tree till death overtakes you while you are in that state. | The Chapter on Hell Fire And Suicide in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on If there is no righteous group of Muslims in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1366 | Narrated Shaqiq: I heard Hudhaifa saying; While we were sitting with Umar; he said; Who among you remembers the statement of the Prophet ﷺ about the afflictions? Hudhaifa said; The affliction of a man in his family; his property; his children and his neighbors are expiated by his prayers; Zakat and alms and enjoining good and forbidding evil. Umar said; I do not ask you about these afflictions; but about those afflictions which will move like the waves of the sea. Hudhaifa said; Dont worry about it; O chief of the believers; for there is a closed door between you and them. Umar said; Will that door be broken or opened? I said; No. it will be broken. Umar said; Then it will never be closed; I said; Yes. We asked Hudhaifa; Did Umar know what that door meant? He replied; Yes; as I know that there will be night before tomorrow morning; that is because I narrated to him a true narration free from errors. We dared not ask Hudhaifa as to whom the door represented so we ordered Masruq to ask him what does the door stand for? He replied; Umar. | The Chapter on Hands And Obligations in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on AlFitnah that will move like the waves of the sea in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-141 | Narrated Abdullah Bin Abbas: The sun eclipsed in the lifetime of the Prophet ﷺ. Allah Messenger ﷺ offered the eclipse prayer and stood for a long period equal to the period in which one could recite Surat AlBaqara. Then he bowed for a long time and then stood up for a long period which was shorter than that of the first standing; then bowed again for a long time but for a shorter period than the first; then he prostrated twice and then stood up for a long period which was shorter than that of the first standing; then he bowed for a long time which was shorter than the previous one; and then he raised his head and stood up for a long period which was shorter than the first standing; then he bowed for a long time which was shorter than the first bowing; and then prostrated twice and finished the prayer. By then; the sun eclipse had cleared. The Prophet ﷺ then said; The sun and the moon are two of the signs of Allah. They eclipse neither because of the death of somebody nor because of his life i.e. birth. So when you see them; remember Allah. The people say; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! We saw you taking something from your place and then we saw you retreating. The Prophet ﷺ replied; I saw Paradise and stretched my hands towards a bunch of its fruits and had I taken it; you would have eaten from it as long as the world remains. I also saw the Hell-fire and I had never seen such a horrible sight. I saw that most of the inhabitants were women. The people asked; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Why is it so? The Prophet ﷺ replied; Because of their ungratefulness. It was asked whether they are ungrateful to Allah. The Prophet said; They are ungrateful to their companions of life husbands and ungrateful to good deeds. If you are benevolent to one of them throughout the life and if she sees anything undesirable in you; she will say; I have never had any good from you. | The Chapter on Prostration And Eclipse Of The Sun in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on To offer the Eclipse Salat prayer in congregation in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1438 | Narrated Malik Bin Aus AlNasri: I proceeded till I entered upon Umar and while I was sitting there ; his gate-keeper Yarfa came to him and said; Uthman; Abdulrahman AlZubair and Saad ask your permission to come in. Umar allowed them. So they entered; greeted; and sat down. After a while the gatekeeper came and said; Shall I admit Ali and Abbas? Umar allowed them to enter. AlAbbas said O Chief of the believers! Judge between me and the oppressor Ali. Then there was a dispute regarding the property of Bani Nadir between them Abbas and Ali. Uthman and his companions said; O Chief of the Believers! Judge between them and relieve one from the other. Umar said; Be patient! beseech you by Allah; with Whose permission the Heaven and the Earth Exist! Do you know that Allah Messenger ﷺ said; Our property is not to be inherited; and whatever we leave is to be given in charity; and by this Allah Messenger ﷺ meant himself? On that the group said; He verily said so. Umar then faced Ali and Abbas and said; I beseech you both by Allah; do you both know that Allah Messenger ﷺ said so? They both replied; Yes. Umar then said; Now I am talking to you about this matter in detail. Allah favored Allah Messenger ﷺ with some of this wealth which He did not give to anybody else; as Allah said: What Allah bestowed as Fai Booty on His Apostle for which you made no expedition... 59.6 So that property was totally meant for Allah Messenger ﷺ ; yet he did not collect it and ignore you; nor did he withhold it with your exclusion; but he gave it to you and distributed it among you till this much of it was left behind; and the Prophet; used to spend of this as the yearly expenditures of his family and then take what remained of it and spent it as he did with other Allah wealth. The Prophet ﷺ did so during all his lifetime; and I beseech you by Allah; do you know that? They replied; Yes. Umar then addressed Ali and Abbas; saying; I beseech you both by Allah; do you know that? Both of them replied; Yes. Umar added; Then Allah took His Apostle unto Him. Abu Bakr then said I am the successor of Allah Messenger ﷺ and took over all the Prophet property and disposed of it in the same way as Allah Messenger ﷺ used to do; and you were present then. Then he turned to Ali and Abbas and said; You both claim that Abu Bakr did so-and-so in managing the property; but Allah knows that Abu Bakr was honest; righteous; intelligent; and a follower of what is right in managing it. Then Allah took Abu Bakr unto Him; I said: I am the successor of Allah Messenger ﷺ and Abu Bakr. So I took over the property for two years and managed it in the same way as Allah Messenger ﷺ ; and Abu Bakr used to do. Then you both Ali and Abbas came to me and asked for the same thing! O Abbas! You came to me to ask me for your share from nephew property; and this Ali came to me asking for his wives share from her father property; and I said to you both; If you wish; I will place it in your custody on condition that you both will manage it in the same way as Allah Messenger ﷺ and Abu Bakr did and as I have been doing since I took charge of managing it; otherwise; do not speak to me anymore about it. Then you both said; Give it to us on that condition. So I gave it to you on that condition. Now I beseech you by Allah; did I not give it to them on that condition? The group whom he had been addressing replied; Yes. Umar then addressed Abbas and Ali saying; I beseech you both by Allah; didnt I give you all that property on that condition? They said; Yes. Umar then said; Are you now seeking a verdict from me other than that? By Him with Whose Permission the Heaven and the Earth exists I will not give any verdict other than that till the Hour is established; and if you both are unable to manage this property; then you can hand it back to me; and I will be sufficient for it on your behalf. See; Hadith No. 326; Vol. 4 | The Chapter on Contracts And Disputes Management in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Going deeply into and arguing about knowledge and exaggerating in religion and inventing heresies in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1479 | Narrated Abu Saeed AlKhudri: Allah Messenger ﷺ said; Noah will be brought before Allah on the Day of Resurrection; and will be asked; Did you convey the message of Allah? He will reply; Yes; O Lord. And then Noah nation will be asked; Did he Noah convey Allah message to you? They will reply; No warner came to us. Then Noah will be asked; Who are your witnesses? He will reply. My witnesses are Muhammad and his followers. Thereupon you Muslims will be brought and you will bear witness. Then the Prophet ﷺ recited: And thus We have made of you Muslims a just and the best nation; that you might be witness over the nations; and the Apostle a witness over you. 2.143 | The Chapter on Worship Wealth And Charity in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Thus We have made you a just nation in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1534 | Narrated Itban Bin Malik: Once Allah Messenger ﷺ came to me in the morning; and a man among us said; Where is Malik Bin AlDukhshun? Another man from us replied; He is a hypocrite who does not love Allah and His Apostle. The Prophet ﷺ said; Dont you think that he says: None has the right to be worshipped but Allah; only for Allah sake? They replied; Yes The Prophet ﷺ said; Nobody will meet Allah with that saying on the Day of Resurrection; but Allah will save him from the Fire. | The Chapter on Love And Emotions And Dislike in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on AlMutaawalin in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1535 | Narrated: Abu Abdulrahman and Hibban Bin Atiya had a dispute. Abu Abdulrahman said to Hibban; You know what made your companions i.e. Ali dare to shed blood. Hibban said; Come on! What is that? Abdulrahman said; Something I heard him saying. The other said; What was it? Abdulrahman said; Ali said; Allah Messenger ﷺ sent for me; AlZubair and Abu Marthad; and all of us were cavalry men; and said; Proceed to Raudat-Hajj Abu Salama said that Abu Awana called it like this; i.e.; Hajj where there is a woman carrying a letter from Hatib Bin Abi Baltaa to the pagans of Mecca. So bring that letter to me. So we proceeded riding on our horses till we overtook her at the same place of which Allah Messenger ﷺ had told us. She was traveling on her camel. In that letter Hatib had written to the Meccans about the proposed attached of Allah Messenger ﷺ against them. We asked her; Where is the letter which is with you? She replied; I havent got any letter. So we made her camel kneel down and searched her luggage; but we did not find anything. My two companions said; We do not think that she has got a letter. I said; We know that Allah Messenger ﷺ has not told a lie. Then Ali took an oath saying; By Him by Whom one should swear! You shall either bring out the letter or we shall strip off your clothes. She then stretched out her hand for her girdle round her waist and brought out the paper letter. They took the letter to Allah Messenger ﷺ. Umar said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Hatib has betrayed Allah; His Apostle and the believers; let me chop off his neck! Allah Messenger ﷺ said; O Hatib! What obliged you to do what you have done? Hatib replied; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Why for what reason should I not believe in Allah and His Apostle? But I intended to do the Mecca people a favor by virtue of which my family and property may be protected as there is none of your companions but has some of his people relatives whom Allah urges to protect his family and property. The Prophet ﷺ said; He has said the truth; therefore; do not say anything to him except good. Umar again said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! He has betrayed Allah; His Apostle and the believers; let me chop his neck off! The Prophet ﷺ said; Isnt he from those who fought the battle of Badr? And what do you know; Allah might have looked at them Badr warriors and said to them ; Do what you like; for I have granted you Paradise? On that; Umar eyes became flooded with tears and he said; Allah and His Apostle know best. | The Chapter on Military Expedition And Makkah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on AlMutaawalin in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1599 | Narrated AlShaibani: I asked Abdullah Bin Abi Aufa about the Rajam stoning somebody to death for committing illegal sexual intercourse. He replied; The Prophet ﷺ carried out the penalty of Rajam; I asked; Was that before or after the revelation of Surat AlNur? He replied; I do not know. | The Chapter on Illegal Sexual Intercourse And Alcohol in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The legal regulation for nonMuslims under the protection of a Muslim state in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1605 | Narrated Abu Huraira: A bedouin came to Allah Messenger ﷺ and said; My wife has delivered a black child. The Prophet ﷺ said to him; Have you camels? He replied; Yes. The Prophet ﷺ said; What color are they? He replied; They are red. The Prophet ﷺ further asked; Are any of them gray in color? He replied; Yes. The Prophet asked him; Whence did that grayness come? He said; I thing it descended from the camel ancestors. Then the Prophet ﷺ said to him ; Therefore; this child of yours has most probably inherited the color from his ancestors. | The Chapter on Camels And Herdsmen Control And Managing in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on AtTarid in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1618 | Narrated Aisha: The commencement of the Divine Inspiration to Allah Messenger ﷺ was in the form of good righteous true dreams in his sleep. He never had a dream but that it came true like bright day light. He used to go in seclusion the cave of Hira where he used to worship Allah Alone continuously for many days nights. He used to take with him the journey food for that stay and then come back to his wife Khadija to take his food like-wise again for another period to stay; till suddenly the Truth descended upon him while he was in the cave of Hira. The angel came to him in it and asked him to read. The Prophet ﷺ replied; I do not know how to read. The Prophet ﷺ added ; The angel caught me forcefully and pressed me so hard that I could not bear it anymore. He then released me and again asked me to read; and I replied; I do not know how to read; whereupon he caught me again and pressed me a second time till I could not bear it anymore. He then released me and asked me again to read; but again I replied; I do not know how to read or; what shall I read?. Thereupon he caught me for the third time and pressed me and then released me and said; Read: In the Name of your Lord; Who has created all that exists. Has created man from a clot. Read and Your Lord is Most Generous...up to.......that which he knew not. 96.15 Then Allah Messenger ﷺ returned with the Inspiration; his neck muscles twitching with terror till he entered upon Khadija and said; Cover me! Cover me! They covered him till his fear was over and then he said; O Khadija; what is wrong with me? Then he told her everything that had happened and said; I fear that something may happen to me. Khadija said; Never! But have the glad tidings; for by Allah; Allah will never disgrace you as you keep good reactions with your Kith and kin; speak the truth; help the poor and the destitute; serve your guest generously and assist the deserving; calamityafflicted ones. Khadija then accompanied him to her cousin Waraqa Bin Nawfal Bin Asad Bin Abdul Uzza Bin Qusai. Waraqa was the son of her paternal uncle; i.e.; her father brother; who during the Pre-Islamic Period became a Christian and used to write the Arabic writing and used to write of the Gospels in Arabic as much as Allah wished him to write. He was an old man and had lost his eyesight. Khadija said to him; O my cousin! Listen to the story of your nephew. Waraqa asked; O my nephew! What have you seen? The Prophet ﷺ described whatever he had seen. Waraqa said; This is the same Namus i.e.; Gabriel; the Angel who keeps the secrets whom Allah had sent to Moses. I wish I were young and could live up to the time when your people would turn you out. Allah Messenger ﷺ asked; Will they turn me out? Waraqa replied in the affirmative and said: Never did a man come with something similar to what you have brought but was treated with hostility. If I should remain alive till the day when you will be turned out then I would support you strongly. But after a few days Waraqa died and the Divine Inspiration was also paused for a while and the Prophet ﷺ became so sad as we have heard that he intended several times to throw himself from the tops of high mountains and every time he went up the top of a mountain in order to throw himself down; Gabriel would appear before him and say; O Muhammad! You are indeed Allah Messenger ﷺ in truth whereupon his heart would become quiet and he would calm down and would return home. And whenever the period of the coming of the inspiration used to become long; he would do as before; but when he used to reach the top of a mountain; Gabriel would appear before him and say to him what he had said before. Ibn Abbas said regarding the meaning of: He it is that Cleaves the daybreak from the darkness 6.96 that AlAsbah. means the light of the sun during the day and the light of the moon at night. | The Chapter on Revelation And Angles in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Commencement of the Divine Revelation to Allahs Messenger was in the form of good dreams in Sahih AlBukhari | |
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In Sahih Muslim
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17495 | Abu Saeed reported that an Arab of the desert came to Allah Messenger ﷺ and said: I live in a low land abounding in lizards; and these are the common diet of my family; but he the Holy Prophet did not make any reply. We said to him: Repeat it your problem and so he repeated it; but he did not make any reply. It was repeated thrice Then Allah Messenger ﷺ called him out at the third time saying: O man of the desert; verily Allah cursed or showed wrath to a tribe of Bani Israil and distorted them to beasts which move on the earth. I do not know; perhaps this lizard may be one of them. So I do not eat it; nor do I prohibit the eating of it. | The Chapter on Arab Tribes Delegation in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 7 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17813 | It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Saeed AlKhudari that a Bedouin asked the Messenger of Allah ﷺ about Migration. He replied: Do you talk of Hijra? The affair of Hijra is very difficult. But have you got camels? The bedouin said: Yes. He asked: Do you pay the poor-rate payable on their account? He replied: Yes. He the Holy Prophet said: Go on doing good deeds across the seas ; for surely God will not leave any of your deeds unrewarded. | The Chapter on Live Stock And Gifts in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 20 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18052 | It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira who said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent some horsemen to Najd. They captured a man. He was from the tribe of Banu Hanifa and was called Thumama Bin Uthal. He was the chief of the people of Yamama. People bound him with one of the pillars of the Masjid. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ came out to see him. He said: O Thumama; what do you think? He replied: Muhammad; I have good opinion of you. If you kill me; you will kill a person who has spilt blood. If you do me a favour; you will do a favour to a grateful person. If you want wealth; ask and you will get what you will demand. The Messenger of Allah may peace be pon him lefthim in this condition for two days; and came to him again and said: What do you think; O Thumama? He replied: What I have already told you. If you do a favour; you will do a favour to a grateful person. If you kill me; you will kill a person who has spilt blood. If you want wealth; ask and you will get what you will demand. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ left him until the next day when he came to him again and said: What do you think; O Thumama? He replied: What I have already told you. If you do me a favour; you will do a favour to a grateful person. If you kill me; you will kill a person who has spilt blood. If you want wealth ask and you will get what you will demand. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Set Thumama free. He went to a palm-grove near the Masjid and took a bath. Then he entered the Masjid and said: I bear testimony to the truth that there is no god but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is His bondman and His messenger. O Muhammad; by Allah; there was no face on the earth more hateful to me than your face; but now your face has become to me the dearest of all faces. By Allah; there was no religion more hateful to me than your religion; but now your religion has become the dearest of all religions to me. By Allah; there was no city more hateful to me than your city; but now your city has become the dearest of all cities to me. Your horsemen captured me when I intended going for Umra. Now what is your opinion in the matter ? The Messenger of Allah ﷺ announced good tidings to him and told him to go on Umra. When he reached Mecca; somebody said to him: Have you changed your religion? He said: No! I have rather embraced Islam with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. By Allah; you will not get a single grain of wheat from Yamama until it is permitted by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. | The Chapter on Love And Emotions And Makkah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 19 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18071 | The Chapter on Pre-Islam And Heracluis in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 26 in Sahih Muslim | ||
SahihMuslim-017-001-18097 | It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Wail who said: Sahal Bin Hunaif stood up on the Day of Siffin and said: O ye people; blame yourselves for want of discretion ; we were with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ on the Day of Hudaibiya. If we had thought it fit to fight; we could fight. This was in the truce between the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and the polytheists. Umar Bin AlKhattab came; approached the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and said: Messenger of Allah; arent we fighting for truth and they for falsehood? He replied: By all means. He asked: Are not those killed from our side in Paradise and those killed. from their side in the Fire? He replied: Yes. He said: Then why should we put a blot upon our religion and return; while Allah has not decided the issue between them and ourselves? He said: Son of AlKhattab; I am the Messenger of Allah. Allah will never ruin me. The narrator said : Umar went away; but he could not contain himself with rage. So he approached Abu Bakr and said: Abu Bakr; arent we fighting for truth and they for falsehood? He replied: Yes. He asked: Arent those killed from our side in Paradise and those killed from their side in the Fire? He replied: Why not? He then said: Why should we then disgrace our religion and return while God has not yet decided the issue between them and ourselves? Abu Bakr said: Son of AlKhattab; verily; he is the Messenger of Allah; and Allah will never ruin him. The narrator continued : At this a Surat of the Quran giving glad tidings of the victory was revealed to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He sent for Umar and made him read it. He asked: Is this truce a victory? He the Messenger of Allah replied: Yes. At this Umar was pleased; and returned. | The Chapter on Truth And Hypocrisy And Killing in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 34 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18152 | It has been narrated on the anthority of Yazid Bin Hurmuz who said: Najda wrote to Ibn Abbas. I was sitting in the company of Ibn Abbas when he read his letter and wrote its reply. Ibn Abbas said: Were it not for preventing him from falling into wickedness. I would not have replied to his letter; may he never be joyful. He wrote in reply to him referring to the share of the close relatives of the Holy Prophet from the booty whom God has mentioned. I have to tell you that we thought we were the close relatives of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; but our people have refused to recognise us as such. You have asked about the orphan as to when his orphanhood comes to an end. I have to say that when he reaches the age of marriage; attains maturity of mind; and his property is returned to him; then he is no longer an orphan. You have inquired whether the Messenger of Allah may peace be upo him used to kill anyone from the children of the polytheists in the war. You should know that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ used not to kill any one of their children; and you too should not kill any one of them; except when you knew about them what Khadir had known about the boy whom he killed. And you have inquired whether there is a fixed share of the booty for women and slaves when they participate in a battle. I have to tell you that there is no fixed share for them except that they will be given some reward from the spoils of war. | The Chapter on Booties Of Almaghazi in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 48 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18383 | It is narrated on the authority of Yahya Bin Yamur that the first man who discussed qadr Divine Decree in Basra was Mabad AlJuhani. I along with Humaid Bin Abdulrahman Himyari set out for pilgrimage or for Umrah and said: Should it so happen that we come into contact with one of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ we shall ask him about what is talked about taqdir Divine Decree. Accidentally we came across Abdullah Ibn Umar Ibn AlKhattab; while he was entering the Masjid. My companion and I surrounded him. One of us stood on his right and the other stood on his left. I expected that my companion would authorize me to speak. I therefore said: Abu Abdulrahman There have appeared some people in our land who recite the Quran and pursue knowledge. And then after talking about their affairs; added: They such people claim that there is no such thing as Divine Decree and events are not predestined. He Abdullah Ibn Umar said: When you happen to meet such people tell them that I have nothing to do with them and they have nothing to do with me. And verily they are in no way responsible for my belief. Abdullah Ibn Umar swore by Him the Lord and said : If any one of them who does not believe in the Divine Decree had with him gold equal to the bulk of the mountain Uhud and spent it in the way of Allah ; Allah would not accept it unless he affirmed his faith in Divine Decree. He further said: My father; Umar Ibn AlKhattab; told me: One day we were sitting in the company of Allah Apostle ﷺ when there appeared before us a man dressed in pure white clothes; his hair extraordinarily black. There were no signs of travel on him. None amongst us recognized him. At last he sat with the Apostle ﷺ He knelt before him placed his palms on his thighs and said: Muhammad; inform me about AlIslam. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: AlIslam implies that you testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah; and you establish prayer; pay Zakat; observe the fast of Ramadan; and perform pilgrimage to the House if you are solvent enough to bear the expense of the journey. He the inquirer said: You have told the truth. He Umar Ibn AlKhattab said: It amazed us that he would put the question and then he would himself verify the truth. He the inquirer said: Inform me about Iman faith. He the Holy Prophet replied: That you affirm your faith in Allah; in His angels; in His Books; in His Apostles; in the Day of Judgment; and you affirm your faith in the Divine Decree about good and evil. He the inquirer said: You have told the truth. He the inquirer again said: Inform me about AlIhsan performance of good deeds. He the Holy Prophet said: That you worship Allah as if you are seeing Him; for though you dont see Him; He; verily; sees you. He the enquirer again said: Inform me about the hour of the Doom. He the Holy Prophet remarked: One who is asked knows no more than the one who is inquiring about it. He the inquirer said: Tell me some of its indications. He the Holy Prophet said: That the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress and master; that you will find barefooted; destitute goat-herds vying with one another in the construction of magnificent buildings. He the narrator; Umar Ibn AlKhattab said: Then he the inquirer went on his way but I stayed with him the Holy Prophet for a long while. He then; said to me: Umar; do you know who this inquirer was? I replied: Allah and His Apostle knows best. He the Holy Prophet remarked: He was Gabriel the angel. He came to you in order to instruct you in matters of religion. | The Chapter on Hour And Divine Decree in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 1 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18387 | Abu Huraira reported: One day the Messenger of Allah ﷺ appeared before the public that a man came to him and said: Prophet of Allah; tell me what is Iman. Upon this he the Holy Prophet replied: That you affirm your faith in Allah; His angels; His Books; His meeting; His Messengers and that you affirm your faith in the Resurrection hereafter. He again said: Messenger of Allah; tell me what does AlIslam signify. He the Holy Prophet replied: AlIslam signifies that you worship Allah and do not associate anything with Him and you establish obligatory prayer and you pay the obligatory poor-rate Zakat and you observe the fast of Ramadan. He the inquirer again said: Messenger of Allah; what does AlIhsan imply? He the Holy Prophet replied: That you worship Allah as if you are seeing Him; and in case you fail to see Him; then observe prayer with this idea in your mind that at least He is seeing you. He the inquirer again said: Messenger of Allah; when would there be the hour of Doom ? He the Holy Prophet replied: The one who is asked about it is no better informed than the inquirer. I; however; narrate some of its signs and these are : when the slave-girl will give birth to he master; when the naked; barefooted would become the chiefs of the people - these are some of the signs of Doom. Moreover when the shepherds of the black camels would exult themselves in buildings; this is one of the signs of Doom. Doom is one of the five happenings wrapped in the unseen which no one knows but Allah. Then he the Messenger of Allah recited the verse : Verily Allah! with Him alone is the knowledge of the hour and He it is Who sends down the rain and knows that which is in the wombs and no person knows whatsoever he shall earn tomorrow; and a person knows not in whatsoever land he shall die. Verily Allah is Knowing; Aware. He the narrator; Abu Huraira said: Then the person turned back and went away. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Bring that man back to me. They the Companions of the Prophet present there went to bring him back; but they saw nothing there. Upon this the Messenger of Allah remarked: he was Gabriel; who came to teach the people their religion. | The Chapter on Hour And Divine Decree in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 1 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18392 | It is reported on the authority of Anas Bin Malik that he said: We were forbidden that we should ask anything without the genuine need from the Holy Prophet. It; therefore; pleased us that an intelligent person from the dwellers of the desert should come and asked him the Holy Prophet and we should listen to it. A man from the dwellers of the desert came to the Holy Prophet and said: Muhammad; your messenger came to us and told us your assertion that verily Allah had sent you as a prophet. He the Holy Prophet remarked: He told the truth. He the bedouin said: Who created the heaven? He the Holy Prophet replied: Allah. He the bedouin again said: Who created the earth? He the Holy Prophet replied: Allah. He the bedouin again said: Who raised these mountains and who created in them whatever is created there? He the Holy Prophet replied: Allah. Upon this he the bedouin remarked: By Him Who created the heaven and created the earth and raised mountains thereupon; has Allah in fact sent you? He the Holy Prophet said: Yes. He the bedouin said: Your messenger also told us that five prayers had been made obligatory for us during the day and the night. He the Holy Prophet remarked: He told you the truth. He the bedouin said: By Him Who sent you; is it Allah Who ordered you about this i. e. prayers ? He the Holy Prophet said: Yes. He the bedouin said: Your messenger told us that Zakat had been made obligatory in our riches. He the Holy Prophet said. He has told the truth. He the bedouin said: By Him Who sent you as a prophet ; is it Allah Who ordered you about it Zakat ? He the Holy Prophet said: Yes. He the bedouin said: Your messenger told us that it had been made obligatory for us to fast every year during the month of Ramadan. He the Holy Prophet said: He has told the truth. He the bedouin said: By Him Who sent you as a prophet ; is it Allah Who ordered you about it the fasts of Ramadan ? He the Holy Prophet said: Yes. He the bedouin said: Your messenger also told us that pilgrimage Hajj to the House of Kabah had been made obligatory for him who is able to undertake the journey to it. He the Holy Prophet said: Yes. The narrator said that he the bedouin set off at the conclusion of this answer; but at the time of his departure remarked: By Him Who sent you with the Truth; I would neither make any addition to them nor would I diminish anything out of them. Upon this the Prophet remarked: If he were true to what he said he must enter Paradise. | The Chapter on Journeys And Travel And Bedouins in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 3 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18406 | Abu Jamra reported: I was an interpreter between Ibn Abbas and the people; that a woman happened to come there and asked about nabidh or the pitcher of wine. He replied: A delegation of the people of Abd AlQais came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He the Holy Prophet asked the delegation or the people of the delegation about their identity. They replied that they belonged to the tribe of Rabia. He the Holy Prophet welcomed the people or the delegation which were neither humiliated nor put to shame. They the members of the delegation said: Messenger of Allah; we come to you from a far-off distance and there lives between you and us a tribe of the unbelievers of Mudar and; therefore; it is not possible for us to come to you except in the sacred months. Thus direct us to a clear command; about which we should inform people beside us and by which we may enter heaven. He the Holy Prophet replied: I command you to do four deeds and forbid you to do four acts ; and added: I direct you to affirm belief in Allah alone; and then asked them: Do you know what belief in Allah really implies? They said: Allah and His Messenger know best. The Prophet said: It implies testimony to the fact that there is no god but Allah; and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah; establishment of prayer; payment of Zakat; fast of Ramadan; that you pay one-fifth of the booty fallen to your lot and I forbid you to use gourd; wine jar; or a receptacle for wine. Shuba sometimes narrated the word naqir wooden pot and sometimes narrated it as muqayar. The Prophet also said: Keep it in your mind and inform those who have been left behind. | The Chapter on Arab Tribes Delegation in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 6 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18408 | It is reported on the authority of Qatada that one among the delegates of the Abd AlQais tribe narrated this tradition to him. Saeed said that Qatada had mentioned the name of Abu Nadra on the authority of Abu Saeed Khudri who narrated this tradition: That people from the- tribe of Abd AlQais came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and said: Messenger of Allah; we belong to the tribe of Rabia and there live between you and us the unbelievers of the Mudar tribe and we find it impossible to come to you except in the sacred months; direct us to a deed which we must communicate to those who have been left behind us and by doing which we may enter heaven. Upon this the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: I enjoin upon you four things and forbid you to do four things : worship Allah and associate none with Him; establish prayer; pay Zakat; and observe the fast of Ramadan; and pay the fifth part out of the booty. And I prohibit you from four things : dry gourds; green-coloured jars; hollowed stumps of palm-trees; and receptacles. They the members of the delegation said: Do you know what Alnaqir is? He replied: Yes; it is a stump which you hollow out and in which you throw small dates. Saeed said: He the Holy Prophet used the word tamar dates. The Prophet then added : Then you sprinkle water over it and when its ebullition subsides; you drink it and you are so intoxicated that one amongst you; or one amongst them the other members of your tribe; who were not present there strikes his cousin with the sword. He the narrator said: There was a man amongst us who had sustained injury on this very account due to intoxication ; and he told that he tried to conceal it out of shame from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. I; however; inquired from the Messenger of Allah it we discard those utensils which you have forbidden us to use ; then what type of vessels should be used for drink? He the Holy Prophet replied: In the waterskin the mouths of which are tied with a string. They again said: Prophet of Allah; our land abounds in rats and water-skins cannot remain preserved. The holy Prophet of Allah ﷺ said: Drink in water-skins even if these arenibbled by rats. And then addressing AlAshajj of Abd AlQais he said: Verily; you possess two such qualities which Allah loves: insight and deliberateness. | The Chapter on Forbidden And Dinks in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 6 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18432 | It is narrated on the authority of Muadh Bin Jabal: I was riding behind the Prophet ﷺ and there was nothing between him and me but the rear part of the saddle; when he said: Muadh Bin Jabal: To which I replied: At your beck and call; and at your pleasure; Messenger of Allah! He moved along for a few minutes; when again he said: Muadh Bin Jabal: To which I replied: At your beck and call; and at your pleasure; Messenger of Allah! He then again moved along for a few minutes and said: Muadh Bin Jabal: To which I replied. At your beck and call; and at your pleasure. Messenger of Allah He; the Holy Prophet said: Do you know what right has Allah upon His servants? I said: Allah and His Messenger know best. He the Holy Prophet said: Verily the right of Allah over His servants is that they should worship Him; not associating anything with Him. He the Holy Prophet with Muadh behind him; moved along for a few minutes and said: Muadh Bin Jabal: To which I replied: At your beck and call; and at your pleasure; Messenger of Allah! He the Holy Prophet said: Do you know what rights have servants upon Allah in case they do it i. e. they worship Allah without associating anything with Him ? I Muadh Bin Jabal replied: Allah and His Messenger know best. Upon this he the Holy Prophet remarked: That He would not torment them with the fire of Hell. | The Chapter on Worship To Save Oneself From Hell Fire in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 10 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18436 | It is reported on the authority of Abu Huraira: We were sitting around the Messenger of Allah may peace and blessings be upon him. Abu Bakr and Umar were also there among the audience. In the meanwhile the Messenger of Allah got up and left us; He delayed in coming back to us; which caused anxiety that he might be attacked by some enemy when we were not with him; so being alarmed we got up. I was the first to be alarmed. I; therefore; went out to look for the Messenger of Allah may peace and blessings be upon him and came to a garden belonging to the Banu AlNajjar; a section of the Ansar went round it looking for a gate but failed to find one. Seeing a rabi i. e. streamlet flowing into the garden from a well outside; drew myself together; like a fox; and slinked into the place where God Messenger was. He the Holy Prophet said: Is it Abu Huraira? I Abu Huraira replied: Yes; Messenger of Allah. He the Holy Prophet said: What is the matter with you? replied: You were amongst us but got up and went away and delayed for a time; so fearing that you might be attacked by some enemy when we were not with you; we became alarmed. I was the first to be alarmed. So when I came to this garden; I drew myself together as a fox does; and these people are following me. He addressed me as Abu Huraira and gave me his sandals and said: Take away these sandals of mine; and when you meet anyone outside this garden who testifies that there is no god but Allah; being assured of it in his heart; gladden him by announcing that he shall go to Paradise. Now the first one I met was Umar. He asked: What are these sandals; Abu Huraira? I replied: These are the sandals of the Messenger of Allah with which he has sent me to gladden anyone I meet who testifies that there is no god but Allah; being assured of it in his heart; with the announcement that he would go to Paradise. Thereupon Umar struck me on the breast and I fell on my back. He then said: Go back; Abu Huraira; So I returned to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; and was about to break into tears. Umar followed me closely and there he was behind me. The Messenger of Allah may peace and blessings be on him said: What is the matter with you; Abu Huraira? I said: I happened to meet Umar and conveyed to him the message with which you sent me. He struck me on my breast which made me fall down upon my back and ordered me to go back. Upon this the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: What prompted you to do this; Umar? He said: Messenger of Allah; my mother and father be sacrificed to thee; did you send Abu Huraira with your sandals to gladden anyone he met and who testified that there is no god but Allah; and being assured of it in his heart; with the tidings that he would go to Paradise? He said: Yes. Umar said: Please do it not; for I am afraid that people will trust in it alone; let them go on doing good deeds. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Well; let them. | The Chapter on in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 10 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18437 | It is reported on the authority of Anas Bin Malik that the Prophet of Allah may peace and blessings be upon him addressed Muadh Bin Jabal as he was riding behind him to which he replied: At thy beck and call; and at thy pleasure; Messenger of Allah. He again called out: Muadh; to which he again replied: At thy beck and call; and at thy pleasure. He the Holy Prophet addressed him again : Muadh; to which he replied: At thy beck and call; and at thy pleasure; Messenger of Allah. Upon this he the Holy Prophet observed: If anyone testifies sincerely from his heart that there is no god but Allah; and that Muhammad is His bondsman and His messenger; Allah immuned him from Hell. He Muadh said: Messenger of Allah; should I not then inform people of it; so that they may be of good cheer? He replied: Then they would trust in it alone. Muadh told about it at the time of his death; to avoid sinning. | The Chapter on Forgiveness And Testimony in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 10 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18537 | Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah was asked about the best of deeds. He observed: Belief in Allah. He the inquirer said: What next? He the Holy Prophet replied: Jihad struggle to the utmost in the cause of Allah. He the inquirer again said: What next? He the Holy Prophet replied: Pilgrimage accepted into the grace of the Lord. In the. tradition narrated on the authority of Muhammad Bin Jafar the words are that he the Holy Prophet said: Belief in Allah and His Messenger. Muhammad Bin Rafi and Abd Bin Humaid; Abd AlRazzaq and Mamar and Zuhri have narrated a hadith like this on the authority of the same chain of transmitters. | The Chapter on Hour And Divine Decree in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 36 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18538 | Abu Dharr reported: I said: Messenger of Allah; which of the deeds is the best? He the Holy Prophet replied: Belief in Allah and Jihad in His cause. I again asked: Who is the slave whose emancipation is the best? He the Holy Prophet replied: One who is valuable for his master and whose price is high. I said: If I cant afford to do it? He the Holy Prophet replied: Help an artisan or make anything for the unskilled labourer. I Abu Dharr said: Messenger of Allah; you see that I am helpless in doing some of these deeds. He the Holy Prophet replied: Desist from doing mischief to the people. That is the charity of your person on your behalf. | The Chapter on Reward Of Freeing Slaves in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 36 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18540 | It is narrated on the authority of Abdullah Bin Masud that he observed. I asked the Messenger of Allah ﷺ which deed was the best. He the Holy Prophet replied: Prayer at its appointed hour. I again said: Then what? He the Holy Prophet replied: Kindness to the parents. I again said: Then what? He replied: Earnest endeavour Jihad in the cause of Allah. And I would have not ceased asking more questions but out of regard for his feelings. | The Chapter on Communication And Silence in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 36 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18541 | Abdullah Bin Masud reported: I said: Messenger of Allah; which of the deeds takes one nearer to Paradise? He the Holy Prophet replied: Prayer at its proper time; I said: What next; Messenger of Allah? He replied: Kindness to the parents. I said: What next? He replied: Jihad in the cause of Allah. | The Chapter on Jihad Reward in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 36 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18542 | It was heard from Abu Amr Shaibani that; pointing towards the house of Abdullah; he said: The owner of this house told me that he asked the Messenger of Allah ﷺ : Which of the deeds are liked by Allah? He the Holy Prophet observed: Prayer at its proper time. I again said: What next? He replied: Then goodness to the parents. I again said: What then? He replied: Then Jihad in the cause of Allah. He Abdullah said: This is what I was told by the Holy Prophet. Had I questioned further; he would have made additions for me. | The Chapter on Mother And Ansar in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 36 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18545 | Abdullah reported: I asked the Messenger of Allah ﷺ : Which sin is the gravest in the eye of Allah? He the Holy Prophet replied: That you associate a partner with Allah despite the fact that He has created you. He the reporter said: I told him the; Holy Prophet : Verily it is indeed grave. He the reporter said: I asked him what the next gravest sin was. He the Holy Prophet replied: That you kill your child out of fear that he shall join you in food. He the reporter said: I asked him what the next gravest sin was. He the Holy Prophet observed: Then the next gravest sin is that you commit adultery with the wife of your neighbour. | The Chapter on Forgiveness And Testimony in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 37 in Sahih Muslim | |
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In Sunan AlTermithi
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10054 | The Chapter on Entering The Holly City Of Makkah in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi | ||
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10109 | Narrated Ibn Abbas: Abu Talib fell ill; so the Quraish went to see him; and the Prophet ﷺ went to see him. There was a gathering there with Abu Talib; so Abu Jahl stood up enraged; to prevent him the Prophet ﷺ from entering. He said: He complained to Abu Talib. So he Abu Talib said: O my nephew! What is it that you want from your people? He said: I only want one word from them; for which; if they were to say it; then the Arabs will become their followers; and the non-Arabs will pay Jizyah to them. He said: One word? He replied: One word. So he said: O uncle! Let them say La Ilaha Illallah so they replied: One God? We have not heard the like of this in the religion of these later days. This is nothing but an invention. He said: So the following was revealed in the Quran about them: Sad. By the Quran full of reminding. Those who disbelieve are in false pride and opposition... up to His saying: We have not heard the like of this in the religion of these later days. This is nothing but an invention 38:1-7. | The Chapter on Arab Tribes Ad The Day Of Pardon in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7383 | It has been related from Sahr Bin Hawshah that he said: I saw Jarir Bin Abdullah performing Ablution and he wiped over his Khuff. I asked him about that. He replied; I saw I saw Allah Messenger performing Ablution and he wiped over his Khuff. So I said to him; before Surah AlMaidah was revealed or after AlMaidah? So he replied; I did not acceot Islam until after AlMaidah. Qutaibah narrated this to us; saying Khalid Bin Ziyad AlTirmidhi narrated it to us; from Muqatil Bin Hayan; from Shahr Bin Hawshah; from Jarir.He said: Baqiyah related it from Ibrahim Bin Adham from Muqatil Bin Hayan; from Shahr Bin Hawshah; from Jarir.This Hadith is explanatory; because some who dislike wiping over the Khuff give the interpretation that the Prophet wiping over the two Khuff was before the revelation of Sural AlMaidah. But in his Hadlth; Jarir mentions that he saw the Prophet wiping over his Khuff after the revelation of Surat AlMaidah. | The Chapter on Personal Hygiene Ablution in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on About Wiping Over The Two Khuff in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8206 | Abu Sinan said: I buried my son Sinan and Abu Talha h AlKhawlani was sitting on the rim of the grave. When I wanted to leave he took me by my hand and said: Shall I not inform you of some good new O Abu Sinan! I said: Of course. He said: AlDahhak Bin Abdulrahman Bin Arzab narrated to me; from Abu Mousa AlAshari: The Messenger of Allah said: When a child of the slave of Allah died; Allah says to the angels: Have you taken the fruits of his work. They reply: Yes. So He says: What did My slave say? They reply: He praised you and mentioned that to You is the return. So Allah says: Build a house in Paradise for My slave; and name it the house of praise. | The Chapter on Worship And Alquran In Homes in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Virtue In The Calamity When One Patiently Seeks A Reward For It in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8513 | The Chapter on Body Parts And Tashahhud in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Parables in Sunan AlTermithi | ||
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8636 | Narrated Umar Bin Ishaq Bin Abi Talha h: from his mother; from her father; who said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Reply three times to the sneezing person. If he sneezes more; then if you wish reply and if you do not then do not. | The Chapter on Mercy And Angels in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Manners in Sunan AlTermithi |
In Sunan AlNasai
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-13894 | It was narrated from Umm Salamah that the wives of the Prophet asked her to speak to the Prophet and tell him; that the people were trying to bring their gifts to him when it was Aisha day; and to say to him: We love good things as much as Aisha does. So she spoke to him; but he did not reply her. When her turn came again; she spoke to him again; but he did not reply her. They said to her: How did he respond? She said: He did not answer me. They said: Do not leave him alone until he answers you or you comprehend what he says. When her turn came again; she spoke to him and he said: Do not bother me about Aisha; for the Revelation has never come to me under the blanket of any of you apart from the blanket of Aishah. | The Chapter on Truth And Hypocrisy And Martyrs in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on When A Man Loves One Of His Wives More Than Another in Sunan AlNasai |
In Sunan Abu Dawoud
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24562 | Zaid Bin Khalid AlJuhani said : A man asked the Messenger of Allah SWAS about a find. He said: Make the matter known for a year; then note its string and its container and then use it for your purpose. Then if its owner comes; give it to him. He asked : Messenger of Allah; what about a stray sheep? He replied: Take it; that is for you; or for your brother; or for the wolf. He again asked: Messenger of Allah; What about stray camels? The Messenger of Allah SWAS became angry so much so that his cheeks became red or the narrator is doubtful his face became red. He replied: What have you to do with them? They have with them their feet and their stomachs for drink till their master comes to him. | The Chapter on Live Stock Lost And Stray Sheeps in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Finds in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24568 | Narrated Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn AlAs: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was asked about the hanging fruit. He replied: If a needy person takes some and does not take a supply away in his garment; he is not to be blamed; but he who carries any of it away is to be find twice the value and punished; and he who steals any of it after it has been put in the place where dates are dried is to have his hand cut off if its value reaches the price of a shield. Regarding stray camels and sheep he mentioned the same as others have done. He said: He was asked about finds and replied: If it is in a frequented road and a large town; make the matter known for a year; and if its owner comes; give it to him; but if he does not; it belongs to you. If it is in a place which has been a waste from ancient time; or if it is a hidden treasure belonging to the Islamic period ; it is subject to the payment of the fifth. | The Chapter on Live Stock And Gifts in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Finds in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24605 | Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet ﷺ said: If any of you prays two rakahs before the dawn prayer; he should lie at his right side. Marwan Ibn AlHakam said to him: Is it not enough that one of us walks to the Masjid until he lies at his right side? According to the version of Ubaydullah; he Abu Huraira replied: No. This statement of Abu Huraira reached Ibn Umar. He said: Abu Huraira exceed limits on himself. He was asked: Do you look askance at what he says? He replied: No; but he dared and we showed cowardice. This criticism of Ibn Umar reached Abu Huraira. He said: What is my sin if I remembered and they forgot? | The Chapter on Live Stock And Charity in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Lying Down On One Side After It in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24673 | Narrated Abu Qatadah: The Prophet ﷺ went out at night and found Abu Bakr praying in a low voice; and he passed Umar Ibn AlKhattab who was raising his voice while praying. When they both met the Prophet ﷺ together; the Prophet ﷺ said: I passed by you; Abu Bakr; when you were praying in a low voice. He replied: I made Him hear with Whom I was holding intimate converse; Messenger of Allah. He the Prophet said to Umar: I passed by you when you were praying in a loud voice. He replied: Messenger of Allah; I was awakening the drowsy and driving away the Devil. AlHasan added in his version: The Prophet ﷺ said: Raise your voice a little; Abu Bakr; and he said to Umar: Lower your voice a little. | The Chapter on Recitations And Poetry And Believe in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Raising One Voice With The Recitation During The Night Prayer in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24686 | Narrated Saad Bin Hisham: I divorced my wife. I then came to Medina to sell my land that was there so that I could buy arms and fight in battle. I met a group of the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ. They said: Six persons of us intended to do so i.e. divorce their wives and purchase weapons ; but the Prophet ﷺ prohibited them. He said: For you in the Messenger of Allah there is an excellent model. I then came to Ibn Abbas and asked him about the witr observed by the Prophet ﷺ. He said: I point to you a person who is most familiar with the witr observed by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Go to Aishah. While going to her I asked Hakim Bin Aflah to accompany me. He refused; but I adjured him. He; therefore; went along with me. We sought permission to enter upon Aishah. She said: Who is this ? He said: Hakim Bin Aflah. She asked: Who is with you ? He replied: Saad Bin Hisham. She said: Hisham son of Amir who was killed in the Battle of Uhud. I said: Yes. She said: What a good man Amir was! I said: Mother of faithful; tell me about the character of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. She asked: Do you not recite the Quran ? The character of Messenger of Allah ﷺ was the Quran. I asked: Tell me about his vigil and prayer at night. She replied: Do you not recite: O thou folded in garments 73:1. I said: Why not ?When the opening of this Surah was revealed; the Companions stood praying most of the night until their fett swelled; and the concluding verses were not revealed for twelve months from heaven. At last the concluding verses were revealed and the prayer at night became voluntary after it was obligatory. I said: Tell me about the witr of the Prophet ﷺ. She replied: He used to pray eight rakahs; sitting only during the eighth of them. Then he would stand up and pray another rakahs. He would sit only after the eighth and the ninth rakahs. He would utter salutation only after the ninth rakah. He would then pray two rakahs sitting and that made eleven rakahs; O my son. But when he grew old and became fleshy he observed a witr of seven; sitting only in sixth and seventh rakahs; and would utter salutation only after the seventh rakah. He would then pray two rakahs sitting; and that made nine rakahs; O my son. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ would not pray through a whole night; or recite the whole Quran in a night or fast a complete month except in Ramadan. When he offered prayer; he would do that regularly. When he was overtaken by sleep at night; he would pray twelve rakahs.The narrator said: I came to Ibn Abbas and narrated all this to him. By Allah; this is really a tradition. Has I been on speaking terms with her; I would have come to her and heard it from her mouth. I said: If I knew that you were not on speaking terms with her; I would have never narrated it to you. | The Chapter on Bowing In Prayers And Alquran in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on On The Night Prayer in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24722 | Zirr Bin Hubaish said: I said to Ubay Bin Kaab Tell me about lailat Alqadr; O Abu AlMundhir; for our companion Ibn Masud was questioned about it; and he said: Anyone who gets up for prayer every night all the year round will hit upon it i.e. lailat Alqadr. He replied: May Allah have mercy on Abu Abdulrahman By Allah; he knew that it was in Ramadan; Mousaddad version goes but he disliked that the people should content themselves with that night alone ; or he liked that the people should not content themselves with the night alone. According to the agreed version: By Allah; it is the twenty-seventh night of Ramadan; without any reservation. I said: How did you know that; Abu AlMundhir? He replied: By the indication or sign of which the Messenger of Allah ﷺ informed us. I asked Zirr: What is the sign ? He replied: The sun rises like a vessel of water in the morning following that night; it has no rays until it rises high up. | The Chapter on Ramadan And Fasting Seeking The Night Of Destiny in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Concerning Lailat AlQadr The Night Of Decree in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24724 | Narrated Abdullah Ibn Unays AlJuhani: I said to the Messenger of Allah: I have a place in the desert where I live and in which I pray; with the praise of Allah; but give me command about a night when I come to this Masjid. He replied: Come on the twenty third night. I a sub-narrator; Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim said to his Abdullah Ibn Unayss son: How would your father act? He replied: He used to enter the Masjid when he had offered the afternoon prayer; and did not leave it for any purpose till he prayed the morning prayer. Then when he had prayed the morning prayer; he found his riding beast at the door of the Masjid; mounted it and got back to his desert. | The Chapter on Prayers And The Sun in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Concerning Lailat AlQadr The Night Of Decree in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24763 | Narrated Abu Qatadah: The Prophet ﷺ asked Abu Bakr: When do you observe the witr? He replied: I observe the witr prayer in the early hours of the night. The Prophet ﷺ asked Umar: When do you observe the witr? He replied: At the end of the night. He then said to Abu Bakr: This has followed it with care; and he said to Umar: He has followed it with strength. | The Chapter on Special Days And Alquran in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Praying With Witr Before Sleeping in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24766 | Abdullah Bin Abu Qais said: I asked Aisha about the witr observes by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. She replied: Sometime he observed the witr prayer in the early hours of the night; sometimes he observed it at the end of it. I asked: How did he recite the Quran ? Did he recite the Quran quietly or loudly ? She replied: He did it in any way. Sometimes he recited quietly and sometimes loudly; sometimes he took bath and then slept and sometimes he performed ablution and then slept.Abu Dawud said: The narrators other than Qutaibah said: This refer to his bath due to sexual defilement. | The Chapter on Menstruation And Charity in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Time Of The Witr Prayer in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24778 | Abdullah Bin Habshi AlKhathami said: The Prophet ﷺ was asked: Which of the actions is better ? He replied: Standing for long time in prayer. He was again asked: Which alms is better ? He replied: The alms given by a man possessing small property acquired by his labour. | The Chapter on Contracts And Disputes And Charity in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Long Standing During Prayer in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25043 | Hammad Ibn Zayd said: I asked Ayoub : Do you know anyone who narrates the tradition narrated by AlHasan about uttering the words addressing wife. Your matter is in your hand? He replied: No; except something similar transmitted by Qatadah from Kathir; the client of Samurah; from Abu Salamah on the authority of Abu Huraira from the Prophet ﷺ. Ayoub said: Kathir then came to us; so I asked him about this matter. He replied: I never narrated it. I mentioned it to Qatadah who said: Yes he narrated it but he forgot. | The Chapter on Forgetfulness In Prayers And Reminders in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Regarding The Phrase Your Matter Is In Your Hands in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25066 | Amrah; daughter of Abdulrahman Ibn Saad Ibn Zurarah; reported on the authority of Habibah; daughter of Sahl AlAnsariyah: She Habibah was the wife of Thabit Ibn Qays Ibn Shimmas. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ came out one morning and found Habibah by his door. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Who is this? She replied: I am Habibah; daughter of Sahl. He asked: What is your case? She replied: I and Thabit Ibn Qays; referring to her husband; cannot live together. When Thabit Ibn Qays came; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to him: This is Habibah; daughter of Sahl; and she has mentioned about you what Allah wished to mention. Habibah said: Messenger of Allah; all that he gave me is with me. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to Thabit Ibn Qays: Take it from her. So he took it from her; and she lived among her people relatives. | The Chapter on Marriage And Girls in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Regarding Khul in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25099 | Abu Huraira said A man from Banu Fazarah came to the Prophet ﷺ and said My wife has given birth to a black son. He said Have you any camels? He said They are red. He asked Is there a dusky one among them? He replied Some of them are dusky. He asked How do you think they have come about? He replied This may be a strain to which they reverted. He said And this is perhaps a strain to which the child has reverted. | The Chapter on Camels And Herdsmen Milk And Urine in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Doubting The Child Paternity in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25109 | Narrated Zayd Ibn Arqam: Three persons were brought to Ali Allah be pleased with him when he was in the Yemen. They and sexual intercourse with a woman during a single state of purity. He asked two of them: Do you acknowledge this child for this man ? They replied: No. He then put this question to all of them. Whenever he asked two of them; they replied in the negative. He; therefore; cast a lot among them; and attributed the child to the one who received the lot. He imposed two-third of the blood-money i.e. the price of the mother on him. This was then mentioned to the Prophet ﷺ and he laughed so much that his molar teeth appeared. | The Chapter on Fornication And Adultery And Family in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Those Who Said That Lots Should Be Drawn If They Differ About The Child in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25149 | Abd Allaah bin Masud said I asked Apostle of Allaah ﷺ which sin is the gravest? He replied That you associate someone with Allaah; while He has created you. I again asked Which then? He replied That you commit adultery with the wife of your neighbor. Allaah then revealed the following Quranic verse in support of the statement of the Prophet ﷺ Those who invoke not with Allaah any other god nor slay such life as Allaah has made sacred except for just cause nor commit fornication. | The Chapter on Fornication And Adultery And Killing in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Gravity Of Fornication in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25265 | Buhaysah reported on the authority of his father: My father sought permission from the Prophet ﷺ. When permission was granted and he came near him he lifted his shirt; and began to kiss him and embrace him out of love for him. He asked: Messenger of Allah; what is the thing which it is unlawful to refuse? He replied: Water. He again asked: Prophet of Allah; what is the thing which it is unlawful to refuse? He replied: Salt. He again asked: Prophet of Allah; what is the thing which it is unlawful to refuse? He said: To do good is better for you. | The Chapter on Thirst in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Things Which Should Not Be Refused When Asked For in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25274 | Narrated Umar Ibn AlKhattab: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ commanded us one day to give sadaqah. At that time I had some property. I said: Today I shall surpass Abu Bakr if I surpass him any day. I; therefore; brought half my property. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ asked: What did you leave for your family? I replied: The same amount. Abu Bakr brought all that he had with him. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ asked him: What did you leave for your family? He replied: I left Allah and His Apostle for them. I said: I shall never compete you in anything. | The Chapter on Jews And Alquran in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Concession For Giving All The Property As Sadaqah in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25401 | Ibn Abbas said the Messenger of Allah SWAS was at AlRawha. There he met some riders. He saluted them and asked who they were. They replied that they were Muslims. They asked who are you. They the companions replied he is the Messenger of Allah SWAS. A woman became upset : she took her child by his arm and lifted him from her litter at the camel. She said Messenger of Allah SWAS can this child be credited with having performed Hajj. He replied Yes; and you will have a reward. | The Chapter on Horses And Ihram in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Regarding A Child Performing Hajj in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25437 | Ubayd Ibn Jurayj said to Abdullah Ibn Umar: Abu Abdulrahman I saw you doing things which I did not see being done by your companions. He asked: What are they; Ibn Jurayj? He replied: I saw you touching only the two Yamani corners; and I saw you wearing shoes having no hair; I saw you dyeing in yellow colour; and I saw you wearing ihram on the eighth of Dhu AlHijja; whereas the people had worn ihram when they sighted the moon. Abdullah Ibn Umar replied: As regards the corners; I have not seen the Messenger of Allah ﷺ touching anything in the Kabah but the two Yamani corners. As for the tanned leather shoes; I have seen the Messenger of Allah ﷺ wearing tanned leather shoes; and he would wear them after ablution. Therefore I like to wear them. As regards wearing yellow; I have seen the Messenger of Allah ﷺ wearing yellow; so I like to wear with it. As regards shouting the talbiyah; I have seen the Messenger of Allah ﷺ raising his voice in talbiyah when his camel stood up with him on its back. | The Chapter on Menustration In Alhajj in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Time Of Ihram in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25577 | Abd AlAziz Bin Rufai said I asked Anas Bin Malik saying Tell me something you knew about the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ viz where he offered the noon prayer on Yawm AlTarwiyah 8th of Dhu AlHijja. He replied; In Mina I asked Where did he pray the afternoon prayer on Yaum AlNafr 12th or 13th of Dhu AlHijja. He replied In AlAbtah he then said Do as your commanders do. | The Chapter on Prayers And Ablution in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Leaving For Mina in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
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In Muwata Malik
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34505 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Nafi that Abdullah Ibn Umar passed by a man who was praying and said; Peace be upon you; and the man replied to him. Abdullah Ibn Umar returned to him and said; When someone says; Peace be upon you to you while you are praying do not reply; but give a signal with your hand. | The Chapter on Granting Peace in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Shortening the Prayer in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34513 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab from Ata Ibn Yazid AlLaythi that Ubaydullah Ibn Adi ibnal-Khiyar said; Once when the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; was sitting with some people; a man came to him and spoke secretly to him. Nobody knew what he had said until the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; disclosed that he had asked for permission to kill one of the hypocrites. When he disclosed this; the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; Doesnt he testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah? The man replied; Of course; but he hasnt really done so. He said; Doesnt he do the prayer? and the man replied; Of course; but he doesnt really do the prayer. He said; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; Those are the ones whom Allah has forbidden me to kill. | The Chapter on Peace And Entering Almadinah in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Shortening the Prayer in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34763 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Zayd Ibn Aslam that Ibn Wala AlMisri asked Abdullah Ibn Abbas about what is squeezed from the grapes. Ibn Abbas replied; A man gave the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; a small water-skin of wine. The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said to him; Dont you know that Allah has made it haram? He said; No. Then a man at his side whispered to him. The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; asked what he had whispered; and the man replied; I told him to sell it. The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; The One who made drinking it haram has made selling it haram. The man then opened the water- skins and poured out what was in them. | The Chapter on Granting Peace in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Purity in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35189 | Yahya related to me from Malik that he had heard that Umar Ibn AlKhattab had heard in a letter from Iraq that a man said to his wife; Your rein is on your withers i.e. you have free rein. Umar Ibn AlKhattab wrote to his governor to order the man to come to him at Makka at the time of hajj. While Umar was doing tawaf around the House; a man met him and greeted him. Umar asked him who he was; and he replied that he was the man that he had ordered to be brought to him. Umar said to him; I ask you by the Lord of this building; what did you mean by your statement; Your rein is on your withers.? The man replied; Had you made me swear by other than this place; I would not have told you the truth. I intended separation by that. Umar Ibn AlKhattab said; It is what you intended. | The Chapter on Assignments And Benefits in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Marriage in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35593 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Zayd Ibn Aslam from his father that he said to Umar Ibn AlKhattab; There is a blind camel behind the house; soUmar said; Hand it over to a household so that they can make some use of it. He said; But she is blind. Umar replied; Then put it in a line with other camels. He said; How will it be able to eat from the ground? Umar asked; Is it from the livestock of the jizya or the zakat? and Aslam replied; From the livestock of the jizya. Umar said; By AIIah; you wish to eat it. Aslam said; It has the brand of the jizya on it. So Umar ordered it to be slaughtered. He had nine platters; and on each of the platters he put some of every fruit and delicacy that there was and then sent them to the wives of the Prophet; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; and the one he sent to his daughter Hafsa was the last of them all; and if there was any deficiency in any of them it was in Hafsa portion. He put meat from the slaughtered animal on the platters and sent them to the wives of the Prophet; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; and he ordered what was left of the meat of the slaughtered animal to be prepared. Then he invited the Muhajirun and the Ansar to eat it. Malik said; I do not think that livestock should be taken from people who pay the jizya except as jizya. | The Chapter on Live Stock And Sheep Grazing in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Hajj in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35615 | Yahya related to me from Malik that Yahya Ibn Said said that he had heard that when Abu Bakr AlSiddiq was ill he asked Aisha; How many shrouds did the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; have? and she replied; Three pure white cotton garments. Abu Bakr said; Take this garment a garment he was wearing on which red clay or saffron had fallen and wash it. Then shroud me in it with two other garments. Aisha said; Why that?; and Abu Bakr replied; The living have greater need of the new than the dead. This is only for the body fluids that come out as the body decays. | The Chapter on Garments Forbidden Dress in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Hajj in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35645 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Abdullah Ibn Abdullah Ibn Jabir Ibn Atik that Atik Ibn AlHarith; the grandfather of Abdullah Ibn Abdullah Ibn Jabir on his mother side; told him that Jabir Ibn Atik had told him that the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; came to visit Abdullah Ibn Thabit and found him in his death-throes. He called to him but he did not reply. The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; We belong to Allah; and to Him we are returning; and added; You are being taken from us; Ab AlRabi. The women cried out and wept; and Jabir began to silence them. The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; Leave them; and when the necessary time comes; none of the women should cry. They said; Messenger of Allah; what is the necessary time? and he replied; When he dies. The dying man daughter said; By Allah; I hope that you will be a martyr; for you have completed your preparations for battle; and the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; Allah has made his reward fall according to his intention. What do you consider dying a martyr to be? They said; Death in the way of Allah. The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; There are seven kinds of martyr other than those killed in the way of Allah. Someone who is killed by the plague is a martyr; someone who drowns is a martyr; someone who dies of pleurisy is a martyr; someone who dies of a disease of the belly is a martyr; someone who dies by fire is a martyr; someone who dies under a falling building is a martyr and a woman who dies in childbirth is a martyr. | The Chapter on Peace And Killing in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Hajj in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35763 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Said Ibn Abi Said AlMaqburi that Ubayd Ibn Jurayj once said to Abdullah Ibn Umar; Abu Abdulrahman I have seen you doing four things which I have never seen any of your companions doing. He said; What are they; Ibn Jurayj? and he replied; I have seen you touching only the twoYamani corners; I have seen you wearing hairless sandals; I have seen you using yellow dye; and; when you were at Makka and everybody had started doing talbiya after seeing the new moon; I saw that you did not do so until the eighth of Dhu AlHijja. Abdullah Ibn Umar replied; As for the corners; I only ever saw the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; touching the two Yamani corners. As for the sandals; I saw the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; wearing hairless sandals and doing Ablution in them; and I like wearing them. As for using yellow dye; I saw the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; using it; and I also like to use it for dyeing things with. As for doing talbiya; I never saw the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; begin doing so until he had set out on the animal he was riding on i.e. for Mina and Arafa. | The Chapter on Grooming The Hair And Perfumes in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Hajj in Muwata Malik |
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