Sura Page | Surat and Ayah This property is a special property in this wiki. | Polarity | Sura Classification | Sura Sequence | Related Subjects | Ayah Text |
Surat AlNaba | Quran English Translation, Sura Makkan Classification | -0.003 | Sura Makkan Classification | 76 | Account deed, Account deeds, Ampli sufficient, Angel stand, Boil fluid, Cloud abundance, Cool tast, Corn vegetables, Cup full, Dai deed, Dai realiti, Dai sort, Dai spirit, Dai trumpet, Dark murky, Deed hand, Deed increas, Earth graciou, Earth wide, Enclosed grapevin, Equal ag, Fear account, Fluid dark, Fluid fluid, Fruit deed, Fulfil heart, Full brim, Garden enclosed, Garden luxuri, Gift ampli, Graciou none, Grant punish, Hand unbeliev, Hear untruth, Heart desir, Heaven earth, Heaven open, Hell ambush, Impud treat, Increas grant, Intens cold, Lord gift, Lord heaven, Luxuri growth, Metr dust, Mountain vanish, Murky intens, None power, Noth cool, Open doors, Penalti dai, Permit gracious, Power argu, Produc therewith, Ranks speak, Realiti therefore, Recompens lord, Return lord, Righteou fulfil, Save boil, Send cloud, Sign fals, Sort appoint, Sort appointed, Sounded crowd, Speak permit, Spirit angel, Stand ranks, Straight return, Tast drink, Tast fruit, Therefore whoso, Therewith corn, Treat sign, Truli hell, Trumpet sound, Trumpet sounded, Turn lord, Unbeliev woe, Vanish mirag, Vaniti hear, Verily warn, Voluptu women, Warn penalti, Whoso straight, Wide expans, Wide expanse, Woe metr, Women equal | True |
Surat Saad | Quran English Translation, Sura Makkan Classification | -0.01 | Sura Makkan Classification | 38 | Abraham isaac, Abundance delici, Account ask, Ad flock, Ad pharaoh, Admonit thi, Admonit verily, Afflict distress, Angel creat, Approach us, Art grantor, Art haughti, Art mighti, Art rejected, Ask forgiv, Astrai path, Beauti final, Bed lie, Befor reject, Began pass, Behold brought, Behold climb, Behold cri, Behold lord, Bestow withhold, Bird gather, Blast brook, Blessings mediat, Bodi life, Boil fluid, Book full, Bounti bestow, Bounti fail, Bounti measur, Bow prostrat, Bow prostration, Break oath, Breath spirit, Breeding swift, Bring began, Brook delai, Brother ewes, Brought eventid, Brought evil, Builder diver, Burn fire, Busi wrong, Chast women, Chief discuss, Climb wall, Command strike, Commemor ismail, Commemor servant, Commemoration understand, Commit care, Compani elect, Companion equal, Companion wood, Constanc excel, Constant god, Cool refreshing, Courser highest, Creat clai, Creat hand, Creat heaven, Createdst clai, Createdst fire, Cri lord, Cri mercy, Cry mislead, Curs dai, Dai account, Dai appoint, Dai dead, Day Of Judgment, Dark murky, David gather, David gave, David strength, David terrifi, David undoubtedli, David viceger, Dead rais, Decid truth, Declare unison, Deed righteous, Deed righteousness, Delici drink, Demand singl, Destroi cri, Discuss matter, Disput reach, Disputants wrong, Distress suffer, Dominion heaven, Door open, Doubl penalti, Doubt own, Due proport, Earth judg, Earth mount, Earth shall, Earth thought, Eas therein, Elisha zulkifl, Enforc forgiv, Enjoyed near, Enter presenc, Equal ag, Eternity door, Eventid break, Eventid courser, Evil afflict, Evil bed, Evil final, Evil includ, Evil stai, Ew ad, Ew partner, Ewes yet, Exalt might, Exalt power, Excel servic, Ey fail, Fail perceiv, Fall obeis, Fashion due, Fear disputants, Fell bow, Final return, Fire creat, Fire createdst, Fire hell, Flight host, Flock ew, Flow gentli, Fluid dark, Fluid fluid, Follow cry, Foot wash, Forgav laps, Forget dai, Forgiv grant, Forgiv lord, Fruit abund, Fruit abundance, Full admonit, Full bless, Full blessings, Full patienc, Garden eternity, Gather ask, Gather assembli, Gave solomon, Gave wisdom, Gener destroi, Gentli order, Glances companion, Glori lord, Glori separat, God design, God suprem, God truli, Grace ourselv, Grace ourselves, Grant kingdom, Grantor bounti, Grass strike, Grievous forget, Guard evil, Guid path, Ha god, Ha stori, Hand art, Hasten dai, Haughti art, Haughty reject, Headlong burn, Heart mislead, Heaven earth, Hidden veil, Highest breeding, Hill declare, Hold lord, Host confeder, Ibli createdst, Ibli haughty, Ibli power, Ibli prevent, Impatiently walk, Includ builder, Injustice guid, Intens cold, Isaac jacob, Ismail elisha, Jacob possessor, Job behold, Judg truth, Judgment speech, Justic nor, Justli inevit, Kingdom gave, Kingdom suit, Knowledg chief, Laps enjoyed, Lead path, Leader impatiently, Leg neck, Li ha, Longer save, Lord angel, Lord evil, Lord fell, Lord forgiv, Lord ha, Lord hast, Lord hasten, Lord heaven, Lord respit, Lord stake, Lord stakes, Love love, Love view, Lust heart, Lut companion, Mean reach, Mediat signs, Merci lord, Mercy longer, Messag admonit, Messag hereaft, Messag nay, Messag world, Messengers punish, Might enforc, Mighti blast, Mischief earth, Mislead nay, Mislead path, Mount rope, Murky intens, Mutual recrimin, Nay brought, Nay tast, Near approach, Noah ad, Nor lust, Oath truli, Order whithersoev, Ourselves commemoration, Own messag, Partner busi, Pass leg, Path penalti, Path wander, Patienc constanc, Patienc rememb, Penalti fire, Penalti grievou, Penalti grievous, Penalti similar, Peopl fire, Person doubt, Pharaoh lord, Plainli public, Plainli publicli, Pleasur fruit, Possessor power, Power flow, Power grant, Power grantor, Power vision, Power wrong, Praises eventid, Presenc david, Prevent prostrat, Privat chamber, Proclaim messag, Promis dai, Proport breath, Prostrat thyself, Prostration turn, Punish justli, Purifi grace, Qur full, Qur pretend, Reach behold, Receiv admonit, Reclin eas, Recrimin peopl, Refreshing drink, Reject faith, Reject messenger, Reject messengers, Rejected accurs, Remain constant, Rememb servant, Respit dai, Restrain glances, Reveal warn, Reward qur, Ridicule ey, Righteous beauti, Righteousness david, Righteousness mischief, Rope mean, Rush headlong, Sad qur, Servant abraham, Servant david, Servant job, Servant sincer, Servic ever, Shall treat, Sight compani, Signs understand, Similar match, Sincer purifi, Singl ew, Singl mighti, Solomon son, Solomon throne, Sorcer tell, Speech decis, Spirit fall, Steep glori, Stori disput, Strai path, Strength turn, Strengthen kingdom, Strike foot, Strike therewith, Subject wind, Such bounti, Such promis, Suit art, Sun hidden, Suprem irresist, Suprem irresistible, Swift foot, Tast punish, Tell li, Terrifi fear, Thamud lut, Therein pleasur, Therein reclin, Therewith break, Thi brother, Thi messag, Thi sorcer, Thi truth, Thought unbeliev, Throne bodi, Thyself creat, Till dai, Treasur merci, Treat deed, Treat guard, Treat injustic, Treat injustice, Treat ridicul, Treat ridicule, Troop rush, Truli bounti, Truli full, Truli love, Truli warner, Truli wonder, Truth justic, Truth treat, Turn repent, Unbeliev fire, Unbeliev steep, Unbeliev thi, Unbeliev woe, Understand receiv, Undoubtedli wrong, Unison praises, Us beauti, Us forget, Veil night, Verily righteous, Viceger earth, View glori, Wait singl, Walk remain, Wall privat, Wander astrai, Warn plainli, Warner god, Warner unbeliev, Wash cool, Whithersoev willed, Wind power, Wisdom judgment, Withhold account, Woe unbeliev, Women restrain, Wrong decid, Wrong deed, Wrong demand, Wrong evil, Yet commit, Zulkifl compani | True |
Surat Yunus | Quran English Translation, Sura Makkan Classification | -0.012 | Sura Makkan Classification | 49 | Aaron pharaoh, Aaron stand, Abid ay, Abod fire, Accord naught, Advanc anticip, Advers touch, Affair pieti, Aforetim hasten, Agreement plan, Ah behold, Ah want, Aid speak, Altern night, Anim grow, Appoint term, Aris produc, Ark inherit, Arrang affair, Arrog sin, Ask reward, Assuredli lost, Assuredli yet, Atom earth, Aught r, Aught wrong, Authority regul, Avail truth, Ayat book, Aye lord, Beauti belong, Beauti dwelling, Beauty measur, Beginneth process, Behold belong, Behold friend, Behold heaven, Behold plot, Behold shalt, Behold transgress, Behold worship, Believ lord, Believ mose, Believed remov, Belong creatur, Belong creatures, Belong heareth, Belong power, Belongeth heaven, Benefit favour, Bestow pharaoh, Board ships, Body mayest, Boil fluid, Boil fluids, Book truth, Book wisdom, Bounti mankind, Bring live, Bring read, Bring sorcer, Bring sura, Brother great, Brother messag, Brought clear, Brought right, Brought sorceri, Busi mayest, Canst deaf, Canst guid, Case belongeth, Causeth reach, Charg falsehood, Cherish sustain, Chief sign, Chief splendour, Chiefs persecut, Children fear, Children israel, Clad golden, Cleanmown flourish, Clear record, Clear sign, Clear signs, Clearsigns requit, Close cry, Cometh pass, Command night, Command rank, Command submit, Commemor sign, Companion fire, Companion garden, Compass elucid, Compel mankind, Confirm revel, Constant decid, Constantli guard, Contrari confirm, Count nowis, Cover face, Covered piec, Creat heaven, Creat truth, Created heaven, Creation repeat, Creation repeateth, Creatures heaven, Cry glori, Cry prais, Cry sincer, Day Of Judgment, Dai pass, Danger new, Dark dubiou, Dark night, Dark shame, Days firmli, Dead dead, Dead live, Deaf hear, Deal unjustli, Death command, Decid decid, Deck beauti, Declar repent, Deed brought, Deed transgressor, Deface lord, Defend wrath, Delay hour, Deliv ark, Deliv gratitud, Deliv merci, Deliv thu, Delivereth behold, Delud truth, Deni meet, Deni sign, Depth dark, Design benefit, Destroi wrong, Detail reflect, Detail understand, Didst mischief, Differ lord, Differ settl, Direct lord, Diseas heart, Diseas hearts, Disobei lord, Dispos reach, Distract fro, Dost behold, Dost deliv, Doth explain, Doth guid, Doth home, Doth prove, Doth wrong, Doubt obscur, Doubt religion, Doubt reveal, Draught boil, Dubiou pass, Due command, Duti dost, Dwell egypt, Dwell place, Dwelling provid, Ear signs, Earn evil, Earn fain, Earth case, Earth clad, Earth days, Earth defianc, Earth fain, Earth food, Earth glori, Heaven earth, Earth overwhelm, Earth power, Earth sign, Earth transgress, Earth wa, Earth warrant, Earth wilt, Earth worship, Effect prospereth, Egypt dwell, Elucid thereof, Enableth travers, Endur punish, Engross nor, Enjoi life, Enjoy life, Enough wit, Error turn, Establish regular, Establish throne, Establish truth, Even sign, Everi soul, Evid sorcer, Evid sorceri, Evil earn, Evil ignomini, Evil reward, Expect happen, Explain sign, Explan book, Face companion, Face cover, Face covered, Face defend, Face lord, Face religion, Fain hasten, Fain ransom, Fair ey, Faith flow, Falsehood free, Falsehood knowledg, Falsehood leav, Falsehood wrong, Fanci avail, Fanci fanci, Fancy lie, Favour causeth, Favour wind, Fear griev, Fear penalti, Fear pharaoh, Featur wealth, Fell schism, Find guidanc, Fire abid, Fire evil, Firmli establish, Fit deliv, Flood god, Flood reject, Flourish explain, Flow river, Fluids penalti, Follow inspir, Food anim, Forbidden thereof, Forg bring, Forg lie, Forgiving merci, Free respons, Friend fear, Fruit deed, Full bounti, Fuller explan, Garden abid, Garden bliss, Gather join, Gather tarri, Gener destroi, Giveth life, Glad tide, Glad tidings, Glori moon, Glori partner, Glori suffici, God whom, Golden ornament, Goodli reward, Govern intercessor, Grant fell, Greatest record, Greet close, Griev power, Grievou penalti, Grievous reject, Grow earth, Guard evil, Guid blind, Guid faith, Guid matter, Guid pleas, Guid pleaseth, Guidanc guid, Guidanc truth, Guidance soul, Halt wrong, Happen dai, Hard hearts, Hard mind, Harm profit, Harvest cleanmown, Hast bestow, Hasten earn, Heal diseas, Hear sight, Heareth knoweth, Heart transgressor, Hearts grievou, Heaven greatest, Heed sign, Heed signs, Heedless sign, Hereaft word, Hidden lord, Hold forbidden, Home peac, Honour belong, Hope meet, Host insol, Hour advanc, Hour delay, Hour recognis, Hurt dost, Hurt profit, Hurt remov, Ignomini cover, Ignomini life, Inform aye, Inform heaven, Inherit earth, Insol earth, Insol souls, Insol spite, Inspir mose, Inspir patient, Intercessor inform, Intercessor plead, Invent attribut, Invent falsehood, Invent li, Invent lie, Israel beauti, Israel sea, Israel submit, Join god, Join partner, Join partners, Jonah believed, Judg justic, Judg justice, Judg schism, Judgment full, Judgment justic, Judgment justice, Justic righteous, Justice wrong, Knew worship, Knoweth mischief, Knowledg compass, Knowledg grant, Law permit, Lead path, Leav lurch, Leav obtain, Leav rest, Length overwhelm, Length wrong, Li dai, Lie deni, Lie prosper, Life present, Life promis, Life sky, Life taketh, Life tarri, Light beauty, Like life, Listen canst, Listen messag, Live dead, Live rule, Lofti rank, Lord creat, Lord differ, Lord fear, Lord featur, Lord guid, Lord ha, Lord hast, Lord heal, Lord invent, Lord knoweth, Lord lofti, Lord misl, Lord mislead, Lord prove, Lord receiv, Lord serv, Lord trial, Lord truth, Lord unseen, Lord weight, Lord wise, Loss arrang, Lost deni, Ly side, Mankind danger, Mankind direct, Mankind heedless, Mankind insol, Mankind nation, Mankind tast, Mankind ungrat, Matter judg, Matter wonder, Mayest portion, Mayest recit, Mayest sign, Measur dark, Measur stage, Meet refus, Meet us, Merci ad, Merci advers, Merci befor, Merci reject, Messag provid, Mighti earth, Mind stai, Mingl aris, Mischief violenc, Mislead path, Moon light, Mose aaron, Mose brother, Mose brought, Mose children, Mose prai, Mose throw, Mose truth, Nation differ, Naught reveal, Nay charg, New believ, Night companion, Night created, Night harvest, Night rest, Noah behold, Nor hidden, Nor reject, Nowis creat, Obei lord, Obscur understand, Obtain thi, Offer duti, Oh bring, Order brother, Origin creation, Ornament deck, Overwhelm cry, Overwhelm flood, Partner ascrib, Partner fancy, Partner worship, Partners guidanc, Partners origin, Partners plan, Partners separ, Pass ah, Pass respit, Pass wait, Passeth cri, Path deface, Patient constant, Peac doth, Peac greet, Penalti blasphem, Penalti blasphemi, Penalti dai, Penalti grievou, Penalti grievous, Penalti ignomini, Penalti judgment, Peopl brought, Permit enjoi, Permit invent, Persecut pharaoh, Pharaoh bring, Pharaoh chief, Pharaoh chiefs, Pharaoh host, Pharaoh mighti, Piec depth, Piety wise, Place worship, Plan dark, Plan partners, Plan verily, Plead leav, Pleas satisfi, Pleaseth forgiving, Pleaseth straight, Plot sign, Portion mayest, Portion sinner, Possess earth, Postures ly, Power dispos, Power harm, Power hear, Power honour, Practis oppress, Prai lord, Prais cherish, Prayer glad, Present heed, Present hereaft, Present lord, Present permit, Present rain, Pretend listen, Process creation, Produc contrari, Produc earth, Profit hurt, Profit intercessor, Profit will, Profit willeth, Promis assuredli, Promis beginneth, Prosper sin, Prospereth mischief, Prove establish, Prove fruit, Prove rebel, Provid dwell, Provid susten, Punish recompens, Qur produc, R ayat, Rain send, Rank believers, Rank truth, Ransom declar, Reach charg, Reach command, Reach lord, Reach sorceri, Reach whomsoev, Reached hour, Read accord, Read book, Realis life, Rebellion didst, Receiv admonit, Receiv guidanc, Receiv guidance, Recit qur, Recognis assuredli, Recompens earn, Recompens earned, Record clear, Record plot, Refus receiv, Regul affair, Regul govern, Regular prayer, Rehears life, Rehears rest, Reject deliv, Reject draught, Reject sign, Reject thu, Rejoic thereat, Rejoic wealth, Relat stori, Religion behold, Religion piety, Remain error, Remov design, Remov penalti, Repeat delud, Repeat origin, Repeateth reward, Repent penalti, Requit sin, Respit settl, Rest hope, Rest visibl, Return promis, Return tast, Return ultim, Reveal disobei, Reveal read, Revel fuller, Reward ask, Reward due, Reward evil, Reward justic, Reward yea, Right lord, Righteous reject, Righteous thu, River garden, Rule regul, Sail favour, Satisfi life, Save body, Schism dai, Schism judg, Sea board, Sea pharaoh, Seal hear, Seal heart, Seek inform, Send hard, Send ski, Separ partner, Serv receiv, Servant pleas, Servant pleaseth, Serve hurt, Settl children, Settl leav, Severest penalti, Shalt perish, Shalt wrong, Shame cover, Shine glori, Ships sail, Side sitting, Sides overwhelm, Sight bring, Sign arrog, Sign brought, Sign detail, Sign fear, Sign listen, Sign lord, Sign prosper, Sign rehears, Sign shalt, Sign swift, Sign swifter, Sign verily, Sign warn, Sign warner, Signs reject, Sincer offer, Singl township, Sinned possess, Sinner hasten, Sinner hate, Sitting stand, Ski mingl, Sky earth, Solv trouble, Sorcer mose, Sorcer prosper, Sorcer vers, Sorceri effect, Sorceri sorcer, Soul death, Soul doubt, Soul merci, Soul prove, Soul sinned, Soul stray, Speak truth, Speech griev, Spite length, Splendour wealth, Stage year, Stai commemor, Stand solv, Stand straight, Stori noah, Stormi wind, Straight path, Stray loss, Submit islam, Such cherish, Such profit, Suffici heaven, Sun shine, Suprem felic, Sura aid, Sustain life, Sustain truth, Sustain world, Susten knowledg, Susten yet, Swifter plan, Taketh brought, Tarri hour, Tarri understand, Tast endur, Tast merci, Tast severest, Term appoint, Term reached, Thereat stormi, Thereof engross, Thereof law, Thereof reach, Thi cry, Thi evid, Thi lord, Thi qur, Thi save, Thi suprem, Throne author, Throne authority, Throw mose, Throw throw, Thu doth, Thu fit, Thu lord, Thu seal, Tidings life, Touch behold, Touch deed, Touch hurt, Toucheth crieth, Township warned, Transgress bound, Transgress insol, Transgressor fair, Travers sea, Trespasses wander, Trial practis, Troubl touch, Troubl toucheth, Trouble passeth, Trust agreement, Trust lord, Truth awar, Truth frustrat, Truth guid, Truth guidanc, Truth lord, Truth reach, Truth remain, Truth righteou, Truth righteous, Truth sinner, Truth unbeliev, Truth us, Truth worthi, Ultim witness, Unbeliev thi, Unjustli aught, Unseen wait, Us bring, Us pleas, Us thi, Us trespasses, Verily altern, Verily mankind, Verily record, Visibl sign, Wait wait, Wander distract, Want aforetim, Warn heed, Warn mankind, Warned believed, Warner profit, Wast rebellion, Wave sides, Wealth hoard, Wealth life, Wealth send, Weight atom, Wert doubt, Whether realis, Whom children, Whomsoev servant, Why sign, Why singl, Willed rehears, Willeth term, Wilt compel, Wind rejoic, Wind wave, Wise doubt, Wise unbeliev, Wit knew, Wit thereof, Wonder inspir, Word doth, Word thi, Worship establish, Worship partner, Worship worship, Worthi find, Wrath face, Wrong clearsigns, Wrong forg, Wrong soul, Wrong tast, Yea measur, Year count, Yet hold, Yet understand | True |
Surat AlMaidah | Quran English Translation, Sura Madinah Classification | -0.016 | Sura Madinah Classification | 112 | Abod wrong, Abomination prosper, Abund bad, Accept grievou, Accept sacrific, Accept slai, Account deliber, Account futil, Account lost, Account ordain, Accurs blasphemi, Act aton, Adam behold, Adjudg atonement, Admit compani, Admit garden, Admonit fear, Affirm wit, Aforetim coven, Afraid reproach, Ag lord, Ah victory, Altar forbidden, Amend conduct, Anim brought, Anim catch, Anim chase, Anim offerings, Animals except, Animals resort, Animals stallioncamel, Ankl state, Ap swine, Appoint captain, Approach strive, Approach wit, Arm elbow, Arrow impieti, Arrows abomination, Art exalt, Art sustain, Art thine, Art wit, Assault proper, Assign ignominiously, Assist loan, Assur crime, Assured judgment, Astrai path, Asylum secur, At past, Aton fail, Atonement feed, Aught didst, Averag food, Aw fear, Bad abund, Bad dazzl, Bath bodi, Bear wit, Beauti loan, Becometh bird, Befal blasphem, Befal doubt, Beguil teach, Behold bringest, Behold inspir, Behold makest, Behold present, Behold restrain, Behold sin, Behold strengthen, Behold taught, Behold wrong, Beli signs, Believ reveal, Believ righteou, Believ righteous, Believ trust, Believ wilt, Believers chast, Believers mighti, Belong dominion, Belongeth dominion, Belov why, Beneficiari relat, Benefit travel, Bent deceit, Bestow grace, Bestow pleas, Bestow pleaseth, Bewar beguil, Bewar evil, Bird leav, Bird leave, Blame at, Blasphem christ, Blasphem invent, Blasphem triniti, Blasphemi christ, Blasphemi enmiti, Blasphemi sorrow, Blasphemi utter, Blasphemy grievou, Blind deaf, Blind lepers, Blood flesh, Blot iniqu, Blow headlong, Bodi journey, Book believ, Book disapprov, Book exce, Book ground, Book law, Book make, Book messenger, Book pass, Book r, Book reveal, Book wisdom, Book wit, Born blind, Bound proper, Bounti pleaseth, Bounti pleasur, Bow humbli, Bow islam, Bow muslims, Breach covenant, Break seri, Breathest becometh, Bring disast, Bringer glad, Bringest dead, Brother full, Brother murder, Brother separ, Brother woe, Brotherhood journei, Brought kaba, Brought sacrifice, Call impostors, Camel camel, Camel loos, Captain establish, Case forgiving, Catch manner, Catch pronounc, Ceremoni impur, Ceremoni impurity, Chanc death, Charity act, Charity bow, Charity messengers, Chase forbidden, Chast women, Chastity lewdness, Cherish world, Childhood matur, Children israel, Chosen islam, Christ son, Christian devot, Christian friend, Christian son, Christians covenant, Claim law, Clay figur, Clean complet, Clean sand, Clear messenger, Clear sacr, Clear sign, Clear signs, Clear wai, Clearest manner, Cloth slave, Cometh increaseth, Cometh lord, Cometh offic, Command judg, Command peopl, Command plan, Command wit, Commit evil, Commit excess, Compani righteou, Companion fire, Companion hellfir, Compens offering, Complet favour, Conduct turneth, Confirm law, Confirm scriptur, Contact women, Continu commit, Counsel guideth, Count favour, Coven children, Covenant curs, Covenant forgot, Covenant ratifi, Creat forgiveth, Createth pleaseth, Crime amend, Crime exalt, Crucifixion cut, Curs blasphemi, Curs heart, Curs pronounc, Curs wrath, Cut hand, Dai expiat, Dai ignor, Day Of Judgment, Daili food, Darkness light, David jesu, Dazzl fear, Dead leav, Dead meat, Deaf merci, Deaf see, Dealing hatr, Death approach, Death befal, Death partli, Deceit forgiv, Decis repent, Declin interfer, Decline hurt, Dedic stones, Deed forgiv, Deed righteous, Deed righteousness, Defend mischief, Deliber oath, Delud truth, Deni sign, Depart justic, Design stretch, Desir chastity, Desir wrong, Desires bewar, Desires diverg, Desist blasphemy, Destroi christ, Detain prayer, Devot learn, Devour forbidden, Didst clear, Didst command, Didst speak, Didst wast, Didst worship, Didst wouldst, Difficulty clean, Direct eat, Disapprov reason, Disast ah, Discipl faith, Disgrac hereaft, Disgrac punish, Disobei persist, Distract wander, Diverg truth, Divin arrows, Divis meat, Doctor law, Domest equival, Dominion heaven, Dost forgiv, Dost punish, Dost race, Dost stretch, Doth accept, Doth belong, Doth clear, Doth command, Doth difficulty, Doth extinguish, Doth intent, Doth intentionally, Doth punish, Doth sign, Doth trial, Doubt truth, Dowers desir, Draw thyself, Due dowers, Due sacrif, Duti proclaim, Duti seek, Dwelt didst, Eagerli run, Ear ear, Ear listen, Ear signs, Ear tooth, Earth acquaint, Earth be, Earth belongeth, Earth chanc, Earth creat, Earth createth, Earth final, Earth loveth, Earth power, Earth punisheth, Earth repeated, Earth rub, Eat catch, Eat daili, Eat forbidden, Eat thereof, Eaten wild, Elbow rub, Encompasseth knoweth, End conduct, Enjoi happi, Enmiti believ, Enmiti hatr, Enough wai, Enter holi, Enter leav, Enter lord, Enter mind, Entrust protect, Equal bad, Equal equal, Equal remit, Equiti loveth, Equival fast, Equival killed, Eschew abomination, Establish regular, Estrang enmiti, Etern home, Etern such, Everi kindl, Evid behold, Evid magic, Evid natur, Evil bring, Evil bringer, Evil deed, Evil loveth, Evil messenger, Evil power, Evil time, Evil work, Evils admit, Exact penalti, Exalt power, Exalted lord, Exce religion, Exceed strength, Except name, Excess loveth, Excit enmiti, Execution crucifixion, Exil disgrac, Expiat oath, Expiation feed, Extinguish strive, Ey eye, Ey overflow, Eye nose, Face hand, Face hands, Faces hand, Fact enter, Fail judg, Fair dealing, Faith assured, Faith bear, Faith beli, Faith deni, Faith fear, Faith fruitless, Faith hope, Faith jews, Faith knoweth, Faith m, Faith mine, Faith produc, Faith punish, Faith tongu, Faith wander, Fall gore, Fall power, Fall ruin, Falsehood devour, Famili cloth, Fast dai, Fast law, Fast tast, Father father, Father void, Fault grace, Favour behold, Favour chose, Favour chosen, Favour covenant, Favour form, Favour grate, Favour produc, Fear acquaint, Fear be, Fear believ, Fear bestow, Fear cherish, Fear faith, Fear fear, Fear fortun, Fear knoweth, Fear listen, Fear oath, Fear sell, Fear strict, Fear swift, Fear thi, Fear whom, Feareth unseen, Feed indig, Feet ankl, Feet opposit, Fellowship believers, Female cut, Festiv sign, Fight afraid, Fight sit, Figur bird, Final goal, Fire abod, Fire reward, Fire therefrom, Fire war, Firmli wit, Flesh swine, Flow resisteth, Fond listen, Food dead, Food doth, Food famili, Food foot, Food law, Food peopl, Foot animals, Footstep jesu, Forbid garden, Forbid habit, Forbid iniqu, Forbidden divis, Forbidden evil, Forbidden food, Forbidden judg, Forbidden pursuit, Forbidden sacr, Forc hunger, Forget messag, Forgiv art, Forgiv forgiv, Forgiv forgiving, Forgiv overlook, Forgiv past, Forgiv reward, Forgiveth pleaseth, Forgiving forbear, Forgiving merci, Forgot messag, Form design, Fortun bring, Forward result, Free pasture, Freed blasphem, Freedom means, Friend messenger, Friend protector, Friend protectors, Friendship guideth, Friendship messenger, Friendship unbeliev, Fruitless hereaft, Fulfil desir, Fulfil oblig, Fulfil proclaim, Full hidden, Full regret, Full regrets, Fulli hide, Futil oaths, Gain beneficiari, Gambling dedic, Gambling hinder, Game food, Game reach, Game sacr, Garb doth, Garb fear, Garb hunt, Garden bliss, Garden fire, Garden river, Gardens river, Garland mark, Gate victori, Gather respons, Gave peopl, Giveth spendeth, Glad tide, Glori wouldst, Goal truth, God derog, God desist, Gore death, Gospel behold, Gospel guidanc, Gospel judg, Gospel revel, Grace assault, Grace bestow, Griev race, Grievou penalti, Ground hide, Ground stand, Grow hard, Guard evil, Guard safeti, Guard soul, Guidanc admonit, Guidanc light, Guidance hurt, Guideth path, Guideth rebelli, Guideth reject, Guideth seek, Guideth unjust, Guilti sin, Habit utter, Hand arm, Hand fear, Hand feet, Hand held, Hand lances, Hand punish, Hand ti, Hand wide, Hands doth, Handwork eschew, Happi side, Harbour heart, Hard word, Harm benefit, Hast author, Hast truth, Hatr dai, Hatr intoxic, Hatr judgment, Hatr shut, Hatr swerv, Head wash, Headlong fall, Healest born, Hear obei, Heart disgrac, Heart faith, Heart grow, Heart thine, Hearts hast, Heaven earth, Heaven jesu, Heaven tabl, Held hand, Hereaft punish, Hereaft rank, Hide book, Hide evid, Hide shame, Hinder remembr, Hold rest, Holi assign, Holi spirit, Home pleas, Honour assist, Hope religion, Hostil righteous, House asylum, Humbli worship, Hunger inclin, Hunt anim, Hunt hatr, Hurt judge, Hurt strai, Idol sacrific, Ignominiously overthrown, Ignor faith, Impieti thi, Impostors slai, Impurity bath, Inclin transgression, Increaseth obstin, Incur curs, Indig equival, Indig person, Indig persons, Inflict peopl, Iniqu admit, Iniqu commit, Inspir discipl, Institut superstit, Intend draw, Intend ha, Intend hast, Intentionally compens, Interfer decline, Intoxic gambling, Intrigu reject, Invent li, Invent lie, Invok kill, Islam religion, Israel appoint, Israel messengers, Israel reject, Israel slew, Israel violenc, Israel worship, Jesu fear, Jesu son, Jew christian, Jew pagan, Jewish scriptures, Jews prophet, Join god, Journei earth, Journey cometh, Judg declin, Judg equiti, Judg jews, Judg light, Judg reveal, Judg revealed, Judg treatment, Judge judg, Judgment accept, Judgment dai, Judgment everi, Justic pieti, Kaba domest, Kaba sacr, Kill game, Kill strangling, Killed adjudg, Kin claim, Kindl fire, Kings gave, Knowest belongeth, Knowest full, Knowest heart, Knoweth fulli, Knoweth reveal, Knoweth secret, Knowledg guid, Knowledg guidanc, Knowledg heaven, Knowledg knowest, Lack wisdom, Lances test, Law commit, Law entrust, Law fear, Law food, Law forbid, Law gospel, Law guidanc, Law law, Law marri, Law marriag, Law mose, Law open, Law pure, Law pursuit, Law swear, Lead transgress, Leadeth darkness, Learn renounc, Leav behold, Leav leav, Leav leave, Leave breathest, Leave enter, Leave healest, Led murder, Led wrong, Lepers leav, Lewdness secret, Li ha, Li spirit, Lie lack, Life clear, Life ey, Life life, Life save, Light confirm, Light perspicu, Light revealed, Light standard, Lip heart, Listen counsel, Listen falsehood, Listen revel, Listen word, Loan beauti, Loan wipe, Loos free, Lord ad, Lord admit, Lord clear, Lord didst, Lord enjoi, Lord fight, Lord increaseth, Lord join, Lord lord, Lord power, Lord retribut, Lord revel, Lord send, Lord wit, Lost faith, Lost spiritu, Love believ, Love love, Loveth excess, Loveth judg, Loveth mischief, Low head, Lowli believers, Main mischief, Main prosper, Make bequests, Make clear, Makest clay, Male femal, Male female, Mani dost, Manner direct, Mari christ, Mari didst, Mari disobei, Mari lord, Mari pass, Mari power, Mari recount, Mark animals, Mark knowledg, Marriag chast, Mary confirm, Matter disput, Matter game, Matur behold, Mean approach, Means fast, Meat blood, Meat raffl, Mend conduct, Merci turn, Messag clear, Messag clearest, Messag estrang, Messag knoweth, Messag lord, Messag wilt, Messenger bewar, Messenger break, Messenger duti, Messenger fellowship, Messenger reveal, Messenger strive, Messenger wilt, Messengers bringer, Messengers desir, Messengers honour, Mighti rejecters, Mind faith, Mischief earth, Mischief execution, Mischief guideth, Misde loveth, Miser price, Mission defend, Mockeri sport, Month anim, Months anim, Mose exceed, Mose guid, Mose guidanc, Mose remain, Mosqu lead, Murder brother, Murder lost, Murder spread, Name anim, Natur shape, Nature contact, Nay hand, Nearest kin, Nearest love, Never aught, Never enter, Nor forbid, Nose ear, Nose nose, Oath expiation, Oath fear, Oath oath, Oath sworn, Oath thu, Oath vain, Oaths account, Obei fear, Obei messenger, Obei obei, Oblig law, Obstin rebelli, Obstin rebellion, Offering brought, Offerings garland, Offic nature, Open willed, Opposit sides, Ordain children, Ordain life, Outstretch giveth, Overflow tears, Overlook misde, Overthrown ruin, Pagan nearest, Parti evil, Partli eaten, Pass truth, Pass unnecessari, Pass woman, Past guard, Past repetit, Pasture idol, Path rectitud, Path straight, Peac safety, Penalti befal, Penalti dai, Penalti deed, Penalti endur, Penalti exalt, Penalti exalted, Penalti inflict, Peopl book, Peopl faith, Perfect religion, Perjury stand, Persist excess, Persons scale, Perspicu book, Pieti fear, Piety sin, Pilgrim garb, Place bewar, Place forget, Plain command, Plain forgiv, Plain troubl, Plan excit, Plan test, Pleas salvation, Pleaseth belongeth, Pleaseth encompasseth, Pleaseth forgiveth, Pleaseth power, Pleaseth punisheth, Pleaseth revel, Pleasur lord, Pleasur wai, Power brother, Power case, Power destroi, Power harm, Power wise, Practis regular, Prai lord, Prayer abstain, Prayer mockeri, Prayer regular, Prayer reward, Prayer swear, Prayer wash, Prayers practis, Precinct pilgrim, Prepar prayer, Prescrib law, Present sacrific, Price fail, Proclaim messag, Proclaim mission, Proclaim prayer, Produc love, Produc prophet, Profit truth, Promis forgiv, Pronounc children, Pronounc fear, Proper gate, Proper trespass, Prophet bow, Prophet kings, Protector friend, Protector religion, Protector turn, Protectors rebelli, Provid law, Provid susten, Provid sustenance, Punish blind, Punish crime, Punish forgiving, Punish hereaft, Punish penalti, Punish servant, Punish sin, Punish wage, Punisheth pleaseth, Pure law, Pure taught, Purifi heart, Pursuit game, Question plain, Questions account, Qur jewish, Qur reveal, Qur revealed, R thi, Rabbi doctor, Race sin, Race unbelief, Race virtu, Raffl arrow, Rancour eat, Rancour fear, Rank astrai, Rank lost, Ransom penalti, Ratifi hear, Raven hide, Raven scratch, Reach game, Reach hand, Reach year, Reason revel, Rebelli disobedi, Rebelli wrong, Rebellion blasphemi, Receiv incur, Receiv messenger, Receiv scriptur, Receiv teach, Recit truth, Recognis truth, Recount favour, Regular charity, Regular prayer, Regular prayers, Reject faith, Rejecters fight, Relat hide, Religion bound, Religion complet, Religion fear, Religion forc, Religion mockeri, Remain enter, Remembr favour, Remembr prayer, Remit retali, Renounc arrog, Repeated ransom, Repent crime, Repent fall, Repent thought, Repetit exact, Reproach fault, Resisteth faith, Resort sacr, Respons receiv, Restrain children, Retali charity, Reveal conceal, Reveal enough, Reveal fail, Reveal friend, Reveal hide, Reveal law, Revealed plain, Revealed rebel, Revealed unbeliev, Revealed vain, Revealed wrong, Revel cometh, Revel lord, Revel rebelli, Revel receiv, Reward garden, Reward gardens, Reward wrong, Righteous blame, Righteous blot, Righteous piety, Righteous promis, River flow, Rub head, Rub therewith, Run fear, Sabian christians, Sacr hous, Sacr house, Sacr month, Sacr months, Sacr mosqu, Sacr precinct, Sacr seek, Sacrif stone, Sacrific accept, Sacrific righteou, Sacrific twinbirth, Sacrifice garland, Safeti judg, Safety leadeth, Salvation fulfil, Sanctiti symbol, Sand earth, Satan handwork, Satan plan, Satisfi hearts, Save life, Scale averag, Scratch ground, Scriptur guard, Scriptur reject, Scriptur truth, Scriptures sabian, Secret heart, Secret intrigu, Secretli harbour, Secur sacr, Seek bounti, Seek forgiv, Seek judg, Seek judgment, Seek mean, Seek pleasur, Seest eagerli, Seest turn, Selfish soul, Sell sign, Send heaven, Send resisteth, Send tabl, Separ rebelli, Seri messengers, Servant dost, Shall wors, Shame brother, Shape fear, Shut sacr, Side parti, Sides exil, Sign clear, Sign companion, Sign miser, Sign provid, Signs continu, Signs grate, Signs unbeliev, Sin nay, Sin perjury, Sin rancour, Sin thi, Sin thine, Sin word, Singl plan, Sit watch, Slai fear, Slai stretch, Slai surely, Slaughter due, Slave freed, Slave freedom, Slew person, Slew save, Slitear camel, Solemn festiv, Son adam, Son be, Son belov, Son mari, Son mary, Sorrow faith, Sorrow rebelli, Soul forward, Soul guidanc, Soul guidance, Soul led, Speak childhood, Spendeth bounti, Spirit didst, Sport understand, Spread mischief, Stallioncamel freed, Stand fast, Stand firm, Stand firmli, Stand places, Stand stand, Standard judg, State ceremoni, Stone altar, Stones divin, Stood fast, Stori son, Strai goal, Strai path, Strangling violent, Strength never, Strengthen holi, Stretch hand, Stretch slai, Strict punish, Strive main, Strive mischief, Strive race, Strongest enmiti, Strongest oath, Such recompens, Suitabl evid, Superstit slitear, Surely doth, Sustenance art, Swear affirm, Swear worldli, Swerv wrong, Swift take, Swine invok, Swine worship, Swore strongest, Sworn oath, Symbol sacr, Tabl viand, Tabl viands, Take account, Tast penalti, Taught book, Taught train, Teach assur, Teach knowledg, Tears recognis, Test fear, Test feareth, Test strive, Therefor reach, Therefrom penalti, Thereof satisfi, Thereto fear, Therewith face, Thi evid, Thi perfect, Thi pure, Thi reject, Thi truth, Thief male, Thief repent, Thine knowest, Thine wilt, Thought secret, Thought secretli, Thought trial, Thu doth, Thyself sin, Ti accurs, Ti hand, Tide warn, Tide warner, Time place, Time wors, Tongu david, Tooth tooth, Tooth wound, Torment abid, Train hunt, Transform ap, Transgress grievou, Transgress hostil, Transgression forgiving, Travel forbidden, Treatment receiv, Trespass truth, Trial intend, Trial matter, Trial punish, Triniti god, Troubl qur, Truer trespass, Trust faith, Truth behold, Truth confirm, Truth detain, Truth eat, Truth gardens, Truth lord, Truth matter, Truth prai, Truth prescrib, Truth profit, Truth stori, Truth vain, Truth wit, Turn blind, Turn friendship, Turneth forgiv, Twinbirth animals, Unbelief lip, Unbeliev evil, Unbeliev thi, Unlaw law, Unnecessari light, Unseen transgress, Utter nay, Utter sin, Vain desir, Vain desires, Vain fall, Viand heaven, Victori trust, Victory decis, Violat sanctiti, Violenc didst, Violent blow, Virtu goal, Void knowledg, Wa raven, Wage war, Wai delud, Wai father, Wai peac, Wander path, Wander sorrow, War doth, War messenger, Warner evil, Wash faces, Wash feet, Wast watcher, Watcher art, Wherewith guid, Wherewith guideth, Whilst dwelt, Whom gather, Why doth, Why rabbi, Why seek, Wide outstretch, Wild slaughter, Willed singl, Wilt ceas, Wilt christian, Wilt companion, Wilt ey, Wilt jew, Wipe evils, Wisdom law, Wit bow, Wit fair, Wit make, Wit miracl, Wit thereto, Wit truer, Wit whilst, Wit worship, Woe wa, Woman truth, Women believ, Women believers, Women clean, Women peopl, Word eat, Word place, Word time, Work soul, Worldli gain, Wors judg, Wors rank, Worship evil, Worship god, Worship lord, Worship power, Wouldst fulfil, Wouldst knowest, Wound equal, Wrath torment, Wrath transform, Wrong depart, Wrong time, Year distract | True |
Surat AlTaubah | Quran English Translation, Sura Madinah Classification | -0.018 | Sura Madinah Classification | 113 | Abandoned strive, Abod hell, Abomination hell, Abraham midian, Abraham prai, Abraham tenderhearted, Accept islam, Accept pardon, Accept rebelli, Accept reject, Accept repent, Achiev salvat, Achiev suprem, Acknowledg religion, Acknowledg wrongdo, Act evil, Action observ, Ad strength, Ad thamud, Add doubt, Addit grievou, Addit unbelief, Adjust month, Administ fund, Admit merci, Admonish return, Advantag respect, Aforetim swear, Afraid colour, Afraid sura, Aggress assault, Aid deeds, Aid fulfil, Allianc subsequ, Alm poor, Alm thereof, Alms mightest, Anchorit lord, Anchorites falsehood, Announc grievou, Announc messenger, Anxiou believ, Approach sacr, Arab desert, Arab excus, Arab hypocrites, Arab last, Arab medina, Arab neighbourhood, Arab payment, Ardent anxiou, Arrived decre, Art merci, Ask cling, Assault fear, Assembl pilgrimage, Assuredli battlefield, Asylum grant, Aught aid, Avail naught, Avers fulfil, Avers lag, Avers rebelli, Avoid knowledg, Aye bring, Backs flanks, Backs thi, Backward forwards, Bargain conclud, Battle Of Hunain, Bear fruit, Beauti mansion, Bedouin arab, Befal griev, Befal precaut, Behalf prayer, Behold indign, Behold number, Beleagu lie, Believ acquaint, Believ brought, Believ conting, Believ exalt, Believ faith, Believ freeli, Believ hypocrit, Believ merci, Believ person, Believ respect, Believ trust, Believers forc, Believers merci, Believers women, Belongeth dominion, Bestow bounty, Bind truth, Blame infirm, Blame provid, Blasphemy accept, Bliss greatest, Bliss pleasur, Bondag debt, Book pai, Bounti enrich, Bounti hope, Bounty covetous, Bounty knowing, Bounty larg, Bow prostrat, Brand foreheads, Breast believers, Brethren faith, Bring decis, Bring light, Bring nearer, Bring permiss, Broke coven, Brother love, Brothers mates, Brought knower, Brought knoweth, Build free, Buri gold, Buri tast, Calm believers, Carri reveng, Case mightier, Cave companion, Caves concealment, Charity fear, Charity fruit, Charity obei, Charity open, Charity returning, Charity righteou, Chief unfaith, Children enjoy, Christ son, Christian christ, Citi overthrown, Claim exempt, Clear companion, Clear enemi, Clear fear, Clear light, Clear sign, Cling earth, Close hand, Cometh sura, Comfort life, Command knowing, Command punish, Command worship, Commerc fear, Commun believ, Companion cave, Companion fear, Companion fire, Compar hereaft, Compar sight, Complaint claim, Complaint forgiving, Concealment straightawai, Conclud achiev, Consequ hypocrisi, Constrain spaciousness, Constrain turn, Content gave, Conting expedit, Contract mutual, Contribut accept, Contribut unwillingli, Counsels knoweth, Coven bestow, Coven fair, Coven li, Coven rejoic, Coven transgress, Covenant avers, Covenant taunt, Cover shame, Covetous turn, Creat heaven, Credit deed, Credit requit, Crumbl piec, Curs delud, Curs endur, Cut piec, Cut valley, Dai exempt, Dai heat, Dazzl realiti, Dearer messenger, Debt wayfar, Decis guid, Declar emphasi, Declar immun, Declar liar, Declin dwell, Decre manifest, Decre protector, Deed charity, Deed inscrib, Deed reward, Deed righteous, Deed righteousness, Degre earth, Delight endur, Delud truth, Depth unbeliev, Derog lord, Desert arab, Desert worst, Destroi soul, Detail understand, Devot bow, Devot studi, Devour substanc, Di state, Didst grant, Die state, Dies stand, Disast disast, Disast evil, Disorder hurri, Dissoci abraham, Dissolv pagan, Dissolv treati, Distanc weigh, Distress heart, Distribut alm, Dominion heaven, Dost question, Doth accept, Doth crumbl, Doth declar, Doth glad, Doth love, Doth ly, Doth reward, Doth secret, Doth turn, Doubt die, Doubt distanc, Doubt doubt, Doubt fro, Doubt toss, Draw trial, Drink pilgrims, Drove companion, Duti ground, Duti turn, Dwell beauti, Dwell delight, Dwell suffici, Dwell suprem, Ear listen, Earnest offer, Earth constrain, Earth giveth, Earth prefer, Earth protect, Earth sacr, Easy doubt, Eat fire, Eat produc, Elat avail, Emphasi talk, Emploi administ, Endur punish, Endur punishment, Enemi dissoci, Enemi prefer, Enemi suffer, Enemi suffereth, Engag term, Enjoin evil, Enjoin forbid, Enjoin strive, Enjoy portion, Enrich repent, Enrich wills, Enter allianc, Entic heart, Equal piou, Equip lightli, Escort secur, Establish regular, Everlast bliss, Evil deed, Evil forbid, Evil heareth, Evil observ, Evil perhap, Evil pleas, Evil utter, Evil ways, Exalt height, Exalt power, Exalt wise, Excus claim, Excus inform, Excus reject, Excus return, Exempt draw, Exempt fals, Exempt fight, Exempt last, Exempt rich, Exemption leav, Exil strive, Expect fate, Expect guidanc, Expect send, Expect wait, Expedit rejoic, Expedit remain, Expel messenger, Explain sign, Ey stream, Fail aught, Fair word, Faith accept, Faith beli, Faith believ, Faith believers, Faith coven, Faith explain, Faith fire, Faith increas, Faith wrong, Fallen trial, Fals sat, Falsehood cover, Falsehood devour, Far partner, Fate gloriou, Father brother, Father forgiv, Fathers sons, Fatigue hunger, Favour muhajirs, Fear avoid, Fear declin, Fear expect, Fear nay, Fear peac, Fear poverty, Fear reveal, Feel subdu, Felt guilti, Fiercer heat, Fight chief, Fight enemi, Fight good, Fight last, Fight messenger, Fight pagan, Fight punish, Fight restrain, Fight slai, Fight unbeliev, Fight violat, Fight wealth, Fine watch, Fire dwel, Fire dwell, Fire hell, Firm abod, Firm fear, Fit ignor, Fit medina, Fit messenger, Fit recompens, Fitting prai, Flanks backs, Flee caves, Flee refug, Flourish wealth, Flow dwell, Folk obstin, Forbid close, Forbid evil, Forbidden forbidden, Forbidden law, Forbidden messenger, Forbidden month, Forbidden order, Forc humbl, Forc punish, Foreheads flanks, Forgiv pagans, Forgiv promis, Forgiv reject, Forgiveness forgiv, Forgiveness sin, Forgiving merci, Forgotten forgotten, Forgotten hypocrit, Forsook home, Forwards frustrat, Foundat build, Foundat laid, Foundat pieti, Foundat undermin, Free suspicion, Freeli deed, Friend protector, Fro midst, Fruit fire, Fruit labour, Fruitless hereaft, Fruitless hereafter, Frustrat falsehood, Frustrat proclaim, Fulfil engag, Full knowledg, Fund heart, Gain commerc, Gain sight, Garden delight, Garden everlast, Garden paradis, Garden river, Gave aid, Gave suffici, Gift bring, Gift charity, Gird firm, Give drink, Giveth life, Glad tide, Glori far, Glori suprem, Gloriou things, God prais, God trust, God visit, Gold silver, Good person, Good persons, Good return, Goods alms, Gospel qur, Grace didst, Grant exempt, Grant hear, Grant truth, Grave reject, Greatest bliss, Grief resourc, Griev misfortun, Griev perish, Grievou penalti, Grievou penalty, Ground complaint, Guid order, Guid rebelli, Guid wrong, Guidanc religion, Guideth pervers, Guideth reject, Guideth wrong, Guilti degre, Hadst prove, Hand forgotten, Hand wait, Hands cover, Happen decre, Hard unbeliev, Harm power, Hate strive, Heal breast, Hear escort, Heareth knoweth, Heart avers, Heart cut, Heart doubt, Heart light, Heart merci, Heart miss, Heart mock, Heart recent, Heart seal, Heart swerv, Hearts hear, Hearts heart, Hearts whereon, Heat fire, Heat produc, Heat understand, Heaven earth, Height exalt, Held suspens, Hell brand, Hell dwell, Hell dwelling, Hell fiercer, Hell guideth, Hell surround, Hell therein, Hereaft comfort, Hereaft earth, Hereafter lose, Hidden open, Highest rank, Himself hand, Himself pleasure, Himself turn, Hinder buri, Hinder evil, Hold forbidden, Home gave, Humbl depth, Hunain behold, Hunger trod, Hurri fro, Hypocrisi hearts, Hypocrisi knowest, Hypocrisy fit, Hypocrit afraid, Hypocrit rebelli, Hypocrit women, Hypocrites desert, Hypocrites firm, Hypocrites women, Idl talk, Idli wa, Ignor command, Imit unbeliev, Immun messenger, Inact grievou, Inact hate, Inact occas, Increas rejoic, Increas yea, Indeed plot, Indign heart, Indulg idl, Infidel faith, Infidel work, Infirm resourc, Influenc exemption, Inform state, Injuri enemi, Inscrib credit, Intend prepar, Intent doth, Ir unbelievers, Islam forsook, Islam medit, Jew uzair, Jizya submission, Join god, Journei easy, Justli fear, Kin clear, Kind merci, Kindr wealth, Kinship coven, Knower hidden, Knowest punish, Knoweth duti, Knoweth hidden, Knoweth unseen, Knoweth wrong, Knowing wise, Knowledg wisdom, Knowledg wrong, Lag sit, Laid pieti, Larg charity, Last dai, Last establish, Last heart, Last hold, Last payment, Last strive, Laugh weep, Law evil, Law forbid, Law forbidden, Law gospel, Layeth foundat, Leader matter, League advantag, League messenger, Leav abomination, Leav leav, Leav sit, Led wrong, Left felt, Left tabuk, Lie wait, Life compar, Life hereaft, Life soul, Life taketh, Light fear, Light hadst, Light mouths, Light perfected, Light understand, Lightli strive, Listen believ, Listen knoweth, Live suffer, Lord christ, Lord derog, Lord doth, Lord throne, Lose spiritu, Love infidel, Love purifi, Love righteou, Loveth pure, Loveth righteou, Main compar, Main friend, Maintain last, Maintain mosqu, Mainten sacr, Manifest disgust, Mansion garden, Mari command, Martyrdom victori, Mates kindr, Matter action, Matter ask, Matter distribut, Matter unbeliev, Medina bedouin, Medina folk, Medit plot, Meet broke, Men protector, Merci exalt, Merci forgiv, Merci forgiving, Merci himself, Merci knowing, Merci left, Merci m, Merci molest, Messenger acknowledg, Messenger aggress, Messenger assembl, Messenger believ, Messenger commun, Messenger di, Messenger fire, Messenger mock, Messenger pagan, Messenger pagans, Messenger prefer, Messenger strive, Messenger wealth, Midian citi, Midst sow, Mightest purifi, Mightier power, Mischief infidel, Miser price, Misfortun befal, Mislead guid, Mix act, Mock bring, Molest ear, Molest grievou, Month addit, Month forbidden, Month past, Months backward, Mosqu fear, Mosqu foundat, Mosqu mischief, Mosqu stand, Mosqu visit, Mosqu wit, Mosque equal, Mount tur, Mount turn, Mounts saidst, Mouth entic, Mouth imit, Mouths light, Muhajirs ansar, Mutual allianc, Mutual alliance, Mutual alliances, Naught wide, Nay whom, Nearer admit, Nearer obtain, Needy emploi, Neighbourhood refus, Never fight, Never stand, Noah ad, Nor believ, Nor blame, Nor prai, Nor wealth, Noth happen, Number elat, Oath covenant, Oath restrain, Oaths plot, Obei pour, Oblig pagan, Observ brought, Observ limit, Observ messenger, Observ regular, Obstin hypocrisi, Obstin rush, Obtain prayer, Occas sit, Offer contribut, Open forgiving, Open truth, Oppos messenger, Ordain creat, Ordain full, Order adjust, Order clear, Order fit, Overthrown clear, Pagan asylum, Pagan contract, Pagan detest, Pagan enter, Pagan fight, Pagan repent, Pagan seiz, Pagan unclean, Pagans kin, Pagans treati, Pai jizya, Paradis fight, Pardon punish, Partner associ, Pass hear, Pass heart, Past fight, Path rais, Payment fine, Payment piou, Peac strengthen, Penalti life, Penalti reject, Penalti seiz, Penalty harm, Peopl abraham, Peopl book, Peopl noah, Perceiv flee, Perfected unbeliev, Perhap merci, Perish ardent, Perish denial, Permiss never, Person good, Person knoweth, Person prosper, Persons heat, Persons highest, Persons knew, Pervers rebelli, Pervers rebellion, Piec doth, Piec fire, Piec knowing, Pieti pleasur, Pieti worthi, Pilgrims mainten, Piou gift, Piou servic, Plan punish, Pleas disobei, Pleas guid, Pleas guideth, Pleas pleas, Pleas prepar, Pleased behold, Pleasur suprem, Pleasure garden, Plot expel, Plot sedit, Plot unabl, Poor needy, Portion indulg, Pour calm, Pour merci, Poverty enrich, Power flourish, Power wise, Practis regular, Prai behalf, Prai dies, Prai father, Prai forgiv, Prais glori, Prais wander, Prayer aye, Prayer earnest, Prayer enjoin, Prayer love, Prayer practis, Prayer sourc, Prayers practis, Precaut rejoic, Prefer life, Prefer live, Prefer sit, Prefer stai, Prefer women, Prepar garden, Prepar therefor, Prepar war, Presenc reward, Present excus, Price hinder, Priest anchorit, Priest anchorites, Proclaim glad, Proclaim grievou, Proclaim religion, Produc wealth, Prohibit month, Promis beli, Promis believers, Promis bind, Promis clear, Promis hypocrit, Prostrat prayer, Protector believ, Protector enjoin, Protector father, Protector help, Protector helper, Protector messenger, Prove li, Prove liar, Provid expens, Provid mounts, Punish addit, Punish grievou, Punish hands, Punish himself, Punish life, Punish merci, Punish sin, Punish soul, Punish unbeliev, Purchas believ, Purifi loveth, Purifi sanctifi, Question declar, Qur faith, R thi, Rais ir, Rank sight, Readi crumbl, Reason contribut, Rebelli pervers, Rebelli wick, Receiv gift, Receiv injuri, Recent reconcil, Reckon credit, Recompens evil, Reconcil truth, Refug himself, Regular charity, Regular prayer, Regular prayers, Reject faith, Reject guideth, Reject messenger, Reject prayer, Rejecters faith, Rejoic bargain, Rejoic inact, Rejoic proclaim, Religion admonish, Religion pagan, Religion truth, Remain devot, Remain heart, Remain seal, Repent establish, Repent evil, Repent frustrat, Repent return, Repent returning, Repent serv, Repent votari, Repentance heed, Requit deed, Resourc spend, Resourc wherewith, Respect ti, Return bounti, Return garden, Return leav, Return present, Returning merci, Reveng return, Reward faith, Reward greatest, Reward lost, Rich prefer, Ridicul grievou, Righteous observ, River flow, Sacr mosqu, Sacr mosque, Sacr straight, Saidst mount, Sanctifi prai, Sandcliff readi, Sat inact, Seal hear, Seal heart, Seal understand, Secret counsel, Secret counsels, Secret thought, Secur heareth, Secur knowledg, Sedit listen, Sedit upset, Seiz beleagu, Seiz unbeliev, Send punish, Serv prais, Servic last, Shaki hearts, Shame reject, Shame victori, Show pass, Sight achiev, Sight guid, Sight journei, Sign detail, Sign sold, Sign wrong, Signs messenger, Silver spend, Sin unforgiv, Sincer duti, Sit inact, Sit lag, Sit sit, Slai pagan, Slai slain, Slain promis, Slander believ, Slander matter, Sold miser, Son christian, Son dazzl, Son mari, Son mouth, Sons brother, Sons brothers, Soul doth, Soul infidel, Soul perish, Soul strai, Soul straiten, Sourc secur, Sow sedit, Spaciousness soul, Spend announc, Spend sincer, Spend willingli, Stai women, Stand doth, Stand grave, Stand mosqu, Stand prayer, Stand stand, State matter, State pervers, State unbelief, Straight usag, Straightawai thereto, Stratagem war, Stream tear, Strength disorder, Strengthen forc, Strive fight, Strive hard, Strive main, Strive struggle, Struggle good, Studi religion, Submission feel, Subsequ fail, Substanc hinder, Suffer exil, Suffer reckon, Suffer thirst, Suffereth reward, Sufficeth god, Suffici bounti, Suffici curs, Suprem disgrac, Suprem felic, Sura doth, Sura enjoin, Sura faith, Sura show, Surround unbeliev, Suspens command, Suspicion shaki, Swear afraid, Swear destroi, Swear evil, Swear intent, Swear order, Swear pleas, Swear return, Swerv duti, Tabuk expedit, Taketh protector, Talk idli, Tast treasur, Taunt faith, Tear grief, Tenderhearted forbear, Term loveth, Thamud peopl, Therefor avers, Therein dwell, Thereof pleased, Thereto obstin, Thi treasur, Things martyrdom, Thirst fatigue, Thought secret, Throne glori, Throw ridicul, Ti kinship, Tide believ, Tide merci, Time forgiveness, Toss doubt, Transgress bound, Transpos prohibit, Treasur buri, Treati dissolv, Treati oblig, Treati sacr, Trial fallen, Trial hell, Trod path, Truli pagan, Truth arrived, Truth bondag, Truth clear, Truth law, Truth peopl, Truth proclaim, Turn covenant, Turn ey, Turn favour, Turn heart, Turn kind, Turn merci, Turn repent, Turn retreat, Unabl carri, Unbelief hypocrisy, Unbelief unbeliev, Unbeliev detest, Unbeliev doth, Unbeliev drove, Unbeliev exalt, Unbeliev gird, Unbeliev hypocrit, Unbeliev hypocrites, Unbeliev led, Unbeliev side, Unbelievers receiv, Unclean approach, Undermin sandcliff, Understand enjoin, Unfaith oath, Unforgiv time, Unless punish, Unto belongeth, Unwillingli accept, Upset matter, Usag wrong, Utter blasphemy, Uzair son, Valley deed, Vanguard islam, Victori expect, Victori heal, Violat oath, Violat oaths, Visit maintain, Void knowledg, Votari receiv, Wa signs, Wait bring, Wait expect, Wait stratagem, Wander devot, War aforetim, War repent, Watch disast, Wayfar ordain, Ways punish, Wealth children, Wealth fire, Wealth gain, Wealth influenc, Wealth person, Wealth son, Weep recompens, Weigh swear, Whenev cometh, Whereon meet, Wherewith provid, Whether forgiveness, Whom justli, Wide constrain, Willingli unwillingli, Wills bounty, Wit soul, Women garden, Women protector, Women rejecters, Women remain, Women understand, Word mouth, Work bear, Worship god, Worst unbelief, Worthi stand, Wrong fight, Wrong law, Wrong soul, Wrong wrong, Wrongdo mix, Yet repentance | True |
Surat Ghafir | Quran English Translation, Sura Makkan Classification | -0.019 | Sura Makkan Classification | 57 | Abod arrog, Abund measur, Accepteth repentance, Accomplish profit, Account full, Account sin, Account sins, Ad thamud, Address greater, Advantag attain, Affair commit, Aforetim mose, Aforetim send, Ag full, Aliv femal, Aliv females, Alluring pharaoh, Ancient time, Appoint order, Arrog believ, Arrog fire, Arrog obstin, Arrog serv, Arrogant share, Art exalt, Assuredli creation, Attain heart, Attain seek, Attain wai, Author bestow, Author command, Author manifest, Author reach, Avers avers, Avers call, Back flee, Befal pharaoh, Behold disput, Believ command, Believ companion, Believ dai, Believ thu, Believer enter, Believer pharaoh, Bestow merci, Blasphem join, Blaze fire, Blind nor, Bliss therein, Boil fetid, Book exalt, Book guid, Book guidanc, Book guidance, Book inherit, Book r, Book revel, Bow islam, Breast quest, Bring sign, Brought m, Brought morn, Build lofti, Burnt penalti, Calam warn, Call account, Call faith, Call hereaft, Call lord, Call sorcer, Call wailing, Canopy shape, Cast peopl, Cattl ride, Ceas doubt, Celebr prais, Chain drag, Child grow, Children israel, Choke intim, Clear sign, Clear signs, Clot light, Command bow, Command doth, Command high, Command issued, Commit watch, Companion fire, Conceal faith, Concerned mose, Condemn truth, Conduct sight, Confeder evil, Confeder sin, Conveni hereaft, Count sin, Creat dust, Creation heaven, Creation yet, Creator things, Curs home, Dai account, Dai back, Dai disast, Dai draw, Dai help, Dai irresist, Day Of Judgment, Dai mutual, Dai profit, Dai soul, Dai whereon, Dai wit, Deal servant, Death decid, Deceiv eyes, Decid affair, Decid truth, Decre lord, Deed righteous, Deed righteousness, Deeds hinder, Defend leav, Degrees lord, Deiti gave, Delud reject, Delud truth, Derog repli, Devot prais, Devot unbeliev, Disast confeder, Disput fire, Disput mean, Disput sign, Dominion dai, Dominion upper, Dost preserv, Doth leav, Doth seal, Doth send, Doubt fit, Doubt mission, Doubt yet, Draw heart, Dust sperm, Dust spermdrop, Dwell evil, Ear signs, Earn injustic, Earth end, Earth greater, Earth rest, Earth truth, Encompass side, End numer, End superior, Enter garden, Enter gate, Equal blind, Equal deed, Error delus, Establish cast, Eternity hast, Even dai, Even morn, Evil abod, Evil deed, Evil deeds, Evil littl, Evil peopl, Evil requit, Exalt might, Exalt power, Excuses curs, Exist thu, Exult knowledg, Eyes evil, Eyes heart, Faith futil, Faith partner, Faith punish, Faith refus, Faith slai, Fall calam, Fate peopl, Fathers wives, Fault celebr, Fear dai, Fear rel, Fear religion, Females plot, Fetid fluid, Final goal, Fire brought, Fire burn, Fire keeper, Fire truly, Fire weak, Fit call, Flee defend, Fluid fire, Follow lead, Forbidden invok, Forgiv fault, Forgiv lord, Forgive repentance, Forgiveth sin, Friend intercessor, Front fire, Full grace, Full knowledg, Full knowledge, Full strength, Full wisdom, Futil wander, Garden bliss, Garden eternity, Gate hell, Gave book, Gave worship, Give sincer, Glori lord, Glori prais, God delud, God final, God give, God mose, Grace bounti, Grant lord, Greater avers, Greater matter, Greatness attain, Grievou odiou, Grow reach, Guid messag, Guid path, Guid transgress, Guidance gave, Haman build, Haman qarun, Hast life, Hast promis, Hear see, Heart conceal, Heart ship, Heart throat, Heaven earth, Heavens mount, Hell dwell, Hell prai, Help full, Hereaft home, Hereaft return, Hidden whose, Highest achiev, Highest achievement, Hinder path, Home miseri, Hour therein, Ill dost, Implor forgiv, Inherit children, Injustic servant, Injustic swift, Inspir servant, Intercessor wrong, Intim friend, Invok exist, Invok invok, Invok object, Invok posit, Islam lord, Issued matter, Join believ, Join partner, Joseph time, Judg hear, Judg justic, Judg servant, Judgment establish, Justic truth, Justice perished, Keeper hell, Knowledg exalt, Knowledg forgiv, Knowledg forgive, Knowledg skill, Lead path, Leav command, Leav slai, Leav strai, Leav stray, Leav unbeliev, Led perdit, Leech clot, Left account, Left lurch, Left yet, Length die, Length died, Liar sin, Liar thu, Lie tell, Life dai, Life death, Life hast, Life present, Life promis, Life recognis, Light child, Lighten penalti, Littl admonit, Lofti palac, Lofti palace, Lord command, Lord creat, Lord creator, Lord enter, Lord even, Lord fear, Lord glori, Lord ha, Lord hast, Lord implor, Lord liar, Lord light, Lord lighten, Lord lord, Lord prayer, Lord protect, Lord prove, Lord reach, Lord throne, Lord world, Lurch nay, Matter creation, Matter decid, Maze error, Mean reach, Mean vanities, Merci highest, Merci knowledg, Messag understand, Might full, Mission length, Morn even, Mose book, Mose call, Mose concerned, Mose liar, Mose lord, Moses sign, Mount god, Mutual call, Mutual meeting, Nay invok, Necks chain, Night rest, Noah ad, Noah confeder, None disput, Nor equal, Nor guid, Numer superior, Object worship, Obstin transgressor, Odiou conduct, Order wisdom, Palace attain, Partner join, Partner knowledg, Path plot, Path preserv, Path right, Patienc promis, Patiently persever, Penalti blaze, Penalti encompass, Peopl dominion, Peopl noah, Peopl pharaoh, Peopl plot, Perish utterli, Perished stood, Persever patienc, Persever promis, Pharaoh conceal, Pharaoh eyes, Pharaoh haman, Pharaoh leav, Pharaoh led, Pharaoh nor, Pharaoh severest, Pleases warn, Plot burnt, Plot pharaoh, Plot prophet, Plot unbeliev, Posit judg, Poster art, Power forgiv, Power full, Prai lord, Prai prayer, Prais lord, Prayer arrog, Prayer faith, Present excus, Present excuses, Present temporari, Preserv ill, Preserv penalti, Profess faith, Profit such, Profit wrong, Promis forgiv, Promis life, Promis righteou, Prophet seiz, Protect arrog, Prove unbeliev, Provid susten, Provid sustenance, Punish befal, Punish profit, Punishment reach, Qarun call, Quest greatness, R thi, Race left, Rais rank, Rank degrees, Reach ag, Reach god, Reach grievou, Reach heavens, Reach term, Reach things, Receiv admonit, Recognis sin, Refuge hear, Reject book, Reject call, Reject faith, Reject partner, Reject perish, Reject sign, Rejoic earth, Relat bring, Relat stori, Religion mischief, Rememb affair, Repentance path, Repentance strict, Repli left, Reply prai, Requit earn, Requit thereof, Rest dai, Rest sky, Return transgressor, Revel book, Ride food, Righteou deed, Righteou fathers, Righteousness evil, Salvat fire, Save plot, Scoff hem, Seal hear, Seal heart, Seek refug, Seek refuge, Seest disput, Seiz disput, Seiz terribl, Send spirit, Send stori, Sendeth susten, Serv hell, Servant ancient, Servant pleas, Servant pleases, Severest penalti, Shape beauti, Shape beautiful, Shape shape, Share fire, Ship carri, Show sign, Showeth sign, Showeth signs, Side peopl, Sight believ, Sign author, Sign deni, Sign leav, Sign lord, Sign reply, Sign sign, Sign turn, Sign unbeliev, Signs ceas, Signs exult, Signs reject, Signs sendeth, Sin accepteth, Sin lie, Sincer devot, Sing glori, Singl hidden, Sins defend, Skill wrath, Sky canopy, Sky receiv, Slai mose, Slai son, Someth fate, Son aliv, Sorcer tell, Soul requit, Spermdrop leech, Spirit inspir, Stood falsehood, Stori relat, Strai transgress, Strang salvat, Stray guid, Strength strict, Strength trace, Strict punish, Strict punishment, Strut deceiv, Such disput, Such lord, Superior strength, Sustain throne, Susten sky, Sustenance pure, Swift take, Take account, Tell li, Tell truth, Temporari conveni, Term appoint, Terribl requit, Thamud wish, Therein abund, Therein doubt, Thereof work, Therewith condemn, Thi invok, Thi life, Things god, Things merci, Throat choke, Throne author, Throne sing, Thu allur, Thu alluring, Thu decre, Thu delud, Thu doth, Thu leav, Time clear, Time reject, Trace left, Transgress doubt, Transgress li, Transgressor companion, Travel earth, Trick deceiv, Truli fear, Truli guid, Truly judg, Truth fall, Truth insol, Truth invok, Truth justic, Truth justice, Truth seiz, Truth us, Turn reality, Unbeliev address, Unbeliev companion, Unbeliev detest, Unbeliev error, Unbeliev strai, Unbeliev strut, Upper punish, Us slai, Vanities therewith, Wai deal, Wai mean, Wai means, Wander maze, Warn dai, Warn truli, Watch servant, Weak arrogant, Whereon singl, Whose dominion, Wilt bestow, Wish injustic, Wit stand, Without doubt, Wives poster, Work evil, Work righteou, Worship reject, Wrath scof, Wrath scoff, Wrong listen, Wrong present, Yet accomplish, Yet understand, Yoke neck, Yoke necks | True |
Surat AlFurqan | Quran English Translation, Sura Makkan Classification | -0.031 | Sura Makkan Classification | 38 | Aaron minist, Abod rest, Abode fairest, Abode rest, Accept conversion, Acquaint fault, Ad thamud, Address peac, Admonish sign, Admonit creatures, Ador lord, Afflict grievou, Afflict grievous, Ag lord, Ag marriag, Ah evil, Ah woe, Ancients caus, Angel admonit, Angel barrier, Angel descend, Angel lord, Annihil sin, Appoint brother, Arrang stages, Arrog conceit, Astrai m, Astrai messag, Astrai path, Astray strai, Asund clouds, At food, Aught r, Aught rank, Author graciou, Avers aught, Avert penalti, Avert wrath, Ay promis, Balanc extrem, Barrier forbidden, Barrier partit, Beauti abod, Befor mose, Begotten partner, Believ helper, Believes work, Belong dominion, Bestow fathers, Bestow garden, Bite hands, Bitter barrier, Blaze fire, Bless constel, Bless criterion, Bodi flow, Book appoint, Bound constrict, Bring reveal, Broke utter, Brother aaron, Cast bound, Cattle nay, Caus written, Celebr prais, Celebr praises, Centr popul, Clouds angel, Comfort eyes, Command reject, Commandest increas, Commit fornic, Companion garden, Companion rass, Comparison astray, Conceit mighti, Constanc met, Constel skies, Constrict plead, Contract easi, Control death, Control hurt, Couldst dispos, Creat control, Creat creat, Creat establish, Creat heaven, Creat things, Criterion servant, Dai angel, Dai celebr, Dai dire, Dai heaven, Day Of Judgment, Day Of Resurrection, Dai wrong, Days firmli, Dead slake, Deaf blind, Death life, Deed float, Deed life, Deeds evil, Deni hour, Descend ranks, Destroi utter, Destruct plead, Destruct rep, Di celebr, Dictat morn, Didst bestow, Difficulti misbeliev, Dire difficulti, Dispos affair, Distribut order, Dominion creat, Dominion heaven, Dominion truth, Doth prolong, Doubl dwell, Droop deaf, Drown sign, Due proport, Dust scatter, Dwell ay, Dwell ignominy, Earth days, Earth forgiv, Earth forgiving, Earth humility, Earth son, Easi stage, Eat food, Enemi sinner, Enjoy wick, Establish relationship, Establish throne, Etern garden, Evil abod, Evil abode, Evil ey, Evil lord, Evil person, Evil plight, Evil traitor, Exampl broke, Explan thereof, Extravag niggardly, Ey fear, Eyes grace, Fairest place, Faith why, Falsehood pass, Fathers life, Fault servants, Fear meet, Fear resurrect, Fire deni, Firmli establish, Flight truth, Float dust, Flow palac, Flow palat, Food walk, Foolish nonsens, Forbidden altogeth, Forbidden pass, Forged help, Forgiving merci, Forgiving merciful, Forgot messag, Forward iniqu, Free bodi, Furi rang, Futility pass, Garden abode, Garden enjoy, Garden promis, Garden river, Gather hell, Gather worship, Give light, Glad tide, Glad tidings, Glori meet, Goal attain, God creat, God passion, God slai, Gods constant, Grace lead, Graciou acquaint, Graciou shall, Graciou walk, Gracious graciou, Grant wive, Grievou penalti, Grievou penalty, Hands oh, Harm misbeliev, Hear furi, Heart rehears, Heaven earth, Heaven patient, Heaven rent, Hell prone, Hell wrath, Help truth, Helper evil, Herald glad, Highest heaven, Hold balanc, Honour avoid, Hour judgment, Humility ignor, Hurt control, Ignor address, Impuls couldst, Increas flight, Indeed arrog, Inevit punish, Iniqu falsehood, Insol impieti, Invok god, Joi sinner, Judgment doubl, Judgment prepar, Judgment why, Kind compar, Kind comparison, Lamp moon, Lead astrai, Lead destruct, Lead right, Lead righteou, Liar avert, Lie forged, Life dead, Life deed, Life forgot, Life resurrect, Life sacr, Light truth, Lineag marriag, Listen unbelievers, Listen understand, Live di, Lord avert, Lord doth, Lord droop, Lord grant, Lord guid, Lord indeed, Lord power, Lord prostrat, Lord truli, Lord uneasi, Make dai, Make night, Mankind prepar, Marriag lord, Meet protector, Merci dai, Mercy send, Messag ah, Messag worthless, Messengers drown, Met salut, Mighti insol, Misbeliev helper, Misbeliev naught, Misl gods, Misl path, Moon give, Morn even, Mose book, Mysteri heaven, Nai deni, Naught lie, Nay wors, Niggardly hold, Nigh misl, Night ador, Night dai, Night robe, Nor add, Offspr comfort, Oh straight, Order celebr, Order due, Palac secur, Palat sweet, Parabl exampl, Partit forbidden, Partner dominion, Pass futility, Pass honour, Pass town, Passion impuls, Path astrai, Path lord, Patienc see, Patient constanc, Penalti dai, Penalti wrong, Penalty misl, Person forgiv, Person forgiving, Place repos, Plead destruct, Plead singl, Plight path, Prai lord, Prais acquaint, Prais gratitud, Praises avers, Pray lord, Prepar blaze, Prepar wrong, Profit harm, Prolong shadow, Promis prai, Promis righteou, Prone faces, Prophet enemi, Prostrat command, Prostrat commandest, Prostrat gracious, Prostrat stand, Protector didst, Prove li, Prove liar, Pure sky, Question bring, Qur foolish, Qur mysteri, Qur reveal, Rain shower, Rang sigh, Rank ingratitud, Rass gener, Rehears slow, Reject faith, Reject inevit, Reject lord, Reject messenger, Reject messengers, Reject sign, Relationship lineag, Rent asund, Repent turn, Repents believes, Repose make, Reveal thu, Reveal truth, Revealed strengthen, Reward goal, Reward highest, Reward straight, Righteou deed, Righteou deeds, Righteou reward, River flow, Robe sleep, Sacr commit, Salt bitter, Salut peac, Salut peace, Secur dwell, See hear, Seest take, Seest taketh, Send pure, Send wind, Servant admonit, Servant astray, Servant graciou, Shadow willed, Shall prostrat, Shower evil, Sign destroi, Sign lord, Sign mankind, Singl destruct, Sinner dai, Sinner lord, Skies lamp, Slai life, Slake thirst, Sleep repose, Slow arrang, Son be, Son begotten, Sort eat, Spend extravag, Spend night, Stages gradual, Stationari sun, Strai path, Straight path, Street trial, Street why, Strengthen heart, Strenuousness qur, Strive utmost, Such fear, Sun guid, Sweet salt, Taketh god, Tale ancient, Tale ancients, Tast grievou, Thamud companion, Therefor listen, Thi plead, Things order, Thinkest listen, Thirst created, Throne author, Thu prophet, Thu reveal, Thu revealed, Tide admonit, Tidings mercy, Town rain, Treasur bestow, Trial patienc, Tribut order, Truli qur, Trust live, Truth explan, Truth forward, Truth wholli, Turn accept, Turn vision, Unbeliev pass, Unbelievers strive, Understand cattle, Uneasi reject, Unless repent, Unless repents, Utmost strenuousness, Utter annihil, Utter destruct, Vision lord, Wa servant, Walk earth, Walk street, Warner centr, Wholli merci, Why angel, Why qur, Why treasur, Wick bewitch, Willed stationari, Wind herald, Wit falsehood, Wive offspr, Woe friend, Work righteou, Wors astrai, Worship profit, Worship wa, Worthless lost, Wrath afflict, Wrath hell, Written dictat, Wrong bite, Wrong grievou, Wrong tast, Yet god, Yet worship | True |
Surat AlJathiya | Quran English Translation, Sura Makkan Classification | -0.034 | Sura Makkan Classification | 62 | Abod fire, Admit merci, Affair religion, Aforetim grant, Altern night, Anim scatter, Announc penalti, Argument bring, Arrogant sin, Assur faith, Astray seal, Behold sign, Believ righteou, Belong dominion, Benefit soul, Book exalt, Book power, Bounty grate, Bow knee, Bring forefathers, Brought lord, Call record, Cherish world, Children israel, Clear evid, Clear sign, Command prophethood, Command seek, Complet encircl, Cover sight, Creat heaven, Creation fact, Dai abod, Dai dealer, Dai forget, Dai hour, Day Of Judgment, Day Of Recompense, Dealer falsehood, Death gather, Death ill, Death winds, Deceiv receiv, Deed ensur, Deeds lord, Desir know, Destroi knowledg, Die destroi, Dominion heaven, Doubt coming, Doubt understand, Ear hear, Earned protector, Earned wrong, Earth be, Earth behold, Earth dai, Earth death, Earth end, Earth ends, Earth exalt, Earth sign, Encircl mock, Ends order, Ensur benefit, Envi lord, Equal life, Equal righteou, Everi sect, Evid guidanc, Evil fruit, Evil wai, Evil work, Exalt power, Exposit reject, Fact anim, Fact send, Falsehood perish, Favour nation, Fell schism, Fell schisms, Fire helper, Firm assurance, Forget forgot, Forgiv forward, Forgot meet, Forward dai, Front hell, Fruit complet, Full wisdom, Gather dai, Gave susten, Gave sustenance, Glori heaven, God vain, Grant children, Grant clear, Grant fell, Grievou penalti, Guid withdrawn, Guidanc merci, Guidanc receiv, Guidanc reject, Hear heart, Hear sign, Heart understand, Heart understanding, Heaven earth, Heaven lord, Hell profit, Hold equal, Hour doubt, Hour idea, Hour judgment, Humili penalti, Idea firm, Ill judgment, Insol envi, Israel book, Jest humili, Jest life, Judg dai, Judgment doubt, Judgment establish, Judgment established, Judgment matter, Knee everi, Know left, Knowledg conjectur, Knowledg grant, Learn signs, Left astray, Li penalti, Life death, Life deceiv, Life die, Lofty announc, Lord ad, Lord admit, Lord cherish, Lord earth, Lord grievou, Lord heaven, Lord judg, Matter differ, Meet dai, Merci achiev, Merci assur, Night fact, Obstin lofty, Order soul, Penalti abomin, Penalti grievou, Peopl earn, Posit reject, Power command, Power full, Prais lord, Profit earned, Promis hour, Prophethood gave, Protector righteou, Protector tremend, Protectors protector, Pure favour, Receiv admonit, Receiv grace, Recompens earn, Recompens earned, Recompens peopl, Record speak, Record thi, Rehears argument, Rehears arrogant, Rehears obstin, Rehears truth, Reject sign, Religion desir, Religion knowledg, Revel book, Reviv therewith, Righteou deed, Righteou deeds, Sail command, Scatter earth, Schisms insol, Sea ship, Seal hear, Sect bow, Sect call, Seek bounty, Seek evil, Seest take, Send susten, Ship sail, Sight guid, Sight wrong, Sign affair, Sign assur, Sign jest, Sign lord, Sign reflect, Sign rehears, Signs take, Sin dealer, Sky reviv, Soul brought, Soul evil, Soul recompens, Speak truth, Stand protectors, Subject heaven, Subject sea, Such sign, Susten sky, Sustenance pure, Take god, Take jest, Tell forgiv, Therewith earth, Thi dai, Thi guidanc, Thi record, Tremend penalti, Truth exposit, Truth record, Understanding cover, Vain desir, Wai hold, Wai religion, Wilt sect, Withdrawn guidanc, Woe sin, Work soul, Wrong stand | True |
Surat AlAnam | Quran English Translation, Sura Makkan Classification | -0.037 | Sura Makkan Classification | 67 | Aaron reward, Abraham faith, Abraham father, Abraham power, Abraham rais, Abund tilth, Abundance gave, Accept dead, Accept deliv, Account naught, Account plung, Account respons, Account shouldst, Accus falsehood, Act allur, Act bearer, Act drink, Act protector, Ad gave, Adher back, Adversity humil, Affair relat, Affair truth, Afflict nation, Affliction remov, Ag full, Agents inheritor, Ah woe, Aid reach, Ala reach, Allur do, Allur slaughter, Alreadi hast, Alter word, Amend conduct, Amus righteou, Amusement deceiv, Ancestor argu, Angel caus, Angel lord, Angel matter, Angel reveal, Angel send, Angel soul, Angel stretch, Angels dead, Appetit uncheck, Appoint fire, Appoint fulfil, Appoint successors, Approach angel, Argu falsely, Argument reach, Arrang affair, Art account, Art dispos, Art ey, Art taught, Ascrib partner, Assembli jinn, Assign share, Associ fear, Associ unless, Astrai heed, Astrai knowledg, Attain ag, Attribut son, Attribut superstit, Authority prophethood, Avert due, Avow enemi, Azar takest, Back entrails, Backs evil, Bare creat, Be associ, Beacon guid, Bear burden, Bear fruit, Bear speak, Bear wit, Bearer burden, Befor nations, Begin bear, Behold bare, Behold entrust, Behold lie, Behold sign, Behold truth, Belief wrong, Believ earn, Belongeth dwelleth, Belongeth heaven, Bestow intercessor, Bewild earth, Blasphemi join, Bless righteous, Blessings confirm, Blind harm, Blind held, Blood pour, Blown knoweth, Boil punishment, Bone recompens, Book author, Book authority, Book bring, Book complet, Book constant, Book explain, Book gather, Book guid, Book guidanc, Book lord, Book mose, Book peopl, Book r, Book reveal, Book son, Bore reject, Born share, Bow islam, Break dark, Break sects, Breast close, Breast islam, Brethren chose, Bring blessings, Bring forward, Bring sign, Bring wit, Bring witnesses, Brought judgment, Brought light, Burden backs, Burden bear, Burden cattl, Burden goal, Burden meat, Burden soul, Burrow plot, Calam cover, Call account, Camel pair, Carri mission, Cattl burden, Cattl crop, Cattl forbidden, Cattl pair, Cattl slaughter, Cattl special, Cattle assign, Caus confus, Causeth live, Causeth seedgrain, Ceas transgress, Certainli sign, Charg reject, Cherish cherish, Cherish exist, Cherish world, Children folly, Children order, Children plea, Chose guid, Citi hereaft, Clay decre, Clear sign, Cleaveth break, Climb ski, Close constricted, Cluster date, Command bow, Command rememb, Command rest, Command righteou, Command swift, Command swiftest, Command wisdom, Commanded bow, Common run, Commun noth, Compani join, Compani receiv, Compani wrong, Comparison favour, Complet favour, Comprehendeth knowledg, Comprehension acquaint, Compuls necess, Conceal content, Conceal returned, Concern fulfil, Conduct forgiv, Conduct forgiving, Confirm revel, Confront fire, Confront lord, Confus belief, Confus death, Confus heart, Confus matter, Confus parti, Confus religion, Conjectur lie, Consort creat, Constanc bore, Constant guard, Constricted climb, Contend obei, Content taught, Contrari heart, Copi guidanc, Couldst confront, Couldst wick, Coven doth, Cover confus, Cover star, Creat clay, Creat heaven, Creat jinn, Creat left, Creat things, Creator worship, Credit doeth, Crop taboo, Crops produc, Cut pet, Cut prais, Dai bear, Day Of Judgment, Dangers vow, Dark depth, Dark light, Dark make, Dark profound, Dark recess, Dark space, Darkness thu, Date hang, Datepalm sheath, Dates tilth, Dateston split, Daughter prais, David solomon, Dead dead, Dead gave, Dead issu, Dead meat, Dead rais, Dead speak, Deaf dumb, Deaf ear, Death approach, Death cherish, Deceit heart, Deceiv bear, Deceiv life, Decept lord, Declar truth, Decre alreadi, Decre state, Deed lord, Deed pleas, Deed whether, Degre degre, Degre lord, Degre rank, Delight earn, Deliv dangers, Deliv ruin, Delivereth dark, Delivereth distress, Delud truth, Departur detail, Depth dark, Depth darkness, Depth earth, Descend reject, Desir strai, Desir treat, Destroi appoint, Destroi rais, Destroi soul, Destroi souls, Destroi wrong, Destroy gener, Destruction confus, Detail forbidden, Detail full, Detail sign, Detail sinner, Determin term, Didst appoint, Diligently matter, Direct submit, Discours decept, Discours signs, Discours trifl, Disobedi ordin, Disobedience transgress, Disobei lord, Dispos affair, Disput disput, Disput himself, Disput unbeliev, Distress occas, Distress worship, Divid religion, Do return, Doeth evil, Doeth time, Doings art, Dominion trumpet, Doth command, Doth fall, Doth fulfil, Doth grate, Doth heap, Doth rais, Doth send, Doth soul, Doth wrong, Doubt lost, Draw meed, Dread penalty, Drink boil, Dry green, Due limits, Due primal, Due proper, Due recompens, Duti remind, Dwell willeth, Dwelleth lurketh, Dwelling dwell, Ear signs, Earn deed, Earn righteou, Earn righteous, Earn sin, Earth dark, Earth feedeth, Earth fli, Earth fresh, Earth friend, Earth inscrib, Earth knoweth, Earth lead, Earth partner, Earth proport, Earth rais, Earth reject, Earth sea, Earth son, Earth strength, Earth understand, Eat dead, Eat eat, Eat forbidden, Eat fruit, Eat meat, Eat provid, Eaten wish, Elia rank, Elisha jonas, Embrac guilt, Enclos tell, End conduct, Engag vain, Enjoy gifts, Entrails mix, Entrust charg, Equal creat, Equal guardianlord, Equal parent, Eschew sin, Establish earth, Establish regular, Estim noth, Even ey, Even send, Evening seek, Everi soul, Evid wit, Evil burden, Evil fool, Evil ignor, Evil ignorance, Evil inspir, Evil jinns, Evil recompens, Evil unjust, Evil wrong, Exalt power, Excess loveth, Exist everi, Explain detail, Explain sign, Ey fruit, Ey manifest, Ey pagans, Ey soul, Eyes refus, Face firmli, Face naught, Fail duti, Faith deed, Faith delight, Faith hold, Faith join, Faith sign, Faith wait, Fall knowledg, Fall righteou, Fall righteous, Fals attribut, Fals god, Falsehood lord, Falsehood meet, Falsehoods hereaft, Falsely knowledge, Falsely tast, Fanci left, Fanci thi, Fare flood, Fat ox, Father azar, Father leav, Father taboo, Fathers progeni, Favour bestow, Favour doth, Favour explain, Favour nation, Fear be, Fear brought, Fear gather, Fear partner, Fear penalti, Feast ey, Fed nai, Feedeth fed, Feet sin, Femal enclos, Females young, Fertil stream, Fire dwel, Fire dwell, Fire dwelling, Fire reject, Firmli creat, Flesh swine, Fli wings, Flood confus, Flow feet, Floweri discours, Follow art, Folly knowledge, Food forbidden, Food provid, Fool wander, Footstep satan, Forbad fat, Forbad undivid, Forbid bring, Forbid food, Forbidden eaten, Forbidden liar, Forbidden males, Forbidden women, Forbidden yoke, Forc necessity, Forget fals, Forget recollection, Forgiving merci, Forgot warn, Form commun, Forward wit, Free guilt, Fresh dry, Fresh gener, Friend calling, Friend contend, Friend lord, Friend practis, Front fire, Fruit feast, Fruit ripe, Fruit season, Frustrat bit, Fulfil coven, Fulfil desir, Fulfil return, Fulfil truth, Full book, Full justice, Full knowledg, Full merci, Full strength, Full wisdom, Garden grapes, Gardens trellis, Gate things, Gather ascrib, Gather dai, Gather eyes, Gather guidanc, Gather lord, Gather wast, Gave abraham, Gave book, Gave favour, Gave fertil, Gave isaac, Gave life, Gave mose, Gener establish, Gener succe, Gift lord, Gifts sudden, Give partner, Give tast, Giveth guidanc, Glori attribut, Goal truth, Goat pair, God creat, God creator, God join, God manifest, God vain, God watch, Grain dark, Grain heap, Grapes olives, Grasp grasp, Grasp vision, Greatest sun, Green crops, Green withered, Grief word, Grievou persist, Ground ladder, Guard evil, Guard prayer, Guardian length, Guid astrai, Guid dark, Guid fear, Guid guid, Guid merci, Guid mercy, Guid noah, Guid path, Guid straight, Guidanc clear, Guidanc copi, Guidanc give, Guidanc giveth, Guidanc guid, Guidanc guidanc, Guidanc guidance, Guidanc pleaseth, Guidanc receiv, Guidanc separ, Guidanc swai, Guidance direct, Guideth wrong, Guilt give, Guilt wrath, Habit whilst, Hands unbeliev, Hands yield, Hang low, Happen lord, Happiness power, Hard mind, Hardened satan, Harm watch, Harvest datepalm, Harvest gather, Hast affair, Hast receiv, Hast taught, Hasten power, Hastened power, Head cattl, Heap harvest, Heap penalti, Hear sight, Heareth knoweth, Heart ey, Heart eyes, Heart fear, Heart ha, Heart harden, Heart hardened, Heart inclin, Heart incline, Hearts understand, Heaven earth, Heed guid, Heed guidanc, Heel receiv, Held equal, Hem mock, Hereaft book, Hereaft hold, Hereaft wrong, Hidden angel, Hide reveal, Himself guid, Himself rule, Himself sign, Hold equal, Hold truth, Hoof forbad, Hour ah, Hour dread, Humil contrari, Humil silent, Humili punish, Humili punishment, Idol god, Ignor impati, Ignor thu, Ignor truth, Ignorance repent, Ignorance repented, Impieti evil, Impious meat, Improv attain, Incline faith, Inheritor earth, Innoc blasphemi, Inscrib himself, Inscrib record, Inspir floweri, Inspir friend, Inspir lord, Inspir meat, Inspiration receiv, Inspiration warn, Instanc leav, Intercessor guard, Intercessor offer, Intercessor thought, Invent leav, Invent li, Invent lie, Invent talk, Inventeth lie, Irresistible watch, Isaac jacob, Islam compani, Islam willeth, Ismail elisha, Issu dead, Issu live, Jacob guid, Jesu elia, Jewish law, Jinn equal, Jinn falsely, Jinn much, Jinn set, Jinns inspir, Job joseph, John jesu, Join equal, Join god, Jonas lot, Joseph moses, Judgment doubt, Judgment lord, Judgment order, Justic law, Justic none, Justice burden, Justly rel, Kei unseen, Kill children, Kind produc, Kinds oliv, Knoweth carri, Knoweth earth, Knoweth hide, Knoweth knoweth, Knoweth receiv, Knoweth recompens, Knoweth strayeth, Knoweth transgress, Knoweth unseen, Knoweth wrong, Knowledg admonish, Knowledg doth, Knowledg grain, Knowledg guid, Knowledg guideth, Knowledg lord, Knowledg produc, Knowledg truth, Knowledge attribut, Knowledge forbid, Ladder ski, Law doth, Law forbad, Law heaven, Lead astrai, Lead conjectur, Lead destruct, Lead destruction, Lead straight, Leader town, Leaf doth, Learn assidu, Leav invent, Leav lurch, Leav plung, Leav religion, Leav stray, Leav straying, Leav trespasses, Leaveth wander, Left favour, Left lurch, Left subterfug, Length death, Lest book, Li astrai, Li scornfulli, Lie invent, Lie lead, Lie reject, Lie rejecteth, Lie saith, Lie soul, Life amus, Life death, Life deceiv, Life earth, Life light, Life proclaim, Life sacr, Life sacred, Light guidanc, Light walk, Light yet, Listen thrown, Listen truth, Live delud, Live earth, Live issu, Lord comprehendeth, Lord destroi, Lord doth, Lord fear, Lord forgiv, Lord forgiving, Lord friend, Lord full, Lord god, Lord greatest, Lord guid, Lord himself, Lord inscrib, Lord join, Lord knoweth, Lord lead, Lord love, Lord moon, Lord morn, Lord planned, Lord power, Lord profit, Lord proof, Lord protect, Lord protector, Lord quick, Lord reach, Lord reject, Lord sign, Lord soul, Lord sufficient, Lord tast, Lord truth, Lord unmind, Lord will, Lord willeth, Lord world, Lord worlds, Lost slai, Lost soul, Lost souls, Lost treat, Lot gave, Loveth waster, Low garden, Lurketh night, Make forget, Make night, Maker heaven, Maketh breast, Maketh star, Males females, Manifest conceal, Manifest error, Matter clear, Matter cover, Matter settl, Mayest warn, Measur weight, Meat blood, Meat eat, Meat forbidden, Meat invoked, Meed act, Meet dai, Meet lord, Mend conduct, Mend live, Mend lives, Merci destroi, Merci embrac, Merci gather, Merci salvation, Merci verily, Merci wrong, Mercy meet, Mere amus, Mere amusement, Messag nation, Messag parchment, Messag receiv, Midst dark, Midst enjoy, Mighti dai, Mind fear, Mind wert, Mislead appetit, Mission wick, Mix bone, Mock scoffer, Moon lord, Moon reckon, Moon rise, Moreover gave, Morn even, Morn evening, Mose book, Mose brought, Moses aaron, Much toll, Muslim realis, Mutual vengeanc, Nai bear, Nai command, Nation suffer, Nations afflict, Naught account, Naught art, Necess mislead, Necessity wil, Never doubt, New warn, Nigh orphan, Nigh shame, Night cover, Night hear, Night heareth, Night knowledg, Night rest, Noah progeny, None word, Nor vain, Noth doth, Noth omit, Oath special, Obei lord, Obei pagan, Obviou fulfil, Obviou magic, Occas forget, Occup unwarn, Offer ransom, Oliv pomegranates, Olives pomegranates, Omit book, Open ey, Open gate, Open secret, Open wise, Openeth breast, Openly destroi, Order doth, Order exalt, Order lead, Origin heaven, Orphan property, Overtaken humili, Ox sheep, Oxen pair, Pagans partner, Pair forbidden, Pair goat, Pair oxen, Pair sheep, Parchment touch, Parent kill, Parti secur, Parti strife, Partner affair, Partner allur, Partner commanded, Partner evil, Partner father, Partner invent, Partner reacheth, Partner share, Partner warrant, Partner wished, Pass frustrat, Path compani, Path doth, Path scatter, Path trod, Patienc constanc, Peac lord, Peac presenc, Penalti avert, Penalti mighti, Penalti refus, Penalti shame, Penalty reject, Penalty turn, Peopl remain, Persist reject, Person forc, Person sojourn, Pet fanci, Placeth straight, Plan fals, Plan ignor, Plan willeth, Planned leav, Pleaseth worshipp, Plot burrow, Plot souls, Plung despair, Plung vain, Pomegranates similar, Possibli bear, Pour flesh, Pour rain, Power command, Power dispos, Power law, Power matter, Power muslim, Power omniscient, Power send, Practis righteous, Prais cherish, Prais creat, Prais glori, Prayer fear, Prayer servic, Presenc determin, Presenc lord, Present order, Pretend listen, Primal origin, Proclaim truth, Produc abund, Produc conjectur, Produc grain, Produc green, Produc kind, Produc kinds, Produc singl, Produc veget, Produceth gardens, Profit ala, Profound willeth, Progeni brethren, Progeny david, Prohibit join, Promis pass, Pronounc impieti, Pronounced explain, Pronounced faith, Proof open, Proper harvest, Property improv, Prophethood descend, Proport saith, Protector intercessor, Protector maker, Protector realiti, Prove forbid, Provid footstep, Provid invent, Punish forgiving, Punish full, Punish sudden, Punish suddenli, Punish touch, Punishment grievou, Punishment plot, Quick punish, Qur reveal, R thi, Rain ski, Rais creat, Rais degre, Rais post, Rais poster, Rais rank, Rais ranks, Rais term, Rais turn, Rais wake, Rank deed, Rank righteou, Ranks gift, Ransom reparation, Reach alter, Reach guid, Reach humil, Reach possibli, Reach realiti, Reach term, Reach turn, Reacheth partner, Reacheth whilst, Realis special, Realiti command, Realiti mock, Reason us, Receiv account, Receiv admonit, Receiv guidanc, Receiv inspir, Receiv inspiration, Receiv merci, Receiv receiv, Receiv reward, Receiv saith, Received open, Recess sea, Reckon such, Recollection sit, Recompens earn, Recompens evil, Recompens wil, Record clear, Refus instanc, Regular prayer, Rehears prohibit, Reject behold, Reject faith, Reject ha, Reject hastened, Reject patienc, Reject sign, Reject truth, Reject wrong, Reject wrongs, Rejecteth sign, Rel concern, Relaps forbidden, Relat cut, Religion break, Religion mere, Religion willed, Remain unacquaint, Remind fear, Remnant cut, Remov distress, Remov touch, Render due, Reparation accept, Repented amend, Requit signs, Reserv food, Respit grant, Respons arrang, Respons fall, Rest declar, Rest tranquillity, Restor explain, Return lord, Return protector, Return truth, Returned relaps, Reveal bless, Reveal blind, Reveal couldst, Reveal inspir, Reveal inspiration, Reveal knoweth, Reveal reveal, Revel book, Revel mayest, Revil ignor, Revil spite, Reward thi, Righteou understand, Righteous duti, Righteous faith, Righteous receiv, Ripe thereof, Rise splendour, Ruin act, Rule merci, Run earth, Sacred justic, Sacrifice life, Saith behold, Saith receiv, Saith reveal, Salvation obviou, Satan avow, Satan make, Satan sin, Scatter path, Scoffer hem, Scornfulli reject, Sea detail, Sea humil, Sea leaf, Seal hear, Seal heart, Seal hearts, Season render, Secret earn, Secret life, Sects hast, Seedgrain dateston, Seek cherish, Seek face, Seek judg, Seek tunnel, Seest engag, Send angel, Send angels, Send calam, Send lord, Send new, Send revel, Send sign, Sendeth rain, Separ sheet, Servic sacrifice, Set guardian, Set signs, Settl knoweth, Settl respit, Shall protector, Shall seek, Shame deed, Shame li, Share fals, Share fanci, Share partner, Share reacheth, Sheath spath, Sheep adher, Sheep pair, Sheet conceal, Shouldst unjust, Sight seal, Sign certainli, Sign deaf, Sign detail, Sign fals, Sign falsehoods, Sign lord, Sign power, Sign receiv, Sign symbol, Sign understand, Sign wick, Sign wrong, Signs disput, Signs dread, Signs peac, Signs theme, Signs turneth, Signs warn, Silent terror, Similar varieti, Sin act, Sin destroi, Sin due, Sin open, Singl person, Singl sign, Sinner shown, Sit compani, Ski abundance, Ski bring, Ski doth, Ski produc, Slai children, Slaughter children, Slaughter pronounc, Sojourn departur, Solomon job, Son consort, Son daughter, Son lost, Soul bear, Soul believ, Soul blind, Soul deliv, Soul draw, Soul fail, Soul lie, Soul night, Soul receiv, Soul refus, Souls perceiv, Space sea, Spath cluster, Speak gather, Speak justly, Speak speak, Special reserv, Special sign, Spite revil, Splendour thi, Split sprout, Sprout causeth, Spurn hard, Star beacon, Star thi, State term, Strai path, Straight detail, Straight path, Strayeth knoweth, Stream flow, Strength measur, Stretch hand, Stretch hands, Strife give, Strongest oath, Submit lord, Subterfug lord, Successors rais, Such judgment, Sudden call, Sudden hour, Suddenli openly, Suffer adversity, Suffer reach, Sufficient full, Sun moon, Sun rise, Superstit punish, Swai ignor, Swear strongest, Swiftest take, Symbol hast, Symbol understand, Taboo ancestor, Taboo eat, Take account, Takest idol, Tale ancient, Tast mutual, Tast penalty, Tast wrath, Taught diligently, Taught inspir, Taught knew, Tell knowledg, Term appoint, Term doubt, Term presenc, Theme satan, Therefrom requit, Thereof behold, Thi guidanc, Thi lord, Thi messag, Thi obviou, Thi qur, Things full, Things midst, Thought bear, Thought partner, Thrown veil, Thu allur, Thu comparison, Thu explain, Thu faith, Thu leader, Thu wrong, Tilth cattle, Tilth produc, Time credit, Toll friend, Touch affliction, Touch ceas, Touch hands, Touch happiness, Town wick, Tranquillity sun, Transgress due, Travel earth, Treasur hidden, Treasur knoweth, Treat fals, Treat falsehood, Treat sign, Trellis dates, Trespasses wander, Trod abraham, Truly prayer, Trumpet blown, Truth accept, Truth disput, Truth dominion, Truth innoc, Truth judg, Truth justic, Truth never, Truth reach, Truth respons, Truth soul, Truth yea, Tunnel ground, Turn lord, Turn protect, Turn therefrom, Turneth therefrom, Unacquaint learn, Unbeliev tale, Unbeliev thi, Uncheck knowledg, Understand certitud, Understand deaf, Undivid hoof, Unjust assign, Unless lord, Unseen open, Unseen treasur, Us gave, Us hear, Us matter, Vain desir, Vain discours, Vainli guid, Varieti begin, Varieti eat, Veget kind, Veil heart, Veil hearts, Verily evil, Verily lead, Verily lord, Vision comprehension, Vision grasp, Vow gratitude, Wain desir, Wait angel, Wait wait, Wake fresh, Walk depth, Wander bewild, Wander distract, Wander willeth, Warn citi, Warn heart, Warn meet, Warn mend, Warn reach, Warn received, Warrant parti, Wast excess, Watch do, Watch doings, Watch worshipp, Watch worshippers, Weight full, Weighti evid, Wert common, Wert seek, Whether open, Whilst occup, Whilst share, Why angel, Why eat, Why sign, Wick contemn, Wick fare, Wick inventeth, Wick overtaken, Wick plot, Wil disobedi, Wil disobedience, Willed leav, Willeth guide, Willeth happen, Willeth leav, Willeth leaveth, Willeth lord, Willeth placeth, Wings form, Wisdom knowledg, Wise acquaint, Wish eat, Wished partner, Wit li, Wit life, Wit nai, Wit prove, Wit reject, Wit thi, Wit truth, Withered inscrib, Witnesses nor, Woe thought, Womb cattl, Womb femal, Women born, Word decre, Word heareth, Word reject, Worship fals, Worship power, Worshipp join, Worshipp wise, Worshippers set, Wrath hour, Wrath knowledg, Wrath turn, Written messag, Wrong earn, Wrong invent, Wrong inventeth, Wrong prosper, Wrong reject, Wrong rejecteth, Wrong remnant, Wrongs aid, Yea ey, Yea lord, Yet jinn, Yet reject, Yield soul, Yoke burden, Young womb, Zakariya john | True |
Surat Qaaf | Quran English Translation, Sura Makkan Classification | -0.044 | Sura Makkan Classification | 32 | Ad pharaoh, Admonish qur, Advanc warn, Angel appoint, Angel be, Angel bear, Angel drive, Appoint do, Art fill, Art overaw, Asunder hurri, Bear patienc, Bear patience, Bear wit, Beauti growth, Befor deni, Behold guard, Behold guardian, Blast truth, Blessing produc, Blown dai, Bounds cast, Brethren lut, Bring truth, Brought hear, Brought heart, Brought nigh, Caller quiet, Cast doubt, Celebr prais, Celebr praises, Chart blessing, Commemor devote, Companion lord, Companion rass, Companion record, Companion wood, Confus doubt, Confus state, Contumaci reject, Creat dark, Creat heaven, Creation confus, Dai caller, Dai earth, Dai eternal, Dai hear, Dai hell, Day Of Resurrection, Dai whereof, Dark suggest, Days sens, Dead thu, Death bring, Deni hereaft, Deni truth, Destroi sin, Destroi sins, Devote turn, Die dust, Disput presenc, Do note, Doubt creation, Doubt suspicion, Drive angel, Duli fulfil, Dust sort, Ear ear, Ear earnestli, Earnestli wit, Earth rent, Earth six, Earth spread, Enter peac, Eternal life, Ey thi, Fear graciou, Fear warn, Fill full, Firm produc, Forbad transgress, Forc admonish, Fruitstalks pile, Full account, Garden brought, Garden grain, Gener destroi, Gloriou qur, God throw, Graciou unseen, Grain harvest, Growth pair, Growth pairs, Guard full, Guardian angel, Hear mighti, Heart turn, Heart understand, Heaven earth, Heedless remov, Hell art, Hell contumaci, Hereaft peopl, Hurri gather, Jugular vein, Life therewith, Likewis postur, Listen dai, Lord rise, Lord transgress, Make nearer, Messag heart, Messengers warn, Mighti blast, Mountain stand, Nearer jugular, Nigh righteous, Night celebr, Noah companion, Note sit, Observ commemor, Overaw forc, Palmtrees shoot, Patience celebr, Peac secur, Peopl noah, Peopl tubba, Pharaoh brethren, Postur ador, Power wander, Prais lord, Praises likewis, Presenc advanc, Produc beauti, Produc therewith, Qaf gloriou, Qur art, Qur fear, Rain chart, Rass thamud, Readi note, Record guard, Record readi, Reject messenger, Reject messengers, Remov veil, Rent asund, Rent asunder, Repentance law, Return understand, Rise sun, Secur dai, Send sky, Sens weari, Sentinel readi, Servants life, Sharp sight, Shoot fruitstalk, Shoot fruitstalks, Sight dai, Sincer repent, Sincer repentance, Sit left, Six days, Sky rain, Sort return, Soul angel, Soul make, Spread thereon, Stand firm, State palmtrees, Stronger power, Stupor death, Suggest soul, Sun set, Tall state, Thereon mountain, Therewith dead, Therewith garden, Thi promis, Thi wast, Thi wonder, Throw hell, Throw penalti, Throw throw, Thu resurrect, Transgress astrai, Transgress bound, Transgress bounds, Trumpet blown, Truth confus, Truth dai, Truth ey, Tubba reject, Turn devot, Turn sincer, Unbeliev thi, Understand ear, Unseen brought, Utter sentinel, Veil sharp, Voic thi, Wander escap, Warn duli, Warner unbeliev, Wast escap, Wast heedless, Weari creation, Weari touch, Whereof warn, Wit truth, Wood peopl | True |