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Sura Attributes


Sura Name AlZukhruf
Sura Number 43
Sura Classification Sura Makkan Classification
Number of Ayah 89
Number of Prostration FALSE
Sura Polarity 0.019
Sura Chronology Sequence 60
Sura Main Topic Quran Main Topic 41, Quran Main Topic 12, Quran Main Topic 01, Quran Main Topic 63, Quran Main Topic 07, Quran Main Topic 61, Quran Main Topic 19, Quran Main Topic 32, Quran Main Topic 46, Quran Main Topic 59, Quran Main Topic 06, Quran Main Topic 15, Quran Main Topic 21, Quran Main Topic 54, Quran Main Topic 09, Quran Main Topic 14, Quran Main Topic 18, Quran Main Topic 70, Quran Main Topic 16, Quran Main Topic 11, Quran Main Topic 28, Quran Main Topic 04, Quran Main Topic 02, Quran Main Topic 03, Quran Main Topic 25, Quran Main Topic 38, Quran Main Topic 10, Quran Main Topic 35, Quran Main Topic 43, Quran Main Topic 30, Quran Main Topic 40, Quran Main Topic 27, Quran Main Topic 23, Quran Main Topic 24, Quran Main Topic 20, Quran Main Topic 36, Quran Main Topic 05, Quran Main Topic 13, Quran Main Topic 64, Quran Main Topic 08, Quran Main Topic 62, Quran Main Topic 50, Quran Main Topic 47, Quran Main Topic 58, Quran Main Topic 33
Sura SubTopic Quran Sub Topic 41-00, Quran Sub Topic 12-00, Quran Sub Topic 01-00, Quran Sub Topic 63-00, Quran Sub Topic 07-00, Quran Sub Topic 61-00, Quran Sub Topic 19-00, Quran Sub Topic 32-00, Quran Sub Topic 46-00, Quran Sub Topic 59-00, Quran Sub Topic 06-00, Quran Sub Topic 15-00, Quran Sub Topic 21-00, Quran Sub Topic 54-00, Quran Sub Topic 09-00, Quran Sub Topic 14-00, Quran Sub Topic 18-00, Quran Sub Topic 70-00, Quran Sub Topic 16-00, Quran Sub Topic 11-00, Quran Sub Topic 28-00, Quran Sub Topic 04-00, Quran Sub Topic 02-00, Quran Sub Topic 03-00, Quran Sub Topic 25-00, Quran Sub Topic 38-00, Quran Sub Topic 10-00, Quran Sub Topic 35-00, Quran Sub Topic 43-00, Quran Sub Topic 30-00, Quran Sub Topic 40-00, Quran Sub Topic 27-00, Quran Sub Topic 23-00, Quran Sub Topic 24-00, Quran Sub Topic 20-00, Quran Sub Topic 36-00, Quran Sub Topic 05-00, Quran Sub Topic 13-00, Quran Sub Topic 64-00, Quran Sub Topic 08-00, Quran Sub Topic 62-00, Quran Sub Topic 50-00, Quran Sub Topic 47-00, Quran Sub Topic 58-00, Quran Sub Topic 33-00
Animals Moth
Body Parts Ear, Hip, Back, Head, Face, Foot, Eye
Food Sage, Eat, Order, Ate, Ice, Fast, Fat, Ham, Bran, Pan, Oven, Clam, Icing, Dish, Fruit
Spices Sage
Family Heir, Kin, Wed, Daughter, Son, Father, Mate, Wives
After Life Locations Hell
Historical Land Egypt
Astronomical Body Heavens, Heaven
After life Locations Hell
Prophets Abraham, Moses, Jesus

Sentiment Analysis

Positive Sentiment

The following table displays the Ayat in Surat AlZukhruf that has positive sentiment sorted by Polarity.
Sura PagePolarityAyah Text
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 430.6So hold thou fast to the Revelation sent down to thee; verily thou art on a Straight Way.
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 680.58My devotees! no fear shall be on you that Day, nor shall ye grieve, -
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 490.52And they said, "O thou sorcerer! Invoke thy Lord for us according to His covenant with thee; for we shall truly accept guidance."
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 40.44And verily, it is in the Mother of the Book, in Our Presence, high (in dignity), full of wisdom.
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 290.38Yea, I have given the good things of this life to these (men) and their fathers, until the Truth has come to them, and a messenger making things clear.
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 20.38By the Book that makes things clear, -
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 350.37And also adornments of gold. But all this were nothing but conveniences of the present life: The Hereafter, in the sight of thy Lord is for the Righteous.
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"NaN" is not a number.

Negative Sentiment

The following table displays the Ayat in Surat AlZukhruf that has negative sentiment sorted by Polarity.
Sura PagePolarityAyah Text
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 58-0.037And they say, "Are our gods best, or he?" This they set forth to thee, only by way of disputation: yea, they are a contentious people.
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 20-0.1("Ah!") they say, "If it had been the will of (Allah) Most Gracious, we should not have worshipped such (deities)!" Of that they have no knowledge! they do nothing but lie!
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 5-0.22Shall We then take away the Message from you and repel (you), for that ye are a people transgressing beyond bounds?
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 39-0.23When ye have done wrong, it will avail you nothing, that Day, that ye shall be partners in Punishment!
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 18-0.24Is then one brought up among trinkets, and unable to give a clear account in a dispute (to be associated with Allah)?
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 7-0.29And never came there a prophet to them but they mocked him.
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 74-0.29The sinners will be in the Punishment of Hell, to dwell therein (for aye):
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"NaN" is not a number.

Sentiment Analysis Plot

Surat AlZukhruf Sentiment Analysis plot.png

[[AlShura]] ← Surat AlZukhruf → [[AlDukhan]]

Surat AlZukhruf Index of Topics

Click to browse more...

Index of Subjects Frequency Count Category
Carpet spread 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Rais dead 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Therewith dead 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Spread road 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Sky due 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Send rain 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Road channel 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Rais life 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Rain sky 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Channel order 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Order guidanc 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Measure rais 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Life therewith 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Earth carpet 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Due measure 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Due measur 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Dead rais 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Yea earth 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects

Hadith Citation of Surat AlZukhruf

The Following are Hadith that cited or mentioned Surat AlZukhruf or a specific Ayah in Surat AlZukhruf.

From Sahih AlBukhari

No Hadith in Sahih AlBukhari Cited Surat AlZukhruf or a specific Ayah in Surat AlZukhruf

From Sahih Muslim

No Hadith in Sahih Muslim Cited Surat AlZukhruf or a specific Ayah in Surat AlZukhruf

From Sunan AlNasai

No Hadith in Sunan AlNasai Cited Surat AlZukhruf or a specific Ayah in Surat AlZukhruf

From Sunan AlTermithi

No Hadith in Sunan AlTermithi Cited Surat AlZukhruf or a specific Ayah in Surat AlZukhruf

From Sunan Abu Dawoud

No Hadith in Sunan Abu Dawoud Cited Surat AlZukhruf or a specific Ayah in Surat AlZukhruf

Surah Index of Subjects

Sura Attributes


Sura Name AlZukhruf
Sura Number 43
Sura Classification Sura Makkan Classification
Number of Ayah 89
Number of Prostration FALSE
Sura Polarity 0.019
Sura Chronology Sequence 60
Sura Main Topic Quran Main Topic 41, Quran Main Topic 12, Quran Main Topic 01, Quran Main Topic 63, Quran Main Topic 07, Quran Main Topic 61, Quran Main Topic 19, Quran Main Topic 32, Quran Main Topic 46, Quran Main Topic 59, Quran Main Topic 06, Quran Main Topic 15, Quran Main Topic 21, Quran Main Topic 54, Quran Main Topic 09, Quran Main Topic 14, Quran Main Topic 18, Quran Main Topic 70, Quran Main Topic 16, Quran Main Topic 11, Quran Main Topic 28, Quran Main Topic 04, Quran Main Topic 02, Quran Main Topic 03, Quran Main Topic 25, Quran Main Topic 38, Quran Main Topic 10, Quran Main Topic 35, Quran Main Topic 43, Quran Main Topic 30, Quran Main Topic 40, Quran Main Topic 27, Quran Main Topic 23, Quran Main Topic 24, Quran Main Topic 20, Quran Main Topic 36, Quran Main Topic 05, Quran Main Topic 13, Quran Main Topic 64, Quran Main Topic 08, Quran Main Topic 62, Quran Main Topic 50, Quran Main Topic 47, Quran Main Topic 58, Quran Main Topic 33
Sura SubTopic Quran Sub Topic 41-00, Quran Sub Topic 12-00, Quran Sub Topic 01-00, Quran Sub Topic 63-00, Quran Sub Topic 07-00, Quran Sub Topic 61-00, Quran Sub Topic 19-00, Quran Sub Topic 32-00, Quran Sub Topic 46-00, Quran Sub Topic 59-00, Quran Sub Topic 06-00, Quran Sub Topic 15-00, Quran Sub Topic 21-00, Quran Sub Topic 54-00, Quran Sub Topic 09-00, Quran Sub Topic 14-00, Quran Sub Topic 18-00, Quran Sub Topic 70-00, Quran Sub Topic 16-00, Quran Sub Topic 11-00, Quran Sub Topic 28-00, Quran Sub Topic 04-00, Quran Sub Topic 02-00, Quran Sub Topic 03-00, Quran Sub Topic 25-00, Quran Sub Topic 38-00, Quran Sub Topic 10-00, Quran Sub Topic 35-00, Quran Sub Topic 43-00, Quran Sub Topic 30-00, Quran Sub Topic 40-00, Quran Sub Topic 27-00, Quran Sub Topic 23-00, Quran Sub Topic 24-00, Quran Sub Topic 20-00, Quran Sub Topic 36-00, Quran Sub Topic 05-00, Quran Sub Topic 13-00, Quran Sub Topic 64-00, Quran Sub Topic 08-00, Quran Sub Topic 62-00, Quran Sub Topic 50-00, Quran Sub Topic 47-00, Quran Sub Topic 58-00, Quran Sub Topic 33-00
Animals Moth
Body Parts Ear, Hip, Back, Head, Face, Foot, Eye
Food Sage, Eat, Order, Ate, Ice, Fast, Fat, Ham, Bran, Pan, Oven, Clam, Icing, Dish, Fruit
Spices Sage
Family Heir, Kin, Wed, Daughter, Son, Father, Mate, Wives
After Life Locations Hell
Historical Land Egypt
Astronomical Body Heavens, Heaven
After life Locations Hell
Prophets Abraham, Moses, Jesus

Sentiment Analysis

Positive Sentiment

The following table displays the Ayat in Surat AlZukhruf that has positive sentiment sorted by Polarity.
Sura PagePolarityAyah Text
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 430.6So hold thou fast to the Revelation sent down to thee; verily thou art on a Straight Way.
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 680.58My devotees! no fear shall be on you that Day, nor shall ye grieve, -
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 490.52And they said, "O thou sorcerer! Invoke thy Lord for us according to His covenant with thee; for we shall truly accept guidance."
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 40.44And verily, it is in the Mother of the Book, in Our Presence, high (in dignity), full of wisdom.
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 290.38Yea, I have given the good things of this life to these (men) and their fathers, until the Truth has come to them, and a messenger making things clear.
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 20.38By the Book that makes things clear, -
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 350.37And also adornments of gold. But all this were nothing but conveniences of the present life: The Hereafter, in the sight of thy Lord is for the Righteous.
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"NaN" is not a number.

Negative Sentiment

The following table displays the Ayat in Surat AlZukhruf that has negative sentiment sorted by Polarity.
Sura PagePolarityAyah Text
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 58-0.037And they say, "Are our gods best, or he?" This they set forth to thee, only by way of disputation: yea, they are a contentious people.
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 20-0.1("Ah!") they say, "If it had been the will of (Allah) Most Gracious, we should not have worshipped such (deities)!" Of that they have no knowledge! they do nothing but lie!
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 5-0.22Shall We then take away the Message from you and repel (you), for that ye are a people transgressing beyond bounds?
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 39-0.23When ye have done wrong, it will avail you nothing, that Day, that ye shall be partners in Punishment!
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 18-0.24Is then one brought up among trinkets, and unable to give a clear account in a dispute (to be associated with Allah)?
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 7-0.29And never came there a prophet to them but they mocked him.
Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 74-0.29The sinners will be in the Punishment of Hell, to dwell therein (for aye):
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"NaN" is not a number.

Sentiment Analysis Plot

Surat AlZukhruf Sentiment Analysis plot.png

[[AlShura]] ← Surat AlZukhruf → [[AlDukhan]]

Surat AlZukhruf Index of Topics

Click to browse more...

Index of Subjects Frequency Count Category
Carpet spread 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Rais dead 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Therewith dead 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Spread road 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Sky due 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Send rain 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Road channel 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Rais life 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Rain sky 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Channel order 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Order guidanc 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Measure rais 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Life therewith 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Earth carpet 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Due measure 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects
Due measur 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Dead rais 1 Quran Index of Subjects
Yea earth 1 Pages with broken file links, Quran Index of Subjects

Hadith Citation of Surat AlZukhruf

The Following are Hadith that cited or mentioned Surat AlZukhruf or a specific Ayah in Surat AlZukhruf.

From Sahih AlBukhari

No Hadith in Sahih AlBukhari Cited Surat AlZukhruf or a specific Ayah in Surat AlZukhruf

From Sahih Muslim

No Hadith in Sahih Muslim Cited Surat AlZukhruf or a specific Ayah in Surat AlZukhruf

From Sunan AlNasai

No Hadith in Sunan AlNasai Cited Surat AlZukhruf or a specific Ayah in Surat AlZukhruf

From Sunan AlTermithi

No Hadith in Sunan AlTermithi Cited Surat AlZukhruf or a specific Ayah in Surat AlZukhruf

From Sunan Abu Dawoud

No Hadith in Sunan Abu Dawoud Cited Surat AlZukhruf or a specific Ayah in Surat AlZukhruf

Surah Index of Subjects

Pages in category "Surat AlZukhruf"

The following 89 pages are in this category, out of 89 total.