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Hadith Text

Narrated Abu Huraira: Once while I was in a state of fatigue because of severe Hunger ; I met [[Umar Bin AlKhattab]]; so I asked him to recite a verse from Allah Book to me. He entered his house and interpreted it to me. Then I went out and after walking for a short distance; I fell on my Face because of fatigue and severe Hunger. Suddenly I saw Allah Apostle standing by my Head. He said; "O Abu Huraira!" I replied; "Labbaik; O Allah Messenger  ; and Sadaik!" Then he held me by the Hand; and made me get up. Then he came to know what I was suffering from. He took me to his house; and ordered a big Bowl of Milk for me. I drank thereof and he said; "Drink more; O Abu Hirr!" So I drank again; whereupon he again said; "Drink more." So I drank more till my Belly became full and looked like a Bowl. Afterwards I met Umar and mentioned to him what had happened to me; and said to him; "Somebody; who had more right than you; O Umar; took over the case. By Allah; I asked you to recite a Verse to me while I knew it better than you." On that Umar said to me; "By Allah; if I admitted and entertained you; it would have been dearer to me than having nice red camels.

Hadith Attributes


Hadith Grade Sahih AlBukhari Grade
Notables Abu Huraira, Umar Bin AlKhattab, Book, Apostle, Messenger SAWSYMBOL, Abu Hirr, Umar
Body Parts Face, Head, Hand, Belly
Food Hunger, Bowl, Milk
Frequent Terms allah, drank, umar, abu huraira, ask, bowl, drink, fatigu, hunger, met, recit, vers
Sentiment Negative, Positive

Hadith Words by Frequency

Original Author References

Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 5375

in Book Reference: Book 70; Hadith 3

usc_mca_ref: Vol. 7; Book 65; Hadith 287

Hadith Auto Summarization

  • I asked you to recite a Verse to me while I knew it better than you.
  • Narrated Abu Huraira: Once while I was in a state of fatigue because of severe hunger ;
  • So I drank more till my belly became full and looked like a bowl.
  • Meals Eat of the lawful things that We have provided you with|

Related Hadith

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Hadith Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis is process of determining the emotional tone behind a series of words, used to gain an understanding of the the attitudes, opinions and emotions expressed within text.

Hadith Categories