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In Quran
Quran Surat | Sura and Ayah | Polarity | Sura Classification | Sura Sequence | Related Subjects | Ayah Text | English Translation |
Surat AlQiyamah Ayah 34 | Surat AlQiyamah | -0.89 | 29 | أَوْلَى لَكَ فَأَوْلَى | Woe to thee, (O men!), yea, woe! | ||
Surat Muhammad Ayah 34 | Surat Muhammad | -0.89 | 59 | Hinder path, Reject hinder, Die reject, Path die | إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا وَصَدُّوا عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ ثُمَّ مَاتُوا وَهُمْ كُفَّارٌ فَلَنْ يَغْفِرَ اللَّهُ لَهُمْ | Those who reject Allah, and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah, then die rejecting Allah, - Allah will not forgive them. | |
Surat AlQiyamah Ayah 35 | Surat AlQiyamah | -0.82 | 29 | ثُمَّ أَوْلَى لَكَ فَأَوْلَى | Again, Woe to thee, (O men!), yea, woe! | ||
Surat AlTaubah Ayah 67 | Surat AlTaubah | -0.76 | 113 | Hypocrites women, Enjoin evil, Understand enjoin, Hand forgotten, Forgotten hypocrit, Close hand, Hypocrit rebelli, Rebelli pervers, Forbid close, Forgotten forgotten, Evil forbid, Women understand | الْمُنَافِقُونَ وَالْمُنَافِقَاتُ بَعْضُهُمْ مِنْ بَعْضٍ يَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمُنْكَرِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَقْبِضُونَ أَيْدِيَهُمْ نَسُوا اللَّهَ فَنَسِيَهُمْ إِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ هُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ | The Hypocrites, men and women, (have an understanding) with each other: They enjoin evil, and forbid what is just, and are close with their hands. They have forgotten Allah; so He hath forgotten them. Verily the Hypocrites are rebellious and perverse. | |
Surat AlAhzab Ayah 58 | Surat AlAhzab | -0.75 | 90 | Believ women, Bear calumni, Undeservedly bear, Calumni glare, Glare sin, Women undeservedly, Annoi believ | وَالَّذِينَ يُؤْذُونَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتِ بِغَيْرِ مَا اكْتَسَبُوا فَقَدِ احْتَمَلُوا بُهْتَانًا وَإِثْمًا مُبِينًا | And those who annoy believing men and women undeservedly, bear (on themselves) a calumny and a glaring sin. | |
Surat Muhammad Ayah 1 | Surat Muhammad | -0.73 | 59 | Hinder path, Reject hinder, Astrai mark, Astrai m, Deed render, Strai mark, Render astrai | الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا وَصَدُّوا عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أَضَلَّ أَعْمَالَهُمْ | Those who reject Allah and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah, - their deeds will Allah render astray (from their mark). | |
Surat AlNoor Ayah 26 | Surat AlNoor | -0.73 | 102 | Women impur, Impur women, Women puriti, Ti affect, Puriti women, Impure impur, Puriti affect, Purity puriti, Affect forgiveness, Impur impure, Forgiveness provis, Provis honour, Puriti purity | الْخَبِيثَاتُ لِلْخَبِيثِينَ وَالْخَبِيثُونَ لِلْخَبِيثَاتِ وَالطَّيِّبَاتُ لِلطَّيِّبِينَ وَالطَّيِّبُونَ لِلطَّيِّبَاتِ أُولَئِكَ مُبَرَّءُونَ مِمَّا يَقُولُونَ لَهُمْ مَغْفِرَةٌ وَرِزْقٌ كَرِيمٌ | Women impure are for men impure, and men impure for women impure and women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for women of purity: these are not affected by what people say: for them there is forgiveness, and a provision honourable. | |
Surat AlBooroj Ayah 10 | Surat AlBooroj | -0.67 | 25 | Believers women, Burn fire, Penalti burn, Penalti hell, Temptat believers, Draw temptat, Women repentance, Repentance penalti, Persecut draw, Hell penalti | إِنَّ الَّذِينَ فَتَنُوا الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتِ ثُمَّ لَمْ يَتُوبُوا فَلَهُمْ عَذَابُ جَهَنَّمَ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابُ الْحَرِيقِ | Those who persecute (or draw into temptation) the Believers, men and women, and do not turn in repentance, will have the Penalty of Hell: They will have the Penalty of the Burning Fire. | |
Surat Luqman Ayah 6 | Surat Luqman | -0.67 | 52 | Mislead path, Humili penalti, Throw ridicul, Lead path, Path humili, Meaning mislead, Purchas idl, Path throw, Tales knowledg, Li penalti, Idl tales, Knowledg meaning, Ridicul path | وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَنْ يَشْتَرِي لَهْوَ الْحَدِيثِ لِيُضِلَّ عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ وَيَتَّخِذَهَا هُزُوًا أُولَئِكَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ مُهِينٌ | But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a Humiliating Penalty. | |
Surat AlMujadilah Ayah 2 | Surat AlMujadilah | -0.67 | 105 | Blot sin, Sins forgiv, Divorc wive, Wive zihar, Blot sins, Gave birth, None mother, Mother none, Mothers mother, Iniquit fals, Call mothers, Fact word, Word iniquit, Zihar call, Birth fact, Mother gave, Fals blot | الَّذِينَ يُظَاهِرُونَ مِنْكُمْ مِنْ نِسَائِهِمْ مَا هُنَّ أُمَّهَاتِهِمْ إِنْ أُمَّهَاتُهُمْ إِلَّا اللَّائِي وَلَدْنَهُمْ وَإِنَّهُمْ لَيَقُولُونَ مُنْكَرًا مِنَ الْقَوْلِ وَزُورًا وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَعَفُوٌّ غَفُورٌ | If any men among you divorce their wives by Zihar (calling them mothers), they cannot be their mothers: None can be their mothers except those who gave them birth. And in fact they use words (both) iniquitous and false: but truly Allah is one that blots out (sins), and forgives (again and again). | |
Surat AlNahl Ayah 88 | Surat AlNahl | -0.65 | 68 | Hinder path, Spread mischief, Reject hinder, Penalti penalti, Add penalti, Penalti spread | الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا وَصَدُّوا عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ زِدْنَاهُمْ عَذَابًا فَوْقَ الْعَذَابِ بِمَا كَانُوا يُفْسِدُونَ | Those who reject Allah and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah - for them will We add Penalty to Penalty; for that they used to spread mischief. | |
Surat AlHajj Ayah 3 | Surat AlHajj | -0.65 | 103 | Obstin rebellion, Disput knowledge, Obstin rebelli, Disput knowledg, Evil obstin, Knowledge evil | وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَنْ يُجَادِلُ فِي اللَّهِ بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ وَيَتَّبِعُ كُلَّ شَيْطَانٍ مَرِيدٍ | And yet among men there are such as dispute about Allah, without knowledge, and follow every evil one obstinate in rebellion! | |
Surat AlIsra Ayah 89 | Surat AlIsra | -0.63 | 46 | Refus receiv, Receiv ingratitud, Greater refus, Qur similitud, Explain qur, Similitud greater | وَلَقَدْ صَرَّفْنَا لِلنَّاسِ فِي هَذَا الْقُرْآنِ مِنْ كُلِّ مَثَلٍ فَأَبَى أَكْثَرُ النَّاسِ إِلَّا كُفُورًا | And We have explained to man, in this Qur'an, every kind of similitude: yet the greater part of men refuse (to receive it) except with ingratitude! | |
Surat AlHajj Ayah 9 | Surat AlHajj | -0.63 | 103 | Day Of Judgment, Tast penalti, Lead astrai, Life dai, Strai path, Astrai path, Burn fire, Penalti burn, Order lead, Disgrac life, Side order, Judgment tast, Bend side, Path disgrac, Disdainfulli bend | ثَانِيَ عِطْفِهِ لِيُضِلَّ عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ لَهُ فِي الدُّنْيَا خِزْيٌ وَنُذِيقُهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ عَذَابَ الْحَرِيقِ | (Disdainfully) bending his side, in order to lead (men) astray from the Path of Allah: for him there is disgrace in this life, and on the Day of Judgment We shall make him taste the Penalty of burning (Fire). | |
Surat AlHajj Ayah 25 | Surat AlHajj | -0.63 | 103 | Grievou penalti, Sacr mosqu, Sacr mosque, Tast grievou, Dweller visitor, Wai sacr, Equal dweller, Visitor countri, Reject wai, Mosque open | إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا وَيَصُدُّونَ عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَالْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ الَّذِي جَعَلْنَاهُ لِلنَّاسِ سَوَاءً الْعَاكِفُ فِيهِ وَالْبَادِ وَمَنْ يُرِدْ فِيهِ بِإِلْحَادٍ بِظُلْمٍ نُذِقْهُ مِنْ عَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍ | As to those who have rejected (Allah), and would keep back (men) from the Way of Allah, and from the Sacred Mosque, which We have made (open) to (all) men - equal is the dweller there and the visitor from the country - and any whose purpose therein is profanity or wrong-doing - them will We cause to taste of a most Grievous Penalty. | |
Surat Fussilat Ayah 39 | Surat Fussilat | -0.6 | 58 | Send rain, Life dead, Dead power, Earth barren, Earth life, Rain stir, Seest earth, Stir life, Truly life, Barren desol, Dead earth, Desol send, Sign seest, Increas truly, Yield increas, Life yield | وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ أَنَّكَ تَرَى الْأَرْضَ خَاشِعَةً فَإِذَا أَنْزَلْنَا عَلَيْهَا الْمَاءَ اهْتَزَّتْ وَرَبَتْ إِنَّ الَّذِي أَحْيَاهَا لَمُحْيِي الْمَوْتَى إِنَّهُ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ | And among His Signs in this: thou seest the earth barren and desolate; but when We send down rain to it, it is stirred to life and yields increase. Truly, He Who gives life to the (dead) earth can surely give life to (men) who are dead. For He has power over all things. | |
Surat AlAnfal Ayah 47 | Surat AlAnfal | -0.6 | 88 | Hinder path, Path compasseth, Home insol, Start home, Insol hinder | وَلَا تَكُونُوا كَالَّذِينَ خَرَجُوا مِنْ دِيَارِهِمْ بَطَرًا وَرِئَاءَ النَّاسِ وَيَصُدُّونَ عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ بِمَا يَعْمَلُونَ مُحِيطٌ | And be not like those who started from their homes insolently and to be seen of men, and to hinder (men) from the path of Allah: For Allah compasseth round about all that they do. | |
Surat Alankabut Ayah 10 | Surat Alankabut | -0.59 | 81 | Wrath lord, Afflict treat, Lord doe, Oppress wrath, Suffer afflict, Heart creation, Doe heart | وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَنْ يَقُولُ آمَنَّا بِاللَّهِ فَإِذَا أُوذِيَ فِي اللَّهِ جَعَلَ فِتْنَةَ النَّاسِ كَعَذَابِ اللَّهِ وَلَئِنْ جَاءَ نَصْرٌ مِنْ رَبِّكَ لَيَقُولُنَّ إِنَّا كُنَّا مَعَكُمْ أَوَلَيْسَ اللَّهُ بِأَعْلَمَ بِمَا فِي صُدُورِ الْعَالَمِينَ | Then there are among men such as say, "We believe in Allah"; but when they suffer affliction in (the cause of) Allah, they treat men's oppression as if it were the Wrath of Allah! And if help comes (to thee) from thy Lord, they are sure to say, "We have (always) been with you!" Does not Allah know best all that is in the hearts of all creation? | |
Surat AlMunafiqun Ayah 2 | Surat AlMunafiqun | -0.58 | 104 | Evil deed, Obstruct path, Oath screen, Screen misde, Misde obstruct, Path evil | اتَّخَذُوا أَيْمَانَهُمْ جُنَّةً فَصَدُّوا عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ إِنَّهُمْ سَاءَ مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ | They have made their oaths a screen (for their misdeeds): thus they obstruct (men) from the Path of Allah: truly evil are their deeds. | |
Surat AlTaubah Ayah 90 | Surat AlTaubah | -0.57 | 113 | Grievou penalti, Desert arab, Penalti seiz, Claim exempt, Sat inact, Exempt fals, Inact grievou, Arab excus, Excus claim, Seiz unbeliev, Fals sat | وَجَاءَ الْمُعَذِّرُونَ مِنَ الْأَعْرَابِ لِيُؤْذَنَ لَهُمْ وَقَعَدَ الَّذِينَ كَذَبُوا اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ سَيُصِيبُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنْهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ | And there were, among the desert Arabs (also), men who made excuses and came to claim exemption; and those who were false to Allah and His Messenger (merely) sat inactive. Soon will a grievous penalty seize the Unbelievers among them. | |
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In Hadith Text Books
Men In Sahih AlBukhari
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1248 | Narrated Abu Mousa: Two men from my tribe and I entered upon the Prophet. One of the two men said to the Prophet; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Appoint me as a governor; and so did the second. The Prophet ﷺ said; We do not assign the authority of ruling to those who ask for it; nor to those who are keen to have it. | The Chapter on Lost And Found Man Wolf And Milk in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What is disliked regarding the authority of ruling in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1259 | Narrated Abdullah Bin Umar: That he had divorced his wife during her menses. Umar mentioned that to the Prophet. Allah Apostle became angry and said; He must take her back his wife and keep her with him till she becomes clean from her menses and then to wait till she gets her next period and becomes clean again from it and only then; if he wants to divorce her; he may do so. | The Chapter on Menstruation And Idda In Marriage in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Can a judge give a judgement in an angry mood in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1270 | Narrated Ali Bin Husain: Safiya bint daughter of Huyai came to the Prophet in the Masjid ; and when she returned home ; the Prophet ﷺ accompanied her. It happened that two men from the Ansar passed by them and the Prophet called them saying; She is Safiya! those two men said; Subhan Allah! The Prophet ﷺ said; Satan circulates in the human body as blood does. | The Chapter on Alansar And Brotherhood in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on If a judge has to witness in favour of a litigant in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1520 | Narrated Abu Burda: Abu Mousa said; I came to the Prophet ﷺ along with two men from the tribe of Ashariyin; one on my right and the other on my left; while Allah Messenger ﷺ was brushing his teeth with a Siwak ; and both men asked him for some employment. The Prophet ﷺ said; O Abu Mousa O Abdullah Bin Qais!. I said; By Him Who sent you with the Truth; these two men did not tell me what was in their hearts and I did not feel realize that they were seeking employment. As if I were looking now at his Siwak being drawn to a corner under his lips; and he said; We never or; we do not appoint for our affairs anyone who seeks to be employed. But O Abu Mousa! or Abdullah Bin Qais! Go to Yemen. The Prophet then sent Muadh Bin Jabal after him and when Muadh reached him; he spread out a cushion for him and requested him to get down and sit on the cushion. Behold: There was a fettered man beside Abu Muisa. Muadh asked; Who is this man ? Abu Muisa said; He was a Jew and became a Muslim and then reverted back to Judaism. Then Abu Muisa requested Muadh to sit down but Muadh said; I will not sit down till he has been killed. This is the judgment of Allah and His Apostle for such cases and repeated it thrice. Then Abu Mousa ordered that the man be killed; and he was killed. Abu Mousa added; Then we discussed the night prayers and one of us said; I pray and sleep; and I hope that Allah will reward me for my sleep as well as for my prayers. | The Chapter on Jihad And Livestock in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on AlMurtad and AlMurtaddah in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1595 | Narrated Ibn Abbas: The Prophet ﷺ cursed the effeminate men and those women who assume the similitude manners of men. He also said; Turn them out of your houses. He turned such-and-such person out; and Umar also turned out such-and-such person. | The Chapter on Directions Turning in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Exiling the sinners and effeminate men in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-160 | Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet ﷺ said; The saying Sub Han Allah is for men and clapping is for women. If something happens in the prayer; the men can invite the attention of the Imam by saying Sub Han Allah. And women; by clapping their hands. | The Chapter on Alansar And Brotherhood in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Clapping during the Salat is permissible only for the women in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1635 | Narrated Abdullah Bin Umar: Allah Messenger ﷺ said; I saw myself in a dream near the Kaba last night; and I saw a man with whitish red complexion; the best you may see amongst men of that complexion having long hair reaching his earlobes which was the best hair of its sort; and he had combed his hair and water was dropping from it; and he was performing the Tawaf around the Kaba while he was leaning on two men or on the shoulders of two men. I asked; Who is this man? Somebody replied; He is Messiah; son of Mary. Then I saw another man with very curly hair; blind in the right eye which looked like a protruding out grape. I asked; Who is this? Somebody replied; He is Messiah; AlDajjal. | The Chapter on Grooming The Man in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Night dreams in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1662 | Narrated Ibn Umar: Men from the companions of Allah Messenger ﷺ used to see dreams during the lifetime of Allah Messenger ﷺ and they used to narrate those dreams to Allah Messenger ﷺ. Allah Messenger ﷺ would interpret them as Allah wished. I was a young man and used to stay in the Masjid before my wedlock. I said to myself; If there were any good in myself; I too would see what these people see. So when I went to bed one night; I said; O Allah! If you see any good in me; show me a good dream. So while I was in that state; there came to me in a dream two angels. In the hand of each of them; there was a mace of iron; and both of them were taking me to Hell; and I was between them; invoking Allah; O Allah! I seek refuge with You from Hell. Then I saw myself being confronted by another angel holding a mace of iron in his hand. He said to me; Do not be afraid; you will be an excellent man if you only pray more often. So they took me till they stopped me at the edge of Hell; and behold; it was built inside like a well and it had side posts like those of a well; and beside each post there was an angel carrying an iron mace. I saw therein many people hanging upside down with iron chains; and I recognized therein some men from the Quraish. Then the angels took me to the right side. I narrated this dream to my sister Hafsa and she told it to Allah Messenger ﷺ. Allah Messenger ﷺ said; No doubt; Abdullah is a good man. Nafi said; Since then Abdullah Bin Umar used to pray much. | The Chapter on Alansar And Booty in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The feeling of security and the disappearance of fear in dream in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1678 | Narrated Samura Bin Jundub: Allah Messenger ﷺ very often used to ask his companions; Did anyone of you see a dream? So dreams would be narrated to him by those whom Allah wished to tell. One morning the Prophet ﷺ said; Last night two persons came to me in a dream and woke me up and said to me; Proceed! I set out with them and we came across a man lying down; and behold; another man was standing over his head; holding a big rock. Behold; he was throwing the rock at the man head; injuring it. The rock rolled away and the thrower followed it and took it back. By the time he reached the man; his head returned to the normal state. The thrower then did the same as he had done before. I said to my two companions; Subhan Allah! Who are these two persons? They said; Proceed! So we proceeded and came to a man lying flat on his back and another man standing over his head with an iron hook; and behold; he would put the hook in one side of the man mouth and tear off that side of his face to the back of the neck and similarly tear his nose from front to back and his eye from front to back. Then he turned to the other side of the man face and did just as he had done with the other side. He hardly completed this side when the other side returned to its normal state. Then he returned to it to repeat what he had done before. I said to my two companions; Subhan Allah! Who are these two persons? They said to me; Proceed! So we proceeded and came across something like a Tannur a kind of baking oven; a pit usually clay-lined for baking bread. I think the Prophet ﷺ said; In that oven there was much noise and voices. The Prophet ﷺ added; We looked into it and found naked men and women; and behold; a flame of fire was reaching to them from underneath; and when it reached them; they cried loudly. I asked them; Who are these? They said to me; Proceed! And so we proceeded and came across a river. I think he said;.... red like blood. The Prophet ﷺ added; And behold; in the river there was a man swimming; and on the bank there was a man who had collected many stones. Behold; while the other man was swimming; he went near him. The former opened his mouth and the latter on the bank threw a stone into his mouth whereupon he went swimming again. He returned and every time the performance was repeated. I asked my two companions; Who are these two persons? They replied; Proceed! Proceed! And we proceeded till we came to a man with a repulsive appearance; the most repulsive appearance; you ever saw a man having! Beside him there was a fire and he was kindling it and running around it. I asked my companions; Who is this man ? They said to me; Proceed! Proceed! So we proceeded till we reached a garden of deep green dense vegetation; having all sorts of spring colors. In the midst of the garden there was a very tall man and I could hardly see his head because of his great height; and around him there were children in such a large number as I have never seen. I said to my companions; Who is this? They replied; Proceed! Proceed! So we proceeded till we came to a majestic huge garden; greater and better than I have ever seen! My two companions said to me; Go up and I went up. The Prophet ﷺ added; So we ascended till we reached a city built of gold and silver bricks and we went to its gate and asked the gatekeeper to open the gate; and it was opened and we entered the city and found in it; men with one side of their bodies as handsome as the handsomest person you have ever seen; and the other side as ugly as the ugliest person you have ever seen. My two companions ordered those men to throw themselves into the river. Behold; there was a river flowing across the city ; and its water was like milk in whiteness. Those men went and threw themselves in it and then returned to us after the ugliness of their bodies had disappeared and they became in the best shape. The Prophet ﷺ further added; My two companions angels said to me; This place is the Eden Paradise; and that is your place. I raised up my sight; and behold; there I saw a palace like a white cloud! My two companions said to me; That palace is your place. I said to them; May Allah bless you both! Let me enter it. They replied; As for now; you will not enter it; but you shall enter it one day. I said to them; I have seen many wonders tonight. What does all that mean which I have seen? They replied; We will inform you: As for the first man you came upon whose head was being injured with the rock; he is the symbol of the one who studies the Quran and then neither recites it nor acts on its orders; and sleeps; neglecting the enjoined prayers. As for the man you came upon whose sides of mouth; nostrils and eyes were torn off from front to back; he is the symbol of the man who goes out of his house in the morning and tells so many lies that it spreads all over the world. And those naked men and women whom you saw in a construction resembling an oven; they are the adulterers and the adulteresses. And the man whom you saw swimming in the river and given a stone to swallow; is the eater of usury Riba. And the bad looking man whom you saw near the fire kindling it and going round it; is Malik; the gatekeeper of Hell. And the tall man whom you saw in the garden; is Abraham and the children around him are those children who die with AlFitra the Islamic Faith. The narrator added: Some Muslims asked the Prophet; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! What about the children of pagans? The Prophet ﷺ replied; And also the children of pagans. The Prophet ﷺ added; My two companions added; The men you saw half handsome and half ugly were those persons who had mixed an act that was good with another that was bad; but Allah forgave them. | The Chapter on Almadinah And Companions in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The interpretation of dreams after the Fajr prayer in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1763 | Narrated Abu Qilaba: Once Umar Bin Abd AlAziz sat on his throne in the courtyard of his house so that the people might gather before him. Then he admitted them and when they came in ; he said; What do you think of AlQasama? They said; We say that it is lawful to depend on AlQasama in Qisas; as the previous Muslim Caliphs carried out Qisas depending on it. Then he said to me; O Abu Qilaba! What do you say about it? He let me appear before the people and I said; O Chief of the Believers! You have the chiefs of the army staff and the nobles of the Arabs. If fifty of them testified that a married man had committed illegal sexual intercourse in Damascus but they had not seen him doing so ; would you stone him? He said; No. I said; If fifty of them testified that a man had committed theft in Hums; would you cut off his hand though they did not see him? He replied; No. I said; By Allah; Allah Messenger ﷺ never killed anyone except in one of the following three situations: 1 A person who killed somebody unjustly; was killed in Qisas; 2 a married person who committed illegal sexual intercourse and 3 a man who fought against Allah and His Apostle and deserted Islam and became an apostate. Then the people said; Didnt Anas Bin Malik narrate that Allah Messenger ﷺ cut off the hands of the thieves; branded their eyes and then; threw them in the sun? I said; I shall tell you the narration of Anas. Anas said: Eight persons from the tribe of Ukl came to Allah Messenger ﷺ and gave the Pledge of allegiance for Islam became Muslim. The climate of the place Medina did not suit them; so they became sick and complained about that to Allah Messenger ﷺ. He said to them ; Wont you go out with the shepherd of our camels and drink of the camels milk and urine as medicine ? They said; Yes. So they went out and drank the camels milk and urine; and after they became healthy; they killed the shepherd of Allah Messenger ﷺ and took away all the camels. This news reached Allah Messenger ﷺ ; so he sent men to follow their traces and they were captured and brought to the Prophet. He then ordered to cut their hands and feet; and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron; and then he threw them in the sun till they died. I said; What can be worse than what those people did? They deserted Islam; committed murder and theft. Then Anbasa Bin Saeed said; By Allah; I never heard a narration like this of today. I said; O Anbasa! You deny my narration? Anbasa said; No; but you have related the narration in the way it should be related. By Allah; these people are in welfare as long as this Sheikh Abu Qilaba is among them. I added; Indeed in this event there has been a tradition set by Allah Messenger ﷺ. The narrator added: Some Ansari people came to the Prophet ﷺ and discussed some matters with him; a man from amongst them went out and was murdered. Those people went out after him; and behold; their companion was swimming in blood. They returned to Allah Messenger ﷺ and said to him; O Allah Apostle; we have found our companion who had talked with us and gone out before us; swimming in blood killed. Allah Messenger ﷺ went out and asked them; Whom do you suspect or whom do you think has killed him? They said; We think that the Jews have killed him. The Prophet ﷺ sent for the Jews and asked them; Did you kill this person ? They replied; No. He asked the AlAnsars; Do you agree that I let fifty Jews take an oath that they have not killed him? They said; It matters little for the Jews to kill us all and then take false oaths. He said; Then would you like to receive the Diya after fifty of you have taken an oath that the Jews have killed your man ? They said; We will not take the oath. Then the Prophet ﷺ himself paid them the Diya Blood-money. The narrator added; The tribe of Hudhail repudiated one of their men for his evil conduct in the Pre-lslamic period of Ignorance. Then; at a place called AlBatha near Mecca ; the man attacked a Yemenite family at night to steal from them; but a. man from the family noticed him and struck him with his sword and killed him. The tribe of Hudhail came and captured the Yemenite and brought him to Umar during the Hajj season and said; He has killed our companion. The Yemenite said; But these people had repudiated him i.e.; their companion. Umar said; Let fifty persons of Hudhail swear that they had not repudiated him. So forty-nine of them took the oath and then a person belonging to them; came from Sham and they requested him to swear similarly; but he paid one-thousand Dirhams instead of taking the oath. They called another man instead of him and the new man shook hands with the brother of the deceased. Some people said; We and those fifty men who had taken false oaths AlQasama set out; and when they reached a place called Nakhlah; it started raining so they entered a cave in the mountain; and the cave collapsed on those fifty men who took the false oath; and all of them died except the two persons who had shaken hands with each other. They escaped death but a stone fell on the leg of the brother of the deceased and broke it; whereupon he survived for one year and then died. I further said; Abdul Malik Bin Marwan sentenced a man to death in Qisas equality in punishment for murder; basing his judgment on AlQasama; but later on he regretted that judgment and ordered that the names of the fifty persons who had taken the oath AlQasama ; be erased from the register; and he exiled them in Sham. | The Chapter on Killing And Payments in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on AlQasama in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1823 | Narrated Jarir: Allah Messenger ﷺ said to me. Will you relieve me from Dhi AlKhalasa? Dhi AlKhalasa was an idol which the people used to worship and it was called AlKaba AlYamaniya. I said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ I am a man who cant sit firm on horses. So he stroked my chest with his hand and said; O Allah! Make him firm and make him a guiding and well-guided man. So I went out with fifty men from my tribe of Ahrnas. The sub-narrator; Sufyan; quoting Jarir; perhaps said; I went out with a group of men from my nation. and came to Dhi AlKhalasa and burnt it; and then came to the Prophet ﷺ and said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! I have not come to you till I left it like a camel with a skin disease. The Prophet then invoked good upon Ahmas and their cavalry fighters. | The Chapter on Supplications And Worship in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on And invoke Allah for them in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1853 | Narrated Anas Bin Malik: The Prophet ﷺ said to Abu Talha ; Choose one of your boys to serve me. So Abu Talha took me to serve the Prophet ﷺ by giving me a ride behind him on his camel. So I used to serve Allah Messenger ﷺ whenever he stayed somewhere. I used to hear him saying; O Allah! I seek refuge with you Allah from worries care and grief; from incapacity and laziness; from miserliness and cowardice; from being heavily in debt and from being overpowered by other men. I kept on serving him till he returned from the battle of Khaibar. He then brought Safiya; the daughter of Huyay whom he had got from the booty. I saw him making a kind of cushion with a cloak or a garment for her. He then let her ride behind him. When we reached a place called AlSahba; he prepared a special meal called Hais; and asked me to invite the men who came and ate; and that was the marriage banquet given on the consummation of his marriage to her. Then he proceeded till the mountain of Uhud appeared; whereupon he said; This mountain loves us and we love it. When he approached Medina; he said; O Allah! I make the land between its i.e.; Medinas two mountains a sanctuary; as the prophet Abraham made Mecca a sanctuary. O Allah! Bless them the people of Medina in their Mudd and the Sa units of measuring. | The Chapter on Almadinah And Khaiber in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on To seek refuge with Allah from being overpowered in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2093 | Narrated Anas Bin Malik: Abu Talha said to Um Sulaim; I heard the voice of Allah Messenger ﷺ rather weak; and I knew that it was because of hunger. Have you anything to present to the Prophet ? She said; Yes. Then she took out a few loaves of barley bread and took a veil of hers and wrapped the bread with a part of it and sent me to Allah Messenger ﷺ. I went and found Allah Messenger ﷺ sitting in the Masjid with some people. I stood up before him. Allah Messenger ﷺ said to me; Has Abu Talha sent you? I said; Yes. Then Allah Messenger ﷺ said to those who were with him. Get up and proceed. I went ahead of them as their forerunner and came to Abu Talha and informed him about it. Abu Talha said; O Um Sulaim! Allah Messenger ﷺ has come and we have no food to feed them. Um Sulaim said; Allah and His Apostle know best. So Abu Talha went out to receive them till he met Allah Messenger ﷺ. Allah Messenger ﷺ came in company with Abu Talha and they entered the house. Allah Messenger ﷺ said; O Um Sulaim! Bring whatever you have. So she brought that barley bread and Allah Messenger ﷺ ordered that bread to be broken into small pieces; and then Um Sulaim poured over it some butter from a leather butter container; and then Allah Messenger ﷺ said what Allah wanted him to say; i.e. blessing the food. Allah Messenger ﷺ then said; Admit ten men. Abu Talha admitted them and they ate to their fill and went out. He again said; Admit ten men. He admitted them; and in this way all the people ate to their fill; and they were seventy or eighty men. | The Chapter on Wishes And Admittance in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on If someone takes an oath that he will not eat Udm in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2940 | Narrated Ibn Abbas: Allah Messenger ﷺ cursed those men who are in the similitude assume the manners of women and those women who are in the similitude assume the manners of men. | The Chapter on Alihram In Alhajj in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Men who are in the similitude of women and women who are in the similitude of men in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2941 | Narrated Ibn Abbas: The Prophet ﷺ cursed effeminate men those men who are in the similitude assume the manners of women and those women who assume the manners of men; and he said; Turn them out of your houses. The Prophet ﷺ turned out such-and-such man; and Umar turned out such-and-such woman. | The Chapter on Alihram In Alhajj in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The dismissal of such men as are in similitude of women from the houses in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2957 | Narrated Abdullah Bin Umar: Allah Messenger ﷺ said; Today I saw myself in a dream near the Kaba. I saw a whitish brown man; the handsomest of all brown men you might ever see. He had the most beautiful Limma hair hanging down to the earlobes you might ever see. He had combed it and it was dripping water; and he was performing the Tawaf around the Kaba leaning on two men or on the shoulders of two men. l asked; Who is this? It was said. Messiah; the son of Mary. Suddenly I saw a curly-haired man; blind in the right eye which looked like a protruding out grape. I asked; Who is this? It was said; He is Masiah AlDajjal. | The Chapter on Grooming The Man in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The curly hair in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3032 | Narrated Anas Bin Malik: Abu Talha said to Um Sulaim; I have heard the voice of Allah Messenger ﷺ which was feeble; and I think that he is hungry. Have you got something to eat ? She took out some loaves of barley bread; then took her face-covering sheet and wrapped the bread in part of it; and pushed it under my garment and turned the rest of it around my body and sent me to Allah Messenger ﷺ. I went with that; and found Allah Messenger ﷺ in the Masjid with some people. I stood up near them; and Allah Messenger ﷺ asked me; Have you been sent by Abu Talha ? I said; Yes. He asked; With some food for us ? I said; Yes. Then Allah Messenger ﷺ said to all those who were with him; Get up! He set out and all the people accompanied him and I proceeded ahead of them till I came to Abu Talha. Abu Talha then said; O Um Sulaim! Allah Messenger ﷺ has arrived along with the people; and we do not have food enough to feed them all. She said; Allah and His Apostle know better. So Abu Talha went out till he met Allah Messenger ﷺ. Then Abu Talha and Allah Messenger ﷺ came and entered the house. Allah Apostle said; Um Sulaim ! Bring whatever you have. She brought that very bread. The Prophet ﷺ ordered that it be crushed into small pieces; and Um Sulaim pressed a skin of butter on it. Then Allah Apostle said whatever Allah wished him to say to bless the food and then added; Admit ten men. So they were admitted; ate their fill and went out. The Prophet ﷺ then said; Admit ten more. They were admitted; ate their full; and went out. He then again said; Admit ten more! They were admitted; ate their fill; and went out. He admitted ten more; and so all those people ate their fill; and they were eighty men. | The Chapter on Wishes And Admittance in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Whoever ate till he was satisfied in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3033 | Narrated Abdulrahman Bin Abu Bakr: We were one hundred and thirty men sitting with the Prophet. The Prophet ﷺ said; Have anyone of you any food with him? It happened that one man had one Sa of wheat flour or so which was turned into dough then. After a while a tall lanky pagan came; driving some sheep. The Prophet ﷺ asked; Will you sell us a sheep ; or give it to us as a gift? The pagan said; No; but I will sell it So the Prophet bought from him a sheep which was slaughtered; and then the Prophet ﷺ ordered that the liver; the kidneys; lungs and heart; etc.; of that sheep be roasted. By Allah; none of those one hundred and thirty men but had his share of those things. The Prophet ﷺ gave to those who were present; and also kept a share for those who were absent He then served that cooked sheep in two big trays and we all ate together our fill; yet there remained a part of it in those two trays which I carried on the camel. | The Chapter on Live Stock Sheep For Food in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Whoever ate till he was satisfied in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3085 | Narrated Abu Masud AlAnsari: There was a man called Abu Shuaib; and he had a slave who was a butcher. He said to his slave ; Prepare a meal to which I may invite Allah Messenger ﷺ along with four other men. So he invited Allah Messenger ﷺ and four other men; but another man followed them whereupon the Prophet ﷺ said; You have invited me as one of five guests; but now another man has followed us. If you wish you can admit him; and if you wish you can refuse him. On that the host said; But I admit him. Narrated Muhammad Bin Ismail: If guests are sitting at a dining table; they do not have the right to carry food from other tables to theirs; but they can pass on food from their own table to each other; otherwise they should leave it. | The Chapter on Wishes And Admittance in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on To prepare a meal for Muslim brethren in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-319 | Narrated Samura Bin Jundab: Whenever the Prophet ﷺ finished the morning prayer; he would face us and ask; Who amongst you had a dream last night? So if anyone had seen a dream he would narrate it. The Prophet ﷺ would say: Ma shaa-llah An Arabic maxim meaning literally; What Allah wished; and it indicates a good omen. One day; he asked us whether anyone of us had seen a dream. We replied in the negative. The Prophet said; But I had seen a dream last night that two men came to me; caught hold of my hands; and took me to the Sacred Land Jerusalem. There; I saw a person sitting and another standing with an iron hook in his hand pushing it inside the mouth of the former till it reached the jawbone; and then tore off one side of his cheek; and then did the same with the other side; in the meantime the first side of his cheek became normal again and then he repeated the same operation again. I said; What is this? They told me to proceed on and we went on till we came to a man Lying flat on his back; and another man standing at his head carrying a stone or a piece of rock; and crushing the head of the Lying man; with that stone. Whenever he struck him; the stone rolled away. The man went to pick it up and by the time he returned to him; the crushed head had returned to its normal state and the man came back and struck him again and so on. I said; Who is this? They told me to proceed on; so we proceeded on and passed by a hole like an oven; with a narrow top and wide bottom; and the fire was kindling underneath that hole. Whenever the fire-flame went up; the people were lifted up to such an extent that they about to get out of it; and whenever the fire got quieter; the people went down into it; and there were naked men and women in it. I said; Who is this? They told me to proceed on. So we proceeded on till we reached a river of blood and a man was in it; and another man was standing at its bank with stones in front of him; facing the man standing in the river. Whenever the man in the river wanted to come out; the other one threw a stone in his mouth and caused him to retreat to his original position; and so whenever he wanted to come out the other would throw a stone in his mouth; and he would retreat to his original position. I asked; What is this? They told me to proceed on and we did so till we reached a well-flourished green garden having a huge tree and near its root was sitting an old man with some children. I saw Another man near the tree with fire in front of him and he was kindling it up. Then they i.e. my two companions made me climb up the tree and made me enter a house; better than which I have ever seen. In it were some old men and young men; women and children. Then they took me out of this house and made me climb up the tree and made me enter another house that was better and superior to the first containing old and young people. I said to them i.e. my two companions ; You have made me ramble all the night. Tell me all about that I have seen. They said; Yes. As for the one whose cheek you saw being torn away; he was a liar and he used to tell lies; and the people would report those lies on his authority till they spread all over the world. So; he will be punished like that till the Day of Resurrection. The one whose head you saw being crushed is the one whom Allah had given the knowledge of Quran i.e. knowing it by heart but he used to sleep at night i.e. he did not recite it then and did not use to act upon it i.e. upon its orders etc. by day; and so this punishment will go on till the Day of Resurrection. And those you saw in the hole like oven were adulterers those men and women who commit illegal sexual intercourse. And those you saw in the river of blood were those dealing in Riba usury. And the old man who was sitting at the base of the tree was Abraham and the little children around him were the offspring of the people. And the one who was kindling the fire was Malik; the gatekeeper of the Hell-fire. And the first house in which you have gone was the house of the common believers; and the second house was of the martyrs. I am Gabriel and this is Michael. Raise your head. I raised my head and saw a thing like a cloud over me. They said; That is your place. I said; Let me enter my place. They said; You still have some life which you have not yet completed; and when you complete that remaining portion of your life you will then enter your place. | The Chapter on Charity To Save Oneself From Hell Fire in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Funerals AlJanaaiz in Sahih AlBukhari | |
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In Sahih Muslim
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17691 | It has been reported on the authority of Jabir Bin Samura who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: The affairs of the people will continue to be conducted well as long as they are governed by twelve men. Then the Prophet ﷺ said words which were obscure to me. I asked my father: What did the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say? He said: All of the twelve men will be from the Quraish. | The Chapter on Lost And Found And Being Angry in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 1 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17867 | It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Saeed Khudri that a man came to the Prophet may peace he upon him and said: Who is the best of men? He replied: A man who fights in the way of Allah spending his wealth and staking his life. The man then asked: Who is next to him in excellence ? He said: Next to him is a believer who lives in a mountain gorge worshipping hid Lord and sparing men from his mischief. | The Chapter on Knowledge And Scholars in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 34 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17868 | It has been narrated through a diferent chain of transmetters on the same authority i. e. Abu Saeed Khadri who said: A man asked: Messenger of Allah; which of men is the best? He said: A believer who fights staking his life and spending his wealth in the way of Allah. He asked: Who is next to him in excellence ? He said: Next to him is a man who lives an isolated life in a mountain gorge; worshipping his Lord and sparing men from his mischief. | The Chapter on Wealth And Deeds in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 34 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17870 | It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Of the men he lives the best life who holds the reins of his horse ever ready to march in the way of Allah; flies on its back whenever he hears a fearful shriek; or a call for help; flies to it seeking death at places where it can be expected. Next to him is a man who lives with his sheep at a hill-top or in a valley; says his prayers regularly; gives Zakat and worships his Lord until death comes to him. There is no better person among men except these two. | The Chapter on Life And Death And Wealth in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 34 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17897 | It has been reported on the authority of Anas Bin Malik that some people came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and said to him: Send with us some men who may teach us the Quran and the Sunnah. Accordingjy; he sent seventy men from the Ansar. They were called the Reciters and among them was my maternal uncle. Haram. They used to recite the Quran; discuss and ponder over its meaning at night. In the day they brought water and poured it in pitchers in the Masjid; collected wood and sold it; and with the sale proceeds bought food for the people of the Suffa and the needy. The Prophet ﷺ sent the Reciters with these people; but these treacherous people fell upon them and killed thern before they reached their destination While dying ; they said: O Allah; convey from us the news to our Prophet that we have met Thee in a way that we are pleased with Thee and Thou art pleased with us. The narrator said : A man attacked Haram maternal uncle of Anas from behind and smote him with a spear which pierced him. While dying ; Haram said: By the Lord of the Kaba; I have met with success. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to his Companions: Your brethren have been slain grid they were saying: O Allah; convey from us to our Prophet the news that we have met Thee in a way that we are pleased with Thee and Thou art pleased with us. | The Chapter on Allah Characteristics Grace in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 41 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18079 | It has been narratedon the authority of Abu Ishaq who said: A man asked Bara Bin Azib : Did you run away on the Day of Hunain. O; Abu Umira? He said: No; by Allah; The Messenger of Allah ﷺ did not turn his back; what actually happened was that some young men from among his companions; who were hasty and who were either without any arms or did not have abundant arms; advanced and met a party of archers who were so good shots that their arrows never missed the mark. This party of archers belonged to Banu Hawazin and Banu Nadir. They shot at the advancing young men and their arrows were not likely to miss their targets. So these young men turned to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ while he was riding on his white mule and Abu Sufyan Bin AlHarith Bin Abd AlMuttalib was leading him. At this he got down from his mule; invoked God help; and called out: I am the Prophet. This is no untruth. I am the son of Abd AlMuttalib. Then he deployed his men into battle array. | The Chapter on Almaghazi And The Companions in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 28 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18080 | It has been narrated through a different chain of transmitters by Abu Ishiq that a person said to Bara Bin Azib : Abu Umara; did you flee on the Day of Hunain? He replied: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ did not retreat. What actually happened was that some hasty young men who were either inadequately armed or were unarmed met a group of men from Banu Hawazin and Banu Nadir who happened to be excellent archers. The latter shot at them a volley of arrows that did not miss. The people turned to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Abu Sufyan Bin Harith was leading his mule. So he got down; prayed and invoked God help. He said: I am the Prophet. This is no untruth. I am the son of Abd AlMuttalib. O God; descend Thy help. Bara continued: When the battle grew fierce. we; by God. would seek protection by his side; and the bravest among us was he who confronted the onslaught and it was the Prophet ﷺ. | The Chapter on in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 28 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18105 | It has been reported on the authority of Anas Bin Malik that when the enemy got the upper hand on the day of the Battle of Uhud; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was left with only seven men from the ansar and two men from the Quraish. When the enemy advanced towards him and overwhelmed him; he said: Whoso turns them away from us will attain Paradise or will be my Companion in Paradise. A man from the Ansar came forward and fought the enemy until he was killed. The enemy advanced and overwhelmed him again and he repeated the words: Whoso turns them away; from us will attain Paradise or will be my Companion in Paradise. A man from the Arsar came forward and fought until he was killed. This state continued until the seven Ansar were killed one after the other. Now; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to his two Companions: We have not done justice to our Companions. | The Chapter on Enemies And Groups And Killing in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 37 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18428 | It is narrated either on the authority of Abu Huraira or that of Abu Saeed Khudri. The narrator Amash has narrated this hadith with a little bit of doubt about the name of the very first narrator who was in direct contact with the Holy Prophet. He was either Abu Huraira or Abu Saeed Khudri. Both are equally reliable transmitters of the traditions. He the narrator said: During the time of Tabuk expedition; the provisions ran short and the men of the army suffered starvation; they said: Messenger of Allah; would you permit us to slay our camels? We would eat them and use their fat. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Do as you please. He the narrator said: Then Umar came there and said: Messenger of Allah; if you do that if you give your consent and the men begin to slay their camels ; the riding animals would become short. But I would suggest you to summon them along with the provisions left with them Then invoke Allah blessings on them different items of the provisions It is hoped Allah shall bless them. The Messenger of Allah replied in the affirmative. the narrator said: He called for a leather mat to be used as a table cloth and spread it out. Then he called people along with the remaining portions of their provisions. He the narrator said: Someone was coming with handful of mote; another was coming with a handful of dates; still another was coming with a portion of bread; till small quantities of these things were collected on the table cloth. He the narrator said : Then the messenger of Allah invoked blessing on them and said: Fill your utensils with these provisions. He the narrator said: They filled their vessel to the brim with them; and no one amongst the army which comprised of 30;000 persons was left even with a single empty vessel. He the narrator aid: They ate to their fill; and there was still a surplus. Upon this the Messenger of Allah ﷺ remarked: I bear testimony that there is no god but Allah and I am the messenger of Allah. The man who meets his Lord without harboring any doubt about these two truths would never be kept away from Paradise. | The Chapter on Pulpit And Khutba And Preaching Charity in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 10 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18714 | It is narrated on the authority of Abdullah Bin Umar that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: I found myself one night near the Kabah; and I saw a man with wheat complexion amongst the fair-complexioned men that you ever saw. He had a lock of hair the most beautiful of the locks that you ever saw. He had combed it. Water was trickling out of them. He was leaning on two men; or on the shoulders of two men; and he was circumscribing the Kabah. I asked; What is he? It was said: He is AlMasih son of Mary. Then I saw another person; stout and having too much curly hair; and blind in his right eye as if it was a full swollen grape. I asked Who is he? It was said: He is AlMasih AlDajjal. | The Chapter on Grooming The Man in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 75 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18718 | Abdullah reported on the authority of his father Umar Bin AlKhattab that he heard from the Messenger of Allah may peace he upon him say: I was sleeping when I saw myself making circuit around the Kabah; and I saw there a man of fair complexion with straight hair between two men. Water was flowing from his head or water was falling from his head. I said: Who is he? They answered: He is the son of Mary. Then I moved forward and cast a glance and there was a bulky man of red complexion with thick locks of hair on his head; blind of one eye as it his eye was a swollen grape. I asked: Who is he? They said: He is Dajjal. He had close resemblance with Ibn Qatan amongst men. | The Chapter on Grooming The Man in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 75 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-19242 | Abu Saeed AlKhudri reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ one day gave a detailed account of the Dajjal and in that it was also included: He would come but would not be allowed to enter the mountain passes to Medina. So he will alight at some of the barren tracts near Medina; and a person who would be the best of men or one from amongst the best of men would say to him: I bear testimony to the fact that you are Dajjal about whom Allah Messenger ﷺ had informed us. The Dajjal would say: What is your opinion if I kill this person ; then I bring him back to life; even then will you harbour doubt in this matter? They would say: No. He would then kill the man and then bring him back to life. When he would bring that person to life; he would say: By Allah; I had no better proof of the fact that you are a Dajjal than at the present time that you are actually so. The Dajjal would then make an attempt to kill him again but he would not be able to do that. Abu Ishaq reported that it was said: That person would be Khadir Allah be pleased with him. | The Chapter on Life And Death And Wealth in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 21 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-19292 | Usama Bin Zaid reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: I have not left after me any chance of turmoil more injurious to men than the harm done to the men because of women. | The Chapter on Lost And Found And Being Angry in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 1 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-19399 | Qatida reported that Anas Bin Malik said: May I not narrate to you a hadith which I heard from Allah Messenger ﷺ which no one would narrate to you after me who would have personally heard it from him the Holy Prophet as I have the good fortune to do so ? - It is from the signs of the Last Hour that knowledge would be taken away; ignorance would prevail upon the world ; adultery would become common; wine would be drunk; the number of men will fall short and the women would survive and thus such a disparity would arise in the number of men and women that there would be one man to look after fifty women. | The Chapter on Hour And Aldajjal in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 5 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-19751 | Jabir Bin Abdullah reported that two young men; one from the Muhajirin emigrants and the other one from the Angr helpers fell into dispute and the Muhajir called his fellow Muhajirin; and the Ansari the helper called the Ansar for help. In the meanwhile; Allah Messenger ﷺ came there and said: What is this; the proclamation of the days of jahiliya ignorance ? They said: Allah Messenger; there is nothing serious. The two young men fell into dispute and the one struck at the back of the other. Thereupon he the Holy Prophet said: Well; a person should help his brother whether he is an oppressor or an oppressed. If he is the oppressor he should prevent him from doing it; for that is his help; and if he is the oppressed he should be helped against oppression. | The Chapter on Alansar And Muhajirin in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 16 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-20588 | Amr Bin AlAs reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ sent him in command of the army despatched to Dhat Alas-Salasil. When Amr Bin AlAs came back to the Prophet ﷺ he said: Who amongst people are dearest to you? He said: Aisha. He then said: Who amongst men? He said: Her father; and I said: And who next? He said: Umar. He then enumerated some other men. | The Chapter on Lost And Found Man Wolf And Milk in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 1 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-21072 | Sahl Bin Saad Saidi reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ was given a drink; and he drank from that; and there was on his right side a boy. and on his left some old men. He said to the boy: Do you permit me to give it to them the old men ; but that boy said: by God. I will not give preference at your hand over me in my share. He the narrator said that Allah Messenger ﷺ then gave it in his hand. | The Chapter on Thirst in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 17 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-21427 | Ibn Abu Mulaika reported that AlQasim Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Bakr had narrated to him that Aisha Allah be pleased with her reported that Sahla bint Suhail Bin Amr came to Allah Apostle ﷺ and said: Messenger of Allah; Salim the freed slave of Abu Hudhaifa is living with us in our house; and he has attained puberty as men attain it and has acquired knowledge of the sex problems as men acquire; whereupon he said: Suckle him so that he may become unlawful in regard to marriage for you He Ibn Abu Mulaika said: I refrained from narrating this hadith for a year or so on account of fear. I then met AlQasim and said to him: You narrated to me a hadith which I did not narrate to anyone afterwards. He said: What is that? I informed him; whereupon he said: Narrate it on my authority that Aisha Allah be pleased with her had narrated that to me. | The Chapter on Reward Of Freeing Slaves in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 7 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-21478 | Abdullah Bin Umar reported that he divorced a wife of his with the pronouncement of one divorce during the period of menstruation. Allah Messenger ﷺ commanded him to take her back and keep her until she was purified; and then she entered the period of menses in his house for the second time. And he should wait until she was purified of her menses. And then if he would decide to divorce her; he should do so when she was purified before having a sexual intercourse with her; for that was the Idda which Allah had commanded for the divorce of women. Ibn Rumh in his narration made this addition: When Abdullah was asked about it; he said to one of them: If you have divorced your wife with one pronouncement or two then you can take her back ; for Allah Messenger ﷺ commanded me to do it; but if you have divorced her with three pronouncements; then she is forbidden for you until she married another husband; and you disobeyed Allah in regard to the divorce of your wife what He had commanded you. Muslim said: The word one divorce used by Laith is good. | The Chapter on State Of Menstruation in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 1 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-21479 | Ibn Umar Allah be pleased with them reported: I divorced my wife during the lifetime of Allah Messenger ﷺ when she was in the state of menses. Umar Allah be pleased with him made a mention of it to Allah Messenger ﷺ ; whereupon he said: Command him to take her back and leave her in that state until she is purified. Then let her enter the period of second menses; and when she is purified; then divorce her finally before having a sexual intercourse with her; or retain her finally. That is the Idda the prescribed period which Allah commanded to be kept in view while divorcing the women. Ubaidullah reported: I said to Nafi: What became of that divorce pronounced within Idda ? He said: It was as one which she counted. | The Chapter on State Of Menstruation in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 1 in Sahih Muslim | |
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In Sunan AlTermithi
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10088 | Narrated Umm Umarah AlAnsariyah: that she came to the Prophet ﷺ and said: I do not see bu that everything is for the men; and I do not see anything being mentioned for the women. So this Ayah was revealed: Indeed the Muslim men and the Muslim women; the believing men and the believing women... 33:35 | The Chapter on Lost And Found And Being Angry in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10096 | The Chapter on Entering in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi | ||
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7957 | Abdullah Bin Masud narrated: We went with Allah Messenger; while we were young men who had nothing. He said: O young men! You should marry; for indeed it helps in lowering the gaze and protecting the private parts. Whoever among you is not able to marry; then let him fast; for indeed fasting will diminish his sexual desire. | The Chapter on Alansar And Booty in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Has Been Related About The Virtues Of Marriage And Encouraging It in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8513 | The Chapter on Body Parts And Tashahhud in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Parables in Sunan AlTermithi | ||
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8676 | Narrated Ibn Abbas: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ cursed the women who imitate men and the men who imitate women. | The Chapter on Alansar And Booty in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Manners in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8694 | The Chapter on Forgiveness And Pardon in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Manners in Sunan AlTermithi | ||
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8766 | The Chapter on Lost And Found And Quraish in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Virtues in Sunan AlTermithi | ||
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9606 | Saad Bin Abi Waqqas said: I was among the first men who spilled blood in Allah cause; and I was among the first men to shoot an arrow in Allah cause. I saw battles with troops of the Companions of Muhammad s.a.w. We had nothing to eat except leaves of trees and AlHublah; such that one of us would leave droppings like the droppings of sheep and camels. Now Banu Asad have appeared wanting to instruct me in religion; then I would be a loser and have wasted my efforts. | The Chapter on Lost And Found And Holly Matters in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Has Been Related About The Subsistence Of The Companions Of The Prophet saw And His Family in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9899 | Narrated Mujahid: from Umm Salamah that she said: The men fight and the women do not fight; and we only get half the inheritance. So Allah; Blessed and Most High; revealed: And wish not for things in which Allah has made some of you excell over others... 4:32 Mujahid said: And the following was revealed about that: Verily the Muslim men and the Muslim women... 33:35. And Umm Salamah was the first camel-borne woman to arrive in AlMadinah as an emigrant. | The Chapter on Idolaters And Infidels And Killing in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9935 | The Chapter on Revelation And Alhajj in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi | ||
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9981 | The Chapter on The Recitation Of Companions in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi |
In Sunan AlNasai
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-11437 | It was narrated that Sahl Bin Saad said: Some men used to pray with Messenger of Allah ﷺ tying their lower garments tight like children; it was said to the women: Do not raise your heads until the men have sat up completely. | The Chapter on Lost And Found And Being Angry in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Praying in an izar waist wrap in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-11706 | It was narrated that Ubaidullah Bin Abdullah said: I entered upon Aisha and said: Will you not tell me about the sickness of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ? She said: When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; became seriously ill; he said: Have the people prayed? We said: No; they are waiting for you; 0 Messenger of Allah ﷺ He said: Put some water in a tub for me. We did that and he performed Ghusl; then he tried to get up but he fainted. Then he came to us and said: Have the people prayed? We said: No; they are waiting for you; 0 Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He said: Put some water in a tub for me. We did that and he performed Ghusl; then he tried to get up but he fainted. Then for the third time he said the same thing. She said: The people were in the Masjid; waiting for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ to lead the prayer. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent word to Abu Bakr; telling him to lead the people in prayer; so the messenger came to him and said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ is telling you to lead the people in prayer. Abu Bakr was a tenderhearted man; he said: 0 Umar. lead the in prayer. But Umar said: You have more right to that. So Abu Bakr led them in prayer during those days. When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ felt a little better; he came with the help of two men; one of whom was AlAbbas; to pray Zuhr. When Abu Bakr saw him; he wanted to step back; but the Messenger of Allah ﷺ gestured to him not to step back. He told them the two men to seat him beside Abu Bakr; and Abu Bakr started to pray standing. The people were following the prayer of Abu Bakr and the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was praying sitting. I Ubaidullah entered upon Ibn Abbas and said Shall I not tell you what Aisha narrated to me about the sickness of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ? He said: Yes. So I told him and he did not deny any of it; but he said: Did she tell you the name of the man who was with AlAbbas? I said: No. He said: That was Ali; may Allah honor his face. | The Chapter on Prayers And The Masjid in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Following an Imam who prays sitting down in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-11888 | It was narrated from Amir Bin Saad Bin Abi Waqqas that his father said: The Prophet SAWSYMOBOL gave a share of some spoils of war to some men and not to others. Saad said: O Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL; you gave to so-and-so and so-and-so; but you did not give anything to so-and-so; and he is a believer. The Prophet SAWSYMOBOL said: Or a Muslim; until Saad had repeated it three times; and the Prophet SAWSYMOBOL said: I give to some men; and leave those who are dearer to me; without giving them anything; lest the former be thrown into Hell on their faces. | The Chapter on Almaghazi And The Companions in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Interpreting the Saying of Allah The Mighty and Sublime The Bedouins say We believe in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-12024 | It was narrated that Ibn Abbas said: The first instance of Qasamah during the Aljahiliyah involved a man from Banu Hashim who was employed by a man from Quraish; from another branch of the tribe. He went out with him; driving his camels and another man from Banu Hashim passed by them. The leather rope of that man bag broke; so he said to the hired worker : Help me by giving me a rope with which to tie the handle of my bag; lest the camels run away from me. So he gave him a rope and he tied his gab with it. When they halted; all the camels legs were hobbled except one camel. The one who had hired him said: Why is his camel; out of all of them; not hobbled? He said: There is no rope for it. He said: Where is its rope? He said: A man from Banu Hashim passed by and the leather rope of his bag had broken; and he asked me to help him; he said: Help me by giving me a rope with which to tie the handle of my bag lest the camels run away from me; so I gave him a rope. He struck him with a stick; which led to his death.Then a man from Yemen passed by him the man from Banu Hashim; the man from Banu Hashim; just before he died and he the Hashimi man said: Are you going to attend the Pilgrimage? He said: I do not think I will attend it; but perhaps I will attend it. He said: Will you convey a message from me once in your lifetime? He said: Yes. He said: If you attend the pilgrimage; then call out; O family of Quraish! If they respond; then call out; O family of Hashim! If they respond; then ask for Abu Talib; and tell him that so and so killed me for a rope. Then the hired worker died. When the one who had hired him cam; Abu Talib went to him and said: What happened to our companion? He said: He fell sick and I took good care of him; but he died; so I stopped and buried him. He said: He deserved that from you. Some time passed; then the Yemeni man who had been asked to convey the message arrived at the time of the pilgrimage. He said: O family of Quraish! And they said: Here is Quraish. He said: O family of Banu Hashim! They said: Here is Banu Hashim. He said Where is Abu Talib? He said: Here is Abu Talib. He said: so and so asked me to convey a message to you; that so and so killed him for a camel rope. Abu Talib went to him and said Choose one of three alternatives that we are offering you. If you wish; you may give us one hundred camels; because you killed our companion by mistake: or if you wish; fifty of your men may swear an oath that you did not kill him; or if you wish; we will kill you in retaliation. He went to his people and told them about that; and they said: We will swear the oath. Then a woman from Banu Hashim; who was married to one of their men and had born him a child; came to Abu Talib and said: O Abu Talib; I wish that my son; who is one of these fifty men; should be excused from having to take the oath.; So the excused him. Then one of the men came to him and said: O Abu Talib; you want fifty men to take the oath in lieu of one hundred camels; which means that each man may give two camels instead; so here are two camels; take them from me; and do not make me take the oath. So he accepted them; and did not make him take the oath. Then forty-eight men came and took the oath. Ibn Abbas said: By the One in Whose hand is my soul; by the time a year has passed; none of those forty-eight men remained alive. | The Chapter on Camels And Herdsmen Killing in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Qasamah During The Jahiliyah in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-12392 | It was narrated that Jabir said: The Messenger of Allah sent us with Abu Ubaidah and we numbered over three hundred men. He supplied us with a sack of dates and gave them out by the handful. When he ran short; he gave us one date at a time; until we used to suck on it like an infant; and we would drink water with it. When we ran out of them it became very difficult for us. We used to hit the Khabat leaves with our bows to knock them down and swallow them; then drink water with it. We became known as Jaish AlKhabat the Khabat army. Then; when we were about to turn inland; we saw a beast like a hill; caloled AlAnbar. Abu Ubaidah said: It is dead meat; do not eat it. Then he said: The army of the Messenger of Allah in the cause of Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; and we are forced by necessity; eat in the name of Allah. So we arte from it and we made some if it into jerked meat. Thirteen men could sit in its eye-socket. Abu Ubaidah took one of its ribs and seated a man on the biggest camel that the people had; and they passed beneath it. When we came to the Messenger of Allah; he said: What kept you so long? We said: The Quraish and we told him about the beast. He said: That is provision that Allah granted to you. Do you have anything of it with you? We said: Yes. | The Chapter on Intoxicating Drinks in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Dead Meat From The Sea in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-13187 | It was narrated from Umarah Bin Khuzaimah that his paternal uncle; who was one of the companions of the Prophet told him; that: the Prophet bought a horse from a Bedouin and asked him to follow him; so that he could pay him for the horse. The Prophet hastened but the Bedouin was slow. Men started to talk to the Bedouin and make offers for the horse; and they did not realize that the Prophet had bought it; until some of them offered more than the Prophet had bought it for. Then the Bedouin called out to the Prophet and said; Are you going to buy this horse or shall I sell it? The Prophet stood up when he heard him calling and said: Have I not bought it from you? He said: No; by Allah; I have not sold it to you; and the Prophet said I bought it from you. The people started to gaiter around the Prophet and the Bedouion as they were talking; and the Bedouin started to say: Bring a witness who will testify that you bought it. Khuzaimah Bin habit said: I bear witness that you bought it The Prophet turned to Khunzimah and said: Why are you bearing witness? He said: Because I know that you are truthful; O Messenger of Allah made the testimony of Khuzaimah equivalent to the testimony of two men. sahih | The Chapter on Financial Transaction And Lands in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on It Is Not Essential To Call Witnesses When Buying Or Selling in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-14150 | It was narrated that Anas said: A group of men from Ukl; or Uraynah; came to the Prophet SAWSYMOBOL; and when the climate of AlMadinah did not suit them; he told them to go to some camels and drink their milk and urine. Then they killed the herdsman and stole the camels. He sent men after them; and had their hands and feet cut off; and their eyes gouged out. | The Chapter on Camels And Herdsmen Milk And Urine in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Meaning of the Saying of Allah the Mighty and Sublime The Recompense of Those Who in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-14155 | Anas Bin Malik narrated that: Some people or some men from Ukl; or Uraynah came to the Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL and said: O Messenger of Allah; we are herdsmen; not tillers; the climate of AlMadinah did not suit them. So the Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL ordered that they be allocated some camels and a herdsman; and he told them to go out with them and drink their milk and urine. When they recovered and they were in the vicinity of AlHarrah; they reverted to disbelief after their Islam; killed the herdsman of the Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL and drove off the camels. He sent men after them and they were brought; and he had their eyes gouged out; and their hands and feet cut off. Then he left them in AlHarrah in that state until they died. | The Chapter on Camels And Herdsmen Milk And Urine in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Mentioning the Differences Reported from Humaid from Anas Bin Malik in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-14305 | It was narrated from Abu Salamah Bin Abdulrahman that Uthman looked out over them when they besieged him and said: By Allah; I adjure a man who heard the Messenger of Allah; on the day when the mountain shook with him; and he kicked it with his foot and said: Be still; for there is no one upon you but a Prophet or a Siddiq or two martyrs; and I was with him. Some men responded and affirmed that. Then he said: By Allah; I adjure a man who witnessed the Messenger of Allah; on the day of Baiat AlRidwan; say: This is the Hand of Allah and this is the hand of Uthman. Some men responded and affirmed that. He said: By Allah; I adjure a man who heard the Messenger of Allah say; on the day of the army of AlUsrah i.e. Tabuk : Who will spend and it will be accepted? And I equipped half of the army from my own wealth. Some men responded and affirmed that. Then he said: By Allah; I adjure a man who heard the Messenger of Allah say: Who will add to this Masjid in return for a house in Paradise; and I bought it with my own wealth. Some men responded and affirmed that. Then he said: By Allah; I adjure a man who witness Rumah being sold; and I bought it from my own wealth and allowed wayfarers to use it. Some men responded and affirmed that. | The Chapter on Military Expedition Martyrs in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on An Endowment Waqf For Masjids in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-14527 | It was narrated that Aisha said: Sahlah came to the Messenger of Allah and said: O Messenger of Allah; Salim enters upon us and he understands what men understand; and knows what men know. He said: Breast-feed him; and you will become unlawful to him thereby. Ibn Abi Mulaikah; one of the narrators said: For a year I did not narrate this; then I met AlQasim and he said: Narrate it and do not worry about it. | The Chapter on Lost And Found And Being Angry in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Breastfeeding An Adult in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-14674 | It was narrated from Abu Huraira that the Prophet ﷺ said: Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; likes it when there are two men; one of whom killed the other; then they both enter Paradise. And another time he said: He laughs at two men; one of whom killed the other; then they both entered Paradise. | The Chapter on Crimes And Felonies Of Killing in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Meeting In Paradise Of The one Who Killed And The One Who Was Killed In The Cause Of Allah in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-15212 | It was narrated that Abdullah said: We went out with the Messenger of Allah and we were young men who could not afford anything. He said: O young men; you should get married; for it is more effective in lowering the gaze and protecting one chastity. Whoever cannot afford it should fast; for it will be a restraint Wija; for him. | The Chapter on Assignments And Almadinah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Mentioning the differences in the reports from Muhammad Bin Abi Yaqub in the Hadith of Abi Umamah About The Virtue Of Fasting in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-15889 | It was narrated that Aisha said: We set out with no intention other than Hajj. And when we were in Sarif; my menses came. The Messenger of Allah entered upon me while I was weeping; and he said: Have your menses come? I said; Yes. He said; That is something that Allah; the Mightily and Sublime; has decreed for the daughters of Adam. Do everything that the pilgrim in Ihram does; but do not circumambulate the House. | The Chapter on Menustration In Alhajj in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on not Saying Bismillah when Entering Ihram in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-15911 | It was narrated that Jabir Bin Abdullah said: We came in Ihram with the Messenger of Allah for Hajj alone Mufrad ; and Aisha came in Ihram for Umrah. Then; whe we were in Sarif her menses started. When we came; we circumambulated the Kabah and performed Sai between AlSafa and AlMarwah. Then; the Messenger of Allah commanded those of us who did not have a Hadi to exit Ihram. We said: Exit Ihram to what degree? He said Completely. So we had intercourse with out; wives put on perfume; and wore only four nights away from Arafat. The; we entered Ihram on the day of AlTarwiyah. The Messenger of Allah entered upon Aisha and found here weeping. He said: What is the matter with you? She said: I have got my menses and the people exited Ihram; but I did not exit Ihram or did I circumambulate the House; and the people are going for Hajj now. He said: This is something that Allah ahs decreed for the daughters of Adam. Perform Ghusl; then begin the Talbiyah for Hajj. So she did that and did all the rituals. Then; when she became pure; she circumambulated the House and Performed Sai between AlSafa and AlMarwah. Then; he said: You have exited Ihram from your Hajj and your Umrah at the same time. She said: O Messenger of Allah; I feel upset because I only circumambulated the House during my Hajj. He said: Take here; O Abdullah; to perform Umrah from AlTanim. And that was on the night of AlHasbah the twelfth night of Dhu AlHijja. | The Chapter on The Kabbah In Alahjj in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on If A Woiman Who Has Begun The Talbiyah For Umrah Gets her Menses And Fears That She May Miss Hajj in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-16944 | It was narrated that Muawiyah Bin AlHakam AlSulami said: I said: O Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; we were recently in a state of ignorance; then Allah SWT brought Islam. Some men among us follow omens. He said: That is something that they find in their own hearts; it should not deter them from going ahead. I said: And some men among us go to fortune tellers. He said: Do not go to them. He said: Some men among us draw lines. He said: One of the Prophets used to draw lines. So whoever is in accord with his drawing of lines; then so it is. He said: While I was praying with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; a man sneezed and I said: Yarhamuk-Allah May Allah have mercy on you. The people glared at me and I said: May my mother be bereft of me; why are you looking at me? The people struck their hands against their thighs; and when I saw that they were telling me to be quiet; I fell silent. When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ finished; he called me. May my father and mother be ransomed for him; he neither did hit me nor rebuke me nor revile me. I have never seen a better teacher than him; before or after. He said: This prayer of ours is not the place for ordinary human speech; rather it is glorification and magnification of Allah SWT ; and reciting Quran. Then I went out to a flock of sheep of mine that was tended by a slave woman of mine beside Uhud and AlJawaniyah; and I found that the wolf had taken one of the sheep. I am a man from the sons of Adam and I get upset as they get upset. So I slapped her. Then I came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and told him what happened. He regarded that as a serious action on my part. I said: O Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; should I set her free? He said: Call her. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to her: Where is Allah SWT ; the Mighty and Sublime? She said: Above the heavens. He said: And who am I? She said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He said: She is a believer; set her free. | The Chapter on Body Parts The Foot in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Speaking During the prayer in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-17059 | Hind bint AlHarith AlFarrasiyah narrated that: Umm Salamah told her that during the time of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; when the women said the taslim at the end of the prayer; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and the men who had prayed with him would stay put for as long as Allah ﷺ willed. Then; when the Messenger of Allah ﷺ got up; the men did too. | The Chapter on Lost And Found And Being Angry in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The imam sitting between the taslim and departing in Sunan AlNasai |
In Sunan Abu Dawoud
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24927 | Narrated Samurah: The Prophet ﷺ said: Any woman who is married by two guardians to two different men belongs to the first woman who is married by two guardians to two different men belongs to the first of them and anything sold by a man to two persons belongs to the first of them. | The Chapter on Lost And Found And Being Angry in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on If Two Guardians Marry Her Off in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25013 | Narrated Abu Huraira: Abu Nadrah reported: An old man of Tufawah said to me: I was a guest of Abu Huraira at Medina. I did not find any one of the companions of the Prophet ﷺ more devoted to worship and more hospitable than Abu Huraira. One day I was with him when he was sitting on his bed. He had a purse which contained pebbles or kernels. A black slave-girl of his was sitting below. Counting them he was glorifying Allah. When the pebbles or the kernels in the purse were finished; she gathered them and put them again in the purse; and gave it to him. He said: Should I not tell you about me and about the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ? I said: Yes. He said: Once when I was laid up with fever in the Masjid; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ came and entered the Masjid; and said: Who saw the youth of AlDaws. He said this three times. A man said: Messenger of Allah; there he is; laid up with fever on one side of the Masjid. He moved; walking forward till he reached me. He placed his hand on me. He had a kind talk with me; and I rose. He then began to walk till he reached the place where he used to offer his prayer. He paid his attention to the people. There were two rows of men and one row of women; or two rows of women and one row of men the narrator is doubtful. He then said: If Satan makes me forget anything during the prayer; the men should glorify Allah; and the women should clap their hands. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ then prayed and he did not forget anything during the prayer. He said: Be seated in your places; be seated in your places. The narrator; Mousa; added the word here. He then praised Allah and exalted Him; and said: Now to our topic. The agreed version begins: He then said: Is there any man among you who approaches his wife; closes the door; covers himself with a curtain; and he is concealed with the curtain of Allah? They replied: Yes. He said: later he sits and says: I did so-and-so; I did so-and-so. The people kept silence. He then turned to the women and said to them : Is there any woman among you who narrates it? They kept silence. Then a girl fell on one of her knees. The narrator; Muammil; said in his version: a buxom girl. She raised her head before the Messenger of Allah ﷺ so that he could see her and listen to her. She said: Messenger of Allah; they the men describe the secrets of intercourse and they the women also describe the secrets of intercourse to the people. He said: Do you know what the similitude is? He said: The likeness of this act is the likeness of a female Satan who meets the male Satan on the roadside; he fulfils his desire with her while the people are looking at him. Beware! The perfume of men is that whose smell becomes visible and its colour does not appear. Beware! The perfume of women is that whose colour becomes visible and whose smell is not obvious. Abu Dawud said: From here I remembered this tradition from Muammil and Mousa: Beware! No man should lie with another man; no woman should lie with another woman except with one child or father. He also mentioned a third which I have forgotten. This has been mentioned in the version of Mousaddad; but I do not remember it as precisely as I like. The narrator; Mousa; said: Hammad narrated this tradition from AlJarir from Abu Nadrah from AlTufawi. | The Chapter on Prayers Rows And Joining The Group in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Is Disliked Of A Man Mentioning What He Experienced With His Wife in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25699 | Ali said We wrote down nothing on the authority of the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ but the Quran and what this document contains.. He reported the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ as saying Madeenah is sacred from Air to Thawr so if anyone produces an innovation in it or gives protection to an innovator the curse of Allaah; angels and all men will fall upon him and no repentance or ransom will be accepted from him. The protection granted by Muslim is one even if the humblest of them grants it. So if anyone breaks a covenant made by a Muslim the curse of Allaah; angels and all men will fall upon him and no repentance or ransom will be accepted from him. If anyone attributes his manumission to people without the permission of his masters the curse of Allaah; angels and all men will fall upon him and no repentance or ransom will be accepted from him. | The Chapter on Angeles And Good Deeds And Almadinah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Regarding The Sacredness Of AlMadinah in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25949 | Abdullah Bin Umar reported the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying: Allah will fold the heavens an the day of Resurrection; then seizing them in His right hand he will say: I am the king. Where are the mighty men? Where are the proud men? He will then fold the earths and take them in his other hand According to the version of Ibn AlAla ; and then say ; I am the King. Where are the mighty men? Where are the proud men? | The Chapter on Lost And Found And Being Angry in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Refutation Of The Jahmiyah in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26421 | Ibn Abbas said: If one has intercourse in the beginning of the menses; one should give one dinar; in case one has intercourse towards the end of the menses; then half a dinar should be given | The Chapter on Fornication And Adultery And Charity in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Intercourse With Menstruating Women in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26440 | Narrated Aisha; Ummul Muminin: Bahiyah said: I heard a woman asking Aisha about the woman whose menses became abnormal and she had an issue of blood. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ asked me to advise her that she should consider the period during which she used to menstruate every month; when her menstruation was normal. Then she should count the days equal to the length of time of her normal menses ; then she should abandon prayer during those days or equal to that period. She should then take a bath; tie a cloth on her private parts a pray. | The Chapter on Menstruation And Idda In Marriage in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on When The Menstruation Starts She Should Leave The Prayer in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26442 | Narrated Fatimah daughter of Abu Hubaysh: Urwah Ibn AlZubair reported from Fatimah daughter of Abu Hubaysh that her blood kept flowing; so the Prophet ﷺ said to her: When the blood of the menses comes; it is black blood which can be recognised; so when that comes; refrain from prayer; but when a different type of blood comes; perform ablution and pray; for it is due only to a vein.Abu Dawud said: Ibn AlMuthanna narrates this tradition from his book on the authority of Ibn Adi in a similar way. Later on he transmitted it to us from his memory: Muhammad Bin Amr reported to us from AlZuhri from Urwah on the authority of Aisha who said: Fatimah used to have her blood flowing. He then reported the tradition conveying the same meaning.Abu Dawud said: Anas Bin Seereen reported from Ibn Abbas about the woman who has a prolonged flow of blood. He said: If she sees thick blood; she should not pray; if she finds herself purified even for a moment; she should was an pray.Makhul said: Menses are not hidden from women. Their blood is black and thick. When it blackness and thickness goes away and there appears yellowness and liquidness; that is the flow of blood from vein. She should wash and pray.Abu Dawud said: This tradition has been transmitted by Saeed Bin AlMusayab through a different chain of narrators; saying: The woman who has a prolonged flow of blood should abandon prayer when the menstruation begins; when it is finished; she should wash and pray.Sumay and others have also reported it from Saeed Bin AlMusayab. This version adds: She should refrain from prayer during her menstrual period.Hammad Bin Salamah has reported it similarly from Yahya Bin Saeed on the authority of Saeed Bin AlMusayab.Abu Dawud said: Yunus has reported from AlHasan: When the bleeding of a menstruating woman extends beyond the normal period ; she should refrain from prayer ; after her menses are over; for one or two days. Now she becomes the woman who has a prolonged flow of blood AlTaimi reported from Qatadah: If her menstrual period is prolonged by five days; she should pray. AlTaimi said: I kept on reducing the number of days until I reached two days. He said: If the period extends by two days; they will be counted from the menstrual period. When Ibn Seereen was questioned about it; he said: Women have better knowledge of that. | The Chapter on Prolonged Menstruation in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on When The Menstruation Starts She Should Leave The Prayer in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26616 | Narrated Jabir Ibn Abdullah: Muhammad Ibn Ishaq said: I mentioned the story of Maiz Ibn Malik to Aasi m Ibn Umar Ibn Qatadah. He said to me:Hassan Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Abu Talib said to me: Some men of the tribe of Aslam whom I do not blame and whom you like have transmitted to me the saying of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ : Why did you not leave him alone? He said: But I did not understand this tradition. So I went to Jabir Ibn Abdullah and said to him : Some men of the tribe of Aslam narrate that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said when they mentioned to him the anxiety of Maiz when the stones hurt him: Why did you not leave him alone? But I do not know this tradition. He said: My cousin; I know this tradition more than the people. I was one of those who had stoned the man. When we came out with him; stoned him and he felt the effect of the stones; he cried: O people! return me to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. My people killed me and deceived me; they told me that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ would not kill me. We did not keep away from him till we killed him. When we returned to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ we informed him of it. He said: Why did you not leave him alone and bring him to me? and he said this so that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ might ascertain it from him. But he did not say this to abandon the prescribed punishment. He said: I then understood the intent of the tradition. | The Chapter on Killing In The State Of Ihram in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Stoning of Maiz Bin Malik in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26873 | Ibn Abbas said: The Prophet ﷺ cursed effeminate men mukhannathan and women who imitated men; saying: Put them out of your houses; and put so-and-so out. that is to say; the effeminate men | The Chapter on Mother And Ansar in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The ruling regarding hermaphrodites in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27056 | Said Bin Malik said: My ears heard it end my heart remembered it from Muhammad ﷺ who said: if a man claims to be the son of a man who is not his father; paradise will be forbidden for him. He said: I then met Abu Bakrah and mentioned it to him. He said: my ears heard it and my heart remembered it from Muhammad ﷺ.Asim said : I said : Abu Uthman! Two men testified before you. Who are they? He said : One of them is the one who is first to shoot arrow in the path of Allah or in the path of Islam; that is to say : Sad Bin Malik. The other is the one came from AlTaif with ten and some men on foot. He then mentioned his excellence.Abu Dawud said : When AlNufaili mentioned this tradition; he said : I swear by Allah; this is sweater with me than honey; that is no say; his way transmission.Abu Ali said : I heard Abu Dawud say : I heard Ahmad say : The people of Kufah have no light in their traditions. I did not see them like the people of Basrah. They learnt it from Shubah. | The Chapter on Lost And Found Man Wolf And Milk in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on When a man claims to belong to someone other than his master in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27258 | Narrated Abul Husayn; that is AlHaytham Ibn Shafi I and a companion of mine called Abu Amir; a man from AlMaafir went to perform prayer in Bayt AlMaqdis Jerusalem. Their preacher was a man of Azd called Abu Rayhanah; who was a companion of the Prophet ﷺ. Abul Husayn said: my companion went to the Masjid before me. I went there after him and sat beside him. He asked me: Did you hear the preaching of Abu Rayhanah? I said: No. He said: I heard him say: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ forbade ten things: Sharpening the ends of the teeth; tattooing; plucking hair; men sleeping together without an under garment; women sleeping together without an under-garment; men putting silk at the hem of their garments like the Persians; or putting silk on their shoulders like the Persians; plundering; riding on panther skins; wearing signet rings; except in the case of one in authority.Abu Dawud said: The solitary point in this tradition not supported by other traditions is the report about the signet-ring. | The Chapter on Standing For Prayers And Fasting in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Whoever Regarded Silk As Disliked in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27306 | Narrated Ibn Abbas: The Prophet ﷺ cursed women who imitate men and men who imitate women. | The Chapter on Lost And Found And The Companions in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Women Clothing in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27828 | Narrated Asma daughter of Abu Bakr: I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: One of you who believes in Allah and in the Last Day should not raise her head until the men raise their heads after prostration lest they should see the private parts of men. | The Chapter on The Format Of Prostration in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Women Raising Their Heads From Prostration When They Are Praying With Men in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27908 | Muawiyah Bin AlHakam AlSulami said: I was praying with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. A man in the company sneezed; and I said: May Allah have mercy on you! The people gave me disapproving looks; so I said: Woe is to me! What do you mean by looking at me? They began to strike their hand on their thighs; then I realised that they were urging me to be silent. When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ finished his prayer for whom I would give my father and mother as ransom-he did not beat; scold or revile me; but said: No talk to people in lawful in this prayer; for it consists only in glorifying Allah; declaring His greatness; and reciting the Quran or words to that effect said by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. I said: Messenger of Allah; we were only recently pagans; but Allah has brought Islam to us; and among us there are men who have recourse to soothsayers kahins. He replied: Do not have recourse to them. I said: Among us are there are men who take omens. He replied: That is something which they find; but let it not turn them away from what they intended to do. I said: among us there are men who draw lines. He replied: There was a prophet who drew lines; so if the line of anyone tallies with this line; that might come true. I said: A slave-girl of mine used to tend goats before the mountain Uhud and AlJawaniyah. Once when I reached her suddenly I found that a wolf had taken away a goat of them. I am a human being; I feel grieved as others do. But I gave her a good knocking. This was unbearable for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. I asked: Should I set her free ? He replied: Bring her to me. So I brought her to him. He asked her : Where is Allah ? She said: In the heaven. He said: Who am I ? She replied: You are the Messenger of Allah. He said: Set her free; for she is believer. | The Chapter on Lost And Found And Grieve in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Responding To The One Who Has Sneezed In The Prayer in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-28288 | Narrated Ata: People said: safar is a pain within the belly. I asked: What is hamah ? He said: People said believed that hamah which is an owl or a nightbird and which shrieks is the spirit of men. It is not the spirit of men. It is an animal. | Chapter on AtTiyarah in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-28397 | Narrated AlZubair Ibn Uthman: The Prophet ﷺ said: The wedding feast on the first day is a duty; that on the second is a good practice; but that on the third day is to make men hear of it and show it to them. Qatadah said: A man told me that Saeed Ibn AlMusayab was invited to a wedding feast on the first day and he accepted it. He was again invited on the second day; and he accepted. When he was invited on the third day; he did not accept; he said: They are the people who make men hear of it and show it to them. | The Chapter on Special Days The Day Of Command in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on How long should the wedding feast last in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-28604 | Umm Salamah said: Two men came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ who were disputing over their inheritance. They had no evidence except their claim. The Prophet ﷺ then said in a similar way. Thereupon both the men wept and each of them said: This right of mine go to you. The Prophet ﷺ then said: Now you have done whatever you have done ; do divide it up; aiming at what is right; then drew lots; and let each of you consider the other to have what is legitimately his | The Chapter on Alansar And Killing in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Regarding the Judges judge when he is mistaken in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-28642 | AlAshath Bin Qais said: A men from Kindah and a men from Hadramawt came to the Holy Prophet ﷺ with their dispute about a land in the Yemen. The Hadrami said:Messenger of Allah; the this man had usurped land belonging to me; and it is his possession. He asked: Have you any proof ?He replied:No; but I can have him swear on oath. Allah knows that it is my land; and father seized it from me. The Kindi was prepared to take oath. He then narrated the rest of the tradition. | The Chapter on Farming And Irrigation And Harvest in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on When a man swears an oath on a basis of what he knows and not on the basis of what he has witnessed in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29275 | Narrated A man from the companions of the Prophet: Abdulrahman Ibn Kaab Ibn Malik reported on the authority of a man from among the companions of the Prophet ﷺ : The infidels of the Quraysh wrote a letter to Ibn Ubay and to those who worshipped idols from alaous and AlKhazraj; while the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was at that time at Medina before the battle of Badr. They wrote : You gave protection to our companion. We swear by Allah; you should fight him or expel him; or we shall come to you in full force; until we kill your fighters and appropriate your women. When this news reached Abdullah Ibn Ubay and those who were worshippers of idols; with him they gathered together to fight the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. When this news reached the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; he visited them and said: The threat of the Quraysh to you has reached its end. They cannot contrive a plot against you; greater than what you yourselves intended to harm you. Are you willing to fight your sons and brethren? When they heard this from the Prophet ﷺ ; they scattered. This reached the infidels of the Quraysh. The infidels of the Quraysh again wrote a letter to the Jews after the battle of Badr: You are men of weapons and fortresses. You should fight our companion or we shall deal with you in a certain way. And nothing will come between us and the anklets of your women. When their letter reached the Prophet ﷺ ; they gathered Banu AlNadir to violate the treaty. They sent a message to the Prophet ﷺ : Come out to us with thirty men from your companions; and thirty rabbis will come out from us till we meet at a central place where they will hear you. If they testify to you and believe in you; we shall believe in you. The narrator then narrated the whole story. When the next day came; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ went out in the morning with an army; and surrounded them. He told them: I swear by Allah; you will have no peace from me until you conclude a treaty with me. But they refused to conclude a treaty with him. He therefore fought them the same day. Next he attacked Banu Quraysh with an army in the morning; and left Banu AlNadir. He asked them to sign a treaty and they signed it. He turned away from them and attacked Banu AlNadir with an army. He fought with them until they agreed to expulsion. Banu AlNadir were deported; and they took with them whatever their camels could carry; that is; their property; the doors of their houses; and their wood. Palm-trees were exclusively reserved for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Allah bestowed them upon him and gave them him as a special portion. He Allah ; the Exalted; said: What Allah has bestowed on His Apostle and taken away from them; for this ye made no expedition with either camel corps or cavalry. He said: Without fighting. So the Prophet ﷺ gave most of it to the emigrants and divided it among them; and he divided some of it between two men from the helpers; who were needy; and he did not divide it among any of the helpers except those two. The rest of it survived as the sadaqah of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ which is in the hands of the descendants of Fatimah Allah be pleased with her. | The Chapter on Military Expedition And Quraish in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Regarding The Incidents With AlNadir in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29439 | Narrated Abu Huraira: A man broke his fast intentionally during Ramadan. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ commanded him to emancipate a slave; or fast for two months; or feed sixty poor men. He said: I cannot provide. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Sit down. Thereafter a huge basket of dates araq was brought to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He said: Take this and give it as sadaqah alms. He said: Messenger of Allah; there is no poorer than I. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ thereupon laughed so that his canine teeth became visible and said: Eat it yourself.Abu Dawud said: Ibn Juraij narrated it from AlZuhri in the wordings of the narrator Malik that a man broke his fast. This version says: You should either free a slave; or fast for two months; or provide food for sixty poor men. | The Chapter on Wealth And Fasting in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Expiation For A Man Who Has Sexual Intercourse With His Wife During Ramadan in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
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In Muwata Malik
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34518 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya Ibn Said that Abdullah Ibn Masud said to a certain man; You are in a time when men of understanding fuqaha are many and Quran reciters are few; when the limits of behaviour defined in the Quran are guarded and its letters are lost; when few people ask and many give; when they make the prayer long and the khutba short; and put their actions before their desires. A time will come upon men when their fuqaha are few but their Quran reciters are many; when the letters of the Quran are guarded carefully but its limits are lost; when many ask but few give; when they make the khutba long but the prayer short; and put their desires before their actions. | The Chapter on Assignments As Guards in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Shortening the Prayer in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34700 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Nafi from Abdullah Ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; I dreamt at night that I was at the Kaba; and I saw a dark man like the most handsome of dark men you have ever seen. He had hair reaching to between his ears and his shoulders like the most excellent of such hair that you have seen. He had combed his hair; and water was dripping from it. He was leaning on two men or on the shoulders of two men doing tawaf around Kaba. I asked; Who is this? It was said; AlMasih Ibn Maryam. Then we were with a man with wiry hair and blind in his right eye; as if it was a floating grape. I asked Who is this? It was said to me; This is AlMasih AlDajjal. | The Chapter on Grooming The Man in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Purity in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34766 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Nafi from Abdullah Ibn Umar that some men from Iraq said to him; Abu Abdulrahman we buy the fruit of the palm and grapes and we squeeze them into wine and we sell it. Abdullah Ibn Umar said; I call on Allah and His angels and whoever hears of jinn and men to testify to you that I order you not to buy it nor sell it nor to press it nor to drink it nor to give it to people to drink. It is something impure from the work of Shaytan. | The Chapter on Forbidden And Dinks in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Purity in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34929 | Malik related to me from Yahya Ibn Said from Sulayman Ibn Yasar that Umar Ibn AlKhattab used to attach the children of the Aljahiliya to whoever claimed them in Islam. Two men came and each of them claimed a woman child. Umar Ibn AlKhattab summoned a person who scrutinized features and he looked at them. The scrutinizer said; They both share in him. Umar Ibn AlKhattab hit him with a whip. Then he summoned the woman; and said; Tell me your tale. She said; It was this one indicating one of the two men who used to come to me while I was with my people camels. He did not leave me until he thought and I thought that I was pregnant. Then he left me; and blood flowed from me; and this other one took his place. I do not know from which of them the child is. The scrutinizer said; Allah is greater. Umar said to the child; Go to whichever of them you wish. | The Chapter on Pre-Islam And Child Embracing Islam in HodHood Indexing, The Book of The Description of the Prophet may Allah Bless Him and Grant Him Peace in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35026 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab that he was asked about the suckling of an older person. He said; Urwa Ibn AlZubair informed me that Abu Hudhayfa Ibn Utba Ibn Rabia; one of the companions of the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; who was present at Badr; adopted Salim who is called Salim; the mawla of Abu Hudhayfa as the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; adopted Zayd Ibn Haritha. He thought of him as his son; and Abu Hudhayfa married him to his brother sister; Fatima bint AlWalid Ibn Utba Ibn Rabia; who was at that time among the first emigrants. She was one of the best unmarried women of the Quraysh. When Allah the Exalted sent down in His Book what He sent down about Zayd Ibn Haritha; Call them after their true fathers. That is more equitable in the sight of Allah. If you do not know who their fathers were then they are your brothers in the deen and your mawali; Surat 33 ayat 5 people in this position were traced back to their fathers. When the father was not known; they were traced to their mawla. Sahla bint Suhayl who was the wife of Abu Hudhayfa; and one of the tribe of Amr Ibn Luay; came to the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; and said; Messenger of Allah! We think of Salim as a son and he comes in to see me while I am uncovered. We only have one room; so what do you think about the situation? The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; Give him five drinks of your milk and he will be mahram by it. She then saw him as a foster son. Aisha umm Almuminin took that as a precedent for whatever men she wanted to be able to come to see her. She ordered her sister; Umm Kulthum bint Abi Bakr AlSiddiq and the daughters of her brother to give milk to whichever men she wanted to be able to come in to see her. The rest of the wives of the Prophet; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; refused to let anyone come in to them by such nursing. They said; No! By Allah! We think that what the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; ordered Sahla bint Suhayl to do was only an indulgence concerning the nursing of Salim alone. No! By Allah! No one will come in upon us by such nursing! This is what the wives of the Prophet; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; thought about the suckling of an older person. | The Chapter on Permission To Enter The House in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Setting Free and Wala in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35285 | Yahya related to me from Malik that Yahya Ibn Said said that he had heard AlQasim Ibn Muhammad say that Zayd Ibn Abd AlMalik separated some men and their wives who were slave-girls who had borne children to men who had died; because they had married them after one or two menstrual periods. He separated them until they had done an idda of four months and ten days. AlQasim Ibn Muhammad said; Glory be to Allah! Allah says in His Book; Those of you who die; leaving wives; they are not wives. | The Chapter on Wives And Relationship Child And Husbands in HodHood Indexing, The Book of The Mukatab in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35500 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Zayd Ibn Aslam from Ata Ibn Yasar that Abdullah Ibn Abbas was asked about people kissing while fasting and he said that he allowed it for old men but disapproved of it for young men. | The Chapter on Alansar And Booty in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Divorce in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35633 | Yahya related to me from Malik that he had heard that Uthman Ibn Affan and Abdullah Ibn Umar and Abu Huraira used to pray over the dead; both men and women; in Madina. They would put the men nearer to the imam and the women nearer to the qibla. | The Chapter on Alansar And Booty in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Hajj in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35820 | Malik said; Allah; the Blessed and Exalted; says; O you who trust; do not kill game while you are in ihram. Whoever of you kills game intentionally has to pay a forfeit commensurate with what he has killed in cattle which two men from among you shall judge; a sacrificial animal which reaches the Kaba; or else he makes a kaffara of either feeding poor people or the equivalent of that in fasting; so that he may taste the consequences of what he has done. Surat 5 ayat 95. Malik said; Someone who hunts game when he is not in ihram and then kills it while he is in ihram is in the same position as someone who buys game while he is in ihram and then kills it. Allah has forbidden killing it; and so a man who does so has to pay a forfeit for it. The position that we go by in this matter is that a forfeit is assessed for anyone who kills game while he is in ihram. Yahya said that Malik said; The best that I have heard about someone who kills game and is assessed for it is that the game which he has killed is assessed and its value in food is estimated and with that food he feeds each poor man a mudd; or fasts a day in place of each mudd. The number of poor men is considered; and if it is ten then he fasts ten days; and if it is twenty he fasts twenty days; according to how many people there are to be fed; even if there are more than sixty. Malik said; I have heard that a forfeit is assessed for someone who kills game in the Haram while he is not in ihram in the same way that it is assessed for some one who kills game in the Haram while he is in ihram. | The Chapter on Killing In The State Of Ihram in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Hajj in Muwata Malik |
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