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In Quran
Quran Surat | Sura and Ayah | Polarity | Sura Classification | Sura Sequence | Related Subjects | Ayah Text | English Translation |
Surat AlHajj Ayah 25 | Surat AlHajj | -0.63 | 103 | Grievou penalti, Sacr mosqu, Sacr mosque, Tast grievou, Dweller visitor, Wai sacr, Equal dweller, Visitor countri, Reject wai, Mosque open | إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا وَيَصُدُّونَ عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَالْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ الَّذِي جَعَلْنَاهُ لِلنَّاسِ سَوَاءً الْعَاكِفُ فِيهِ وَالْبَادِ وَمَنْ يُرِدْ فِيهِ بِإِلْحَادٍ بِظُلْمٍ نُذِقْهُ مِنْ عَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍ | As to those who have rejected (Allah), and would keep back (men) from the Way of Allah, and from the Sacred Mosque, which We have made (open) to (all) men - equal is the dweller there and the visitor from the country - and any whose purpose therein is profanity or wrong-doing - them will We cause to taste of a most Grievous Penalty. | |
Surat AlTaubah Ayah 28 | Surat AlTaubah | -0.5 | 113 | Sacr mosqu, Knowing wise, Mosqu fear, Fear poverty, Bounty knowing, Poverty enrich, Unclean approach, Enrich wills, Pagan unclean, Approach sacr, Wills bounty, Truli pagan | يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنَّمَا الْمُشْرِكُونَ نَجَسٌ فَلَا يَقْرَبُوا الْمَسْجِدَ الْحَرَامَ بَعْدَ عَامِهِمْ هَذَا وَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ عَيْلَةً فَسَوْفَ يُغْنِيكُمُ اللَّهُ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ إِنْ شَاءَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ | O ye who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean; so let them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque. And if ye fear poverty, soon will Allah enrich you, if He wills, out of His bounty, for Allah is All-knowing, All-wise. | |
Surat AlBaqara Ayah 191 | Surat AlBaqara | -0.36 | 87 | Sacr mosqu, Sacr mosque, Fight fight, Such reward, Tumult oppress, Fight slai, Wors slaughter, Oppress wors, Reward suppress, Slai such, Mosque fight, Suppress faith, Slai catch, Catch turn, Slaughter fight, Turn tumult, Fight sacr | وَاقْتُلُوهُمْ حَيْثُ ثَقِفْتُمُوهُمْ وَأَخْرِجُوهُمْ مِنْ حَيْثُ أَخْرَجُوكُمْ وَالْفِتْنَةُ أَشَدُّ مِنَ الْقَتْلِ وَلَا تُقَاتِلُوهُمْ عِنْدَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ حَتَّى يُقَاتِلُوكُمْ فِيهِ فَإِنْ قَاتَلُوكُمْ فَاقْتُلُوهُمْ كَذَلِكَ جَزَاءُ الْكَافِرِينَ | And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith. | |
Surat AlFath Ayah 25 | Surat AlFath | -0.24 | 111 | Believ women, Sacr mosqu, Admit merci, Grievou punish, Punish unbeliev, Believ believ, Unbeliev grievou, Reach sacrific, Deni revel, Merci punish, Held hand, Account crime, Revel hinder, Hand admit, Detain reach, Accru knowledge, Animals detain, Hinder sacr, Forc held, Crime accru, Sacrifici animals, Believ griev, Women trampl, Sacrific believ, Knowledge allow, Trampl account, Allow forc, Mosqu sacrifici | هُمُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا وَصَدُّوكُمْ عَنِ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ وَالْهَدْيَ مَعْكُوفًا أَنْ يَبْلُغَ مَحِلَّهُ وَلَوْلَا رِجَالٌ مُؤْمِنُونَ وَنِسَاءٌ مُؤْمِنَاتٌ لَمْ تَعْلَمُوهُمْ أَنْ تَطَئُوهُمْ فَتُصِيبَكُمْ مِنْهُمْ مَعَرَّةٌ بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ لِيُدْخِلَ اللَّهُ فِي رَحْمَتِهِ مَنْ يَشَاءُ لَوْ تَزَيَّلُوا لَعَذَّبْنَا الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنْهُمْ عَذَابًا أَلِيمًا | They are the ones who denied Revelation and hindered you from the Sacred Mosque and the sacrificial animals, detained from reaching their place of sacrifice. Had there not been believing men and believing women whom ye did not know that ye were trampling down and on whose account a crime would have accrued to you without (your) knowledge, (Allah would have allowed you to force your way, but He held back your hands) that He may admit to His Mercy whom He will. If they had been apart, We should certainly have punished the Unbelievers among them with a grievous Punishment. | |
Surat AlBaqara Ayah 217 | Surat AlBaqara | -0.22 | 87 | Companion fire, Life hereaft, Sacr mosqu, Fight faith, Fire abid, Sacr mosque, Prohibit month, Bear fruit, Faith die, Tumult oppress, Work bear, Prevent access, Hereaft compani, Wors slaughter, Oppress wors, Faith turn, Fight prohibit, Offenc graver, Graver sight, Member tumult, Deni prevent, Nor ceas, Access sacr, Slaughter nor, Die unbelief, Hereaft companion, Path deni, Unbelief work, Fight grave, Turn faith, Month fight, Sight prevent, Drive member, Mosque drive, Access path, Fruit life, Grave offenc, Ceas fight | يَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الشَّهْرِ الْحَرَامِ قِتَالٍ فِيهِ قُلْ قِتَالٌ فِيهِ كَبِيرٌ وَصَدٌّ عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَكُفْرٌ بِهِ وَالْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ وَإِخْرَاجُ أَهْلِهِ مِنْهُ أَكْبَرُ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ وَالْفِتْنَةُ أَكْبَرُ مِنَ الْقَتْلِ وَلَا يَزَالُونَ يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ حَتَّى يَرُدُّوكُمْ عَنْ دِينِكُمْ إِنِ اسْتَطَاعُوا وَمَنْ يَرْتَدِدْ مِنْكُمْ عَنْ دِينِهِ فَيَمُتْ وَهُوَ كَافِرٌ فَأُولَئِكَ حَبِطَتْ أَعْمَالُهُمْ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ وَأُولَئِكَ أَصْحَابُ النَّارِ هُمْ فِيهَا خَالِدُونَ | They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: "Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members." Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they can. And if any of you Turn back from their faith and die in unbelief, their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will be companions of the Fire and will abide therein. | |
Surat AlTaubah Ayah 107 | Surat AlTaubah | -0.16 | 113 | Doth declar, Intent doth, Aforetim swear, Swear intent, Prepar war, Declar liar, Mosqu mischief, Mischief infidel, War aforetim | وَالَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا مَسْجِدًا ضِرَارًا وَكُفْرًا وَتَفْرِيقًا بَيْنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَإِرْصَادًا لِمَنْ حَارَبَ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ مِنْ قَبْلُ وَلَيَحْلِفُنَّ إِنْ أَرَدْنَا إِلَّا الْحُسْنَى وَاللَّهُ يَشْهَدُ إِنَّهُمْ لَكَاذِبُونَ | And there are those who put up a mosque by way of mischief and infidelity - to disunite the Believers - and in preparation for one who warred against Allah and His Messenger aforetime. They will indeed swear that their intention is nothing but good; But Allah doth declare that they are certainly liars. | |
Surat AlBaqara Ayah 196 | Surat AlBaqara | -0.086 | 87 | Strict punish, Sacr mosqu, Fear strict, Offer sacrific, Fast dai, Offer sacrifice, Feed poor, Reach sacrific, Mosqu fear, Send offer, Fast feed, Head offer, Shaving compens, Prevent complet, Afford fast, Continu umra, Scalp necessit, Condit wish, Complet send, Dai hajj, Servic prevent, Thi household, Offering afford, Peac condit, Household precinct, Poor offer, Return dai, Precinct sacr, Sacrific ailment, Umra hajj, Wish continu, Dai return, Dai thi, Hajj umra, Sacrifice shave, Complet hajj, Hajj offering, Umra servic, Afford afford, Hajj dai, Sacrific peac, Shave head, Necessit shaving, Offer reach, Ailment scalp, Compens fast | وَأَتِمُّوا الْحَجَّ وَالْعُمْرَةَ لِلَّهِ فَإِنْ أُحْصِرْتُمْ فَمَا اسْتَيْسَرَ مِنَ الْهَدْيِ وَلَا تَحْلِقُوا رُءُوسَكُمْ حَتَّى يَبْلُغَ الْهَدْيُ مَحِلَّهُ فَمَنْ كَانَ مِنْكُمْ مَرِيضًا أَوْ بِهِ أَذًى مِنْ رَأْسِهِ فَفِدْيَةٌ مِنْ صِيَامٍ أَوْ صَدَقَةٍ أَوْ نُسُكٍ فَإِذَا أَمِنْتُمْ فَمَنْ تَمَتَّعَ بِالْعُمْرَةِ إِلَى الْحَجِّ فَمَا اسْتَيْسَرَ مِنَ الْهَدْيِ فَمَنْ لَمْ يَجِدْ فَصِيَامُ ثَلَاثَةِ أَيَّامٍ فِي الْحَجِّ وَسَبْعَةٍ إِذَا رَجَعْتُمْ تِلْكَ عَشَرَةٌ كَامِلَةٌ ذَلِكَ لِمَنْ لَمْ يَكُنْ أَهْلُهُ حَاضِرِي الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ شَدِيدُ الْعِقَابِ | And complete the Hajj or 'umra in the service of Allah. But if ye are prevented (From completing it), send an offering for sacrifice, such as ye may find, and do not shave your heads until the offering reaches the place of sacrifice. And if any of you is ill, or has an ailment in his scalp, (Necessitating shaving), (He should) in compensation either fast, or feed the poor, or offer sacrifice; and when ye are in peaceful conditions (again), if any one wishes to continue the 'umra on to the hajj, He must make an offering, such as he can afford, but if he cannot afford it, He should fast three days during the hajj and seven days on his return, Making ten days in all. This is for those whose household is not in (the precincts of) the Sacred Mosque. And fear Allah, and know that Allah Is strict in punishment. | |
Surat AlBaqara Ayah 187 | Surat AlBaqara | 0.022 | 87 | Clear sign, Thu doth, Doth clear, Knoweth secret, Eat drink, Limit approach, Appear associ, Sign restraint, Approach nigh, Fast till, Permit night, Distinct black, Nigh thereto, Night appear, Approach wive, Turn forgav, Seek ordain, Garment knoweth, Fasts approach, Complet fast, Black thread, Ordain eat, Associ wive, Thread dawn, Till night, Associ seek, Thread complet, Retreat mosqu, Secretli turn, Thereto thu, Mosqu limit, Forgav associ, Drink white, White thread, Night fasts, Dawn distinct, Knoweth secretli, Garment garment, Wive retreat, Wive garment | أُحِلَّ لَكُمْ لَيْلَةَ الصِّيَامِ الرَّفَثُ إِلَى نِسَائِكُمْ هُنَّ لِبَاسٌ لَكُمْ وَأَنْتُمْ لِبَاسٌ لَهُنَّ عَلِمَ اللَّهُ أَنَّكُمْ كُنْتُمْ تَخْتَانُونَ أَنْفُسَكُمْ فَتَابَ عَلَيْكُمْ وَعَفَا عَنْكُمْ فَالْآنَ بَاشِرُوهُنَّ وَابْتَغُوا مَا كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ وَكُلُوا وَاشْرَبُوا حَتَّى يَتَبَيَّنَ لَكُمُ الْخَيْطُ الْأَبْيَضُ مِنَ الْخَيْطِ الْأَسْوَدِ مِنَ الْفَجْرِ ثُمَّ أَتِمُّوا الصِّيَامَ إِلَى اللَّيْلِ وَلَا تُبَاشِرُوهُنَّ وَأَنْتُمْ عَاكِفُونَ فِي الْمَسَاجِدِ تِلْكَ حُدُودُ اللَّهِ فَلَا تَقْرَبُوهَا كَذَلِكَ يُبَيِّنُ اللَّهُ آيَاتِهِ لِلنَّاسِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَّقُونَ | Permitted to you, on the night of the fasts, is the approach to your wives. They are your garments and ye are their garments. Allah knoweth what ye used to do secretly among yourselves; but He turned to you and forgave you; so now associate with them, and seek what Allah Hath ordained for you, and eat and drink, until the white thread of dawn appear to you distinct from its black thread; then complete your fast Till the night appears; but do not associate with your wives while ye are in retreat in the mosques. Those are Limits (set by) Allah: Approach not nigh thereto. Thus doth Allah make clear His Signs to men: that they may learn self-restraint. | |
Surat AlMaidah Ayah 2 | Surat AlMaidah | 0.073 | 112 | Strict punish, Sacr mosqu, Seek bounti, Pilgrim garb, Sacr precinct, Fear strict, Precinct pilgrim, Lord clear, Sin rancour, Pleasur lord, Garland mark, Resort sacr, Symbol sacr, Sacr seek, Clear sacr, Lead transgress, Month anim, Violat sanctiti, Mosqu lead, Hunt hatr, Piety sin, Bounti pleasur, Animals resort, Mark animals, Transgress hostil, Shut sacr, Brought sacrifice, Rancour fear, Sanctiti symbol, Garb hunt, Sacr month, Righteous piety, Hostil righteous, Sacrifice garland, Hatr shut, Anim brought | يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تُحِلُّوا شَعَائِرَ اللَّهِ وَلَا الشَّهْرَ الْحَرَامَ وَلَا الْهَدْيَ وَلَا الْقَلَائِدَ وَلَا آمِّينَ الْبَيْتَ الْحَرَامَ يَبْتَغُونَ فَضْلًا مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ وَرِضْوَانًا وَإِذَا حَلَلْتُمْ فَاصْطَادُوا وَلَا يَجْرِمَنَّكُمْ شَنَآنُ قَوْمٍ أَنْ صَدُّوكُمْ عَنِ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ أَنْ تَعْتَدُوا وَتَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْبِرِّ وَالتَّقْوَى وَلَا تَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْإِثْمِ وَالْعُدْوَانِ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ شَدِيدُ الْعِقَابِ | O ye who believe! Violate not the sanctity of the symbols of Allah, nor of the sacred month, nor of the animals brought for sacrifice, nor the garlands that mark out such animals, nor the people resorting to the sacred house, seeking of the bounty and good pleasure of their Lord. But when ye are clear of the sacred precincts and of pilgrim garb, ye may hunt and let not the hatred of some people in (once) shutting you out of the Sacred Mosque lead you to transgression (and hostility on your part). Help ye one another in righteousness and piety, but help ye not one another in sin and rancour: fear Allah: for Allah is strict in punishment. | |
Surat AlTaubah Ayah 18 | Surat AlTaubah | 0.18 | 113 | Establish regular, Regular prayer, Regular charity, Practis regular, Regular prayers, Prayers practis, Visit maintain, Expect guidanc, Charity fear, Mosqu visit, Fear expect, Maintain last, Last establish | إِنَّمَا يَعْمُرُ مَسَاجِدَ اللَّهِ مَنْ آمَنَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ وَأَقَامَ الصَّلَاةَ وَآتَى الزَّكَاةَ وَلَمْ يَخْشَ إِلَّا اللَّهَ فَعَسَى أُولَئِكَ أَنْ يَكُونُوا مِنَ الْمُهْتَدِينَ | The mosques of Allah shall be visited and maintained by such as believe in Allah and the Last Day, establish regular prayers, and practise regular charity, and fear none (at all) except Allah. It is they who are expected to be on true guidance. | |
Surat AlHajj Ayah 40 | Surat AlHajj | 0.24 | 103 | Exalt might, Full strength, Abund measur, Might enforc, Aid aid, Check mean, Strength exalt, Expel home, Lord check, Mean pull, Pull monasteries, Synagogues mosques, Monasteries churches, Measur aid, Commemor abund, Churches synagogues, Home defianc, Mosques commemor | الَّذِينَ أُخْرِجُوا مِنْ دِيَارِهِمْ بِغَيْرِ حَقٍّ إِلَّا أَنْ يَقُولُوا رَبُّنَا اللَّهُ وَلَوْلَا دَفْعُ اللَّهِ النَّاسَ بَعْضَهُمْ بِبَعْضٍ لَهُدِّمَتْ صَوَامِعُ وَبِيَعٌ وَصَلَوَاتٌ وَمَسَاجِدُ يُذْكَرُ فِيهَا اسْمُ اللَّهِ كَثِيرًا وَلَيَنْصُرَنَّ اللَّهُ مَنْ يَنْصُرُهُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَقَوِيٌّ عَزِيزٌ | (They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right, - (for no cause) except that they say, "our Lord is Allah". Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, there would surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid his (cause);- for verily Allah is full of Strength, Exalted in Might, (able to enforce His Will). | |
Surat AlBaqara Ayah 144 | Surat AlBaqara | 0.27 | 87 | Truth lord, Sacr mosqu, Book truth, Turn face, Face direct, Lord nor, Direct sacr, Guidanc heaven, Wherev face, Face guidanc, Mosqu wherev, Direct book, Qibla turn, Nor unmind, Heaven shall, Shall qibla | قَدْ نَرَى تَقَلُّبَ وَجْهِكَ فِي السَّمَاءِ فَلَنُوَلِّيَنَّكَ قِبْلَةً تَرْضَاهَا فَوَلِّ وَجْهَكَ شَطْرَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ وَحَيْثُ مَا كُنْتُمْ فَوَلُّوا وُجُوهَكُمْ شَطْرَهُ وَإِنَّ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ لَيَعْلَمُونَ أَنَّهُ الْحَقُّ مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ وَمَا اللَّهُ بِغَافِلٍ عَمَّا يَعْمَلُونَ | We see the turning of thy face (for guidance to the heavens: now Shall We turn thee to a Qibla that shall please thee. Turn then Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque: Wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord. Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do. | |
Surat AlBaqara Ayah 150 | Surat AlBaqara | 0.27 | 87 | Sacr mosqu, Fear fear, Complet favour, Turn face, Face direct, Direct sacr, Wicked fear, Whencesoev startest, Startest face, Ground disput, Mai consent, Consent guid, Favour mai, Bent wicked, Wheresoev turn, Face ground, Disput bent, Fear complet, Mosqu wheresoev | وَمِنْ حَيْثُ خَرَجْتَ فَوَلِّ وَجْهَكَ شَطْرَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ وَحَيْثُ مَا كُنْتُمْ فَوَلُّوا وُجُوهَكُمْ شَطْرَهُ لِئَلَّا يَكُونَ لِلنَّاسِ عَلَيْكُمْ حُجَّةٌ إِلَّا الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا مِنْهُمْ فَلَا تَخْشَوْهُمْ وَاخْشَوْنِي وَلِأُتِمَّ نِعْمَتِي عَلَيْكُمْ وَلَعَلَّكُمْ تَهْتَدُونَ | So from whencesoever Thou startest forth, turn Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque; and wheresoever ye are, Turn your face thither: that there be no ground of dispute against you among the people, except those of them that are bent on wickedness; so fear them not, but fear Me; and that I may complete My favours on you, and ye May (consent to) be guided; | |
Surat AlAnfal Ayah 34 | Surat AlAnfal | 0.33 | 88 | Sacr mosqu, Righteou understand, Punish sacr, Guardian righteou, Guardian guardian, Plea punish | وَمَا لَهُمْ أَلَّا يُعَذِّبَهُمُ اللَّهُ وَهُمْ يَصُدُّونَ عَنِ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ وَمَا كَانُوا أَوْلِيَاءَهُ إِنْ أَوْلِيَاؤُهُ إِلَّا الْمُتَّقُونَ وَلَكِنَّ أَكْثَرَهُمْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ | But what plea have they that Allah should not punish them, when they keep out (men) from the sacred Mosque - and they are not its guardians? No men can be its guardians except the righteous; but most of them do not understand. | |
Surat AlIsra Ayah 1 | Surat AlIsra | 0.33 | 46 | Sacr mosqu, Heareth seeth, Sign heareth, Glori servant, Farthest mosque, Mosque precinct, Precinct bless, Journei night, Mosqu farthest, Night sacr, Order sign, Servant journei | سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي أَسْرَى بِعَبْدِهِ لَيْلًا مِنَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ الْأَقْصَى الَّذِي بَارَكْنَا حَوْلَهُ لِنُرِيَهُ مِنْ آيَاتِنَا إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْبَصِيرُ | Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless, - in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who heareth and seeth (all things). | |
Surat AlTaubah Ayah 19 | Surat AlTaubah | 0.35 | 113 | Sacr mosqu, Strive main, Sacr mosque, Guid wrong, Sight guid, Main compar, Pilgrims mainten, Servic last, Mainten sacr, Mosque equal, Drink pilgrims, Piou servic, Equal piou, Last strive, Compar sight, Give drink | أَجَعَلْتُمْ سِقَايَةَ الْحَاجِّ وَعِمَارَةَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ كَمَنْ آمَنَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ وَجَاهَدَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ لَا يَسْتَوُونَ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الظَّالِمِينَ | Do ye make the giving of drink to pilgrims, or the maintenance of the Sacred Mosque, equal to (the pious service of) those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and strive with might and main in the cause of Allah? They are not comparable in the sight of Allah: and Allah guides not those who do wrong. | |
Surat AlTaubah Ayah 17 | Surat AlTaubah | 0.38 | 113 | Join god, Fire dwell, Bear fruit, Work bear, Visit maintain, God visit, Infidel work, Fruit fire, Wit soul, Mosqu wit, Fire dwel, Soul infidel, Maintain mosqu | مَا كَانَ لِلْمُشْرِكِينَ أَنْ يَعْمُرُوا مَسَاجِدَ اللَّهِ شَاهِدِينَ عَلَى أَنْفُسِهِمْ بِالْكُفْرِ أُولَئِكَ حَبِطَتْ أَعْمَالُهُمْ وَفِي النَّارِ هُمْ خَالِدُونَ | It is not for such as join gods with Allah, to visit or maintain the mosques of Allah while they witness against their own souls to infidelity. The works of such bear no fruit: In Fire shall they dwell. | |
Surat AlTaubah Ayah 108 | Surat AlTaubah | 0.39 | 113 | Stand prayer, Worthi stand, Laid pieti, Prayer love, Loveth pure, Mosqu foundat, Pieti worthi, Love purifi, Never stand, Foundat laid, Stand mosqu, Purifi loveth | لَا تَقُمْ فِيهِ أَبَدًا لَمَسْجِدٌ أُسِّسَ عَلَى التَّقْوَى مِنْ أَوَّلِ يَوْمٍ أَحَقُّ أَنْ تَقُومَ فِيهِ فِيهِ رِجَالٌ يُحِبُّونَ أَنْ يَتَطَهَّرُوا وَاللَّهُ يُحِبُّ الْمُطَّهِّرِينَ | Never stand thou forth therein. There is a mosque whose foundation was laid from the first day on piety; it is more worthy of the standing forth (for prayer) therein. In it are men who love to be purified; and Allah loveth those who make themselves pure. | |
Surat AlFath Ayah 27 | Surat AlFath | 0.52 | 111 | Sacr mosqu, Sacr mosque, Speedi victori, Fulfil vision, Knew knew, Knew granted, Mosque wills, Truli fulfil, Granted speedi, Head shaved, Fear knew, Short fear, Wills mind, Secure head, Cut short, Enter sacr, Hair cut, Mind secure, Vision enter, Shaved hair | لَقَدْ صَدَقَ اللَّهُ رَسُولَهُ الرُّؤْيَا بِالْحَقِّ لَتَدْخُلُنَّ الْمَسْجِدَ الْحَرَامَ إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ آمِنِينَ مُحَلِّقِينَ رُءُوسَكُمْ وَمُقَصِّرِينَ لَا تَخَافُونَ فَعَلِمَ مَا لَمْ تَعْلَمُوا فَجَعَلَ مِنْ دُونِ ذَلِكَ فَتْحًا قَرِيبًا | Truly did Allah fulfil the vision for His Messenger: ye shall enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah wills, with minds secure, heads shaved, hair cut short, and without fear. For He knew what ye knew not, and He granted, besides this, a speedy victory. | |
Surat AlTaubah Ayah 7 | Surat AlTaubah | 0.82 | 113 | Sacr mosqu, Stand stand, League messenger, Treati sacr, Messenger pagans, Mosqu stand, Messenger pagan, Pagans treati, Doth love, Love righteou, Stand doth | كَيْفَ يَكُونُ لِلْمُشْرِكِينَ عَهْدٌ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ وَعِنْدَ رَسُولِهِ إِلَّا الَّذِينَ عَاهَدْتُمْ عِنْدَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ فَمَا اسْتَقَامُوا لَكُمْ فَاسْتَقِيمُوا لَهُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُتَّقِينَ | How can there be a league, before Allah and His Messenger, with the Pagans, except those with whom ye made a treaty near the sacred Mosque? As long as these stand true to you, stand ye true to them: for Allah doth love the righteous. |
In Hadith Text Books
Mosqu In Sahih AlBukhari
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-089 | Narrated Mahmud Bin AlRabi AlAnsari: that he remembered Allah Messenger ﷺ and he also remembered a mouthful of water which he had thrown on his face; after taking it from a well that was in their house. Mahmud said that he had heard Itban Bin Malik; who was present with Allah Messenger ﷺ in the battle of Badr saying; I used to lead my people at Bani Salim in the prayer and there was a valley between me and those people. Whenever it rained it used to be difficult for me to cross it to go to their Masjid. So I went to Allah Messenger ﷺ and said; I have weak eyesight and the valley between me and my people flows during the rainy season and it becomes difficult for me to cross it; I wish you would come to my house and pray at a place so that I could take that place as a praying place. Allah Messenger ﷺ said; I will do so. So Allah Messenger ﷺ and Abu Bakr came to my house in the next morning after the sun had risen high. Allah Messenger ﷺ asked my permission to let him in and I admitted him. He did not sit before saying; Where do you want us to offer the prayer in your house? I pointed to the place where I wanted him to pray. So Allah Messenger ﷺ stood up for the prayer and started the prayer with Takbir and we aligned in rows behind him; and he offered two rakat; and finished them with Taslim; and we also performed Taslim with him. I detained him for a meal called KhaZirr which I had prepared for him.- KhaZirr is a special type of dish prepared from barley flour and meat soup - When the neighbors got the news that Allah Messenger ﷺ was in my house; they poured it till there were a great number of men in the house. One of them said; What is wrong with Malik; for I do not see him? One of them replied; He is a hypocrite and does not love Allah and His Apostle. On that Allah Apostle said; Dont say this. Havent you seen that he said; None has the right to be worshipped but Allah for Allah sake only. The man replied; Allah and His Apostle know better; but by Allah; we never saw him but helping and talking with the hypocrites. Allah Messenger ﷺ replied; No doubt; whoever says. None has the right to be worshipped but Allah; and by that he wants the pleasures of Allah; then Allah will save him from Hell. Mahmud added; I told the above narration to some people; one of whom was Abu Ayoub ; the companion of Allah Messenger ﷺ in the battle in which he Abu Ayoub died and Yazid Bin Muawiya was their leader in Roman Territory. Abu Ayoub denounced the narration and said; I doubt that Allah Messenger ﷺ ever said what you have said. I felt that too much; and I vowed to Allah that if I remained alive in that holy battle; I would go to Medina and ask Itban Bin Malik if he was still living in the Masjid of his people. So when he returned; I assumed Ihram for Hajj or Umra and then I proceeded on till I reached Medina. I went to Bani Salim and Itban Bin Malik; who was by then an old blind man; was leading his people in the prayer. When he finished the prayer; I greeted him and introduced myself to him and then asked him about that narration. He told that narration again in the same manner as he had narrated it the first time. | The Chapter on Leave in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on To offer Nawafil in congregation in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1472 | Narrated Abu Burda: When I arrived at Medina; Abdullah Bin Salam met me and said to me; Accompany me to my house so that I may make you drink from a bowl from which Allah Messenger ﷺ used to drink; and that you may offer prayer in the Masjid in which the Prophet ﷺ used to pray. I accompanied him; and he made me drink Sawiq and gave me dates to eat; and then I prayed in his Masjid. | The Chapter on Forbidden And Dinks in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The religious learned men should not differ in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1571 | Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet ﷺ said; Seven people will be shaded by Allah by His Shade on the Day of Resurrection when there will be no shade except His Shade. They will be ; a just ruler; a young man who has been brought up in the worship of Allah; a man who remembers Allah in seclusion and his eyes are then flooded with tears; a man whose heart is attached to Masjids offers his compulsory congregational prayers in the Masjid ; two men who love each other for Allah Sake; a man who is called by a charming lady of noble birth to commit illegal sexual intercourse with her; and he says; I am afraid of Allah; and finally ; a man who gives in charity so secretly that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given. | The Chapter on Fornication And Adultery Legal Punishment in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The superiority of the person who leaves AlFawahish in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-170 | Narrated Ibn Umar: The Prophet ﷺ saw some sputum on the wall facing the Qibla of the Masjid and became furious with the people of the Masjid and said; During the prayer; Allah is in front of everyone of you and so he should not spit or said; He should not expectorate. Then he got down and scratched the sputum with his hand. Ibn Umar said after narrating ; If anyone of you has to spit during the prayer; he should spit to his left. | The Chapter on Body Parts And Facing The Qiblah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Blowing and splitting while in AlSalat the Prayer in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2073 | Narrated Abu Huraira: A man entered the Masjid and started praying while Allah Messenger ﷺ was sitting somewhere in the Masjid. Then after finishing the prayer the man came to the Prophet ﷺ and greeted him. The Prophet ﷺ said to him; Go back and pray; for you have not prayed. The man went back; and having prayed; he came and greeted the Prophet. The Prophet ﷺ after returning his greetings said; Go back and pray; for you did not pray. On the third time the man said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! teach me how to pray. The Prophet said; When you get up for the prayer; perform the ablution properly and then face the Qibla and say Takbir Allahu Akbar ; and then recite of what you know of the Quran; and then bow; and remain in this state till you feel at rest in bowing; and then raise your head and stand straight; and then prostrate till you feel at rest in prostration; and then sit up till you feel at rest while sitting; and then prostrate again till you feel at rest in prostration; and then get up and stand straight; and do all this in all your prayers. | The Chapter on Prostration And Worship in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on If someone does something against his oath due to forgetfulness in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2732 | Narrated Safiya bint Huyai: The wife of the Prophet ﷺ that she went to Allah Messenger ﷺ while he was in Itikaf staying in the Masjid during the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan. She spoke to him for an hour a while at night and then she got up to return home. The Prophet ﷺ got up to accompany her; and when they reached the gate of the Masjid opposite the dwelling place of Umm Salamah ; the wife of the Prophet; two Ansari men passed by; and greeting Allah Messenger ﷺ ; they quickly went ahead. Allah Messenger ﷺ said to them; Do not be in a hurry She is Safiya; the daughter of Huyai. They said; Subhan Allah! O Allah Messenger ﷺ how dare we suspect you. That was a great thing for both of them. The Prophet ﷺ then said; Satan runs in the body of Adam son i.e. man as his blood circulates in it; and I was afraid that he Satan might insert an evil thought in your hearts. | The Chapter on Heaven Alquran Ramdan And Satan in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The saying of Takbir and Tasbih at the time of wonder in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2841 | Narrated Abu Bakra: The solar eclipse occurred while we were sitting with the Prophet ﷺ He got up dragging his garment on the ground hurriedly till he reached the Masjid The people turned to the Masjid and he offered a two-rakat prayer whereupon the eclipse was over and he traced us and said; The sun and the moon are two signs among the signs of Allah; so if you see a thing like this eclipse then offer the prayer and invoke Allah till He remove that state. | The Chapter on Prostration And Eclipse Of The Sun in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Whoever dragged his Izar without conceit in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3386 | Narrated Abu Hazim: A man came to Sahl Bin Saad and said; This is so-and-so; meaning the Governor of Medina; He is calling Ali bad names near the pulpit. Sahl asked; What is he saying? He i.e. the man replied; He calls him i.e. Ali Abu Turab. Sahl laughed and said; By Allah; none but the Prophet ﷺ called him by this name and no name was dearer to Ali than this. So I asked Sahl to tell me more; saying; O Abu Abbas! How was this name given to Ali ? Sahl said; Ali went to Fatima and then came out and slept in the Masjid. The Prophet ﷺ asked Fatima; Where is your cousin? She said; In the Masjid. The Prophet ﷺ went to him and found that his i.e. Alis covering sheet had slipped of his back and dust had soiled his back. The Prophet ﷺ started wiping the dust off his back and said twice; Get up! O Abu Turab i.e. O. man with the dust. | The Chapter on Assignments And Almadinah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The merits of Ali Bin Abi Talib in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3414 | Narrated Abdullah Bin Dinar: One day Ibn Umar; while in the Masjid; looked at a man who was dragging his clothes while walking in one of the corners of the Masjid He said; See who is that. I wish he was near to me. Somebody then said to Ibn Umar ; Dont you know him; O Abu Abdulrahman He is Muhammad Bin Usama. On that Ibn Umar bowed his head and dug the earth with his hands and then; said; If Allah Messenger ﷺ saw him; he would have loved him. | The Chapter on Prostration And Supplications in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Narrations about Usama Bin Zaid in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3676 | Narrated Qais Bin Ubad: While I was sitting in the Masjid of Medina; there entered a man Abdullah Bin Salam with signs of solemnity over his face. The people said; He is one of the people of Paradise. He prayed two light rakat and then left. I followed him and said; When you entered the Masjid; the people said; He is one of the people of Paradise. He said; By Allah; one ought not say what he does not know; and I will tell you why. In the lifetime of the Prophet ﷺ I had a dream which I narrated to him. I saw as if I were in a garden. He then described its extension and greenery. He added: In its center there was an iron pillar whose lower end was fixed in the earth and the upper end was in the sky; and at its upper end there was a ring-shaped hand-hold. I was told to climb it. I said; I cant. Then a servant came to me and lifted my clothes from behind and I climbed till I reached the top of the pillar. Then I got hold of the hand-hold; and I was told to hold it tightly; then I woke up and the effect of the handhold was in my hand. I narrated AlI that to the Prophet ﷺ who said; The garden is Islam; and the handhold is the Most Truth-worthy Hand-Hold. So you will remain as a Muslim till you die. The narrator added: The man was Abdullah Bin Salam. | The Chapter on Almadinah And Islam in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The virtues of Abdullah Bin Salam in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3724 | Narrated Ibn Abbas: When Abu Dhar received the news of the Advent of the Prophet ﷺ he said to his brother; Ride to this valley of Mecca and try to find out the truth of the person who claims to be a prophet who is informed of the news of Heaven. Listen to what he says and come back to me. So his brother set out and came to the Prophet ﷺ and listened to some of his talks; and returned to Abu Dhar and said to him. I have seen him enjoining virtuous behavior and saying something that is not poetry. Abu Dhar said; You have not satisfied me as to what I wanted. He then took his journey-food and carried a waterskin of his; containing some water till be reached Mecca. He went to the Masjid and searched for the Prophet and though he did not know him; he hated to ask anybody about him. When a part of the night had passed away; Ali saw him and knew that he was a stranger. So when Abu Dhar saw Ali; he followed him; and none of them asked his companion about anything; and when it was dawn; Abu Dhar took his journey food and his water-skin to the Masjid and stayed there all the day long without being perceived by the Prophet; and when it was evening; he came back to his retiring place. Ali passed by him and said; Has the man not known his dwelling place yet? So Ali awakened him and took him with him and none of them spoke to the other about anything. When it was the third day. Ali did the same and Abu Dhar stayed with him. Then Ali said Will you tell me what has brought you here? Abu Dhar said; If you give me a firm promise that you will guide me; then I will tell you. Ali promised him; and he informed Ali about the matter. Ali said; It is true; and he is the Messenger of Allah. Next morning when you get up; accompany me; and if I see any danger for you; I will stop as if to pass water; but if I go on; follow me and enter the place which I will enter. Abu Dhar did so; and followed Ali till he entered the place of the Prophet; and Abu Dhar went in with him; Abu Dhar listened to some of the Prophet talks and embraced Islam on the spot. The Prophet ﷺ said to him; Go back to your people and inform them about it till you receive my order. Abu Dhar said; By Him in Whose Hand my life is; I will proclaim my conversion loudly amongst them i.e. the pagans. So he went out; and when he reached the Masjid; he said as loudly as possible; I bear witness that None has the right to be worshipped except Allah; and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. The People got up and beat him painfully. Then AlAbbas came and knelt over him to protect him and said to the people ; Woe to you! Dont you know that this man belongs to the tribe of Ghifar and your trade to Sham is through their way? So he rescued him from them. Abu Dhar again did the same the next day. They beat him and took vengeance on him and again AlAbbas knelt over him to protect him. | The Chapter on Facts And Special Days in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The conversion of Abu Dhar to Islam in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3769 | The nephew of Suraqa Bin Jusham said that his father informed him that he heard Suraqa Bin Jusham saying; The messengers of the heathens of Quraish came to us declaring that they had assigned for the persons why would kill or arrest Allah Messenger ﷺ and Abu Bakr; a reward equal to their bloodmoney. While I was sitting in one of the gatherings of my tribe. Bani Mudlij; a man from them came to us and stood up while we were sitting; and said; O Suraqa! No doubt; I have just seen some people far away on the seashore; and I think they are Muhammad and his companions. Suraqa added; I too realized that it must have been they. But I said No; it is not they; but you have seen so-and-so; and so-and-so whom we saw set out. I stayed in the gathering for a while and then got up and left for my home. and ordered my slave-girl to get my horse which was behind a hillock; and keep it ready for me. Then I took my spear and left by the back door of my house dragging the lower end of the spear on the ground and keeping it low. Then I reached my horse; mounted it and made it gallop. When I approached them i.e. Muhammad and Abu Bakr ; my horse stumbled and I fell down from it; Then I stood up; got hold of my quiver and took out the divining arrows and drew lots as to whether I should harm them i.e. the Prophet ﷺ and Abu Bakr or not; and the lot which I disliked came out. But I remounted my horse and let it gallop; giving no importance to the divining arrows. When I heard the recitation of the Quran by Allah Messenger ﷺ who did not look hither and thither while Abu Bakr was doing it often; suddenly the forelegs of my horse sank into the ground up to the knees; and I fell down from it. Then I rebuked it and it got up but could hardly take out its forelegs from the ground; and when it stood up straight again; its fore-legs caused dust to rise up in the sky like smoke. Then again I drew lots with the divining arrows; and the lot which I disliked; came out. So I called upon them to feel secure. They stopped; and I remounted my horse and went to them. When I saw how I had been hampered from harming them; it came to my mind that the cause of Allah Messenger ﷺ i.e. Islam will become victorious. So I said to him; Your people have assigned a reward equal to the bloodmoney for your head. Then I told them all the plans the people of Mecca had made concerning them. Then I offered them some journey food and goods but they refused to take anything and did not ask for anything; but the Prophet ﷺ said; Do not tell others about us. Then I requested him to write for me a statement of security and peace. He ordered Amr Bin Fuhaira who wrote it for me on a parchment; and then Allah Messenger ﷺ proceeded on his way. Narrated Urwa Bin AlZubair: Allah Messenger ﷺ met AlZubair in a caravan of Muslim merchants who were returning from Sham. AlZubair provided Allah Messenger ﷺ and Abu Bakr with white clothes to wear. When the Muslims of Medina heard the news of the departure of Allah Messenger ﷺ from Mecca towards Medina ; they started going to the Harra every morning. They would wait for him till the heat of the noon forced them to return. One day; after waiting for a long while; they returned home; and when they went into their houses; a Jew climbed up the roof of one of the forts of his people to look for some thing; and he saw Allah Messenger ﷺ and his companions dressed in white clothes; emerging out of the desert mirage. The Jew could not help shouting at the top of his voice; O you Arabs! Here is your great man whom you have been waiting for! So all the Muslims rushed to their arms and received Allah Messenger ﷺ on the summit of Harra. The Prophet ﷺ turned with them to the right and alighted at the quarters of Bani Amr Bin Auf; and this was on Monday in the month of Rabi AlAwal. Abu Bakr stood up; receiving the people while Allah Messenger ﷺ sat down and kept silent. Some of the Ansar who came and had not seen Allah Messenger ﷺ before; began greeting Abu Bakr; but when the sunshine fell on Allah Messenger ﷺ and Abu Bakr came forward and shaded him with his sheet only then the people came to know Allah Messenger ﷺ. Allah Messenger ﷺ stayed with Bani Amr Bin Auf for ten nights and established the Masjid Masjid of Quba which was founded on piety. Allah Messenger ﷺ prayed in it and then mounted his camel and proceeded on; accompanied by the people till his camel knelt down at the place of the Masjid of Allah Messenger ﷺ at Medina. Some Muslims used to pray there in those days; and that place was a yard for drying dates belonging to Suhail and Sahl; the orphan boys who were under the guardianship of Asad Bin Zurara. When his camel knelt down; Allah Messenger ﷺ said; This place; Allah willing; will be our abiding place. Allah Messenger ﷺ then called the two boys and told them to suggest a price for that yard so that he might take it as a Masjid. The two boys said; No; but we will give it as a gift; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Allah Messenger ﷺ then built a Masjid there. The Prophet ﷺ himself started carrying unburnt bricks for its building and while doing so; he was saying This load is better than the load of Khaibar; for it is more pious in the Sight of Allah and purer and better rewardable. He was also saying; O Allah! The actual reward is the reward in the Hereafter; so bestow Your Mercy on the Ansar and the Emigrants. Thus the Prophet ﷺ recited by way of proverb the poem of some Muslim poet whose name is unknown to me. Ibn Shibab said; In the Hadiths it does not occur that Allah Apostle recited a complete poetic verse other than this one. | The Chapter on Horses And Property in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The emigration of the Prophet to AlMadina in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-380 | Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet ﷺ said; Do not set out on a journey except for three Masjids i.e. AlMasjid AlHaram; the Masjid of Allah Messenger ﷺ ; and the Masjid of AlAqsa; Masjid of Jerusalem. | The Chapter on Journeys And Travel And Direction Toward Alqiblah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The superiority of offering AlSalat in the Mosque of Makkah and AlMadina in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-381 | Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah Messenger ﷺ said; One prayer in my Masjid is better than one thousand prayers in any other Masjid excepting AlMasjid AlHaram. | Chapter on The superiority of offering AlSalat in the Mosque of Makkah and AlMadina in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-382 | Narrated Nafi: Ibn Umar never offered the Duha prayer except on two occasions: 1 Whenever he reached Mecca; and he always used to reach Mecca in the forenoon. He would perform Tawaf round the Kaba and then offer two rakat at the rear of Maqam Ibrahim. 2 Whenever he visited Quba; for he used to visit it every Saturday. When he entered the Masjid; he disliked to leave it without offering a prayer. Ibn Umar narrated that Allah Messenger ﷺ used to visit the Masjid of Quba sometime walking and sometime riding. And he i.e. Ibn Umar used to say; I do only what my companions used to do and I dont forbid anybody to pray at any time during the day or night except that one should not intend to pray at sunrise or sunset. | The Chapter on Bowing In Prayers And Altawaf in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Masjid Quba the Mosque of Quba in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-384 | Narrated Ibn Umar: The Prophet ﷺ used to go to the Masjid of Quba sometimes walking and sometimes riding. Added Nafi in another narration ; He then would offer two rakat in the Masjid of Quba. | The Chapter on Journeys And Travel And Bedouins in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on To go to the Mosque of Quba in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-387 | Narrated Qazaa Maula: freed slave of Ziyad: I heard Abu Saeed Alkhudri narrating four things from the Prophet ﷺ and I appreciated them very much. He said; conveying the words of the Prophet. 1 A woman should not go on a two day journey except with her husband or a Dhi Mahram. 2 No fasting is permissible on two days: Eid AlFitr and Eid AlAdha. 3 No prayer after two prayers; i.e. after the Fajr prayer till the sunrises and after the Asr prayer till the sun sets. 4 Do not prepare yourself for a journey except to three Masjids; i.e. AlMasjid AlHaram; the Masjid of Aqsa Jerusalem and my Masjid. | The Chapter on Journeys And Travel And Direction Toward Alqiblah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Mosque of Bait AlMaqdis Jerusalem in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3872 | Narrated Abu Jamra: Ibn Abbas said to us; Shall I tell you the story of Abu Dhar conversion to Islam? We said; Yes. He said; Abu Dhar said: I was a man from the tribe of Ghifar. We heard that a man had appeared in Mecca; claiming to be a Prophet. ! said to my brother; Go to that man and talk to him and bring me his news. He set out; met him and returned. I asked him; What is the news with you? He said; By Allah; I saw a man enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil. I said to him; You have not satisfied me with this little information. So; I took a waterskin and a stick and proceeded towards Mecca. Neither did I know him i.e. the Prophet ﷺ ; nor did I like to ask anyone about him. I Kept on drinking Zam zam water and staying in the Masjid. Then Ali passed by me and said; It seems you are a stranger? I said; Yes. He proceeded to his house and I accompanied him. Neither did he ask me anything; nor did I tell him anything. Next morning I went to the Masjid to ask about the Prophet but no-one told me anything about him. Ali passed by me again and asked; Hasnt the man recognized his dwelling place yet I said; No. He said; Come along with me. He asked me; What is your business? What has brought you to this town? I said to him; If you keep my secret; I will tell you. He said; I will do; I said to him; We have heard that a person has appeared here; claiming to be a Prophet. I sent my brother to speak to him and when he returned; he did not bring a satisfactory report; so I thought of meeting him personally. Ali said to Abu Dhar ; You have reached your goal; I am going to him just now; so follow me; and wherever I enter; enter after me. If I should see someone who may cause you trouble; I will stand near a wall pretending to mend my shoes as a warning ; and you should go away then. Ali proceeded and I accompanied him till he entered a place; and I entered with him to the Prophet ﷺ to whom I said; Present the principles of Islam to me. When he did; I embraced Islam immediately. He said to me; O Abu Dhar! Keep your conversion as a secret and return to your town; and when you hear of our victory; return to us. I said; By H him Who has sent you with the Truth; I will announce my conversion to Islam publicly amongst them i.e. the infidels ; Abu Dhar went to the Masjid; where some people from Quraish were present; and said; O folk of Quraish ! I testify that None has the right to be worshipped except Allah; and I also testify that Muhammad is Allah Slave and His Apostle. Hearing that the Quraishi men said; Get at this Sabi i.e. Muslim ! They got up and beat me nearly to death. AlAbbas saw me and threw himself over me to protect me. He then faced them and said; Woe to you! You want to kill a man from the tribe of Ghifar; although your trade and your communications are through the territory of Ghifar? They therefore left me. The next morning I returned to the Masjid and said the same as I have said on the previous day. They again said; Get at this Sabi! I was treated in the same way as on the previous day; and again AlAbbas found me and threw himself over me to protect me and told them the same as he had said the day before. So; that was the conversion of Abu Dhar may Allah be Merciful to him to Islam. | The Chapter on Pre-Islam And Makkah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The story of Zamzam in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-4001 | Narrated Safiya: the wife of the Prophet That she came to visit Allah Messenger ﷺ while he was in Itikaf i.e. seclusion in the Masjid during the last ten days of Ramadan. When she got up to return; Allah Messenger ﷺ got up with her and accompanied her; and when he reached near the gate of the Masjid close to the door of the house of Umm Salamah ; the wife of the Prophet; two Ansari men passed by them and greeted Allah Apostle and then went away. Allah Messenger ﷺ addressed them saying; Dont hurry! She is my wife ; They said; Glorified be Allah! O Allah Messenger ﷺ You are far away from any suspicion ; and his saying was hard on them. Allah Messenger ﷺ said; Satan circulates in the mind of a person as blood does in his body. I was afraid that Satan might put some evil thoughts in your minds. | The Chapter on Ramadan And Fasting Seeking The Night Of Destiny in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The houses of the wives of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-4167 | Narrated Abu Dhar: I said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Which Masjid was first built on the surface of the earth? He said; AlMasjid Al;Haram in Mecca. I said; Which was built next? He replied The Masjid of AlAqsa in Jerusalem. I said; What was the period of construction between the two? He said; Forty years. He added; Wherever you may be; and the prayer time becomes due; perform the prayer there; for the best thing is to do so i.e. to offer the prayers in time. | The Chapter on House And Tawaf in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prophets in Sahih AlBukhari | |
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In Sahih Muslim
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17852 | It has been narrated on the authority of Numan Bin Bashir who said: As I was sitting near the pulpit of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; a man said: I do not care if; after embracing Islam; I do not do any good deed except distributing drinking water among the pilgrims. Another said: I do not care if; after embracing Islam; I do not do any good deed beyond maintenance service to the Sacred Masjid. Another said: Jihad in the way of Allah is better than what you have said. Umar reprimanded them and said: Dont raise your voices near the pulpit of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ on Friday. When prayer was over; I entered the apartment of the Holy Prophet and asked his verdict about the matter in which they had differed. It was upon this that Allah; the Almighty and Exalted; revealed the Quranic verse: Do you make the giving of drinking water to the pilgrims and the maintenance of the Sacred Masjid equal to the service of those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and strive hard in the cause of Allah. They are not equal in the sight of God. And Allah guides not the wrongdoing people ix. 20. | The Chapter on Pre-Islam And Victory Of Khaiber in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 29 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18052 | It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira who said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent some horsemen to Najd. They captured a man. He was from the tribe of Banu Hanifa and was called Thumama Bin Uthal. He was the chief of the people of Yamama. People bound him with one of the pillars of the Masjid. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ came out to see him. He said: O Thumama; what do you think? He replied: Muhammad; I have good opinion of you. If you kill me; you will kill a person who has spilt blood. If you do me a favour; you will do a favour to a grateful person. If you want wealth; ask and you will get what you will demand. The Messenger of Allah may peace be pon him lefthim in this condition for two days; and came to him again and said: What do you think; O Thumama? He replied: What I have already told you. If you do a favour; you will do a favour to a grateful person. If you kill me; you will kill a person who has spilt blood. If you want wealth; ask and you will get what you will demand. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ left him until the next day when he came to him again and said: What do you think; O Thumama? He replied: What I have already told you. If you do me a favour; you will do a favour to a grateful person. If you kill me; you will kill a person who has spilt blood. If you want wealth ask and you will get what you will demand. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Set Thumama free. He went to a palm-grove near the Masjid and took a bath. Then he entered the Masjid and said: I bear testimony to the truth that there is no god but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is His bondman and His messenger. O Muhammad; by Allah; there was no face on the earth more hateful to me than your face; but now your face has become to me the dearest of all faces. By Allah; there was no religion more hateful to me than your religion; but now your religion has become the dearest of all religions to me. By Allah; there was no city more hateful to me than your city; but now your city has become the dearest of all cities to me. Your horsemen captured me when I intended going for Umra. Now what is your opinion in the matter ? The Messenger of Allah ﷺ announced good tidings to him and told him to go on Umra. When he reached Mecca; somebody said to him: Have you changed your religion? He said: No! I have rather embraced Islam with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. By Allah; you will not get a single grain of wheat from Yamama until it is permitted by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. | The Chapter on Love And Emotions And Makkah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 19 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18596 | It is reported on the authority ofHassan A person belonging to the people of the past suffered from a boil; when it pained him; he drew out an arrow from the quiver and pierced it. And the bleeding did not stop till he died. Your Lord said: I forbade his entrance into Paradise. Then he Hassan stretched his hand towards the Masjid and said: By God; Jundab transmitted this hadith to me from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ in this very Masjid. | The Chapter on in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 47 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18703 | Anas Bin Malik; while recounting the Night journey of the Prophet ﷺ ; from the Masjid of Kabah; reported: Three beings angels came to him in the Masjid of the Kabah; while he was sleeping in the sacred Masjid before it the Command of Night Journey and Accension was revealed to him. The rest of the hadith is narrated like that of Thabit. However; some portions have occurred before and some of them have occurred after; some have been added and some deleted. | The Chapter on The Companions In Makkah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 74 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18980 | Mahmud Bin Labid reported that Uthman Bin Affan decided to rebuild the Masjid of Allah Apostle in Medina but the people did not like this idea and they wished that it should be preserved in the same old form. Thereupon he Hadrat Uthman said: I heard Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: He who builds a Masjid for Allah; Allah would build for him a house in Paradise like it. | The Chapter on Building in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 3 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-19831 | Jabir reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ commanded a person who had been distributing arrows freely in the Masjid that he should not move about in the Masjid but by catching hold of their iron-heads. Ibn Rumh narrated this with a slight variation of wording. | The Chapter on Games And Hunting And Cutting in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 34 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-19881 | Anas Bin Malik reported: Allah Messenger ﷺ and I were coming out of the Masjid that we met a person on the threshold of the Masjid and he said to Allah Messenger ﷺ : When would be the Last Hour? Allah Messenger ﷺ said: What preparation have you made for that? The man became silent and then said: Allah Messenger; I have made no significant preparation with prayer and fasting and charity but I; however; love Allah and His Messenger. Thereupon the Holy Prophet said: You would be along with one whom you love. | The Chapter on Love And Emotions Supplications in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 50 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-20402 | Ibn Umar reported that Umar Bin AlKhattab saw some one selling the garments of silk at the door of the Masjid; whereupon he said: Allah Messenger; would that you buy it and wear it for the people on Friday and for receiving the delegations when they come to you? Upon this. Allah Messenger ﷺ said: go who wears it has no share of reward in the Hereafter. Then these garments were sent to Allah s Messenger ﷺ ; and he presented one of these silk garment to Umar. Thereupon Umar said: You make me wear this silk garment Whereas you said about the silk garment of Utarid the person who had been busy selling this garment at the door of the Masjid what you had to say; whereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: I have not presented you this for wearing it but to make use of its price ; so Umar presented it to his polytheist brother in Mecca. | The Chapter on Garments Selling And Buying in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 2 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-20638 | Sahl Bin Saad reported that a person from the offspring of Marwan was appointed as the governor of Medina. He called Sahl Bin Saad and ordered him to abuse Ali. Sahl refused to do that. He the governor said to him: If you do not agree to it at least say: May Allah curse Abu Turab. Sahl said: There was no name dearer to Ali than Abu Turab for it was given to him by the Prophet himself and he felt delighted when he was called by this name. He the governor said to him: Narrate to us the story of his being named as Abu Turab. He said: Allah Messenger ﷺ came to the house of Fatima and he did not find Ali in the house; whereupon he said: Where is your uncle son? She said: There cropped up something between me and him which had annoyed him with me. He went out and did not rest here. Allah Messenger ﷺ asked a person to find out where he was. He came and said: Allah Messenger; he is sleeping in the Masjid. Allah Messenger ﷺ came to him and found him lying in the Masjid and saw that his mantle had slipped from his back and his back was covered with dust and Allah Messenger ﷺ began to wipe it away from him from the body of Hadrat Ali saying: Get up; covered with dust Abu Turab ; get up; covered with dust. | The Chapter on Assignments And Appointments By The Governor in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 4 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-20771 | Ibn Abbas reported that when Abu Dharr heard of the advent of the Apostle ﷺ in Mecca he said: Brother; ride in this valley and bring information for me about the person who claims that there comes to him information from the Heavens. Listen to his words and then come to me. So he rode on until he came to Mecca and he heard his words the sacred words of the Holy Prophet and then came back to Abu Dharr and said: I have seen him exhorting people to develop good morals and his expressions can in no way be termed as poetry. He Abu Dharr said: I have not been satisfied with it regarding that which I had in my mind as I sent you. So he took up provisions for the journey and a small water-skin containing water and set forth until he came to Mecca. He came to the Masjid Kabah and began to look for Allah Apostle ﷺ and he did not recognize him the Holy Prophet and he did not even like that he should ask about him from anyone until it was night; and he slept. Ali saw him and found him to be a stranger. So he went with him. He followed him but one did not make any inquiry from the other about anything until it was morning. He then brought the water and his provisions to the Masjid and spent a day there; but he did not see Allah Apostle ﷺ until it was night. He then returned to his bed; and there happened to pass Ali and he said: This man has not been able to find his destination until this time. He made him stand and he went with him and no one made an inquiry from his companion about anything. And when it was the third day he did the same. Ali made him stand up and brought him along with him. He said: By Him; besides Whom there is no god; why dont you tell me the reason which brought you here to this town? He said: I shall do this provided you hold me promise and a covenant that you would guide me aright. He then did that. He Ali said: Verily; he is truthful and he is a Messenger of Allah ﷺ and when it is morning; follow me and if I would say anything from which I would sense fear about you I would stand in a manner as if I was throwing water and if I move on; you then follow me until I get in some house. He did that and I followed him until he came to Allah Messenger ﷺ. He entered the house of Allah Apostle ﷺ along with him and listened to his words and embraced Islam at this very place. Allah Apostle ﷺ said to him: Go to your people and inform them until my command reaches you. Thereupon he said: By Him in Whose Hand is my life; I shall say to the people of Mecca this thing at the top of my voice. So he set forth until he came to the Masjid and then spoke at the top of his voice saying : I bear testimony to the fact that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. The people attacked him and made him fall down when AlAbbas came and he leaned over him and said: Woe be upon you; dont you know that he is from amongst the tribe of Ghifar and your trading route to Syria passes through the settlements of this tribe ; and he rescued him. He Abu Dharr did the same on the next day and they the Meccans again attacked him and AlAbbas leaned upon him and he rescued him. | The Chapter on Makkah And Pagans in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 28 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-21102 | Anas Bin Malik reported: Abu Talha saw Allah Messenger ﷺ lying down upon his belly in the Masjid. He came to Umm Sulaim and said: I saw Allah Messenger ﷺ lying down upon the belly in the Masjid; and I think he is hungry. The rest of the hadith is the same but with the addition of these words that Allah messenger ﷺ ate the food and so did Abu Talha ; Umm Sulaim and Anas Bin Malik; but there was left some. thing which we presented to our neighbours. | The Chapter on Food And Dates Exchange in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 20 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-21466 | Jabir Bin Abdullah Allah be pleased with him reported: I went out with Allah Messenger ﷺ on an expedition; but my camel delayed me. Allah Messenger ﷺ came to me and said to me: Jabir; I said: Yes. Allah Messenger; here I am at your beck and call He said: What is the matter with you? I said: My camel has delayed me and is tired; so I have lagged behind. He the Holy Prophet got down and goaded it with a crooked stick and then said: Mount it. So I mounted and to my great surprise I saw it moving so quickly that I had to restrain it from going ahead of Allah Messenger ﷺ. He the Holy Prophet in the course of journey said to me : Have you married? I said: Yes. He again said: Is it with a virgin or one previously married? I said. With one previously married; whereupon he again said: Why not with a young girl with whom you could sport and she could have sported with you? I said: I have sisters; so I preferred to marry a woman who could keep them together as one family. who could comb them and look after them. He said: You are about to go to your house ; and there you have the enjoyment of the wife company. He again said: Do you want to sell your camel? I said: Yes. So he bought it from me for one uqiya of silver ; Then Allah Messenger ﷺ arrived at Medina and I arrived in the evening. I went to the Masjid and found him at the door of the Masjid; and said: Is it now that you have arrived? I said: Yes; He said: Leave your camel; and enter the Masjid and offer two rakahs. So I entered and offered two rakahs of prayer; and then returned. He the Holy Prophet then commanded Bilal to weigh out one uqiya of silver tor me. Bilal weighed that out for me lowering the scale of balance. So I proceeded and as I turned my back he said: Call for me; Jabir. So I was called back; and I said to myself : He would return me the camel; and nothing was more displeasing to me than this that after having received the price I should also get the camel. He said: Take your camel and keep its price with you; also. | The Chapter on Camels And Herdsmen And Almedinah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 16 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-21516 | Umar Bin AlKhattab Allah be pleased with him reported: When Allah Apostle ﷺ kept himself away from his wives; I entered the Masjid; and found people striking the ground with pebblesand saying: Allah Messenger ﷺ has divorced his wives; and that was before they were commanded to observe seclusion Umar said to himself: I must find this actual position today. So I went to Aisha Allah be pleased with her and said to her : Daughter of Abu Bakr; have you gone to the extent of giving trouble to Allah Messenger ﷺ ? Thereupon she said: Son of AlKhattab; you have nothing to do with me; and I have nothing to do with you. You should look to your own receptacle. He Umar said: I visited Hafsa daughter of Umar; and said to her: Hafsa; the news has reached me that you cause Allah Messenger ﷺ trouble. You know that Allah Messenger ﷺ does not love you; and had I not been your father he would have divorced you. On hearing this she wept bitterly. I said to her: Where is Allah Messenger ﷺ ? Shesaid: He is in the attic room. I went in and found Rabah; the servant of Allah Messenger ﷺ ; sitting on the thresholds of the window dangling his feet on the hollow wood of the date-palm with the help of which Allah Messenger ﷺ climbed to the apartment and came down. I cried: 0 Rabah; seek permission for me from Allah Messenger way ﷺ. Rabah cast a glance at the apartment and then looked toward me but said nothing. I again said: Rabah; seek permission for me from Allah Messenger ﷺ. Rabah looked towards the apartment and then cast a glance at me; but said nothig. I then raised my voice and said: 0 Rabah; seek permission for me from Allah Messenger ﷺ. I think that Allah Messenger ﷺ is under the impression that I have come for the sake of Hafsa. By Allah; if Allah Messenger ﷺ would command me to strike her neck; I would certainly strike her neck. I raised my voice and he pointed me to climb up and get into his apartment. I visited Allah Messenger ﷺ ; and he was lying on a mat. I sat down and he drew up his lower garment over him and he had nothing else over him; and that the mat had left its marks on his sides. I looked with my eyes in the store room of Allah Messenger ﷺ. I found only a handful of barley equal to one sa and an equal quantity of the leaves of Mimosa Flava placed in the nook of the cell; and a semi-tanned leather bag hanging in one side ; and I was moved to tears on seeing this extremely austere living of the Holy Piophet ; and he said: Ibn AlKhattab; what wakes you weep? I said: Apostle of Allah; why should I not shed tears? This mat has left its marks on your sides and I do not see in your store room except these few things that I have seen; Ceasar and Closroes are leading their lives in plenty whereas you are Allah Messenger. His chosen one; and that is your store! He said: Ibn AlKhattab; arent you satisfied that for us there should be the prosperity of the Hereafter; and for them there should be the prosperity of this world? I said: Yes. And as I had entered I had seen the signs of anger on his face; and I therefore; said: Messenger of Allah; what trouble do you feel from your wives; and if youhave divorced them; verily Allah is with you; His angels; Gabriel; Mikail; I and Abu Bakr and the believers are with you. And seldom I talked and which I uttered on that day I hoped that Allah would testify to my words that I uttered. And so the verse of option Ayat AlTakhyir was revealed. Maybe his Lord; if he divorce you; will give him in your place wives better than you... Ixv. 5. And if you back up one another against him; then surely Allah is his Patron; and Gabriel and the righteous believers; and the angels after that are the aidera lvi. 4. And it was Aisha; daughter of Abu Bakr; and Hafsa who had prevailed upon all the wives of Allah Prophet way ﷺ for pressing them for mote money. I said: Messenger of Allah; have you divorced them? He said: No. I said: Messenger of Allah; I entered the Masjid and found the Muslims playing with pebbles absorbed in thought and saying: Allah Messenger has divorced his wives. Should I get down and inform there that you have not divorced them? He said: Yes; if you so like. And I went on talking to him until I found the signs of anger disappeared on his face and his seriousness was changed to a happy mood and as a result thereof his face had the natural tranquillity upon it and he laughed and his teeth were the most charming among the teeth of all people. Then Allah Apostle ﷺ climbed down and I also climbed down and catching hold of the wood of the palm-tree and Allah Messenger ﷺ came down with such ease as if he was walking on the ground; not touching anything with his hand to get support. I said: Messenger of Allah; you remained in your apartment for twenty-nine days. He said: At times the month consists of twenty-nine days. I stood at the door of the Masjid and I called out at the top of my voice: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ has not divorced his wives and it was on this occasion that this verse was revealed: And if any matter pertaining to peace or alarm comes within their ken; they broadcast it; whereas; if they would refer it to the Apostle and those who have been entrusted with authority amongst them; those of them who are engaged in obtaining intelligence would indeed know what to do with it iv 83. And it was I who understood this matter; and Allah revealed the verse pertaining to option given to the Prophet ﷺ in regard to the retaining or divorcing of his wives. | The Chapter on Wives And Relationship Mothers in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 5 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-21858 | Abbad Bin Abdullah Bin AlZubair reported that Aisha ordered the bier of Saad Bin Abu Waqqas to be brought into the Masjid so that she should pray for him. The people disapproved this act of hers. She said: How soon the people have forgotten that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ offered not the funeral prayer of Suhail b AlBaida but in a Masjid. | The Chapter on Prayers And Mercy And Ablution in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 34 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-21859 | Abbad Bin Abdullah Bin AlZubair reported on the authority of Aisha that when Saad Bin Abu Waqqas died; the wives of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent message to bring his bier into the Masjid so that they should offer prayer for him. They the participants of the funeral did accordingly; and it was placed in front of their apartments and they offered prayer for him. It was brought out of the door known as Bab AlJanaiz which was towards the side of Maqaid; and the news reached them the wives of the Holy Prophet that the people bad criticised this i. e. offering of funeral prayer in the Masjid saying that it was not desirable to take the bier inside the Masjid. This was conveyed to Aisha. She said: How hastily the people criticise that about which they know little. They criticise us for carrying the bier in the Masjid. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ offered not the funeral prayer of Suhail Bin Baida but in the innermost part of the Masjid. | The Chapter on Sutra For Prayers Taking Sutra For Prayers in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 34 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-21860 | Abu Salama Bin Abdulrahman reported on the authority ot Aisha that when Saad Bin Abu Waqqas died she said: Bring it the bier into the Masjid so that I offer prayer for him. But; this act of hers was disapproved. She said: By Allah; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ offered prayer in the Masjid for the two sons of Baida; viz; for Suhail and his brother. | The Chapter on Charity To Brothers And Mother in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 34 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-22366 | Yahya reported: I and Abdullah Bin Yazid set out till we came to Abu Salama. We sent a messenger to him in his house in order to inform him about our arrival and he came to us. There was a Masjid near the door of his house; and we were in that Masjid; till he came out to us. He said: If you like you may enter the house and; if you like; you may sit here in the Masjid. We said: We would rather sit here and you relate to us. He Yahya then narrated that Abdullah b Amr Bin AlAs Allah be pleased with them told him: I used to observe fast uninterruptedly and recited the whole of the Quran every night. It the uninterrupted fasting and recital of the Quran every night was mentioned to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ or he sent for me; and I went to him and he said to me: I have been informed that you fast continuously and recite the whole of the Quran every night. I said: Apostle of Allah; it is right; but I covet thereby nothing but good; whereupon he said: It suffices for you that you should observe fast for three days during every month. I said: Apostle of Allah; I am capable of doing more than this. He said: Your wife has a right upon you; your visitor has a right upon you; your body has a right upon you; so observe the fast of David; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; for he was the best worshipper of Allah. I said: Apostle of Allah; what is the fast of David? He said: He used to fast one day and did not fast the other day. He also said: Recite the Quran during every month. I said: Apostle of Allah; I am capable of doing more than this; whereupon he said: Recite it in twenty days; recite it in ten days. I said: I am capable of doing more than this; whereupon he said: Recite it every week; and do not exceed beyond this; for your wife has a right upon you; your visitor has a right upon you; your body has a right upon you. He Amr Bin As said: I was hard to myself and thus I was put to hardship. The Apostle of Allah ﷺ had told me: You do not know you may live long thus and bear the hardships for a long time ; and I accepted that which the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had told me. When I grew old I wished I had availed myself of the concession granted by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. | The Chapter on Special Days And Quraish in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 35 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-22494 | The Chapter on Prayers And Engels in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 7 in Sahih Muslim | ||
SahihMuslim-017-001-22960 | Abdullah Bin Umar reported that whenever Allah Messenger ﷺ entered Mecca; he got down at Dhi Tuwa and spend the night there until he observed the dawn prayer. And Allah Messenger ﷺ observed this prayer on a rough hillock; and not in the Masjid which had been then built there; but to the lower side of it the Masjid on a hillock. | The Chapter on Wealth And Food in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 38 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-23173 | Qazaah reported: I heard a hadith from Abu Saeed Allah be pleased with him and it impressed me very much ; so I said to him: Did you hear it yourself from Allah Messenger ﷺ ? Thereupon he said: Can I speak of anything about Allah Messenger ﷺ which I did not bear? He said: I heard Allah Messenger ﷺ saying: Do not set out on a journey for religious devotion but for the three Masjids-for this Masjid of mine at Medina the Sacred Masjid at Mecca ; and the Masjid AlAqsa Bait AlMaqdis ; and I heard him saying also: A woman should not travel for two days duration; but only when there is a Mahram with her or her husband. | Chapter on 74 in Sahih Muslim | |
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In Sunan Abu Dawoud
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24724 | Narrated Abdullah Ibn Unays AlJuhani: I said to the Messenger of Allah: I have a place in the desert where I live and in which I pray; with the praise of Allah; but give me command about a night when I come to this Masjid. He replied: Come on the twenty third night. I a sub-narrator; Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim said to his Abdullah Ibn Unayss son: How would your father act? He replied: He used to enter the Masjid when he had offered the afternoon prayer; and did not leave it for any purpose till he prayed the morning prayer. Then when he had prayed the morning prayer; he found his riding beast at the door of the Masjid; mounted it and got back to his desert. | The Chapter on Prayers And The Sun in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Concerning Lailat AlQadr The Night Of Decree in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24726 | Narrated Abu Said AlKhudri : The Messenger of Allah ﷺ used to spend the middle ten days of Ramadan in retirement and devotion itikaf in the Masjid. One year he had retirement and devotion in the Masjid as usual ; when the twenty-first night came; and this night when he used to come out his devotion in the Masjid; he said: He who has engaged himself in devotion along with me should do so during the last ten days; I saw that night; that was caused to forget it; but I have seen myself prostrating in water and mud on the morning following that night ; so seek it in the last ten days and seek it every night with an odd number. Abu Saeed said: Rain fell that night; the Masjid that was thatched building dripped; and my eyes saw the Messenger of Allah ﷺ with the traces of water and mud; on his forehead on the morning following the twenty-first night. | The Chapter on Ramadan And Fasting Prostrating On Mud in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Regarding Whoever Said That It Is The Twenty First Night in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24884 | Narrated Abu Saeed AlKhudri: One day the Messenger of Allah ﷺ entered the Masjid. He saw there a man from the Ansar called Abu Umamah. He said: What is the matter that I am seeing you sitting in the Masjid when there is no time of prayer? He said: I am entangled in cares and debts; Messenger of Allah. He replied: Shall I not teach you words by which; when you say them; Allah will remove your care; and settle your debt? He said: Why not; Messenger of Allah? He said: Say in the morning and evening: O Allah; I seek refuge in Thee from care and grief; I seek refuge in Thee from incapacity and slackness; I seek refuge in Thee from cowardice and niggardliness; and I seek in Thee from being overcome by debt and being put in subjection by men. He said: When I did that Allah removed my care and settled my debt. | The Chapter on Supplication And Torment Seeking Refuge From Laziness in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Regarding Seeking Refuge in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25013 | Narrated Abu Huraira: Abu Nadrah reported: An old man of Tufawah said to me: I was a guest of Abu Huraira at Medina. I did not find any one of the companions of the Prophet ﷺ more devoted to worship and more hospitable than Abu Huraira. One day I was with him when he was sitting on his bed. He had a purse which contained pebbles or kernels. A black slave-girl of his was sitting below. Counting them he was glorifying Allah. When the pebbles or the kernels in the purse were finished; she gathered them and put them again in the purse; and gave it to him. He said: Should I not tell you about me and about the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ? I said: Yes. He said: Once when I was laid up with fever in the Masjid; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ came and entered the Masjid; and said: Who saw the youth of AlDaws. He said this three times. A man said: Messenger of Allah; there he is; laid up with fever on one side of the Masjid. He moved; walking forward till he reached me. He placed his hand on me. He had a kind talk with me; and I rose. He then began to walk till he reached the place where he used to offer his prayer. He paid his attention to the people. There were two rows of men and one row of women; or two rows of women and one row of men the narrator is doubtful. He then said: If Satan makes me forget anything during the prayer; the men should glorify Allah; and the women should clap their hands. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ then prayed and he did not forget anything during the prayer. He said: Be seated in your places; be seated in your places. The narrator; Mousa; added the word here. He then praised Allah and exalted Him; and said: Now to our topic. The agreed version begins: He then said: Is there any man among you who approaches his wife; closes the door; covers himself with a curtain; and he is concealed with the curtain of Allah? They replied: Yes. He said: later he sits and says: I did so-and-so; I did so-and-so. The people kept silence. He then turned to the women and said to them : Is there any woman among you who narrates it? They kept silence. Then a girl fell on one of her knees. The narrator; Muammil; said in his version: a buxom girl. She raised her head before the Messenger of Allah ﷺ so that he could see her and listen to her. She said: Messenger of Allah; they the men describe the secrets of intercourse and they the women also describe the secrets of intercourse to the people. He said: Do you know what the similitude is? He said: The likeness of this act is the likeness of a female Satan who meets the male Satan on the roadside; he fulfils his desire with her while the people are looking at him. Beware! The perfume of men is that whose smell becomes visible and its colour does not appear. Beware! The perfume of women is that whose colour becomes visible and whose smell is not obvious. Abu Dawud said: From here I remembered this tradition from Muammil and Mousa: Beware! No man should lie with another man; no woman should lie with another woman except with one child or father. He also mentioned a third which I have forgotten. This has been mentioned in the version of Mousaddad; but I do not remember it as precisely as I like. The narrator; Mousa; said: Hammad narrated this tradition from AlJarir from Abu Nadrah from AlTufawi. | The Chapter on Prayers Rows And Joining The Group in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Is Disliked Of A Man Mentioning What He Experienced With His Wife in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25092 | Abdullah bin Masud said We were in the Masjid on the night of a Friday; suddenly a man from the Ansar entered the Masjid. And said If a man finds a man along with wife and declares about her adultery you will flog him. Or if he kills you; you will kill him or if keeps silence he will keep silence in anger. I swear by Allaah; I shall ask the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ about it. On the next day he came to the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ and said If a man finds a man along with wife and declares about her adultery you will flog him. Or if he kills you; you will kill him or if keeps silence he will keep silence in anger. He said O Allaah; disclose. He kept on praying until the verses regarding invoking curses lian came down As for those who accuse their wives but have no witnesses except themselves. So; the man was first involved in this trial among the people. He and his wife came to the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ. They invoked curses on each other. The man bore witness before Allaah four times that the thing he said was indeed true. He then invoked curse of Allaah on him for the fifth time if he was a liar. She then wanted to invoke curses of Allaah on him. The Prophet ﷺ said Do not do that. Bust she refused and did so i.e.; invoked curses. When they returned he said Perhaps she will give birth to a black child with curly hair. | The Chapter on Wives And Relationship Lian in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Regarding Lian Mutual Cursing in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25406 | Narrated Umm Salamah; Ummul Muminin: She heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: If anyone puts on ihram for hajj or umrah from the Aqsa Masjid to the sacred Masjid ; his former and latter sins will be forgiven; or he will be guaranteed Paradise. The narrator Abdullah doubted which of these words he said.Abu Dawud said: May Allah have mercy on Waki. He put on ihram from Jerusalem Aqsa Masjid ; that is; to Mecca. | The Chapter on Menustration In Alhajj in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Regarding The Miqat in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25622 | Narrated Abdulrahman Ibn Muadh AlTaymi: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ addressed us when we were at Mina. Our ears were open and we were listening to what he was saying; while we were in our dwellings. He began to teach them the rites of hajj till he reached the injunction of throwing pebbles at the Jamrahs pillars at Mina. He put his forefingers in his ears and said: Throw small pebbles. He then commanded the Emigrants Muhajirun to station themselves. They stationed themselves before the Masjid. He then commanded the Helpers Ansar to encamp. They encamped behind the Masjid. Thereafter the people encamped. | The Chapter on Throwing Pebbles in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Should The Imam Mention In His Khutbah At Mina in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26020 | Salih Ibn Dirham said: We went on the pilgrimage and met a man who asked us: Is there a town near you called AlUbullah? We said: Yes. He said: Is there any of you who will undertake to pray two or four rakahs on my behalf in the Masjid of AlAshshar; stating they are on behalf of Abu Huraira? He Abu Huraira said: I heard my friend AbulQasim ﷺ say: On the Day of Resurrection Allah will raise martyrs from the Masjid of AlAshshar; who will be the only ones to rise with the martyrs of Badr.Abu Dawud said: This Masjid is near the river. | The Chapter on Companions in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on On The Mention Of AlBasrah in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26117 | Narrated Abu Huraira: A woman met him and he found the odour of perfume in her. Her clothes were fluttering in the air. He said: O maid-servant of the Almighty; are you coming from the Masjid? She replied: Yes. He said: For it did you use perfume? She replied: Yes. He said: I heard my beloved AbulQasim ﷺ say: The prayer of a woman who uses perfume for this Masjid is not accepted until she returns and takes a bath like that of sexual defilement perfectly.Abu Dawud said: Alisar means dust. | The Chapter on State Of Menstruation in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Women Wearing Perfume When Going Out in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26388 | Narrated Aisha; Ummul Muminin: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ came and saw that the doors of the houses of his Companions were facing the Masjid. He said: Turn the direction of the houses from the Masjid. The Prophet ﷺ then entered the houses or the Masjid ; and the people did take any step in this regard hoping that some concession might be revealed. He the Prophet again came upon them and said: Turn the direction of these doors from the Masjid I do not make the Masjid lawful for a menstruating woman and for a person who is sexually defiled.Abu Dawud said: Aflat Bin Khalifah is also called Fulait AlAmiri. | The Chapter on Entering in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Sexually Impure Person Entering The Masjid in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26503 | Abdullah Bin Amr AlAs reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying: Whoever washed himself on Friday and applies perfume of his wife if she has one; and wears good clothes and does not step over the necks of the people in the Masjid to sit in the front row and does not indulge in idle talk during the sermon; that will atone for his sins between the two Fridays. But he who indulges in idle talk and steps over the necks of people in the Masjid ; that Friday will be for him like the noon prayer. | The Chapter on Communication And Being Quiet In Friday Prayers in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Performing Ghusl For The Friday Prayer in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26509 | Amr Bin Abi Amr and Ikrimah reported: Some people of Iraq came and said: Ibn Abbas; do you regard taking a bath on Friday as obligatory ? He said: No; it is only a means of cleanliness; and is better for one who washes oneself. Anyone who does not take a bath; it is not essential for him. I inform you how the bath on Friday commenced. The people were poor and used to wear woolen clothes; and would carry loads on their backs. Their Masjid was small and its rood was lowered down. It was a sort of trellis of vine. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ once came out on a hot day and the people perspired profusely in the woolen clothes so much so that foul smell emitted from them and it caused trouble to each other. When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ found the foul smell; he said: O people; when this day Friday comes; you should take bath and every one should anoint the best oil and perfume one has. Ibn Abbas then said: Then Allah; the Exalted; provided wealth to the people and they wore clothes other than the woolen; and were spared from work; and their Masjid became vast. The foul smell that caused trouble to them became non-existent. | The Chapter on Menstruation And Charity in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Permissibility Of Not Performing Ghusl On Friday in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26536 | Abu Huraira reported: A bedouin entered the Masjid while the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was sitting. He offered two rakahs of prayer; according to the version of Ibn Abdah. He then said: O Allah; have mercy on me and on Muhammad and do not have mercy on anyone along with us. The Prophet ﷺ said: You have narrowed down a thing that was broader. After a short while he passed a water in the corner of the Masjid. The people rushed towards him. The Prophet ﷺ prevented them and said: You have been sent to facilitate and not create difficulties. Pour a bucket of water upon it. | The Chapter on Mercy And Bowing in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Ground Which Has Been Polluted With Urine in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26538 | Ibn Umar said: I used to sleep in the Masjid in the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ when I was young and bachelor. The dogs would urinate frequently visit the Masjid; and no one would sprinkle over it. | The Chapter on Ablution And Sprinkling Of Urine in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Earth Becomes Pure When Dry in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26590 | Narrated Safwan Bin Umayah: I was sleeping in the Masjid on a cloak mine whose price was thirty dirhams. A man came and pinched it away from me. The man was seized and brought to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He ordered that his hand should be cut off. I came to him and said: Do you cut off only for thirty dirhams ? I sell it to him and make the payment of its price a loan ? He said: Why did you not do so before bringing him to me ?Abu Dawud said: Zaidah has also transmitted it from Simak from Juayd Ibn Hujayr. He said: Safwan slept. Mujahid and Tawus said: While he was sleeping a thief came and stole the cloak from beneath his head. The version of Abu Salamah Ibn Abdulrahman has: He snatched it away from beneath his head and he awoke. He cried and he the thief was seized. AlZuhri narrated from Safwan Ibn Abdullah. His version has: He slept in the Masjid and used his cloak as pillow. A thief came and took his cloak. The thief was seized and brought to the Prophet ﷺ. | The Chapter on Garments And Perfumes in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on One who steals a thing from a place where it is protected in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27430 | Anas Bin Malik reported: Messenger of Allah ﷺ came over to Medina and encamped at the upper side of Medina among the tribe known as Banu Amr Bin Awuf. He stayed among them for fourteen days. He then sent someone to call Banu AlNajjar. They came to him hanging their swords from the necks. Anas then said: As if I am looking at the Messenger of Allah ﷺ sitting on his mount and Abu Bakr seated behind him; and Banu AlNajjar standing around him. He descended in the courtyard of Abu Ayoub. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ would say his prayer in the folds of the sheep and goats. He commanded us to build a Masjid. He then sent for Banu AlNajjar and said to them: Banu AlNajjar; sell this land of yours to me for some price. They replied: By Allah; we do not want any price from you except from Allah. Anas said: I tell what this land contained. It contained the graves of the disbelievers; dung-hills; and some trees of date-palm. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ commanded and the graves of the disbelievers were dug open; and the trees of the date-palm were cut off. The wood of the date-palm were erected in front of the Masjid ; the door-steps wre built of stone. They were reciting verses carrying the stones. The Prophet ﷺ also joined them in reciting verses saying: O Allah; there is no good except the good of the Hereafter. So grant you aid to the Ansar and the Muhajirah. | The Chapter on Agriculture In Almadinah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on On The Reward Of Building Masajid in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27450 | Abu Huraira reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying; if anyone hears a man crying out in the Masjid about something he has lost; he should say: May Allah not restore it to you; for the Masjid were not built for this. | The Chapter on Recitations And Poetry And Satan in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Announcing Lost Items In The Masjid Is Disliked in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27462 | Narrated Ubadah Ibn AlSamit: We came to Jabir Ibn Abdullah who was sitting in his Masjid. He said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ came to us in this Masjid and he had a twig of date-palm of the kind of Ibn Tab. He looked and saw phlegm on the wall towards qiblah. He turned to it and scraped it with the twig. He then said: Who of you likes that Allah turns His face from him? He further said: When any of you stands for praying; Allah faces him. So he should not spit before him; nor on his right side. He should spit on his left side under his left foot. If he is in a hurry i.e. forced to spit immediately ; he should do with his cloth in this manner. He then placed the cloth on his mouth and rubbed it off. He then said: Bring perfume. A young man of the tribe stood and hurried to his house and returned with perfume in his palm. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ took it and put it at the end of the twig. He then stained the mark of phlegm with it. Jabir said: This is the reason you use perfume in your Masjids. | The Chapter on Body Parts And Facing The Qiblah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Spitting In A Masjid Is Disliked in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27464 | Ibn Abbas reported : Banu Sad Bin Bakr sent Qamam Bin Thalabah to the apostle of Allah ﷺ. He came to him and made his camel kneel down near the gate of the Masjid. He then tied its leg and entered the Masjid. The narrator then reported in a similar way. He then said: Who among you is the son of Abd AlMuttalib? The Messenger of Allah ﷺ replied: I am the son of Ibn Abd AlMuttalib. He said: O son of Abd AlMuttalib. The narrator then reported the rest of the tradition. | The Chapter on The Command In Alhajj in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on An Idolater Entering The Masajid in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27483 | Ibn Abi Laila said: Prayer passed through three stages. And out people narrated to us that Messenger of Allah ﷺ said; it is to my liking that the prayer of Muslims or believers should be united i.e.; in congregation ; so much so that I intended to send people to the houses to announce the time of prayer; and I also resolved that I should order people to stand at the tops of the forts and announce the time of the prayer for Muslims; and they struck the bell or were about to strike the bell to announce the time for prayer. Then came a person from among the Ansar who said: Messenger of Allah; when I returned from you; as I saw your anxiety. I saw in sleep a person with two green clothes on him; he stood on the Masjid and called people to prayer. He then sat down for a short while and stood up and pronounced in a like manner; except that he added: The time for prayer has come. If the people did not call me a liar ; and according to the version of Ibn AlMuthanna; if you did not call me a liar. I would say that I was awake; I was awake; I was not asleep. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: According to the version of Ibn AlMuthanna; Allah has shown you a good dream. But the version of Amr does not have the words: Allah has shown you a good dream. Then ask Bilal to pronounce the ADHAN to call to the prayer. Umar in the meantime said: I also had a dream like the one he had. But as he informed earlier. I was ashamed to inform. Our people have narrated to us: when a person came to the Masjid during the prayer in congregation ; he would ask about the RAKAHS of prayer ; and he would be informed about the number of RAKAHS already performed. They would stand in prayer along with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ : some in standing position; others bowing; some sitting and some praying along with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ Ibn AlMuthanna reported from Amr from Hussain Bin Abi Laila; saying ; Until Muadh came. Shubah said ; I heard it from Hussain who said : I shall follow the position in the prayer in which I find him the prophet... you should do in a similar way.Abu Dawud said: I then turned to the tradition reported by Amr Bin Marzuq he said; then Maadh came and they the people hinted at him. Shubah said; I heard it from hussain who said: Muadh then said; I shall follow the position in the prayer when I join it in which I find him the prophet. He then said: Muadh has prayer when I join it in which I find him the prophet. He then said: MUadh has introduced for you a SUNNAH a model behaviour ; so you should do in a like manner.He said; our people have narrated to us; when the Messenger of Allah ﷺ came to Madina; he commanded them the people to keep fast for three days. Thereafter the Quranic verses with regard to the fasts during Ramadan were revealed. But they were people who were not accustomed to keep fast ; hence the keeping of the fasts was hard for them; so those who could not keep fast would feed an indigent; then the month. The concession was granted to the patient and the traveler; all were commanded to keep fast. | The Chapter on Prayers And Bowing in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on How The Adhan Is Performed in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
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In Muwata Malik
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34311 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Zayd Ibn Rabah and Ubaydullah Ibn Abi Abdullah Salman AlAgharr from Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; A prayer in this Masjid of mine is better than a thousand prayers in any other Masjid; except the Masjid AlHaram in Makka. | The Chapter on Makkah And Alhajj in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prayer in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34317 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya Ibn Said from Amra bint Abdulrahman that Aisha; the wife of the Prophet; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; If the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; had seen what women do now; he would have forbidden them to go into the Masjids; just as the women of the Bani Israil were forbidden. Yahya Ibn Said said that he asked Amra; Were the women of the Bani Israil forbidden to go into the Masjids? and she said; Yes. | The Chapter on Forbidden In Utensils Smearing in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prayer in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34325 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya Ibn Said from Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim that Abdulrahman Ibn Abi Amra AlAnsari said that Uthman Ibn Affan came to the isha prayer and seeing only a few people in the Masjid; he lay down at the back of the Masjid to wait for the number of people to increase. Ibn Abi Amra went and sat down beside him and Uthman asked him who he was; so he told him. Uthman said; What have you memorised of the Quran?; and he told him. Uthman said; If someone is present at isha; it is as if he had stood in prayer for half a night; and if some one is present at subh; it is as if he had stood in prayer for a whole night. | The Chapter on Standing For Prayers In Alquran in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prayer in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34487 | Yahya related to me from Malik from AbunNadr; the mawla of Umar Ibn Ubaydullah; that Abu Salama Ibn Abdulrahman asked him; Didnt I see your master sit down before praying after he had entered the Masjid? Abun-Nadr said; By that he meant Umar Ibn Ubaydullah; and he was finding fault with him for sitting down before praying after he had come into the Masjid. Yahya said that Malik said; It is good to do that but not obligatory. | The Chapter on Partners And Share In Salves in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Shortening the Prayer in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34556 | Malik related to me from Yazid Ibn Khusayfa that AlSaib Ibn Yazid informed him that he heard Sufyan Ibn Abi Zuhayr who was from the Azd Shanua tribe and among the companions of the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; speaking with some people who were with him at the door of the Masjid. He said; I heard the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; say; If anyone acquires a dog which he does not use as a sheepdog or for hunting; a qirat will be deducted from the reward of his good deeds each day. He was asked; Did you hear this from the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace? He said; Yes; by the Lord of this Masjid. | The Chapter on Peace And Makkah in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Shortening the Prayer in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35463 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab from Amra bint Abdulrahman that when Aisha was doing itikaf she would only ask after sick people if she was walking and not if she was standing still. Malik said; A person doing itikaf should not carry out obligations of his; nor leave the Masjid for them; nor should he help anyone. He should only leave the Masjid to relieve himself. If he were able to go out to do things for people; visiting the sick; praying over the dead and following funeral processions would be the things with the most claim on his coming out. Malik said; A person doing itikaf is not doing itikaf until he avoids what some one doing itikaf should avoid; namely; visiting the sick; praying over the dead; and entering houses; except to relieve himself. | The Chapter on Ramadan And Fasting And Kabah in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Divorce in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35464 | Yahya related to me from Malik that he had asked Ibn Shihab whether someone doing itikaf could go into a house to relieve himself; and he said; Yes; there is no harm in that. Malik said; The situation that we are all agreed upon here is that there is no disapproval of anyone doing itikaf in a Masjid where jumua is held. The only reason I see for disapproving of doing itikaf in a Masjid where jumua is not held is that the man doing itikaf would have to leave the Masjid where he was doing itikaf in order to go to jumua; or else not go there at all. If; however; he is doing itikaf in a Masjid where jumua is not held; and he does not have to go to jumua in any other Masjid; then I see no harm in him doing itikaf there; because Allah; the Blessed and Exalted; says; While you are doing itikaf in Masjids; and refers to all Masjids in general; without specifying any particular kind. Malik continued; Accordingly; it is permissiblefor a man to do itikaf in a Masjid where jumua is not held if he does not have to leave it to go to a Masjid where jumua is held. Malik said; A person doing itikaf should spend the night only in the Masjid where he is doing itikaf; except if his tent is in one of the courtyards of the Masjid. I have never heard that someone doing itikaf can put up a shelter anywhere except in the Masjid itself or in one of the courtyards of the Masjid. Part of what shows that he must spend the night in the Masjid is the saying of Aisha; When the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; was doing itikaf; he would only go into the house to relieve himself. Nor should he do itikaf on the roof of the Masjid or in the minaret. Malik said; The person who is going to do itikaf should enter the place where he wishes to do itikaf before the sun sets on the night when he wishes to begin his itikaf; so that he is ready to begin the itikaf at the beginning of the night when he is going to start his itikaf. A person doing itikaf should be occupied with his itikaf; and not turn his attention to other things which might occupy him; such as trading or whatever. There is no harm; however; if some one doing itikaf tells some one to do something for him regarding his estate; or the affairs of his family; or tells someone to sell some property of his; or something else that does not occupy him directly. There is no harm in him arranging for someone else to do that for him if it is a simple matter. Malik said; I have never heard any of the people of knowledge mentioning any modification as far as how to do itikaf is concerned. Itikaf is an act of ibada like the prayer; fasting; the hajj; and such like acts; whether they are obligatory or voluntary. Anyone who begins doing any of these acts should do them according to what has come down in the sunna. He should not start doing anything in them that the muslims have not done; whether it is a modification that he imposes on others; or one that he begins doing himself. The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; practised itikaf; and the muslims know what the sunna of itikaf is. Malik said; Itikaf and jiwar are the same; and Itikaf is the same for a village-dweller as it is for a nomad. | The Chapter on Ramadan And Fasting And Kabah in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Divorce in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35469 | Malik was asked whether someone who went into a Masjid to do itikaf for the last ten days of Ramadan and stayed there for a day or two but then became ill and left the Masjid; had to do itikaf for the number of days that were left from the ten; or not; and if he did have to do so; then what month should he do it in; and he replied; He should make up whatever he has to do of the itikaf when he recovers; whether in Ramadan or otherwise. I have heard that the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; once wanted to do itikaf in Ramadan; but then came back without having done so; and then when Ramadan had gone; he did itikaf for ten days in Shawal. Some one who does itikaf voluntarily in Ramadan and some one who has to do itikaf are in the same position regarding what is halal for them and what is haram. I have not heard that the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; ever did itikaf other than voluntarily. Malik said; that if a woman did itikaf and then menstruated during her itikaf; she went back to her house; and; when she was pure again she returned to the Masjid; at whatever time it was that she became pure. She then continued her itikaf from where she left off. This was the same situation as with a woman who had to fast two consecutive months; and who menstruated and then became pure. She then continued the fast from where she had left off and did not delay doing so. | The Chapter on Ramadan And Fasting And Deeds in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Divorce in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35472 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Yazid Ibn Abdullah Ibn AlHadi from Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim AlHarith AlTaymi from Abu Salama Ibn Abdulrahman that Abu Said AlKhudri said; The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; used to do itikaf in the middle ten days of Ramadan. One year he was doing itikaf and then; when it came to the night of the twenty-first; which was the night before the morning when he would normally have finished his itikaf; he said; Whoever has done itikaf with me should continue doing itikaf for the last ten days. I saw a certain night and then I was made to forget it. I saw myself prostrating the following morning in water and clay. Look for it in the last ten days; and look for it on the odd days. Abu Said continued; The sky poured with rain that night and the Masjid had a roof made of palm fronds and the Masjid was soaked. With my own eyes I saw the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; leave with traces of water and clay on his forehead and nose; in the morning after the night of the twenty- first. | The Chapter on Ramadan And Fasting Prostrating On Mud in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Divorce in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35631 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Abun Nadr; the mawla of Umar Ibn Ubaydullah that Aisha; the wife of the Prophet; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; ordered that the body of Sad Ibn Abi Waqqas be brought past her in the Masjid so that she could make dua for him. Some people disapproved of her doing that; and she said; How hasty people are! The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; only prayed over Suhayl Ibn Bayda in the Masjid. | The Chapter on Peace And Evil in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Hajj in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35725 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Yazid Ibn Abdullah Ibn AlHad from Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim Ibn AlHarith AlTaymi from Abu Salama Ibn Abdulrahman Ibn Awuf that Abu Huraira said; I went out to AlTur Mount Sinai and met Kaab AlAhbar and sat with him. He related to me things from the Tawrah and I related to him things from the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Among the things I related to him was that the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; The best of days on which the sun rises is the day of jumua. In it Adam was created; and in it he fell from the Garden. In it he was forgiven; and in it he died. In it the Hour occurs; and every moving thing listens from morning till sunset in apprehension of the Hour except jinn and men. In it is a time when Allah gives toa muslim slave standing in prayer whatever he asks for. Kaab said; That is one day in every year. I said; No; in every jumua. Then Kaab recited the Tawrah and said; The Messenger of Allah has spoken the truth. Abu Huraira continued; I met Basra Ibn Abi Basra AlGhiffari and he said; Where have you come from? I said; From AlTur. He said; If I had seen you before you left; you would not have gone. I heard the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; say; Only make a special journey to three Masjids: the Masjid of the Haram Makka ; this Masjid Madina ; and the Masjid of Ilya or the Bait AlMaqdis two names of Jerusalem. He was not sure which expression was used. Abu Huraira continued; Then I met Abdullah Ibn Salam and I told him that I had sat with Kabal-Ahbar; and I mentioned what I had related to him about the day of jumua; and told him that Kaab had said; That is one day in every year. Abdullah Ibn Salam said; Kaab lied; and I added; Kaab then recited the Tawrah and said; No; it is in every jumua. Abdullah Ibn Salam said; Kaab spoke the truth. Then Abdullah Ibn Salam said; I know what time that is. Abu Huraira continued; I said to him; Let me know it - dont keep it from me. Abdullah Ibn Salam said; It is the last period of time in the dayof jumua. Abu Huraira continued; I said; How can it be the last period of time in the day of jumua; when the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; a muslim slave standing in prayer; and that is a time when there is no prayer? Abdullah Ibn Salam replied; Didnt the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; say; Whoever sits waiting for the prayer is in prayer until he prays? Abu Huraira added; I said; Of course. He said; Then it is that. | The Chapter on Prayers In Friday in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Hajj in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35762 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Mousa Ibn Uqba that Salim Ibn Abdullah heard his father say; Your claim that the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; entered ihram from this desert of yours is not true; because he only entered ihram from the Masjid; i.e. the Masjid of Dh AlHulayfa. | The Chapter on Perfumes Intercourse And Ihram in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Hajj in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35767 | Yahya related to me from Malik that he had heard the people of knowledge say; Women do not have to raise their voices when they are doing talbiya; and a woman should only speak loudly enough to hear herself. Malik said; Some one who is in ihram should not raise his voice when doing talbiya if he is in a Masjid where there are groups of people. He should only speak loudly enough for himself and those who are near him to be able to hear; except in the Masjid alHaram and the Masjid at Mina; where he should raise his voice. Malik said; I have heard some of the people of knowledge recommending people to do talbiya at the end of every prayer and at every rise on the route. | The Chapter on Recitations And Poetry And Knowledge in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Hajj in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35859 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Abuz AlZubair AlMakki that Abu Maiz AlAslami Abdullah Ibn Sufyan told him that once; when he was sitting with Abdullah Ibn Umar; a woman came to ask him for an opinion. She said; I set out intending to do tawaf of the House; but then; when I got to the gate of the Masjid; I started bleeding; so I went back until it had left me. Then I set out again; and then; when I got to the gate of the Masjid; I started bleeding; so I went back until it had left me. Then I set off again; and then; when I got to the gate of the Masjid; I started bleeding. Abdullah Ibn Umar said; That is only an impulse from Shaytan. Do ghusl; then bind your private parts with a cloth and do tawaf. | The Chapter on Pulpit And Khutba Ablution And Cloths in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Business Transactions in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-36040 | Yahya related to me from Malik from AlAla Ibn Abdulrahman Ibn Yaqub that Abu Said; the mawla of Amir Ibn Kuraz told him that the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; called toUbay Ibn Kaab while he was praying. When Ubay had finished his prayer he joined the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; and the Messenger of Allah put his hand upon his hand; and he was intending to leave by the door of the Masjid; so the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; I hope that you will not leave the Masjid until you know a Surat whose like Allah has notsentdown in the Tawrah nor in the Injil nor in the Quran. Ubaysaid; I began to slow down my pace in the hope of that. Then I said; Messenger of Allah; the Surat you promised me! He said; What do you recite when you begin the prayer? I recited the Fatiha Surat 1 until I came to the end of it; and the Messengerof Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; It is this sura; and it is the seven oft-repeated and the Great Quran which I was given. | The Chapter on Recitations In Friday in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Zakat in Muwata Malik |
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