Information for "MuwataMalik-017-001-34806"

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Display titleMuwataMalik-017-001-34806
Default sort keyMuwataMalik-017-001-34806
Page length (in bytes)218
Page ID62595
Page content languageEnglish (en)
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Number of redirects to this page0
Counted as a content pageYes
Page imageHodhoodHadithLogo.PNG

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Page creatorMaintenance script (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation10:20, 18 October 2018
Latest editorAdmin (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit11:51, 18 November 2018
Total number of edits3
Total number of distinct authors2
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Page properties

Transcluded templates (12)

Templates used on this page:

Has Body-PartsTongue +
Has FamilyFather +
Has Frequent TermsMudabbar +, Free +, Freed +, Properti +, Made +, Slave +, Ill +, Master +, Bequest +, Like +, Make +, Rescind + and Tadbir +
Has Hadith GradeMuwata Malik +
Has Hadith Index of SubjectsGener agreed +, Agreed commun +, Commun setting +, Setting fre +, Fre bequest +, Bequest health +, Health ill +, Ill rescind +, Rescind chang +, Chang tadbir +, Tadbir rescind +, Rescind tadbir +, Tadbir child +, Child born +, Born slave +, Slave girl +, Girl free +, Free mudabbara +, Mudabbara children +, Children freed +, Freed freed +, Freed master +, Master chang +, Chang rescind +, Rescind free +, Free confirm +, Confirm posit +, Posit slave +, Girl master +, Master remain +, Remain die +, Die free +, Free contract +, Contract fulfil +, Fulfil wish +, Wish sell +, Sell child +, Child enter +, Enter child +, Child condit +, Condit bequest +, Bequest set +, Set free +, Free tadbir +, Tadbir preced +, Preced sunna +, Sunna distinct +, Distinct bequest +, Bequest posit +, Posit tadbir +, Tadbir testat +, Testat chang +, Chang set +, Free properti +, Properti slave +, Slave mudabbar +, Mudabbar properti +, Properti mudabbar +, Mudabbar begin +, Begin properti +, Properti reach +, Reach valu +, Valu match +, Match valu +, Valu cover +, Cover free +, Free mall +, Mall mudabbar +, Mudabbar ill +, Ill statement +, Statement free +, Free free +, Free death +, Death occur +, Occur ill +, Ill mudabbar +, Mudabbar statement +, Statement match +, Match begin +, Begin bequest +, Bequest properti +, Properti divid +, Divid share +, Share properti +, Properti free +, Free extent +, Extent share +, Share singl +, Singl prefer +, Prefer occur +, Ill spoke +, Spoke master +, Master slave +, Mudabbar slave +, Slave slave +, Slave properti +, Mudabbar freed +, Freed properti +, Properti remain +, Remain possess +, Possess mudabbar +, Mudabbar master +, Master gave +, Gave kitaba +, Kitaba master +, Master leav +, Leav properti +, Properti freed +, Freed kitaba +, Kitaba reduc +, Reduc spoke +, Spoke freed +, Freed half +, Half slave +, Slave ill +, Ill irrevoc +, Irrevoc free +, Free half +, Begin slave +, Freed ill +, Ill revok +, Revok mudabbar +, Mudabbar matter +, Matter rescind +, Rescind mudabbar +, Freed remain +, Remain half +, Half freed +, Freed complet +, Complet setting +, Fre properti +, Properti deceas +, Deceas left +, Left cover +, Cover cover +, Cover left +, Left freed + and Freed mudabbar +
Has Hadith TextMalik said; The generally agreed-on way of
Malik said; The generally agreed-on way of doing things in our community is that any setting-free which a man makes in a bequest that he wills in health or illness can be rescinded by him when he likes and changed when he likes as long as it is not a tadbir. There is no way to rescind a tadbir once he has made it. As for every child born to him by a slave-girl who he wills to be set free but he does not make mudabbara; her children are not freed with her when she is freed. That is because her master can change his will when he likes and rescind it when he likes; and being set free is not confirmed for her. She is in the position of a slave-girl whose master says; If so- and-so remains with me until I die; she is free. i.e. he does not make a definite contract. Malik said; If she fulfils that; that is hers. If he wishes; before that; he can sell her and her child because he has not entered her child into any condition he has made for her. The bequest in setting free is different from the tadbir. The precedent of the sunna makes a distinction between them. Had a bequest been in the position of a tadbir; no testator would be able to change his will and what he mentioned in it of setting free. His property would be tied up and he would not be able to use it. Malik said about a man who made all his slaves mudabbar while he was well and they were his only property; If he made some of them mudabbar before the others; one begins with the first until the third of his property is reached. i.e. their value is matched against the third; and those whose value is covered are free. If he makes the mall mudabbar in his illness; and says in one statement; So-and-so is free. So-and-so is free. So-and-so is free if my death occurs in this illness; or he makes them all mudabbar in one statement; they are matched against the third and one does not begin with any of them before the others. It is a bequest and they have a third of his property divided between them in shares. Then the third of his property frees each of them according to the extent of his share. No single one of them is given preference when that all occurs in his illness. Malik spoke about a master who made his slave a mudabbar and then he died and the only property he had was the mudabbar slave and the slave had property. He said; A third of the mudabbar is freed and his property remains in his possession. Malik said about a mudabbar whose master gave him a kitaba and then the master died and did not leave any property other than him; A third of him is freed and a third of his kitaba is reduced; and he owes two-thirds. Malik spoke about a man who freed half of his slave while he was ill and made irrevocable his freeing half of him or all of him; and he had made another slave of his mudabbar before that. He said; One begins with the slave he made mudabbar before the one he freed while he was ill. That is because the man cannot revoke what he has made mudabbar and cannot follow it with a matter which will rescind it. When this mudabbar is freed; then what remains of the third goes to the one who had half of him freed so as to complete his setting-free entirely in the third of the property of the deceased. If what is left of the third does not cover that; whatever is covered by what is left of the third is freed after the first mudabbar is freed.
s freed after the first mudabbar is freed. +
Has HodHood Indexing Book NameCategory:The Book of Slaves in HodHood Indexing +
Has HodHood Indexing Chapter NameCategory:The Chapter on Selling Of Slaves in HodHood Indexing +
Has NotablesMalik +
Is Hadith Texttrue +