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In Quran
Quran Surat | Sura and Ayah | Polarity | Sura Classification | Sura Sequence | Related Subjects | Ayah Text | English Translation |
Surat Fussilat Ayah 36 | Surat Fussilat | -0.71 | 58 | Seek refug, Evil seek, Refug hear, Discord evil, Incit discord | وَإِمَّا يَنْزَغَنَّكَ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ نَزْغٌ فَاسْتَعِذْ بِاللَّهِ إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ | And if (at any time) an incitement to discord is made to thee by the Evil One, seek refuge in Allah. He is the One Who hears and knows all things. | |
Surat AlHajj Ayah 25 | Surat AlHajj | -0.63 | 103 | Grievou penalti, Sacr mosqu, Sacr mosque, Tast grievou, Dweller visitor, Wai sacr, Equal dweller, Visitor countri, Reject wai, Mosque open | إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا وَيَصُدُّونَ عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَالْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ الَّذِي جَعَلْنَاهُ لِلنَّاسِ سَوَاءً الْعَاكِفُ فِيهِ وَالْبَادِ وَمَنْ يُرِدْ فِيهِ بِإِلْحَادٍ بِظُلْمٍ نُذِقْهُ مِنْ عَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍ | As to those who have rejected (Allah), and would keep back (men) from the Way of Allah, and from the Sacred Mosque, which We have made (open) to (all) men - equal is the dweller there and the visitor from the country - and any whose purpose therein is profanity or wrong-doing - them will We cause to taste of a most Grievous Penalty. | |
Surat Saba Ayah 31 | Surat Saba | -0.6 | 54 | Stand lord, Wrong stand, Arrog believ, Despis arrog, Lord throw, Couldst wrong, Throw blame, Unbeliev scriptur, Blame despis, Scriptur couldst | وَقَالَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لَنْ نُؤْمِنَ بِهَذَا الْقُرْآنِ وَلَا بِالَّذِي بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ وَلَوْ تَرَى إِذِ الظَّالِمُونَ مَوْقُوفُونَ عِنْدَ رَبِّهِمْ يَرْجِعُ بَعْضُهُمْ إِلَى بَعْضٍ الْقَوْلَ يَقُولُ الَّذِينَ اسْتُضْعِفُوا لِلَّذِينَ اسْتَكْبَرُوا لَوْلَا أَنْتُمْ لَكُنَّا مُؤْمِنِينَ | The Unbelievers say: "We shall neither believe in this scripture nor in (any) that (came) before it." Couldst thou but see when the wrong-doers will be made to stand before their Lord, throwing back the word (of blame) on one another! Those who had been despised will say to the arrogant ones: "Had it not been for you, we should certainly have been believers!" | |
Surat AlMunafiqun Ayah 2 | Surat AlMunafiqun | -0.58 | 104 | Evil deed, Obstruct path, Oath screen, Screen misde, Misde obstruct, Path evil | اتَّخَذُوا أَيْمَانَهُمْ جُنَّةً فَصَدُّوا عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ إِنَّهُمْ سَاءَ مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ | They have made their oaths a screen (for their misdeeds): thus they obstruct (men) from the Path of Allah: truly evil are their deeds. | |
Surat Ghafir Ayah 37 | Surat Ghafir | -0.58 | 57 | Hinder path, Evil deed, Mean reach, Mose liar, Mount god, Wai mean, Mose concerned, Evil deeds, God mose, Pharaoh led, Concerned mose, Reach heavens, Deeds hinder, Plot pharaoh, Led perdit, Alluring pharaoh, Eyes evil, Thu allur, Path plot, Heavens mount, Pharaoh eyes, Thu alluring, Liar thu | أَسْبَابَ السَّمَاوَاتِ فَأَطَّلِعَ إِلَى إِلَهِ مُوسَى وَإِنِّي لَأَظُنُّهُ كَاذِبًا وَكَذَلِكَ زُيِّنَ لِفِرْعَوْنَ سُوءُ عَمَلِهِ وَصُدَّ عَنِ السَّبِيلِ وَمَا كَيْدُ فِرْعَوْنَ إِلَّا فِي تَبَابٍ | "The ways and means of (reaching) the heavens, and that I may mount up to the god of Moses: But as far as I am concerned, I think (Moses) is a liar!" Thus was made alluring, in Pharaoh's eyes, the evil of his deeds, and he was hindered from the Path; and the plot of Pharaoh led to nothing but perdition (for him). | |
Surat AlTaubah Ayah 90 | Surat AlTaubah | -0.57 | 113 | Grievou penalti, Desert arab, Penalti seiz, Claim exempt, Sat inact, Exempt fals, Inact grievou, Arab excus, Excus claim, Seiz unbeliev, Fals sat | وَجَاءَ الْمُعَذِّرُونَ مِنَ الْأَعْرَابِ لِيُؤْذَنَ لَهُمْ وَقَعَدَ الَّذِينَ كَذَبُوا اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ سَيُصِيبُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنْهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ | And there were, among the desert Arabs (also), men who made excuses and came to claim exemption; and those who were false to Allah and His Messenger (merely) sat inactive. Soon will a grievous penalty seize the Unbelievers among them. | |
Surat AlMujadilah Ayah 16 | Surat AlMujadilah | -0.55 | 105 | Humili penalti, Obstruct path, Oath screen, Screen misde, Path humili, Misde obstruct, Li penalti | اتَّخَذُوا أَيْمَانَهُمْ جُنَّةً فَصَدُّوا عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ فَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ مُهِينٌ | They have made their oaths a screen (for their misdeeds): thus they obstruct (men) from the Path of Allah: therefore shall they have a humiliating Penalty. | |
Surat AlAnam Ayah 43 | Surat AlAnam | -0.53 | 67 | Act allur, Satan sin, Heart harden, Sin act, Heart ha, Hardened satan, Suffer reach, Humil contrari, Reach humil, Heart hardened, Contrari heart | فَلَوْلَا إِذْ جَاءَهُمْ بَأْسُنَا تَضَرَّعُوا وَلَكِنْ قَسَتْ قُلُوبُهُمْ وَزَيَّنَ لَهُمُ الشَّيْطَانُ مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ | When the suffering reached them from us, why then did they not learn humility? On the contrary their hearts became hardened, and Satan made their (sinful) acts seem alluring to them. | |
Surat AlNaml Ayah 61 | Surat AlNaml | -0.5 | 44 | Thereon mountain, Bodi flow, God nay, Bar bodi, Firm river, Separ bar, Immov separ, Flow god, Mountain immov, Midst thereon, River midst, Earth firm | أَمَّنْ جَعَلَ الْأَرْضَ قَرَارًا وَجَعَلَ خِلَالَهَا أَنْهَارًا وَجَعَلَ لَهَا رَوَاسِيَ وَجَعَلَ بَيْنَ الْبَحْرَيْنِ حَاجِزًا أَإِلَهٌ مَعَ اللَّهِ بَلْ أَكْثَرُهُمْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ | Or, Who has made the earth firm to live in; made rivers in its midst; set thereon mountains immovable; and made a separating bar between the two bodies of flowing water? (can there be another) god besides Allah? Nay, most of them know not. | |
Surat Abasa Ayah 17 | Surat Abasa | -0.49 | 22 | قُتِلَ الْإِنْسَانُ مَا أَكْفَرَهُ | Woe to man! What hath made him reject Allah; | ||
Surat Muhammad Ayah 23 | Surat Muhammad | -0.47 | 59 | Blind sight, Deaf blind, Curs deaf, Such curs | أُولَئِكَ الَّذِينَ لَعَنَهُمُ اللَّهُ فَأَصَمَّهُمْ وَأَعْمَى أَبْصَارَهُمْ | Such are the men whom Allah has cursed for He has made them deaf and blinded their sight. | |
Surat AlQasas Ayah 15 | Surat AlQasas | -0.47 | 45 | Satan enemi, Evil satan, Thi evil, Citi watch, Foe mose, Fist thi, Religion foe, Struck fist, Religion appeal, Enter citi, Watch fighting, Mose struck, Enemi manifestli, Appeal foe, Manifestli mislead, Foe religion | وَدَخَلَ الْمَدِينَةَ عَلَى حِينِ غَفْلَةٍ مِنْ أَهْلِهَا فَوَجَدَ فِيهَا رَجُلَيْنِ يَقْتَتِلَانِ هَذَا مِنْ شِيعَتِهِ وَهَذَا مِنْ عَدُوِّهِ فَاسْتَغَاثَهُ الَّذِي مِنْ شِيعَتِهِ عَلَى الَّذِي مِنْ عَدُوِّهِ فَوَكَزَهُ مُوسَى فَقَضَى عَلَيْهِ قَالَ هَذَا مِنْ عَمَلِ الشَّيْطَانِ إِنَّهُ عَدُوٌّ مُضِلٌّ مُبِينٌ | And he entered the city at a time when its people were not watching: and he found there two men fighting, - one of his own religion, and the other, of his foes. Now the man of his own religion appealed to him against his foe, and Moses struck him with his fist and made an end of him. He said: "This is a work of Evil (Satan): for he is an enemy that manifestly misleads!" | |
Surat AlHaqqah Ayah 7 | Surat AlHaqqah | -0.46 | 74 | Night dai, Hollow palmtre, Path root, Root hollow, Dai success, Success couldst, Palmtre tumbl, Ly prostrat, Couldst ly, Rage night, Prostrat path | سَخَّرَهَا عَلَيْهِمْ سَبْعَ لَيَالٍ وَثَمَانِيَةَ أَيَّامٍ حُسُومًا فَتَرَى الْقَوْمَ فِيهَا صَرْعَى كَأَنَّهُمْ أَعْجَازُ نَخْلٍ خَاوِيَةٍ | He made it rage against them seven nights and eight days in succession: so that thou couldst see the (whole) people lying prostrate in its (path), as they had been roots of hollow palm-trees tumbled down! | |
Surat AlIsra Ayah 8 | Surat AlIsra | -0.45 | 46 | Reject faith, Lord merci, Punish hell, Sins revert, Merci revert, Prison reject, Revert punish, Hell prison, Revert sins | عَسَى رَبُّكُمْ أَنْ يَرْحَمَكُمْ وَإِنْ عُدْتُمْ عُدْنَا وَجَعَلْنَا جَهَنَّمَ لِلْكَافِرِينَ حَصِيرًا | It may be that your Lord may (yet) show Mercy unto you; but if ye revert (to your sins), We shall revert (to Our punishments): And we have made Hell a prison for those who reject (all Faith). | |
Surat AlNaml Ayah 48 | Surat AlNaml | -0.45 | 44 | Mischief reform, Citi family, Family mischief | وَكَانَ فِي الْمَدِينَةِ تِسْعَةُ رَهْطٍ يُفْسِدُونَ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَا يُصْلِحُونَ | There were in the city nine men of a family, who made mischief in the land, and would not reform. | |
Surat Fatir Ayah 39 | Surat Fatir | -0.44 | 39 | Sight lord, Lord reject, Earth reject, Inheritor earth, Reject reject, Reject add, Add odium, Odium unbeliev, Unbeliev sight, Work reject, Reject work, Add undo | هُوَ الَّذِي جَعَلَكُمْ خَلَائِفَ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَمَنْ كَفَرَ فَعَلَيْهِ كُفْرُهُ وَلَا يَزِيدُ الْكَافِرِينَ كُفْرُهُمْ عِنْدَ رَبِّهِمْ إِلَّا مَقْتًا وَلَا يَزِيدُ الْكَافِرِينَ كُفْرُهُمْ إِلَّا خَسَارًا | He it is That has made you inheritors in the earth: if, then, any do reject (Allah), their rejection (works) against themselves: their rejection but adds to the odium for the Unbelievers in the sight of their Lord: their rejection but adds to (their own) undoing. | |
Surat AlShams Ayah 14 | Surat AlShams | -0.43 | 24 | Reject fals, Account crime, Fals prophet, Lord account, Destruction low, Equal destruction, Obliter trace, Hamstrung lord, Prophet hamstrung, Crime obliter, Trace equal | فَكَذَّبُوهُ فَعَقَرُوهَا فَدَمْدَمَ عَلَيْهِمْ رَبُّهُمْ بِذَنْبِهِمْ فَسَوَّاهَا | Then they rejected him (as a false prophet), and they hamstrung her. So their Lord, on account of their crime, obliterated their traces and made them equal (in destruction, high and low)! | |
Surat AlFurqan Ayah 37 | Surat AlFurqan | -0.42 | 38 | Grievou penalty, Reject messengers, Wrong grievou, Drown sign, Mankind prepar, Prepar wrong, Sign mankind, Messengers drown, Reject messenger | وَقَوْمَ نُوحٍ لَمَّا كَذَّبُوا الرُّسُلَ أَغْرَقْنَاهُمْ وَجَعَلْنَاهُمْ لِلنَّاسِ آيَةً وَأَعْتَدْنَا لِلظَّالِمِينَ عَذَابًا أَلِيمًا | And the people of Noah, - when they rejected the messengers, We drowned them, and We made them as a Sign for mankind; and We have prepared for (all) wrong-doers a grievous Penalty;- | |
Surat Yunus Ayah 73 | Surat Yunus | -0.42 | 49 | Reject sign, Overwhelm flood, Inherit earth, Deliv ark, Warn heed, Reject deliv, Flood reject, Earth overwhelm, Sign warn, Ark inherit | فَكَذَّبُوهُ فَنَجَّيْنَاهُ وَمَنْ مَعَهُ فِي الْفُلْكِ وَجَعَلْنَاهُمْ خَلَائِفَ وَأَغْرَقْنَا الَّذِينَ كَذَّبُوا بِآيَاتِنَا فَانْظُرْ كَيْفَ كَانَ عَاقِبَةُ الْمُنْذَرِينَ | They rejected Him, but We delivered him, and those with him, in the Ark, and We made them inherit (the earth), while We overwhelmed in the flood those who rejected Our Signs. Then see what was the end of those who were warned (but heeded not)! | |
Surat AlMujadilah Ayah 19 | Surat AlMujadilah | -0.42 | 105 | Parti evil, Evil lose, Lose remembr, Evil truly, Evil perish, Remembr parti, Truly parti | اسْتَحْوَذَ عَلَيْهِمُ الشَّيْطَانُ فَأَنْسَاهُمْ ذِكْرَ اللَّهِ أُولَئِكَ حِزْبُ الشَّيْطَانِ أَلَا إِنَّ حِزْبَ الشَّيْطَانِ هُمُ الْخَاسِرُونَ | The Evil One has got the better of them: so he has made them lose the remembrance of Allah. They are the Party of the Evil One. Truly, it is the Party of the Evil One that will perish! | |
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In Hadith Text Books
Made In Sahih AlBukhari
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1110 | Narrated Ibn Abbas: That he differed with AlHurr Bin Qais Bin Housn AlFazari about the companion of Moses; i.e.; whether he was Kha;dir or not. Ubai Bin Kaab AlAnsari passed by them and Ibn Abbas called him saying; My friend Hur and I have differed about Moses Companion whom Moses asked the way to meet. Did you hear Allah Messenger ﷺ mentioning anything about him? Ubai said; Yes; I heard Allah Apostle saying; While Moses was sitting in the company of some Israelites a man came to him and asked; Do you know Someone who is more learned than you Moses ? Moses said; No. So Allah sent the Divine inspiration to Moses:- Yes; Our Slave Khadir is more learned than you Moses asked Allah how to meet him Khadir So Allah made the fish as a sign for him and it was said to him; When you lose the fish; go back to the place where you lose it and you will meet him. So Moses went on looking for the sign of the fish in the sea. The boy servant of Moses who was accompanying him said to him; Do you remember what happened when we betook ourselves to the rock? I did indeed forget to tell you about the fish. None but Satan made me forget to tell you about it 18.63 Moses said: That is what we have been seeking. Sa they went back retracing their footsteps. 18.64. So they both found Kadir there and then happened what Allah mentioned about them in the Quran ! See 18.60- 82 | The Chapter on Moses And Prophets Moses And Companion Forgoting The Fish in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Allahs Wish and Will in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1535 | Narrated: Abu Abdulrahman and Hibban Bin Atiya had a dispute. Abu Abdulrahman said to Hibban; You know what made your companions i.e. Ali dare to shed blood. Hibban said; Come on! What is that? Abdulrahman said; Something I heard him saying. The other said; What was it? Abdulrahman said; Ali said; Allah Messenger ﷺ sent for me; AlZubair and Abu Marthad; and all of us were cavalry men; and said; Proceed to Raudat-Hajj Abu Salama said that Abu Awana called it like this; i.e.; Hajj where there is a woman carrying a letter from Hatib Bin Abi Baltaa to the pagans of Mecca. So bring that letter to me. So we proceeded riding on our horses till we overtook her at the same place of which Allah Messenger ﷺ had told us. She was traveling on her camel. In that letter Hatib had written to the Meccans about the proposed attached of Allah Messenger ﷺ against them. We asked her; Where is the letter which is with you? She replied; I havent got any letter. So we made her camel kneel down and searched her luggage; but we did not find anything. My two companions said; We do not think that she has got a letter. I said; We know that Allah Messenger ﷺ has not told a lie. Then Ali took an oath saying; By Him by Whom one should swear! You shall either bring out the letter or we shall strip off your clothes. She then stretched out her hand for her girdle round her waist and brought out the paper letter. They took the letter to Allah Messenger ﷺ. Umar said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Hatib has betrayed Allah; His Apostle and the believers; let me chop off his neck! Allah Messenger ﷺ said; O Hatib! What obliged you to do what you have done? Hatib replied; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Why for what reason should I not believe in Allah and His Apostle? But I intended to do the Mecca people a favor by virtue of which my family and property may be protected as there is none of your companions but has some of his people relatives whom Allah urges to protect his family and property. The Prophet ﷺ said; He has said the truth; therefore; do not say anything to him except good. Umar again said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! He has betrayed Allah; His Apostle and the believers; let me chop his neck off! The Prophet ﷺ said; Isnt he from those who fought the battle of Badr? And what do you know; Allah might have looked at them Badr warriors and said to them ; Do what you like; for I have granted you Paradise? On that; Umar eyes became flooded with tears and he said; Allah and His Apostle know best. | The Chapter on Military Expedition And Makkah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on AlMutaawalin in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1814 | Narrated Hudhaifa: Whenever the Prophet ﷺ intended to go to bed; he would recite: Bismika Allahumma amutu wa ahya With Your name; O Allah; I die and I live. And when he woke up from his sleep; he would say: Alhamdu lil-lahil-ladhi ahyana bada ma amatana; wa ilaihi AlNushur All the Praises are for Allah Who has made us alive after He made us die sleep and unto Him is the Resurrection. | Chapter on What to say when one gets up in the morning in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1932 | Narrated Ali: Allah Messenger ﷺ sent me; AlZubair Bin AlAwam and Abu Marthad AlGhanawi; and all of us were horsemen; and he said; Proceed till you reach Rawdat Khakh; where there is a woman from the pagans carrying a letter sent by Hatib Bin Abi Baltaa to the pagans of Mecca. So we overtook her while she was proceeding on her camel at the same place as Allah Messenger ﷺ told us. We said to her Where is the letter which is with you? She said; I have no letter with me. So we made her camel kneel down and searched her mount baggage etc but could not find anything. My two companions said; We do not see any letter. I said; I know that Allah Messenger ﷺ did not tell a lie. By Allah; if you the lady do not bring out the letter; I will strip you of your clothes When she noticed that I was serious; she put her hand into the knot of her waist sheet; for she was tying a sheet round herself; and brought out the letter. So we proceeded to Allah Messenger ﷺ with the letter. The Prophet ﷺ said to Habib ; What made you o what you have done; O Hatib? Hatib replied; I have done nothing except that I believe in Allah and His Apostle; and I have not changed or altered my religion. But I wanted to do the favor to the people pagans of Mecca through which Allah might protect my family and my property; as there is none among your companions but has someone in Mecca through whom Allah protects his property against harm. The Prophet ﷺ said; Habib has told you the truth; so do not say to him anything but good. Umar Bin AlKhattab said; Verily he has betrayed Allah; His Apostle; and the believers! Allow me to chop his neck off! The Prophet ﷺ said; O Umar! What do you know; perhaps Allah looked upon the Badr warriors and said; Do whatever you like; for I have ordained that you will be in Paradise. On that Umar wept and said; Allah and His Apostle know best. | The Chapter on Military Expedition And Makkah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The one who looks at a letter in order to know its written contents in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2058 | Narrated Ibn Umar: Allah Messenger ﷺ had a gold ring made for himself; and he used to wear it with the stone towards the inner part of his hand. Consequently; the people had similar rings made for themselves. Afterwards the Prophet; sat on the pulpit and took it off; saying; I used to wear this ring and keep its stone towards the palm of my hand. He then threw it away and said; By Allah; I will never wear it. Therefore all the people threw away their rings as well. | The Chapter on Standing For Prayers And Fasting in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The one who gives an oath regarding something although he has not been asked to give an oath in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2181 | Narrated Hudhaifa: The Prophet ﷺ said; There was a man amongst the people who had suspicion as to the righteousness of his deeds. Therefore he said to his family; If I die; take me and burn my corpse and throw my ashes into the sea on a hot or windy day. They did so; but Allah; collected his particles and asked him ; What made you do what you did? He replied; The only thing that made me do it; was that I was afraid of You. So Allah forgave him. | The Chapter on Jews And Alquran in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on To be afraid of Allah AlZa wa Jall in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2299 | Narrated Anas: Alcoholic drinks were prohibited at the time we could rarely find wine made from grapes in Medina; for most of our liquors were made from unripe and ripe dates. | The Chapter on Food And Raisins in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Alcoholic drinks prepared from grapes and other things in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2319 | Narrated Anas: While I was serving Abu Talha. Abu Dujana and Abu Suhail Bin AlBaida with a drink made from a mixture of unripe and ripe dates; alcoholic drinks; were made unlawful; whereupon I threw it away; and I was their butler and the youngest of them; and we used to consider that drink as an alcoholic drink in those days. | The Chapter on Forbidden And Dinks in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Unripedate drink and ripedate drink should not be mixed if it is an intoxicant and two cooked foods should not be put in one dish in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2357 | Narrated Aasi m AlAhwal: I saw the drinking bowl of the Prophet ﷺ with Anas Bin Malik; and it had been broken; and he had mended it with silver plates. That drinking bowl was quite wide and made of Nadar wood; Anas said; I gave water to the Prophet ﷺ in that bowl more than so-and-so for a long period. Ibn Seereen said: Around that bowl there was an iron ring; and Anas wanted to replace it with a silver or gold ring; but Abu Talha said to him; Do not change a thing that Allah Messenger ﷺ has made. So Anas left it as it was. | The Chapter on Precious Metals Selling Gold in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on To drink in the drinking bowl of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2391 | Narrated Abu Said: A man came to the prophet and said; My brother has got loose motions. The Prophet ﷺ said; Let him drink honey. The man again came and said; I made him drink honey but that made him worse. The Prophet ﷺ said; Allah has said the Truth; and the Abdomen of your brother has told a lie. See Hadith No. 88 | The Chapter on Drinks And Sharayah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The treatment for a person suffering from diarrhea in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2663 | Narrated Salama Bin AlAqwa: We went out with Allah Messenger ﷺ to Khaibar and we travelled during the night. A man amongst the people said to Amir Bin AlAqwa; Wont you let us hear your poetry? Amir was a poet; and so he got down and started chanting Huda reciting for the people; poetry that keep pace with the camel foot steps; saying; O Allah! Without You we would not have been guided on the right path; neither would we have given in charity; nor would we have prayed. So please forgive us what we have committed. Let all of us be sacrificed for Your cause and when we meet our enemy; make our feet firm and bestow peace and calmness on us and if they our enemy will call us towards an unjust thing we will refuse. The infidels have made a hue and cry to ask others help against us. Allah Messenger ﷺ said; Who is that driver of the camels ? They said; He is Amir Bin AlAqwa. He said; May Allah bestow His mercy on him. A man among the people said; Has Martyrdom been granted to him; O Allah Prophet! Would that you let us enjoy his company longer. We reached the people of Khaibar and besieged them till we were stricken with severe hunger but Allah helped the Muslims conquer Khaibar. In the evening of its conquest the people made many fires. Allah Messenger ﷺ asked; What are those fires? For what are you making fires? They said; For cooking meat. He asked; What kind of meat? They said; Donkeys meat. Allah Messenger ﷺ said; Throw away the meat and break the cooking pots. A man said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Shall we throw away the meat and wash the cooking pots? He said; You can do that too. When the army files aligned in rows for the battle ; Amir sword was a short one; and while attacking a Jew with it in order to hit him; the sharp edge of the sword turned back and hit Amir knee and caused him to die. When the Muslims returned from the battle ; Salama said; Allah Messenger ﷺ saw me pale and said; What is wrong with you? I said; Let my parents be sacrificed for you! The people claim that all the deeds of Amir have been annulled. The Prophet ﷺ asked; Who said so? I replied; So-and-so and soand- so and Usaid Bin AlHudair AlAnsari said; Whoever says so is telling a lie. Verily; Amir will have double reward. While speaking the Prophet ﷺ put two of his fingers together to indicate that; and added; He was really a hard-working man and a Mujahid devout fighter in Allah Cause and rarely have there lived in it i.e.; Medina or the battle-field an Arab like him. | The Chapter on Animal Sacrifice Meat in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What kinds of poetry Rajaz and Huda is allowed in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2791 | Narrated Salama Bin AlAqwa: In the evening of the day of the conquest of Khaibar; the army made fires for cooking. The Prophet ﷺ said; For what have you made these fires? They said; For cooking the meat of domestic donkeys. He said; Throw away what is in the cooking pots and break the pots. A man from the people got up and said; Shall we throw the contents of the cooking pots and then wash the pots instead of breaking them ? The Prophet ﷺ said; Yes; you can do either. | The Chapter on Blowing The Horn In The Day Of Judgment in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The utensils of Magians and eating dead flesh in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-284 | Narrated Ibn Abbas: The Prophet ﷺ said; Allah has made Mecca a sanctuary sacred place and it was a sanctuary before me and will be so after me. It was made legal for me to fight in it for a few hours of the day. None is allowed to uproot its thorny shrubs or to cut its trees or to chase its game or to pick up its fallen things except by a person who announces it publicly. On that AlAbbas said to the Prophet ; Except AlIdhkhir for our goldsmiths and for our graves. And so the Prophet ﷺ added; Except AlIdhkhir. And Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said; Except AlIdhkhir for our graves and houses. And Ibn Abbas said; For their goldsmiths and houses. | The Chapter on Agriculture In The Sanctuary Of Makkah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The placing of Idhkhir and grass in the grave in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2929 | Narrated Anas: The Prophet ﷺ got a ring made for himself and said; I have got a ring made for myself and engraved a certain engraving on it so none of you should get such an engraving on his ring. I saw the glitter of the ring on his little finger. | The Chapter on Precious Metals Wearing And Seals in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on To wear the ring on the little finger in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-2931 | Narrated Abdullah: The Prophet ﷺ had a golden ring made for himself; and when he wore it. he used to turn its stone toward the palm of his! hand. So the people too had gold made for themselves. The Prophet ﷺ then ascended the pulpit; and after glorifying and praising Allah; he said; I had it made for me; but now I will never wear it again. He threw it away; and then the people threw away their rings too. Juwairiya; a subnarrator; said: I think Anas said that the Prophet ﷺ was wearing the ring in his right hand. | The Chapter on Precious Metals Wearing And Seals in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Keeping the stone of the ring towards the palm in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-296 | Narrated Ali: We were accompanying a funeral procession in Baqi-I-Gharqad. The Prophet ﷺ came to us and sat and we sat around him. He had a small stick in his hand then he bent his head and started scraping the ground with it. He then said; There is none among you; and not a created soul; but has place either in Paradise or in Hell assigned for him and it is also determined for him whether he will be among the blessed or wretched. A man said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Should we not depend on what has been written for us and leave the deeds as whoever amongst us is blessed will do the deeds of a blessed person and whoever amongst us will be wretched; will do the deeds of a wretched person? The Prophet said; The good deeds are made easy for the blessed; and bad deeds are made easy for the wretched. Then he recited the Verses:- As for him who gives in charity and is Allah-fearing And believes in the Best reward from Allah. 92.5-6 | The Chapter on Angeles And Good Deeds And Destiny in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Preacher delivering a lecture at a grave and the sitting of his com anions around him in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3136 | Narrated Aisha: Allah Messenger ﷺ was fond of honey and sweet edible things and it was his habit that after finishing the Asr prayer he would visit his wives and stay with one of them at that time. Once he went to Hafsa; the daughter of Umar and stayed with her more than usual. I got jealous and asked the reason for that. I was told that a lady of her folk had given her a skin filled with honey as a present; and that she made a syrup from it and gave it to the Prophet ﷺ to drink and that was the reason for the delay. I said; By Allah we will play a trick on him to prevent him from doing so. So I said to Sada bint Zama The Prophet ﷺ will approach you; and when he comes near you; say: Have you taken Maghafir a bad-smelling gum ? He will say; No. Then say to him: Then what is this bad smell which i smell from you? He will say to you; Hafsa made me drink honey syrup. Then say: Perhaps the bees of that honey had sucked the juice of the tree of AlUrfut. I shall also say the same. O you; Safiya; say the same. Later Sada said; By Allah; as soon as he the Prophet ﷺ stood at the door; I was about to say to him what you had ordered me to say because I was afraid of you. So when the Prophet ﷺ came near Sada; she said to him; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Have you taken Maghafir? He said; No. She said. Then what is this bad smell which I detect on you? He said; Hafsa made me drink honey syrup. She said; Perhaps its bees had sucked the juice of AlUrfut tree. When he came to me; I also said the same; and when he went to Safiya; she also said the same. And when the Prophet ﷺ again went to Hafsa; she said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Shall I give you more of that drink? He said; I am not in need of it. Sada said; By Allah; we deprived him of it. I said to her; Keep quiet. | The Chapter on Drinks And Sharayah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on O Prophet Why do you forbid that which Allah has allowed to you in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3153 | Narrated Ibn Abbas: The pagans were of two kinds as regards their relationship to the Prophet and the Believers. Some of them were those with whom the Prophet was at war and used to fight against; and they used to fight him; the others were those with whom the Prophet ﷺ made a treaty; and neither did the Prophet ﷺ fight them; nor did they fight him. If a lady from the first group of pagans emigrated towards the Muslims; her hand would not be asked in marriage unless she got the menses and then became clean. When she became clean; it would be lawful for her to get married; and if her husband emigrated too before she got married; then she would be returned to him. If any slave or female slave emigrated from them to the Muslims; then they would be considered free persons not slaves and they would have the same rights as given to other emigrants. The narrator then mentioned about the pagans involved with the Muslims in a treaty; the same as occurs in Mujahid narration. If a male slave or a female slave emigrated from such pagans as had made a treaty with the Muslims; they would not be returned; but their prices would be paid to the pagans. | The Chapter on Zakat And Slaves in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Marrying AlMushrikat who had embraced Islam and their Idda in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-319 | Narrated Samura Bin Jundab: Whenever the Prophet ﷺ finished the morning prayer; he would face us and ask; Who amongst you had a dream last night? So if anyone had seen a dream he would narrate it. The Prophet ﷺ would say: Ma shaa-llah An Arabic maxim meaning literally; What Allah wished; and it indicates a good omen. One day; he asked us whether anyone of us had seen a dream. We replied in the negative. The Prophet said; But I had seen a dream last night that two men came to me; caught hold of my hands; and took me to the Sacred Land Jerusalem. There; I saw a person sitting and another standing with an iron hook in his hand pushing it inside the mouth of the former till it reached the jawbone; and then tore off one side of his cheek; and then did the same with the other side; in the meantime the first side of his cheek became normal again and then he repeated the same operation again. I said; What is this? They told me to proceed on and we went on till we came to a man Lying flat on his back; and another man standing at his head carrying a stone or a piece of rock; and crushing the head of the Lying man; with that stone. Whenever he struck him; the stone rolled away. The man went to pick it up and by the time he returned to him; the crushed head had returned to its normal state and the man came back and struck him again and so on. I said; Who is this? They told me to proceed on; so we proceeded on and passed by a hole like an oven; with a narrow top and wide bottom; and the fire was kindling underneath that hole. Whenever the fire-flame went up; the people were lifted up to such an extent that they about to get out of it; and whenever the fire got quieter; the people went down into it; and there were naked men and women in it. I said; Who is this? They told me to proceed on. So we proceeded on till we reached a river of blood and a man was in it; and another man was standing at its bank with stones in front of him; facing the man standing in the river. Whenever the man in the river wanted to come out; the other one threw a stone in his mouth and caused him to retreat to his original position; and so whenever he wanted to come out the other would throw a stone in his mouth; and he would retreat to his original position. I asked; What is this? They told me to proceed on and we did so till we reached a well-flourished green garden having a huge tree and near its root was sitting an old man with some children. I saw Another man near the tree with fire in front of him and he was kindling it up. Then they i.e. my two companions made me climb up the tree and made me enter a house; better than which I have ever seen. In it were some old men and young men; women and children. Then they took me out of this house and made me climb up the tree and made me enter another house that was better and superior to the first containing old and young people. I said to them i.e. my two companions ; You have made me ramble all the night. Tell me all about that I have seen. They said; Yes. As for the one whose cheek you saw being torn away; he was a liar and he used to tell lies; and the people would report those lies on his authority till they spread all over the world. So; he will be punished like that till the Day of Resurrection. The one whose head you saw being crushed is the one whom Allah had given the knowledge of Quran i.e. knowing it by heart but he used to sleep at night i.e. he did not recite it then and did not use to act upon it i.e. upon its orders etc. by day; and so this punishment will go on till the Day of Resurrection. And those you saw in the hole like oven were adulterers those men and women who commit illegal sexual intercourse. And those you saw in the river of blood were those dealing in Riba usury. And the old man who was sitting at the base of the tree was Abraham and the little children around him were the offspring of the people. And the one who was kindling the fire was Malik; the gatekeeper of the Hell-fire. And the first house in which you have gone was the house of the common believers; and the second house was of the martyrs. I am Gabriel and this is Michael. Raise your head. I raised my head and saw a thing like a cloud over me. They said; That is your place. I said; Let me enter my place. They said; You still have some life which you have not yet completed; and when you complete that remaining portion of your life you will then enter your place. | The Chapter on Charity To Save Oneself From Hell Fire in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Funerals AlJanaaiz in Sahih AlBukhari | |
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3509 | Salama Bin AlAkwa said: Allah Messenger ﷺ said; If a man and a woman agree to marry temporarily ; their marriage should last for three nights; and if they like to continue; they can do so; and if they want to separate; they can do so. I do not know whether that was only for us or for all the people in general. Abu Abdullah AlBukhari said: Ali made it clear that the Prophet said; The Muta marriage has been cancelled made unlawful. | The Chapter on Forbidden Sales Of Gold Utensils in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Allah Messenger prohibited Nikah AlMuta lately in Sahih AlBukhari | |
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In Sahih Muslim
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17210 | Abu Huraira reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: While two women had been going along witn their two sons; a wolf came and made away with the child of one of them. One of them said to her companion: It is with your child that it the wolf has run away The other one said: It has run away with your child. They brought the matter to Hadrat Dawud David for decision and he made a decision in favour of the elder one. They then went to Sulaiman Bin Dawud may there be peace upon both of them and told them the story. He said: Bring me a knife so that I may cut him the child into two parts for you. The younger one said: No; it cant be; may Allah have mercy upon you; he the child belongs to her the elder. So he gave a decision in favour of the younger one. Abu Huraira said: If ever I heard of the word AlSikin at all; it was that day. We called it by no other name but AlMudya. | The Chapter on Alansar And Day Of Perishing in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 10 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17218 | Zaid Bin Khalid AlJuhani reported: A person asked Allah Apostle ﷺ about a lost camel; Rabia made this addition: He the Holy Prophet was so much annoyed that his cheeks became red. The rest of the hadith is the same. He the narrator made this addition: If its that of the article owner comes and he recognises the bag which contained it and its number; and the strap. then give that to them; but if not; then it is for you. | The Chapter on Lost And Found And Public Announcements in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 1 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17220 | Salama Bin Kuhail reported: I heard Sowaid Bin Ghafala say: I went out; and also Zaid Bin Suhan and Salman Bin Rabia for Jihad; and I found a whip and took it up. They said to me: Leave it. I said: No. but I will make announcement of it and if its owner comes then I will return that ; otherwise I will use it; and I refused them. When we returned from Jihad. by a good fortune for me; I performed Pilgrimage. I came to Medina and met Ubay Bin Kaab and related to him the affair of the whip and their opinion the opinion of Zaid Bin Suhan and Salman Bin Rabia about it i. e. I should throw it. Thereupon he said: I found a money bag during the lifetime of Allah Messenger ﷺ which contained one hundred dinars. I came to him along with it; and he said: Make an announcement of it for one year; so I announced it; but did not find anyone who could claim it after recognising it. I again came to him and he said: Make announcement for one year. So I made announcement of it; but I found none who could recognise it. I came to him he said: Make announcement of it for one year. I made announcement of that but did not find one who could recognise it; whereupon he said: Preserve in your mind its number; its bag and its strap; and if its owner comes then return that to him ; otherwise make use of it. So I made use of that. I Shuba met him Salama Bin Kuhail after this in Mecca; and he said: I do not know whether he said three years or one year. | The Chapter on Lost And Found And Public Announcements in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 1 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17221 | Shuba reported: Salama Bin Kuhail informed me or he informed people and I was among them. He said: I heard Sawaid Bin Ghafala who reported: I went out along with Zaid Bin Suhan and Salman Bin Rabia; and found a whip; the rest of the hadith is the same up to the words: I made use of that. Shuba said: I heard him say after ten years; that he made an announcement of it for one year. | The Chapter on Facts And The Companions in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 1 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17344 | Abu Huraira reported that two women of the tribe of Hudhail fought with each other and one of them flung a stone at the other; killing her and what was in her womb. The case was brought to Allah Messenger ﷺ and he gave judgment that the diyat indemnity of her unborn child is a male or a female slave of the best quality; and he also decided that the diyat of the woman is to be paid by her relative on the father side; and he the Holy Prophet made her sons and those who were with them her heirs. Hamal Bin AlNabigha AlHudhali said: Messenger of Allah; why should I play blood-wit for one who neither drank; nor ate; nor spoke; nor made any noise; it is like a nonentity it is; therefore; not justifiable to demand blood-wit for it. Thereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: He seems to be one of the brothers of soothsavers on account of the rhymed speech which he has composed. | The Chapter on Killig Asking For Forgiveness in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 11 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17345 | Abu Huraira reported that two women fought-the rest of the hadith is the same but herein no mention has been made of: He made her son and those who were with them her heirs. Someone said: Why should we pay blood-wit? And he did not name Hamal Bin Malik. | The Chapter on Charity To Brothers And Mother in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 11 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17346 | AlMughira Bin Shuba reported that a woman struck her co-wife with a tent-pole and she was pregnant and she killed her. One of them belonged to the tribe of Lihyan. Allah Messenger ﷺ made the relatives of the murderer responsible for the payment of blood-wit on her behalf; and fixed a slave or a female slave as the indemnity for what was in her womb. One of the persons amongst the relatives of the murderer said: Should we pay indemnity for one who; neither ate; nor drank; nor made any noise; who was just like a nonentity? Thereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ remarked: He speaks rhymed phrases like the people of the desert. He did impose indemnity upon them. | The Chapter on Worship And Almadinah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 11 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17384 | Sulaiman Bin Buraida reported on the authority of his father that Ma; iz Bin Malik came to Allah Apostle ﷺ and said to him: Messenger of Allah; purify me; whereupon he said: Woe be upon you; go back; ask forgiveness of Allah and turn to Him in repentance. He the narrator said that he went back not far; then came and said: Allah Messenger; purify me. whereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: Woe be upon you; go back and ask forgiveness of Allah and turn to Him in repentance. He the narrator said that he went back not far; when he came and said: Allah Messenger; purify me. Allah Apostle ﷺ said as he had said before. When it was the fourth time; Allah Messenger may; ﷺ said: From what am I to purify you? He said: From adultery; Allah Messenger ﷺ asked if he had been mad. He was informed that he was not mad. He said: Has he drunk wine? A person stood up and smelt his breath but noticed no smell of wine. Thereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: Have you committed adultery? He said: Yes. He made pronouncement about him and he was stoned to death. The people had been divided into two groups about him Maiz. One of them said: He has been undone for his sins had encompassed him; whereas another said: There is no repentance more excellent than the repentance of Maiz; for he came to Allah Apostle ﷺ and placing his hand in his in the Holy Prophets hand said: Kill me with stones. This controversy about Maiz remained for two or three days. Then came Allah Messenger ﷺ to them his Companions as they were sitting. He greeted them with salutation and then sat down and said: Ask forgiveness for Maiz Bin Malik. They said: May Allah forgive Maiz Bin Malik. Thereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: He Maiz has made such a repentance that if that were to be divided among a people; it would have been enough for all of them. He the narrator said: Then a woman of Ghamid; a branch of Azd; came to him and said: Messenger of of Allah; purify me; whereupon he said: Woe be upon you; go back and beg forgiveness from Allah and turn to Him in repentance. She said: I find that you intend to send me back as you sent back Maiz. Bin Malik. He the Holy; Prophet said: What has happened to you? She said that she had become pregnant as a result of fornication. He the Holy Prophet said: Is it you who has done that ? She said: Yes. He the Holy Prophet said to her: You will not be punished until you deliver what is there in your womb. One of the Ansar became responsible for her until she was delivered of the child. He that Ansari came to Allah Apostle ﷺ and said the woman of Ghamid has given birth to a child. He the Holy Prophet said: In that case we shall not stone her and so leave her infant with none to suckle him. One of the Ansar got up and said: Allah Apostle; let the responsibility of his suckling be upon me. She was then stoned to death. | The Chapter on Fornication And Adultery And Theft in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 5 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17388 | Abu Huraira and Zaid b Khalid AlJuhani reported that one of the desert tribes came to Allah Messenger ﷺ and said: Messenger of Allah; I beg of you in the name of Allah that you pronounce judgment about me according to the Book of Allah. The second claimant who was wiser than him said: Well; decide amongst us according to the Book of Allah; but permit me to say something. Thereupon Allah Messenger may peace be upon ham said: Say. He said: My son was a servant in the house of this person and he committed adultery with his wife. I was informed that my son deserved stoning to death as punishment for this offence. I gave one hundred goats and a slave girl as ransom for this. I asked the scholars if this could serve as an expiation for this offence. They informed me that my son deserved one hundred lathes and exile for one year. and this woman deserved stoning as she was married. Thereupon Allah Messenger may peace he upon him said: By Him in Whose Hand is my life. I will decide between you according to the Book of Allah. The slave-girl and the goats should be given back; and your son is to be punished with one hundred lashes and exile for one year. And; O Unais Bin Zuhaq AlAslami ; go to this woman in the morning; and if she makes a confession; then stone her. He the narrator said: He went to her in the morning and she made a confession. And Allah Messenger ﷺ made pronouncement about her and she was stoned to death. | The Chapter on Fornication And Adultery And Stoning To Death in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 5 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17449 | Jabir reported: Allah Messenger may peace he upon him sent us on an expedition and appointed Abu Ubaida our chief that we might intercept a caravan of the Quraish and provided us with a bag of dates. And he found for us nothing besides it. Abu Ubaida gave each of us one date everyday. I Abu Zubair; one of the narrators said: What did you do with that? He said: We sucked that just as a baby sucks and then drank water over that; and it sufficed us for the day until night. We beat off leaves with the help of our staffs; then drenched them with water and ate them. We then went to the coast of the sea; and there rose before us on the coast of the sea something like a big mound. We came near that and we found that it was a beast; called AlAnbar spermaceti whale. Abu Ubaida said. It is dead. He then said: No but it does not matter ; we have been sent by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ in the path of Allah and you are hard pressed on account of the scarcity of food ; so you eat that. We three hundred in number stayed there for a month; until we grew bulky. He Jabir said: I saw how we extracted pitcher after pitcher full of fat from the cavity of its eye; and sliced from it compact piece of meat equal to a bull or like a bull. Abu Ubaida called forth thirteen men from us and he made them sit in the cavity of its eye; and he took hold of one of the ribs of its chest and made it stand and then saddled the biggest of the camels we had with us and it passed under it the arched rib ; and we provided ourselves with pieces of boiled meat especially for use in our journey. When we came back to Medina; we went to Allah Messenger ﷺ and made a mention of that to him; whereupon he said: That was a provision which Allah had brought forth for you. Is there any piece of meat left with you; so tnat you give to us that? He Jabir said: We sent to Allah Messenger ﷺ tome of that a piece of meat and he ate it. | The Chapter on Lost And Found And Dates in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 4 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17461 | Shaibani reported: I asked Abdullah Bin Abu Aufa about the lawfulness or unlawfulness of the flesh of the domestic asses. He said: We experienced hunger on the Day of Khaibar as we were with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. We found domestic asses in the exterior of Medina. We slaughtered them and our earthen pots were boiling when the announcer of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ made an announcement that the earthen pots should be turned upside down and nothing of the flesh of the domestic asses should be eaten. I said: What kind of prohibition is it that he the Holy Prophet has made? He said: We discussed it amongst -ourselves. Some of us aaid that it has been declared unlawful for ever; whereas others said it has been declared unlawful since one-fifth of the booty has not been given to the treasury; as is legally required. | The Chapter on Animal Sacrifice Domestic Donkeys in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 5 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17513 | Saeed Bin Jubair reported that Ibn Umar happened to pass by some young men of the Quraish who had tied a bird and th; is made it a target at which they had been shooting arrows Every arrow that they missed came into the possession of the owner of the bird. So no sooner did they see Ibn Umar they went away. Thereupon Ibn Umar said: Who has done this? Allah has cursed him who does this. Verily Allah Messenger ﷺ invoked curse upon one who made a live thing the target of one marksmanship. | The Chapter on Alansar And Booty in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 12 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17673 | Abu Talha reported: Umar Bin AlKhattab Allah be pleased with him delivered a sermon on Friday and made a mention of Allah Apostle ﷺ and he also made a mention of Abu Bakr Allah be pleased with him and then said: I do not leave behind me any problem more difficult than that of Kalala. I did not refer to Allah Messenger ﷺ more repeatedly than in case of the problem of Kalala; and he the Holy Prophet never showed more annoyance to me than in regard to this problem; so much so that he struck my chest with his fingers and said: Umar; does the verse revealed in summer season; at the end of Surat AlNisa not suffice you? Hadrat Umar then said: If I live I would give such verdict about Kalala that everyone would be able to decide whether he reads the Quran or he does not. | The Chapter on Friday And Mercy in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 2 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17703 | It has been reported on the authority of Abu Mousa who said: I went to the Prophet ﷺ and with me were two men from the Ashari tribe. One of them was on my right hand and the other on my left. Both of them made a request for a position of authority while the Prophet ﷺ was brushing his teeth with a tooth-stick. He said to me : Abu Mousa or Abdullah Bin Qais ; what do you say about the request they have made ? I said: By God Who sent thee on thy mission with truth; they did not disclose to me what they had in their minds; and I did not know that they would ask for a position. The narrator says while recalling this hadith : I visualise as if I were looking at the miswak of the Prophet ﷺ between his lips. He the Holy Prophet said: We shall not or shall never appoint to the public offices in our State those who with to have them; but you may go; Abu Mousa or Abdullah Bin Qais to take up your assignment. He sent him to Yemen as governor. then he sent Muadh Bin jabal in his wake to help him in the discharge of duties. When Muadh reached the camp of Abu Mousa; the latter received him and said: Please get yourself down; and he spread for him a mattress; while there was a man bound hand and foot as a prisoner. Muadh said: Who is this? Abu Mousa said: He was a Jew. He embraced Islam. Then he reverted to his false religion and became a Jew. Muadh said: I wont sit until he is killed according to the decree of Allah and His Apostle ﷺ in this case. Abu Mousa said: Be seated. It will be done. He said: I wont sit unless he is killed in accordance with the decree of Allah and His Apostle ﷺ. He repeated these words thrice. Then Abu Mousa ordered him to be killed and he was kilied. Then the two talked of standing in prayer at night. One of them; i. e. Muadh; said: I sleep for a part of the night and stand in prayer for a part and I hope that I shall get the same reward for steeping as I shall get for standing in prayer. | The Chapter on Jihad And Alhajj in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 3 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-17975 | Talha Bin Mousarrif reported: I asked Abdullah Bin Abu Aufa whether Allah Messenger ﷺ had made any will in regard to his property. He said: NO. I said: Then why has making of will been made necessary for the Muslims; or why were they commanded to make will? Thereupon he said: He made the will according to the Book of Allah; the Exalted and Majestic. | The Chapter on Contracts And Disputes And Contracts in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 5 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18018 | It has been narrated by Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: One of the Prophets made a holy war. He said to his followers: One who has married a woman and wants to consummate to his marriage but has not yet done so; another who has built a house but has not yet erected its roof; and another who has bought goats and pregnantshe-camels and is waiting for their offspring-will not accommpany me. So he marched on and approached a village at or about the time of the Asr prayers. He said to the sun: Thou art subserviant to Allah and so am I. O Allah; stop it for me a little. It was stopped for him until Allah granted him victory. The people gathered the spoils of war at one place. A fire approached the spoils to devour them; but it did not devour them. He the Holy Prophet said: Some of you have been guilty of misappropriation. So one man from each tribe should swear fealty to me. The did so putting their hands into his. The hand of one man stuck to his hand and the Prophet ﷺ said: Your tribe is guilty of misappropriation. Let all the members of your tribe swear fealty to me one by one. They did so; when the hands of two or three persons got stuck with his hand. He said: You have misappropriated. So they took out gold equal in volume to the head of a cow. They-placed it among the spoils on the earth. Then the fire approached the spoils and devoured them. The spoils of war were not made lawful for any people before us; This is because Allah saw our weakness and humility and made them lawful for us. | The Chapter on Almaghazi And Hunain in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 11 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18032 | It has been narrated on the authority of Abdulrahman Bin Auf who said: While I was standing in the battle array on the Day of Badr; I looked towards my right and my left; and found myself between two boys from the Ansar quite young in age. I wished I were between stronger persons. One of them made a sign to me and. said: Uncle; do you recognise Abu Jahl? 1 said: Yes. What do you want to do with him; O my nephew? He said: I have been told that he abuses the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. By Allah; in Whose Hand is my life; if I see him I will grapple with him and will not leave him until one of us who is destined to die earlier is killed. The narrator said: I wondered at this. Then the other made a sign to me and said similar words. Soon after I saw Abu Jahl. He was moving about among men. I said to the two boys: Dont you see? He is the man you were inquiring about. As soon as they heard this ; they dashed towards him; struck him with their swords until he was killed. Then they returned to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and informed him to this effect. He asked: Which of you has killed him? Each one of them said: I have killed him. He said: Have you wiped your swords? They said: No. He examined their swords and said: Both of you have killed him. He then decided that the belongings of Abu Jahl he handed over to Muadh Bin Amr Bin AlJamuh. And the two boys were Muadh Bin Amr Bin Jawth and Muadh Bin Afra. | The Chapter on Killing In The State Of Ihram in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 13 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18035 | It has been reported by Salama Bin AlAkwa: We fought the Battle of Hawazin along with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. One day when we were having our breakfast with the Messenger of Allah may peace he upon him ; a man came riding a red camel. He made it kneel down; extracted a strip of leather from its girth and tethered the camel with it. Then he began to take food with the people and look curiously around. We were in a poor condition as some of us were on foot being without any riding animals. All of a sudden; he left us hurriedy; came to his camel; untethered it; made it kneel down; mounted it and urged the beast which ran off with him. A man on a brown rhe-camel chased him taking him for a spy. Salama the narrator said: I followed on foot. I ran on until I was near the thigh of the camel. I advanced further until I was near the haunches of the camel. I advanced still further until I caught hold of the nosestring of the camel. I made it kneel down. As soon as it placed its knee on the ground; I drew my sword and struck at the head; of the rider who fell down. I brought the camel driving it along with the man baggage and weapons. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ came forward to meet me and the people were with him. He asked: Who has killed the man? The people said: Ibn Akwa. He said: Everything of the man is for him Ibn Akwa. | The Chapter on Camels And Herdsmen Humps And Heeling in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 13 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18123 | It has been narrated on the authority of Usama Bin Zaid that the Prophet ﷺ rode a donkey. It had on it a saddle under which was a mattress made at Fadak a place near Medina. Behind him he seated Usama. He was going to the street of Banu Harith AlKhazraj to inquire after the health of Saad Bin Ubada This happened before the Battle of Badr. He proceeded until he passed by a mixed company of people in which were Muslims; polytheists; idol worshippers and the Jews and among them were Abdullah Bin Ubay and Abdullah Bin Rawaha. When the dust raised by the hoofs of the animal spread over the company; Abdullah Bin Ubay covered his nose with his mantle and said: Do not scatter the dust over us Not minding this remark ; the Prophet ﷺ greeted them; stopped; got down from his animal; invited them to Allah; and recited to them the Quran. Abdullah Bin Ubay said: O man; if what you say is the truth; the best thing for you would be not to bother us with it in our assemblies. Get back to your place. Whoso comes to you from us; tell him all this. Abdullah Bin Rawaha said: Come to us in our gatherings; for we love to hear it. The narrator says: At this ; the Muslims; the polytheists and the Jews began to rebuke one another until they were determined to come to blows. The Prophet ﷺ continued to pacify them. When they were pacified ; he rode his animal and came to Saad Bin Ubida. He said: Sad; havent you heard what Abu Hubab meaning Abdullah Bin Ubay has said? He has said so and so. Saad said: Messenger of Allah; forgive and pardon. God has granted you a sublime position; but so far as he is concerned the people of this settlement had-decided to make him their king by making him wear a crown and a turban in token thereof ; but God has circumvented this by the truth He has granted you. This has made him jealous and his jealousy must have prompted the behaviour that you have witnessed. So; the Prophet may peace upon him forgave him. | The Chapter on Horses And Polytheism in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 40 in Sahih Muslim | |
SahihMuslim-017-001-18141 | It has been narrated on the authority of Yazid Bin Abu Ubaid who said that he heard Salama Bin AlAkwa say: I went out before the Adhan for the morning prayer had been delivered. The milch camels of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ were grazing at Dhu Qarad. Abdulrahman Bin Auf slave met me and said: The milch camels of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had been taken away. I said: Who has taken them away? He said: the people belonging to the tribe of Ghatafan. I cried thrice: Help! I made the whole city between the two lavas hear my cry. Then I ran straight in their pursuit until I overtook them at Dhu Qarad where they were just going to water their animals. I; being an archer; began to shoot them with my arrows and was saying: I am the son of AlAkwa. And today is the day when the cowards will meet their doom. I continued to chant until I rescued the milch camels from them; and snatched from them thirty mantles. Now; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and some other people came along. I said: Prophet of Allah; I have prevented them from water while they were thirsty. So you should send a force to punish them. He the Holy Prophet said: Ibn AlAkwa; you have taken what; you have taken. Now let them go. Then we returned and the Messenger of Allah ﷺ made me mount behind him on his camel until we entered Medina. | The Chapter on Camels And Herdsmen And Health in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 45 in Sahih Muslim | |
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In Sunan AlTermithi
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10054 | The Chapter on Entering The Holly City Of Makkah in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi | ||
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10076 | Narrated Zuhair: Qabus Bin Abi Zabyan narrated to us; that his father narrated to him; he said: We said to Ibn Abbas: What is the meaning of the saying of Allah the Mighty and Sublime: Allah has not made for any man two hears inside his body.? 33:4 He said: The Prophet of Allah ﷺ stood one day for Prayer; then he was unsure regarding how much he had prayed. The hypocrites who prayed with him said: Dont you see that he has two hearts; a heart with you and another with them? So Allah revealed: Allah has not made for any man two hearts inside his body. | The Chapter on Adhan And Iqama Pronunciation in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10092 | Narrated Ibn Abbas: All types of women were prohibited for the Messenger of ALlah ﷺ except for the believing women among those who emigrated. Allah said: It is not lawful for you to marry other women after this; nor to change them for other wives even though their beauty attracts you; except those whom your right hand possesses 33:52. - And Allah made your believing girls lawful And a believing woman if she offers herself to the Prophet 33:50 and He made every woman of a religion other than Islam unlawful. Then He said: And whoever disbelieves in faith then fruitless is his work; and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers 5:5. And he said: Verily We have made lawful to you your wives; to whom you have paid their due; and those whom your right hands possess - whom Allah has given you up to His saying: A privilege to only you; not for the rest of the believers 33:50. He made the other types of women unlawful. | The Chapter on Milk in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10228 | AlQasim Bin AlFadl AlHuddani narrated from Yousif Bin Sad; who said: A man stood up in front of AlHasan Bin Ali; after he pledged to Muawiyah; so he said: You have made fools of the believers. or: O you who has made fools of the believers So he said: Do not scold me so; may Allah have mercy upon you; for indeed the Prophet had a dream in which he saw Banu Umayah upon his Minbar. That distressed him; so the following was revealed: Verily We have granted you AlKauthar O Muhammad meaning a river in Paradise; and the following was revealed: Verily We have sent it down on the Night of AlQadr. And what will make you know what the Night of AlQadr is? The Night of AlQadr is better than a thousand months; in which Banu Umayah rules after you O Muhammad. AlQasim said: So we counted them; and found that they were one-thousand months; not a day more nor less. | The Chapter on Revelation And Alquran in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Tafsir in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10415 | Abu Saeed said: A man came to the Prophet S.A.W and said: My brother is suffering from loose bowels. He said: Let him drink Honey. So he drank it. Then he came and said: O Messenger of Allah S.A.W ! He has drunk honey; but it has only made him more worse. So the Messenger of Allah S.A.W said: Let him drink honey. He said: So he drank it. Then he came and said: O Messenger of Allah S.A.W ! I gave him some more to drink; but it has only made him more worse. He said: The Messenger of Allah S.A.W said: Allah has told the truth;and your brother stomach has lied. Give him honey to drink. So he gave him some more honey to drink and he was cured. | The Chapter on Forbidden And Dinks in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on Medicine in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10684 | The Chapter on Trousers And Hoods In Dress in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Has Been Related About Wearing Furs in Sunan AlTermithi | ||
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10686 | The Chapter on Forbidden And Allowed In Drinks in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Has Been Related About The Skins Of Dead Animals When They Are Tanned in Sunan AlTermithi | ||
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10727 | The Chapter on Worship And Supplications in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What To Say When Wearing A New Garment in Sunan AlTermithi | ||
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10781 | The Chapter on Sutra For Prayers The Sutra Of The Prophet in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Has Been Related About The Description Of The Sword Of The Messenger Of Allah in Sunan AlTermithi | ||
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-10789 | The Chapter on Assignments And Angles And Satan in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Has Been Related About Swords And Their Ornamentation in Sunan AlTermithi | ||
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-11087 | Anas Bin Malik narrated: On the Night of Isra; fifty prayers were made obligatory upon the Prophet. Then it was decreased until it was made five. Then it was called out: O Muhammad! Indeed My Word does not change; these five prayers will be recorded for you as fifty. | The Chapter on Obligations And Pledges in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Has Been Related About How Many Prayers Allah Made Obligatory Upon His Servants in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7623 | Narrated Abu Shuraih AlKaabi that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Indeed Allah made Makkah sacred; it was not made sacred by the people. Whoever believes in Allah; and the Last Day; then let them not shed blood in it; nor cut down any of its trees. If one tries to make an excuse by saying: It was made lawful for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ then indeed Allah made it lawful for me but He did not make it lawful for the people; and it was only made lawful for me for an hour of a day. Then it is returned to being sacred until the Day Of Judgment. Then; to you people of Khuzaah who killed this man from Hudhail: I am his Aqil; so whomever one of his relatives is killed after today; then his people have two options; either they have him killed; or they take the blood-money from him. | The Chapter on Killing And Martyrs in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Has Been Related About The Guardian Of One Who Was Killed Deciding Between Qisas or Pardon in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7731 | The Chapter on Contracts And Disputes In Selling in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Has Been Related About Purchasing DatePalms After Pollination And A Slave That Has Property in Sunan AlTermithi | ||
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7813 | Ali bin Abi Talib narrated that The Messenger of Allah said: Indeed Allah has made unlawful through sucklingwhatever He made unlawful through lineage. | Chapter on What has been related about Suckling makes unlawful whatever lineage makes unlawful in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7814 | Aisha narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: Indeed Allah has made unlawful through suckling whatever He made unlawful through birth. | Chapter on What has been related about Suckling makes unlawful whatever lineage makes unlawful in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7848 | Another chain from Abu Huraira who narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: I have been honored over the Prophets with six things : I have been given Jawami AlKalam; I have been aided by the ability to cause in the enemy fright; the spoils of war have been made lawful for me; the Earth has been made as a Masjid and purifier for me; and I have been sent to all creatures; and with me Prophethood is sealed. | The Chapter on Almaghazi And Alansar in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Has Been Related About The Spoils Of War in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7952 | Aisha narrated: The Messenger of Allah swore Ila from his wives; and he made something unlawful and he made himself unlawful what was lawful; and he made atonement for his oath. | The Chapter on Drinks And Sharayah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What has been related about Ila in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8330 | Saeed Bin Abi Saeed AlMaqbury narrated: Abu Shuraih AlAdawi said tat when Amr Bin Saeed was sending troops to Makkah he said to him: O Amr! Allow me to tell you what the Messenger of Allah said on the day following the Conquest of Makkah. My ears heard it; my heard understood it thoroughly; and with my own eyes; I saw the Prophet when he - after glorifying and praising Allah - said: Indeed Allah; the Most High; made Makkah a sanctuary; it was not made a sanctuary by the people. So it is not lawful for a man who believes in Allah and the Last Day to shed blood it; nor to cut down its trees. If anybody tries to use the Messenger of Allah to make an excuse for fighting in it; then say to him: Indeed Allah permitted His Messenger and He did not permit you. Allah only allowed it for me for a few hours of one day; and today its sanctity has returned as it was before. So let the one who is present convey to the one who is absent. Abu Shuraih was asked: What was Amr Bin Saeeds reply to you? He said: I am more knowledgeable about that than you Abu Shuraih! The Haram does not give protection to a disobedient person; nor a person fleeing for murder; nor fleeing for Kharbah lawlessness. | The Chapter on Makkah And Praise Allah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Has Been Related About Makkah Sanctity in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8335 | Ali Bin Abi Talib narrated: When Allah revealed: And Hajj to the House is a duty that mankind owes to Allah; for whomever is able to bear the journey. They said: O Messenger of Allah! Is that every year? He remained silent. So they said: O Messenger of Allah! Is that every year? He said: No. If I had said yes; then it would have been made obligatory. So Allah revealed: O you who believe! Do not ask about things which; if made plain to you; may cause you trouble. | The Chapter on Revelation And Abrogation in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Has Been Related About How Many Times Hajj Is Obligatory in Sunan AlTermithi | |
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8625 | The Chapter on Communication In Matter Concerning The Religion in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Chapters on The Virtues of the Quran in Sunan AlTermithi | ||
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In Sunan AlNasai
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-11600 | Abu Hazim Bin Dinar narrated that some men came to Sahl Bin Saad AlSaidi. They were wondering what kind of wood the Minbar was made of; so they asked him about that. He said: By Allah; I know what it is made of. I saw it the first day it was set up and the first day the Messenger of Allah ﷺ sat on it. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent word to so-and-so - a woman whose name Sahl mentioned - telling her: Tell your carpenter slave to make me something of wood that I can sit on when I speak to the people. So she told him; and he made it from tamarisk wood from AlGhabah a place near AlMadinah. Then he brought it and it was sent to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; who commanded that it be set up here. Then I saw the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ascend it and praying on it; and saying the Takbir while he was on top of it; then he bowed when he was on top of it; then he came down backward and prostrated at the base of the Minbar; then he went back. When he had finished he turned to face the people and said: O people; I only did this so that you can follow me in prayer and learn how I pray. | The Chapter on Tashahhud And Supplication in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Praying On The Minbar in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-11703 | It was narrated that Jabir said: A man from the Ansar came when the Iqamah for prayer hadbeen said. He entered the Masjid and prayed behind Muadh; and he Muadh made the prayer lengthy. The man went away and prayed in a comer of the Masjid; then he left. When Muadh finished praying; it was said to him that so-and-so had done such and such. Muadh said:Tomorrow I will mention that to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. So Muadh came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and told him about that. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent for him and asked him: What made you do what you did? He said: 0 Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; I had been working with my camel to bring water all day; and when I came the Iqamah for prayer had already been said; so I entered the Masjid and joined him in the prayer; then he recited such and such a Surah and made it lengthy; soI went away and prayed in a comer of the Masjid. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Do you want to cause hardship to the people; 0 Muadh do you want to cause hardship to thepeople; 0 Muadh do you want to cause hardship to the people; 0 Muadh? | The Chapter on Prayers And The Masjid in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on A man exiting the prayer behind the Imam and going to pray by himself in a corner of the Masjid in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-12529 | The Chapter on Personal Hygiene General Topics in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Purification in Sunan AlNasai | ||
SunanAlNasai-017-001-12754 | It was narrated that Aisha said: We went out with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ on one of his journeys; and when we were in AlBaida or Dhat AlJaish; a necklace of mine broke and fell. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ stayed there looking for it and the people stayed with him. There was no water near them; and they did not have water with them. The people came to Abu Bakr; may Allah be pleased with him; and said: Do you see what Aisha has done? She has made the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and the people stop and they are not near any water and they do not have water with them. Abu Bakr; may Allah be pleased with him; came while the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was resting his head on my thigh and had gone to sleep. He said: You have detained the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and the people; and they are not near any water and they do not have any water with them. Aisha said: Abu Bakr rebuked me and said whatever Allah willed he would say. He started poking me on my hip; and the only thing that prevented me from moving was the fact that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was resting on my thigh. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ slept until morning when he woke up without any water. Then Allah; the Mighty and Sublime revealed the verse of Tayammum. Usaid Bin Hudair said: This is not the first time we have been blessed because of you; O family of Abu Bakr! She said: Then we made the camel that I had been riding stand up; and we found the necklace beneath it. | The Chapter on Parents Mothers in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Purification in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-12833 | Abu Bakr Bin Abi Mousa narrated that his father said: The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL sent me to Yemen and I said: O Messenger of Allah; there are different kinds of drinks there; what should I drink; and what should I refrain from? He said: What are they? I said: AlBit mead and AlMizr beer. He said: What are mead and beer? I said: Mead is a drink made from honey and beer is a drink made from grains. The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL said: Do not drink any intoxicant; for I have forbidden all intoxicants. | The Chapter on Forbidden And Dinks in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Explanation of AlBit Mead and AlMizr Beer in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-12834 | It was narrated from Abu Burdah that his father said: The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL sent me to Yemen and I said: O Messenger of Allah; there are drinks there which they call AlBit mead and AlMizr beer. He said: What is mead and beer ? I said: A drink made from honey; and beer is made from barley. He said: Every intoxicant is unlawful. | The Chapter on Forbidden And Dinks in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Explanation of AlBit Mead and AlMizr Beer in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-12849 | It was narrated that Saeed Bin Jubair said: We asked Ibn Umar about Nabidh made in an earthenware jar and he said: The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL forbade that. So I went to Ibn Abbas and said to him: Today I heard something that surprised me. He said: What was it? I said: I asked Ibn Umar about Nabidh made in an earthenware jar and he said: The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL forbade it. He said: Ibn Umar spoke the truth. I said: What is an earthenware jar? He said: Anything that is made of clay. | The Chapter on Forbidden In Utensils Earthenware in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Prohibition of Soaking Making Nabidh in Earthenware Jars in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-12850 | It was narrated that Saeed Bin Jubair said: I was with Ibn Umar when he was asked about Nabidh made in an earthenware jar. He said: The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL forbade it. I got upset when I heard that; so I went to Ibn Abbas and said: Ibn Umar was asked about something; and I found it difficult. He said: What was it? I said: He was asked about Nabidh made in an earthenware jar. He said: He spoke the truth; the Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL forbade it. I said: What is an earthenware jar? He said: Anything that is made of clay. | The Chapter on Forbidden In Utensils Earthenware in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Prohibition of Soaking Making Nabidh in Earthenware Jars in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-12853 | It was narrated that Abu Raja said: I asked AlHasan about Nabidh made in earthenware jars - is it unlawful? He said: It is unlawful. One who would not lie narrated to us that the Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL forbade Nabidh made in AlHantam; AlDubba gourds ; AlMuzaffat and AlNaqir. | The Chapter on Forbidden Gold Utensils in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Green Earthenware Jars in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-12919 | It was narrated from Uyainah Bin Abdulrahman that his father said: A man said to Ibn Abbas: I am a man from Khurasan; and our land is a cold land. We have a drink that is made from raisins and grapes and other things; and I am confused about it. He mentioned different kinds of drinks to him and mentioned many; until I thought that he had not understood him. Ibn Abbas said to him: You have told me too many. Avoid whatever intoxicates; whether it is made of dates; raisins or anything else. | The Chapter on Forbidden And Dinks in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Reports Used by Those Who Permit the Drinking of Intoxicants in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-12970 | It was narrated from Ibn Umar that: Nabidh of raisins would be made for him in a water skin in the morning; and he would drink it that night; and it would be made for him in the evening; and he would drink it in the morning. He would wash out the water skins and not leave any pieces or anything in them. Nafi said: We used to drink it like honey. | The Chapter on Forbidden And Allowed In Drinks in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Kinds of Nabidh that are Permissible to Drink and the Kinds that are Not in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-12971 | It was narrated that Bassam said: I asked Abu Jafar about Nabidh and he said: Ali Bin Husain; may Allah be pleased with him; would have Nabidh made for him at night; and he would drink it in the morning; and he would have Nabidh made in the morning and he would drink it at night. | The Chapter on Drinks And Sharayah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Kinds of Nabidh that are Permissible to Drink and the Kinds that are Not in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-13143 | Hakim Bin Hizam said: I bought some food and made food and made a profit on it by selling it before I took possession of it. I came to the Messenger of Allah and told him about that and he said: Do not sell it until you take possession of it. | The Chapter on Financial Transaction And Food in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Selling food before taking possession of it in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-13530 | It was narrated from Arafat Bin Asad that: His nose was cut off at the battle of AlKulab during the Aljahiliyah; so he wore a nose made of silver; but it began to rot; so the Prophet SAWSYMOBOL told him to wear a nose made of gold. | The Chapter on Precious Metals Wearing And Seals in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on If a Man Nose Has Been Cut Off Can He Wear a Nose Made of Gold in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-13531 | It was narrated from Abdulrahman Bin Tarafah; from Arafat Bin Asad Bin Karib; who was his grandfather- saying that he saw his grandfather; and he said: His nose had been cut off at the battle of AlKulab during the Aljahiliyah; so he wore a nose made of silver; but it began to rot on him; so the Prophet SAWSYMOBOL told him to wear a nose made of gold. | The Chapter on Precious Metals Wearing And Seals in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on If a Man Nose Has Been Cut Off Can He Wear a Nose Made of Gold in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-13568 | It was narrated from Anas that: The Prophet ring was made of silver and its stone Fass was made of silver too. | The Chapter on Precious Metals And Business Deals in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Description of the Ring of the Prophet SAW in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-13569 | It was narrated that Anas said: The ring of the Prophet SAWSYMOBOL was made of silver and its stone Fass was made of silver too. | The Chapter on Precious Metals And Buying And Selling Gold in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Description of the Ring of the Prophet SAW in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-13586 | It was narrated from Ibn Umar that: The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL wore a ring of gold for three days; and when his Companions saw it; gold rings became popular. Then he threw it away and we did not realize what he had done. Then he ordered that a ring of silver be made; and that the words : Muhammad Rasul Allah be engraved on it. It remained on the hand of the Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL until he died; then on the hand of Abu Bakr until he died; then on the hand of Umar until he died. Then it remained on the hand of Uthman for the first six years of his duties; but when he had to write many letters; he gave it to a man from among Ansar who used to seal letters with it. Then the Ansari went out to a well belonging to Uthman and the ring fell. They looked for it but could not find it. He ordered that a similar ring be made and engraved the words : Muhammad Rasul Allah on it. | The Chapter on Precious Metals Wearing And Seals in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Taking Off One Ring When Entering AlKhala The Area in Which One Relieves Oneself in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-13994 | It was narrated from Muhammad Bin AlZubair; from his father; from a man from the inhabitants of AlBasrah; who said: I accompanied Imran Bin Hosain; who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: Vows are of two types: A vow that is made to do an act of obedience to Allah; that is for Allah and must be fulfilled; and a vow that is made to do an act of disobedience to Allah; that is for Shaitan and should not be fulfilled; and its expiation is the expiation for an oath. | The Chapter on Obligations And Vows And Oaths in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Expiation For Vows in Sunan AlNasai | |
SunanAlNasai-017-001-14272 | It was narrated from Amr Bin Shuaib; from his father; that his grandfather said: We were with the Messenger of Allah when the delegation of Hawazin came to him and said: O Muhammad! We are one of the Arab tribes and a calamity has befallen us of which you are well aware. Do us a favor; may Allah bless you. He said: Choose between your wealth or your women and children. They said: You have given us a choice between our families and our wealth; we choose our women and children. The Messenger of Allah said: As for that which was allocated to myself and to Banu Abd AlMuttalib; it is yours. When I have prayed Zuhr; stand up and say: We seek the help of the Messenger of Allah in dealing with the believers; or the Muslims; with regard to our women and children. So when they prayed Zuhr; they stood up and said that. The Messenger of Allah said: As for that which was allocated to myself and to Banu Abd AlMuttalib; it is yours. The Muhajirun said: That which was allocated to us is for the Messenger of Allah. The Ansar said: That which was allocated to us is for the Messenger of Allah. AlAqra Bin Habis said: As for myself and Banu Tamim; then no we will not give it up. Uyaynah Bin Housn said: As for myself and Banu Fazarah; then no we will not give it up. AlAbbas Bin Mirdas said: As for myself and Banu Sulaim; then no we will not give it up. Banu Sulaim stood up and said: You lied; whatever was allocated to us; it is for the Messenger of Allah. The Messenger of Allah said: O people; give their women and children back to them. Whoever gives back anything of these spoils of war; he will have six camels from the spoils of war that Allah grants us next. Then he mounted his riding-animal and the people surrounded him; saying: Distribute our spoils of war among us. They made him go back toward a tree on which his Rida upper-wrap got caught. He said: O people! Give me back my Rida. By Allah! If there were cattle as many in number as the trees of Tihamah I would distribute them among you; then you would not find me a miser; a coward or a liar. Then he went to a camel and took a hair from its hump between two of his fingers and said: Look! I do not have any of the spoils of war. All I have is the Khums; and the Khums will be given back to you. A man stood up holding a ball of yarn made from goat hair and said: O Messenger of Allah; I took this to fix my camel-saddle. He said: What was allocated to myself and to Banu Abd AlMuttalib is for you. He said: Is this so important? I dont need it! And he threw it down. He said: O people! Give back even needles large and small; for AlGhulul will be a source of shame and disgrace for those who took it on the Day of Resurrection. | The Chapter on Almaghazi And Hunain in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on A Gift Given To Everyone in Sunan AlNasai | |
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In Sunan Abu Dawoud
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24559 | Suwayd Ibn Ghaflah said: I fought along with Zayd Ibn Suhan and Sulayman Ibn Rabiah. I found a whip. They said to me: Throw it away. I said: No; if I find its owner I shall give it to him ; if not; I shall use it. Then I performed hajj; and when I reached Medina; I asked Ubay Ibn Ka Bin He said: I found a purse which contained one hundred dinars; so I came to the Prophet ﷺ. He said to me: Make the matter known for a year. I made it known for a year and then came to him. He then said to me: Make the matter known for a year. So I made it known for a year. I then again came to him. He said to me: Make the matter known for a year. Then I came to him and said: I did not find anyone who realises it. He said: Remember; its number; its container and its tie. If its owner comes; give it to him ; otherwise use it yourself. He the narrator Shubah said: I do not know whether he said the word make the matter known three times or once. | The Chapter on Lost And Found And Holly Matters in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Finds in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24701 | Narrated Ibn Abbas: I spent a night in the house of my maternal aunt Maimunah; daughter of AlHarith. The Prophet ﷺ offered the night prayer. He then came and prayed four rakahs and slept. He then stood up and prayed. I stood at his left side. He made me go round and made me stand at his right side. He then prayed five rakahs and slept; and I heard his snoring. He then got up and prayed two rakahs. Afterwards he came out and offered the dawn prayer. | The Chapter on Bowing In Obligatory Prayers in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on On The Night Prayer in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24719 | Narrated Abu Dharr: We fasted with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ during Ramadan; but he did not make us get up at night for prayer at any time during the month till seven nights remained; then he made us get up for prayer till a third of the night had passed. When the sixth remaining night came; he did not make us get up for prayer. When the fifth remaining night came; he made us stand in prayer till a half of the night had gone. So I said: Messenger of Allah; I wish you had led us in supererogatory prayers during the whole of tonight. He said: When a man prays with an imam till he goes he is reckoned as having spent a whole night in prayer. On the fourth remaining night he did not make us get up. When the third remaining night came; he gathered his family; his wives; and the people and prayed with us till we were afraid we should miss the falah success. I said: What is falah? He said: The meal before daybreak. Then he did not make us get up for prayer during the remainder of the month. | The Chapter on Prayers And Mercy And Ablution in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Regarding Standing In Voluntary Night Prayer During The Month Of Ramadan in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24819 | In another version Ibn Abbas said: Earnest supplication should be made like this: he raised his hand and made his palms in the direction of his face. | The Chapter on Communication Talking In Prayers in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Regarding Supplication AdDua in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24970 | A man from the Ansar called Basrah said: I married a virgin woman in her veil. When I entered upon her; I found her pregnant. I mentioned this to the Prophet. The Prophet ﷺ said: She will get the dower; for you made her vagina lawful for you. The child will be your slave. When she has begotten a child ; flog her according to the version of AlHasan. The version of Ibn AbusSari has: You people; flog her; or said: inflict hard punishment on him.Abu Dawud said: This tradition has been transmitted by Qatadah from Saad Bin Yazid on the authority of Ibn AlMusayab in a similar way. This tradition has been narrated by Yahya Bin Abi Kathir from Yazid Bin Nuaim from Saeed Bin AlMusayab; and Ata AlKhurasani narrated it from Saeed Bin AlMusayab ; they all narrated this tradition from the Prophet ﷺ omitting the link of the Companion i.e. a mursal tradition. The version of Yahya Bin Abi Kathir has: Basrah Bin Aktham married a woman. The agreed version has: He made the child his servant. | The Chapter on Contracts And Disputes In Selling in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on A Man That Marries A Woman And Finds Her Pregnant in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25038 | Tawus said A man called Abu AlSahba used to ask Ibn Abbas questions frequently. He asked Do you know that when a man divorced his wife by three pronouncement before sexual intercourse with her; they the people made it a single divorce during the time of the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ ; of Abu Bakr and in the early phase of the caliphate of Umar? Ibn Abbas said Yes; when a man divorced his wife by three pronouncement before sexual intercourse they made it a single divorce during the time of the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ ; of Abu Bakr and in the early phase of the caliphate of Umar. When he saw that the people frequently divorced by three pronouncements he said Make them operative on them i.e.; on women. | The Chapter on Fornication And Adultery And Family in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Abrogation Of Taking Back A Wife After The Third Divorce in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25141 | Umm Athiyah reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying A woman must not observe mourning for more than three days except for four months and ten days in the case of a husband and she must not wear a dyed garment except one of the types made of dyed yarn or apply collyrium or touch perfume except for a little costus or azfar when she has been purified after her menstrual courses.The narrator Yaqub mentioned the words except washed clothes instead of the words one of the types made of dyed yarn. Yaqub also added She must not apply Henna | The Chapter on Special Days And Alquran in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Should A Woman Whose Husband Dies Avoid During Her Waiting Period in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25152 | Abu Huraira said When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ died and Abu Bakr was made his successor after him and certain Arab clans apostatized. Umar Bin AlKhattab said to Abu Bakr How can you fight with the people until they say There is no God but Allah so whoever says There is no God but Allah; he has protected his property and his person from me except for what is due from him; and his reckoning is left to allah. Abu Bak replied I swear by Allah that I will certainly fight with those who make a distinction between prayer and zakat; for zakat is what is due from property. I swear by Allah that if they were to refuse me a rope of camel or a female kid; according to another version which they used to pay the Messenger of Allah; I will fight with them over the refusal of it. Umar Bin AlKhattab said I swear by Allah; I clearly saw Allah had made Abu Bakr feel justified in tighting and I recognized that it was right.Abu Dawud said This tradition has been transmitted by Rabah Bin Zaid from Mamar and AlZaubaidi from AlZuhri has If they were to refuse me a female kid. The version transmitted by Anbasah from Yunus on the authority of AlZuhri has a female kid. | The Chapter on Contracts And Disputes And Alquran in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Zakat in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25260 | Narrated Abdullah Ibn Abbas: When this verse was revealed: And those who hoard gold and silver; the Muslims were grieved about it. Umar said: I shall dispel your care. He; therefore; went and said: Prophet of Allah; your Companions were grieved by this verse. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Allah has made zakat obligatory simply to purify your remaining property; and He made inheritances obligatory that they might come to those who survive you. Umar then said: Allah is most great. He then said to him: Let me inform you about the best a man hoards; it is a virtuous woman who pleases him when he looks at her; obeys him when he gives her a command; and guards his interests when he is away from her. | The Chapter on Enjoining Obligations in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Rights Relating To Property in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25361 | Narrated Anas Ibn Malik: When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was on a journey and wished to say voluntary prayer; he made his camel face the qiblah and uttered the takbir Allah is most great ; then prayed in whatever direction his mount made his face. | The Chapter on Journeys And Travel And Direction Toward Alqiblah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Praying Voluntary Prayers And Witr While Riding A Mount in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25586 | Ibrahim Bin Uqabah said Kuraib told me that he asked Umamah Bin Zaid saying tell me how you did in the evening when you rode behind the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ. He said We came to the valley where the people make their Camels kneel down to take rest at night. The Apostle of Allaah ﷺ made his she Camel kneel down and he then urinated. He then called for water for ablution and performed the ablution but he did not perform minutely but performed lightly. I asked Apostle of Allaah ﷺ ; prayer? He replied Prayer ahead of you. He then mounted the Camel till we came to AlMuzadalifah. There iqamah for the sunset prayer was called. The people then made their Camels kneel down at their places. The Camels were not unloaded as yet; iqamah for the night prayers was called and he prayed. The people then unloaded the Camels. The narrator Muhammad added in his version of the tradition How did you do when the morning came? He replied AlFadl rode behind him and I walked on foot among the people of the Quraish who went ahead. | The Chapter on Camels And Herdsmen Humps And Heeling in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Departing From Arafah in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25616 | Abdulrahman Ibn Muadh said that he heard a man from the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ say: The Prophet ﷺ addressed the people at Mina and he made them stay in their dwellings. He then said: The Muhajirun Emigrants should stay here; and he made a sign to the right side of the qiblah; and the Ansar the Helpers here; and he made a sign to the left side of the qiblah; the people should stay around them. | The Chapter on Alansar And Muhajirin in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Camping At Mina in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25759 | Narrated Amr Bin Suhaib: On his father authority; said that his grandfather reported that the value of the blood-money at the time of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was eight hundred dinars or eight thousand dirhams; and the blood-money for the people of the Book was half of that for Muslims. He said: This applied till Umar Allah be pleased with him became caliph and he made a speech in which he said: Take note! Camels have become dear. So Umar fixed the value for those who possessed gold at one thousand dinars; for those who possessed silver at twelve thousand dirhams ; for those who possessed cattle at two hundred cows; for those who possessed sheep at two thousand sheep; and for those who possessed suits of clothing at two hundred suits. He left the blood-money for dhimmis protected people as it was; not raising it in proportion to the increase he made in the blood-wit. | The Chapter on Live Stock Possession in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Amount Of The Diyah in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25764 | Narrated Abdullah Ibn Amr: Mousaddad version has : The Messenger of Allah ﷺ made a speech on the day of the conquest of Mecca; and said: Allah is Most Great; three times. He then said: There is no god but Allah alone: He fulfilled His promise; helped His servant; and alone defeated the companies. The narrator said: I have remembered from Mousaddad up to this. Then the agreed version has: Take note! All the merits mentioned in pre-Islamic times; and the claim made for blood or property are under my feet; except the supply of water to the pilgrims and the custody of the Kabah. He then said: The blood-money for unintentional murder which appears intentional; such as is done with a whip and a stick; is one hundred camels; forty of which are pregnant. Mousaddad version is more accurate. | The Chapter on Slaying Of Camels In Crimes And Felonies in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Diyah For A Mistaken Killing That Appears Purposeful in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25970 | Narrated AlBara Ibn Azib: We went out with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ accompanying the bier of a man of the Ansar. When we reached his grave; it was not yet dug. So the Messenger of Allah ﷺ sat down and we also sat down around him as if birds were over our heads. He had in his hand a stick with which he was scratching the ground. He then raised his head and said: Seek refuge with Allah from the punishment in the grave. He said it twice or thrice. The version of Jabir adds here: He hears the beat of their sandals when they go back; and at that moment he is asked: O so and so! Who is your Lord; what is your religion; and who is your Prophet? Hannad version says: Two angels will come to him; make him sit up and ask him: Who is your Lord? He will reply: My Lord is Allah. They will ask him: What is your religion? He will reply: My religion is Islam. They will ask him: What is your opinion about the man who was sent on a mission among you? He will reply: He is the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. They will ask: Who made you aware of this? He will reply: I read Allah Book; believed in it; and considered it true; which is verified by Allah words: Allah Book; believed in it; and considered it true; which is verified by Allah words: Allah establishes those who believe with the word that stands firm in this world and the next. The agreed version reads: Then a crier will call from Heaven: My servant has spoken the truth; so spread a bed for him from Paradise; clothe him from Paradise; and open a door for him into Paradise. So some of its air and perfume will come to him; and a space will be made for him as far as the eye can see. He also mentioned the death of the infidel; saying: His spirit will be restored to his body; two angels will come to him; make him sit up and ask him: Who is your Lord? He will reply: Alas; alas! I do not know. They will ask him: What is your religion? He will reply: Alas; alas! I do not know. They will ask: Who was the man who was sent on a mission among you? He will reply: Alas; alas! I do not know. Then a crier will call from Heaven: He has lied; so spread a bed for him from Hell; clothe him from Hell; and open for him a door into Hell. Then some of its heat and pestilential wind will come to him; and his grave will be compressed; so that his ribs will be crushed together. Jabir version adds: One who is blind and dumb will then be placed in charge of him; having a sledge-hammer such that if a mountain were struck with it; it would become dust. He will give him a blow with it which will be heard by everything between the east and the west except by men and jinn; and he will become dust. Then his spirit will be restored to him. | The Chapter on Mercy And Angels in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Questioning And Punishment In The Grave in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26218 | Narrated Abdullah Ibn Umar: Abu Ghutayf AlHudhali reported: I was in the company of Ibn Umar. When the call was made for the noon zuhr prayer; he performed ablution and said the prayer. When the call for the afternoon asr prayer was made; he again performed ablution. Thus I asked him about the reason of performing ablution. He replied: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: For a man who performs ablution in a state of purity; ten virtuous deeds will be recorded in his favour. Abu Dawud said: This is the tradition narrated by Mousaddad; and it is more perfect. | The Chapter on Ablution And Eating Meat And Drinks in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Permissibility Of A Person Renewing His Wudu Without Having Broken It in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26382 | Narrated Aisha; Ummul Muminin: Ghudayf Ibn AlHarith reported: I asked Aisha: Have you seen the Messenger of Allah ﷺ washing because of defilement at the beginning of the night or at the end? She replied: Sometimes he would take a bath at the beginning of the night and sometimes at the end. Thereupon I exclaimed: Allah is most Great. All Praise be to Allah Who made this matter accommodative. I again asked her: What do you think; did the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say the witr prayer additional prayer after obligatory prayer at night in the beginning of the night or at the end? She replied: Sometimes he would say the witr prayer at the beginning of the night and sometimes at the end. I exclaimed: Allah is most Great. All praise be to Allah Who made the matter accommodative. Again I asked her: What do you think; did the Messenger of Allah ﷺ recite the Quran in the prayer loudly or softly? She replied: Sometimes he would recite loudly and sometimes softly. I exclaimed: Allah is most Great. All praise be to Allah Who made the matter flexible. | The Chapter on Bowing In Prayers Praise And Makkah And Almadinah in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on The Sexually Impure Person Delaying Ghusl in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26395 | Jubair Bin Mutim reported : People made a mention of washing because of sexual defilement before the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: I pour water on my head three times. And he made a sign with both his hands. | The Chapter on Menstruation And The State Of Impurity in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Regarding The Ghusl For Janabah in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26469 | Narrated Woman of Banu Ghifar: Umayah; daughter of AbusSalt; quoted a certain woman of Banu Ghifar; whose name was mentioned to me; as saying: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ made me ride behind him on the rear of the camel saddle. By Allah; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ got down in the morning. He made his camel kneel down and I came down from the back of his saddle. There was a mark of blood on it saddle and that was the first menstruation that I had. I stuck to the camel and felt ashamed. When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ saw what had happened to me and saw the blood; he said: Perhaps you are menstruating. I said: Yes. He then said: Set yourself right i.e. tie some cloth to prevent bleeding ; then take a vessel of water and put some salt in it; and then wash the blood from the back of the saddle; and then return to your mount. When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ conquered Khaybar; he gave us a portion of the booty. Whenever the woman became purified from her menses; she would put salt in water. And when she died; she left a will to put salt in the water for washing her after death. | The Chapter on Menstruation And Tawaf in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Performing Ghusl After Menses in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26654 | Narrated AlNuman Ibn Bashir: Habib Ibn Salim said: A man called Abdulrahman Ibn Hunayn had intercourse with his wife slave-girl. The matter was brought to AlNuman Ibn Bashir who was the Governor of Kufah. He said: I shall decide between you in accordance with the decision of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. If she made her lawful for you; I shall flog you one hundred lashes. If she did not make her lawful for you; I shall stone you to death. So they found that she had made her lawful for him. He; therefore; flogged him one hundred lashes.Qatadah said: I wrote to Habib Bin Salim; so he wrote this tradition to me. | The Chapter on Fornication And Adultery And Flogging in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on A man who commits zina with his wife slave woman in Sunan Abu Dawoud | |
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In Muwata Malik
Hadith Page | Arabic Text | English Translation | Book and Chapter |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34298 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Hisham Ibn Urwa from his father that Aisha; the wife of the Prophet; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; There was an eclipse of the sun in the time of the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; and the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; led the people in prayer. He stood; and did so for a long time. Then he went into ruku; and made the ruku long. Then he stood again; and did so for a long time; though not as long as the first time. Then he went into ruku; and made the ruku long; though not as long as thefirst time. Then he rose; and went down into sajda. He then did the same in the second raka; and by the time he had finished the sun had appeared. He then gave a khutba to the people; in which he praised Allah and then said; The sun and the moon are two of Allah signs. They do not eclipse for anyone death nor for anyone life. When you see an eclipse; call on Allah and say; Allah is greater and give sadaqa. Then he said; O community of Muhammad! ByAllah; there is no-one more jealous than Allah of a male or female slave of his who commits adultery. O community of Muhammad! By Allah; if you knew what I knew; you would laugh little and weep much. | The Chapter on Prostration And Eclipse Of The Sun in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prayer in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34662 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Suhayl Ibn Abi Salih from his father from Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; The doors of the Garden are opened on Monday and Thursday. Every muslim slave who does not associate anything with Allah is forgiven except for the man who has enmity between him and his brother. It is said; Leave these two until they have made a reconciliation. Leave these two until they have made a reconciliation. | The Chapter on Dress And Ablution in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Purity in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34763 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Zayd Ibn Aslam that Ibn Wala AlMisri asked Abdullah Ibn Abbas about what is squeezed from the grapes. Ibn Abbas replied; A man gave the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; a small water-skin of wine. The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said to him; Dont you know that Allah has made it haram? He said; No. Then a man at his side whispered to him. The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; asked what he had whispered; and the man replied; I told him to sell it. The Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; The One who made drinking it haram has made selling it haram. The man then opened the water- skins and poured out what was in them. | The Chapter on Granting Peace in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Purity in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34765 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Daud Ibn AlHusayn that Waqid Ibn Amr Ibn Sad Ibn Muadh informed him from Mahmud Ibn Labid AlAnsari that when Umar Ibn AlKhattab went to AlSham; the people of AlSham complained to him about the bad air of their land and its heaviness. They said; Only this drink helps. Umar said; Drink this honey preparation. They said; Honey does not help us. A man from the people of that land said; Can we give you something of this drink which does not intoxicate? He said; Yes. They cooked it until two- thirds of it evaporated and one-third of it remained. Then they brought it to Umar. Umar put his finger in it and then lifted his head and extended it. He said; This is fruit juice concentrated by boiling. This is like the distillation with which you smear the camel scabs. Umar ordered them to drink it. Ubada Ibn AlSamit said to him; You have made it halal; by Allah! Umar said; No; by Allah! O Allah! I will not make anything halal for them which You have made haram for them! I will not make anything haram for them which You have made halal for them. | The Chapter on Boiling Drinks in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Purity in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34787 | Malik said; The best of what is heard about a slave-girl whom a man has intercourse with while he has a partner in her is that the hadd is not inflicted on him and the child is connected to him. When the slave-girl becomes pregnant; her value is estimated and he gives his partners their shares of the price and the slave-girl is his. That is what is done among us. Malik said about a man who made his slave-girl halal to a man that if the one for whom she was made halal had intercourse with her; her value was estimated on the day he had intercourse with her and he owed that to her owner whether or not she conceived. The hadd was averted from him by that. If she conceived the child was connected to him. Malik said about a man who had intercourse with his son or daughter slave-girl; The hadd is averted from him and he owes the estimated value of the slave-girl whether or not she conceives. | The Chapter on Slave Girls And Sexual Intercourse in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Sadaqa in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34806 | Malik said; The generally agreed-on way of doing things in our community is that any setting-free which a man makes in a bequest that he wills in health or illness can be rescinded by him when he likes and changed when he likes as long as it is not a tadbir. There is no way to rescind a tadbir once he has made it. As for every child born to him by a slave-girl who he wills to be set free but he does not make mudabbara; her children are not freed with her when she is freed. That is because her master can change his will when he likes and rescind it when he likes; and being set free is not confirmed for her. She is in the position of a slave-girl whose master says; If so- and-so remains with me until I die; she is free. i.e. he does not make a definite contract. Malik said; If she fulfils that; that is hers. If he wishes; before that; he can sell her and her child because he has not entered her child into any condition he has made for her. The bequest in setting free is different from the tadbir. The precedent of the sunna makes a distinction between them. Had a bequest been in the position of a tadbir; no testator would be able to change his will and what he mentioned in it of setting free. His property would be tied up and he would not be able to use it. Malik said about a man who made all his slaves mudabbar while he was well and they were his only property; If he made some of them mudabbar before the others; one begins with the first until the third of his property is reached. i.e. their value is matched against the third; and those whose value is covered are free. If he makes the mall mudabbar in his illness; and says in one statement; So-and-so is free. So-and-so is free. So-and-so is free if my death occurs in this illness; or he makes them all mudabbar in one statement; they are matched against the third and one does not begin with any of them before the others. It is a bequest and they have a third of his property divided between them in shares. Then the third of his property frees each of them according to the extent of his share. No single one of them is given preference when that all occurs in his illness. Malik spoke about a master who made his slave a mudabbar and then he died and the only property he had was the mudabbar slave and the slave had property. He said; A third of the mudabbar is freed and his property remains in his possession. Malik said about a mudabbar whose master gave him a kitaba and then the master died and did not leave any property other than him; A third of him is freed and a third of his kitaba is reduced; and he owes two-thirds. Malik spoke about a man who freed half of his slave while he was ill and made irrevocable his freeing half of him or all of him; and he had made another slave of his mudabbar before that. He said; One begins with the slave he made mudabbar before the one he freed while he was ill. That is because the man cannot revoke what he has made mudabbar and cannot follow it with a matter which will rescind it. When this mudabbar is freed; then what remains of the third goes to the one who had half of him freed so as to complete his setting-free entirely in the third of the property of the deceased. If what is left of the third does not cover that; whatever is covered by what is left of the third is freed after the first mudabbar is freed. | The Chapter on Selling Of Slaves in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Speech in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34809 | Malik said; The generally agreed on way of doing things in our community about a mudabbar is that the owner cannot sell him or change the position in which he has put him. If a debt overtakes the master; his creditors cannot sell the mudabbar as long as the master is alive. If the master dies and has no debts; the mudabbar is included in the third of the bequest because he expected his work from him as long as he lived. He cannot serve him all his life; and then he frees him from his heirs out of the main portion of his property when he dies. If the master of the mudabbar dies and has no property other than him; one third of him is freed; and two thirds of him belong to the heirs. If the master of the mudabbar dies and owes a debt which encompasses the mudabbar; he is sold to meet the debt because he can only be freed in the third which is allowed for bequest. He said; If the debt only includes half of the slave; half of him is sold for the debt. Then a third of what remains after the debt is freed. Malik said; It is not permitted to sell a mudabbar and it is not permitted for anyone to buy him unless the mudabbar buys himself from his master. He is permitted to do that. Or else some one gives the master of the mudabbar money and his master who made him a mudabbar frees him. That is also permitted for him. Malik said; His wala belongs to his master who made him a mudabbar. Malik said; It is not permitted to sell the service of a mudabbar because it is an uncertain transaction since one does not know how long his master will live. That is uncertain and it is not good. Malik spoke about a slave who was shared between two men; and one of them made his portion mudabbar. He said; They estimate his value between them. If the one who made him mudabbar buys him; he is all mudabbar. If he does not buy him; his tadbir is revoked unless the one who retains ownership of him wishes to give his partner who made him mudabbar his value. If he gives him to him for his value; that is binding; and he is all mudabbar. Malik spoke about the christian man who made a christian slave of his mudabbar and then the slave became muslim. He said; One separates the master and the slave; and the slave is removed from his christian master and is not sold until his situation becomes clear. If the christian dies and has a debt; his debt is paid from the price of the slave unless he has in his estate what will pay the debt. Then the mudabbar is set free. | The Chapter on Selling Of Slaves in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Speech in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34841 | Malik related to me that he had heard that Umar Ibn AlKhattab estimated the full blood-money for the people of urban areas. For those who had gold; he made it one thousand dinars. and for those who had silver he made it ten thousand dirhams. Malik said; The people of gold are the people of AlSham and the people of Egypt. The people of silver are the people of Iraq Yahya related to me from Malik that he heard that the blood-money was divided into instalments over three or four years. Malik said; Three is the most preferable to me of what I have heard on that. Malik said; The generally agreed on way of doing things in our community is that camels are not accepted from the people of cities for blood-money nor is gold or silver accepted from the desert people. Silver is not accepted from the people of gold and gold is not accepted from the people of silver. | The Chapter on Precious Metals And Business Deals in HodHood Indexing, The Book of General Subjects in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34856 | Yahya related to me from Malik that Yahya Ibn Said heard Sulayman Ibn Yasar mention that a face wound in which the bone was bared was like a head wound in which the bone was bared; unless the face was scarred by the wound. Then the blood-money is increased by one half of the blood-money of the head wound in which the skin was bared so that seventy five dinars are payable for it. Malik said; What is done in our community is that the head wound with splinters has fifteen camels. He explained; The head wound with splinters is that from which pieces of bone fly off and which does not reach the brain. It can be in the head or the face. Malik said; The generally agreed on way of doing things in our community; is that there is no retaliation for a wound to the brain or a belly wound; and Ibn Shihab has said; There is no retaliation for a wound to the brain. Malik explained; The wound to the brain is what pierces the bones to the brain. This type of wound only occurs in the head. It is that which reaches the brain when the bones are pierced. Malik said; What is done in our community is that there is no blood-money paid on any head wound less than one which lays bare the skull. Blood-money is payable only for the head wound that bares the bone and what is worse than that. That is because the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; stopped at the head wound which bared the bone in his letter to Amr Ibn Hazm. He made it five camels. The imams; past and present; have not made any blood- money payable for injuries less than the head wound which bares the bone. | The Chapter on Wounds In Crimes And Felonies in HodHood Indexing, The Book of General Subjects in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34885 | Malik related to me from Nafi from Abdullah Ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; It is the duty of a muslim man who has something to be given as a bequest not to spend two nights without writing a will about it. Malik said; The generally agreed-on way of doing things in our community is that when the testator writes something in health or illness as a bequest; and it has freeing slaves or things other than that in it; he can alter it in any way he chooses; until he is on his deathbed. If he prefers to abandon a bequest or change it; he can do so unless he has made a slave mudabbar to be freed after his death. If he has made him mudabbar; there is no way to change what he has made mudabbar. He is allowed to change his testament because the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said; It is the duty of a muslim man who has something to be given as a bequest not to spend two nights without writing a will about it. Malik explained; Had the testator not been able to change his will nor what was mentioned in it about freeing slaves; each testator might withhold making bequests from his property; whether in freeing slaves or other than it. A man gives a bequest in his health and in his travelling. i.e. he does not wait till his death bed. Malik summed up; The way of doing things in our community about which there is no dispute is that he can change whatever he likes of that except for the mudabbar. | The Chapter on Selling Of Slaves in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Hair in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34916 | Yahya said that he had heard Malik say; The undisputed way of doing things in our community concerning pledges is that in cases where land or a house or an animal are known to have been destroyed whilst in the possession of the broker of the pledge; and the circumstances of the loss are known; the loss is against the pledger. There is no deduction made from what is due to the broker at all. Any pledge which perishes in the possession of the broker and the circumstances of its loss are only known by his word; the loss is against the broker and he is liable for its value. He is asked to describe whatever was destroyed and then he is made to take an oath about that description and what he loaned on security for it. Then people of discernment evaluate the description. If the pledge was worth more than what the broker loaned; the pledger takes the extra. If the assessed value of the pledge is less than what he was loaned; the pledger is made to take an oath as to what the broker loaned and he does not have to pay the extra which the broker loaned above the assessed value of the pledge. If the pledger refuses to take an oath; he has to give the broker the extra above the assessed value of the pledge. If the broker says that he doesnt know the value of the pledge; the pledger is made to take an oath on the description of the pledge and that is his if he brings a matter which is not disapproved of. Malik said; All this applies when the broker takes the pledge and does not put it in the hands of another. | The Chapter on Oaths And Pledges And Loans in HodHood Indexing, The Book of The Evil Eye in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34948 | Yahya related that he heard Malik say that if a man gave a washer a garment to dye and he dyed it; and then the owner of the garment said; I did not order you to use this dye; and the washer protested that he had done so; then the washer was to be believed. It was the same with the tailor and the gold-smith. They took an oath about it unless they produced something they would not normally have been employed to do. In that situation their statement was not allowed and the owner of the garment had to take an oath. If he rejected it and refused to swear; then the dyer was made to take an oath. Yahya said; I heard Malik speak about a dyer who was given a garment and he made a mistake and gave it to another man and the one to whom he gave it wore it. He said; The one who wore it has no damages against him; and the washer pays damages to the owner of the garment. That is when the man wears the garment which was given him without recognizing that it is not his. If he wears it knowing that it is not his garment; he is responsible for it. | The Chapter on Garments Selling And Buying in HodHood Indexing, The Book of The Description of the Prophet may Allah Bless Him and Grant Him Peace in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34954 | Yahya said that he heard Malik say; What is done in our community about some one who gives a gift not intending a reward is that he calls witnesses to it. It is affirmed for the one to whom it has been given unless the giver dies before the one to whom it was given receives the gift. He said; If the giver wants to keep the gift after he has had it witnessed; he cannot. If the recipient claims it from him; he takes it. Malik said; If some one gives a gift and then withdraws it and the recipient brings a witness to testify for him that he was given the gift; be it goods; gold; silver or animals; the recipient is made to take an oath. If he refuses; the giver is made to take an oath. If he also refuses to take an oath; he gives to the recipient what he claims from him if he has at least one witness. If he does not have a witness; he has nothing. Malik said; If someone gives a gift not expecting anything in return and then the recipient dies; the heirs are in his place. If the giver dies before the recipient has received his gift; the recipient has nothing. That is because he was given a gift which he did not take possession of. If the giver wants to keep it; and he has called witnesses to the gift; he cannot do that. If the recipient claims his right he takes it. | The Chapter on Returning Of Gifts in HodHood Indexing, The Book of The Description of the Prophet may Allah Bless Him and Grant Him Peace in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34974 | Malik related to me that he heard that Umm Salamah; the wife of the Prophet; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; made a settlement with her mukatab for an agreed amount of gold and silver. Malik said; The generally agreed on way of doing things among us in the case of a mukatab who is shared by two partners; is that one of them cannot make a settlement with him for an agreed price according to his portion without the consent of his partner. That is because the slave and his property are owned by both of them; and so one of them is not permitted to take any of the property except with the consent of his partner. If one of them settled with the mukatab and his partner did not; and he took the agreed price; and then the mukatab died while he had property or was unable to pay; the one who settled would not have anything of the mukatab property and he could not return that for which he made settlement so that his right to the slave person would return to him. However; when someone settles with a mukatab with the permission of his partner and then the mukatab is unable to pay; it is preferable that the one who broke with him return what he has taken from the mukatab for the severance and he can have back his portion of the mukatab. He can do that. If the mukatab dies and leaves property; the partner who has kept hold of the kitaba is paid in full the amount of the kitaba which remains to him against the mukatab from the mukatab property. Then what remains of property of the mukatab is between the partner who broke with him and his partner; according to their shares in the mukatab. If one of the partners breaks off with him and the other keeps the kitaba; and the mukatab is unable to pay; it is said to the partner who settled with him; If you wish to give your partner half of what you took so the slave is divided between you; then do so. If you refuse; then all of the slave belongs to the one who held on to possession of the slave. Malik spoke about a mukatab who was shared between two men and one of them made a settlement with him with the permission of his partner. Then the one who retained possession of the slave demanded the like of that for which his partner had settled or more than that and the mukatab could not pay it. He said; The mukatab is shared between them because the man has only demanded what is owed to him. If he demands less than what the one who settled with him took and the mukatab can not manage that; and the one who settled with him prefers to return to his partner half of what he took so the slave is divided in halves between them; he can do that. If he refuses then all of the slave belongs to the one who did not settle with him. If the mukatab dies and leaves property; and the one who settled with him prefers to return to his companion half of what he has taken so the inheritance is divided between them; he can do that. If the one who has kept the kitaba takes the like of what the one who has settled with him took; or more; the inheritance is between them according to their shares in the slave because he is only taking his right. Malik spoke about a mukatab who was shared between two men and one of them made a settlement with him for half of what was due to him with the permission of his partner; and then the one who retained possession of the slave took less than what his partner settled with him for and the mukatab was unable to pay. He said; If the one who made a settlement with the slave prefers to return half of what he was awarded to his partner; the slave is divided between them. If he refuses to return it; the one who retained possession has the portion of the share for which his partner made a settlement with the mukatab. Malik said; The explanation of that is that the slave is divided in two halves between them. They write him a kitaba together and then one of them makes a settlement with the mukatab for half his due with the permission of his partner. That is a fourth of all the slave. Then the mukatab is unable to continue; so it is said to the one who settled with him; If you wish; return to your partner half of what you were awarded and the slave is divided equally between you. If he refuses; the one who held to the kitaba takes in full the fourth of his partner for which he made settlement with the mukatab. He had half the slave; so that now gives him three-fourths of the slave. The one who broke off has a fourth of the slave because he refused to return the equivalent of the fourth share for which he settled. Malik spoke about a mukatab whose master made a settlement with him and set him free and what remained of his severance was written against him as debt; then the mukatab died and people had debts against him. He said; His master does not share with the creditors because of what he is owed from the severance. The creditors begin first. Malik said; A mukatab cannot break with his master when he owes debts to people. He would be set free and have nothing because the people who hold the debts are more entitled to his property than his master. That is not permitted for him. Malik said; According to the way things are done among us; there is no harm if a man gives a kitaba to his slave and settles with him for gold and reduces what he is owed of the kitaba provided that only the gold is paid immediately. Whoever disapproves of that does so because he puts it in the category of a debt which a man has against another man for a set term. He gives him a reduction and he pays it immediately. This is not like that debt. The breaking of the mukatab with his master is dependent on his giving money to speed up the setting free. Inheritance; testimony and the hudud are obliged for him and the inviolability of being set free is established for him. He is not buying dirhams for dirhams or gold for gold. Rather it is like a man who having said to his slave; Bring me such-and-such an amount of dinars and you are free; then reduces that for him; saying; If you bring me less than that; you are free. That is not a fixed debt. Had it been a fixed debt; the master would have shared with the creditors of the mukatab when he died or went bankrupt. His claim on the property of the mukatab would join theirs. | The Chapter on Partners And Share In Salves in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Good Character in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-34998 | Malik related to me from Zayd Ibn Aslam that his father said; Abdullah and Ubaydullah; the sons of Umar Ibn AlKhattab went out with the army to Iraq. On the way home; they passed by Abu Mousa AlAshari who was the amir of Basra. He greeted them and made them welcome; and told them that if there was anything he could do to help them; he would do it. Then he said; There is some of the property of Allah which I want to send to the amir Almuminin; so I will lend it to you; and you can buy wares from Iraq and sell them in Madina. Then give the principal to the amir Almuminin; and you keep the profit. They said that they would like to do it; and so he gave them the money and wrote to Umar Ibn AlKhattab to take the money from them. When they came to sell they made a profit; and when they paid the principal to Umar he asked; Did he lend everyone in the army the like of what he lent you? They said; No. Umar Ibn AlKhattab said; He made you the loan; because you are the sons of the amir Almuminin; so pay the principal and the profit. Abdullah was silent. Ubaydullah said; You do not need to do this; amir Almuminin. Had the principal decreased or been destroyed; we would have guaranteed it. Umar said; Pay it. Abdullah was silent; and Ubaydullah repeated it. A man who was sitting with Umar said; Amir Almuminin; better that you make it a qirad. Umar said; I have made it qirad. Umar then took the principal and half of the profit; and Abdullah and Ubaydullah; the sons of Umar Ibn AlKhattab took half of the profit. | The Chapter on Financial Transactions And Loans in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Dress in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35001 | Malik said; When a man owes money to another man and he asks him to let it stay with him as a quirad; that is disapproved of until the creditor receives his property. Then he can make it a qirad loan or keep it. That is because the debtor may be in a tight situation; and want to delay it to increase it for him. Malik spoke about an investor who made a qirad loan to a man; and some of the principal was lost before he used it; and then he used it and made a profit. The agent wanted to make the principal the remainder of the money after what was lost from it. Malik said; His statement is not accepted; and the principal is made up to its original amount from his profit. Then they divide what remains after the principal has been repaid according to the conditions of the qirad. Malik said; Qirad loan is only good in gold or silver coin and it is never permitted in any kind of wares or goods or articles. Malik said; There are certain transactions which if a long span of time passes after the transaction takes place; its revocation becomes unacceptable. As for usury; there is never anything except its rejection whether it is a little or a lot. What is permitted in other than it is not permitted in it because Allah; the Blessed and the Exalted; said in His Book; If you repent; you have your capital back; not wronging and not wronged. 32.4 Conditions Permitted in Qirad | The Chapter on Financial Transactions And Profits in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Dress in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35005 | Yahya said that Malik spoke about a man who made a qirad loan to a man and he bought wares with it and transported them to a commercial centre. It was not profitable to sell them and the agent feared a loss if he sold them; so he hired transport to take them to another city; and he sold them there and made a loss; and the cost of the hire was greater than the principal. Malik said; If the agent can pay the cost of the hire from what the capital realized; his way is that. Whatever portion of the hire is not covered by the principal; the agent must pay it. The investor is not answerable for any of it. That is because the investor only ordered him to trade with the principal. The investor is not answerable for other than the principal. Had the investor been liable; it would have been an additional loss to him on top of the principal which he invested. The agent cannot put that on to the investor. | The Chapter on Financial Transactions And Profits in HodHood Indexing, The Book of The Decree in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35119 | Malik said there was no harm if a man who sold some drapery and excluded some garments by their markings; stipulated that he chose the marked ones from that. If he did not stipulate that he would choose from them when he made the exclusion; I think that he is partner in the number of drapery goods which were purchased from him. That is because two garments can be alike in marking and be greatly different in price. Malik said; The way of doing things among us is that there is no harm in partnership; transferring responsibility to an agent; and revocation when dealing with food and other things; whether or not possession was taken; when the transaction is with cash; and there is no profit; loss; or deferment of price in it. If profit or loss or deferment of price from one of the two enters any of these transactions; it becomes sale which is made halal by what makes sale halal; and made haram by what makes sale haram; and it is not partnership; transferring responsibility to an agent; or revocation. Malik spoke about some one who bought drapery goods or slaves; and the sale was concluded; then a man asked him to be his partner and he agreed and the new partner paid the whole price to the seller and then something happened to the goods which removed them from their possession. Malik said; The new partner takes the price from the original partner and the original partner demands from the seller the whole price unless the original partner stipulated on the new partner during the sale and before the transaction with the seller was completed that the seller was responsible to him. If the transaction has ended and the seller has gone; the pre-condition of the original partner is void; and he has the responsibility. Malik spoke about a man who asked another man to buy certain goods to share between them; and he wanted the other man to pay for him and he would sell the goods for the other man. Malik said; That is not good. When he says; Pay for me and I will sell it for you; it becomes a loan which he makes to him in order that he sell it for him and if those goods are destroyed; or pass; the man who paid the price will demand from his partner what he put in for him. This is part of the advance which brings in profit. Malik said; If a man buys goods; and they are settled for him; and then a man says to him; Share half of these goods with me; and I will sell them all for you; that is halal; there is no harm in it. The explanation of that is that this is a new sale and he sells him half of the goods provided that he sells the whole lot. | The Chapter on Financial Transaction And Partnership in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Blood Money in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35146 | Yahya related to me from Malik from Abdu Rabbih Ibn Said that Abu Bakr Ibn Abdulrahman Ibn AlHarith Ibn Hisham only gave a fixed share to two grandmothers together. Malik said; The generally agreed on way of doing things among us in which there is no dispute and which I saw the people of knowledge in our city doing; is that the maternal grandmother does not inherit anything at all with the mother. Outside of that; she is given a sixth as a fixed share. The paternal grandmotherdoes not inherit anything along with the mother or the father. Outside of that she is given a sixth as a fixed share. If both the paternal grandmother and maternal grandmother are alive; and the deceased does not have a father or mother outside of them; Malik said;.I have heard that if the maternal grandmother is the nearest of the two of them; then she has a sixth instead of the paternal grandmother. If the paternal grandmother is nearer; or they are in the same position in relation to the deceased; the sixth is divided equally between them. Malik said; None of the female grand-relations except for these two has any inheritance because I have heard that the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; gave the grandmother inheritance; and then Abu Bakr asked about that until someone reliable related from the Messenger of Allah; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; that he had made the grandmother an heir and given a share to her. Another grandmother came to Umar Ibn AlKhattab; and he said; I am not one to add to fixed shares. If there are two of you together; it is between you. If either of you is left alone with it; it is hers. Malik said; We do not know of anyone who made other than the two grandmothers heirs from the beginning of Islam to this day. | The Chapter on Inheritance And Grandmothers in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Hudud in Muwata Malik | |
MuwataMalik-017-001-35151 | Malik said; The generally agreed on way of doing things among us in which there is no dispute and which I saw the people of knowledge in our citydoing; is that the child of the half-sibling by the mother; the paternal grandfather; the paternal uncle who is the maternal half- brother of the father; the maternal uncle; the great-grandmother who is the mother of the mother father; the daughter of the full- brother; the paternal aunt; and the maternal aunt do not inherit anything by their kinship. Malik said; The woman who is the furthest relation of the deceased of those who were named in this book; does not inherit anything by her kinship; and women do not inherit anything apart from those that are named in the Quran. Allah; the Blessed; the Exalted; mentioned in His Book the inheritance ofthe mother from her children; the inheritance of the daughters from their father; the inheritance of the wife from her husband; the inheritance of the full sisters; the inheritance of the half-sisters by the father and the inheritance of the half-sisters by the mother. The grandmother is made an heir by the example of the Prophet; may Allah bless him and grant him peace; made about her. A woman inherits from a slave she frees herself because Allah; the Blessed; the Exalted; said in His Book; They are your brothers in the deen and your mawali. | The Chapter on Inheritance And Half Brothers in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Hudud in Muwata Malik | |
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