Information for "SahihMuslim-017-001-22382"

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Basic information

Display titleSahihMuslim-017-001-22382
Default sort keySahihMuslim-017-001-22382
Page length (in bytes)193
Page ID76131
Page content languageEnglish (en)
Page content modelwikitext
Indexing by robotsAllowed
Number of redirects to this page0
Counted as a content pageYes
Page imageHodhoodHadithLogo.PNG

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Edit history

Page creatorMaintenance script (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation17:37, 18 October 2018
Latest editorMaintenance script (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit22:01, 14 November 2018
Total number of edits2
Total number of distinct authors1
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days)0
Recent number of distinct authors0

Page properties

Transcluded templates (13)

Templates used on this page:

Calendar EventDay Of Ashura + and Day Of Arafa +
Has FoodFast + and Fasts +
Has Frequent TermsFast +, Dai +, Seek +, Year +, Anger +, Aton +, Perpetu +, Pleas +, Posit +, Preced + and Sin +
Has Hadith GradeSahih Muslim +
Has Hadith Index of SubjectsFast felt +, Felt annoi +, Annoi pleas +, Pleas notic +, Notic annoy +, Annoy pleas +, Pleas lord +, Lord islam +, Islam code +, Code life +, Life seek +, Seek refug +, Refug anger +, Anger repeat +, Repeat anger +, Anger calm +, Calm posit +, Posit fast +, Fast perpetu +, Perpetu fast +, Fast broke +, Broke fast +, Fast break +, Break fast +, Fast dai +, Dai fast +, Dai capabl +, Capabl posit +, Dai holi +, Holi fast +, Fast david +, David fast +, Dai wish +, Wish strength +, Strength fast +, Dai month +, Month ramadan +, Ramadan perpetu +, Fast seek +, Seek fast +, Dai arafa +, Arafa aton +, Aton sin +, Sin preced +, Preced seek +, Dai ashura + and Ashura aton +
Has Hadith TextAbu Qatada reported that a person came to
Abu Qatada reported that a person came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and said: How do you fast? The Messenger of Allah ﷺ felt annoyed. When Umar Allah be pleased with him noticed his annoyance; he said: We are well pleased with Allah as our Lord; with Islam as our code of life; and with Muhammad as our Prophet. We seek refuge with Allah from the anger of Allah and that of His Messenger. Umar kept on repeating these words till his the Prophets anger calmed down. Then Umar said: Messenger of Allah; what is the position of one who fasts perpetually? He ﷺ said: He neither fasted nor broke it; or he said: He did not fast and he did not break it. Umar said: What about him who fasts for two days and does not fast one day? He ﷺ said: Is anyone capable of doing that? He Umar said: What is the position of him who fasts for a day and doesnt fast on the other day? Thereupon he the Holy Prophet said: That is the fast of David ﷺ. He Umar said: What about him who fasts one day and doesnt fast for two days. Thereupon he the Messenger of Allah said: I wish I were given the strength to do that. Thereafter he ﷺ said: Fasting three days every month and that of Ramadan every year is a perpetual fasting. I seek from Allah that fasting on the day of Arafa may atone for the sins of the preceding and the coming years; and I seek from Allah that fasting on the day of Ashura may atone for the sins of the preceding year.
atone for the sins of the preceding year. +
Has HodHood Indexing Book NameCategory:The Book of Friday in HodHood Indexing +
Has HodHood Indexing Chapter NameCategory:The Chapter on in HodHood Indexing +
Has NotablesAbu Qatada +, Muhammad +, Umar +, Holy Prophet +, David +, Messenger of Allah + and Arafa +
Has Polarity0.13 +
Has ProphetsDavid +
Has SentimentHadith Negative Sentiment + and Hadith Positive Sentiment +
Is Hadith Texttrue +