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The Book of Prostration During Recital of Quran in Sahih AlBukhari Key Points
- Ali said I was ill and the Messenger of Allah ﷺ passed by me while I was saying O Allah if my term has come then give me relief and if it is coming later then make my life more bountiful and if it is a trial then make me patient Allahumma in kana ajali qad U E a U E D ara fa ari U E ni wa in kana mutaakh khiran fa arfighni wa in kana balaan fa U E abbirni . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8176 Category:The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
- Abu Tufail reported We said to Ali Bin Abi Talib Inform us about something which Allah Messenger ﷺ told you in secret whereupon he said He told me nothing in secret which he bid from people but I heard him say Allah cursed him who sacrificed for anyone besides Allah and cursed him who accommodated an innovator and Allah cursed him who cursed his parents and Allah cursed him who changed the boundary lines of the land possessed by him . SunanAlNasai-017-001-13488 Category:The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
- Here follows the same tradition as has gone before with the addition that Ibn Ziyad asked Why didnt you narrate this tradition to me before this day Maaqil reprimanded him and said I did not narrate it to you or I was not going to narrate it to you . SahihMuslim-017-001-17294 Category:The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
- Jabir Bin Abdullah reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said that the inmates of Paradise would eat therein and they would also drink but they would neither void excrement nor suffer catarrh nor pass water and their eating would be digested in the form of belching and their sweat would be musk aged they would glorify and praise Allah as easily ai you breathe . SahihMuslim-017-001-17914 Category:The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
- Aisha the wife of Allah Apostle said When Allah Messenger ﷺ fell ill Gabriel used to recite this In the name of Allah may He cure you from all kinds of illnesses and safeguard you from the evil of a jealous one when he feels jealous and from the evil influence of eye . SahihMuslim-017-001-17914 Category:The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
- I said to her Has Allah Messenger ﷺ singled you out for saying something leaving us Aasi de She then wept and I asked her what he said and she said I am not going to divulge the secrets of Allah Messenger ﷺ . SahihMuslim-017-001-20723 Category:The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
- Aisha Allah be pleased with her reported When we came to Medina and it was an unhealthy uncogenial place Abu Bakr fell sick and Bilal also fell sick and when Allah Messenger ﷺ saw the illness of his Companions he said O Allah make Medina as congenial to us as you made Mecca congenial or more than that make it conducive to health and bleesus in its sa and in its mudd and transfer its fever to Aljuhfa . SahihMuslim-017-001-20723 Category:The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
- Narrated Abu Umamah Bin Sahl Hunaif Abu Umamah Ibn Sahl Ibn Hunayf said that some companions of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ told that one of their men suffered so much from some illness that he pined away until he was skin and bone i . SahihMuslim-017-001-23254 Category:The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
Most Postive Sentiment Hadith in The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
Positive Sentiment may indicate a Permissible, Encouraged Actions or Sunnah
- Ali said: I was ill and the Messenger of Allah ﷺ passed by me while I was saying: O Allah; if my term has come; then give me relief; and if it is coming later; then make my life more bountiful; and if it is a trial then make me patient Allahumma; in kana ajali qad <U+1E25>a<U+1E0D>ara fa ari<U+1E25>ni; wa in kana mutaakh-khiran fa arfighni; wa in kana balaan fa <U+1E63>abbirni. So the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: What did you say? He said: So he repeated to him what he said. He one of the narrators said: So he struck him with his foot and said: O Allah; grant him health Allahumma afihi or heal him ishfihi. Shuba is the one who doubted. He said: So I did not suffer from my ailment again. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-9411
- Aisha Allah be pleased with her reported: When we came to Medina; and it was an unhealthy; uncogenial place; Abu Bakr fell sick and Bilal also fell sick; and when Allah Messenger ﷺ saw the illness of his Companions he said: O Allah; make Medina as congenial to us as you made Mecca congenial or more than that; make it conducive to health; and bleesus in its sa and in its mudd; and transfer its fever to Aljuhfa. SahihMuslim-017-001-23254
- Jabir Bin Abdullah reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said that the inmates of Paradise would eat therein and they would also drink; but they would neither void excrement; nor suffer catarrh; nor pass water; and their eating would be digested in the form of belching and their sweat would be musk aged they would glorify and praise Allah as easily ai you breathe. SahihMuslim-017-001-18846
- Aisha reported that all the wives of Allah Apostle ﷺ had gathered in her apartment during the days of his Prophets last illness and no woman was left behind that Fatima; who walked after the style of Allah Messenger ﷺ ; came there. He welcomed her by saying: You are welcome; my daughter; and made her sit on his right side or on his left side; and then talked something secretly to her and Fatima wept. Then he talked something secretly to her and she laughed. I said to her: What makes you weep? She said: I am not going to divulge the secret of Allah Messenger ﷺ. I Aisha said: I have not seen anything happening like today; the happiness being more close to grief as I see today when she wept. I said to her: Has Allah Messenger ﷺ singled you out for saying something leaving us Aasi de? She then wept and I asked her what he said; and she said: I am not going to divulge the secrets of Allah Messenger ﷺ. And when he died I again asked her and she said that he the Holy Prophet told her: Gabriel used to recite the Quran to me once a year and for this year it was twice and so I perceived that my death had drawn near; and that I Fatima would be the first amongst the members of his family who would meet him in the Hereafter. He shall be my good forerunner and it made me weep. He again talked to me secretly saying : Arent you pleased that you should be the sovereign amongst the believing women or the head of women of this Ummah? And this made me laugh. SahihMuslim-017-001-20723
- Amr Bin Salamah reported on the authority of his father Salamah that they visited the Prophet ﷺ. When they intended to return; they said: Messenger of Allah; who will lead us in prayer? He said: The one of you who knows most of the Quran; or memorizes most of the Quran; should act as your imam. There was none in the clan who knew more of the Quran than I did. They; therefore; put me in front of them and I was only a boy. And I wore a mantle; Whenever I was present in the gathering of Jarm name of his clan ; I would act as their Imam; and lead them in their funeral prayer until today.Abu Dawud said: This tradition has been narrated by Amr Bin Salamah through a different chain of transmitter. This version has: When my clan visited the Prophet ﷺ.... He did not report it on the authority of his father. SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27564
- It has been reported on the authority of Anas Bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ used to visit Umm Haram daughter of Milhan who was the sister of his foster-mother or his father aunt. She was the wife of Ubada Bin Samit; One day the Messenger of Allah ﷺ paid her a visit. She entertained him with food and then sat down to rub his head. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ dozed off and when he woke up after a while ; he was laughing. She asked: What made you laugh. Messenger of Allah? He said: Some people from my Umma were presented to me who were fighters in the way of Allah and were sailing in this sea. Gliding smoothly on the water ; they appeared to be kings or like kings sitting on thrones the narrator has a doubt about the actual expression used by the Holy Prophet. She said: Messenger of Allah; pray to Allah that He may include me among these warriors. He prayed for her. Then he placed his head down and dozed off again. He woke up laughing; as before. She said I said: Messenger of Allah; what makes you laugh? He replied: A people from my Umma were presented to me. They were fighters in Allah way. He described them in the same words as he had described the first warriors. She said: Messenger of Allah; pray to God that He may include me among these warriors. He said: You are among the first ones. Umm Haram daughter of Milhan sailed in the aea in the time of Muawiya. When she came out of the sea and was going to mount a riding animal she fell down and died. SahihMuslim-017-001-17914
Most Negative Sentiment Hadith in The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
Negative Sentiment may indicate a Forbidden, Disliked, or Discouraged Actions
- Abu Tufail reported: Ali was asked whether Allah Messenger ﷺ had showed special favour by disclosing to him a thing which he kept secret from others. Thereupon he said: Allah Messenger ﷺ singled us not for disclosing to us anything secret which he did not make public; but those few things which lie in the sheath of my sword. He drew out the written document contained in it and on that it was mentioned : Allah cursed him who sacrificed for anyone else besides Allah; and Allah cursed him who stole the signposts demarcating the boundary lines of the land; and Allah cursed him who cursed his father; and Allah cursed him who accommodated an innovator in religion. SahihMuslim-017-001-17294
- Aisha reported that all the wives of Allah Apostle ﷺ had gathered in her apartment during the days of his Prophets last illness and no woman was left behind that Fatima; who walked after the style of Allah Messenger ﷺ ; came there. He welcomed her by saying: You are welcome; my daughter; and made her sit on his right side or on his left side; and then talked something secretly to her and Fatima wept. Then he talked something secretly to her and she laughed. I said to her: What makes you weep? She said: I am not going to divulge the secret of Allah Messenger ﷺ. I Aisha said: I have not seen anything happening like today; the happiness being more close to grief as I see today when she wept. I said to her: Has Allah Messenger ﷺ singled you out for saying something leaving us Aasi de? She then wept and I asked her what he said; and she said: I am not going to divulge the secrets of Allah Messenger ﷺ. And when he died I again asked her and she said that he the Holy Prophet told her: Gabriel used to recite the Quran to me once a year and for this year it was twice and so I perceived that my death had drawn near; and that I Fatima would be the first amongst the members of his family who would meet him in the Hereafter. He shall be my good forerunner and it made me weep. He again talked to me secretly saying : Arent you pleased that you should be the sovereign amongst the believing women or the head of women of this Ummah? And this made me laugh. SahihMuslim-017-001-20723
- Maimunah Bin Sad who was a servant for the Prophet; narrated that The Messenger of Allah said: The parable of the woman who walks to impress others in adornments for other than her family; is that of darkness on the Day of Judgment: There is no light for her. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7834
- Anas Bin Malik said Safiyah first fell to Dihyat AlKalbi; the she fell to the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ. SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29267
- Narrated Ibn Abbas: Allah Messenger ﷺ entered upon a sick bedouin in whom he went to visit and said to him; Dont worry; Tahur i.e.; your illness will be a means of cleansing of your sins ; if Allah Will. The bedouin said; Tahur! No; but it is a fever that is burning in the body of an old man and it will make him visit his grave. The Prophet ﷺ said; Then it is so. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1102
- Abu Saeed AlKhudri narrated that: The Messenger of Allah said: The best scent is the perfume of musk. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8176
- Narrated Abu Umamah Bin Sahl Hunaif: Abu Umamah Ibn Sahl Ibn Hunayf said that some companions of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ told that one of their men suffered so much from some illness that he pined away until he was skin and bone i.e. only a skeleton. A slave-girl of someone visited him; and he was cheered by her and had unlawful intercourse with her. When his people came to visit the patient; he told them about it. He said: Ask the Messenger of Allah ﷺ about the legal verdict for me; for I have had unlawful intercourse with a slave-girl who visited me. So they mentioned it to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ saying: We have never seen anyone so weak from illness as he is. If we bring him to you; his bones will disintegrate. He is only skin and bone. So the Messenger of Allah ﷺ commanded them to take one hundred twigs and strike him once. SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26668
- Narrated Abu Huraira: It was forbidden to keep the hands on the hips during the prayer. This is narrated by Abu Huraira from the Prophet. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-176
Notables Mentioned in The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
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Chapter Name
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Category:The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
Abd Alaziz
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Category:The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
Abdullah Bin Jafar
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Abdullah Bin Ubay
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Abdullah Ibn Umar
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Abu Bakr
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Abu Huraira
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Abu Saeed Alkhudri
Abu Saeed Khudri
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Abu Tufail
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Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah
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Abu Umamah Bin Sahl Hunaif
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Abu Umamah Ibn Sahl Ibn Hunayf
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Abu Usayd Alsaidi
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Category:The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
Ali Bin Abi Talib
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Amr Bin Salamah
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Anas Bin Malik
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Asad Bin Zurarah
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Bana Israil
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Banu Rifaah
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Daughter Of Milhan
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Dihyat Alkalbi
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Haram Daughter Of Milhan
Holy Prophet
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Ibn Abbas
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Ibn Wahab
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Ibn Ziyad
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Jabir Bin Abdullah
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Maaqil Bin Yasir
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Maimunah Bin Sad
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Messenger Of Allah
Messenger Sawsymbol
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Rifaah Aljuhani
Saburah Ibn Mabad Aljuhani
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Sami Allahu
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Ubada Bin Samit
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Ubadah Bin Alsamit
Usamah Bin Zaid
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Category:The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
Narrators Mentioned in The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
Narrators Starting with A
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Narrators Starting with U
Abdullah Ibn Umar
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Abu Huraira
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Abu Saeed AlKhudri
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Abu Umamah Bin Sahl Hunaif
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AbuUsayd AlSaidi
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Ibn Abbass
Saburah Ibn Mabad AlJuhani
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Usamah Bin Zaid
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Tribes Name Mentioned in The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
Tribes Name Starting with C
Children Of Israel
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Angels Mentioned in The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
Angels Starting with G
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Insects Mentioned in The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
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After Life Locations Mentioned in The Chapter on Fragrances And Presents in HodHood Indexing
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