Information for "MuwataMalik-017-001-34292"

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Display titleMuwataMalik-017-001-34292
Default sort keyMuwataMalik-017-001-34292
Page length (in bytes)233
Page ID62081
Page content languageEnglish (en)
Page content modelwikitext
Indexing by robotsAllowed
Number of redirects to this page0
Counted as a content pageYes
Page imageHodhoodHadithLogo.PNG

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Edit history

Page creatorMaintenance script (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation10:04, 18 October 2018
Latest editorAdmin (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit12:39, 18 November 2018
Total number of edits3
Total number of distinct authors2
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days)0
Recent number of distinct authors0

Page properties

Transcluded templates (12)

Templates used on this page:

Has Frequent TermsImam +, Prai +, Raka +, Remain +, Stood +, Taslim +, Enemi +, Group +, Includ +, Prostrat + and Stand +
Has Hadith GradeMuwata Malik +
Has Hadith Index of SubjectsSalih khawat +, Khawat sahl +, Sahl hathma +, Hathma pray +, Pray fear +, Fear imam +, Imam stood +, Stood group +, Group companion +, Companion group +, Group face +, Face enemi +, Enemi imam +, Ima +, Prai bow +, Bow includ +, Includ prostrat +, Prostrat stood +, Stood remain +, Remain stand +, Stand complet +, Complet remain +, Remain bow +, Bow taslim +, Taslim left +, Left form +, Form opposit +, Opposit enemi +, Imam remain +, Stand prai +, Prai forward +, Forward takbir +, Takbir imam +, Prostrat taslim +, Taslim stood +, Stood prai + and Prai remain +
Has Hadith TextYahya related to me from Malik from Yahya
Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya Ibn Said from AlQasim Ibn Muhammad from Salih Ibn Khawat that Sahl Ibn Abi Hathma related to him that the form of the prayer of fear was that the imam stood with a group of his companions; while another group faced the enemy. The imam prayed one raka with them; including the prostration; and then stood. He remained standing while they completed the remaining raka by themselves. They then said the taslim; left; and formed up opposite the enemy while the imam remained standing. Then the others who had not prayed came forward and said the takbir behind the imam and he prayed one raka with them; including the prostration. He then said the taslim; while they stood up and prayed the remaining raka by themselves. Then they said the taslim.
by themselves. Then they said the taslim. +
Has HodHood Indexing Book NameCategory:The Book of Prostration in HodHood Indexing +
Has HodHood Indexing Chapter NameCategory:The Chapter on Imam Led Prayers And Prostration in HodHood Indexing +
Has NotablesYahya +, Malik +, Yahya Ibn Said +, Ibn Muhammad +, Salih Ibn Khawat + and Sahl Ibn Abi Hathma +
Is Hadith Texttrue +