Information for "SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29259"

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Basic information

Display titleSunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29259
Default sort keySunanAbuDawoud-017-001-29259
Page length (in bytes)346
Page ID82770
Page content languageEnglish (en)
Page content modelwikitext
Indexing by robotsAllowed
Number of redirects to this page0
Counted as a content pageYes
Page imageHodhoodHadithLogo.PNG

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EditAllow all users (infinite)
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Edit history

Page creatorMaintenance script (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation20:56, 18 October 2018
Latest editorMaintenance script (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit03:30, 15 November 2018
Total number of edits2
Total number of distinct authors1
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days)0
Recent number of distinct authors0

Page properties

Transcluded templates (13)

Templates used on this page:

Has Body-PartsHand + and Chest +
Has FamilyDaughter +, Family + and Father +
Has FoodWater +
Has Frequent TermsAllaah +, Affect +, Slave +, Time +, Hand +, Water +, Ask +, Bag +, Carri +, Chest +, Famili +, Fathimah +, Grind +, Portion +, Pull +, Stone + and Upper +
Has Hadith GradeSunan Abu Dawoud +
Has Hadith Index of SubjectsAbud ali +, Ali fathimah +, Fathimah daughter +, Daughter favorit +, Favorit famili +, Famili pull +, Pull grind +, Grind stone +, Stone hand +, Hand affect +, Affect hand +, Hand carri +, Carri bag +, Bag affect +, Affect upper +, Upper portion +, Portion chest +, Chest swept +, Swept hous +, Hous cloth +, Cloth dirti +, Dirti acquir +, Acquir slave +, Slave slave +, Slave found +, Found talk +, Talk return +, Return dai +, Dai silenc +, Silenc inform +, Inform pull +, Stone affect +, Chest slave +, Slave brought +, Brought slave +, Slave save +, Save exert +, Exert suffer +, Suffer fear +, Fear fathimah +, Fathimah duti +, Duti lord +, Lord famili +, Famili bed +, Bed glori +, Glori prais +, Prais servant +, Servant pleas + and Pleas allaah +
Has Hadith TextIbn Abud said; Ali said to me May I not na
Ibn Abud said; Ali said to me May I not narrate you about me and Fathimah daughter of the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ ? She was most favorite to him of his family. I said Yes. He said She pulled the grinding stone with her hand so much that it affected her hand; she carried water in a water bag so much so that it affected the upper portion of her chest; she swept the house so much so that her clothes became dirty. The Prophet ﷺ acquired some slaves. So I said Would that you go to your father and ask him for a slave. She then came to him and found some people with him talking to him. She therefore returned. Next day she came again. He asked her ; what was your need? But she kept silence. So I said; I inform you; Apostle of Allaah ﷺ. She pulled grinding stone so much that it affected her hand; she carried water bag so much so that it affected the upper portion of her chest. When the slaves were brought to you I asked her to come to you and to ask you for a slave to save her from the exertion she is suffering. He said Fear Allaah; Fathimah and perform the duty of your Lord and do the work of your family. When you go to bed say Glory be to Allaah thirty three times; Praise be to Allaah thirty three times; Allaah is Most Great thirty four times. This is hundred times. That will be better for you than a servant. She said I am pleased with Allaah; Most High and with his Apostle ﷺ.
Allaah; Most High and with his Apostle ﷺ. +
Has HodHood Indexing Book NameCategory:The Book of Lost And Found in HodHood Indexing +
Has HodHood Indexing Chapter NameCategory:The Chapter on Lost And Found And Clothing in HodHood Indexing +
Has NotablesIbn Abud +, Ali +, Fathimah + and Allaah +
Has Places of WorshipThe House +
Has Polarity0.033 +
Has SentimentHadith Negative Sentiment + and Hadith Positive Sentiment +
Is Hadith Texttrue +