Category:The Book on Suckling in Sunan AlTermithi

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The Book on Suckling in Sunan AlTermithi Key Points

  1. Abdullah Bin Abi Mulaikah narrated Ubaid Bin Abi Maryam narrated to me from Uqbah Bin AlHarith and he Abdullah Bin Abi Mulaikah said And I heard it from Uqbah Bin AlHarith but to me the narration of Ubaid is better preserved he said Uqbah Bin AlHarith narrated I married a woman then a black woman came to us and she said I suckled both of you . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7818 Category:Chapter on What fulfills the rights of the foster relationship from suckling in Sunan AlTermithi
  2. So I went to the Prophet and said I married so and so the daughter of so and so then a black women came to us and said I suckled both of you but she is a liar . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7818 Category:Chapter on What fulfills the rights of the foster relationship from suckling in Sunan AlTermithi
  3. Ali Bin Talq narrated that A Bedouin came to the Prophet and said O Messenger of Allah A man among us would be in the desert and a small smell would come from him what should he do while the water is scarce So the Messenger of Allah said When one of you breaks wind then let him perform Ablution and do not go into your women in their behinds for indeed Allah is not shy of the truth . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7831 Category:Chapter on The threat for the woman who annoys her husband in Sunan AlTermithi
  4. Abu Saeed AlKhudri narrated that The Messenger of Allah said It is not lawful for a woman who believers in Allah and the Last Day to travel on a trip that is three days or more unless she is accompanied by her father her brother her husband her son or someone who is a Mahram to her . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7836 Category:Chapter on What has been related about Suckling does not make a prohibition except during infancy less than two years in Sunan AlTermithi
  5. Muadh Bin Jabal narrated that The Prophet said No woman annoys her husband in the world except that his wife among the AlHuril Ain said Do not annoy him may Allah destroy you he is only like a guest with soon he will part from you for us . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7841 Category:Chapter on What has been related about the husband rights over the wife in Sunan AlTermithi

Most Postive Sentiment Hadith in The Book on Suckling in Sunan AlTermithi

Positive Sentiment may indicate a Permissible, Encouraged Actions or Sunnah

  1. Abu Huraira narrated that The Messenger of Allah said: The most complete of the believers in faith; is the one with the best character among them. And the best of you are those who are best to your women. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7829
  2. Umm Salamah narrated that The Messenger of Allah said: Whichever woman dies while her husband is pleased with her; then she enters Paradise. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7828
  3. Jabir narrated that The Prophet said: Do not enter upon AlMughibar the women whose husband are absent ; for indeed the Shaitan flows through one of you as the blood flows. We said: And you? He said: And me; but Allah helped me over him; so I am safe. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7839
  4. Muadh Bin Jabal narrated that The Prophet said: No woman annoys her husband in the world except that his wife among the AlHuril-Ain said: Do not annoy him; may Allah destroy you; he is only like a guest with; soon he will part from you for us. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7841
  5. Abdullah narrated that The Prophet said: The woman is Awrah; so when she goes out; the Shaitan seeks to tempt her. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7840
  6. Abdullah Bin Abi Mulaikah narrated: Ubaid Bin Abi Maryam narrated to me from Uqbah Bin AlHarith and; he Abdullah Bin Abi Mulaikah said: And I heard it from Uqbah Bin AlHarith; but to me; the narration of Ubaid is better preserved; he said: Uqbah Bin AlHarith narrated: I married a woman; then a black woman came to us and she said: I suckled both of you. So I went to the Prophet and said: I married so-and-so the daughter of so-and-so; then a black women came to us; and said: I suckled both of you but she is a liar. He said: Then he pbuh turned away from me. He said: So I went around to face him and he pbuh turned his face away from me so I said: She is a liar. He said: How can you stay with her while she claims that she suckled both of you? Leave her. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7818
  7. Aisha narrated: Barfahs husband was a free man; so the Messenger of Allah let her choose. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7822
  8. Ibn Abbas narrated: Barfahs husband was a black slave belonging to Banu AlMughirah. On the day that Barirah was freed. By Allah! It is as if I can see him in the streets of AlMadinah behind her. Indeed tears were flowing down his beard while he was trying to get her to chose to stay with him; but she did not do it. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7823

Most Negative Sentiment Hadith in The Book on Suckling in Sunan AlTermithi

Negative Sentiment may indicate a Forbidden, Disliked, or Discouraged Actions

  1. Abu Saeed AlKhudri narrated that The Messenger of Allah said: It is not lawful for a woman who believers in Allah and the Last Day to travel on a trip that is three days or more; unless she is accompanied by her father; her brother; her husband; her son; or someone who is a Mahram to her. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7836
  2. Aisha narrated: My uncle through suckling came and asked permission to enter but I refused to admit him until I asked the Messenger of Allah. So the Messenger of Allah said: Let him in since he is your uncle. She said: It is only the woman who suckled me; I was not suckled by the man. So he said: Indeed he is your uncle; so let him in. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7815
  3. Maimunah Bin Sad who was a servant for the Prophet; narrated that The Messenger of Allah said: The parable of the woman who walks to impress others in adornments for other than her family; is that of darkness on the Day of Judgment: There is no light for her. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7834
  4. Uqbah Bin Amir narrated that The Messenger of Allah said: Beware of entering upon women. So a man from the Ansar said: O Messenger of Allah! What do you think about Hamu? So he said: The Hamu is death. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7838
  5. Ali Bin Talq narrated that A Bedouin came to the Prophet and said: O Messenger of Allah! A man among us would be in the desert and a small smell would come from him; what should he do while the water is scarce? So the Messenger of Allah said: When one of you breaks wind then let him perform Ablution; and do not go into your women in their behinds for indeed Allah is not shy of the truth. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7831
  6. Ibn Abbas narrated that The Messenger of Allah said: Allah will not look at a man who enters a man or a woman in the behind. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7832
  7. Ali narrated that The Messenger of Allah said: When one of you breaks wind then let him perform Ablution; and do not go into your women through their behinds. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7833
  8. Abu Huraira narrated that The Messenger of Allah said: A woman is not to travel the distance of a day and a night unless she is accompanied by someone who is a Mahram. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7837
  9. Sulaiman Bin Amr Bin AlAhwas said: My father narrated to me that he witnessed the farewell Hajj with the Messenger of Allah. So he thanked and praised Allah and he reminded and gave admonition. He mentioned a story in his narration and he the Prophet said: And indeed I order you to be good to the women; for they are but captives with you over whom you have no power than that; except if they come with manifest Fahishah evil behavior. If they do that; then abandon their beds and beat them with a beating that is not harmful. And if they obey you then you have no cause against them. Indeed you have rights over your women; and your women have rights over you. As for your rights over your women; then they must not allow anyone whom you dislike to treat on your bedding furniture ; nor to admit anyone in your home that you dislike. And their rights over you are that you treat them well in clothing them and feeding them. SunanAlTermithi-017-001-7830

Notables Mentioned in The Book on Suckling in Sunan AlTermithi


Notables Starting with A

Notables Starting with B

Notables Starting with H

Notables Starting with I

Notables Starting with J

Notables Starting with M

Notables Starting with S

Notables Starting with T

Notables Starting with U

Notables Starting with Z


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about One sip or two sips will not make a prohibition in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about one woman testimony about suckling in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a man who sees a woman and becomes fascinated with her in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on The Shaitan seeks to tempt the woman when she goes out in Sunan AlTermithi

Abdullah Bin Abi Mulaikah

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about one woman testimony about suckling in Sunan AlTermithi

Abdullah Bin Alzubair

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
  • [[]]
  • [[]]

Abu Huraira

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about the child the bed belong to in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about the husband rights over the wife in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a woman rights over her husband in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about jealousy in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about it being disliked for a woman to travel alone in Sunan AlTermithi

Abu Saeed Alkhudri

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
  • [[]]
  • [[]]


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about Suckling makes unlawful whatever lineage makes unlawful in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a man milk in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about One sip or two sips will not make a prohibition in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a slave woman who is freed but she has a husband in Sunan AlTermithi

Alalhajjaj Bin Alalhajjaj Alaslami

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
  • [[]]
  • [[]]


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
  • [[]]
  • [[]]


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about Suckling makes unlawful whatever lineage makes unlawful in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about the husband rights over the wife in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been mentioned about it being disliked to enter women in their behinds in Sunan AlTermithi

Ali Bin Abi Talib

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
  • [[]]
  • [[]]

Ali Bin Talq

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been mentioned about it being disliked to enter women in their behinds in Sunan AlTermithi

Amr Bin Alshariq

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
  • [[]]
  • [[]]


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about it being disliked to enter upon women whose husbands are absent in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on The Shaitan seeks to tempt the woman when she goes out in Sunan AlTermithi

Banu Almughirah

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
  • [[]]
  • [[]]


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a slave woman who is freed but she has a husband in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about it being disliked to enter upon women whose husbands are absent in Sunan AlTermithi

Ibn Abbas

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a man milk in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a slave woman who is freed but she has a husband in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been mentioned about it being disliked to enter women in their behinds in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a man who sees a woman and becomes fascinated with her in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on The warning about that due to the Shaitan flowing through the body like the flow of blood in Sunan AlTermithi

Jabir Bin Abdullah

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
  • [[]]
  • [[]]

Maimunah Bin Sad

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about it being disliked for women to go out while wearing their adornments in Sunan AlTermithi

Messenger Of Allah

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
  • [[]]
  • [[]]

Muadh Bin Jabal

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on The threat for the woman who annoys her husband in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a man who sees a woman and becomes fascinated with her in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on The warning about that due to the Shaitan flowing through the body like the flow of blood in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on The Shaitan seeks to tempt the woman when she goes out in Sunan AlTermithi

Sulaiman Bin Amr Bin Alahwas

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
  • [[]]
  • [[]]

Talq Bin Ali

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about the husband rights over the wife in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about one woman testimony about suckling in Sunan AlTermithi

Ubaid Bin Abi Maryam

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about one woman testimony about suckling in Sunan AlTermithi

Umm Salamahh

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about Suckling does not make a prohibition except during infancy less than two years in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about the husband rights over the wife in Sunan AlTermithi

Uqbah Bin Alharith

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
  • [[]]
  • [[]]

Uqbah Bin Amir

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about it being disliked to enter upon women whose husbands are absent in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a man who sees a woman and becomes fascinated with her in Sunan AlTermithi

Narrators Mentioned in The Book on Suckling in Sunan AlTermithi


Narrators Starting with A

Narrators Starting with B

Narrators Starting with H

Narrators Starting with I

Narrators Starting with J

Narrators Starting with T

Narrators Starting with U


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about One sip or two sips will not make a prohibition in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about one woman testimony about suckling in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a man who sees a woman and becomes fascinated with her in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on The Shaitan seeks to tempt the woman when she goes out in Sunan AlTermithi

Abdullah Bin Abi Mulaikah

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about one woman testimony about suckling in Sunan AlTermithi

Abdullah Bin AlZubair

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about One sip or two sips will not make a prohibition in Sunan AlTermithi

Abu Huraira

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about the child the bed belong to in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about the husband rights over the wife in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a woman rights over her husband in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about jealousy in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about it being disliked for a woman to travel alone in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about Suckling makes unlawful whatever lineage makes unlawful in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a man milk in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a slave woman who is freed but she has a husband in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about Suckling makes unlawful whatever lineage makes unlawful in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about the husband rights over the wife in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been mentioned about it being disliked to enter women in their behinds in Sunan AlTermithi

Ali Bin Abi Talib

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about Suckling makes unlawful whatever lineage makes unlawful in Sunan AlTermithi

Ali Bin Talq

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been mentioned about it being disliked to enter women in their behinds in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about it being disliked for a woman to travel alone in Sunan AlTermithi

Amr Bin AlShariq

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a man milk in Sunan AlTermithi

Bin Jabal

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on The threat for the woman who annoys her husband in Sunan AlTermithi

Hajjaj Bin AlHajjaj AlAslami

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What fulfills the rights of the foster relationship from suckling in Sunan AlTermithi

Ibn Abbass

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
  • [[]]
  • [[]]


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a man who sees a woman and becomes fascinated with her in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on The warning about that due to the Shaitan flowing through the body like the flow of blood in Sunan AlTermithi

Jabir Bin Abdullah

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a man who sees a woman and becomes fascinated with her in Sunan AlTermithi

Talq Bin Ali

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about the husband rights over the wife in Sunan AlTermithi

Ubaid Bin Abi Maryam

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about one woman testimony about suckling in Sunan AlTermithi

Umm Salamah

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about Suckling does not make a prohibition except during infancy less than two years in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about the husband rights over the wife in Sunan AlTermithi

Uqbah Bin AlHarith

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about one woman testimony about suckling in Sunan AlTermithi

Uqbah Bin Amir

Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about it being disliked to enter upon women whose husbands are absent in Sunan AlTermithi

Satan Mentioned in The Book on Suckling in Sunan AlTermithi

Body Parts Mentioned in The Book on Suckling in Sunan AlTermithi

Family Members Mentioned in The Book on Suckling in Sunan AlTermithi


Family Members Starting with B

Family Members Starting with C

Family Members Starting with D

Family Members Starting with F

Family Members Starting with H

Family Members Starting with L

Family Members Starting with S

Family Members Starting with U

Family Members Starting with W


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about it being disliked for a woman to travel alone in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about the child the bed belong to in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about one woman testimony about suckling in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about it being disliked for women to go out while wearing their adornments in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What fulfills the rights of the foster relationship from suckling in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a woman rights over her husband in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about it being disliked for a woman to travel alone in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What fulfills the rights of the foster relationship from suckling in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a slave woman who is freed but she has a husband in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about the husband rights over the wife in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about it being disliked for a woman to travel alone in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on The warning about that due to the Shaitan flowing through the body like the flow of blood in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on The threat for the woman who annoys her husband in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about Suckling makes unlawful whatever lineage makes unlawful in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about it being disliked for a woman to travel alone in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a man milk in Sunan AlTermithi


Chapter Name [Expand] Hadith Pages
Category:Chapter on What has been related about a man who sees a woman and becomes fascinated with her in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on What has been related about the husband rights over the wife in Sunan AlTermithi
Category:Chapter on The threat for the woman who annoys her husband in Sunan AlTermithi

Food Mentioned in The Book on Suckling in Sunan AlTermithi

After Life Locations Mentioned in The Book on Suckling in Sunan AlTermithi

Prayers Mentioned in The Book on Suckling in Sunan AlTermithi

TIME Mentioned in The Book on Suckling in Sunan AlTermithi

Days Mentioned in The Book on Suckling in Sunan AlTermithi

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