Has Body-Parts | Tongue + |
Has Frequent Terms | Takbir +, Bow +, Hear +, Prais +, Prostrat +, Alsalamu +, Bear +, Imam +, Make +, Peac +, Prayer +, Slave +, Stand + and Wit + |
Has Geo-locations | Sal + |
Has Hadith Grade | Sunan AlNasai + |
Has Hadith Index of Subjects | Alashari address +, Address taught +, Taught sunnah +, Sunnah pray +, Pray stand +, Stand pray +, Pray row +, Row straight +, Straight lead +, Lead takbir +, Takbir takbir +, Takbir lad +, Lad dallin +, Dallin aanswer +, Aanswer takbir +, Takbir bow +, Bow takbir +, Bow imam +, Imam bow +, Bow stand +, Stand sami +, Sami hear +, Hear prais +, Prais lakal +, Lakal hamd +, Hamd lord +, Lord prais +, Prais hear +, Hear mighti +, Mighti sublim +, Sublim tongu +, Tongu hear +, Prais takbir +, Takbir prostrat +, Prostrat takbir +, Prostrat imam +, Imam prostrat +, Prostrat rise +, Rise sit +, Sit altahiyatu +, Altahiyatu lillahi +, Lillahi wasalawatu +, Wasalawatu wat +, Wat tayibaat +, Tayibaat pray +, Pray alaika +, Alaika ayah +, Ayah nabiyu +, Nabiyu rahmati +, Rahmati baraktuhu +, Baraktuhu pray +, Pray alaina +, Alaina ala +, Ala ibad +, Ibad illahis +, Illahis salihin +, Salihin ashadu +, Ashadu ill +, Ill ashhadu +, Ashhadu anna +, Anna abduhu +, Abduhu rasuluhu +, Rasuluhu compliment +, Compliment pray +, Pray pure +, Pure peac +, Peac merci +, Merci bless +, Bless peac +, Peac righteou +, Righteou slave +, Slave bear +, Bear wit +, Wit worship +, Worship bear + and Wit slave + |
Has Hadith Text | It was narrated from Hittan Bin Abdullah t … It was narrated from Hittan Bin Abdullah that AlAshari said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ addressed us and taught us our Sunnahs and our prayer. He said: When you stand for the prayer; make your rows straight; then let one of you lead the others. When he says the takbir; then say the takbir; when he says : Wa lad-dallin then say Amin and Allah SWT will answer you. Then when he says the takbir and bows; then say the takbir and bow; for the Imam bows before you and stands up before you. The Prophet of Allah ﷺ said: This makes up for that. When he says: Sami Allahu liman hamidah Allah hears the one who praises Him ; say: Allahumma; Rabbana wa lakal-hamd O Allah; our Lord; to You be praise ; Allah will hear you; for indeed Allah SWT ; the Mighty and Sublime; has said on the tongue of His Prophet: Allah hears the one who praises Him. Then when he says the takbir and prostrates; say the takbir and prostrate; for the Imam prostrates before you and rises before you. The Prophet of Allah ﷺ said: This makes up for that. Then when you are sitting; let the following be among what one of you says: AlTahiyatu lillahi wasalawatu wat-tayibaat; AlSalamu alaika ayah-Nabiyu wa rahmatAllahi wa baraktuhu. AlSalamu alaina a ala ibad illahis-salihin; ashadu an la ilaha ill Allah; wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu. All compliments; prayers and pure words are due to Allah. Peace be upon you O Prophet; and the mercy of Allah and His blessings. Peace be upon us and upon the righteous slaves of Allah. I bear witness that that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah; and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and messenger. that Muhammad is His slave and messenger. + |
Has HodHood Indexing Book Name | Category:The Book of Worship And Tashahhud in HodHood Indexing + |
Has HodHood Indexing Chapter Name | Category:The Chapter on Worship And Asking For Mercy in HodHood Indexing + |
Has Notables | Hittan Bin Abdullah +, AlAshari +, Amin +, Sami Allahu + and Muhammad + |
Has Polarity | 0.39 + |
Has Sentiment | Hadith Negative Sentiment + and Hadith Positive Sentiment + |
Is Hadith Text | true + |