Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

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The Book of Prostration During Recital of Quran in Sahih AlBukhari Key Points

  1. Narrated Abu Huraira The Prophet ﷺ said Khosrau will be ruined and there will be no Khosrau after him and Caesar will surely be ruined and there will be no Caesar after him and you will spend their treasures in Allah Cause . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-4086 Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing
  2. Abu Talha got up in front of Allah Messenger ﷺ and said O Allah Messenger ﷺ Allah says in His Book You will not attain righteousness unless you spend in charity that which you love and verily the most beloved to me of my property is Beeruha garden so I give it in charity and hope for its reward from Allah . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-4989 Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing
  3. He also said Do you see what He has spent since He created the Heavens and the Earth Nevertheless what is in His Hand is not decreased and His Throne was over the water and in His Hand there is the balance of justice whereby He raises and lowers people . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6833 Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing
  4. It was narrated that Ibn Umar may Allah be pleased with them said There was a Makhzumi woman who used to borrow things saying that her neighbors needed the then she would deny that she had borrowed the so the Messenger of Allah ordered that her hand be cut off . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-7214 Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing
  5. The same hadith has been narrated by a different chain of transmitters with a slight variation in wording Umar Bin AlKhattab sent for me and said Some families from your tribe have come to me then follows the foregoing hadith by Malik with the difference that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ would spend on his family for a year . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14805 Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing
  6. Jabir Bin Abdullah reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying When a person enters his house and mentions the name of Allah at the time of entering it and while eating the food Satan says addressing himself You have no place to spend the night and no evening meal but when he enters without mentioning the name of Allah the Satan says You have found a place to spend the night and when he does not mention the name of Allah while eating food he the Satan says You have found a place to spend the night and evening meal . SahihMuslim-017-001-18894 Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing
  7. Umm Salamah Allah be pleased with her reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ married her and he the narrator made mention of so many things in this connection and one of them was this that he said If you desire that I spend a week with you I shall have to spend a week with my other wives and if spend a week with you I shall have to spend a week with my other wives . SahihMuslim-017-001-20050 Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing
  8. Abu Umama reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying O son of Adam it is better for you if you spend your surplus wealth but if you withhold it it is evil for you . SahihMuslim-017-001-21944 Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing
  9. Abdullah Bin Masud reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying There should be no envy but only in case of two persons one having been endowed with wealth and power to spend it in the cause of Truth and the other who has been endowed with wisdom and he decides cases with the help of it and teaches it to others . SahihMuslim-017-001-23478 Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing
  10. Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying When a man calls his wife to come to his bed and she refuses and does not come to him and he spends the night angry the angels curse her till the morning . SahihMuslim-017-001-23478 Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing
  11. Jabir Bin Abdullah said that he heard the Prophet ﷺ say When a man enters his house and mention Allahs name on entering and on his food the devil says You have no place to spend the night and no evening meal but when he enters without mentioning Allahs name on entering the devil says You have found a place to spend the night and when he does not mention Allahs name at his food he says You have found a place to spend the night and an evening meal . SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-25287 Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

Most Postive Sentiment Hadith in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

Positive Sentiment may indicate a Permissible, Encouraged Actions or Sunnah

  1. Narrated Anas Bin Malik: Abu Talha had the greatest wealth of date-palms amongst the Ansar in Medina; and he prized above all his wealth his garden Bairuha; which was situated opposite the Masjid of the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet used to enter It and drink from its fresh water. When the following Divine Verse came:- By no means shall you attain piety until you spend of what you love; 3.92 Abu Talha got up saying. O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Allah says; You will not attain piety until you spend of what you love; and I prize above AlI my wealth; Bairuha which I want to give in charity for Allah Sake; hoping for its reward from Allah. So you can use it as Allah directs you. On that the Prophet ﷺ said; Bravo! It is a profitable or perishable property. Ibn Maslama is not sure as to which word is right; i.e. profitable or perishable. I have heard what you have said; and I recommend that you distribute this amongst your relatives. On that Abu Talha said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! I will do as you have suggested. So; Abu Talha distributed that garden amongst his relatives and cousins. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-4086
  2. The same hadith has been narrated by a different chain of transmitters with a slight variation in wording: Umar Bin AlKhattab sent for me and said: Some families from your tribe have come to me then follows the foregoing hadith by Malik with the difference that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ would spend on his family for a year. And sometimes Mamar said: He would retain sustenance for his family for a year; and what was left of that he spent in the cause of Allah; the Majestic and Exalted. SahihMuslim-017-001-18041
  3. Abu Huraira reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying; The people will be assembled in three categories. Those desirous of Paradise ; fearing Hell ; coming two upon the came]; three upon the camel; four upon the camel; ten upon the camel and the rest will be assembled; Hell-Fire being with them when they are at midday where they would spend the night and where they would spend the morning and where they would spend the evening. SahihMuslim-017-001-18894
  4. Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah Messenger ﷺ said; Allah said; O son of Adam! Spend; and I shall spend on you. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3225
  5. Anas reported that a woman had a partial derangement in her mind; so she said. Allah Messenger; I want something from you. He said: Mother of so and so; see on which side of the road you would like to stand and talk so that I may do the needful for you. He stood Aasi de with her on the roadside until she got what she needed. SahihMuslim-017-001-20050
  6. Ibn Abu Bakr Bin Abdulrahman reported that when Allah Messenger ﷺ married Umm Salamah and she stayed with him during the night ; and it was dawn; he the Holy Prophet said to her: There is no lack of estimation for you on the part of your husband. So if you desire I can spend a week with you; and if you like I may spend three nights. and then I will visit you in turn. She said: Spend three nights. SahihMuslim-017-001-21447
  7. Asma; daughter of Abu Bakr; reported that abe came to the Messenger of Allah may peace he upon him and said: Apostle of Allah; I have nothing with me; but only; that which is given to me by AlZubair for household expenses. Is there any sin for me if I spend out of that which is given to me by Zabair ? Upon this he the Holy Prophet said: Spend according to your means; and do not hoard; for Allah will withhold from you. SahihMuslim-017-001-22014
  8. AlNadr Bin Shaiban said: I said to Abu Salamah Bin Abdulrahman Tell me of something that you heard from your father; that he heard from the Messenger of Allah; with no one in between your father and Messenge of Allah concerning the month of Ramadan. He said: Yes; my father said: The Messenger of Allah said: Allah; may He be blessed and exalted; enjoined the fast of Ramadan upon you; and I have made it Sunnah for you to spend its nights in prayer. Whoever fasts it and spends its nights in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward; he will emerge from his sins as on the day his mother bore him. Daif SunanAlNasai-017-001-15183

Most Negative Sentiment Hadith in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

Negative Sentiment may indicate a Forbidden, Disliked, or Discouraged Actions

  1. Abdullah Bin Masud reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: There should be no envy but only in case of two persons: one having been endowed with wealth and power to spend it in the cause of Truth; and the other who has been endowed with wisdom and he decides cases with the help of it and teaches it to others. SahihMuslim-017-001-23955
  2. It was narrated that Ibn Umar; may Allah be pleased with them said: There was a Makhzumi woman who used to borrow things; saying that her neighbors needed the; then she would deny that she had borrowed the; so the Messenger of Allah ordered that her hand be cut off SunanAlNasai-017-001-12205
  3. Asma; daughter of Abu Bakr; reported that abe came to the Messenger of Allah may peace he upon him and said: Apostle of Allah; I have nothing with me; but only; that which is given to me by AlZubair for household expenses. Is there any sin for me if I spend out of that which is given to me by Zabair ? Upon this he the Holy Prophet said: Spend according to your means; and do not hoard; for Allah will withhold from you. SahihMuslim-017-001-22014
  4. Dawud reported from Amir who said: I asked Alqama if Ibn Masud was present with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ on the night of the Jinn the night when the Prophet met them. He Ibn Masuad said: No; but we were in the company of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ one night and we missed him. We searched for him in the valleys and the hills and said. He has either been taken away by jinn or has been secretly killed. He the narrator said. We spent the worst night which people could ever spend. When it was dawn we saw him coming from the side of Hiri. He the narrator reported. We said: Messenger of Allah; we missed you and searched for you; but we could not find you and we spent the worst night which people could ever spend. He the Holy Prophet said: There came to me an inviter on behalf of the Jinn and I went along with him and recited to them the Quran. He the narrator said: He then went along with us and showed us their traces and traces of their embers. They the Jinn asked him the Holy Prophet about their provision and he said: Every bone on which the name of Allah is recited is your provision. The time it will fall in your hand it would be covered with flesh; and the dung of the camels is fodder for your animals. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Dont perform istinja with these things for these are the food of your brothers Jinn. SahihMuslim-017-001-23478
  5. AlNadr Bin Shaiban said: I said to Abu Salamah Bin Abdulrahman Tell me of something that you heard from your father; that he heard from the Messenger of Allah; with no one in between your father and Messenge of Allah concerning the month of Ramadan. He said: Yes; my father said: The Messenger of Allah said: Allah; may He be blessed and exalted; enjoined the fast of Ramadan upon you; and I have made it Sunnah for you to spend its nights in prayer. Whoever fasts it and spends its nights in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward; he will emerge from his sins as on the day his mother bore him. Daif SunanAlNasai-017-001-15183
  6. Narrated Abu Bakra: During the battle of AlJamal; Allah benefited me with a Word I heard from the Prophet. When the Prophet heard the news that the people of the Persia had made the daughter of Khosrau their Queen ruler ; he said; Never will succeed such a nation as makes a woman their ruler. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1369
  7. Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet ﷺ said; Khosrau will be ruined; and there will be no Khosrau after him; and Caesar will surely be ruined and there will be no Caesar after him; and you will spend their treasures in Allah Cause. He called; War is deceit. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-4692

Notables Mentioned in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

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Notables Starting with Y

Notables Starting with Z


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

Abdullah Bin Masud

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Abdullah Bin Ubai

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Abu Bakr

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Abu Bakra

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Abu Eisa

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Abu Huraira

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Abu Said Alkhudri

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Abu Salama

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Abu Salamah Bin Abdulrahman

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Abu Talha

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Abu Umama

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Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

Alnadr Bin Shaiban

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Anas Bin Malik

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Holy Prophet

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Ibn Abu Bakr Bin Abdulrahman

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Ibn Maslama

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Ibn Masuad

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Ibn Masud

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Ibn Umar

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Jabir Bin Abdullah

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Jabir Bin Samura

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Kisra Khusrau

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Messenger Of Allah

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Messenger Sawsymbol

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Umar Bin Alkhattab

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Umar Ibn Alkhattab

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Umm Salamah

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Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

Zaid Bin Arqam

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Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

Narrators Mentioned in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

Narrators Starting with A

Narrators Starting with J

Narrators Starting with Z

Abu Bakra

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Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

Abu Huraira

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Abu Huraira,h

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Abu Wail

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Anas Bin Malik

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Jabir Bin Samura

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Zaid Bin Arqam

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Prophets Mentioned in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

Prophets Starting with A


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Satan Mentioned in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

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Animals Mentioned in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

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Body Parts Mentioned in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

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Category:The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

Quran Citations

Quran Citations Starting with S

Surat AlBaqara Ayah 195

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Surat AlImran Ayah 92

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Family Members Mentioned in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

Family Members Starting with B

Family Members Starting with C

Family Members Starting with D

Family Members Starting with F

Family Members Starting with H

Family Members Starting with K

Family Members Starting with M

Family Members Starting with O

Family Members Starting with P

Family Members Starting with R

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Family Members Starting with T

Family Members Starting with W


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Paternal Relative

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Astronomical Body Mentioned in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

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Astronomical Body Starting with H


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Food Mentioned in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

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Plants Mentioned in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

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Fruits Mentioned in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

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After Life Locations Mentioned in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

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Places of Worship Mentioned in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

Places of Worship Starting with M


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Prayers Mentioned in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

TIME Mentioned in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

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Night Jinn Night

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Days Mentioned in The Chapter on Wealth And Spending in HodHood Indexing

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Afterlife LocationHell + and Paradise +
Astronomical BodyEarth + and Heaven +
Has AnimalsCamel +
Has Body-PartsBack +, Blood +, Bone +, Hand + and Palm +
Has DaysDay +, Month +, Present +, Summer +, Time + and Winter +
Has FamilyBrother +, Children +, Connection +, Cousin +, Daughter +, Family +, Father +, Household +, Husband +, Kin +, Mother +, Offspring +, Paternal Relative +, Relative +, Son +, Tribe +, Wife + and Wive +
Has Financial PhrasesBuy +, Dinar + and Money +
Has FoodDrink +, Fast +, Fire +, Food +, Sustenance +, Sweet + and Water +
Has FruitsDate +
Has NarratorsAbu Bakra +, Abu Huraira +, Abu Huraira,h +, Abu Wail +, Anas Bin Malik +, Jabir Bin Samura +, Zaid Bin Arqam + and Zainab +
Has NotablesAasi +, Abdullah Bin Masud +, Abdullah Bin Ubai +, Abu Bakr +, Abu Bakra +, Abu Eisa +, Abu Huraira +, Abu Said Alkhudri +, Abu Salama +, Abu Salamah Bin Abdulrahman +, Abu Talha +, Abu Umama +, Adam +, Allahs +, Alnadr Bin Shaiban +, Alqama +, Alzubair +, Amir +, Anas +, Anas Bin Malik +, Ansar +, Asma +, Caesar +, Daif +, Dawud +, Hiri +, Holy Prophet +, Hudhaifa +, Ibn Abu Bakr Bin Abdulrahman +, Ibn Maslama +, Ibn Masuad +, Ibn Masud +, Ibn Umar +, Jabir Bin Abdullah +, Jabir Bin Samura +, Kisra Khusrau +, Malik +, Mamar +, Medina +, Messenger Of Allah +, Messenger Sawsymbol +, Mudd +, Muhammad +, Salama +, Sawsymbol +, Umar +, Umar Bin Alkhattab +, Umar Ibn Alkhattab +, Umm Salamah +, Yahya +, Zabair +, Zaid Bin Arqam + and Zainab +
Has Places of WorshipMasjid +
Has PlantsDatepalm +
Has PrayersNight +
Has ProphetsAdam +
Has Quran CitationsSurat AlBaqara Ayah 195 + and Surat AlImran Ayah 92 +
Has Satan NameSatan +
Has TIMEEvening +, Midday +, Morning +, Night + and Night Jinn Night +