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== The Book of Prostration During Recital of Quran in Sahih AlBukhari Key Points==
#  Narrated Mousa Bin Abi Aisha Saeed Bin Jubair reported from Ibn Abbas regarding the explanation of the Verse Do not move your tongue concerning the Quran to make haste therewith . [[SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1155]] [[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
#  Narrated Jundab Bin Abdullah Allah Messenger {{SAWSYMBOL}} said Recite and study the Quran as long as your hearts are in agreement as to its meanings but if you have differences as regards its meaning stop reading it then . [[SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1155]] [[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
#  Narrated Abu Saeed AlKhudri The Prophet {{SAWSYMBOL}} said to his companions Is it difficult for any of you to recite one third of the Quran in one night This suggestion was difficult for them so they said Who among us has the power to do so O Allah Messenger {{SAWSYMBOL}} Allah Apostle replied Allah the One the Self Sufficient Master Whom all creatures need . [[SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3278]] [[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
#  Narrated Sufyan Ibn Shubruma said I wanted to see how much of the Quran can be enough to recite in prayer and I could not find a Surah containing less than three Verses therefore I said to myself One ought not to recite less than three Quranic Verses in prayer . [[SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3282]] [[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
#  Ibn Masud said Recite O Alqama On that Zaid Bin Hudair the brother of Ziyad Bin Hudair said to Ibn Masud Why have you ordered Alqama to recite though he does not recite better than we Ibn Masud said If you like I would tell you what the Prophet {{SAWSYMBOL}} said about your nation and his i . [[SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3320]] [[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
#  It was narrated from Ibn Hunain the freed slave of Ali that Ali said The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL forbade me from four Gold rings wearing AlQassi reciting Quran while I am bowing and from wearing garments dyed with safflower . [[SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8594]] [[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
#  It was narrated that Abdullah Bin Abi Qais said I asked Aisha How did the Messenger of Allah {{SAWSYMBOL}} recite at night did he recite loudly or silently She said He used to do both sometimes he recited loudly and sometimes he recited silently . [[SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8623]] [[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
#  It was narrated from Kathir Bin Murrah that Uqbah Bin Amir told them that The Messenger of Allah {{SAWSYMBOL}} said The one who recites the Quran loudly is like one who gives charity openly and the one who recites the Quran silently is like the one who gives charity in secret . [[SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8623]] [[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
#  It is for Us to collect it and to give you the ability to recite it The Prophet {{SAWSYMBOL}} used to suffer a great deal of hardship when the Revelation came to him and he used to move his lips . [[SunanAlNasai-017-001-14405]] [[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
#  When he had finished praying he said What is the matter with people who pray with us without purifying themselves properly Those people make us stumble in reciting Quran . [[SunanAlNasai-017-001-16405]] [[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
#  Aisha further said Have you not heard that verily Allah says And it is not for any human being that Allah should speak to him except by revelation or from behind a partition or that He sends a messenger to reveal by His permission what He wills . [[SunanAlNasai-017-001-16661]] [[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
#  Narrated Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn AlAs The Prophet {{SAWSYMBOL}} said He who recites the Quran in a period less than three days does not understand it . [[SahihMuslim-017-001-23918]] [[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
#  Ubay Bin Kaab reported The Prophet {{SAWSYMBOL}} said Ubay I was asked to recite the Quran and I was asked In one mode or two modes The angel that accompanied me said Say in two modes I said In two modes I was asked again In two or three modes . [[SahihMuslim-017-001-23918]] [[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
#  Abu Huraira said The Messenger of Allah {{SAWSYMBOL}} led us in prayer that was we think the dawn prayer He further narrated this tradition up to the words what is the matter with me that I have been contended with in the recitation of the Quran . [[SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24806]] [[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
#  It was narrated that Abdullah Bin Salamah said I entered upon Ali Bin Abu Talib and he said The Messenger of Allah used to go to the lavatory and relieve himself then come out and he would eat bread and meat with us and recite Quran nothing stopped him or perhaps he said prevented him from doing so except sexual impurity . [[SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27804]] [[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
#  This is not because there is something on the hands of the one who carries it by which the Quran will be soiled but because it is disapproved of for someone to carry the Quran without being pure out of respect for the Quran and in order to honour it . [[SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27805]] [[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
#  Yahya related to me from Malik from Ayoub Ibn Abi Tamima AlSakhtayani from Muhammad Ibn Seereen that Umar Ibn AlKhattab was with some people who were reciting Quran . [[SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27807]] [[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
==Most Postive Sentiment Hadith in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing==
'''Positive Sentiment may indicate a Permissible, Encouraged Actions or Sunnah'''
#Narrated Sahl Bin Sad: It was narrated that Sahl Bin Saad said: I was among the people when a woman said: I offer myself in marriage to you; O Messenger of Allah; see what you think of me. A man stood up and said: Marry me to her. He said: Go and find something ; even if it is an iron ring. So he went; but he could not find anything; not even an iron ring. So the Messenger of Allah said: Do you have memorized any surahs of the Quran? He said: Yes. So he married him to her on the basis of what he knew of surahs of the Quran. [[SunanAlNasai-017-001-14405]]
#It was narrated that Ibn Abbas said: Concerning the saying of Allah; '''the Mighty and Sublime:''' Move not your tongue concerning to make haste therewith. It is for Us to collect it and to give you the ability to recite it- The Prophet {{SAWSYMBOL}} used to suffer a great deal of hardship when the Revelation came to him; and he used to move his lips. Allah said: Move not your tongue concerning to make haste therewith. It is for Us to collect it and to give you the ability to recite it. He said: This means He will gather it in your heart; then you will recite it; And when We have recited it to you; then follow the recitation. He said: '''So listen to it and remain silent.''' So when Jibril came to him; the Messenger of Allah {{SAWSYMBOL}} listened; and when he left; he would recite it as he had taught him. [[SunanAlNasai-017-001-16661]]
#It is narrated on the authority of Masruq that he said: I was resting at the house of Aisha that she said: O Abu Aisha kunya of Masruq ; there are three things; and he who affirmed even one of them fabricated the greatest lie against Allah. I asked that they were. She said: He who presumed that Muhammad {{SAWSYMBOL}} saw his Lord with his ocular vision fabricated the greatest lie against Allah. I was reclining but then sat up and said: '''Mother of the Faithful;''' '''wait a bit and do not be in a haste.''' Has not Allah Mighty and Majestic said: '''And truly he saw him on the clear horizon AlQuran;''' Surat AlTakwir; 81:23 and he saw Him in another descent AlQuran; Surat Najm 53:13 ? She said: I am the first of this Ummah who asked the Messenger of Allah {{SAWSYMBOL}} about it; and he said: Verily he is Gabriel. I have never seen him in his original form in which he was created except on those two occasions to which these verses refer ; '''I saw him descending from the heaven and filling the space from the sky to the earth with the greatness of his bodily structure.''' She said: Have you not heard Allah saying: Eyes comprehend Him not; but He comprehends all vision. and He is Subtle; and All-Aware AlQuran; Surat AlAnam 6:103 ? She; i.e. Aisha; further said : Have you not heard that; verily; Allah says: '''And it is not for any human being that Allah should speak to him except by revelation or from behind a partition or that He sends a messenger to reveal;''' by His permission; what He wills. Indeed; '''He is Most High and Wise.''' AlQuran; Surat AlShura; 42:51 She said: He who presumes that the Messenger of Allah {{SAWSYMBOL}} concealed anything from the Book of Allah fabricates the greatest lie against Allah. Allah says: O Messenger; announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord; and if you do not; then you have not conveyed His message. '''And Allah will protect you from the people.''' Indeed; Allah does not guide the disbelieving people. AlQuran; Surat AlMaidah; 5:67. She said: He who presumes that he would inform about what was going to happen tomorrow fabricates the greatest lie against Allah. And Allah says Say; None in the heavens and earth knows the unseen except Allah ; and they do not perceive when they will be resurrected. AlQuran; Surat AlNaml; 27:65. [[SahihMuslim-017-001-18728]]
#It was narrated from Ibn Hunain; '''the freed slave of Ali;''' that Ali said: The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL forbade me from four: '''Gold rings;''' wearing AlQassi; reciting Quran while I am bowing; and from wearing garments dyed with safflower. [[SunanAlNasai-017-001-13547]]
#Narrated AlBara: A man was reciting Surat AlKahf and his horse was tied with two ropes beside him. A cloud came down and spread over that man; and it kept on coming closer and closer to him till his horse started jumping as if afraid of something. When it was morning; the man came to the Prophet; and told him of that experience. The Prophet {{SAWSYMBOL}} said; '''That was AlSakina tranquility which descended because of the recitation of the Quran.''' [[SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3278]]
#Narrated Alqama: We were sitting with Ibn Masud when Khabbab came and said; O Abu Abdulrahman Can these young fellows recite Quran as you do? Ibn Masud said; If you wish I can order one of them to recite Quran for you. Khabbab replied; Yes. Ibn Masud said; Recite; O Alqama! On that; Zaid Bin Hudair; the brother of Ziyad Bin Hudair said; to Ibn Masud ; Why have you ordered Alqama to recite though he does not recite better than we? Ibn Masud said; '''If you like;''' I would tell you what the Prophet {{SAWSYMBOL}} said about your nation and his i.e. Alqamas nation. So I recited fifty Verses from Surat Maryam. Abdullah bin Masud said to Khabbab; What do you think about Alqama recitation ? Khabbab said; '''He has recited well.''' Abdullah said; Whatever I recite; Alqama recites. '''Then Abdullah turned towards Khabbab and saw that he was wearing a gold ring;''' whereupon he said; Hasnt the time for its throwing away come yet? Khabbab said; You will not see me wearing it after today; and he throw it away. [[SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6718]]
#Abu Huraira said: The Messenger of Allah {{SAWSYMBOL}} led us in prayer; that was; we think; '''the dawn prayer;''' He further narrated this tradition up to the words what is the matter with me that I have been contended with in the recitation of the Quran.Abu Dawud said: Mousaddad in his tradition said that Mamar said: The people ceased to recit the Quran at the prayer in which the Messenger of Allah {{SAWSYMBOL}} recited aloud. Ibn AlSarh said in his version that Mamar reported from AlZuhrl on the authority of Abu Huraira. Then the people ceased to recite behind the imam.Another version says: Sufyan said: AlZuhrl spoke a word that I could not hear. Then Mamar said; He said: Then people ceased to recite the Quran Abu Dawud said: This tradition has been narrated by Abd AlRaman Bin Ishaq on the authority of AlZuhrl. This version ends at the words: What is the matter with me that I am contended with in the recitation of the Quran. AlAwza I also narrated it on the authority of AlZuhri. This version has: AlZuhrl said: The Muslims took lesson from that and thenceforth they did not recite the Quran at the prayer in which he the Prophet recited a loud.Abu Dawud said: I heard Muhammad Bin Yaya Bin Faris say: The words the people ceased to recite the Quran is a statement of Alzuhri. [[SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27804]]
#Narrated Jabir Ibn Abdullah: The Messenger of Allah {{SAWSYMBOL}} came to us while we were reciting the Quran; and there were among us bedouins and the non-Arabs. He said: Recite; '''all is well.''' In the near future there will appear people who will straighten it the Quran as an arrow is straightened. They will recite it quickly and not slowly or it means that they will get the reward in this world and not in the Hereafter. [[SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27807]]
#Narrated Abdullah: That the Prophet {{SAWSYMBOL}} said to him; Recite the Quran to me. Abdullah said; Shall I recite the Quran to you while it has been revealed to you? He said; '''I like to hear it from others.''' [[SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3318]]
==Most Negative Sentiment Hadith in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing==
'''Negative Sentiment may indicate a Forbidden, Disliked, or Discouraged Actions'''
#Abu Huraira said: The Messenger of Allah {{SAWSYMBOL}} led us in prayer; that was; we think; the dawn prayer; He further narrated this tradition up to the words what is the matter with me that I have been contended with in the recitation of the Quran.Abu Dawud said: Mousaddad in his tradition said that Mamar said: The people ceased to recit the Quran at the prayer in which the Messenger of Allah {{SAWSYMBOL}} recited aloud. Ibn AlSarh said in his version that Mamar reported from AlZuhrl on the authority of Abu Huraira. Then the people ceased to recite behind the imam.Another version says: Sufyan said: AlZuhrl spoke a word that I could not hear. Then Mamar said; He said: Then people ceased to recite the Quran Abu Dawud said: This tradition has been narrated by Abd AlRaman Bin Ishaq on the authority of AlZuhrl. This version ends at the words: What is the matter with me that I am contended with in the recitation of the Quran. AlAwza I also narrated it on the authority of AlZuhri. This version has: AlZuhrl said: The Muslims took lesson from that and thenceforth they did not recite the Quran at the prayer in which he the Prophet recited a loud.Abu Dawud said: I heard Muhammad Bin Yaya Bin Faris say: The words the people ceased to recite the Quran is a statement of Alzuhri. [[SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27804]]
#Ibn Ishaq reported: I heard AlBara as saying that a man recited AlKahf when an animal was there in the house and it began to take fright. And as he looked around; '''he found a cloud overshadowing it.''' He mentioned that to the Messenger of Allah {{SAWSYMBOL}}. Upon this he said: O so and so; recite on the surah AlSakina descends at the recitation of the Quran or on account of the recitation of the Quran. [[SahihMuslim-017-001-23916]]
#It was narrated from Abu Huraira: The Messenger of Allah {{SAWSYMBOL}} finished a prayer in which he recited out loud; then he said: Did any one of you recite with me just now? A man said: Yes; O Messenger of Allah. He said: '''I was wondering what was distracting me in reciting Quran.''' So the people stopped reciting in prayers in which the Messenger of Allah {{SAWSYMBOL}} recited out loud when they heard that. [[SunanAlNasai-017-001-16645]]
#Narrated AlBara: A man was reciting Surat AlKahf and his horse was tied with two ropes beside him. '''A cloud came down and spread over that man;''' and it kept on coming closer and closer to him till his horse started jumping as if afraid of something. When it was morning; the man came to the Prophet; and told him of that experience. The Prophet {{SAWSYMBOL}} said; That was AlSakina tranquility which descended because of the recitation of the Quran. [[SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3278]]
#Narrated Abu Saeed AlKhudri: The Prophet {{SAWSYMBOL}} said to his companions; '''Is it difficult for any of you to recite one third of the Quran in one night?''' '''This suggestion was difficult for them so they said;''' Who among us has the power to do so; O Allah Messenger {{SAWSYMBOL}} ? Allah Apostle replied: Allah the One; the Self-Sufficient Master Whom all creatures need. Surat AlIkhlas 112.1-to the End is equal to one third of the Quran. [[SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3282]]
#Narrated Imran Ibn Husayn: The Prophet {{SAWSYMBOL}} led us in the noon prayer; and a man came and recited behind him Glorify the name of thy Lord; the Most High Surah 87. When he finished the prayer ; he said: Which of you recited? They the people said: A man recited. He said: I knew that some one of you confused me in it in the recitation of the Quran.Abu Dawud said: Abu AlWalid said in his version: Shubah said: I asked Qatadah: Did Saeed not say: Listen attentively to the Quran? He replied: Yes ; but that applies to prayer in which it the Quran is recited aloud. Ibn Kathir said in his version: I said to Qatadah: Perhaps he the Prophet disliked it recitation. He said: '''If he had disliked it;''' he would have prohibited it. [[SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27805]]
#Narrated Alqama: We were sitting with Ibn Masud when Khabbab came and said; O Abu Abdulrahman Can these young fellows recite Quran as you do? Ibn Masud said; If you wish I can order one of them to recite Quran for you. Khabbab replied; Yes. Ibn Masud said; Recite; O Alqama! On that; Zaid Bin Hudair; the brother of Ziyad Bin Hudair said; to Ibn Masud ; '''Why have you ordered Alqama to recite though he does not recite better than we?''' Ibn Masud said; If you like; I would tell you what the Prophet {{SAWSYMBOL}} said about your nation and his i.e. Alqamas nation. So I recited fifty Verses from Surat Maryam. Abdullah bin Masud said to Khabbab; What do you think about Alqama recitation ? Khabbab said; He has recited well. Abdullah said; Whatever I recite; Alqama recites. Then Abdullah turned towards Khabbab and saw that he was wearing a gold ring; whereupon he said; Hasnt the time for its throwing away come yet? Khabbab said; You will not see me wearing it after today; and he throw it away. [[SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6718]]
#Narrated Aisha: '''A man got up at night and recited the Quran in a loud voice.''' When the dawn came; the Messenger of Allah {{SAWSYMBOL}} said: May Allah have mercy on so-and-so who reminded me many verses that I had nearly forgotten.Abu Dawud said: Harun AlNahwi transmitted from Hammad Bin Salamah the Quranic verse of Surah AlImran: How many of the prophet fought in Allah way 3:146 [[SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24675]]
==Notables Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing==
<div class='toccolours mw-collapsible' style='width:100%; overflow:auto;'>
===Notables Starting with A===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Ab_Alqasim_The_Prophet|Ab Alqasim The Prophet]]
*[[#Abd_Alraman_Bin_Ishaq|Abd Alraman Bin Ishaq]]
*[[#Abdullah_Bin_Abi_Qais|Abdullah Bin Abi Qais]]
*[[#Abdullah_Bin_Amr|Abdullah Bin Amr]]
*[[#Abdullah_Bin_Masud|Abdullah Bin Masud]]
*[[#Abdullah_Bin_Salamah|Abdullah Bin Salamah]]
*[[#Abdullah_Bin_Salimah|Abdullah Bin Salimah]]
*[[#Abdullah_Ibn_Abbas|Abdullah Ibn Abbas]]
*[[#Abdullah_Ibn_Amr_Ibn|Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn]]
*[[#Abu_Aisha|Abu Aisha]]
*[[#Abu_Alwalid|Abu Alwalid]]
*[[#Abu_Dawud|Abu Dawud]]
*[[#Abu_Huraira|Abu Huraira]]
*[[#Abu_Nuaim|Abu Nuaim]]
*[[#Abu_Rafi|Abu Rafi]]
*[[#Abu_Saeed_Alkhudri|Abu Saeed Alkhudri]]
*[[#Abu_Saib|Abu Saib]]
*[[#Abu_Suhayl_Ibn_Malik|Abu Suhayl Ibn Malik]]
*[[#Ali_Bin_Abu_Talib|Ali Bin Abu Talib]]
*[[#Allahu_Akbar|Allahu Akbar]]
*[[#Alrabi_Alansari|Alrabi Alansari]]
*[[#Amir_Almuminin|Amir Almuminin]]
*[[#Anas_Bin_Malik|Anas Bin Malik]]
*[[#Ayoub_Ibn_Abi_Tamima_Alsakhtayani|Ayoub Ibn Abi Tamima Alsakhtayani]]
===Notables Starting with B===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Bin_Abdullah|Bin Abdullah]]
===Notables Starting with D===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Notables Starting with F===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Fatihat_Alkitab|Fatihat Alkitab]]
===Notables Starting with G===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Ghudaif_Bin_Harith|Ghudaif Bin Harith]]
===Notables Starting with H===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Hammad_Bin_Salamah|Hammad Bin Salamah]]
*[[#Harun_Alnahwi|Harun Alnahwi]]
*[[#Hisham_Bin_Hakim_Bin_Hizam|Hisham Bin Hakim Bin Hizam]]
===Notables Starting with I===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Ibn_Abbas|Ibn Abbas]]
*[[#Ibn_Alsarh|Ibn Alsarh]]
*[[#Ibn_Hudair|Ibn Hudair]]
*[[#Ibn_Hunain|Ibn Hunain]]
*[[#Ibn_Ishaq|Ibn Ishaq]]
*[[#Ibn_Kathir|Ibn Kathir]]
*[[#Ibn_Masud|Ibn Masud]]
*[[#Ibn_Shubruma|Ibn Shubruma]]
*[[#Ibn_Ukaimah|Ibn Ukaimah]]
*[[#Ibn_Umar|Ibn Umar]]
*[[#Ibu_Hudair|Ibu Hudair]]
*[[#Idha_Zulzilat|Idha Zulzilat]]
*[[#Imran_Bin_Hosain|Imran Bin Hosain]]
*[[#Imran_Ibn_Husayn|Imran Ibn Husayn]]
===Notables Starting with J===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Jabir_Ibn_Abdullah|Jabir Ibn Abdullah]]
*[[#Jundab_Bin_Abdullah|Jundab Bin Abdullah]]
===Notables Starting with K===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Kathir_Bin_Murrah|Kathir Bin Murrah]]
===Notables Starting with M===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Maaqil_Bin_Yasar|Maaqil Bin Yasar]]
*[[#Messenger_Of_Allah|Messenger Of Allah]]
*[[#Mother_Of_The_Faithful|Mother Of The Faithful]]
*[[#Mousa_Bin_Abi_Aisha|Mousa Bin Abi Aisha]]
*[[#Muhammad_Bin_Yaya_Bin_Faris|Muhammad Bin Yaya Bin Faris]]
*[[#Muhammad_Ibn_Seereen|Muhammad Ibn Seereen]]
*[[#Muhammad_Sawsymbol|Muhammad Sawsymbol]]
===Notables Starting with P===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Notables Starting with Q===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Qul_Huwa_Allahu|Qul Huwa Allahu]]
*[[#Qul_Huwa_Allahu_Ahad|Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad]]
*[[#Qul_Ya_Ayuhal-Kafirun|Qul Ya Ayuhal-Kafirun]]
===Notables Starting with S===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Saeed_Bin_Jubair|Saeed Bin Jubair]]
*[[#Sahl_Bin_Saad|Sahl Bin Saad]]
*[[#Sahl_Bin_Sad|Sahl Bin Sad]]
*[[#Samurah_Ibn_Jundub|Samurah Ibn Jundub]]
*[[#Shabib_Abi_Rawh|Shabib Abi Rawh]]
*[[#Surat_Alkahf|Surat Alkahf]]
*[[#Surat_Bani_Israil|Surat Bani Israil]]
*[[#Surat_Najm|Surat Najm]]
===Notables Starting with T===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Notables Starting with U===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Ubadah_Bin_Alsamit|Ubadah Bin Alsamit]]
*[[#Ubay_Bin_Kaab|Ubay Bin Kaab]]
*[[#Umar_Bin_Alkhattab|Umar Bin Alkhattab]]
*[[#Umar_Ibn_Alkhattab|Umar Ibn Alkhattab]]
*[[#Uqbah_Bin_Amir|Uqbah Bin Amir]]
*[[#Usaid_Bin_Hudair|Usaid Bin Hudair]]
*[[#Usamah_Bin_Zaid|Usamah Bin Zaid]]
===Notables Starting with W===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Notables Starting with Y===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Yul_Ya_Ayuhal-Kafirun|Yul Ya Ayuhal-Kafirun]]
===Notables Starting with Z===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Zaid_Bin_Hudair|Zaid Bin Hudair]]
*[[#Zaid_Bin_Thabit|Zaid Bin Thabit]]
*[[#Ziyad_Bin_Hudair|Ziyad Bin Hudair]]
<span class='mw-headline' id='Ab_Alqasim_The_Prophet'>[[Has Notables::Ab Alqasim The Prophet]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Abd_Alraman_Bin_Ishaq'>[[Has Notables::Abd Alraman Bin Ishaq]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Abdullah'>[[Has Notables::Abdullah]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Ali'>[[Has Notables::Ali]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Allahu_Akbar'>[[Has Notables::Allahu Akbar]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Alqama'>[[Has Notables::Alqama]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Ayat'>[[Has Notables::Ayat]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Dawud'>[[Has Notables::Dawud]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Ghudaif_Bin_Harith'>[[Has Notables::Ghudaif Bin Harith]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Ibn_Abbas'>[[Has Notables::Ibn Abbas]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Imran'>[[Has Notables::Imran]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Jabir_Ibn_Abdullah'>[[Has Notables::Jabir Ibn Abdullah]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Janabah'>[[Has Notables::Janabah]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Jibril'>[[Has Notables::Jibril]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Madina'>[[Has Notables::Madina]]</span>
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! Hadith Pages
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Malik'>[[Has Notables::Malik]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Mamar'>[[Has Notables::Mamar]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Masruq'>[[Has Notables::Masruq]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Messenger_Of_Allah'>[[Has Notables::Messenger Of Allah]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Mother_Of_The_Faithful'>[[Has Notables::Mother Of The Faithful]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Mousa_Bin_Abi_Aisha'>[[Has Notables::Mousa Bin Abi Aisha]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Mousaddad'>[[Has Notables::Mousaddad]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Mousaylima'>[[Has Notables::Mousaylima]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Muhammad'>[[Has Notables::Muhammad]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Muhammad_Bin_Yaya_Bin_Faris'>[[Has Notables::Muhammad Bin Yaya Bin Faris]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Muhammad_Ibn_Seereen'>[[Has Notables::Muhammad Ibn Seereen]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Muhammad_Sawsymbol'>[[Has Notables::Muhammad Sawsymbol]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Prophet'>[[Has Notables::Prophet]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Qul_Huwa_Allahu'>[[Has Notables::Qul Huwa Allahu]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Qul_Huwa_Allahu_Ahad'>[[Has Notables::Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Qul_Ya_Ayuhal-Kafirun'>[[Has Notables::Qul Ya Ayuhal-Kafirun]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Saeed'>[[Has Notables::Saeed]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Saeed_Bin_Jubair'>[[Has Notables::Saeed Bin Jubair]]</span>
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|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Sahl_Bin_Saad'>[[Has Notables::Sahl Bin Saad]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Sahl_Bin_Sad'>[[Has Notables::Sahl Bin Sad]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Said'>[[Has Notables::Said]]</span>
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! Hadith Pages
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Samurah_Ibn_Jundub'>[[Has Notables::Samurah Ibn Jundub]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Sawsymbol'>[[Has Notables::Sawsymbol]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Shabib_Abi_Rawh'>[[Has Notables::Shabib Abi Rawh]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Shubah'>[[Has Notables::Shubah]]</span>
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! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Sufyan'>[[Has Notables::Sufyan]]</span>
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! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Surat_Alkahf'>[[Has Notables::Surat Alkahf]]</span>
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| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Surat_Bani_Israil'>[[Has Notables::Surat Bani Israil]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Surat_Najm'>[[Has Notables::Surat Najm]]</span>
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! Hadith Pages
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Talha'>[[Has Notables::Talha]]</span>
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! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Ubadah'>[[Has Notables::Ubadah]]</span>
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! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Ubadah_Bin_Alsamit'>[[Has Notables::Ubadah Bin Alsamit]]</span>
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! Hadith Pages
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Ubay'>[[Has Notables::Ubay]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Ubay_Bin_Kaab'>[[Has Notables::Ubay Bin Kaab]]</span>
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! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Umar'>[[Has Notables::Umar]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Umar_Bin_Alkhattab'>[[Has Notables::Umar Bin Alkhattab]]</span>
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| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Umar_Ibn_Alkhattab'>[[Has Notables::Umar Ibn Alkhattab]]</span>
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| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Uqbah_Bin_Amir'>[[Has Notables::Uqbah Bin Amir]]</span>
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! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Usaid_Bin_Hudair'>[[Has Notables::Usaid Bin Hudair]]</span>
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! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
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| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Usamah_Bin_Zaid'>[[Has Notables::Usamah Bin Zaid]]</span>
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! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Wise'>[[Has Notables::Wise]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
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! Hadith Pages
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| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Yahya'>[[Has Notables::Yahya]]</span>
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! Hadith Pages
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| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Yali'>[[Has Notables::Yali]]</span>
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! Hadith Pages
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Yul_Ya_Ayuhal-Kafirun'>[[Has Notables::Yul Ya Ayuhal-Kafirun]]</span>
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! Hadith Pages
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Yunus'>[[Has Notables::Yunus]]</span>
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! Hadith Pages
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| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Zaid_Bin_Hudair'>[[Has Notables::Zaid Bin Hudair]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Zaid_Bin_Thabit'>[[Has Notables::Zaid Bin Thabit]]</span>
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<span class='mw-headline' id='Ziyad_Bin_Hudair'>[[Has Notables::Ziyad Bin Hudair]]</span>
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! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
==Narrators Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing==
<div class='toccolours mw-collapsible' style='width:100%; overflow:auto;'>
===Narrators Starting with A===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Abdullah_Bin_Amr|Abdullah Bin Amr]]
*[[#Abdullah_Ibn_Abbass|Abdullah Ibn Abbass]]
*[[#Abdullah_Ibn_Amr_Ibn_AlAs|Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn AlAs]]
*[[#Abu_Huraira|Abu Huraira]]
*[[#Abu_Rafi|Abu Rafi]]
*[[#Abu_Saeed_AlKhudri|Abu Saeed AlKhudri]]
*[[#Aisha_The_Prophet_{{SAWSYMBOL}}|Aisha The Prophet {{SAWSYMBOL}}]]
*[[#Anas_Bin_Malik|Anas Bin Malik]]
===Narrators Starting with I===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Ibn_Abbass|Ibn Abbass]]
*[[#Ibn_Umar|Ibn Umar]]
*[[#Imran_Ibn_Husayn|Imran Ibn Husayn]]
===Narrators Starting with J===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Jabir_Ibn_Abdullah|Jabir Ibn Abdullah]]
*[[#Jundab_Bin_Abdullah|Jundab Bin Abdullah]]
===Narrators Starting with M===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Maaqil_Bin_Yasar|Maaqil Bin Yasar]]
*[[#Mousa_Bin_Abi_Aisha|Mousa Bin Abi Aisha]]
===Narrators Starting with S===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Saeed_Bin_Jubair|Saeed Bin Jubair]]
*[[#Sahl_Bin_Sad|Sahl Bin Sad]]
*[[#Samurah_Ibn_Jundub|Samurah Ibn Jundub]]
===Narrators Starting with T===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Narrators Starting with Y===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Narrators Starting with Z===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Zaid_Bin_Thabit|Zaid Bin Thabit]]
<span class='mw-headline' id='Abdullah'>[[Has Narrators::Abdullah]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Abdullah_Bin_Amr'>[[Has Narrators::Abdullah Bin Amr]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Abdullah_Ibn_Abbass'>[[Has Narrators::Abdullah Ibn Abbass]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Abdullah_Ibn_Amr_Ibn_AlAs'>[[Has Narrators::Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn AlAs]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Abu_Huraira'>[[Has Narrators::Abu Huraira]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Abu_Rafi'>[[Has Narrators::Abu Rafi]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Abu_Saeed_AlKhudri'>[[Has Narrators::Abu Saeed AlKhudri]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='AbuHurayrah'>[[Has Narrators::AbuHurayrah]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Aisha'>[[Has Narrators::Aisha]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Aisha_The_Prophet_{{SAWSYMBOL}}'>[[Has Narrators::Aisha The Prophet {{SAWSYMBOL}}]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='AlBara'>[[Has Narrators::AlBara]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='AlHasan'>[[Has Narrators::AlHasan]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Alqama'>[[Has Narrators::Alqama]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Anas'>[[Has Narrators::Anas]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Anas_Bin_Malik'>[[Has Narrators::Anas Bin Malik]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Ibn_Abbass'>[[Has Narrators::Ibn Abbass]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Ibn_Umar'>[[Has Narrators::Ibn Umar]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Imran_Ibn_Husayn'>[[Has Narrators::Imran Ibn Husayn]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Jabir_Ibn_Abdullah'>[[Has Narrators::Jabir Ibn Abdullah]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Jundab_Bin_Abdullah'>[[Has Narrators::Jundab Bin Abdullah]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Maaqil_Bin_Yasar'>[[Has Narrators::Maaqil Bin Yasar]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Mousa_Bin_Abi_Aisha'>[[Has Narrators::Mousa Bin Abi Aisha]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Saeed_Bin_Jubair'>[[Has Narrators::Saeed Bin Jubair]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Sahl_Bin_Sad'>[[Has Narrators::Sahl Bin Sad]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Samurah_Ibn_Jundub'>[[Has Narrators::Samurah Ibn Jundub]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Sufyan'>[[Has Narrators::Sufyan]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='The'>[[Has Narrators::The]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Yali'>[[Has Narrators::Yali]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Zaid_Bin_Thabit'>[[Has Narrators::Zaid Bin Thabit]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
==Tribes Name Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing==
<div class='toccolours mw-collapsible' style='width:100%; overflow:auto;'>
===Tribes Name Starting with B===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Bani_Israil|Bani Israil]]
===Tribes Name Starting with C===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Children_Of_Israel|Children Of Israel]]
<span class='mw-headline' id='Bani_Israil'>[[Has Tribes Name::Bani Israil]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Children_Of_Israel'>[[Has Tribes Name::Children Of Israel]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
==Angels Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing==
<div class='toccolours mw-collapsible' style='width:100%; overflow:auto;'>
===Angels Starting with G===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Angels Starting with J===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Gabriel'>[[Has Angels::Gabriel]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Jibril'>[[Has Angels::Jibril]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
==Animals Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing==
<div class='toccolours mw-collapsible' style='width:100%; overflow:auto;'>
===Animals Starting with H===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Horse'>[[Has Animals::Horse]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
==Body Parts Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing==
<div class='toccolours mw-collapsible' style='width:100%; overflow:auto;'>
===Body Parts Starting with B===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Body Parts Starting with C===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Body Parts Starting with E===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Body Parts Starting with F===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Body Parts Starting with H===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Body Parts Starting with L===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Body Parts Starting with N===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Body Parts Starting with S===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Body Parts Starting with T===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Body'>[[Has Body-Parts::Body]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Chest'>[[Has Body-Parts::Chest]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Eye'>[[Has Body-Parts::Eye]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Face'>[[Has Body-Parts::Face]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Filling'>[[Has Body-Parts::Filling]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Hand'>[[Has Body-Parts::Hand]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Head'>[[Has Body-Parts::Head]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Heart'>[[Has Body-Parts::Heart]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Leg'>[[Has Body-Parts::Leg]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Lip'>[[Has Body-Parts::Lip]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Neck'>[[Has Body-Parts::Neck]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Skin'>[[Has Body-Parts::Skin]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Tongue'>[[Has Body-Parts::Tongue]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
==Quran Citations==
<div class='toccolours mw-collapsible' style='width:100%; overflow:auto;'>
===Quran Citations Starting with S===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Surat_AlAnam|Surat AlAnam]]
*[[#Surat_AlFatiha|Surat AlFatiha]]
*[[#Surat_AlIkhlas|Surat AlIkhlas]]
*[[#Surat_AlKahf|Surat AlKahf]]
*[[#Surat_AlMulk|Surat AlMulk]]
*[[#Surat_AlNajm|Surat AlNajm]]
*[[#Surat_AlQamar_Ayah_15|Surat AlQamar Ayah 15]]
*[[#Surat_AlQiyamah_Ayah_16|Surat AlQiyamah Ayah 16]]
*[[#Surat_AlQiyamah_Ayah_17|Surat AlQiyamah Ayah 17]]
*[[#Surat_AlQiyamah_Ayah_18|Surat AlQiyamah Ayah 18]]
*[[#Surat_AlZukhruf_Ayah_77|Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 77]]
*[[#Surat_Bani_Israil|Surat Bani Israil]]
===Quran Citations Starting with V===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Verse_Of_Surah_Alimran|Verse Of Surah Alimran]]
*[[#Verse_Of_The_Fatihah|Verse Of The Fatihah]]
<span class='mw-headline' id='Surat_AlAnam'>[[Has Quran Citations::Surat AlAnam]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Surat_AlFatiha'>[[Has Quran Citations::Surat AlFatiha]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Surat_AlIkhlas'>[[Has Quran Citations::Surat AlIkhlas]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Surat_AlKahf'>[[Has Quran Citations::Surat AlKahf]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Surat_AlMulk'>[[Has Quran Citations::Surat AlMulk]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Surat_AlNajm'>[[Has Quran Citations::Surat AlNajm]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Surat_AlQamar_Ayah_15'>[[Has Quran Citations::Surat AlQamar Ayah 15]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Surat_AlQiyamah_Ayah_16'>[[Has Quran Citations::Surat AlQiyamah Ayah 16]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Surat_AlQiyamah_Ayah_17'>[[Has Quran Citations::Surat AlQiyamah Ayah 17]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Surat_AlQiyamah_Ayah_18'>[[Has Quran Citations::Surat AlQiyamah Ayah 18]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Surat_AlZukhruf_Ayah_77'>[[Has Quran Citations::Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 77]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Surat_Bani_Israil'>[[Has Quran Citations::Surat Bani Israil]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Verse_Of_Surah_Alimran'>[[Has Quran Citations::Verse Of Surah Alimran]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Verse_Of_The_Fatihah'>[[Has Quran Citations::Verse Of The Fatihah]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
==Family Members Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing==
<div class='toccolours mw-collapsible' style='width:100%; overflow:auto;'>
===Family Members Starting with B===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Family Members Starting with C===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Family Members Starting with F===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Family Members Starting with M===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Family Members Starting with S===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Brother'>[[Has Family::Brother]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Children'>[[Has Family::Children]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Family'>[[Has Family::Family]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Marriage'>[[Has Family::Marriage]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Mother'>[[Has Family::Mother]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Single'>[[Has Family::Single]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Son'>[[Has Family::Son]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
==Astronomical Body Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing==
<div class='toccolours mw-collapsible' style='width:100%; overflow:auto;'>
===Astronomical Body Starting with E===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Astronomical Body Starting with H===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Earth'>[[Has Astronomical Body::Earth]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Heaven'>[[Has Astronomical Body::Heaven]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
==Food Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing==
<div class='toccolours mw-collapsible' style='width:100%; overflow:auto;'>
===Food Starting with E===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Food Starting with M===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Food Starting with O===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Food Starting with W===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Eat'>[[Has Food::Eat]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Meat'>[[Has Food::Meat]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Order'>[[Has Food::Order]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Water'>[[Has Food::Water]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
==After Life Locations Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing==
<div class='toccolours mw-collapsible' style='width:100%; overflow:auto;'>
===After Life Locations Starting with D===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Day_Of_Resurrection|Day Of Resurrection]]
<span class='mw-headline' id='Day_Of_Resurrection'>[[Has After Life Locations::Day Of Resurrection]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
==Places of Worship Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing==
<div class='toccolours mw-collapsible' style='width:100%; overflow:auto;'>
===Places of Worship Starting with T===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#The_House|The House]]
<span class='mw-headline' id='The_House'>[[Has Places of Worship::The House]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
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==Weaponary Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing==
<div class='toccolours mw-collapsible' style='width:100%; overflow:auto;'>
===Weaponary Starting with A===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Arrow'>[[Has Weaponary::Arrow]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
==Prayers Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing==
<div class='toccolours mw-collapsible' style='width:100%; overflow:auto;'>
===Prayers Starting with I===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Isha_Prayer|Isha Prayer]]
===Prayers Starting with N===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Isha_Prayer'>[[Has Prayers::Isha Prayer]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Night'>[[Has Prayers::Night]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
==TIME Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing==
<div class='toccolours mw-collapsible' style='width:100%; overflow:auto;'>
===TIME Starting with A===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===TIME Starting with E===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===TIME Starting with M===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===TIME Starting with N===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Afternoon'>[[Has TIME::Afternoon]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Evening'>[[Has TIME::Evening]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Morning'>[[Has TIME::Morning]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Night'>[[Has TIME::Night]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Noon'>[[Has TIME::Noon]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
==Days Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing==
<div class='toccolours mw-collapsible' style='width:100%; overflow:auto;'>
===Days Starting with D===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Days Starting with M===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
===Days Starting with N===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
*[[#Near_Future|Near Future]]
*[[#Next_Day|Next Day]]
===Days Starting with T===
<div style='column-count:5;-moz-column-count:5;-webkit-column-count:5'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Day'>[[Has Days::Day]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='May'>[[Has Days::May]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Near_Future'>[[Has Days::Near Future]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Next_Day'>[[Has Days::Next Day]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Now'>[[Has Days::Now]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Today'>[[Has Days::Today]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
| <div style='column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2'>
<span class='mw-headline' id='Tomorrow'>[[Has Days::Tomorrow]]</span>
{| class='wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed autocollapse' style='width: 100%;'
! Chapter Name
! Hadith Pages
|[[:Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing]]
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[[Category:The Book of Recitation in HodHood Indexing]]
[[Category:The Book of Recitation in HodHood Indexing]]

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The Book of Prostration During Recital of Quran in Sahih AlBukhari Key Points

  1. Narrated Mousa Bin Abi Aisha Saeed Bin Jubair reported from Ibn Abbas regarding the explanation of the Verse Do not move your tongue concerning the Quran to make haste therewith . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1155 Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing
  2. Narrated Jundab Bin Abdullah Allah Messenger ﷺ said Recite and study the Quran as long as your hearts are in agreement as to its meanings but if you have differences as regards its meaning stop reading it then . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1155 Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing
  3. Narrated Abu Saeed AlKhudri The Prophet ﷺ said to his companions Is it difficult for any of you to recite one third of the Quran in one night This suggestion was difficult for them so they said Who among us has the power to do so O Allah Messenger ﷺ Allah Apostle replied Allah the One the Self Sufficient Master Whom all creatures need . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3278 Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing
  4. Narrated Sufyan Ibn Shubruma said I wanted to see how much of the Quran can be enough to recite in prayer and I could not find a Surah containing less than three Verses therefore I said to myself One ought not to recite less than three Quranic Verses in prayer . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3282 Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing
  5. Ibn Masud said Recite O Alqama On that Zaid Bin Hudair the brother of Ziyad Bin Hudair said to Ibn Masud Why have you ordered Alqama to recite though he does not recite better than we Ibn Masud said If you like I would tell you what the Prophet ﷺ said about your nation and his i . SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3320 Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing
  6. It was narrated from Ibn Hunain the freed slave of Ali that Ali said The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL forbade me from four Gold rings wearing AlQassi reciting Quran while I am bowing and from wearing garments dyed with safflower . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8594 Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing
  7. It was narrated that Abdullah Bin Abi Qais said I asked Aisha How did the Messenger of Allah ﷺ recite at night did he recite loudly or silently She said He used to do both sometimes he recited loudly and sometimes he recited silently . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8623 Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing
  8. It was narrated from Kathir Bin Murrah that Uqbah Bin Amir told them that The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said The one who recites the Quran loudly is like one who gives charity openly and the one who recites the Quran silently is like the one who gives charity in secret . SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8623 Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing
  9. It is for Us to collect it and to give you the ability to recite it The Prophet ﷺ used to suffer a great deal of hardship when the Revelation came to him and he used to move his lips . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14405 Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing
  10. When he had finished praying he said What is the matter with people who pray with us without purifying themselves properly Those people make us stumble in reciting Quran . SunanAlNasai-017-001-16405 Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing
  11. Aisha further said Have you not heard that verily Allah says And it is not for any human being that Allah should speak to him except by revelation or from behind a partition or that He sends a messenger to reveal by His permission what He wills . SunanAlNasai-017-001-16661 Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing
  12. Narrated Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn AlAs The Prophet ﷺ said He who recites the Quran in a period less than three days does not understand it . SahihMuslim-017-001-23918 Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing
  13. Ubay Bin Kaab reported The Prophet ﷺ said Ubay I was asked to recite the Quran and I was asked In one mode or two modes The angel that accompanied me said Say in two modes I said In two modes I was asked again In two or three modes . SahihMuslim-017-001-23918 Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing
  14. Abu Huraira said The Messenger of Allah ﷺ led us in prayer that was we think the dawn prayer He further narrated this tradition up to the words what is the matter with me that I have been contended with in the recitation of the Quran . SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24806 Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing
  15. It was narrated that Abdullah Bin Salamah said I entered upon Ali Bin Abu Talib and he said The Messenger of Allah used to go to the lavatory and relieve himself then come out and he would eat bread and meat with us and recite Quran nothing stopped him or perhaps he said prevented him from doing so except sexual impurity . SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27804 Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing
  16. This is not because there is something on the hands of the one who carries it by which the Quran will be soiled but because it is disapproved of for someone to carry the Quran without being pure out of respect for the Quran and in order to honour it . SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27805 Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing
  17. Yahya related to me from Malik from Ayoub Ibn Abi Tamima AlSakhtayani from Muhammad Ibn Seereen that Umar Ibn AlKhattab was with some people who were reciting Quran . SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27807 Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Most Postive Sentiment Hadith in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Positive Sentiment may indicate a Permissible, Encouraged Actions or Sunnah

  1. Narrated Sahl Bin Sad: It was narrated that Sahl Bin Saad said: I was among the people when a woman said: I offer myself in marriage to you; O Messenger of Allah; see what you think of me. A man stood up and said: Marry me to her. He said: Go and find something ; even if it is an iron ring. So he went; but he could not find anything; not even an iron ring. So the Messenger of Allah said: Do you have memorized any surahs of the Quran? He said: Yes. So he married him to her on the basis of what he knew of surahs of the Quran. SunanAlNasai-017-001-14405
  2. It was narrated that Ibn Abbas said: Concerning the saying of Allah; the Mighty and Sublime: Move not your tongue concerning to make haste therewith. It is for Us to collect it and to give you the ability to recite it- The Prophet ﷺ used to suffer a great deal of hardship when the Revelation came to him; and he used to move his lips. Allah said: Move not your tongue concerning to make haste therewith. It is for Us to collect it and to give you the ability to recite it. He said: This means He will gather it in your heart; then you will recite it; And when We have recited it to you; then follow the recitation. He said: So listen to it and remain silent. So when Jibril came to him; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ listened; and when he left; he would recite it as he had taught him. SunanAlNasai-017-001-16661
  3. It is narrated on the authority of Masruq that he said: I was resting at the house of Aisha that she said: O Abu Aisha kunya of Masruq ; there are three things; and he who affirmed even one of them fabricated the greatest lie against Allah. I asked that they were. She said: He who presumed that Muhammad ﷺ saw his Lord with his ocular vision fabricated the greatest lie against Allah. I was reclining but then sat up and said: Mother of the Faithful; wait a bit and do not be in a haste. Has not Allah Mighty and Majestic said: And truly he saw him on the clear horizon AlQuran; Surat AlTakwir; 81:23 and he saw Him in another descent AlQuran; Surat Najm 53:13 ? She said: I am the first of this Ummah who asked the Messenger of Allah ﷺ about it; and he said: Verily he is Gabriel. I have never seen him in his original form in which he was created except on those two occasions to which these verses refer ; I saw him descending from the heaven and filling the space from the sky to the earth with the greatness of his bodily structure. She said: Have you not heard Allah saying: Eyes comprehend Him not; but He comprehends all vision. and He is Subtle; and All-Aware AlQuran; Surat AlAnam 6:103 ? She; i.e. Aisha; further said : Have you not heard that; verily; Allah says: And it is not for any human being that Allah should speak to him except by revelation or from behind a partition or that He sends a messenger to reveal; by His permission; what He wills. Indeed; He is Most High and Wise. AlQuran; Surat AlShura; 42:51 She said: He who presumes that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ concealed anything from the Book of Allah fabricates the greatest lie against Allah. Allah says: O Messenger; announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord; and if you do not; then you have not conveyed His message. And Allah will protect you from the people. Indeed; Allah does not guide the disbelieving people. AlQuran; Surat AlMaidah; 5:67. She said: He who presumes that he would inform about what was going to happen tomorrow fabricates the greatest lie against Allah. And Allah says Say; None in the heavens and earth knows the unseen except Allah ; and they do not perceive when they will be resurrected. AlQuran; Surat AlNaml; 27:65. SahihMuslim-017-001-18728
  4. It was narrated from Ibn Hunain; the freed slave of Ali; that Ali said: The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL forbade me from four: Gold rings; wearing AlQassi; reciting Quran while I am bowing; and from wearing garments dyed with safflower. SunanAlNasai-017-001-13547
  5. Narrated AlBara: A man was reciting Surat AlKahf and his horse was tied with two ropes beside him. A cloud came down and spread over that man; and it kept on coming closer and closer to him till his horse started jumping as if afraid of something. When it was morning; the man came to the Prophet; and told him of that experience. The Prophet ﷺ said; That was AlSakina tranquility which descended because of the recitation of the Quran. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3278
  6. Narrated Alqama: We were sitting with Ibn Masud when Khabbab came and said; O Abu Abdulrahman Can these young fellows recite Quran as you do? Ibn Masud said; If you wish I can order one of them to recite Quran for you. Khabbab replied; Yes. Ibn Masud said; Recite; O Alqama! On that; Zaid Bin Hudair; the brother of Ziyad Bin Hudair said; to Ibn Masud ; Why have you ordered Alqama to recite though he does not recite better than we? Ibn Masud said; If you like; I would tell you what the Prophet ﷺ said about your nation and his i.e. Alqamas nation. So I recited fifty Verses from Surat Maryam. Abdullah bin Masud said to Khabbab; What do you think about Alqama recitation ? Khabbab said; He has recited well. Abdullah said; Whatever I recite; Alqama recites. Then Abdullah turned towards Khabbab and saw that he was wearing a gold ring; whereupon he said; Hasnt the time for its throwing away come yet? Khabbab said; You will not see me wearing it after today; and he throw it away. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6718
  7. Abu Huraira said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ led us in prayer; that was; we think; the dawn prayer; He further narrated this tradition up to the words what is the matter with me that I have been contended with in the recitation of the Quran.Abu Dawud said: Mousaddad in his tradition said that Mamar said: The people ceased to recit the Quran at the prayer in which the Messenger of Allah ﷺ recited aloud. Ibn AlSarh said in his version that Mamar reported from AlZuhrl on the authority of Abu Huraira. Then the people ceased to recite behind the imam.Another version says: Sufyan said: AlZuhrl spoke a word that I could not hear. Then Mamar said; He said: Then people ceased to recite the Quran Abu Dawud said: This tradition has been narrated by Abd AlRaman Bin Ishaq on the authority of AlZuhrl. This version ends at the words: What is the matter with me that I am contended with in the recitation of the Quran. AlAwza I also narrated it on the authority of AlZuhri. This version has: AlZuhrl said: The Muslims took lesson from that and thenceforth they did not recite the Quran at the prayer in which he the Prophet recited a loud.Abu Dawud said: I heard Muhammad Bin Yaya Bin Faris say: The words the people ceased to recite the Quran is a statement of Alzuhri. SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27804
  8. Narrated Jabir Ibn Abdullah: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ came to us while we were reciting the Quran; and there were among us bedouins and the non-Arabs. He said: Recite; all is well. In the near future there will appear people who will straighten it the Quran as an arrow is straightened. They will recite it quickly and not slowly or it means that they will get the reward in this world and not in the Hereafter. SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27807
  9. Narrated Abdullah: That the Prophet ﷺ said to him; Recite the Quran to me. Abdullah said; Shall I recite the Quran to you while it has been revealed to you? He said; I like to hear it from others. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3318

Most Negative Sentiment Hadith in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Negative Sentiment may indicate a Forbidden, Disliked, or Discouraged Actions

  1. Abu Huraira said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ led us in prayer; that was; we think; the dawn prayer; He further narrated this tradition up to the words what is the matter with me that I have been contended with in the recitation of the Quran.Abu Dawud said: Mousaddad in his tradition said that Mamar said: The people ceased to recit the Quran at the prayer in which the Messenger of Allah ﷺ recited aloud. Ibn AlSarh said in his version that Mamar reported from AlZuhrl on the authority of Abu Huraira. Then the people ceased to recite behind the imam.Another version says: Sufyan said: AlZuhrl spoke a word that I could not hear. Then Mamar said; He said: Then people ceased to recite the Quran Abu Dawud said: This tradition has been narrated by Abd AlRaman Bin Ishaq on the authority of AlZuhrl. This version ends at the words: What is the matter with me that I am contended with in the recitation of the Quran. AlAwza I also narrated it on the authority of AlZuhri. This version has: AlZuhrl said: The Muslims took lesson from that and thenceforth they did not recite the Quran at the prayer in which he the Prophet recited a loud.Abu Dawud said: I heard Muhammad Bin Yaya Bin Faris say: The words the people ceased to recite the Quran is a statement of Alzuhri. SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27804
  2. Ibn Ishaq reported: I heard AlBara as saying that a man recited AlKahf when an animal was there in the house and it began to take fright. And as he looked around; he found a cloud overshadowing it. He mentioned that to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Upon this he said: O so and so; recite on the surah AlSakina descends at the recitation of the Quran or on account of the recitation of the Quran. SahihMuslim-017-001-23916
  3. It was narrated from Abu Huraira: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ finished a prayer in which he recited out loud; then he said: Did any one of you recite with me just now? A man said: Yes; O Messenger of Allah. He said: I was wondering what was distracting me in reciting Quran. So the people stopped reciting in prayers in which the Messenger of Allah ﷺ recited out loud when they heard that. SunanAlNasai-017-001-16645
  4. Narrated AlBara: A man was reciting Surat AlKahf and his horse was tied with two ropes beside him. A cloud came down and spread over that man; and it kept on coming closer and closer to him till his horse started jumping as if afraid of something. When it was morning; the man came to the Prophet; and told him of that experience. The Prophet ﷺ said; That was AlSakina tranquility which descended because of the recitation of the Quran. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3278
  5. Narrated Abu Saeed AlKhudri: The Prophet ﷺ said to his companions; Is it difficult for any of you to recite one third of the Quran in one night? This suggestion was difficult for them so they said; Who among us has the power to do so; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ? Allah Apostle replied: Allah the One; the Self-Sufficient Master Whom all creatures need. Surat AlIkhlas 112.1-to the End is equal to one third of the Quran. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-3282
  6. Narrated Imran Ibn Husayn: The Prophet ﷺ led us in the noon prayer; and a man came and recited behind him Glorify the name of thy Lord; the Most High Surah 87. When he finished the prayer ; he said: Which of you recited? They the people said: A man recited. He said: I knew that some one of you confused me in it in the recitation of the Quran.Abu Dawud said: Abu AlWalid said in his version: Shubah said: I asked Qatadah: Did Saeed not say: Listen attentively to the Quran? He replied: Yes ; but that applies to prayer in which it the Quran is recited aloud. Ibn Kathir said in his version: I said to Qatadah: Perhaps he the Prophet disliked it recitation. He said: If he had disliked it; he would have prohibited it. SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-27805
  7. Narrated Alqama: We were sitting with Ibn Masud when Khabbab came and said; O Abu Abdulrahman Can these young fellows recite Quran as you do? Ibn Masud said; If you wish I can order one of them to recite Quran for you. Khabbab replied; Yes. Ibn Masud said; Recite; O Alqama! On that; Zaid Bin Hudair; the brother of Ziyad Bin Hudair said; to Ibn Masud ; Why have you ordered Alqama to recite though he does not recite better than we? Ibn Masud said; If you like; I would tell you what the Prophet ﷺ said about your nation and his i.e. Alqamas nation. So I recited fifty Verses from Surat Maryam. Abdullah bin Masud said to Khabbab; What do you think about Alqama recitation ? Khabbab said; He has recited well. Abdullah said; Whatever I recite; Alqama recites. Then Abdullah turned towards Khabbab and saw that he was wearing a gold ring; whereupon he said; Hasnt the time for its throwing away come yet? Khabbab said; You will not see me wearing it after today; and he throw it away. SahihAlBukhari-017-001-6718
  8. Narrated Aisha: A man got up at night and recited the Quran in a loud voice. When the dawn came; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: May Allah have mercy on so-and-so who reminded me many verses that I had nearly forgotten.Abu Dawud said: Harun AlNahwi transmitted from Hammad Bin Salamah the Quranic verse of Surah AlImran: How many of the prophet fought in Allah way 3:146 SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-24675

Notables Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Notables Starting with A

Notables Starting with B

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Notables Starting with F

Notables Starting with G

Notables Starting with H

Notables Starting with I

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Notables Starting with U

Notables Starting with W

Notables Starting with Y

Notables Starting with Z

Ab Alqasim The Prophet

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Abd Alraman Bin Ishaq

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Abdullah Bin Abi Qais

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Abdullah Bin Amr

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Abdullah Bin Masud

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Abdullah Bin Salamah

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Abdullah Bin Salimah

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Abdullah Ibn Abbas

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Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn

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Abu Aisha

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Abu Alwalid

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Abu Dawud

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Abu Huraira

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Abu Nuaim

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Abu Rafi

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Abu Saeed Alkhudri

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Abu Saib

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Abu Suhayl Ibn Malik

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Ali Bin Abu Talib

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Allahu Akbar

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Alrabi Alansari

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Amir Almuminin

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Anas Bin Malik

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Ayoub Ibn Abi Tamima Alsakhtayani

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Bin Abdullah

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Fatihat Alkitab

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Ghudaif Bin Harith

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Hammad Bin Salamah

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Harun Alnahwi

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Hisham Bin Hakim Bin Hizam

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Ibn Abbas

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Ibn Alsarh

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Ibn Hudair

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Ibn Hunain

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Ibn Ishaq

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Ibn Kathir

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Ibn Masud

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Ibn Shubruma

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Ibn Ukaimah

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Ibn Umar

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Ibu Hudair

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Idha Zulzilat

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Imran Bin Hosain

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Imran Ibn Husayn

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Jabir Ibn Abdullah

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Jundab Bin Abdullah

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Kathir Bin Murrah

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Maaqil Bin Yasar

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Messenger Of Allah

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Mother Of The Faithful

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Mousa Bin Abi Aisha

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Muhammad Bin Yaya Bin Faris

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Muhammad Ibn Seereen

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Muhammad Sawsymbol

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Qul Huwa Allahu

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Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad

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Qul Ya Ayuhal-Kafirun

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
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Saeed Bin Jubair

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
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Sahl Bin Saad

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
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Sahl Bin Sad

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Samurah Ibn Jundub

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Shabib Abi Rawh

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Surat Alkahf

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Surat Bani Israil

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Surat Najm

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Ubadah Bin Alsamit

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Ubay Bin Kaab

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Umar Bin Alkhattab

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Umar Ibn Alkhattab

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Uqbah Bin Amir

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Usaid Bin Hudair

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Usamah Bin Zaid

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Yul Ya Ayuhal-Kafirun

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Zaid Bin Hudair

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Zaid Bin Thabit

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Ziyad Bin Hudair

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
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Narrators Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Narrators Starting with A

Narrators Starting with I

Narrators Starting with J

Narrators Starting with M

Narrators Starting with S

Narrators Starting with T

Narrators Starting with Y

Narrators Starting with Z


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
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Abdullah Bin Amr

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Abdullah Ibn Abbass

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Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn AlAs

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Abu Huraira

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Abu Rafi

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
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Abu Saeed AlKhudri

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Aisha The Prophet ﷺ

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Anas Bin Malik

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Ibn Abbass

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Ibn Umar

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Imran Ibn Husayn

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Jabir Ibn Abdullah

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
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Jundab Bin Abdullah

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Maaqil Bin Yasar

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Mousa Bin Abi Aisha

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Saeed Bin Jubair

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
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Sahl Bin Sad

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Samurah Ibn Jundub

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Zaid Bin Thabit

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Tribes Name Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Tribes Name Starting with B

Tribes Name Starting with C

Bani Israil

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Children Of Israel

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Angels Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Angels Starting with G

Angels Starting with J


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Animals Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Animals Starting with H


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Body Parts Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Body Parts Starting with B

Body Parts Starting with C

Body Parts Starting with E

Body Parts Starting with F

Body Parts Starting with H

Body Parts Starting with L

Body Parts Starting with N

Body Parts Starting with S

Body Parts Starting with T


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Quran Citations

Quran Citations Starting with S

Quran Citations Starting with V

Surat AlAnam

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Surat AlFatiha

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Surat AlIkhlas

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Surat AlKahf

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Surat AlMulk

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Surat AlNajm

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Surat AlQamar Ayah 15

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Surat AlQiyamah Ayah 16

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Surat AlQiyamah Ayah 17

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Surat AlQiyamah Ayah 18

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Surat AlZukhruf Ayah 77

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Surat Bani Israil

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Verse Of Surah Alimran

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Verse Of The Fatihah

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Family Members Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Family Members Starting with B

Family Members Starting with C

Family Members Starting with F

Family Members Starting with M

Family Members Starting with S


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Astronomical Body Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Astronomical Body Starting with E

Astronomical Body Starting with H


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Food Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Food Starting with E

Food Starting with M

Food Starting with O

Food Starting with W


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

After Life Locations Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

After Life Locations Starting with D

Day Of Resurrection

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Places of Worship Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Places of Worship Starting with T

The House

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Weaponary Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Weaponary Starting with A


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Prayers Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Prayers Starting with I

Prayers Starting with N

Isha Prayer

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

TIME Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

TIME Starting with A

TIME Starting with E

TIME Starting with M

TIME Starting with N


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Days Mentioned in The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Days Starting with D

Days Starting with M

Days Starting with N

Days Starting with T


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Near Future

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

Next Day

Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing


Chapter Name Hadith Pages
Category:The Chapter on Loud Recitation Of Alquran in HodHood Indexing

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