Category:The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Part of a series on Hadith
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[hide]- 1 The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai Key Points
- 2 Most Postive Sentiment Hadith in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 3 Most Negative Sentiment Hadith in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 4 Notables Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 4.1 Notables Starting with A
- 4.2 Notables Starting with B
- 4.3 Notables Starting with F
- 4.4 Notables Starting with G
- 4.5 Notables Starting with H
- 4.6 Notables Starting with I
- 4.7 Notables Starting with J
- 4.8 Notables Starting with K
- 4.9 Notables Starting with L
- 4.10 Notables Starting with M
- 4.11 Notables Starting with N
- 4.12 Notables Starting with Q
- 4.13 Notables Starting with R
- 4.14 Notables Starting with S
- 4.15 Notables Starting with T
- 4.16 Notables Starting with U
- 4.17 Notables Starting with W
- 4.18 Notables Starting with Y
- 4.19 Notables Starting with Z
- 5 Narrators Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 5.1 Narrators Starting with A
- 5.2 Narrators Starting with F
- 5.3 Narrators Starting with H
- 5.4 Narrators Starting with I
- 5.5 Narrators Starting with K
- 5.6 Narrators Starting with M
- 5.7 Narrators Starting with N
- 5.8 Narrators Starting with Q
- 5.9 Narrators Starting with S
- 5.10 Narrators Starting with U
- 5.11 Narrators Starting with Z
- 6 Animals Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 7 Body Parts Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 7.1 Body Parts Starting with A
- 7.2 Body Parts Starting with B
- 7.3 Body Parts Starting with C
- 7.4 Body Parts Starting with E
- 7.5 Body Parts Starting with F
- 7.6 Body Parts Starting with H
- 7.7 Body Parts Starting with M
- 7.8 Body Parts Starting with P
- 7.9 Body Parts Starting with S
- 7.10 Body Parts Starting with V
- 8 Quran Citations
- 9 Family Members Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 9.1 Family Members Starting with B
- 9.2 Family Members Starting with C
- 9.3 Family Members Starting with D
- 9.4 Family Members Starting with F
- 9.5 Family Members Starting with G
- 9.6 Family Members Starting with H
- 9.7 Family Members Starting with I
- 9.8 Family Members Starting with M
- 9.9 Family Members Starting with O
- 9.10 Family Members Starting with P
- 9.11 Family Members Starting with S
- 9.12 Family Members Starting with T
- 9.13 Family Members Starting with W
- 10 Phrases Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 11 Astronomical Body Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 12 Food Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 13 Plants Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 14 Fruits Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 15 After Life Locations Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 16 Cities Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 17 Places of Worship Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 18 Diseas Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 19 Financial Phrases Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 20 TIME Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- 21 Days Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai Key Points
- He said Tell Abdullah to take her back then leave her until she becomes pure from this menstrual period then menstruates again then when she becomes pure again if he wishes he may separate from her before having intercourse with her or if he wishes he may keep her . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14889 Category:Chapter on Divorce At The Time When Allah Has Stated That Women May Be Divorced in Sunan AlNasai
- If she menstruates and becomes pure again give her another divorce and if she menstruates and becomes pure again give her another divorce then after that she should wait for another menstrual cycle . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14894 Category:Chapter on Three Simultaneous Divorces And A Stern Warning Against That in Sunan AlNasai
- He said O Abu Bakr Do you not hear this woman speaking in such an audacious manner in the presence of the Messenger of Allah He said Do you want to go back to Rifaah No not until you taste his sweetness and he tastes your sweetness . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14909 Category:Chapter on The Husband Whose Divorce Is Not Valid in Sunan AlNasai
- It was narrated that Abdullah said The Messenger of Allah cursed the woman who tattoos and the one tattooed the woman who fixed hair extensions and the one who had her hair get extended the consumer of Riba and the one who pays it and AlMuhallil and AlMuhallal Lahu . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14916 Category:Chapter on Choosing Which Of The Two Married Slaves To Free First in Sunan AlNasai
- Abdulrahman Bin Abdullah Bin Kaab Bin Malik narrated that his father said I heard my father Kaab Bin Malik who was one of the three whose repentance was accepted say The Messenger of Allah sent word to me and to my two companions saying The Messenger of Allah commands you to keep away from your wives . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14922 Category:Chapter on What Was Narrated Concerning Khul in Sunan AlNasai
- It was narrated that Abu AlHasan the freed slave of Banu Nawfal said Ibn Abbas was asked about a slave who divorced his wife twice then they were set free could he marry her He said Yes . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14927 Category:Chapter on The Imam Saying O Allah Make It Clear To Me in Sunan AlNasai
- It was narrated that Kathir Bin AlSaib said The sons of Quraidha h told me that they were presented to the Messenger of Allah on the Day of Quraidha h and whoever among them had reached puberty or had grown pubic hair was killed and whoever had not reached puberty and had not grown pubic hair was left alive . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14928 Category:Chapter on The Command To Place The Hand Over The Mouth Of The Two Who Are Engaging In Lian When They Utter Th in Sunan AlNasai
- It was narrated that Atiyah AlQurazi said On the day that Saad passed judgment on Banu Quraidha h I was a young boy and they were not sure about me but they did not find any pubic hair so they let me live and here I am among you . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14929 Category:Chapter on The Imam Exhorting The Man And Woman At The Time of Lian in Sunan AlNasai
- It was narrated from Aisha that the Prophet said The pen has been lifted from three From the sleeper until he wakes up from the minor until he grows up and from the insane until he comes back to his senses or recovers . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14931 Category:Chapter on Asking The Two Who Engaged In Lian To Repent After Lian in Sunan AlNasai
- Whoever emigrated for the sake of Allah and His Messenger his emigration was for the sake of Allah and His Messenger and whoever emigrated for the sake of some worldly gain or to marry some woman his emigration was for that for which he emigrated . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14937 Category:Chapter on The Bed Of The Slave Woman in Sunan AlNasai
- It was narrated that Aisha the wife of the Prophet said When the Messenger of Allah was commanded to give his wives the choice he started with me and said I am going to say something to you and you do not have to rush to make a decision until you consult your parents . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14938 Category:Chapter on Drawing Lots For A Child If Several Men Dispute Over Him in Sunan AlNasai
- She said Then he recited this Verse O Prophet Say to your wives If you desire the life of this world and its glitter then come I will make a provision for you and set you free in a handsome manner . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14939 Category:Chapter on Detecting Family Likenesses in Sunan AlNasai
- One of those Sunan was that she was set free and was given the choice concerning her husband the Messenger of Allah said AlWala is to the one who set the slave free and the Messenger of Allah entered when some meat was being cooked in a pot but bread and some condiments were brought to him . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14947 Category:Chapter on Mourning Is Waived For A Kitabi Widow in Sunan AlNasai
- He said Do I not see a pot in which some meat is being cooked They said Yes O Messenger of Allah that is meat that was given in charity to Barirah and you do not eat food given in charity . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14947 Category:Chapter on Mourning Is Waived For A Kitabi Widow in Sunan AlNasai
- And she gave some meat to Aisha as a gift and the Messenger of Allah said Why dont you give me some of this meat Aisha said It was given in charity to Barirah . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14953 Category:Chapter on A Woman In Mourning Dyeing Her Hair in Sunan AlNasai
- Ikrimah said A man came to the Prophet of Allah and said O Prophet of Allah and that he had declared Zihar to his wife then he had intercourse with her before he did what he had to do . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14958 Category:Chapter on Concession Allowing An IrrevocablyDivorced Woman To Leave Her House During Her Iddah in Sunan AlNasai
- It was narrated from Sahl Bin Sad from Aasi m Bin Adiy who said Uwaimir a man from Banu Ajlan came and said O Aasi m what do you think if a man sees another man with his wife should he kill him and be killed in retaliation or what should he do O Aasi m ask the Messenger of Allah about that for me . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14965 Category:Chapter on Divorce At The Time When Allah Has Stated That Women May Be Divorced in Sunan AlNasai
- The Messenger of Allah conducted the procedure of Lian between them then he said Look and see if she produces a child who is white with straight hair and Qadiya eyes then he belongs to Hilal Bin Umayah and if she produces a child who has dark lines around his eyes curly hair and narrow calves then he belongs to Sharik Bin AlSahma . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14968 Category:Chapter on Divorce Without The Iddah in Sunan AlNasai
- A man in the gathering said to Ibn Abbas Was she the one of whom the Messenger of Allah said If I were to have stoned anyone without evidence I would have stoned this one Ibn Abbas said No that was a woman who used to do mischief even after becoming Muslim . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14970 Category:Chapter on Three Simultaneous Divorces And A Stern Warning Against That in Sunan AlNasai
- A man in the gathering said to Ibn Abbas Was she the one of whom the Messenger of Allah said If I were to have stoned anyone without evidence I would have stoned this one Ibn Abbas said No that was a woman who used to do mischief even after becoming Muslim . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14971 Category:Chapter on Concession Allowing That in Sunan AlNasai
- Abd AlMalik Bin Abi Sulaiman said I heard Saeed Bin Jubair say I was asked about the two who engage in Lian during the governorship of Ibn AlZubair should they be separated I did not know what to say so I got up and went to the house of Ibn Umar and said O Abu Abdulrahman should the two who engage in Lian be separated He said Yes Subhan Allah The first one who asked about that was so and so the son of so and so who said O Messenger of Allah what do you think if a man among us sees his wife committing immoral actions and if he speaks of it he will be speaking of a grave matter but if he keeps quiet he will be keeping quiet about a grave matter He did not answer him then after that he came to him and said I was tried with the matter that I asked you about so Allah the Mighty and Sublime revealed these Verses in Surat AlNur . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14971 Category:Chapter on Concession Allowing That in Sunan AlNasai
- If you are telling the truth you have consummated the marriage with her and if you are lying then you are even less entitled to it . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14975 Category:Chapter on It Is Up To You in Sunan AlNasai
- If you are telling the truth about her then it is in return for having been allowed intimacy with her and if you are lying then you are even less entitled to it . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14976 Category:Chapter on Making A ThriceDivorced Woman Lawful To Return To Her First Husband And The Marriage That Makes T in Sunan AlNasai
- He said Are there any gray ones among them He said There are some gray ones among them . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14978 Category:Chapter on A Man Divorcing His Wife Face To Face in Sunan AlNasai
- Salamah Bin Kuhail said I heard AlShabi narrating from Abu AlKhalil or Ibn Abi AlKhalil that three men had intercourse with the same woman during a single menstrual cycle and he mentioned something similar but he did not mention Zaid Bin Arqam or attribute anything to the Prophet . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14991 Category:Chapter on When A Woman Is Given The Choice And Chooses Her Husband in Sunan AlNasai
- Her husband came and said Who is going to take my son from me The Messenger of Allah said O boy this is your father and this is your mother take the hand of whichever of them you want . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14995 Category:Chapter on Giving The Choice To A Slave Woman Who Has Been Set Free And Whose Husband Is Still A Slave in Sunan AlNasai
- It was narrated that Zainab bint Umm Salamah said Umm Habibah said I heard the Messenger of Allah say It is not permissible for a woman who believes in Allah and the Last Day to mourn for anyone who dies for more than three days except for a husband she mourns for him for four months and ten days . SunanAlNasai-017-001-14999 Category:Chapter on The Beginning Of AlLian The Curse in Sunan AlNasai
- He said Allah says And for those who are pregnant whether they are divorced or their husbands are dead their Iddah prescribed period is until they lay down their burden . SunanAlNasai-017-001-15010 Category:Chapter on If A Man Hints An Accusation About His Wife And Wanted To Disown The Child in Sunan AlNasai
- He sent his slave Kuraib and told him Go to Umm Salamah and ask her Was this the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah He came back and said Yes Subaiah AlAslamiyah gave birth twenty days after her husband died and the Messenger of Allah told her to get married and Abu AlSanabil was one of those who proposed marriage to her . SunanAlNasai-017-001-15011 Category:Chapter on Stern Warning Against Disowning One Child in Sunan AlNasai
- Abu Salamah Bin Abdulrahman said Ibn Abbas Abu Huraira and I were together and Ibn Abbas said If a woman gives birth after her husband dies her Iddah is the longer of the two periods . SunanAlNasai-017-001-15014 Category:Chapter on Drawing Lots For A Child If Several Men Dispute Over Him in Sunan AlNasai
- Abu AlSanabil Bin Bakak man from Banu Abd AlDar went to her and said to her Why do I see you adorned Perhaps you want to get married but by Allah you will not get married until four months and ten days have passed . SunanAlNasai-017-001-15017 Category:Chapter on The Iddah Of A Woman Separated By Khul in Sunan AlNasai
- It was narrated from Yazid Bin Abi Habib that Muhammad Bin Muslim AlZuhri wrote to him mentioning that Ubaidullah Bin Abdullah told him that Zufar Bin Aws Bin AlHadathan AlNasri told him that Abu AlSanabil Bin Bakak Bin AlSabbaq said to Subaiah AlAslamiyah It is not permissible for you to get married until four months and ten days the longer of the two periods have passed . SunanAlNasai-017-001-15018 Category:Chapter on Exceptions To The Iddah Of Divorced Women in Sunan AlNasai
- I raised my voice and said Would I dare to tell lies about Abdullah Bin Utbah when he is in the vicinity of AlKufah He said Then I met Malik and said What did Ibn Masud say about the story of Subaiah He said He said Are you going to be too strict with her and not allow her the concession with regard to the Iddah The shorter Surah about women AlTalaq was revealed after the longer one AlBaqarah . SunanAlNasai-017-001-15021 Category:Chapter on The Iddah Of A Woman Whose Husband Dies Before Consummating The Marriage in Sunan AlNasai
- Ibn Masud said She should have a Mahr like that of women like her no less and no more she has to observe the Iddah and she is entitled to inherit . SunanAlNasai-017-001-15022 Category:Chapter on Mourning in Sunan AlNasai
- Then she would come out and would be given a piece of dung which she would throw then she would go back to whatever she wanted of perfume etc . SunanAlNasai-017-001-15035 Category:Chapter on Widow Going Out During The Day in Sunan AlNasai
- She should not wear garments that are dyed or patterned or put on kohl or comb her hair and she should not put on any perfume except when purifying herself after her period when she may use a little of Qust or Azfar . SunanAlNasai-017-001-15035 Category:Chapter on Widow Going Out During The Day in Sunan AlNasai
- I the narrator said to Zainab What does after a year had passed mean She said During the Jahiliyah if a woman husband died she would go to the worst room she had and stay there then when a year had passed she would come out and throw a piece of dung behind her . SunanAlNasai-017-001-15041 Category:Chapter on Divorce At The Time When Allah Has Stated That Women May Be Divorced in Sunan AlNasai
- It was narrated from Ikrimah with regard to the saying of Allah the Mighty and Sublime And those of you who die and leave behind wives should bequeath for their wives a year maintenance and residence without turning them out that he said This was abrogated by And those of you who die and leave wives behind them they the wives shall wait as regards their marriage for four months and ten days . SunanAlNasai-017-001-15044 Category:Chapter on Divorce Without The Iddah in Sunan AlNasai
- AlAswad hit him AlShabi with a pebble and said Woe be to you Why do you issue such a Fatwa Umar said If you bring two witnesses who will testify that they heard that from the Messenger of Allah we will believe you otherwise we will not leave the Book of Allah for the word of a woman . SunanAlNasai-017-001-15050 Category:Chapter on The Irrevocable Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
- Look and when your period comes do not pray and when your period ends then purify yourself and pray during the time between one period and the next . SunanAlNasai-017-001-15054 Category:Chapter on A Man Divorcing His Wife Face To Face in Sunan AlNasai
- And He said And divorced women shall wait as regards their marriage for three menstrual periods and it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah has created in their wombs if they believe in Allah and the Last Day . SunanAlNasai-017-001-15056 Category:Chapter on Meaning Of The Saying Of Allah The Mighty And Sublime O Prophet Why Do You Forbid For Yourself in Sunan AlNasai
- When Ibn Umar was asked about a man who divorced his wife when she was menstruating he would say If it is the first or second divorce the Messenger of Allah would tell him to take her back and keep her until she has menstruated again and purified herself then divorce her before having intercourse with her . SunanAlNasai-017-001-15058 Category:Chapter on Go To Your Family Does Not Necessarily Mean Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Most Postive Sentiment Hadith in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Positive Sentiment may indicate a Permissible, Encouraged Actions or Sunnah
- Nafi narrated from Abdullah; that he divorced his wife while she was menstruating. Umar asked the Messenger of Allah about that and said: Abdullah has divorced his wife while she was menstruating. He said: Tell Abdullah to take her back; then leave her until she becomes pure from this menstrual period; then menstruates again; then when she becomes pure again; if he wishes he may separate from her before having intercourse with her; or if he wishes he may keep her. This is the time when Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; has stated that women may be divorced. SunanAlNasai-017-001-14889
- It was narrated from Ibn Umar that he divorced his wife while she was menstruating; during the time of the Messenger of Allah. Umar Bin AlKhattab; may Allah be pleased with him; asked the Messenger of Allah about that; and the Messenger of Allah said: Tell him to take her back and keep her until she becomes pure; then menstruates again and becomes pure again. Then if he wishes he may keep her; or if he wishes; he may divorce her before he touches has intercourse with her. This is the time when Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; has stated that women may be divorced. SunanAlNasai-017-001-14890
- Salim Bin Abdullah Bin Umar narrated that Abdullah Bin Umar said: I divorced my wife during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah while she was menstruating. Umar mentioned that to the Messenger of Allah; and the Messenger of Allah got angry about that and said: Let him take her back; then keep her until she has menstruated again and become pure again. Then if he wants to divorce her when she is pure and before he touches her has intercourse with her ; then that is divorce at the prescribed time as Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; has revealed. Abdullah Bin Umar said: So I took her back; but I still counted the divorce that I had issued to her. SunanAlNasai-017-001-14891
- It was narrated from Ibn Abbas; concerning the saying of Allah; the Mighty and Sublime: O Prophet! When you divorce women; divorce them at their Iddah prescribed periods. Ibn Abbas; may Allah be pleased with him; said: Before their Iddah elapses. SunanAlNasai-017-001-14893
- It was narrated that Ibn Abbas said: A man came to him and said: I have made my wife forbidden to myself. He said: You are lying; she is not forbidden to you. Then he recited this Verse: O Prophet! Why do you forbid for yourself that which Allah has allowed to you. And he said : You have to offer the severest form of expiation: Freeing a slave. SunanAlNasai-017-001-14920
- Kaab Bin Malik narrated the Hadith about when he stayed behind; and did not join the Messenger of Allah on the expedition to Tabuk. He told the story; and said: The envoy of the Messenger of Allah came to me and said: The Messenger of Allah commands you to stay away from your wife. I said: Shall I divorce her or what? He said: No; just keep away from her and do not approach her. I said to my wife: Go to your family and stay with them until Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; decides concerning this matter. SunanAlNasai-017-001-14922
- Abdulrahman Bin Abdullah Bin Kaab Bin Malik narrated that Abdullah Bin Kaab said: I heard Kaab narrate the Hadith about when he stayed behind and did not join the Messenger of Allah on the expedition to Tabuk. He said: The envoy of the Messenger of Allah came to me and said: The Messenger of Allah commands you to keep away from your wife. I said: Shall I divorce her; or what should I do? He said: No; just keep away from her and do not approach her. And he sent similar instructions to my two companions. I said to my wife: Go to your family and stay with them until Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; decides concerning this matter. SunanAlNasai-017-001-14924
- It was narrated from Maaqil; from AlZuhri who said: Abdulrahman Bin Abdullah Bin Kaab narrated that his paternal uncle Ubaidullah Bin Kaab said: I heard my father Kaab say: The Messenger of Allah sent word to me and my two companions saying: The Messenger of Allah commands you to keep away from your wives. I said to the envoy: Should I divorce my wife; or what should I do? He said: No; just keep away from her and do not come near her. I said to my wife: Go to your family and stay with them until Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; decides concerning me. So she went to them. SunanAlNasai-017-001-14925
- It was narrated that Abu Huraira said: The Messenger of Allah said: Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; has forgiven my Ummah for what is whispered to them or what enters their minds; so long as they do not act upon it or speak of it. SunanAlNasai-017-001-14934
- It was narrated that Aisha; the wife of the Prophet; said: When the Messenger of Allah was commanded to give his wives the choice; he started with me and said: I am going to say something to you and you do not have to rush to make a decision until you consult your parents. She said: He knew that my parents would never tell me to leave him. She said: Then he recited this Verse: O Prophet! Say to your wives: If you desire the life of this world; and its glitter; then come! I will make a provision for you and set you free in a handsome manner. I said: Do I need to consult my parents concerning this? I desire Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; and His Messenger; and the home of the Hereafter. Aisha said: Then the wives of the Prophet all did the same as I did; and that was not counted as a divorce; when the Messenger of Allah gave them the choice and they chose him. SunanAlNasai-017-001-14939
Most Negative Sentiment Hadith in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Negative Sentiment may indicate a Forbidden, Disliked, or Discouraged Actions
- Ubaidullah Bin Abdullah narrated that his father wrote to Umar Bin Abdullah Bin Arqam AlZuhri; telling him to go to Subaiah bint AlHarith AlAslamiyah and ask her about her Hadith and what the Messenger of Allah had said to her when she consulted him. Umar Bin Abdullah wrote back to Abdullah Bin Utbah telling him that Subaiah told him; that she was married to Sahl Bin Khawlah -who was from Banu Amir Bin Lu-ay and was one of those who had been present at Badr- and her husband died during the Farewell Pilgrimage while she was pregnant. She gave birth soon after he died; and when her Nifas ended she adorned herself to receive proposals of marriage. Abu AlSanabil Bin Bakak man from Banu Abd AlDar- went to her and said to her: Why do I see you adorned? Perhaps you want to get married; but by Allah you will not get married until four months and ten days have passed. Subaiah said: When he said that to me; I put on my clothes in the evening and went to the Messenger of Allah and asked him about that. He ruled that it had become permissible for me to marry when I gave birth; and he told me to get married if I wanted to. SunanAlNasai-017-001-15018
- Abu Salamah Bin Abdulrahman said: While Abu Huraira and I were with Ibn Abbas; a woman came and said that her husband had died while she was pregnant; then she had given birth less than four months after the day he died. Ibn Abbas said: You have to wait for the longer of the two periods. Abu Salamah said: A man from among the Companions of the Prophet told me that Subaiah AlAslamiyah came to the Messenger of Allah and said that her husband died while she was pregnant; and she gave birth less than four months after he died. The Messenger of Allah told her to get married. Abu Huraira said: And I bear witness to that. SunanAlNasai-017-001-15017
- AlRubay bint Muawidh Bin Afra narrated that Thabit Bin Qais Bin Shammas hit his wife and broke her arm -her name was Jamilah bint Abdullah Bin Ubay. Her brother came to the Messenger of Allah to complain about him; and the Messenger of Allah sent for Thabit and said: Take what she owes you and let her go. He said: Yes. And the Messenger of Allah ordered her to wait for one menstrual cycle and then go to her family. SunanAlNasai-017-001-14997
- It was narrated from Zainab that a woman asked Umm Salamah and Umm Habibah whether she could put on kohl during her Iddah following her husband death. She said: A woman came to the Prophet and asked him about that; and he said: During the Jahiliyah; if her husband died; one of you would stay in mourning for a year; then she would throw a piece of dung then come out. Rather it the mourning period is four months and ten days; until the term prescribed is fulfilled. SunanAlNasai-017-001-15043
- It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas that AlGhumaisa or AlRumaisa came to the Prophet complaining that her husband would not have intercourse with her. It was not long before her husband came and said: O Messenger of Allah; she is lying; he is having intercourse with her; but she wants to go back to her first husband. The Messenger of Allah said: She cannot do that until she tastes his sweetness. SunanAlNasai-017-001-14913
- It was narrated from Furaiah that her husband went out to pursue some slaves of his and he was killed on the edge of AlQadum. She said: I came to the Prophet and mentioned moving to join my family. She told him about her situation. She said: He allowed me; then; when I turned to leave; he called me back and said: Stay with your family until the term prescribed is fulfilled. SunanAlNasai-017-001-15030
- It was narrated from Ibn Abbas; with regard to Allah saying: And those of you who die and leave behind wives should bequeath for their wives a year maintenance and residence without turning them out. This was abrogated by the Verse on inheritance; which allocated to her one-quarter or one-eighth. And the appointed time Iddah of one year was abrogated and replaced with the Iddah term of four months and ten days. SunanAlNasai-017-001-15045
- It was narrated from Ikrimah with regard to the saying of Allah; the Mighty and Sublime: And those of you who die and leave behind wives should bequeath for their wives a year maintenance and residence without turning them out; that he said: This was abrogated by: And those of you who die and leave wives behind them; they the wives shall wait as regards their marriage for four months and ten days. SunanAlNasai-017-001-15046
- It was narrated from AlFariah bint Malik that her husband went out to pursue some slaves and they killed him. Shubah and Ibn Juraij said: She was in a remote house. She came with her brothers to the Messenger of Allah and told him about the situation and he granted her a concession. When she was leaving he called her back and said: Stay in your house until the term prescribed is fulfilled. SunanAlNasai-017-001-15028
- Abd AlMalik Bin Abi Sulaiman said: I heard Saeed Bin Jubair say: I was asked about the two who engage in Lian during the governorship of Ibn AlZubair - should they be separated? I did not know what to say; so I got up and went to the house of Ibn Umar and said: O Abu Abdulrahman should the two who engage in Lian be separated? He said: Yes; Subhan Allah! The first one who asked about that was so-and-so the son of so-and-so who said: O Messenger of Allah; what do you think if a man among us sees his wife committing immoral actions; and if he speaks of it; he will be speaking of a grave matter; but if he keeps quiet; he will be keeping quiet about a grave matter? He did not answer him; then after that; he came to him and said: I was tried with the matter that I asked you about; so Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; revealed these Verses in Surat AlNur.: And for those who accuse their wives until he reached: And the fifth testimony should be that the Wrath of Allah be upon her if he her husband speaks the truth. So he started with the man; exhorting him; reminding him; and telling him that the punishment in this world was less severe than the punishment in the Hereafter. He said: By the One Who sent you with the truth; I am not lying. Then he turned to the woman and exhorted her and reminded her. She said: By the One Who sent you with the truth; he is lying. So he started with the man; and he bore witness four times by Allah that he was telling the truth; and the fifth time he invoked the curse of Allah upon himself if he was lying. Then he turned to the woman and she bore witness four times by Allah that he was lying; and the fifth time she invoked the wrath of Allah upon herself if he was telling the truth. Then he separated them. SunanAlNasai-017-001-14973
Notables Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Notables Starting with A
- Aasi
- Abd Alhamid Bin Salamah Alansari
- Abd Almalik Bin Abi Sulaiman
- Abd Alrazzaq
- Abd Bin Zamah
- Abdullah
- Abdullah Bin Abbas
- Abdullah Bin Alzubair
- Abdullah Bin Amr
- Abdullah Bin Amr Bin Uthman
- Abdullah Bin Ayman
- Abdullah Bin Kaab
- Abdullah Bin Ubay
- Abdullah Bin Umar
- Abdullah Bin Umm Maktum
- Abdullah Bin Utbah
- Abdullah Bin Utbah Bin Masud
- Abdulrahman
- Abdulrahman Bin Aasi
- Abdulrahman Bin Abdullah Bin Kaab
- Abdulrahman Bin Abdullah Bin Kaab Bin Malik
- Abdulrahman Bin Abi Laila
- Abdulrahman Bin Alqasim
- Abdulrahman Bin Alzabir
- Abdulrahman Bin Kaab Bin Malik
- Abi Salamah
- Abi Ubaid
- Abu Abdulrahman
- Abu Alhasan
- Abu Aljahm
- Abu Alkhalil
- Abu Alsahba
- Abu Alsanabil
- Abu Alsanabil Bin Bakak
- Abu Alsanabil Bin Bakak Bin Alsabbaq
- Abu Alzubair
- Abu Amr
- Abu Amr Bin Hafs
- Abu Amr Bin Hafs Almakhzumi
- Abu Amr Bin Hafs Bin Almughirah
- Abu Bakr
- Abu Bakr Bin Hafs
- Abu Hassan
- Abu Huraira
- Abu Inabah
- Abu Maimunah
- Abu Saeed Alkhudri
- Abu Salamah
- Abu Salamah Bin Abdulrahman
- Abu Sufyan Bin Harb
- Aisha
- Ajlani
- Alamash
- Alaswad
- Albara Bin Malik
- Alharith Bin Hisham
- Alhasan
- Ali
- Ali Bin Abi Talib
- Ali Khalid
- Almiswar Bin Makhramah
- Almusab
- Alqamah Bin Qais
- Alqasim Bin Muhammad
- Alshabi
- Alwala
- Alzuhri
- Amr
- Amr Bin Alzubair
- Amr Bin Dinar
- Amr Bin Umm Maktum
- Anas
- Anas Bin Malik
- Ansar
- Aqfizah
- Aslam
- Atiyah
- Atiyah Alqurazi
- Ayash
- Ayoub
- Azfar
Notables Starting with B
Notables Starting with F
Notables Starting with G
Notables Starting with H
Notables Starting with I
Notables Starting with J
Notables Starting with K
Notables Starting with L
Notables Starting with M
Notables Starting with N
Notables Starting with Q
Notables Starting with R
Notables Starting with S
- Saad
- Saad Bin Abi Waqqas
- Saad Bin Khawlah
- Sabaiah
- Saeed
- Saeed Bin Jubair
- Saeed Bin Zaid
- Safiyah Bint Abi Ubaid
- Sahl
- Sahl Bin Khawlah
- Sahl Bin Saad Alsaidi
- Sahl Bin Sad
- Salam
- Salamah
- Salamah Bin Kuhail
- Salim Bin Abdullah Bin Umar
- Sawdah
- Sharik Bin Alsahma
- Shubah
- Subaiah
- Subaiah Alaslamiyah
- Subaiah Bint Alharith Alaslamiyah
- Sulaiman Bin Yasar
- Sulaiman Bin Yasir
Notables Starting with T
Notables Starting with U
- Ubadah Bin Alwalid Bin Ubadah Bin Alsamit
- Ubaid Bin Umair
- Ubaidullah Bin Abdullah
- Ubaidullah Bin Abdullah Bin Utbah
- Ubaidullah Bin Kaab
- Umar
- Umar Bin Abdullah
- Umar Bin Abdullah Bin Alarqam Alzuhri
- Umar Bin Abdullah Bin Arqam Alzuhri
- Umar Bin Alkhattab
- Umar Bin Muattib
- Umm Habibah
- Umm Kulthum
- Umm Salamahh
- Urwah
- Usamah
- Usamah Bin Zaid
- Utbah
- Utbah Bin Abi Waqqas
- Uthman
- Uwaimir
- Uwaimir Alajlani
Notables Starting with W
Notables Starting with Y
Notables Starting with Z
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Abd Alhamid Bin Salamah Alansari
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Abdulrahman Bin Abdullah Bin Kaab
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Abdulrahman Bin Abdullah Bin Kaab Bin Malik
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Abdulrahman Bin Kaab Bin Malik
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Abu Alsanabil Bin Bakak Bin Alsabbaq
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Abu Amr Bin Hafs Bin Almughirah
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Subaiah Bint Alharith Alaslamiyah
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Ubadah Bin Alwalid Bin Ubadah Bin Alsamit
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Ubaidullah Bin Abdullah Bin Utbah
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Umar Bin Abdullah Bin Alarqam Alzuhri
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Umar Bin Abdullah Bin Arqam Alzuhri
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Yahya Bin Abi Bukair Alkarmani
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Zufar Bin Aws Bin Alhadathan Alnasri
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Narrators Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
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Narrators Starting with H
Narrators Starting with I
Narrators Starting with K
Narrators Starting with M
Narrators Starting with N
Narrators Starting with Q
Narrators Starting with S
Narrators Starting with U
Narrators Starting with Z
Abdulrahman Bin Abdullah Bin Kaab
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Abdulrahman Bin Abdullah Bin Kaab Bin Malik
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Abdulrahman Bin Abdullah Bin Kaab Bin Malik
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Ar-Rubay Bint Muawidh Bin Afra
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Ubadah Bin AlWalid Bin Ubadah Bin AlSamit
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Ubaidullah Bin Abdullah Bin Utbah
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Animals Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Body Parts Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Body Parts Starting with A
Body Parts Starting with B
Body Parts Starting with C
Body Parts Starting with E
Body Parts Starting with F
Body Parts Starting with H
Body Parts Starting with M
Body Parts Starting with P
Body Parts Starting with S
Body Parts Starting with V
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Quran Citations
Family Members Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Family Members Starting with B
Family Members Starting with C
Family Members Starting with D
Family Members Starting with F
Family Members Starting with G
Family Members Starting with H
Family Members Starting with I
Family Members Starting with M
Family Members Starting with O
Family Members Starting with P
Family Members Starting with S
Family Members Starting with T
Family Members Starting with W
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Phrases Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Astronomical Body Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Food Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Food Starting with B
Food Starting with D
Food Starting with E
Food Starting with F
Food Starting with H
Food Starting with J
Food Starting with M
Food Starting with P
Food Starting with S
Food Starting with W
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Plants Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Fruits Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
After Life Locations Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Cities Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Places of Worship Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Diseas Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Financial Phrases Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Financial Phrases Starting with B
Financial Phrases Starting with D
Financial Phrases Starting with M
Financial Phrases Starting with R
Financial Phrases Starting with S
Financial Phrases Starting with U
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TIME Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
Days Mentioned in The Book of Divorce in Sunan AlNasai
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Days Starting with D
Days Starting with E
Days Starting with F
Days Starting with L
Days Starting with M
Days Starting with P
Days Starting with R
Days Starting with T
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